Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 31, 1899, Image 8

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I'. 13. BIGELOW, Prop.,
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates,
?Figs, Calces, Pies, Bread, stationary
E2TA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing
Sold at Living Prices.
A Fine Line of
J. E PHINNEY, Proprietor. j
Ladie's & Gentlemen's
r ,
Irohwers harness shop,
All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour and all kinds of
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement fec. &c.
3T Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
ThcksdaY. Ava. 3i. 1899.
UN. D. Canon, Ertitor and Prop.
Bnatneae Local, each insertion 5c.
Display, standing Ads: price for same
fuade known on application.
Stock Brand and the I'BEtss-JoCBWAt, one
Foreign advertising must tie paid iu ad
J'or farther Information Addresa,
Joua sal, -Harrison,
5 etir.
F. E.AW. T. R.R.
SpeHal Exrurkn to Omaha, NA-,
Oa Aeomnt of Greater
Aaterlea Exposition.
Tickets on sale Aug. 28th, 1899, At
$11.60 for Round Trip. Good Return
ing Until Sept., 4tb, 1899.
F. Avery, Agent.
E. E. Livermore made final proof on
150 acres of Sioux soil last Monday be
fore Judge trillion.
Do not forget that Monday, Sept.
4th, in labor day throughout the country.
It is a national holiday.
Dr. Richard, extracts teeth without
pain by bis famous applications to the
Arums. All work warranted.
. Read in another column the call for
a Democratic county convention, to take
place in Harrison Saturday Sept 30th.
Father Krope., of Chadron celebrated
Mass at the eeurt house Tuesday. A
large congregation was in attendance.
Dr. Richard will be in Harrison, at
the Harrison House, Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
nd 10 prepared to do all kinds of dental
work at lowest aric es.
M. J. O'Connell, our county attor
ney made final proof on his homestead
in Sugar Loaf precinct Monday also, Mr.
Stoneking of Cottonwood.
Daniel Mcamara and William Mur:,
phy of Efeemer, this state, were j Wwn
JklotwJay hh Tia-wJay. bujlng cattle
which thi' will ship to their Beeraer
Wondor what our county fathers in
tend doing about our delinquent land
f Hies? In other counties the county
Tieasurer are foreclosing on all dclir
uent land Uses. Will our county
fathers fotlow sUjt we naturally wonder.
The Ranch Sctply Hocse, offers
the greatest bargains in flour, clothing,
dry goods, HaU, Boots, Shees, and Gro
ceries that ever were offered in Harrison
3foet everything is sold at and below
cost Come and convince yourself.
Andrew McOinley contemplates
boilding a residence for bis, daughter out
on Rawing Water, south of town 20
miles. Too nous will bs 24x24, one
tory; Grandpa, Wright is figoreing on
the work and in all probability he will
(t the contract.
Toissliy morning Fred Langworthy.
, who witk bis family lives South-east
of town about tea miles, had the pain
ful misfortaae to ma splinter in ese of
Mi eyes. Dr. PMbmt was dispatched
for aad be went Mt aad inmti tbe dis-
bted member and reports tbat H is Ms
piiiiMthsuiBit'as7wiUbsall right
fee fw days.
ffar atsllsr Bran, tbis wssk, have beta
maJdng sasas nudsd improvemeU in
tbsir store bssbtisig Tbey are so ar
rnerlsg tb rm tbat their shoo de-
fswtejswt will bt by Itself, Urns giving
snaking it much
i aaWI displays tbeir
od to bstts adtVotAfk,
' EawwtojsBow sogafsd
. 1 jtuttfcg M aiTiWsl to wtt bas bsM
- tisMfwo tt te Catja ym mi
";mH T:' " rt ti tn bt
lCcterf ;jKbr. Tit fcanttas
k i. tt Cr t fcr
F.E.iM.TE. A. lime table.
Going Went. Going East.
So. 8, mixed, Jl : I Ko. 8. mixed 8:00
V. R. R. is the best
F. E. M.
-to and from the
t39" Pi'eaching every ottier Sabbath
at 11 o'clock a. m., and everv Sabbath
evening- at 8 o'clock at the M, E. church.
Every bodinvited to attend.
Rev. J. L. Kendall, Pastor.
Rev. Father McNamara, of Chadron
was in town between trains yesterday,
Sheriff Holly, will go as a delegate
to tbe Judicial convention to be held at
Valentine, day after tomorrow.
School will commence on next Mon
day, and we feel that parents ar.d child
ren alike should strive and unite with
the teachers in making our school a suc
cess. Gottleib Knori, expects to leave
Sioux county for the eastern part of tbe
state where he will look up a location
to start up in the dairy business, about
tbe last of Seotember.
The. H N. of America, of which Mrs.
Bowker has been Oracle, on the occasion
of her resignation last Tuesday evening,
tendered her a pleasant surprise. Mrs.
Thornton was elected to fill the vacant
Mr. and Mrs, Avery, who have been
guests at the home of their children at
the depot during tbe past week left for
home last Tuesday evening, they expect
to stop over a few days at Hot Springs
and enjoy the baths.
Mrs. Edward Bowker, and family
left here for Franklin county this state
Wednesday evening where she and her
husbp'-.i wiH "WrJJSce their future home. I
Mr.' and Mrs. Bowker leave hosts of
friends and relatives in this county, who
will regret to give them up.
We were informed yesterday for the
first, that Mr. and Mrs. John Dickman,
who were only married early last spring'
had he peratwd two weeks ago. It is
said by parties who claim to know that
John had legal papers drawn and signed
by his wife, that in tbe future she would
not make him any trouble we presume
relative to his obtaining a divorce or
claiming lier dawer rights. She then
took the train, ostensibly for Iowa,
where her mother resides, so it is said
by some, others say she went to Cliad
ron. It is another case of marry in hast
and repent at leisure. The marriage
vows of late years seems to be assumed
by seme with about as much concern and
respect as the buying or selling a horse.
Mrs. Baumgard, of Montrose precin
ct came into town Saturday to consult
Dr. Phinney relative to an encounter
which she and young Mike Jordan had
over ft boras th day before. Mrs. Baum
gard claims Mix kicked and beat her
quite seriously. Dr. Phinney thinks
that aha will be all O, K., in a short
time. Wo are not sufficiently acquaint
ed with the facts in the case to givs a
4etaiUd statement of tbe trouble from
beginning to end.
" Frbfay night last, we Warned tbat Jo.
Cpp of Bodaro prscioct, while oo his
way homo was waylaied by Kick Bhafor
ad bis two younger brothers of too
same asigriborhood, armed with a guo
pitchfork and stones. Tbe gun aod pitch
fork wars not brought into requisition
bnttbestooAS were. Oos burled at Mr.
scoauvcK mm oo toesut oi toe ear
aaasiaf a paiafal tboofh not a fatal
waaaa. However, as Jo, escaped with
fcfrKgafraay lbs fofJawiaf day, bt
BTWt6w topwnw a warraat for
frl ana bit today all tl par-
tram ia tot aadiaaoaM way
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c
Send iii your Harness and shoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
Proffessional Cards-
J. E. riUXNEY. M. D.
Pliyiscian and Surgeon.
All eitllB glTn prompt attention.
Office in Drug Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Statep
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
C3JLgal papers carefully drawn.
Habkison. - KEBRAiaiA,
A. P. Rosenberg, of Adelia, was in
town last Monday.
Hon. M. J. Gayhart, of Montrose, pre
cinct, was in town tbe first of this week,
on business.
Rev. Kndall, left for Gordon, the
first of the week, to attend M. E. confer
ence, which will convene there on next
Frank Lindeman, arrived in Harris
on, last Saturday, to assume the princi
palship of the school in our town, this
coming year.
M. J. Blewett, is not expected home
from his visit with his father, brothers
and sisters in Wisconsin for a week at
the very least.
Mrs. Albert Burke, of Omaha, sister
of Chas. Camenzind, came in on the noon
train y-aterday to viit at the Camen
zind mansion for a mouth or more.
Uenry Hunter, more familarly known
as "Bunk" was a pleasant caller at this
office on last Monday, and while here,
bid not forget to inscribe bis came am
ong o ir readers.
Ttie call has been issued for tbe re
publican county convention for tbe nomi
nation of candidates for county officers,
and will be held on Monday, October 2,
J. B. Burke, is busy making hay for
Col. Snyder, on Running Water, on the
ranch recently purchased of Wilts Far-
nest. The latter has finally located 16
miles south of the place he just sol d, he
will still be a Sioux ceunty citizen.
What is tbe matter with the Run
ning Water Wolfe Association. Thoe
who have horses, cattle, or sheep, can
not afford to ignore this association.
When in town call at the Commercial
Bank and subscribe your name in the as
socian and put down tbe amount oppo
site your name if you think you can af
ford to help exterminate the wolves in
this county.
Editor B. B. Smith, of tbe Long
Pine, Repubtican Journal, was in our
town last Thursday, visiting his broth
er J. W. and wife also on business. He
informed us while here that be had made
ex-editor Davis a proposition to go to
Long Pine, and take charge of his paper
(Tbe Republican) for a year, as he has
been employed as principal of tbe city
school for the coming scholastic year.
While hers, Brer Smith called and paid
bis respects.
To All Concerned :
It is tbe custom for parents to allow
their boys from 6 to 14 years of age to
ba at the depot on aod about the
cars while trains are at tbe station. It
is only a question of time when some
boy will be killed or badly crippled. I
have requested the boys to keep off the
cars and entirely away from the depot
and yards while trains are hers but to no
purpose, and now take this method of
calling parents attention to Una matter.
I do not wih to impose any unnecessary
hardship on your boys but I think you
will ail agrat with me that it will be
much batter for all concerned, and, hav
ing oaatlonsd you and also warned the
boys I karawith disclaim aoy raaaonsibuV
Ity la ti matter. Vry Bespeotully,
I. Arm.-
M. i. O'Connell, - - Co. Atternoy,
Will Prartlre In All Court.
hpcrisl Attention (iircu to Land Of
fice UKsiness.
CoIlcrtioiH and all busincsg entrnitt
ed to me will recci re prompt attention.
Hariuson - Xehraska.
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction and that
our charges will be reasonable.
Mrs. MAOfiiE Rosechaxs.
I will sell at Public Auction, at my repidencerin liar
rifon, Neb., Saturday, September 9, 189!), at 1 o'clock p. m.,
the following described personal proierty to-wit:
9 Cows with Calves bY their Hide, 18 Yearling Steers,
2 Dry Cows, 1 Yearling Heifer,
5 Horses, 2 Shoats, 1 Wagon, 1 Buggy, 1 Cart,
1 Set Double Harness, About 30 Tons of Hay, 1 Set Single
HarneKS, 1 McKormick Mower, 1 Hay Rake, 1 Sled, 1 Sod
Plow, 1 Double Shovel Plow and other things too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of Sale:-CASII. B. L. Smuck.
E. A. BroELow, Auctioneer.
Moutroso Cii)'li4.
Everybody is busy cutting the corn
which had got too dry from the hot
Mrs. Chris Ruffing from Wyo., is at
home visiting her parents.
Rosa Konrath was a pleasant caller
at the Montrose P. O. Sunday.
BORN': To Mr. and Mrs. August,
Meyer a baby giri Monday Aug. 21st.
Mrs. Peterson is visiting with her dau
ghter Mrs. August Meyer.
Tbe young people around Montrose
have sworn off going to daoces to Spring
creek canyon as they rode up there
twice now and got left
There will be mass at the Montrose
church next Sunday. Everybody is res
quested to be present and participate in
the services. '
Mr. Nutto is going to put in his dam
on Indian creek which was washed out
by the hea vy rains during the summer,
he will commence work in about a week
he intends to put four teams to work at
it, as be wants to make it a good deal
larger and higher than it was.
Tlie two Jake Wasserburger's brand
ed their cattle Monday.
Dan Jordan returned from the round
up last Wednesday, he moved his fami
ly on his place Thursday. Saok.
Breer-es From The Valley.
A light shower Wednesday morning.
C. F. Coffee is now in Chadron trying
to secure a house for his family so the
children can attend school again there
this year.
H. Zimmerman finished making bay
Saturday and in the afternoon be and his
r -f I
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller BROS.
wife wnt t- visit I Daut.
J. Tuouis has rc-iiciied his destination
and has settled at Turtle River, Manito
ba, Canada. He lias a j;ood location,
three miles east of Lake Dauphin plenty
of hay and a fine country.
It looks as if some little boys thai
attended the dance Saturday m'uht had
better take their mothers along with
them next lime as they ought not to be
trusted alone till they are a little older
and learn bow to behave themselves.
Democratic County Convention.
A county convention of the Democratic
party of Sioux county, Kebraaka, la hereby
called to inwt at JlurrlMin, In said county,
Katurday, fcrjl. JO, lfM, at the Court Hum,
at J o'clock p. in., for the piirpo of placing
iu nomination candidate, for the fullow lug
One County Clerk,
One County Trnaxurer,
One County Hherlff,
One Uounty Judge,
Ono County Superintendent of Bcbools,
One Connty Surveyor,
One County Coroner.
Alio, to t minuet mien other buslneM an
may properly come before the convention.
Tbe acveral precinct in mild comity
will bo entitled to representation in the
convention baaed on the voUt cant for lion.
C. J. Rrnytthe at the general election of lsUS,
being: one delegate for each 10 vote or minor
fraction thereof, which make the appor
tionment an follows:
Andrews 1 I Antelope fl
llowen 4 I Creek !
Montroan 2 f llunnlng Water 1
Sugar Ixiaf 2 I Knake ( T.-ek 1
Wnrlioiii.i t 8 While Klvi-r S
Wlilntle Creek I j Cottonwood I
It ! recommended that no proxies be al
lowed. It 1 rewmended that the different Pre
cinct primaries la the county be held ou
Taiwday Sept. U, 1HW.
M. J. ItLBWaTT, Secretary.
M. J. Uathabt, Chairman,
A KUrni AlTAilH
baa baa addad to tba wall
know Hoapa
With Ctool suad Baarf. '
Writ Par Psrtlralara.
Want Column.
WANTED: To buy a good,
new milks cow.
B. F. Lano worthy.
FOR SALE: 100 head of
yearling steers, G. W. or V.
A. Hester.
L HtlllF r A V I A
Tie Commissioner of Public Lands
snd Buildings will offer about 38,000
acres of school land for lease at public
auction at Harrison, at tbe County
Treasurer's office beginning at 100 P. M.,
rt-j.t. Id lv09, under the following pro
vision of the new land law:
"If, after using due diligence to
leasa said land, at an annual rental
of six percent upon the appraised
valuation, the Commissioner is un
able to do so, he may offer the same
for lease at less than the appraised
valuation and lease it to the person
or persons wno pay aix per cent on
the highest offered valuation, as an
nual rental, if, in his Judgement it is
to the best interest of the state to ac
cept such bid."
Persons desiring to eXnmine the lands
to be leasod may secure lists of the
same, showing the present appraisment
thereof, as well as nny other informa
tion, upon application to tiie County
Treasurer or by addressing the Commiss
ioner, st Lincoln. At the beginning of
the auction, the commissioner will gladly
answer all inquiries in regard to the
school land business or the workings of
the new Uw.
Similar auctions will be held in the fol
lowing counties during September at tha
dates set opposite rach,-
Sheridan, 3th; Cherry, 7th
Hooker, 22nd; Box Butte, 20th;
Grant, 21st; Logan, 28;
Blaine, 2brd; Thomas, 23th;
Loup, and Garfield 2Hth.
If lists of the lands to be offered in any
of these counties are desired immediatly
advise the Land Commissioner by postal
Arlwilveinentaof Admiral Dewey," the worlds
greatest naval hero. By Marat Haste ail,
the life-long friend and admirer of the nati
on's Idol. Biggest and bust book; over too
payea, xl0 inches; nearly 100 paea halftone
Illustrations. OtilySI.Au. Knormouademand.
ItlR Commissions. Ontrtt free. Cbaaceofs
Ufa-time. Wrtteqtitck. The DomlnlonCoa .
panr, inl ncor Cuxtou Uldg., Chicago
Cures Impotency, Night Emissioniand
wasting dlr eases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brlnri tbe
pink flow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mall 0Oc per hot, O boies
(or fcsUM): with written enmrsuu
tee to cure or refund the money
Send for circular. Address,
Onto Jaokaon ta OWOAO, ILL.
Held By Dr. J. F.. VUmmj.
.... .
.fV. '
wt:::l at 2r Caalry.
IN tftrSKJ