(KERB (HDIKORHiai QEDIM3I FALL TERM period opens Monday morning, Boot, ad. WORK AND HOARD. We furnish 11 tuotinu with place to work for their buari. Yuu can aiteod lhi college for one-balf tae none required to jroelaabre. bend utS names and addrti- of young people Inter 1104 In a buMoeas education, and irrt our college weekly one year free. Our now catuloitue 'Mtoufoot. AddreM, ROHRBOUCH BROS., Omaha, Neb. IT 16 A .WAYS HANDY. Something la always wrong with man or beast, and It li not always con venient to aend for a physician or a horse doctor. Dr. Kendall's Perfected Receipt Book is a plain, commonsense, practical book, which any man or wo man can understand. As a rule sue works are too complicated and can not be understood by people who need the Information most. People do not care for a book of this kind which calls for doctor to explain. They want a book which needs no explanation and which will help them out of their difficulties and at the same time save them big expense bills. Dr. Kendall's Perfected Receipt Book was prepared by an eminent physician, whoa associations with the peopl made him thoroughly acquainted with the steadily Increasing desire of nearly everyone to know for themselves what Is best to do when sick, and this know! edge stimulated the author to make this book the most complete and prac tical of any book of Its kind ever pub lished. Millions of people have gone to a premature grave, who might have lived lives of usefulness if they, or their friends who cared for them, had been the possessors of such a book as thi and had made themselves familiar with Its contents. In writing this book. It has been the purpose to make It so plain Uiat would be adapted to alt clossea There la ao person, of whatever calling, who oaanot And many things In this book that will be of practical value. It is divided Into different departments. The medical department Is made up of val uable prescriptions, recipes and treat' sent for the different diseases, written la a clear, concise manner, enabling .one to give their family the beat of treat tnent in time or sickness. It contains a large number of the very best and moat valuable prescriptions knows to the medical profession. They are written In plain language, so as to be easily understood by everyone. Those subjects which are of the greatest Im port an oe. eucn as arspepsia. consupa tlon, kidney, liver and lung diseases, are treated at great length and so li lustrated as to make It very plain to all Just what the disease Is and what Is the best method of effecting a com plete cure. The farmer or stock owner will find recipes for treating his domestic ani mals when sick. The housewife will Bad the cooking recipes to be reliable, aa every one has been tested and have seme from some of the best prores stenal cooks and from housekeepers of experience and abillt. The toilet de partment contains recipes that will be found very valuable, and the same can be said of the laundry department, as well as the miscellaneous receipts. The Appendix is a very valuable trea tise, Ivlng the cause, symptoms and the best treatment of diseases. It not only gives valuable prescriptions for each disease, but the best of medical advice Is given In regard to the care. aursina. food, etc Most books of this kind have a large umber of receipts for each disease, when not more than one will be valua bale and a son-professional person is unable to select the one which has value. In this book only the best pre scriptions are given and those that are not valuable have been excluded, mak ing this book the most valuable of Its kind. Bent to any address postage paid on receipt of 26 cents. Make remittance In postal money oraers or postage stamps, Write name and address plainly. Ad dress all orders to COMMONSENSE BOOK CO., 609-511 So. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. An Unused Type. I might pile Ossa upon Pellon In the way of description of gray eyes culled from fiction. There Is, however, one type of gray eye I have not yet noted. i We have had gray eyes which "re sembled nothing . so much as moss agates:" sea gray eyes are not uncom ttton; Amelia Rives has bestowed upon Ilva In "The Witness of the Bun,' great violet-gray eyes, "like rain washed amethysts;" while Mrs. Paul Leicester Ford has recently Introduced I to us a pair of slate-colored eyes. But, at the present writing, I have yet to meet with golden-gray eyes In fiction. They are to be found, how ever. In nature, the most luminous of all eyes, I think, the Iris about the edge Soft old-gold or golden brown, graau ally melting toward the pupil Into i warm gray. Thla lovely color I have sen In the eyes of a dog and of a child the eyes of the dog wistful, appeal ing, pathetic with unutterable things: til child's speaking of a soul as yet undarkened by shades of the prison bouse and splendid with the light that aever was On land or sea. To the novelist desiring something pew In eyes, I would respectfully rec ommend the golden-gray. The Matinee Hat. A clergyman has discovered a for midable reason for the abolition of the matinee hat. These articles of fash ionable attire are. It seems, the resort ft diabolical agencies, which may be the real cause of so many gentlemen In theatres and concerts using strong language about them. At any rate, the reverend gentleman asserts that In the days of the Archbishop of Canter bury the "matinee hat," or Its ancient prototype, was common among the women who attended church, and be came such a nuisance that the prelate proclaimed that the hats were full of demons, iuid stopped his sermon In or der te tear the "ornaments" from their beads and stamp them under his feet. From that time until quite recently the "matinee hat" was unknown. Unfor tunately, theatrical managers have not the power of a medlavel archbishop of Canterbury, but the reverend eorre. aaondent has apparently succeeded In tracing tbe origin of what most people regard as a modern nuisance. London Telegraph. Chopping Knlvaa. A man who went Into a wholesale hardware establishment to ask about something, saw there Incidentally sam ples fwprsaentlng about thirty different Styles of chopping knives with two blades. Two-bladed chopping knives were new to him, but he learned upon Inquiry that they had been In use for taar years, and for that matter that there wars chapping knlvaa made with T&orrtftCutr things can be chopped ap twice aa teat - with a two-bladad kalfe as with a ane-biaded knife, and awrbaas they can la fact, but for ama reason stagle-Waded chapping knives are still preferred. ff all the ebopsiag knlvaa sold about soft-sixth arc two-bladed knlvaa, while tk4 asm bar af thras-bUded obepplng farvfesaM M fraoaruaaajejy less. SOME FAMOUS HEADS. On his return from his holiday In France a few days ago, Lord Saiigbury took part In a dlscuseton in the house on the completion of Wellington's mon ument In St. Paul's cathedral. Reply ing to questions as to what had become, of the model for a proposed equestrian statue of the great duke, he stated that the model waa lying In the crypt, rnlnui the head, which had disappeared. He added, with a touch of his old bitter humor, that "the heads of eminent per sons had often a way of becoming dis sociated from their bodies." and th gibe has attracted much notice. To what head or heads did he refer? Was he thinking of the "Blessed Mar tyr," Charles the First, or waa this a sly hit at the trouble raised over the disappearance of the Mahdi's head? But, whatever he meant, he was well within the bounds of fact In his state ment, for there are several heads of persons very eminent In their day which have for hundreds of years been dissociated from their bodies and are never likely to be reunited to them. The mummified head of Oliver Crom well, for Instance, which on the restora tion was torn from the exhumed body and stuck on a spike upon the roof of Westminster hall, la now In private ownership. It belongs to Mr. Horace Wilkinson, of Seal Chart, near Seven oaks. He Inherited It from his grand father, who purchased It from the daughter of a showman. The showman in his turn had purchased the grew some relic from some descendants of Cromwell, whose ancestors had bought It from a sentry who saw It blown down from tbe roof of Westminster hall one tempestuous night and had secret ed It The Iron spike, which transfixed the skull, and a portion of the wooden post are still attached to It. . Another highly Interesting' historical relic Is the mummified head of the father of Lady Jane Grey, Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, who was beheaded for high treason on Tower Hill, February 22, ISM. It was discovered many years since, during the progress of some restorations In the Church of Holy Trinity, Mlnortea, buried In a boa placed beneath the altar. The bog was Sllad with oak sawdust, which had com pletely tanned the head. It Is on reo- i ord that the executioner bungled bis work, having to give two strokes of his 1 axe before the Duke was decapitated. 1 and these marks are still plainly visible i on the leather-like flesh. Its presence here Is explained by tha supposition that the head was claimed by relatives, ! who buried it here in somewhat the I same way as Margaret Roper, the daughter of Sir Thomas More, obtained . the severed head of her father, and 1 had It placed In a niche of tbe Roper YBbUll in UK um ciiurvu VI OV. iWIIWH, at Canterbury, where It may yet be seen In a case like a beehive, open In front and secured behind Iron barm. Another of these relics, placed behind . rn,ll.. In a l nf th veatrv waJl of St. Gregory's church, Sudbury, Buf- folk, Is the skull of Simon ds Sudbury, Archbishop of Canterbury, whs) was dragged from the Tower of London and hArr.amiialv nut to death bv Wat TV- lei's rebels In 1381. His body waa taken to Canterbury and a magnificent chan try erected over It In the sholr of the cathedral. Some years ago this tomb was opened, and It was then discovered that the place where the head should have been was filled by a ball of lead. An Old Love Winged. She was the daintiest, sweetest, most flower-like little creature, with a ruffly, fluffy, rose-pink frock and a Oreenaway hat. Her eyes made you ashamed of irnnnanl t vVvr hatnir m r A n n rl s"i I taa fl 1 1 i and worldlv wise, and her face was as Innocent aa the mornlnsr-arlorv. "You know," she began, "that Carl ' used to be engaged to ner dmots : e knew me, and when she heard he was married she sent me the norrtdest note ever read. Well, she's a widow new, and I know she came to town Just to see Carl, but my! I was nice to her not hateful and polite, but Just really civil, you know. I invited her up to dinner. When she came she had her glad rags on to beat the band. You V,u uiva boss uci uido issuer iibt v w ea dravload of olunks. and she'd been to a . hairdresser for hours and hours getting her hair done. ' 'Oh. dear!' she said. 'I hurried off so that I didn't have time to half do my hair. Does It look all right?" i 'Oh, Just take this brush an :uch it up at the side a little and It'll do,' I said. There s nobody here but Carl, you know.' She smiled at me as If she'd like to , run me through a sausage mill. 1 ' 'Oh, thank you! she said. 'And will you put a pin there in my collar, please?" i 'That was so I could take a gooa look at the dress and drop dead, you i KnOW. Thank you again.1 she said. "I . imiii this frock- nnvwav." ! ,.... . . , i 'why. I can t see why,' i aaia. -i think It s perfectly sweet. Can nas i told me so orten aoout now ciever you always were with your needle.' 'Glad rags! Well, they looked like the second plume on a hearse before 1 aot through with her. that'B all." And with the smile or an angei sne bent her flower-like face over her glass of liquid delight. SPECIAL RATES EAST via QUINCT ROUTE. For the O. A. R. encampment at Phil adelphia, the "Qulncy Route" and Wabash R. It- win sen ucaeis nept. l rnntt returning Rent. SO. StOD- o'ver will be allowed at Niagara aFlls, Washington sad many other points, For rates, time tables and all Informa- tlnn. call at Qulncy Rout omce, mo SYrry V Me0." V T Omaha, Neb, ARE VOU GOING EAST? On Sept. 1st, 2d and Id the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Ry. will sell tickets from Omaha to Philadelphia at one fare plus $2 for the round trip. Stopovers allowed. F. A. Nash, Gen'l Western Agent, UH Farnam St., Omaha. FLTO-CURO will protect your stock from lies and mosquitoes. It la very easily, Quickly ana economically ap plied with our dollar sprayer and li really bo expense to tut, aa saving la iA a antra cradoet will mora thai nay for It vat. Send fLM for aampta ! ran and nrayar. Meet reduced for "M . Oam Lee ce,. otmm, nssv ART OF SNAKE CHARMING. A few days ago there appeared in one of the dally papers a wonderful story of a snake which was charmed by the Btralns of a Jews-harp. The story was to the effect that a countryman meet ing a dangerous reptile in the road, was horrified at seeing the creature prepare to attack him. Being an en thusiastic performer on the Jews harp he Immediately struck up the tune, "St. Patrick's Day In the Morn ing," which either paralyzed the ser pent or sent a series of sentimental chills down Its undulating vertebrae. At any rate it discarded all hostile in tentions and became motionless, when the countryman mercilessly ground Its head In tbe dust. This Is an example of the many "snake stories" which appear constant ly before the eyes of credulous human ity. It originates, like all of Its kind, from superstitious sources. Snakes are utterly devoid of any sense of ap preciation of music They have no ears, and although they may distin guish vibration of heavy sounds upon their heavy scales, a voracious, hungry snake Is entirely Ignorant of the presence of the chirping bird, provid ing it does not sae or scent Its prey. The familiar exhibitions of the East Indian fakirs, during which the deadly cobra Is made to "dance" to tbe music of a flute, have led many to be lieve that these creatures are extreme ly sensitive to the sound of music. But exhibitions of this character are only tricks practiced by tbe celever Hindoo, and the cobra .Instead of being In a quiescent, charmed condition as it waves its body to and fro Is really In a fit of Intense anger. Not long ago a large cobra was In the possession of Dr. Joseph C. Thomp son, of the United States navy. This reptlla was purchased by Dr. Thomp son In South Africa. It was then In possession of some professional snake charmers. After It had left their hands It was made to go through a lively performance without the accompani ment of the wierd music of the fakir. The operation of making the cobra dance la very simple. The reptile has the characteristic habit of elevating the forward part of the body from the ground when annoyed, spreading Its neck or hood and glaring fiercely at the object of Us anger. When In this po sition Its keen eyes watch eagerly for a chance to deliver a deadly blow.ob servlng every movement of the object or person In front of it. If one moves. l w slightly, there is a , cmreaiiuiiuius; u.ocu.c..v u the part of the snake. Here the entire aret of the snake dance Is explained. ... .. , I " D,uuuu ket the corbra rise ominously to their ' peculiar position of defense. He now I ,ia h. ,n.v.a .n tha .,. ,..... . ni .., e- " -- !on his flute, and swaying his body from 1 side to side In time to the music. The ' nervous cobras follow the motion of j the supposed charmer. They are not dancing to the music, but, intensely an gered, are seeking to revenge them selves upon their human captor. The snake charming act of the be spangled female with the giant boas 1 and pythons at the circus Is even more 1 simple, says the New Tork Times. The .i,a. i in ihiw exhibitions are In the first place of a harmless ' nature. Secondly, they are most ln- nfrenlw in their habits. The lazy k e fof hwn Qr day. moUoB. less In Its cage, when suddenly awak ened from a long nap is utterly indlffer ent to what Is going on around It After a few weeks in captivity these huge reptnes become very tame, and seem to enjoy being handled with ons Qne famlIlar wlth their movements. The . .. chief requisites of a snake charmer- are sreat deliberation and sufficient are great deliberation nerve to handle a 10- foot boa, or ana- conda without the slightest hesita tion. A nervous movement Is apt to annoy the snake and cause It to bite. while If treated gently and handled with movements corresponding to Us sluggish habits. It evinces the utmost good nature. Accounts have been published of large snakes colling themselves around the object of their annoyance and dem onstrating In an exceedingly uncom l . T It ni. anmrnna mannar lh ...-. oower of their scaly oodles. mis - . . characteristic Is popularly supposed to . commonl reBOrted to by the "boa - . constrictor." but the Idea is purely er- roneous and originates from an aver- .lon to the ,enent race from which have sprung Innumerable fallacies and luperstltlons. James Dlllngsworth, a Cincinnati man, had an experience in a Chicago violin shop recently that might happen once In ten million times. Mr. Dilllngs. worth came over from Cincinnati with his daughter, who Is a somewhat skilled violinist. On the road tha daughter's pet violin got smashed In a trunk. It was a medium good Instru ment Mr. Dllllngsworth paid $75 for It In a London shop and had given it to his daughter. He took It to a Stats - rn-a .red. Tha next day he went back to get It. "We haven"t finished the repair yet," aid the cleric "You see, we had to take the violin apart," he explained, exhibiting the plecea Mr. Dllllngsworth was astonished to catch sight of his name on the under side of the top piece. He examined It more closely. "This Is a violin I made fifty year ago," he gasped, more surprised than he had ever been In his life. Half a century ago Mr. Dllllngsworth made the violin Just as an experiment and because he had a knack for using cabinet tools. He afterward sold the violin to a friend for $1.60. The friend mntA tha instrument to a man who waa Just starting for Australia, Dllllngs- worth bought his own fiddle back at ft boaaon tumid snop ir COUNTRY MAIL ROUTES. Crawfordsvllle, Ind. (Special.) -Montgomery county has tried the fre rural mall delivery system and It pleased. There are now In operation almost a dozen free rural mall routes. Some of these have been In operation a year and all of them have demonstrated that free rural delivery la eminently practicable. The operation of the Montgomery coun ty routes has been satisfactory not only to the country people favored, but also to the postofflce department. The Montgomery county routes are all about 30 miles in length, running out one road for perhaps twelve miles, cut ting across country perhaps six miles and returning to Crawfordsvllle or the town of their beginning by a third road. The growth of mall business under the Influence of the rural delivery of mall has been vary satisfactory. The first month of the delivery each of the car riers then in the service delivered about 1,000 pieces of mall matter. At the end of the first year they are each delivering over 6,000 plecea a month. For the first three months of operation they would each collect along the route from eight to ten letters a day. Now the dally collection on each of the year-old routes Is from SO to 60 letters dally, besides packages and newspapers. When rural mall delivery was estab lished In Montgomery county not a sin gle dally paper was taken along any route. Each carrier now delivers from 70 to 100 daily newspapers. The In creased subscription to magaslnee and other periodicals Is Just as great. When the routes were first established many f the farmers were decidedly opposed to the Innovation, Some even refused to put up the boxes. All opposition has now disappeared. however, and so greatly pleased are the farmers that an Increased valua tion of $2 per acre Is given farms lying along rural routes. People living aa far from the route as two miles frequently place lock boxes at the nearest point on the route and have their mall deliv ered there. The people living on by roads hava In some Instances adopted a novel method of obtaining the cov eted benefit at small expense. The mall tor all the people living on a certain by-road will be delivered at a box placed at the Intersection of the road with the route, and from this box It will be taken daily and delivered for ten or twelve miles back In the coun try by a boy paid for the purpose. Rural delivery Is proving a great timulua to the construction of good roads and at least two new pikes In Montgomery can be attributed to the hope of securing the service. The car riers are allowed to deliver packages and to transact business for the people living, along their routes, and In this way they manage to supplement in a very acceptable manner the meager lalaries allowed by the department. The carriers' wagons on leaving the Craw fordsvllle postofllce each morning will be seen to be filled with packages of laundry, dry goods, hardware and all manner of merchandise. Orders of all kinds are placed with the carrier. In the busy summer season he is an espe cial benefit in this way. The practical operation of the rural free delivery has demonstrated conclu sively that many of the objections made to It are unfounded. It has been urged that rural delivery would be an Immense expense to the government, bat its operation In Montgomery coun ty proves that It will on the contrary be a source of considerable revenue. Bach of the year-old routes In the coun ty Is now paying the government a net profit of $40 per month. As a rule, each route does away with either a fourth class postofflce or a star route. These, of course, have alwaya been an expense to the government as great as the op eration of a rural route, so the sub stitution could make practically no inference In the cost to the govern ment. The rural route, however, so Increases the postal receipts from the country that the government makes a, good profit. One route Just established In Montgomery county will do away eventually with three little offices. Superintendent Dice reports that the experience of Montgomery county is proving to be that of most other coun ties and that nowhere Is the service be ing operated at a loss to the govern ment after it has once been established. The tradesmen In towns from which rural routes run at first objected that they would prove the ruination of business. They reasoned that If the farmer had his mail delivered he would have no cause to come to town and consequently stay away. Their fears proved groundless. With his mall de livered dally, the farmer still makes his weekly or semi-weekly visits to town. He Is enabled to keep in toucn wltn what Is going on In town by the dally papers and to take advantage of op portunities of which he was formerly kept in ignorance. Man-eating lions are delaying tha progress of an Important railway be ing built by the British In East Africa to connect Mombasa with Uganda The voracious kings of the forest have de veloped a keen appetite for the Indian laborers and have succeeded In deci mating the working force from time to time since the enterprise got well under way. The Hons do most of thelt foraging at night. Now, It Is learned, the quarters and houses of the laborers are protected by llon-proof stockades, which are fifteen feet high and from six to eight feet thick. Surrounded by these, the mei sleep In safety. One of the man-eaters who had dined on seventeen cool 14 on aa many occasions cams to grief Anally when he attacked the men 01 a baggage car. They killed blm ani his skin Is preserved aa a souvenir U be sent to tbe British Museum. BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. Thunder Is rare at Cairo, being heard on an average only three days In the year. The grave of an unmarried woman In Turkey Is often indicated by a rose carved in stone. Tbe bones and muscles of the human body are capable of over 1,200 differ ent movements. Vienna policemen are required te un derstand telegraphy, and to be able to swim and row a boat. Bamboo pens still retain their hold In India, where they have been In use for more than 1,000 years. A man of 80 who has shaved regularly during his lifetime has sacrificed to the razor about thirty-five feet of hair. St. Paul's cathedral is the most heav ily insured building in Great Britain. It Is Insured for $475,000 in ten offices. An elephant is possessed of such a delicate sense of smell that It can scent a human being at a distance of 1,000 yadrs. Venetlon coins of 1670 and 1677, bearing the name of one of the doges, have been found in Maehon aland, in the interior of South Africa. Pupils In tbe public school of Copen hagen, Denmark, are required to take three baths a week in the public school building, and while they are bathing their clothes are sterilized in a steam over. . The Icebergs of the two hemispheres are entirely different In shape. The Arctic bergs are irregular In form, with lofty pinnacles and glittering domes, while the Antarctic berga are flat-topped and solid looking. A process has been discovered by which sails of vessels of ail kinds can be made out of paper pulp, and It Is claimed that they serve quite aa veil as canvas and are very much cheaaer. They swell and flap In tbe wind like the genuine old-fashioned article, and are supposed to be u'ntearable. The annual loss by fire In the United States is about $100,008,000 on insur ed .property. The loss of life la not far from $.000. Sixty-five dwellings are burned every day, fourteen hotels are burned every weak and forty ware houses are consumed every month. Ninety per cent of fires are discovered loon after the start. . - Ha Got tha Autographi A certain person In this country gent a friend of his In England an Ameri can edition of Ruskin'a works. They were seized by the customs, of course, and were In peril of conflscatlon, when the consignee learned that It he could procure a letter from Mr. Ruakin al lowing the books to pass into England the customs would release them. Ac cordingly, a letter of request was sent to Mr. Ruakin, who repUed promptly and with characteristic verve aa fol lows: "Sir I do not see that your friend's attempt to give you a present at my ex pense Is any apology tor your Intru sion upon me. Yours, eta, John Rua kin." The books came back to America, but In spite of very tempting offers the recipient of Mr. Russia's curt re ply refuses to part with tbe auto graph. The Bookman. IN GOING TO POINTS EAST or south of Chicago or Milwaukee, ask your local ticket agent te route you be tween Omaha and Chicago via the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this road depart from the Union Depot, Omaha, dally, connecting with trains arriving on the the Union Pacific Ry., the Burlington, the F., E. & M. V., etc., Magnificently equipped trains, palace sleepers and chair cars, dining cars, buffet library cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For fur ther Information regarding routes, or rates, eta, call on or address F. A. NASH, Gen'l Western Agt., 1504 Farnam St., Omaha. SHORT LINE West and South. DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS. Pullman Slccpcm and rare rcclinino Chain canb on Niomt trains. QUICK SERVICE TO BT. JOSEPH and KANSAS CITY. kvlaftrasBairntM, Mil tynwUinm Msmt tpitw S. m. ADMIT. rasMsxtr Lfwt, IT. JMIH, M. ' rnjpawftiMW ssTiwMsauaa m 4 "iai?-lrr t 0 WA WWfallTy JOGC OF AM, TD0IE8 OUR NEW "UTTLE GIANT" li H. P. GASOLINE EKGIXE, mi in incur u win io HOW ntnr of vna hT th ku . . . .ufletsnt wlad to operate your wind nTflTaT ieavT&Vgek IS&SJSSP1 aS iS now to do your pomp at when there Is no wtsd or fodo itlni..t. n,I.lEL. 5r Direct Its work, hot or cold, wet or dry, wind Sr calaf t3m lL,7,V Will alsosh.ll oors, griad tee saw wood, churn bu"le? -Zu siaS for hnadK!!! Jobs. In the nous. Or on the farm. Costs aothiag to keen Twhea m wlitf ".WlSV" i a- wa. MTCsJffiiE! SSrs5SSSS&ss FAIRDAflKS, EQfjSB A CO., OOQAHA, jJlflO. 0OUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMP-vfrj,. k.,... Bmnmttm rnr.V.M omaha. vol. s, no. ss-'sa, EL-JaL! ijJrTPt L -J JSlSMBSaB wc So tha falling of the kasrsiu. of the approach of age gad declining power. No matter how barren tha trat nor how !e aless It msr seats, you confidently expect leave again. And why? Because there is Ufa at tbe So you need net worry abet tbe failing or yeur neir. fas ; tnreetenea departure or and beautv. And whv? Because if there Is e spark af ' life remaining In the reels el the hair a-o- wffl mane M Into teaifJry apuV tar. The heir ceases te feme ott It hecine to fjery ef your youth win.- Te hfve bosh ei the Heir and Its Diseases. . It te free. mm- U The largest state debts are M foW Iowa: Virginia, t2t,747,lSi; Maasaohu. setts, ftt.42,ffra; New Tork, t,Mo 6(0; Indiana, fS.20.Uj Georgia, ISj 081,600; Missouri, i8S.SS; Pennsyll van la, $8,816,809. Iowa has none. Ex-Mayor of Omaha, Geo. P. Bemis, says: "I know of some remarkable enren of Omaha people effected by the use of Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay'g Lung- Balm." Write Dr. B, J. Kaw Medical Co., Saratoga Springe, N. 'xV Ope reason why the export of cotton goods may expand to the Philippine Islands is the fact that the yearly lma port of cottons from Spain amounted to more than $6,000. The United States heretofore sent less than 000 worth. We're going to Hot Springs, S. D., Via the Northvestern Line, Nice Place Low Rates Wagner Palace Sleepers almost to the doors of the principal hotels. Ttni Rnrinira la (ha nL. n Ik I. .... eon if you need rest, health or pleasure, J. R. BUCHANAK, 0. P. AT. A., F.R4H.T.RB, OMAHA, NEB. mi! mcrjui m pum GUNK : U : Hi lewd, . t J, ' IT , v- "i:' 4 nail Willis