Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 31, 1899, Image 6

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M am. alar the shine.
tec the m and Ha ships.
Vita tb lightness and the brightness
JT UW rosin about their Ups;
Whu reaching off to seaward,
WkM runnlna down to leeward.
When beating np to port with the pilot
at the lore;
When racing down the trade,
Or ratchiag half-afraid.
With a lookout on the yard for the
marks along the shore.
New Tork Tribune.
The warm September sun shone
bright and full on the row of white
washed cottages known as "Potter's
Place." On every side shrill cries and
clatter filled the air. Hoarse Impreca
tions, with now and again a vulgar,
mirthless laugh, arose from the open
doorways, mingled with the hot steamy
breath of soapsuds, onions and green
TJaregenerate and sinewy urchins, in
costumes rational enough so far
freedom of limb was concerned, settled
long-standing differences mercilessly in
the dust; while white-headed, noisy
babes crowed lustily before the paren
tal - habitation, their garments appar
ently longer suffering from repeated
washing than the son-tanned faces of
their owners. The ladies of "Potter's
Place,'' in different stages of a process
known to them aa "cleaning." whether
applied to persons or possessions,
screamed commonplaces across their
respective palings. Interspersed with
Jadldouo threats and warnings to the
Olive branches without; while others.
either advanced in or indifferent to the
execution of domestic duties, solemn
ly discussed the probabilities of the re
cast dry
"Nut tret nor vine," quoth a pleas
ant-voiced, rosy-cheeked woman, ad
t easing herself la friendly accents to
bar neighbor, " t 'eodn't make nur a
he'porth o' difference to 'ee, Oran, I
The individual for whom these words
were Intended raised her quaintly
Bight-capped head and nodded know
ingly; then, placing her recently emp
tied basin on the ground beside her,
aba fell to contemplating the result of
bar especially bestowed care and at
tention. Upon a gentle slope before her, sur
rounded by a trailing wreath ef crisp,
green leaves, reposed a gigantic mar
row. Just this one fruit by some
stranfe fate had formed sad ripened on
the luxuriant and sturdy plant; but It
bad attained such perfect form and
enormous proportions that it bad al
most served to satisfy its owner no
sat matter as a general rule. The harsh
Uses that time, discomfort and discon
tent had stamped upon the seared old
race, half hidden beneath her frilled
cap, softened somewhat as she con
Jtomplated the lordly produce of her
r 'garden patch.
"He do be a vine maxrerr continued
the pleasant voice In its neighborly
tones. "Tha'lt never eat he tn a week
Sundays, Gran."
- The eld woman looked up sharply;
something very like a smile quivered
for a minute's space upon her thin,
querulous lips.
"Bless 'ee," came the shrill pipe of an
enterprising yeuih from the roadway.
we be a-gain' to eat he at the buryln',
we be."
It was a harmless remark, seemingly,
and might have passed unheeded had
not Gran chosen to put a personal ap
plication on the event mentioned, as
It was deubtless Intended she should.
A green, virulent light flashed in her
faded eyes, and she made ready to re
ply in language worthy of her reputa
tion, while the women paused expec
tantly m their work, and the children
waited In breathless anticipation of the
Inevitable. j
Still silence! The eyes of the onlook
ers wandered from Oraa to the duty
Mack coat tails had become risible In
that direction, informing the watchers
their enrate, the Rev. Frank Hii
ba4 turned the eorner of Potter's
and was fast approaching.
Otaa'e mouth closed with a decided
a though the effort had cost her
which. Indeed, it had. j
It Is a beautiful Idea, the fact of a
String of oaths dying away on the lips 1
ef this hardened old reprobate as the
clergyman's presence became
te her: and It would have been
beautiful had not Gran's
the first of the list of appli
es blankets as usual this winter.
Oraa would hare preferred to have re
eetved the reverend gentleman in her
efcalr by the fireside, for she had her
ewn reasons for not wishing to display
toe great activity; however, it was too
late to beat a retreat at present, and
after having satisfied her resentment by
thfiV-g her fist at her young tormen
tor, she leaned more heavily upon the
tick she carried, and moved feebly to
ward the gate, starting In somewhat
exaggerated surprise when the curate's
vetee was beard exclaiming cheerily:
That's right, Oran', I'm glad to see
iron oat this fine day! The rheumatism
is batter, I hope. It in. Isn't itr he
be nodded a grudging as-
"and I suppose that, under the
We are feeling grste-
H be ownr" to thlccy bliasad drouth."
Cx amUsd, ungraciously; "It be
r" tt , s It be."
'XJs - s3Ms sstaaioantffWe shadow of
' r ttafe asrsw the yiaag auas
mtyvaex'-f V.
i r:J r3 baa aswtei Um
' f "f f ' jrM to Che
-f-- 1g- . jtytU
t; '-:..f "iff r
pered old woman, who accepted all
mercies as a matter of course, grum
bling and sneering at the many bless
ings dispensed to ber? Not that he was
discouraged or lacking in the faith nec
essary for the anticipation of some
change in this erring but venerable
soul, but It had occurred to him. as he
looked compassionately down at the
feeble, tottering old body before him,
that perhaps, even today, the time
might be growing short in which the
earthly regeneration of Gran must be
accomplished. Doubtless If the old
lady had been able to give vent to ber
feelings in a few carefully chosen words
before his arrival he might have met
with a more inviting reception.
Had it occurred to her to ask herself
why her pastor should lend an ever-
willing and sympathetic ear to the re
lation of her woes, she would have at
tributed It. doubtless, .to want of wits
on his part, arguing, in all probability,
that, as this meek -spirt ted, easy-going
Individual had been established In some
vague sort of way, to do his duty by
such as she, she might as well avail
herself of his services. Just as she
would have no scruple In drawing
water from the village pump. . Some
times, indeed, she had wondered that
he made no effort to assert himself, or,
growing tired ef extending the helping
hand she bow looked upon as a riant
made no attempt to throw off the yoke
which had grown in proportion to that
of the Old Man of the Sea.
"But drot itr she exclaimed In
burst of confidence to her neighbor,
there's them as sort o' vansy It, Mess
'ee, and nam a one o they vpstartlsh
gentry 'oed get to heaven ef so be It
warnt fur us poor folk.
Te sum up her estimation In a few
words, the parson was but a poor crea
ture at best; but what would be expect
ed from one who was apparently unable
to see through the most barefaced of
her little tricks and devices T
Today her list of woes was grievous
and plentiful She felt sure that the
messenger had helped nerseii rreeiy
from the generous weekly basket sup
plied ber from the vicarage. The pud
ding had net suited the remarkable
style of digestion peculiar to herself,
of which pro etas she Included a de
tailed account; also It was evident that
the annual distribution of gaankets
would not take place till so late In the
year that she was sure the poor bodies
would be starved with cold before they
came into their property. Her visitor
proposed to see Into the matter.
they coals, sir," she added,
with a plaintive wall of mingled injury
and indignation, "ef so be the kind la
dles as vound thlc there coal money
was to hear on the sinful waste e' they
cooled Coal," she continued scorn
fully, "po more o coal than thlccy
chunk o' rock."
The curate expressed his sorrow, but
Oran was not so easily checked. It was
not for her to say where the fault lay,
but they that had the spending of the
money should knew best.
"Bv've a sight o' vine doin's to look
to, sir," she added, with self-conscious
resignation, "wl'out heedln' the trou
blee on the likes e us poor folk."
"Oran!" came a sharp voice of indig
nation from the gateway. "Gran, you
wicked old woman, how dare yon say
such abominably ungrateful things!"
Then as the speaker, entering the
wicket, approached them, she added:
"It's a wonder you aren't struck dumb
en the spot, indeed It is. At any rate,
you may be sure If a not for the want
of deserving It"
Gran gave a shamefaced little cour
tesy as these words fell unexpectedly
upon her ear, and at the same time the
curate lifted his hat, to all appearances
shocked, if not a little pained.
It was a pity," he thought that Is,
she was so very pretty, htias Doreen
Rivers & ml working so energetically
In the parish, too; but hew could she
expect these poor souls to learn to con
trol their tongues If she made no effort
to control her own language? Still
Gran accepted the reproof with sur
prising meekness, even though it were
possible that the visitor's open basket
suggested the best tea and other luxur
ies. Tet the loes of a tongue was a
somewhat sobering prophecy even to
"Bless "ee, miss, I meant nnr harm,"
she faltered apologetically, "though
t aint for the like o' I say nur a word
ag-in "
"No Gran," remarked Miss Rivers
with emphasis, "It certainly Is not, and
so I think yon had better keep silent
la the future,"
The curate frowned. She was hard
on these poor souls, he thought he
had half suspected It for some time
had even received Insinuations from
the people themselves In respect to her
Inflexibility upon a matter ef pawned
coal tickets. To come among these
humbled cottage folk and fall to help
aad cheer them was unsatisfactory
enough, but to bully the long-suffering
creatures during her visit the idea
waa Intolerable. He must speak to the
young woman on the subject, aad at
the first opportunity. Not a very pleas
ant ordeal, be considered. On the whole
he might here found it easier If her
eyes bad not been such a very trustful
sort ef blue."
"Bf so be as I've said aught to of
fend the gentleman" began Oraa hi
a low, mumbling voice.
"Ton are sorry," tnterropted bliss
Rivers quietly. "Wen, there's one
thing, Oraa, yow words are not of
tet avail, or It wows be pretty hard
on year friends aad aacbiiianamg, ra
afraid." Here the spirt ir gars aa b
rmstlhU tttUa abaOa, wtte the
tat Mai KttttlClPt
T . C13 fcj lt?t rrf C-t U
of feeling la her tones. "Wouldn't you
like to do something to pi ease him, for
The old woman glanced at them
shrewdly. She half-suspected a plot.
"Come to the harvest thanksgiving
on Sunday," continued the speaker per
suasively. "Surely you've something
you are grateful for?" Her eye roved
around the tiny garden in search of in
"He do be a vine marrer," murmured
Gran, following the direction of her
"It la Indeed." agreed Hiss Rivers
admiringly. "Well, then, your beauti
ful marrow."
The curate thought it advisable to
sist her at this point. It was by no
means a high-minded suggestion that
Oran should ge te church In order to
please him, or that, once there, she
should proceed to give thanks for the
solitary vegetable that graced her gar
den; but after all Miss Rivers had
made some headway, and that was ev
ery thing with Gran. He resolved to
carry off the situation as lightly as pos
I know now," he volunteered, with a
laugh, "what the poet meant by 'a win
seme marrow;' it certainly does Gran
credit We return thanks on Sunday,'
he continued gravely, "for all such gifts
of God the kindly fruits of the snath.
in fact."
"That he be," interposed the eld wo
man excitedly, "he be my marrer. tne
fruit o the earth and no mistake.'
"It Is really the finest I have ever
seen, asserted tne woman vwwr w.u
.... . , . .
the air of a connoisseur.
Gran's eyes sparkled with pleasure
"Maybe as I'll come o Sunday aner
all." she allowed, graciously.
At this Juncture the pleaaant-rnced
neighbor, Mrs. Jordan, requested an 1
tervlew with the curate, if beckoning
to him by means of the Infant on her
arm could be so called. It was now
fixed, she Joyfully proceeded to aa
Bonnca the master had gracleuely en-
sented to the baptism of the baby.
It was a victory Indeed; Mr. Jordan
bavins- Droved himself se for a very
tough customer.
Nur could the master do leas, I say.
his wife arerred stoutly, -leeta tne
lovely robe as the young woman give to
the little 'un. An' bur standln' for him
herself, so she be God bless her!"
Bribery! The curate's eye flashed a
swift sad glance of Intelligence toward
Doreen. who blushed scarlet.
Now would follow the opportunity for
the administration of Judicious rebuke.
"You seem to have more faith tn the
application of the material than the
spiritual, Miss Rivers," he observed
dryly, when they bad left the cottage
far behind them.
She was hurt, yet she did not allow
htm to perceive It.
"It seems to me," she ventured apol
ogetically, "that the vulgar mind must
be influenced in a vulgar way.
He made no reply, though she evl
dently awaited one. Should he waste
an answer upon her? She had called
them vulgar. There remained nothing
more to be said. After all, he consider
ed, she was a mere child (a very pretty
child and not without a certain charm
of her own), but unfitted for the work
in every way.
"But the Jordans," she ventured pres
ently as though reading his thoughts,
at least we have conquered them after
a struggle."
"Tea, but by what means?"
"It was the only way?" There was a
strange pathetic note in her voice that
caused hi mto peer into her blue eyes
a little anxiously. They were curiously
misty he fancied. It was to be hoped
she d1! not Intend to cry. Oh, these
women helpers, they were mere difficult
to mange than a whole parish full of
poor folk! Then It flashed across him
that she, at least, had succeeded where
be had failed, and that he could not
do otherwise than confess it like a
man. At once Doreen grew radiant.
There was no question of tears now. He
looked again into her eyes to see If they
were still misty In appearance. It would
be as well to know, for future refer
ence should the occasion arise.
Doreen, not understanding his mo
tive, blushed undeniably.
Even now he found himself unable
to decide this Important question, and
forthwith fell to wondering whether
she was aware of his views respecting
the marriage of clergy? Perhaps It
would be only fair to let her know that
he, for one, had devoted his whole
heart to his work, and that the accom
plishment of his duty was, and always
would be, his first ambition and object
in life. After all, there was plenty of
time yet to tell ber this. She would
not take an Interest in him as quickly
One thing was certain, be must break
himself of -that absurd curiosity re
specting her eyes. Meanwhile, what was
It he had wished to say to her? But
there ' waa no mention of her harsh
treatment of her parishioners that day!
On the afternoon before the eventful
Sunday, Oran, leaning upon the arm of
her kindly neighbor, Mrs. Jordan, took
a trial trip to the church. The quaint
old figure, la ber funeral bonnet aad
gala shawl, having passed through the
porch, surveyed the Interior of the
building with breathless Interest not
unmixed with awe. Out from the im
pressive gloom meases of fragrant blos
soms brightened the quaint oak oarv
lag, while aartumn fruits hi every shade
ef gold aad russet, neaped saaotly from
the sxlllfaUy fashioned nests of moss
aad leaves. Ftowers of the field, gath
ered by the hamate fiagert of the poor.
the ehl gray stonework, while
petals from the crystal h oases
at Oat waaltklsr sMigbhors
Cm tatUsf the U4 with glory.
1 te teofchs' (or the
But these vegetables bad not as yet
scea assigned to their place of honor.
Thy lay together with Gran's, which
bad beea carefully Initiated, In a con
tused heap in the porch, where the
cheery voice of the vicar was plaluiy
audible holding a curiously one-hided
conersallon with some person unteen.
To what glorious distinction might not
this wonderful marrow obtain? With
a detaining band on ber companion's
arm, Gran drew back into the shadow
to listen. Perhaps she might even uar
It said that the Lord had deigned to
accept her offering! Who could tell?
"It's not the least use. Miss Rivers,"
the vicsr was saying. "I really cannot
have the church turned Into a green
grocer's shop, and an indifferent gran
grocer's at that"
. Here a woman's voice made I 'self
beard protesting faintly, but the manly
tones continued: "Didn't you know
what was overheard In the church laet
year? Some woman, a dissenter, too,
of all people, likened the place to a big
advertisement for seeds. Scandalous,
wasn't 1L f And it really won't do, you
know. It really won't do at all"
But the vegetables are sent by the
poor," pleaded bis listener s voice soii
ly. "Well. It can't be helped." was the de
cided answer. "The ehurcb cannot be
made Into a market garden to please
any amount of poor people. John" in
wed known acceats of command "put
all the absurd vegetables Into a wheel
barrow and cart them down to the hos
pital with my compliments. I do de
chy' he added In confidential ones,
"that tboy would like to fill the whole
place with green stuff if I didn't diaw
the line somewhere. As it Is, the effect
of our fixe breaawork is entirely lost
among the flowers."
"And on Sunday." ventured the soft
gently, "we are going to thank
God for His flowers as well as our
sotves for our brasswork."
The vloar glanced sharply at the
speaker, but the eyes that met hlaaspze
were purely, trustfully oiue, ana me
face upturned to his Innocent as a flow
er. No sarcasm could have been in-
tended Doreen Rivers was but a child!
The marrows bad disappeared In the
direction of the hospital, when Gran
crept silently from the porch leaamg
heavily on the arm of her friend.
"Tha'lt do It fine tomorrow, Gran."
quoth Mrs. Jordan, alluding to the
I bain' t agoln' to try," observed Gran
oracularly. "He've eyes and ears, Zar
ah, same as I have, baln't 'e?"
Mrs. Jordan signified that this was
the case.
'Then 'ee see what come o' my mar
rer." There was something so bitterly
resigned about Gran's tones that her
companion grew nervous.
'Do 'ee cuss a bit now. Gran." she
suggested tenderly; "maybe food ease
ee like!"
"Cuss!" exclaimed Gran In accents
of tragic scorn; "cuss, Zarah! where
ood I vind the blessed language for It?"
And Mrs. Jordan could make no sug
It chanced that Miss Rivers and the
curate met again at the cottage of their
protege some few daya later. Frank
Hilton, his brow clouded by the knowl
edge of failure and disappointment,
was listening with almost superhiiraan
patience to Gran's shrill tirade.
'Aye, there be places enough for the
gentle-folk In thlc there church," Bhe
was exclaiming in her high-pitched
treble as Doreen entered, "but nur a
corner fur the like o' I. Nur a eor
ner." she continued, scarcely pausing to
take breath. "The rich folks' fruits is
hung high enow. The ladles aa dance
arould wl' thlccy decoratln an, glm- j
ercrackery sees to that, I reckon. How-
sumdever, the Lord baln't atakln' nur
stock o' their winderpane pineapples
an' their drotted gardeners' tooraytoes." j
Why, what Is the meanlg of this?" j
exclaimed the lady visitor in surprise.
Frank Hilton did not offer to explain,
and Gran showed a tendency to sullen-
Meaning enow." she remarked re-
uctantly. "The Lord 'oodn't accept o'
my marrer.
The curate's eyes sought those of Do
reen. He hoped vaguely that she would
not laugh. He felt that had she done
so he could have bated her then, and
The pretty face softened with ready
"Oh, no, Gran!" she cried. "Surely
you are mistaken."
"I baln't." returned that Individual
with the dogged determination of sec
ond childhood.
'But supposing," suggested Doreen
after a pause, "that you did not offer
your gift in the right way?" The old
woman looked up tn surprise.
1 think," pursued Miss River,
thoughtfully, . "that you should have
sold your marrow and atvea the money
as a thank offering. And there Is still
time, you may even do so now."
Gran beard her with suppressed ex
Sell 'un!" she exclaimed with ani
mation. "Drot it, thle there parson
took he."
"But there was a lady," began Do-
with a shy glance at the old
dame, upon whom her Impressive man
ner was beginning to tell, "who thought
she had never seen so fine a marrow
as yours."
Here Oran brightened rtslMy.
"She bought It," continued her visit
or cheerfully, "and sends yon this four
pence la payment Of eomrse, It Is the
money, Oran, aad net the marrow, that
will bo moot useful te the Lord."
Oraa stretched forth a withered daw
to receive the proffered peace.
i be I to gf ar she iaqslred
Wftk tertOTMats
"Oa f iilij ssoralag." was the glib
n be Moaner" r setariai Oraa with
childish eagerness, her past grievances
ail forgotetn In this new Interest
And yet she wondered why both vis
itors smiled,
Doreen and the curate left the cot tag
together. Here, then, was the oppor
tunlty for her enlightenment on hit
view of clerical marriage a.
"Gran has you to thank for her hap
piness," he said with some feeling, "and
I. too, am greatly Indebted to you for
your help." His companion murmured
a blushing protest but he continued:
"You have taught me the value of
your work among these poor people.
you have shown me that a true ana
sympathetic woman can, by ' some
strange, subtle Instinct reach th
hearts of these poor Ignorant souls In
a way that we men can never hope to ( n the ,now ,he gtrode sturdily
do. I thank you, Doreen," he continued : 4way,
earnestly, "for this lesson (did he That's a nice girl, isn't she, mam
know that he had called her Doreen?) mar. Mr Treat threw one arm around
and also for your unfailing assistance
at times when 1 have been downcast
by repeated failure, for," he aded Jin
despondent apology, "even the sower
loses heart when continually traversing
barren ground."
But Doreen, too, had something upon
her mind.
"No one walked with the sower to
tread In the seed." she ventured half-
whispering, "perhaps If they had"
He gave her one quick, incredulous
'Doreen," he exclaimed with sup
pressed feeling, "I too have many a
weary mile or sowing to accompiian,
dale, and by the wayside and and,
Doreen, I love you! Have you the cour
age? God willing, will you walk with
the sower?"
And she answered softly, "Ood will
ing, all the wayr
The service on Sunday morning was
weary work to Gran.
"When '11 they come to bag "un?"
she Inquired audibly, referring to the
future destination of her gift
And Mrs. Jordan, who had been reg
ular in her church atendance before
falling In with her unworthy spouse,
successfully hushed her with a series
of shocked frowns and awestruck whis
pers. The pence clinked a running ac
companiment In the palm of Gran's
rusty glove as the vicar prayed on that
Ood, 'who alone worketh great mar
vels," should Mess the clergy. Then
followed the serroor., and at length
the long-looked-for moment arrived
when the alms bag should be banded
to Gran.
With due solemnity the old woman
dropped In her fourpence slowly one
by one following with her eyes the pro-
gre. sof the sidesman to whom she had
intrusted her precious treasure, ""tll
he returned from his duty, empty
Still Gran's gase was bent eastward,
little wistfully.
"He be right enow," whispered her
companion touching her arm tmpera-
tively. "He be right enow. Gran;
kneel, can't ee?" And with a little
. ' . . ,. .,,. rsr.n kimit
IiaiiL-, ji ui l. . -
Through the solemn words of the
tteneoiction, ana me ,npre.
that followed It-through the ,,Kh
rustle of the stirring congregation, and
the first soft, half sobbing note, of the
organ-Gran knelt, her face buried in
her shabby gloves,, the sable plume
noddlng mournfully In her sombre sat
in bonnet The people streamed forth
from the pews and Mrs. Jordan, con
scious of a vague sense of uneasiness,
whispered Impatiently, "Oran!"
But In vain may call the voices of her
earthly neighbors, for Oran's soul, fill- j
ed with a new sense of gratitude and
hope, had followed her first thank-of-
ferlng to her Maker. Temple a Br.
Powerful Field Guns.
The ordnance department of the army ,
has received from the Drlggs-Seabury West End boroughs, says the I Ills
Oun company twenty of the new pat- burg News, Issued a warrant for the
tern six-pounder guns designed for use arrest of a West End woman for slan.
behind parapets In the field. An order der. Squire 8. J. White happened to be
for sixty of these guns was given to present at the hearing. The proseuu
the company some time ago, and twen- ( tor testified that the defendant hod
ty of them were delivered this week '.ailed her an "old virago," and that she
at the Sandy Hook proving station for had added: "I don't know what that
test While the gun has somewhat the means, but whatever it is, that's what
same appearance as the original Driggs you are." The witness admitted that
Schroeder gun. It Is a distinct Improve- the did not know what the meaning of
ment on the oldler piece. Its Improve- the word was, either, but she knew It
ments consist In a decrease In
number of parts, simplicity of
structlon and the total absence of all "No matter what it means," said the
screws, so that the mechanism can r'?' "" ' " intensely patriotic
assembled or d.aaswmbled without th. Aertcaa. "It's foreign name and
use of any special tools. The extrao. " " b?n sllln u 1 "
tlon of the empty cartridge case is a hr tor
unique feature, being more powerful ( "Squire," whispered Squire White la,
and quicker than In any of the guns of hia ear, "you have no Jurisdiction In
this caliber. The piece Is mounted on J alander suite; they must be entered la
what Is known as a minimum recoil court"
carriage, as designed by the Drlggi , "Well, I'll hold her for court, then."
company. The general appearance ol the squire declared.
this carriage Is not unlike the ordinary ( "But there's no law under which joa
service carriage used In the army, but can do that." he was told.
has the addition of a recoil cylinder, by "Well, I'll hold her anyhow," he re-
whleh the gun hi permitted to recoil In- ( piled, "and test the constitutionality of
dependent of the trail. It Is also mount- ( the act"
ed higher than the I.S-lnch field gun' ..Bttt u Da 1," persisted
of the army, so that It may be tllled )giur, Wnlu
above a parapet On either side of ths )Ckt QUt of" Mm offlo-r
trail is a ireei mr me K"u pv.nin, (
shoulder bar similar In shape to thst
used on the navy mount, so, to an in
tents and purposes, the gun operates
the same aTlf mounted in a fixed po-
sition, white It can he readily dlscon-
ZLtJt fram tha bolts of the oereoet
aeeted from the bolts of the P"Mt
and used la any other part of the for-
tiflcatloa or In the field along the beach
the same aaaaner as any ordinary
field gun.
sum. a iv.ee. hoe. VM 1
out to walk with his father la the road. '
aad was badly frightened by a drove oi
cattle. ' I
Why should yea be afraid, Pierre?"
Is father asked. "Why, yoa sat sash
oreatmrea as that at dinner, yoa know," ,
"Tea, paaa.
sal Pierre, "bat than
Ton must be very earefal when yea
are walking out alone, Sarah," said
Harry W. Treat, owner of the Vaa
Anda Mine, to his girl guest from New
fork, "because the snow often covers
a mine shaft or other opening. There
have been serious accidents to tender
feet that walk where miners fear to
tread," he laugher, "so keep your wits
about you."
-i ,he replied. "The best ones
r haire. The new sharpened and
jmade keen by use In the Noi-west.
, rioodbv. I'm off for a walk before
She waved htm a farewell and start-
l ea on nyir. uer nine iwulb tieuni
his wife aa she came to the door, and
. they gtood looking at Susan Hunt
t, loflc M ner cariet jacket made the
( mo,t vlvld mark ,n clear blue
..hIte aMV
"Yes, she Is; and do you know,
Harry" Mrs. Treat's voice sank to ths
note of confidence "I've been think
ing wouldn't It be nice If she could
tall In love with Will Christopher or
jr somebody and stay up here in Van
touver. It would be a great change
tor a New York society girl, of course,
out I wonder where Will Christopher
is, anyway? He waa coming up here
0 OQ Ber laBt evening. Did he
I write or send wora to you wnr no
didn't come? He didn't? That's run
ny. I thought he had better manners!"
Mrs. Treat turned and went Inside
tne bouse, her pretty face showing
t mark of vexation over the failure
f her husband's partner to live up to
tier idea of him.
In the meantime Sarah Hunt walk
ed along, serenely unconscious of her
friend's match-making designs. The
weather was clear, crisp and beautiful,
tnd she felt as happy as a lass with a
rood conscience and easy shoes can
teel out for a walk on a breezy morn
ing. Suddenly she stopped stock still
ind listened. A faint "Hello r came
from somewhere on her right
"Help!" It came more distinctly,
and she called in reply:
"What Is the matter? 'as she ran
toward the sound.
A disused shaft yawned up at her,
and It seemed to the man lying with a
broken leg In the half-fron water at
Its depth that the face bending ovsr
1MS BO an,0U8y WM lovelier tban
ne haa ever ,een before,
( M he
.. f but
he wonderej ml(!erably
fceen bu fc creatur8 of
L, .n nut in & tm
minutes she returned with a coil of
rope from the dilapidated shaft bouse
nwir hv. and tvlnir one end to a tree
"-nr Treat and hi.
wife came up to them. The long ab-
I tence of their guest had alarmed them
land sent them out to look for her.,
( rhey foun(, hcr kneeng on the p.oun4
, tryInij to revive an unconacloua maji.
, ,., , , .
"Wil Christopher!" they exclaimed
'together, and as he opened his eyes
Treat "claimed:
"So that is where you were!"
When the young couple who had met
under such romantic circumstances
were married Mrs. Treat said, as she
kissed the bride:
"It has all happened Just as I tntend-
ed It should." But she did not mean
the rescue from the mine at all. Fate
claimed all the honor for that Chl-
cago Journal.
The Squires' Dilemma.
A Justice of the peace In one of the
had no good meaning or the rtber
wouldn't have made use of It
tl) - turning to him. "Do
lhnk rm to Mlm you u
(n ber, ud Uarn ma tiyt Uwr
"Tou-UM ' t00' ,tU?
tb women' both
'ou m rec-ogg-i.ls-anos until this
flnd( Mt wh(U aarwuio. a
" ' . oamasioa to
do w,t Uta
The new Preach minister of war bat
now the facile tongue of his ooua try-
men, and he speaks so slowly that they
rBur which being
JJrTr m,u nlM
. . ,
The lahabt tents of Blschofsbarg,
a ballet
leoeatly, whoa a traveling mmpuur a
pas, fa town. As eosa as the luiinj
I la the naUaaai laft ths baaaa. ;
. 0:
r ' U V-V" ut1'
" '; i4 ' 4 v- " it i r ''' 'if,'" ' j
' ' " "