Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 31, 1899, Image 5

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Returning Soldier From the Phil'
Ipplnes Given a Taste of
Weatern Enthusiasm.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 29. Omaha ihook
Band with Pennsylvania, Saturday
Bight until Its arms ached, and cheered
the returning fighters until Its throat
was raw. Although delayed and pre
vented from enjoying the program ar
ranged for them, the boys of the Tenth
Pennsylvania did not lose a note In all
the pent-up enthusiastic welcome that
awaited them at the hands of a city
lied with admiration of their deeds of
prowess, and when the long trains
pulled out of the depot the last thing-
heard echoing; from every ear was
"Three cheers for Omaha,"
Thousands thronged the depot and
tracks for hours before the arrival of
the trains. The preponderance of wo
Ben and new fall hats was especially
When at last the three trains pulled
into the station, closely following each
Ither, and drawn by the mammoth en
gines of the 1700 class of the Union Pa-
fMflc, the throng was almost too dense
is allow for their passage. They
. trawled In. feeling their way, pre
teded by squads of police, who cleared
the tracks of the persistent multitude.
The boys In blue, who crowded the
platforms were nearly pulled from the
train by excited cltlsens. both men and
omen, while those who hasarded a
handshake through the car windows
lid It at the risk of their necks. Cheers
and the tooting of horns created a pan
lemonium that was deafening, but the
lotdiers seemed to enjoy It Immensely
"IVe worn a four-Inch grin every sec
ond for the past ten minutes." said one
trown young fellow, as he tore himself
-way from the clutches of some ten or
Ifteen pretty girls and ran for the de
serting train.
Omaha at the depot seemed bent upon
tnncentratina Into one short hour nf
their stay all the welcome planned for
ine days celebration. The trains hardly
lame to a stand before there was a rush
n the part of both young and old, and
I procession passed through the cars,
haklng hands with all who had free
fcands to clasp.
After a whole day's delay occasioned
y hot boxes, a broken wheel and fires
kindled In the roofs of the cars from
Ihe monstrous engines attached to the
trains, the first section pulled Into the
tlty at 6:16, followed closely by the sec.
end and third sections. Their arrival
eras anticipated by the blowing of si
rens and factory whistles, which was
!he signal for the thousands of the self
constituted weJooming cYmimtttee to
Kit up a yell of greeting that was not
aushed as long as a train remained In
Ihe depot.
The first section of twelve cars car
, fled Lieutenant Colonel Barnett, his
leld and staff officers, the escorting
sommlttee from Pennsylvania and com
sanies A and B, 223 men In all. On
each side of the one Pullman sleepT
Vas a large portrait of the late colonel
fit the regiment, draped in mourning.
, Mayor Moores and committee met
Colonel Barnett and Senator Muehl
bronner as they stepped down from
their car. Mayor Moores welcomed
Ihem all In the name of the city, re
gretting the delay that had spoiled the
celebration prepared for them. Omaha
had hoped to be able to show the boys
who had been the nearest neighbors of
ihe First Nebraska In the trenches be
fore Manila they were truly welcome
home. Since, however, It was not pos.
ilble for them to leave the train, he
would present them with the keys of
the city, which would entitle them to
the freedom of the town at all times.
With that he tendered the officer two
large gilded keys set In a bed of roses.
Loud cheers followed the presentation
ind cries of "What's the matter with
the Tenth Pennsylvania," while the
trowd surged clow-r about the tn..i
Colonel Bartlett, speaking for him
self and in behalf of his men, thanked
Ihe mayor and citizens from the depth
f his heart for the consideration and
appreciation shown th-m. He was not
allowed to say much, for the ladles of
the flower committee, pushing to the
front, literally burled the gallant sol-
Jier under a moss of fragrant blossoms.
Me tried to thank them, but his Hp
trembled, and he could only bow his
head In acknowledgment of the grace
ful compliment.
The mayor's party and the ladles, at
the colonel's Invitation, entered his car
lo meet the officers of the staff. Th''
eolonel reported a pleasant trip across
the continent. Their Journey, he said,
bad been a continuous ovation from the
time of their leaving Han Francisco,
Aside from the discomforts of crossing
the alkali deserts and the inconven
ience of occas.onal breakdowns, there
bad been nothing to mar the enjoyment
sf the trip. He and his men already
k felt that they were at home, the re
ception of the Omaha people being as
warm as they could expect from their
wn statesmen.
The whistle warned the visitors that
Ihelr time was short and is the long
train crawled slowly out of the depot
the cars were cleared of the guests of
the moment, leaving the Interiors look
ing like some tropical flower garden.
The first was closely followed by the
second, the unlucky section, and the
ovation from the throngs of spectators
was repeated. One of the cars, while
west of Cheyenne, broke a wheel, and
four wwe set on fire by sparks from th
engine, one being so badly burned that
It was cut out of die train at Grand
Island. As soon as this section could be
loaded with the commissary supplies
It gave place to the third, which was
Inst behind, and by 7:45 o'clock the last
f the soldiers had left Omaha.
The second section contained fourteen
sleepers and one baggage car, carrying
companies D, E and K, 300 men In all;
Ike third was composed of the same
umber of coaches and carried men.
Bach section was met by a truck plied
sigh with commlsarf" supplies, under
charge of Major Clarkson. The pack,
ages and bundles that went Into the
can bore evidence of being of a nature
calculated to tempt the palate of an
tptcure. Plea, cakes, sandwiches and
trults wens plentifully supplied. A
truck load of flowers was distributed
intone the men. furnishing b button
koto garden for all. They were the con
tribution of the Emma flower mission
and bad been collected from gardens
HI over the eity. This department of
ST mnd bv Mea-
EneY. X HoeFand. H T.
inarke. W. J. Kennedy and MIssesQaJ.
her and Julia Knight, Assisted by
N-ersr oommlttee.
The trains etoniiMf ha 1mi ,.
was necessary to load the supplies.
Colonel Barnett explained when he wit
appealed to to hold the boys over for s
day that the thing would be utterly
Impossible, much as they regretted
leaving Omaha so hastily. A reception
had been arranged for them at Chey
enne, but on account of loss of time they
nao oeen forced to tender their regrets.
Half a docen monkeys, chained to
their owners' belts, were Included In
the live trophies. One envied soldier
carried a pretty fawn in the Pullman
car with him.
A number of young women were car
ried across the bridge to Council Bluffs
transfer depot and several soldiers wr
left behind. Some of the soldiers wer
sent across on the bridge motor line,
superintendent Baxter secured a spe
clal engine for one who had taken
time to get shaved at the depot and
could not catch his train via motor.
What's the matter with the Tenth
Pennsylvania? They're all right." waa
the shout sent up from the viaduct: c.nd
the Pennsy boys responded, "what's
the matter with the First Nebraska?
They're all right."
Mayor Moores. H. H. Baldrlge. W. O
Shriven J. A. Wakefield and Major
Clarkson were among those who got
a chance to talk with Lieutenant Col
onel Barnett He told them that he
had made a rule to keep all the trains
together and when the second section
was laid out, that held all of them.
But he said he realized what they had
missed In part, and he regretted now
that he had not broken his rule and let
trains that could come on ahead to
It seemed marvelous that with the
tremendous Jam none of the children
were hurt, but there was not an accl
dent to record.
W. E. Reed of Mendelssohn. Pa., sent
back word that In shaking hands with
somebody as the train waa pulling out
two souvenir rings engraved "Manila
had slipped from his hand and he asked
that they be forwarded him.
Omaha exposition badges were CIs-
tstbuted among all the men and a large
bundle of Pittsburg papers that had
come In on the afternoon mail was put
aboard each section.
One monkey on the train went by the
name of "Dewey." He had been adopted
by the regiment soon after their landing
at Camp Dewey and had been with the
boys at all times since.
At the exposition grounds over 200
ladles reported for duty as waitresses
and entertainment committee yester
day, and It was one of the painful du
ties of Mr. Howard H. Baldrlge and
others to Inform them that the Key
stone soldiers could not be their
guests. The ladles had prepared an
excellent dinner for the boys, and all
arrangements had been made on the
grounds to give the heartli
heartiest kind Of
a welcome. The disappointment or
everyone In any way connected with
the entertainment was great.
The ladles concluded to put In cold
storage such part as was not perish
able of the dinners provided and to
keep them for the welcoming of the
First Nebraska Tuesday.
No blame was attached to the Union
Pacific for the delay, but when It be.
came known that the Central Pacific
had turned the trains over from six to
ten hours later than schedule time, sev
eral unpleasant things were said about
one Collls P. Huntington and his road.
Beside that severe windstorms were re
ported along the Union Pacific yester
day, felling telegraph poles and pre
venting trains from making up time.
Regarding the intention of Lieutenant
Colonel Barnett to push ahead. It Is
explained that the plan east of Chicago
Is to arrive, at New Brighton for break
fast Monday morning, and be In Pitts
burg at noon the same day. President
McKlnley and a portion of tils official
family will be there at that hour and
unless the soldiers arrive on schedule
time they cannot wait for them, hence
the effort on the part of Lieutenant
Colonel Barnett to get his men In on.
Manager Phllllppl of the Missouri
Pacific, tendered the services of his
road and offered to haul the cars con
tanlng the soldiers direct to the expo
sition grounds free of cost and back
again, but the offer was declined, owing
to the lateness of the arrival .of the
different sections
McLean In the Lead.
Cincinnati, O., Aug. 29. At the county
conventions In different parts of th
state, the list of delegates for the
democratic state convention at Zans
vllle next Tuesday and Wednesday, was
completed, showing the following re
sults, for the nomination for governor:
Out of 02, there are only IV) Instruc
ted, as follows: Me.Lean 158, Kllbourne
69, Sherwood 36, Seward it, Chapman
7, Haskell 8.
Of the 513 unlnslrurted votes, the
McLean men are as confident of 320 aa
of those having Instructions, making
the McLean vote 478 on the first ballot,
or seventy-six more than necessary.
After the delegates once record their
vote for their local favorites, the Mc
Lean men claim not less than forty-five
more, making their vote 523, or 121 more
than necessary.
The contented votes will not change
the result as the contests are said to
be between MoLean men mostly. The
contests in Miami and Dark counties
have been practically settled through
a decision of the secretary of state and
those from Montgomery and Green
counties are not counted as doubtful
contests. The principal contest Is over
the fifty-four votes In Cuyahoga county.
Advices from d nerent parts or me
state concede the nomination of Mc
Lean and show a general sentiment for
Colonel James Kllbourne for lieutenant
Small Paper Money.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 29. It Is un
derstood that the treasury department
will soon Issue 110,000,000 of fractional
paper currency In denominations of 25
and 50 cents, and perhaps smaller. The
suggestion has met with favor at the
treasury department and It Is said that
In a short time 110,000,000 of this cur
rency will oe piacea on sain in me
various postofflees where the demand
Is greatest.
The main object to be subserved is
to facilitate the transmission of small
amounts of money In letters for the
benefit of country people making small
mall purchases at a distance. Without
some such convenience small sums are
sent In silver and are easily detected
In letters or a postal order must be
purchased, involving unnecessary ex
pense. Springfield, HI., Aug. . State's At
torney Hmlth has filed suits for the
state against several corporations of
Sangamon county, asking for $10,000
damages from each one for failure to
comply with the law which requires
every corporation In the state to file
In the office of the secretary of state
an affidavit showing whether or not
the corporation Is connected wltb
Kruger Must Back Down or Take
th) Consequences Must Sub
mit to a Suzerainty.
London, Aug. 29. Though no actual
developments have apparently taken
place since the Transvaal situation
was previously reviewed In. these dis
patches, public interest in the crisis
has been wonderfully quickened. This
Is due to the dawning realization that
Great Britain Is making the most
methodical preparations for war ,
The utter lack of official news and the
serious outlook have made the week
one of tension. Contradictory reports
from home and abroad have flourished
and on the strength of these the news
papers have seesawed from peace to
war and vice versa, hopelessly at sea
Endless supposition has been Indulged,
In regarding President Krueger's
counter propositions, but from a broad
point of view such details are not Im
portant as compared with the fact
that President Krueger has refused,
some say, evaded, the "Irreducible
minimum" of Sir Alfred Mtlner, the
governor of Cape Coloney and British
high commissioner of South Africa.
It Is now nearly a week since the
British government has been In pos
session of President Krueger's reply.
Whether It Is in the Interest of peace,
persons higher than Mr. Chamberlain
are still temporizing, or whether or not
a decisive ultimatum Is already on the
way to the president of the Transvaal,
Is pure conjecture.
The most conservative opinion Is that
the Boers will ultimately back down,
but there are no signs, Judging from
the military activity at the British
war office and the same activity In the
South African republic, that such Is
likely to be the case, though both sides
may be using the movement of troops
as a bluff.
That Mr. Chamberlain Is not In a
pacific mood Is evidenced by the publi
cation subsequent to the reception of
Kruger's reply, of the correspondence
between the Boers and Sir Alfred Mll
According to the speaker, this action
haa immeasureably increased the dif
ficulty of keping the peace. Com
menting upon this fact the speaker
sa y s :
"Unfortunately neither In Downing
street nor at Pretoria is the value of
moderation and good temper sufficiently
appreciated. The consequence Is that
the situation becomes more dangerous
and may result In a sanguinary strug
gle simply because leading men on both
sides have failed to keep sufficient
command of their tempers and those
of their Immediate supporters."
Prognostications as to the outcome of
the Transvaal affair, hedged In as It Is
with socrecy and countless loopholes,
through which either side might crawl
are thus debarred.
All that can be said In a very short
period, probably less than a week, the
world will know definitely whether
President Kruger finally acknowledges
British suzerainty and Its potentialities
or whether he really intends to resort
to arms in order to defend his con.
tentlon. It 19 palpable that the British
will now refuse to accept any evasion
of their suzerainty claims, whatever
concessions President Kruger might
The Transvaal correspondent of the
Manchester Guardian, a well known
writer on economics, says he finds wll.
llngness umong the Johannesburg out
landers to take the franchise Insisted
on by Mr. Chamberlain, but no eager
ness. He sayB the outlanders' griev
ances are genuine, but greatly exag
gerated, and not keenly felt except by
th hot-headed politicians.
The Saturday Review, In an article
on America in the Pacific, dwells ex.
haustlvely in a caustic vein on the fu
ture there. It refers to the action of
the United States In the Philippines as
little short of amazing, and declares
that Rusisa, Japan, the United States
and Great Britain are protagonists for
the premiership of the Pacific.
Commenting on the acquisition toy
Germany of the Caroline islands, the
Saturday Review says:
If the next great struggle is to Ce
between Germany and America, as Ad
miral Dewey thinks, the Americans will
realize their mistake In allowing Ger
many to acquire these Islands."
The Saturday Review adds that un
less Germany Is able to augment these
possessions she Is able to do little to
ward controlling them.
Referring to the alleged American
Idea that the Pacific will be an Ameri
can lake the Saturday Review says:
"The talk which some of the leading
officials and politicians at Washington
are indulging In Is like the prattle of a
child exclu-d by a popgun. America can
only acquire the authority she seeks in
the Pacific by an alliance with Japan
or Russia."
The Saturday Review then proceeds
to refer to the supposition that In the
event of an American-Russian alllnnce
Japan and Great Britain will Join Is
sues, and with the active assistance of
Australia and Canada maintain com
mercial and military control.
Referring to the future Importance of
Australia In the Pacific problem, the
Saturday Review says: "Great Britain
would probably long ago have left Ger
many and America to fight out the 8a
moan question between them, but for
antipodean objections."
President at Pittsburg-.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 29. The special
train on the Pennsylvania railroad car
rying President McKlnley and party.
arrived at 9:45, shortly after the sched-
ulo time. The trip from the east was about 700 warriors.
uneventful, but was enjoyed very much
by all In the party. Jhe prealdent Is . Hous(on Xex Aug. 29.-The Texas
In excellent health and Mrs. MoKlnley ' " ,
stood the trip nicely. As the train cotton crop for 1S9S-9 was about 310.000
drew Into Shadyslde station, where the bales, leaving the Indian territory out
party alighted, a signal waa flashed to o( the account. The loss by Hood will
battery B, stationed on Herron hill, .,..- ,.. h 2ro ooo hnir or 71 re?
when the presidential salute of twenty- reluce J, . ,1 , ?
one guns were fired. A large crowd cent. Shedding, prematurity and In
had assembled at the station to wel- j sects (and the rcduotion in acreagt
come the dlstlnguisnea guests, pui oe- wniin " .r
yond cheering and waving of handker- reduce It probably IB per cent. This Is
chiefs no special demonstration was based on the condition as It now ex
made. I '"t"- A top crop may make a difference
Ttw. nrMtdent and Mrs. McKlnley ,
were taken to the residence of Robert
Pltcalrn, superintendent and general
gent of the Pennsylvania railroad,
whose special guests they will he dur.
In their stay In the city. For tomor
row the reception oommlttee has ar
ranged for the president to
attend .
church at Christ Methodist Episcopal . first of October, at a time agreeable to
church, where special services will be the party leaders. The letter was writ
held In the morning. The president ex. ten just before Mr. Bryan left for tht
Krts to review the returning Tents) Pacific coast, where he expects to re
nnsylvanla regiment main until September U.
Only a Pew of the Big Combination
Organized the Paet Week.
Aug. 22 Independent butchers of New
York with those of other cities decide
to organize and fight the beef trust.
Aug. 23. Mr. Bryan suggests tenta
tively that a license from the federal
government be required before any mo
nopoly corporation be permitted to do
business in states other than that in
which It Is incorporated.
A big dry goods trust to be called the
Mercantile Reorganization company,
Incorporated with capital of 150.000.000.
This proposes to establish department
stores In all cities of 20,000 inhabitants
and over. w
Aug. 24. Corset trust making progres
toward consummation. Capital rumored
Reports of trouble between the St
Louis Street Car Trust and employes.
Differences arise from new and arbl-
tray rules claimed to have been put In
tore Dy the combine.
Aug. 25. Independent distillers meet
the trust representatives in New York
for the purpose of considering a liml.
tation of output. The independents
manifest a willingness to combine with
the trust for this purpose.
The American Switch company, or
ganized under the laws of New Jersey,
with capital of 111,000.000. This com
bines a large number of manufactur-
trs of frogs, switches and other equip
The consolidation of nine stove manu
facturers in the Pittsburg district is
About September 1 the American Iron
md Steel company, a Pensylvanla cor
poration, capitalized at 129,000,000 will
absorb five great rolling mills located1
in Eastern Pennsylvania.
The seamless steel tubing makers
have combined undter leadership of
Shtlby Pteel Tube company. Capital
Promoter Arrested as a Conspirator
Against Peace of Commonwealth.
Chicago, III., Aug. 29. The proposed
trust for photo-engraving firms in Illi
nois Is to die in Its lnclplency If the
mlted efforts of less prominent estab
lishments In that line of business prove
u potent as hoped. The first step in
this direction was taken today In the
irrest of the combine's promoter, W. B.
Brewster, attorney, of St Paul, Minn.
Mr. Brewster had made several trips
to Chlcagolo confer with members of
ome of the strongest firms In the city,
ind Thursday he presided at a meeting
f those Interested In the new move
ment. It was then decided by foes of
the trust that the time for definite
ictlon had come.
A warrant was procured and Mr.
Brewster was arrested, being charged
ii'lth obtaining money under false pre
tenses and conspiracy to "do" an lite
ral act Injurious to public trade, name
ly, "agreeing to fix and regulate prices
f half-tone plates and process etchings
n zinc." In the warrant were named
is those who had acted with him,
lohn A. Barnes, George. H. Benedict,
ascar B. Binnar, John H. Behrens,
Frederick D. Montgomery and Alfred
B. Bersack, all well known photo-engravers
in Chicago. It Is claimed by the
prosecutors of Mr. Brewster that the
combination he Is trying to form will
irlve them out of business.
American Millionaires are Making
Europe Highly Prosperous.
London, Aug. 29. All tourist agents
aere agree that this has been the record
pear for American visitors to Europe.
Charles Alvan Gilllg, director of the
American Rendezvous, established by
the Great Eastern Railway company,
In Cockspur street, says:
"Between January and December I
reckon we shall have had 70,000 Amerl
;an visitors. Probably they will on an
average have spent $1,500 on their
European trip."
The great hotels in London at present
are virtually American. The visitors'
trunks would make an edifice about the
size of the great pyramid. Most of the
Americans are now hieing homeward.
The trans-Atlantic lines are so heavily
booked that you could not now, except
by chance, get a berth on any of them
this side of October. Every true Amerl-
ean still goes to Paris, but the number
who make their longest stay In London
is becoming more noticeable.
A Call For Three More Regiments
One Colored.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 29. Three
more regiments of volunteers are to be
called out and one of these commands
will be composed of colored men.
Lieutenant Colonel Duvall of the
Twenty-sixth Infantry, the regiment
now at Plattsburg barracks, N. Y has
been offered and has accepted the com
mand of the colored regiment to bt
called out. Richmond, Va., probably
will be selected as the recruiting point
for this regiment.
Two more regiments of white troopt
are to be called out This will exhaust
the force provided for by congress, save
about 60 men .
The advisability of organizing a bat
talion of Filipinos to fill out the full
quota allowed by congress 3!,000 men
is now being considered by the war de
partment. Potam, Mex.. Aug. 29. The Mexican
forces are preparing to drive the In
dians out of the Jungle along the south
bank of the Taqul river, and force
them to cross toward the mountains.
General Torres has about 1.000 troopj
In camp across the river from Torln,
and about 2,000 In garrison. The num
ber of Indians In the brosque is nol
known exactly, but there are probably
oi ,wu owes.
Frankfort, Ky Aug. 29. Senatoi
iflaxkburn has announced that he haa
received a letter from W. J. Bryan, In
which he said he would be In Kentucky
In the latter part of September or tht
The following Is the platfs.m, the
reading of which was punctuated wltb
repeated cheers:
We, the democrats of the state of
Nebraska, in convention assembled, in
dorse and emphasize each .rod every
plank of the national platform adopted
at Chicago In 1896.
"Our confidence in the principles set
forth In that platform has been in
creased as those principles hare been
vindicated by events. The gold stand
ard is less defensible now than it was
In 1896, since the president has con
fessed Its failure by sending a com
mission to Europe to secure foreign aid
Is added proof that the people of the
united states must act alone If they
expect relief. The present legal ratio
pf 16 to 1 is the natural and necessary
railo, and the opponents of that ratio
have nothing to offer in its place but
the evasion and ambiguous phraseology
which for years furnished to the gold
Itandard advocates a mask behind
which to hide while they secretly la
bored to make gold monometallism per
manent Any Improvement In business
conditions due to the Increased produc
tion of gold or to a favorable balance
of trade, instead of supporting the
gold standard doctrine.shows that more
money makes better times and points
the way to bimetallism as the means of
securing a permanent increase in the
volume of standard money throughout
the world.
The republican scheme to lessen the
volume of standard money by making
gold the only legal tender money has
it last become apparent to all and must
be rescinded by the debt paying and
wealth producing classes of the coun
try. The plan to retire the greenbacks
In the interest of national bank notes,
lenounced by the democrats in 1896, but
then defended by the republicans, has
ftoldly stalked forth from its hiding
place and threatens the formation of a
gigantic paper money trust
Arbitration grows more necessary ev
ery year and government by Injunction
(rows more dangerous to the liberties
of the people.
"The Industrial trusts, springing up
n every hand, testify to the admin
istration's indifference to monopoly, or
to Its inability to cope with it.
We denounce the failure of the ad
ministration to enforce the present law
against trusts, or to recommend new
laws, If the present law Is deemed In
lufflcient. We are opposed to the principle of
monopoly wherever It manifests Itself.
We demand the enforcement of the
present federal law. the enactment of
luch new legislation as may be nec
essary and a constitutional amendment.
If the present constitution Is construed
to protect trusts, to the end that the
monopolization of industry by private
corporations may be absolutely pre
vented. Every trust rests upon a cor
poration and every corporation 1b a
:reature of law and laws, state and na
tional, must place upon the corpora
tions such limits and restrictions as
will protect the public from Injury. We
heartily commend Hon. C. J. Smyth,
attorney general of Nebraska, for his
sfforts to enforce the state law against
We are in favor of an amendment to
the federal constitution speclflcially au
thorizing an Income tax; we also favor
a constitutional amendment providing
for the election of United States sena
tors by the popular vote.
We believe In a government of the
people, by the people and for the peo
pie, and to the end that the people may
exert a more direct and potent Influence
upon legislation, we favor the use of
the initiative and referendum as far as
the principle can be applied.
We point with pride to the prompt
enlistment of Nebraska's quota of vol
unteers and congratulate all of the Ne
braska soldiers upon their faithful per
formance of every duty that fell to
their lot. While the Second and Third
regiments were not called upon to
prove their bravery upon the battle
field, the members of the First Nebras
ka have won for themselves and for the
Btate imperishable renown.
We cordially commend the successful
efforts of Governor Poynter to furnish
to the members of the Firet Nebraska
free transportation from San Francisco
to their homes, ani. vtc favor an appro
priation to cover the ertense. But while
we commend the soldi, rs for obedience
to all orders emanating from the chief
executive, we condemn the administra
tive policy which has converted a war
for humanity Into a war of conquest
i w believe that the Filipinos should
have received the same treatment as
me uiDans, ana tnat, as tne uuoans
were assured of ultimate Independence
and protection, so the Filipinos should
have been assured In the beginning of
our nation s intention to give them In
dependence as soon as a stable govern
ment could be established and protec
tion from outside Interference, such as
surance should be given now. If the
Cubans, as stated In the resolution of
Intervention, are and of right ought to
be free' the same can be 8akl of the
Filipinos, and this nation would suffer
no humiliation In acknowledging ad
herenee to the doctrine that govern
ments derive their Just powers from
the consent of the governed
We are opposed to militarism and
congratulate the democrats, populists
and silver republicans In the United
States senate upon their successful re
sistance of the attempt of the admin
1st ration to raise the standing army to
We are opposed to entangling alll
ances with England or any other Euro
pean nation, and contend for an Ameri
can civilization which will recngnlze
the lights of men, and, by a noble ex
ample teach the world the blessings of
In an agricultural community, educa
tion In technical agriculture and me
chanic arts Is of the first Importance.
and we pledge ourselves to administer
the Morrill land grant fund, the Morrill
special fund for agricultural colleges
and the Hatch experiment station fund,
which have been entrusted by the fed
eral government to the state of Ne
braska for education In agriculture and
mechanic arts, and for original re
search In agriculture, strictly In the
spirit of the various United States laws
creating the same, and we shall use all
other reasonable means to bring agrl
cultural education In Nebraska up to
the highest standard
A well known miniature artist has
produced a paper for checks which
makes It Impossible to remove figures
and writing for the purpose of alter
ing the amount. The check Is made of
two sheets of paper. On the upper
surface of the under slip somes lines
are ruled with Ink composed of any
permanent coloring matter wlxed with
easily soluble mucilage. The lines do
not show unless you hold the check Is
held up to the light. As soon as any
liquid Is applied to the writing the mu
cilage becomes moist and the lines run,
forming blot that are visible on both
Idea. i-
The lesotutlons and platform adopted
by the populist committee are as fol
lows: The people's independent party of
Nebraska In Its tenth annual state fOB
ventlon assembled adopts the ftdlew-
lng declaration of principles:
First We affirm our devotion to the
national platform of 1896 and to every
plank therein contained.
Second We declare the Monroe doc
trine to be the doctrine of national self- '
preservation and that safsty la to be
found alone la avoiding the quicksands
of lr.iperlaMem and dangerous waters of
militarism, nd we oppose all foreign
political alliar.ee and all interferease In
European and Asiatic politics.
Third "We hold these truths to te
elf-evident: That all men are created
equal and that they are endowed by
their creator wltb certain inalienable
rights; among these are life, llbi.ty,
and the pursuit of happiness." And
"that to sect re these rights govern
ments are ii itltuted among men de
riving their just powers from the con
Sdnt of the governed."
Fourth We condemn the administra
tive policy which has converted a war
for humanity into a war of conquest
We believe that the Filipinos should
have received the same treatment se
the Cubans, and that as the Cubs
were assured of ultimate Independence
and protection, so the Filipinos should
have been assured in the beginning ef
our nation's Intention to give thena in
dependence as soon as a stable govern
ment could be established and proiee
tlon from outside Interference. Mak
assurance should be given now.
Fifth We condemn the republics
national administration for Its compile
ity with unlawful combinations which
have Increased nearly a hundred per
cent within the last three years as a
result of Its failure to enact and en
force laws In the interests of the peo
ple. Blxth In dealing with tTUSU gad
corporations having a monopoly of pub
lic necessaries we claim inni uae iw
of the land requires that they shall
serve the public for reasonable com
pensation and in the absence of say
legislation uDon the question of what is
reasonable the Judiciary may determine
the question. The trust danger of this
country is so appalling that the evils
thereof must be combatted by every
hranch of the government We demand
judges who will obey the law that vesta
the Judiciary with jurisdiction iu pro
tect the people from unreasonable and
oppressive prices for the necessaries of
Seventh We declare that the repub
lican party haa needlessly Increased
tho rate nt taxation :that it is guilty
of needlessly causing an annual deficit
In current revenues of tne government
by useless and prodigal expenditures of
the people's money to be made good
by additional taxation, or the issuance
of additional interest-bearing bonds;
and that Its attempt to retire the
greenbacks and turn over the Issuing
nower of paper money to private cor
porations is a shameless and Inexcus
able surrender to the money power.
Eighth We heartily endorse all ef
forts of organized labor to better Its
condition, and we believe that all
classes of citizens and all legitimate
enterprises should receive the protec
tion of the laws and that all attempts
to coerce honest labor by injunction or
by the use of the military is a violation
of the constitution and the established
rights of American citizens.
Ninth Municipal ownership of publla
utilities Is a public necessity.
Tenth The history of the three splen
did military organizations furnished by
Nebraska In the Spanish-American war
Is the Just pride and glory of every
citizen, and for their bravery, valor
and devotion to duty we offer them the
heartfelt gratitude of the patriotic peo
ple of the state.
Eleventh We most heartily commend
the able, patriotic and conservative ad
ministration of Governor Poynter and
his official associates and we congratu
late the people of the state on his suc
cess In securing free transportation for
the gallant First Nebraska to their
respective homes.
The platform of the convention de
clared for the free, Independent and un
limited coinage of gold and silver at
the ratio of 16 to 1; for the control of
corporations and combinations of cap
ital b the people; against militarism ea
rn the interests of the trusts and a men
ace t9 the welfare of the people; against
three VC of Hanna republicanism m
showing the difference, between It and
the republicanlsm--or Lincoln,- GTilrt,
and Blaine; demanding that the course
of action for the country outlined by
the resolution of congress authorising
Intervention In Cuba be carried out in
its true spirit also with reference to
Porto Rico and the Phillipplnes; opposed
an alliance with England for any pur
pose or an any pretext; advocated mu
nicipal ownership of all public utilities;
charged the republican administration
with the grossest mismanagement of
the war department as showing the en
tire unfitness of the republican party to
administer government for the people
of the United States; condemned the
president for removing from the oper
ation of the civil service laws 4,000
clerkships, offices and situations as an
act in the Interest of politicians and
against the Interests of the people;
commended the valor and achievements
of the Nebraska regiments In the war
with Spain, and the World-Herald and
State Journal and ail other papers and
Mr. D. E. Thompson and all other per
sons, Including the governor, who made
It possible for the First regiment to
come from San Francisco with free
transportation; pledged the party to
further the purposes for which the ag
ricultural funds of the state were pro
vided and declared In favr of an In
come tax.
Besides the platform, the convention
adopted a resolution condemning any
candidate who should receive or use,
either during the campaign or in office.
If elected, any railroad passes or free
railroad transportation. The conven
tion received notice that this resolution
had also been adopted by the populist
A few years ago an eminent London
physician, on my mentioning to him to
matoes as an article of diet for myself,
said: "Why do you eat tomatoes?" I
said, "Why not?" He said, "WelL I
think that there are grave reasons for
thinking it possible that eating toma
toes increases, if It does not produce,
the liability to canoer. I do not say
positively that It does so." It strikes
a layman as a fact that the consump
tion of tomatoes has Increased as much
In England of late years as haa oncer,
Pall Mall Gazette.
Teu think you know all about wo
men, don't your' asked the newly mar.
rled boarder. "No,' 'replied, the lavaff
uacneier, "ana in najgnty glad I
don't"-is41anapeUt ImSuSL
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