Harrison RESS - JOURNAL. VOL. XII. Ifcrrison Press-Journal. fWTABUSHKD 1886. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Geo. D. rnoa. Editor. Entered at the Harrison jiost office Mcond claw matter. F18IOX STATE TICKET. 'or Supreme Judge, HON. SILAS A. IIOLOOJLB. "or Regents, suite University. EDSONBIClt, J. L. TEETERS, for congress. f In District, HON. WILLIAM IL NEVILLE. The revolutionists of Santo do Mingo have over come the federalists in the Kioto do ilingo islands. In all probability Hon. John R. Mc Lean, editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer will be the Democratic nominee for Gov ernor of Ohio this fall, with a fair chance of being elected. The Ohio Democracy iu convention a fcemttrd yesteruay, declared inequi vocal ly for the Chicago platform and Iloo. W. . Bryan, as its candidate for presi dent in 1800. Hon. John K McLean was nominated for Oovernor or Ohio, with ood chance ot election. The Democratic campaign fund now jeing raised for 1800 by "Coin" Harvey in this state has reached tlx) magnificent um of marly f 18,000, and will, by the time the presidential campaign opens aext year, reach more than 5 times the above amount, -comparatively speaking. And every reform voter in Sioux county ought to appropriate, at least, 1 to that fund. The nomination at Omaha on the 22nd inst by the fusionists; ex-governor Hoi romb for Supreme Judge, and EJson Rich of Omaha and J. L, Teeters of Lin coln, for KegeaU of the state University are an unusually strong ticket and of course is eqaivalent to an election. Jov- ernor Ilolcomb has a record as governor of this great common wealth, for faon- ty and integrity that cannot lie ain aid, not withstanding the republics.! ar gument to the contrary. The trusts can be destroyed wheaever the people carry their hostility toward the trusts to the point of voting against them. Our remedy, and I believe a com plete one, can be found in a law which ..will require corporations to secure a li cense before doing business outside of the state in which they are organized. Such license caa be issued upon condi tions which will squeeze the water out of Um stock and prevent monoply. W.J.Bryan. Read the deemratioo of principals en unciated at Um fatten state convention At Omaha on Um. tSnd inst, found on an other page of todava Press-Journal. They are a declaration of Principals with mo uncertain sound. We earnestly hope that every reader of this paper wil l read them rer carefully and fairly withoat prejudice as they strike direct ly at Mm root of every politician evil of this noUoa and Um arsasnt republican policjf. Judge Sbackleford, in the 8th cong rewdonal district of Miiassri was elected Tuesday to fill out Um unexpired term In congress of Um lata Richard Parks Btead Judge Sbackleford was the demo cratic nominee and was sleeted by an iacrsaesd Majority of Ui over Mr. Blands vote la Nov., 189ft. The platform of lbs peateeratic and Republican can didate was: Prat silver 16 to 1, anti ZpaaMon, anU-imparialisni and anti trust; oM atafldard, imperialism ana sxpaosMt) raspeotlvsly. Acoordiof to the Lincoln, Nebraska Poet lbs staU ot Nebraska has purchas ed voting machines oostiag $300, a .4.10., aggregatmf fl.tM.OOO, This maotrias Um tavantioo of Oeorgt W trooiUU of Dmvst. who has been ft II fot all jrasrs, associated HZRISOl-, EBBASKVTHTJBSDAY AUG Ql -rqq Our Motto- 'NO oiirr.oM ' U 01 -099. Willi him in tile enterprise Tucker of Hartford, Conn. This machine is purely mechanical in it construction. Tlw regulation art complete in every detail. Split tickets cnn be voted as roadily as strait tickets. Tlie booth stands six and one blf feet in height and is about four feet square, giving ample room for voting. Though made of steel it can be carried about without difficulty. Thirty-five years ago (his nation fought one of the most bloody wars, known in bintory to free 4,000,009 black slaves. Today General Dates, the emmi sary of President McKinley, has conclud ed a treaty with the King of theSulu Isl ands, permitting that potentate to prac tice polygamy and serfdom. No wond er the republican nnrtv lmW riwlnra that the Declaration of Independence has out-lived its usefulness. The deficit in the U. S. Treasury for the years of the McKioley administration are as follows: 1W .:..... .18.054,000 3s.on.ooo 1310 .8S,S70,000 Total 114,878,000 Receipts of government revenues, by years for 1897, lOS, and 1899 ending with the fiscal y.ar June 30lh last, are: M'.. M7,720,OOO 1H9H 401,321,000 1S99 Ms.2iA.nnn Total ...1,209.258,000 llie administration hus disbursed dur ing its term ot three years ending with the fiscal year, June 30th are: . 1W 805,775,000 .443,80H,000 19 005,093.000 Total... 1.414,236,000 Deficit for three years of the JloKin ley administration $144,978,000. Of the receipts of the government for the three fiscal years ending June 30 $200,000,000 was derived from sale of bonds, 876,000 OCW.from Pacific Roads and $112,000,000, from war revenues, or a total of $388, OW.OOO. The debt of the nation in '90 wa. 1$08.- 1,709,840,323 1,991,927,300 Or an increase of $222,08(1,993. Thus, if the administration of public n flairs of this nation by president Mc Kinley commends itself to the people, who ore obliged to pay a perenpita del or fit. is an indication of prosperity to our glorious republic, then deliver us. Exposition Notes. While at Omaha last week, we attend ed the Greater America Exposition and to us, one of the most novel attractions on the grounds waa the Hawian concert on the Midway. Probably the sweetest music we ever listened to wan heard at the Hawian Midway concert ani those who contemplate attending the Expos! tion should not fail to visit the above place as it will pay them well. Another place of interest which every body should visit is -'A Gold Mine," in actual opporation. It is a gold mine minature, showing every process 'of ob taining the virgin metal from the bowels of the earth. It is so arranged that small, mechanical forms of rainature miners are working in every immagin able manner, digging and conveying ore to the smelters. Any body, who has never been around or in a mine should be sure, when visiting the Exposition to see tbat feature of the exhibit which is interesting and instructive. Proceedings of Republican Co Convention . The republican county convention met Saturday last as per call by the chair man. The temporary organization was made by electing H. A. Priddy chairman and P. B. Bigelow secretary. After the re port of the committee on credentials, composed of J. H. Bartell and W. II Smoke, the temporary organizations was cm motion made permanent. The convention then selected the fol lowing delegates to the different conven tions. 8Uto-W. H. Davis, F. Force. Sixth Congressional-W. H. Corbin, J. W. Smith. Fifteenth Judicial-M. J. CTConnell, J. IL Bartell, The county central committee was then reorganized as follows: Chairman P. B. Bigelow, Secretary W. II. Davis, Andrews C. Christian, Antelope S. R. Story, Bowea-J. IL Bartell, Cottonwood O. C. Tally, Hat creek Z. F. Antrim, Montrose John 8. Ashton, Runaingwater W. IL Hough, Snake Crack-W. H. Corbin, Sugar Loaf II. A. Cottraan, Waroonnet-H. A. Priddy, Whistle crack-W. & Nicholson, White RivarThos. Davenport. Will They Nominate Those. It was reported to us last Saturday from pretty good authority that the repub licans of this county would, in all proba bility nominate October 2nd, for the va rious oflices, W. J. A. Raum, for Clerk; E. E. Livemore, for Treasurer; Franklin Force, forjudge; probably, Dave Rartlett for sherriir and either Samuel Jacobey or Will Smoke for Supt. of public In struction. After hearing the statement made, and beinz somewhat doubtful n in whether it was true, ve scribe made some inquiry, relative to such a story going the rounds, and, as to whether the above statement was a fake or not, we were told by a gentleman, whose repub licanism cannot be questioned that he had heard some such talk, but, he for one, did not think that W. J. A. Raum, could get on the republican ticket in Sioux county. .Orerlu Wyoming. In last weeks items we prevari.-ated to a certain extent. ' Andrew Christan did t'Ot go to Cheyenne to attend Frontier Day, but at the eleventh hour he decided to stay at home and save his cron. Mrs. J. II Newliu and Miss Ma M. Sut ton, expect:; to attend the Institute and teachers examination in Douglas next weeK. . Jlon. Ly man B. Cooiier, of Lahoute was visiting at Mr. Church's the last of last week. On Sunday he called ou hi Colleague Hon. Andrew Christian. Ads have lieen placed in the Chevenn Sun-Leader, the (.'(inverse County Herald trie American li.mKer and theDnily Bond I . ... uuyer, asKing lor t)ids lor the tifiO. scriool building Ijonds to he issued by Dist. No. . State Examiner, Henderson says its a go tins time and the state wi hid on the bonds. It. V. Moutnirim. t Kansas City Mo. wanted the district to give him S32.!i0 for Ukincr the bonds bu we told him "nit." The grasshopper hoppith where listeth and the farmer looketh askance at the havoc he niaketh and the bare ground that he leaveth. Albert Sutton and family, from . Pow der Kiver is visiting relatives in this part. He came ostensibly to make Una proof on his timber claim, which he does on next Saturday. Philipp Fries -was cutting oats for Chris. Christian lastweek. The harvest came on all at once and in a few cases binders had to be run on Sunday to save the crop. The high wind on Tuesday of last week caused a loss of grain to several of ou farmers; the wheat especially being bad iy inresnea out. In some instances from i to i being shelled out and left on the ground. Zekiel. SCHOOL I.AN LEASING. The rollowlni? described school lands In Sioux County will li ottered for learn. public suction nt Harrison at tho county treasurers omee, on Sept. 1H 1HSK), boplnnlne at too r, M., and contlnuclng until all ot said lands httYe been offered. inese lands may be leased at an annual rental of c per cent of the present valuation by the Hrnt pernoii off erln to tak the same when they aie caliod for lease at the sue lion, unless a premium Is offered. In which ciio the leiure contract will be award ei to the person paying tho KrouUt am ount of bonus therefor, falling to receive a bid of six per cent upon said appraised value of any of thoae lands, they may be leased to tho person who will pay per cent upon the highest valuation, as provided In .Sc. 15 of the new school land laws. In order that all interested may have an equal opportunity to secure leases, these lands are hereby withdrawn fioni the mark et until tho begnnlngof the public auction aforesaid, A portion of these lands are vacant by virtue of orders of the Hoard of Educational Lands and Funds, duly in adt, and may be redeemed If delinquencies and costs are pal before the land Is leased. '$. :-2S-53 lots 1-4 K-U SH ..Vt'ilKi w',4 15-'i7-.1; all 16'7-M! e", . 17-27-li3 all ...IH 2S as sll as.'u-fta n V4 SV7.M all WZb:i lfia2V( all 1H.84-M Sb-XS-U n, A i b 36-M-M all 311 MM w ls.ai-Sli D'.Ae Is-as-M all ss-iB M '. - i:m all Hli-'M-!A n-e- in 'i-;io all -..ailfiSS all. s-w . , I6-1I6-M all is IS) M ail lwr,S nSAsc. ...SM-3S.S5 all . . .hi-:k-.'i Sll ;.. 36 MS w.nw all KIIM-M all all l-2s-M e'4 . m-'n-m all ;.-2fl f6 Hilft.ss sll i-s-ri Hi lillKSM all 8!K)ft(i h w X.M-M all JK44-:,7 II 1S-4SA7 all . lll 4 87 all . IS-26 07 all M , .17 all . . 67 I w!4A e ss-m-K 4 newJ-wV-o m i7 &:i '-.ne as't-nwAiisawAas-e l.i .ss 8'4 n-en-wn-wiiH- , , ,, i7-f"- wviA',s-e leiW.VI an bui-n-s ae H-i fM uJi-neAiiin-wta e nw .HI-;M eSH'i-wAnswA-sw m him lasa-ra :w;tt ,vi wnwAi,n wAnwAwV.se e nsAsw-nwAsVi- in-n-'A all butiiX-ne . .J2U-ft4 nw i)cA,,neAnwAllV4wAuwe.....8i' -A4 neAunwAaeswAseSe - M-30-54 neA w 4Aw -e. is 31 54 neAswAnseAne-se . lfiXX 54 nsAnw nwAnwAu'ine o.. . . M-SJ H so ne AwieAi.WKc e ;-r 4 wl-j'tieAse lie . . 1(1 30-53 neiinWAa4 . i;io-M w',swAe . id- at-M w nu neAnw nAa'4nAwSAnw e 16 SI Ml all butnw nw.. ..... ; l5-7 HneAte-nwaei,iswaae . 1SSI67 ne An 1 ,n w Aw 11 w . is .so-iW w neAn V4 nwAse n w J6A7 ,....1B -SM7 ..1S3.',7 3B-25-H neAnw 11 wAsenwAiieaw. ......... nJiaeAae ae ., 4nwe'4sw : HAe'inwAne awAaiiaw M ae(nwaei4w MlffM do nwAaSnw.. .... . aj 5-7 all hut nw-nw...... 1SI7M 1 SLSt MaeAn nwMwaMe... ot 1 UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIG MTV ' - - IS THE DISTRICT COURT OF SIOL'X COCJJ- T, NKBRKSKA JTICE TO NOX-BSIUEST UEPBKUE.NTS. tSujmercial Iuventment Ooinmny, a cor porstlou, J. 8. Lawrence, whose trno chris tian .name is unknown, Nebraska ccurity (.uaipany, a corporation, defendants, will take notice that on the 2nd day of AniruMt, A. V. 19, Joseph Hoffman, plaintiff, herein, Bled his petition in tho district court of 8ioox county, Nebraska, agaliut Commer cial Investment Company, a corporation J. 8 l-n ronce, whose true christian name unknown, 'ebruska Security Company, a corporation, tho objuct and prayer of which Is to foreclose a tux lion upon the East half of the North west quarter, South-west quar ter ef the North-east quarter. North-west quarter of South-east quarter, of Section tweuly-cljfht (28), Township thirty-three (SJi, North of Kangn SJ'ty-four (51j, went of tho 8th Principal Meridian, in Sioux county, Nelirnslfa. that the taxes Involved in said caus'of action are the taxes asHettsed and levied thereon for state, county and school (llttrlct purposes for the years van, 1BN4, for which the same was sold to said pluln tiir on the 81st day of May, A. I). 1KS7, for the sum of ;B.44, to have an accounting of the amount due therefor, and for the taxes due thereon for the years is(fi, 197, ikih, pm by uld plain tiff as subrtequent taxes, and tacked to IUh certincate of sale. And said plaintiff prays to have said land sold fw the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due nnon the same for said taxes and interest thereon together with tho costs of suit and cods of sale and attor ney fee, to bar, loreclose and exclude the defendants and each of them from all title, leln, or equity of redemption in and to eald parcel of lssd and for general relief. You and CHch of you are further not! fiod and re quired to answer snid petition on or before the 11th day of September A. D. 180V. M. J. OX'OSNELL. Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICOONON-RKSIDEXT DEFENDANTS. MuKlnley Lannlng Loan and Trust Cora pa ny, ft corporation, Commercial investment Company, a Corporation, Nebraska Security Company, a ororat!on, defendants, will take notice that on the 2nd day of Anyust, W!, Sarah Jordun, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in tho district court of Sioux Coun ty, Nebraska, against McKlnley Lannlng Loan and Trust Company, Commercial In vestment Company, Nebraska Security Company, corporations, defendants, the ob ject and grayer of which are to foreclose the tuie.,jvfjii'ter described. In idealise of action stated In said peti tion the' plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lieu tt.p(iHj the sonth east quarter of Section twenty VS) Township thirty-three (53) north of raiige atty.flve (Jfl) west of the 6th prln. olpal mtxidlnn in Moux Comity Nebraska, that the taxes involved in said cause of ac tion are the taxes that were levied foi state, county and school district purposes in the years ls3, 1M, 1895, for which the same was seld to said plaintiff on the 8th day of June MSI", for the snm of S3t,.tW, to have an ac counting of the amount due therefor, and lor the taxes due thereon for tho years, IHWi 19", 1808, paid bVHsld plaintiff as subsequent taxes mid tucked to her certificate of tax sale and said plaintiff prays to have said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due upon tho same for said taxes and interest thereon, together with the eosits of suit and contsof sale, to bar fore close and exrludo the defendants and each of them- from all title, lien or equity of re demption in and to the sftld land and for general relief. And you and each of you are further notified and required to answer said petition on or before the Hth day of Sept ember A. D. 18W. M. J. O'CONNEW, Attorney for plaintiff. SOTICKTO XOS-BESIDEXT DEFEN'DA.T3. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK SIOUX COUN TT, NEItKASKA. Y. Castle. Dlalntlff. airalnst. SMii r. afiiiiie, mias L. K. Maine, Ueorgn W. Hester James O. 8arifnt, DefendanM. To Metta Muln,vSlla L. U. Maine, and Jnmn (I narguni. Vou and each of yon will take notice that the above named plaintiff ha filed her pet tltton In the district court of Sioux county Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition is the foreclosure of s eertaln tax Hen on tots numbers & aud 31 of blmrk num ber? of the vlllugeof Harrison, Nubraska, for the delinquent taxes on said lots for the years IssB. Itf.M). IHl. lfKM. isos ihim and paid br plaintiff and her assignors, and that tke said lots may be mid to satisfy said lax loin. That you and each of you msy bcToreclGSed and barred of all right. Interest, lion, at equity of redemption 111 oi' l isaHl premises. Ton r rannlrni m answer said mtitlon on or bornm tn.. mm, day of September IsiiU. J.Y. Castle, plalntHT. GRAT Gutiikii, Attorney for plaintiff. nD HILLS.K The undersigned is ag entfor .the celebrated David Bradley, Wind Motor, '.improved Wind Mills, ;tlj0 best made. Iam alHo prepared to fnrn isli on short notice first " class " ramps, Pipes. Wood A Steel Towers. JMksor snrthlny lu tbe Uuo ' P"f4 repairs, AT LOWEST Write me for estimates be- ore contract! na: elsewhere. You 'will save money by it. Addrjss-JOUN 8. A8IITON. Art! more, 8. Dak. OKT WANTED FOR ..THE LIKE AND Achievements of ilmini riv ,v.. I .yr.K" n"T' urst IlalHUsd. the llfthiong friend and sdmltar of the nation's. dol. "Ct and bnt book ; over WO pages sxioinches; nesrly luo paces halftone must Big Commioslons. Outfit fra, Ubanne at s lifetime. Write qnlek. The DoSstnlon Com psny, Ird floor Cukm Blkg., Gtajsaga. Hon. Will lam J. or. iTfie Commercial BaiS INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - . - Nebraska. , GCAPITAL STOCK PATD IN - --0 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - -o DIBBOTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. Chas. C. Jameson. D. H. Griswold, Cashier, CORRESPONDENTS- WESTERX national bank, n Yorat. I UUJUILdrUllUCIllO. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nkb "INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- Final Proof Sotlceg. All persons havlnir final nrnnf nnti. tr. this paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and If anv error xlnt nnmrt. the same to this office at once. NOTICE FOK FCBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OT THE INTERIOR. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Aug. ., 1899. Notice U hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make 11 ual. proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 16, hM, viz : JOSKFIf W.EARNKST, of Harrison, Nebraska, who mode IL K. Ko. 4438, for the SW S-W4, N-Ei S-W'i, and S-EJ4 N W!4 of See. 2;t, Twp. 29, N. Range 56 west. He names tho following witnesses to prove his cotinuoua residence upon and cultiva tion of said load, via: ' fiamnel P. nnfTiu .Inhn X Hf.Mt.n .!' Dwlgbt FT. Griswold and Lewis Gerlaeh, all of Harrison, Nebraska. P. M. DyKSiVGTOK, Register. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. DEPABTMFHT Or THE INTEKIOB. Land Offilee nt Alllianre, neb., Aug. 8, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlor has Oled notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his cluim, and that said proof will bo made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 16, 1899, viz: GISOIIGE F. PHILLIPS, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made IT. K. No. 4m, for theSXS-E!i,8-K'4B-W!4andLot4, gee. 31, Twp. .Ti, N. Range 54 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cvltiva tion of said land, viz: Peter Miller, Walter Pitt, Henry Rose and Nel Engiebrocht, all of Harrison, Nebraska. K. M. DoHElKOTotr, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of The Interior. Land Oflic at Alliance, Neb., Aug. 22, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following numed settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support ol bis claim, and that said final proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 39, 1899, viz: JOHN WEBER, of Rtorv. Nebraska, who made H. K. NO. 3934, for the S-E'4 of Seo. U, T 34.N.M W, He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous resldonco upon and cultiva. tion of sold land, vis: August Ring and Frederick .Sumner of Story, Neb., and Jacob Henry, Sr., and Ja cob Henry Jr., of Montrose, Nebraska. F. M. Dorkingtok. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Drartmemt of the Interior. iJind Office at Alliance, Neb., Aug.22, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his cluim, and that said proof will be raude be fore Clerk of District Court ;at Harrison, Nsbrnska, on September 30, lss, viz: JOHN W. TIDD, of Adclla, Nebraska, who made II. E. NO. 081, for tha of Seo. 13, T. 33 N. It. M W. He names the following witnesses to nrove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Robert Harrison, John Moseley. Henrv u. nunter ami nawara j. pelren, sll ot Ade lis, Nebraska. F.M. Dorrisotoh, Register. Sheriffs Sale. Netiee Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk or tbe District Court of tbe county of Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court in fa Tar of American Mortgage Trust Limited, Is plaintiff, and Andrew J. Hodge, Desire U. Hodge, wife of Andrew J. Hodge, Defendants: I will on tbs 16th day of September, A. D, imm, at tha hoar of I o'clock p. m., of said day, at the Kast tront door of the Court House, la Harrison, in said county, offer and sell the following described real estate, to wit: TheS-WXB.KHSeo, 15, aad MMM lu and 8 WM X-IH Sec. s2, in Twp. tv Rang H. to "Kux county, Nebraska, at pabllo eaetloa, to tha highest bidder for eask, to satisfy said order of sale m tks snm or Ma, with interest st tan psf cant, and cost aaas truing costs. THOMAfl JIOILY. UisrUr. siou County, Nebraska. 3STO. e. $10,000 8,000.00 C. F. Coffee, Vice President A. McGinley, STOCK BRANDS. Thb Jouhkal will publish yonr brand, like the following, for KM, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents, livery rarnier or ranchmen iu Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brand. In T Jo"- S.thClr,uU" Bl1 over tn state. It may be the means of savin money for yon! CHARLES BIEIILR. On lef t side or hip of cattle, I On loft shoulder of horgos. I iHange on the head ot Warbonnfft icreek Address Harrison, Slow Co. Neb. CHAKLK9 CMPHENOUR The brand reprsented In tbls netice and branded any where on left aids of horses and Also the L L broad any where ou left side of cattle belosgs to tks undersigned. Chaslbs UmfhEwouk. Harrison, Nebraska. CHARLES NEWMAN. The brand represented In this aotiea and brandad any whare on left side of cattle, and ever-lap oat front fs right ear. Also the same brand on left tklgfc t bones, belongs to the inlmintt. Raage near East Springs, south port fo Sionx oonnty. Csarles Xbwkak. Harrison, Nsbrwaka. s. w nkvwT On left shonldar nr im J horses. Range on l.ittla rntty.n. , Crawford Nebr. FRANK NUTTO. On left side or cattle aad on left shon lder ot horses. Range on Autelope creek P. O., Ghilcbrist, 8ioux Co., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow ing brand on eith er: -. Also HG on cat tie and horses cattle on lertsidn horses on left shoulder. Ranco on Silver Springs and east of slat Ine. I'ostofllce Harrison Neb flOO REWARD. F0r proof to convict any person of steal ing any of my stock. Cattle branded same aa cut. Horses branded same on right shoulder X orC on left thlgb. Sheep, point brand same as cattle and Are brand C ou right side of nose. Addrosa, David Colviu.b, Olen Nebr., Estrar Notice. , To Whom It mat oonckrk. That James Bonrett tbe undersigned did on tho 7th dsy of Jnly 1899 on kls incloeed land situated on Running Water, SloasCo., Nebraska. . One dark brown mare was taken np by me as cstrayed, said Mare belag mora par tlculary described as tollows: One dark brown mare, about three years old, brandedl n left shoulder. Dated at Harrison, Neb., this 3rd day ol Aug. ISM. JAMES BotTBSTT. THt UPTOOATf LITTLE LIVCn PILL 2lllounc9t W-l J l.iJU fcrTr r i "4 I . 3 i h i - W It i il A t 4 J r. "I v i 1 t I' 4 A V 'S - --'V -.; I' ' ' , '' ' j. . 'V '-, s. mI 't ' -