Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 24, 1899, Image 8

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1'. H. BIG BLOW. Prop.,
i T-.,,rr
Jcandies, Nuts.Tob.'icco, Fruits, Dates,
?KiKs, CnKes, l-ies, 13read, Stationary
A Fine Line of
Drueists Sundries;,
I'iirit. Oils. Varnishes,
J. E. FHINNEY, Proprietor. o
r"A Gvoil Umrti Counter in Connection and Every Thins
Sold at Living Prices.
J'OST OKJ- ICE IiL'1 LDING, Harrison, A eh.
Ladie s & Gentlemen's
I 7
5 n1
fl ;
! i .
(' ,
t ,
:-' -.
? if
All kinds of Harness Goods. AK, Flour and all kinds of
Grain and Feed for pale. Howie the above 1 have liuild-hi-
material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement fcc. Ac.
Call and ge PRICES before buying elsewhere.
THtusDAY. Ara. 22. 1889-
;eo. D. Canon, Editor anil Prop.
Hntnw Locals, each Insertion 5
Wspluy. staudlnz Ads: prices lor saru
,uide known o application.
Stock Brand and the XKuss JoCBX aL, one
veur $3.W.
lonAgu advertislnft must be paid Ui ai
vancc 1 or lurtfcusr Information Address,
Pkess Jour 'al.
Harrison, Notr.
Special Excursion to Ouiana, S-t.,
O Account of l.reater .
America Exposition.
Ticket, on sale Aug. 28th, 1899, At
511.60 for Round Trip. Good Return
Jug Until Sept., 4th, 1899.
F. Avert, Agent.
!J5 Reward for the Heifer and calf
described belew:
Strayed. From my place on West
Hat creek, one roan heifer and her
calf; fcaifer branded ffl E) on
right hip. Address,
Thos. DOTLE, Karrisop, N.eb.
Tom Bell of Van Tassell shipped a
train load of cattle from Coffee's siding
figgert Rohwer, sold his Running
Water ranch to Dave Golville, of Glen,
last week, consideration ?700.
Mrs. Cbria. Christecsen, of Andrews,
BpentMowl47!.thehome of her sister
Mrs. Oacar Wajcd, oO the east side.
FOR SALE: Parties wishing to buy
yonng pigs, can find them at Thomas
pOTXE'S, at .Bodarc Neb.
Hon. Allen G. Fisher, of Chadron.
was in town the first of this week, look
ing after sornn legal matters at the
4urt house.
The many friocds of B. F. Moore, of
Marsiicd will le pleased to hear of that
gentleman's marriage in Chicago to a
young lady of the windy city. Congat--llntiona
are in order, so please accept
those of the t;uill pusher of the J'RESS-
-P-y request of Father Kroupa, of
Chadron mission, we are pleased to ann
ounce that masa will be celebrated at the
i ourt house, in Harrison at 10 oVlock a.
jn., Aug. 29. All Catholics are requested
to be present and participate in the aer-
Tho many friends of Miss Marley,
will be pleased to learn that the young
Sady ha again accepted our primary
ftt hooS. She is held in high repute t
teacher by the friends And patron of cur
school. Our own views on this qtieation
are very briefly told, yi; we do not
think it is a very good plan to have new
.'teachers every yenr, neither for the pu-
jpils or teachers.
Hrs. F. J. Witt, accompanied byiber
mother Mrs. Ludwig left for Iowa, on
laet Monday evening. Oandma had
just come out on a visit to her children,
hut her huahaad who left here just re
centlv was gored by a viciooa bull, and
ia now 1 viae at the point of death, ao the
old lady felt it her duty 4o go at once
.ami be near her hoaband to comfort and
w1ace his laat boars. Mrs. WiU ato
went to be near her father during his
LOST-Strayed at stolen, from thia
,om on last Tlmraday, The printer
' -Mid his f!ce devl. Describe aa fol
i - Printer, height 7 feet lOiuohes, weight
4aewore about VA lbs. ewaggerralt,
, 'reon toJ, carries hU bead above the
-tie Ooo. lite devil, ia a fac-si-;
n( Um editor, is branded little
'WftMwMMt, when last aeeo
fr4biiaWior. depot, any
; boew of these two
.. rewarded by
'- -C rtoctamr.u
F. E. A M. V K. H. time table.
Going Went, tioing East.
So. IS, mixed. 11 :28 I No. C. mixed H:(0
'. X- -M. . V. E. R- s the best
to and from tho
t3T Preacliinsr every other Sabbath
at 11 o'clock a. m., and everv Sab'reitli
evening at S o'clock at the M, E. church.
Every bodv invited to attend.
R.v. J. L. KekpaIX. Pastor.
Chas. iieihle, and John Herman,
shipped cattle to S. Omaha, on last Sat
urday evening. John Herman went
Mrs. S. R Seamen and Grandma
Rodders, were passengers to Douglas, on
Tuesday noon.
J. M. Cook, of Running Water, was
doing business at the county seat tho
first of this week.
Mrs. Kendall, left for Rushville, and
other points on last Wednesday, to Vbiit
until conference meets.
Robt Necce. of Marsltnd, returned
com Omaha, Neb., on last Tuesday
noon, where he had been with cattle.
Mr.J. B. Burke, who has haen at
Manville, for-several months where he
had a contract for fencing, returned to
the family mansion last Tuesday, bavin
completed his task.
Wiitz Earnest thinks of moving his
family somewhere in the vicinity of Ger
jni?. that U when the proposed railroad
runs through that section, in fact he has
almost selected a building site.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter IUben, of Mon
trose Precinct, were in Harrison, on last
Mnnil-.iv. doinsr business, end whi!e here
did not forget to pay their respects to
the PBESft-JorRKAL force, we mean ail
they found at home, and also while here
tht inwribed their name among our
Mr. Mrs. W.E- Langworthy, who
have been visiting with the formers bro
ther, Fred Langworthy, during the past
two weeks, were called home last Satur
day, bv the illness of Mr. L's father. We
understand that Bert, who bad his hand
severely masted by their wind mill some
weeks awo, ia getting along nicely, and
will return from Seward soon.
Dr. E. Weir, and A. E. Fisher, of
Chadron, whom we mention in another
column of this issua as speaking at the
church Sunday in the interest of the
M. C. A. oreanir-ed a bible class for men
A sort of auxilary or preparatory stage
for becoming a regular member. All
who heard Mr. Fisher sing were very
mueij impressed with the ernestness as
well aa the marked ability of that gent
leman to lead the Ringing. A collection
waa taken up which amounted to some
thing over $11.00.
-S. O'Connell, of Ft. Laramie, Wyo
came into town on last Tbersday look
iog up a horse and eaL!le, which were
stolen from him some tirae.ago. A day
or two previous to bis coming to Harris
on, the gentleman obtained a clue which
led fcim to believe his property waa
our midst and so it proved. The Jordan
boy were in possession of the animal as
well as the saddle, having come ioto the
Doawasion honestly enough, but just
as soon aa Mr. O'Connell proved his prior
ownership the boys did not hesitate a
moment about crivinK it up. Mr. O'Con-
neU spoke b&hly iu their favor, and
left for home ,with his property on Mon
Teachers Kxaroloatlon-
A special Teachers Examination will
be held at Cotton Wood precinct at Diet.
No. 8 School house.
Aug. 39, and CO, 1899.
Emu Mjesjuam.
(bounty Si'ft
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c
Send in your Harness .and Shoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
Protfessional Cards-
J. E. I'lirNSEY.M. I).
rhy'wcian and Snrfcon.
Al! culls given prompt altuntiou.
office in Krur Store.
Prompt attention given to all leal
matters in Justice, Couuty and District
Courts, and before the United State?
Land OIHce.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
fgrLegal papers curef ul!y drawn.
Harkkos. - Kebba-'ka.
W. B, Dryer, from Pleasant Ridge
was doing business in town Wednesday.
B. B. Davis, of Chadron, wan in Har
rison, on last Thursday between trains.
Mr. and Mra. Gerluch, ffent Sunday,
with county Treasurer Beihle's family,
n the valley.
The furniture fof the new school
house at Patrick, Wyoming, waa recived
the first of this week.
Mr.Suesser, of Crawfore, pasl thro'
town last Tuesday en-route to I.usk,
with some horses to pasture up there.
Olnv Kendall, left for Chadron, on
Jast Monday evening to attend srho.il at
the academy, during the coming scholas
tic Vfcir.
M. J. Blewett, went to Omaha, on
last Staurday evenintr to 1 prent flt
.:.'. lalllVuIit.OC which WU.4 ill-Id iU
that, city last Tuesday.
Will. Bonsell, of Lusk, was in town
Tuesday after some machinery, while
hre he took time to offer friendly greet
ings to our quill pusher pro teoi.
The neice and nephew of Mr. Dryer,
who have been guests at the home of their
uncle during the past several weeks, re
turned home to Wymore, Neb., last
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ward,
on last Wednesday Aug. -J a gin.
Mother and child are doing well, and Os
car will recover from the effects of the
shock in a week or two.
Qeo. D. Canon left for Omaha, on
last Thursday. He was accompanied by
Master James 1L meantime Master Wes-
ey will be foreman apprentice, and
manager of the office.
Hon, W. W. Wood, of Rushville,
was in Harrison, last Thursday, attend
ing to some important biwiness matters.
John S. Ashton, of Ardmore, and
several others from that neighltorhood,
were doing business at the court house,
the first of the wee!;.
Mr. Iloosman, one of the Dawes
county ranchmen was in town lant
Thursday, doing business at the court
house. While here ho did not forget to
call and get acquainted with ye scribe,
call again.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery, are entertain
ing the formers parents, of Lincoln, and
to help celebrate the occasion, Frank
took a day off this week and made mer
ry with his parents in the canyon, the
beauty of which they wore perfectly
charmed with.
-Ye editor accompanied by the oflke
"devil" left for Omaha, on last Thurs
day evening, hence we scarcely know
how to account for all the meacDwxs,
which the "devil" is always ready ac
cept as his share, whether guilty or not.
But we will try to run a printing office
at least one week, without any aid from
his "satanic majesty" and accept the re
suits, without a murmur.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newman, of East
Springs, were in Harrison, Friday, to
consult Dr. Lsngson, in regard to some
unatural growth of flesh on one of the
sboalder blades of their babe, but the
parents concluded that our home physi-
cian Dr. J. E. Phinney, comes as near
knoi"g j'st what to do for tlieir little
one as Dr. Lnugson and decided to em
ploy home talent. A very wise cooclu
won b our way of thinking.
M. i. 0 Council, - - Co. Atloracj,
Prat tire in All CcnrU
Spcrial AtteutloB Given 1o Land 0f
flee lliishiesK.
CollpclioiH ami all hnsluess eutrnsl-
ed to nte w ill rwire prompt attention,
H.vnutwjS - Xkiikaska.
im:s.s making l'Ai'.j.on.
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patrocage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee wtisfaction and that
our charges will lie reasonable.
Mrs. lU'iiiiE RoHECHASa.
Onmitt.a Wright- retnrripd from
Glen, on hist Saturday noon having fin
ished labors in niai section lor iiie pres
A. E. Fisher, and Dr. Weir, of Chad
ron, were pleasant callers at this ofiice
on last Saturday afternoon. The gent
lemen were in Harrison in li)9 interests
of the Y. M. C. A. and wera greeted
at the church on Sunday at their three
meetings with a full house thus showing
how our citizens appreciate t ie Y. M. C.
A plertsant surprise was tendired
Miss Mary Moravek, at the home of her
parents, on the east nido on last Satur
day evening. A number of her young
friends of both sexes gathered there to
make merry bv participating fn various
sranus, arH wsio With vocal mid iiitr'i-
hietlUtl. lifter w hii'h "11 ') i'l"!. did
Justice to the profusion or goods set tie
fore the inner man. Miss Moravek left
for Chadron, on last Monday eveuiug to
work at the Blaine hotel.
Mr. end Mrs. Ph;l Dunn, were in
town last Friday, to consult Dr. Lang
son, in regard to Mrs. D's health. We
understand the doctor told the lady her
condition was almost hopeless, unless
something be doue tit once. In our way
of judgement, treating patients in this
manner is most contemptible, nnd we
cannot understand how any one claim
ing to tie a physician can so forget tlieir
duty, as to try and frighten a fairly well
person, or even a very sick patient to
death, just for a little of the filthy
lucre. The Pkk -Joukxal, says eaiploy
your home physician and you mey be
lieve just what you are told.
BropzeH From Tlifl Valley.
Mrs. Harry Zimmerman had a severe
attack of heart trouble on her return
from church last Sunday.
- Miss Neilie Reynolds returned to t-.r
home in Chadron last Saturday after a
pleasant visit with her friend Miss
Blacchie Coffee,
Jas. Wilson wfnt to Sheep creek last
Wednesday to look after his cattle and
found them doinjf well. He returned
J. B. Burke, and sons, Howard and
Emmet, are expected to return home the
first of the- wek after ao absence of
three months.
Emery Zimmerman, came home last
Tuesday to remain till tho opening of the
Ikllview school, the 10th of next mo.
C. E. Rose was making good time and
having fine weather for their trip when
lieard from Jast Saturday.
John L. Kay was over to the XJ ranch
last Monday and bought fifteen head of
yearling steers.
Kev. and Mr si C. E. Rice, came over
from Cottonwood Saturday. He filled
bis appointment Sunday and held servi
ce Sunday evening. Monday and Tues
day lie painted the church. As it was
the third coat h-i has given it, it looks
decidedly well in its new white dress.
lAst weeks storm produced more long
faces, than smiles, as there was a good
deal of hail wth the rain, and Uidly cut
tlws gardens about Bodurc. At Gilchrist
there was little hail and only a good
mm while nt the o1 ranch and on south
of that as far as the canyon it was a reg
ular down pour of rain and lujt. CUO.
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller broS.
Over in Wyoniijijr.
We spent a pleasant hour with"De wev'
while at Glen, last week.
Andrew Christian, is attending Fron
tier day in Cheyenne this week.
Mr. Petty, of Iowa, father of our
townsman Mr. James Petty, arrived
here on Wednesday of last week, for a
few weeks with his son.
We hear that there is to I a darce
in Hill bhatto's new house the last of
this week.
Miss Steers was visiting wilfi several
friends on the Ridge last week.
Miss Charlie Thomai , was visiting
friends in the valley lal EKiturdny.
Andrew Christian, had a colt bitten on
the hum by a raillc tnuUe one day last
week. It is still tilive.
U. 1. Cut I'li.'ii. i u pun l -'d a lot i,
laud of A. Lidinau in the vailey, a short
time at;o. ' ZEKilx,
The Comuiissionur of Public Lands
and Buildings wilt oirer about
acres of school land for lease at public
auction at Harrison, at the Ckuuty
Treasurer's otiiea beginning at 100 P. M..
Sept. 1H 1398, under the following pro.
vision of the new land law:
"If, after using due diligence to
lease said land, at an annual rental
of six jiercent upon the Appraised
valuation, the Commissioner is un
able to do so, he may offer the same
for lease at less than the appraised
valuation and lease it to the person
or persons who pay six per cent on
the highest offered valuation, as an
nual rental. iT, in his Judgement itis
to the best interest of tho state to ac
cept such bid."
Persons desiring to examine the lands
lobe leased may wseure lists of the
same, showing the present appraisrnent
thereof, as well as nny other informa
tion, upon application to the County
Treasurer or by addressing the Commiss
ioner, at Lincoln. At the beginning of
the auction, the commiasioner will gladly
answer all inquiries in regard to the
school laud business or the workings of
tlte now law.
Similar auctions will Vie held in the fol
lowing counties during September at the
dates set opposite rach,-
Bheridaq, oth; Cherry, 7lh;
Hooker, 22nd; Box Butte, 20th;
Grant, 2Istj Logan, 20;
Blaine, 23rd; Thomas, 25lh;
Loup, and GarOtld Wth.
If lists of tbe lands to be offered in any
of Owes counties are desired im medially
adyise the Laud Commissioner by postal
AclielvDineiiUof Admlrsl llewiiy," the world
(tr-.ti.t iikviii li"-ro. ny i urnt iiaHM'Bii
Liu, life lenir tr end and mlnilicr nf the nsti
on' Idol. HiuKi'Mt Slid bent hook: ov r M0
pmrrs, S-ilO mclie; nenrly lt pif" lmlf tone
lllustrstlon. llnlyIJl. Knornioiiadeiiiund.
IllK t oiniulmtlons. Outfit free. Clmiic eof u
life lime. Wrltrqnlek. Tlie Jiimiiiilon Com
pany.sra rioor imuni nuisT., t uicuxo
KeSanS IS -nll w t.
trmf. lM-nilBttwlir t'nslui MtstrVX1r tmut-
lU-publu un County Convention.
The repubUcsn etnetor ol Klou county
Setir., are rmiunntrd to wnid delegate I rum
their respective precincts to nwt In couii.
ty convention si Hnrrion on Suturdnv,
August !f tli Bt one o'clock p. tit. (or tjj pur
poe of clcctli,4 two deleK',u,to represent
hloux connty t I!i9 republican htoU con
vention to b pnld In tli city of Oinnhn,
September 2lt 111 ; two (Jel.-Kitt's tojltleiid
the repuldScmi coiiitrKsstontil convention lit
Uxingtun Tucmlay, Au"t a". le dele
gntn la the fifteenth Judicial rintr)i t eoa
veuUou (time soil place u be nsmrd I.
The wvernl precincts uro eutlHiid to rep-rej-entmlon
an follows, the npiiortlonmcnt
being bused ujioii tbo vote cast for tbe Hon,
M. J.. Hay ward for governor, In lii'JS, glvlnx
encji precinct one dclem.it at Inrije, nd ouo
for csch ten vote or tlio major traction
tliervDl ;
lint cieek
S ii. Ve ri-ck
1 Antilopo
4 Cettonwoo-1
2 llontroMi
J mi ir larj
1 Whistle crrelc
V i ri.ti .n. t
W hit Ulver
It Is reconimemjtd t'aal no proxies lie ft'l
miwd but that tlie delegate preHciiteusl th
full vote to which the precinct Is entitled.
Precinct mncusa will be held on Aug-utit
Zi st tt)i? time and pluc.es den! Knitted, aud it
U recommended ttiat st such caneusen pre.
clnct ticket lie pliwed In nomination. By
committeemen .
W. 11. liavls, sxcur.xAiir.
Cures Irapotency, Kljrbt Emlutionaand
wasting discasee, ail effecta ot scll-
t abuse, or esceRS ana man
tra and India,
rvo tonic &M
r. r.riDgs
ale checks aJ
Eire of voutn.
J"Zcrttlon. A nerve
Sy hloort builder.
'r -JScpink rrlow txj pal
restores the fire of voutr
71 3PXxy mail ouc per nox, x noxes
ir.r r.- with a written truaran-
tee to euro or refund, tho uioucy.
Send lor circular, Aaareas,
Clinton A Jackson Eta CHICAGO, ILL
Sold By Dr. 4. E- Phinney.
Want Column.
VOn 8 ALE At a bargain, a com
plete NEWSPAPER OUTFIT, consist
ing of news press and all the type and
material necessary for publishing a nat,
country news-wiper. Also a Job press
with job type, furniture &c. &c, which
goes in the bargain. Parties wishing
further information should write to
Tii Siot'X County Jocrnal,
Harrison, Nebraska.
25 CentH to Jan. 10OO.
In order to sec u jo several new subs
cribers, The semi-Weekly State Jour
nal will lie mailed postpaid from now
until Jan. 1, li00 for only 25 cents.
Its a big paer and this is a big offer
All through the fall campaign, up to
JUDO for a quarter. Twice a week, and
away aliead of the weekly. Its markets
alone are worth this, fiend in stamps.
The sooner you send the more papers
you will receive. Address, Nebraska
State Journal) Lincoln, Neli.
C. YPH I LI &tor i'lJia-riii'
aa7ei'.l r-i, TeMtns-rlMsattaalltl. Omm
S- n l er ciVs Tantsli. ttswlafii Mull IM
In. UU vi mm. M. WlUrtt HHflTUT,
, tUa.Mklb.tKUaia.1