Harrison RESS -JOURNAJL VOL. XIX. HABRISOIT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, ATJQ-. 24, 1899. Our aiollo-.-'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT SETTLED RIGHTV-Hou. William J. Krjan. isro. s. P r Harrison Press-Journal. KflTABUMtED 18H8.J Subscription Price, tl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF BIOUX COUNTY. iCteo. II. Canoa, - . T"UUr. Entered at the Harrison post ofllce as second class mstler. T r m f! lib-- I if 7 at . si-MTV: -w- nee Two Candidate fur the Sixth, lion. M. C. Harrington, of Kearney, was notninu'.ed ly the democratic; cong ressional contention, at Islington. Neb., on the IBtli.iust. and Hon. JuJge Neville of Not!) Platte, was riominr.ted by the populist party. Cfiiulioii Cuttle Man Killed lifuSliccp Herder. A x!notin:j affray, growing out of tin old row between cattlemeu and sheep men, occured last Tuesday morning on on tlitj r:mf;a soul li west of t'hadron. George Uoil, a sheep herder, instantly killed Thomas I'.van, a cattleman. Coil claims self defence. SCHOOL I.A.VD. 1 will hold u public auction for leasing school land in Khrrid.m county on Sept. 5th. unJ iv similar auction for leasing land in Chen v county on Sept. 7th, hoth auctions to he held at the olliees of the respective county treasurers, and the laud will ho sold under the following provisions of the new law: If after usin doe diligence to -lease said Unit, at an anuu.il rental of six per cent, i. on the appraised valuation, tho Comuiihsionor is un- ,ahlu to do so, ha may ollVr the same for lease at lefs than I ho appraised valuation and lease it to tho person .or persons who will pay t.ix percent on the highest ofVon-il valuation, as al'inual rental, if, in his judgement, It is the best interests of the state to accept mk-.1i hid." Lists of these lands will be cheerful- ,ly furnished upon application. 1 will also have aintior.s for leasing school lands in Iilain, Dox Unite, tiranl Garfield, Hooker. It;.ni, Loup. Sioux and Thomas counties fi.pt. lMlh, and oOUi, and I will cheerfully furnish lists of.anv of tne lands to ha ofTerjd at these motions, and the dates thereof, upon aj.phcatiou. If any of these lists are desired please send me immediately, y Postal (,'arj .... - .. i . i.i ii l-n .m.blican bunslatute niiiimpri- i J""r " ""uress, as e us u.e nt-d S25.1MX) to mm-hase an executive i addressM. of your friends who would like innnion? When it is known that the hciiudl land leaking. . Tho following described school lands Jn Sioux County win lx offered for lease at public miction Bt Harrison ut tho comity treasurer's ofllce, on Sept. IK 1sM, beginning; at 100 V. M.. anil continnelnir until nil ot said lands have been offered. Tnese lamia may be leased at an unnual rental uf 0 per cent of tho present valuation by the first person offering to t lUe the same when tliov aie called for leae at the uue tion, uulens a jiremlmn Is olTe--ert, In wliiclicaso tlie luasa contract will bJ KWHrd ed to tlie person paying the KreatCKt am- onut of bonus therefor. Kullinjf to receive bid of six percent upon aild appraised value of any of tliew; lands, they uiay lie leaseij to the person who will p:ty I) Jier rent ujioa the highest valuation, as provided In Sea. 15 of the new school land laws. Id order that all Interested inuy have an equal opportunity to secure 1cksc.ii, these lands are. hereby withdrawn fioin the mark et until the begmilutf of the public unction atjresuid, A portion of th'ite lands are vacant by virtue of orders of the Hoard of Kdiicatlonul Lands and Fituds, duly madt, and may be redeemed If dclingucncles and costs are pal beloro the land Is leased. j-'i. rA i lots l-t V Ex-OovernorMolconib, gets the plum for supreme Judge. Major Buaseil Hurrison is amorife' -thoo Htricken with yellow fever, ut Cu Aa. Hi condition is alarming. Tlie city of Victor, Col., was almost wholly destroyed by B.o on lat Monday, tall of the businev portion of the city wu wijd out. No insurance on any. The First Neb. rejrimet't will sUrt from Kan Franeiico, today, over tho Biirliog tun road on a special train for home. Tim Nebraska honors her heroes, Utter oo they will be given a public recc tioo and banquet at Lincoln. Why houldrep'!bbcns make to much fiifM about tlie Oovernor's Iioufb rent house rent fund wu notall spent and that which wae expended, every cent wisely accounted for, there is nothing liacretliblj about tlie transaction to dis- uocrt anyone. Admiral Dewey speaking of the war in the Philippine! denounces the conduct of Treaident McKinley, and says further the Filipino are competent to govern tlieniixjlves, and should Vie permitted to hIo so, by the 'Withdrawal of U. S. troops herefrom, ami thus would cease this AvhoUsalo butchery of human livts. a hich ate now sacrificed to please this Jlanncratic admiuistnttiou, of which the president is tlie slave. M- yet how 4iiny Uiere are who exult in this war ifor humaninty's" sake. Is it such.' o what constitutes murder? to have thtse lists, an.l sjiecify the lists wantisi. . J. V. WoKt'K, Comr. I'ub. L. & B. ACENT WASTEIIfoB THE I.I t K AND Achievements of Admiral Hewev," tlM world's natal hero. Kv Muriet Ilalstead. the llte loiiK frjead and admirer of the nution's, Idol. ll'Kxewt and ts'st Iwok ; over fM) paites Bx 10 Inclies; nearly I'lOpiKtes lialfUtiiM illust rations, i'ply i;u. Enormous demand, hip I'ouiUiwuton. mtnt free. Chance ot a lifetime. Wrltoqulelr. The Uuminiou Com piiuy, tti Jti.'jr CkiUhi Illku;., ( hieiiKo. IN Til E DKTRICT COURT ttV HOVX COirK K Tti NKliKIJSK A. " -3 w-, ad Tlio Commercial Oanb INCORPORATED 188S. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. w-i.7 i wt-i r'H'-r. ..hi i?-:..t j e'i ii-.i-JJ in,, I an nil 5'i-'js -fp.1 I nil 'ii w is : a l nil iu.:,-i-.'. all I li S & - i-24-.14 ii i , e l an j2i-.4 ail :v.-t..A -h lit.:-''" li,-:.2-M 111! .i-;i4-.Si Ii-e-.v..' !! : ! I'll ,n- i4-.ii nil al-'AVW I w v6 all h.-is-.',,-, mi i-as- all , l I'.i :.! ,H,-n-w 3 u'i&se i' n till in on nil m.-n-iA nil hi :M M . If'J-l -jn nil i0 all ;s.-,',i .'si nil , H. n all :. 21 y, uil s-w yiMi 'A nil in J; 7 nil ( nit i:v;,7 all !l i-ft7 I all : ull wi-.'ii j7 I wsfta-o i 1M 07 tv -neA-A v-e. - M s . uf a'.-ub it n'o-iwAn.'vs c-- 1' ':-..t S'i, Ii e.Vs-iU-W.Vll! as tlH,s-e, ....17 WjAs'-jse i;-2n r.;i ail bul n-s m; l'i-: ii J-, in- ii'n-w h sen w :; :'0 r,3 - jAc ,ii - An1 js--i ;; :( u.i nvr-iiw.ls'inwAsHVt i-,se 1MH-.41 ii v, n ejfes-nw . -. v-:tf ?A s ii.iA-w-nwAs' j, iti-';7 ail but ni u lrt-iMH iiw-ticAs' jiX'Aiiw.tn'iswJtnwse Wt iieAn'.tnw isc sw&se-Se ne.lw'i&swsc n eA sw &. n Va se& se-sc . neSnw-nvi&sw.tii'i'ie ' s iie-sewAiSCsw se. se w'neise ne neis1 jiiWls.H w'iw&,rt . . .-RO-M in :ii ot n;.s5i ii-WU ;-:;3-4 If) TO M s-i :w -le In- 1SOT1CI ;0 nOX-BBSlfrSTTlCrExnEUTS. - Commotylal Inveatuient CTompany, a cor poration, v, 8. ijxwrenee, whose trno Chris tiau uam ts unknown, Jiebraska Hecurity Company, corporation, defendants, kill take iiotii.- that en (be i!nd day of Aaitiist, A. U- ls'Jfl, Joseph ilcif inan, plaluticr, herein, filed liig Jetitlon la the district court of Sioux comity, Nebraska, against Commer cial Investment Company, a corporation, J. 8 I .us rijiice, whoso true christian name is nnknoW,t, Nebraska wicarity Company, a eoi poratif.1, the object and prayer of which is to forejiose a tax lien upon the East half of the Koa-Weit quarter. South-west qiiar-, tur of thr Horth-east quarter, Nortb-weat quarter it" South-east quarter, of Section twenty-elbt (28), Townahtp thirty-throe (:Wi, f-'ortl-. of )'.Hi:n fifty-four 1), west of the Bth PiTW ipnl Meridian, tu fttlhx eountr, .Nebraskathttt the ta-tes Involved 1n euld Caiiie f Jtction are the taies assessed and levied thweon for state, comity and school district irpost-ifor tlie yoars 1S04, 18US, for wlUc tlie same was uold to said plain tlir on l aist day of Way, A. II. 1WI7, for the sum ijf tifz.4i, to have an accouutlng of the niuoniH due tlicrofor, and for the taxes due t hersph for the years ISMS, IM17, W.18, paid by said iliiliitlfl as ubseiuent taxes, and tucked til his certificate of sale. And safct plaintiff prays to have said land sold for ii'ii payment and satisfaction of the amount found duo upon tlie same for said taies and interest thereon together with tlie cortf &f suit and costs of sale and attor ney file, ,10 bar, foreclose and exclude the defendants and escb of them from all title lein, or e iiiity of redemption in and to said parcel el. lnad and for general relief. Vim and ruclyif you uru further notified and re quired t5 answer said petition on or before the till Cay of September A. J. f hi. J. O'CoNSEH., GfCAPITAL STOCK 'PAID TN SlO.OOO.W (3 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - 8,000.00 -o- DIBEOTOBS. B. E. Brewster, President.' ' C. F. Coffee, Vice President. CHAS. C. JaMKSON. k , "r ; A. McOlXLEY. D. H. Geiswold, Cashier. jPflRPCCDniinrNTC. westejui nattonal, bank, xew yo. .uunnLorunutn i o. omaha national bank, omaha. n If Tlie famous train robbers known to the public as the hole-in-tho wall rob lajrs, are hemmed in, in Dawes county, detectives withos.tuuniber now surround them, and feel euro tbey cannot Ket way from tliem, this time. They ot iwto the racket through a woman who is in with the gang; of robbers and who bad plenty of tlie stolen bank notes in her pos seseion. The Rang are known in these jparts. and have influential friends all through Dawes county, wh are ready to make some ery plausible excuses for ithetn, this the officers fear. vMSIIND HILLS.a Tlie undersigned 3a apr ent for the ceU'bratec David Ukadi.ky, WindMotoi Improved Wind Mills, the bent made. I am also prepared to furn ish on fdiort notice first clartri Ptitispii, Pipes. M'imkI & Steel Tovft-rs, Tanks or nnrthiii iti tin Hiu' 'f v'i't repairs, AT LOW LT ilUtL.v Write nie for estimates be fore, contracting elsewhere. You will nave money by it. A:iiiis-JOIINr 8. AHIITOX, Aril more, S. Dult. sw-ne iiciiw iieAsi1ncAwi..Viiw so 16 5fi nil but nw nw e-2j-i" sHnewcwe! is ,te I (WW 67 net . i K, " -4 - w a w 1 ti -:iO-57 w ' j 1 1 e A ti '4 ii wS.sc- n w . 1 6 32 57 net u w-w ise nw.tnc-sw.. 10 33-57 n.Hse&so-sa ..... . ....10 :t)-57 e'ii-enwiesw SB-2S-38 e!i"'nw ( an swA:4sw ae-iK-fifl eH&e'iiiw04w 3fi 47.5s n n-ii w &s V4n .. Kfl Sj-57 all luit nw-nw IK-J7-tS ii'iiiieAn'nwtsJv'swjS -sXse . lri--i.1.."i KOTJCK OK I'UOil ATK OK WILL. 1 Attorney lor pantilT. SOT1CE TO NUX-KKaJUKKT DKFESPAXT. t. in: lis: oisraiCT court otr tiavx couxTr, MlllKHSiii. Nil IOi TO XOX-UK'IDEST DEfKN'D.VXTH. 1 THE IHSTKK T COL'KTOK SIOUX COUS TV, NKltKASlvA. We lenrn through our special corres 4Kndent at Cliadron, that our friend Hon. Allen G. Fishor, Chickaroautra- mighty ilmro. ia oow away down at tlie heel, be cause lw lias aa is his accustuined "wont wanted" nd still wants to bo congress man or diftric-t judge would do, but the JJawes county political kettlu boiled hard and boiled over, thus dashing tlie cherished desire of the enpt. to the lut Jd now 'he is out in the cold. Evidently aoroe of Uiena down thore liar not allowed tlie ioxt to obscure their minds eye. Thera 1 a Krt"t ot Kxl absut Pre sident McKinley 's administration, but the cepuWiean pr oa" not turn wholly tiside from their "beautiful white world" Ut llwd all the scandal it wants. We don't belie the republican party, in all its apleodW and non-apirodid hisUrv, ever rried a greater (juaatity of scandal tlian It has in stock at tha present writ- Init, and the Lincoln State Journal.nod iniaha Bee, two of the administration's: iiijrb sounding cymbals when they assail 4he ofllctal chaacter of this nut, In such a ludicrous maimer as tbey do, 'must be nware of the fact, and Iwoce Ul the eyes xf tlie public is trifling to an exUml pain ful to behold. Ve would not earn to 1st ibat kind of parly newapaper. Tu be so ir.tensely Inconsistent does not alarm ingly conduce to happiness in this vale ot Usj-4. The Journal and I We should Avort ut of tbair big flam houses! .1. Y. (IhsiIu, plaintiff. sKalnst Motta 1.. Slri le, Ml as I,. K. Maine, ieor((i W. Hester James O. HsrKRul, Defendants. To Metta I.. Maine, (illas L. U. Maine, and James O. Surnaut. lo:i and each of you will take notice that thonbovu named pialntltr has filed her pet tltlon in the district coni-t of Sioux county Nebraska, ths object and prayer of which petition Is the foreclosure of a certain tax lien on lots numbers 21) and 11 of block num. ber7 of the vliiiiK" of Harrl.on, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes ou sjld lots for tlui years ls;i, W.), Js.il, ls-.ll W3 JMU. ltj and pnhl by plalntliT and l:or nssiifiiors, and that the said lots may be sold to satisfy said tux In hi. 'I lint you and each of jou may lie lorei losed and barred ot uil rlht, Interest, lien, oi equity of redemption In or tu said premises. You are required to annwr-r siild ctltlou on or before the 11th day of September IsJW. J. V. CASTLE, platntllf. (Jba.st (.UTiililK, Attorney for plaintiff. State of Nebraska, )ss County of .sioux. " ' To all persons Interested lu the estate cf l'atrtck Murphy deceased : VVhreas, Klizebeth Murphy of said coun ty has filled In my oliiee an instrument pur porting to tie. the last will and lesUuteiit of Patrick murphy deceased late of said comi ty and a petition praying to have the same admitted to probate, which will relates to both real and personal estate, whereupon I have upixilnted Monday, the 4th day of Sept ember, 1KW at one o'clock 1". M. at my office In said county, lis the liino and place of prov lii(juf,l will, atwlm-k time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest tho probate of the name. It la further orde red that said petitioner Rive notice to al persons Interested In said estate of the pen deney of the petition and the time and place sot for hearing the same by causim? a copy of this order ut be piibllshud In the Slonx county I'bess Jou.inal. a newspaper publis hed In Ilairlson .Sioux county In said state tor three weeks Miccesilvcly previous to the day set for said lifarlnK. In testimony w hereof I have hereunto set mv hand and official seal this "day of Aunnst Wi9. Konr.nT Wit.soi, j hk L County Judee. ' , (A true ropy.) kafl-WssasVa I KIBI . truatniens for IT II3.BU61 tit! m BBS aSS (iHcaT.nervo pacxa of ot,t weakneis auS f ! B asBass decay, nervous debllleyanit lost vtalllT sent Tree for 11 en. postaf. Oa.MAKUlJi.ST. 120 l.9lk. SL. 2T. LOCO, tl HIu-riTrt Bale. Xitice Is herebv plvcn that by virtue of an order of Bale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the county of Hour, and stale or Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of American Mortgage Trust Limited, is l'lalntln, and Andrew J. FlodKc, Desiro II. llodtfc, wile of Andrew J. HodRit, Defendants; I will ou the Pith dny of .September, A. D. IW, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the Kant trout door of the Court House, In Harrison, In said county, offer and sell the following d--sc.rll-d real estnto, to-wlt: The 8-W J Sou. IS, and NJV K K and H Wi, N-KU -"i. R, In Twp. 3n, limns M, In hlout county, Nebraska, ut public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In tho sum of l.m, with I uy pUtutlir Wll'.iaiJW. Wood, pfalntiff, vs P.nth flfvrHht, defendant. To K f U. Wtphtdion reatdent, 4 Yoni J 1'iri ii ti day of J here tii, led came, Co u n tr, tii the obji from and p: fees, ooUjil ed In til" Coiiimere sl'.ilnsl rlct (,'oi.t You attueh. and tit' upon I-1 S-K' o of HCiJ west ol hraskiJ sale i attaelj.u! puynu-jiid duo sttl H1.13,"Vil per 1 for which for a Jd., tnur'tfcdej pruniltr. l found d a o Yotfare r on or befoij Ml' NOT! McKlnlcy ny, ft i-orju Comptny, Commy, a take )iotlco t li'rt), $U'Sli Jonf l:llt-im in the Ixmikr and Tnist ( vestrtent Com pai Coiiifay, corporal ject and y l ayer of the tsx llenstierclna la tU ca'je of sc tion. tlifl ptaintnT lien ifcvon the south tweiaf v (JU) Township of ranxoflity-nvetsui cipsl moniilaJi tu St' lhalire taxes involv t .onwe the taxes tba eouary and school d r-v . . . . . . . i yeajsiwi, imi, is-'o, i V TV tfo .v., 11 1 1 I I i lutorot at ten per cent, and costs andu, srulng costs. THOMAS IIOI.LY, Hierltf, Sioux County, Nebraska, new ('Ills. ss A IsEAliTlfU. AlTAtEKim IZITATlrTQ STRINGED ITOTEWffirfTS haa been added to tha wall known lloapa TESSSi 123 CASE, S20 CTCLT. With Stool and Scarf. ABE IN tUfi, WAlXVTiai aUIUaRt Writ For Partlculara. WRVTHINa IN MUtIO U'l l.'7tor the sum ofl ooi.at'us; of tbo ami tor ttmr taxes due tho IH17, KeiS, psld bvitd tsxod tvsked toUif aiiilid'J platiitltll prJ solor the pay inMt R, inlort found dae uft IstM and Interest hf t;io4,its of nt aa f eloa,id exeiadetrti' of taMiu deiapiion la nj KnnWrsl reuer. rutr notllV urn oi-j from alb' r lietMuin oi-r 1 insUi' n INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- Final Proof Jiotlces. All iporsons hsvlnif final proof notices Jn this pwoer will receive a marked copy of the pa:r and are requested to examine their notice anil If any error exist report tlie same tu this ofCee at once. TIMItEltCUlITRB, FINAL I'KOOK-NGTI-CS FOB 1'UCI.ICTION. V. S. I. AND OtrtCB, Alliance, Neb., July 19, 1HH9. Notice is hereby fflvon that F.pWAllD E. UVKHMOKK.of Harrison, baa filed notice of Intention to make final proof before County Judge, stills office, in Harrison, Neb., on tbe iiSth day of August. 199, on timber culture application No. 14'A for the J of N-EI4 ami N?4 of B-KJi of Sec. So. 33, In Twp. o. 31, Uange No.40. He names as witnesses: ' David Uartlett, diaries CauimenzsnO, It. Y. Johnson and Alex lowery. AH of Harri son, Me b. i'. M. loRlsoTos, - Kotister. , STCX'K BRANDS. Tnx .Iodxxai. will publtsb your brand, like the follow tax. fora:C0, perve&r. Kach ad uitiomil brand 7S cents. ;very tarmer or ranebmen in Sioux and ail Joining counties siiould advertise their brands in The Jolt r KALtts It clreulstes all over the state. Jt may be the menus of saving money for you. CHARLES BIEHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, j On left shoulder of horses. ( Itanjre oa the bead 01 Warbonnct creek . Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Keb. KOTlCE KOR PC BLICATiON. CHARLKS 4JMPIIESOUR The brand reprsented in ttils notice and branded any wbere on left side of horses and - Also the L L brand any where on left side of cattle belongs to tke undersigned. Chabljbs UarnENOCR. Harrison, Nebraska. , CHARLKS MKWilAK. rawpi The brand i-pxreted In this notice. I and branded any where en left !() of cattle, and sner-lap-iut tmm r .