Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 17, 1899, Image 8

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P. B. BIGELOW, Prop.,
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils. Varnishes,
J. . PHINNEY, Proprietor.
fcandies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates,
jFigs, Cakes, Pies, Bread, Stationary
rSTA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing
Sold at Living Prices.
A Fine Line of
Ladie's & Gentlemen's
JrOHWER'S harness SHOP,
All kinds of Harness Goods.
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c &c.
tW Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
Thcbsday. Ana. 17. 1899.
tic. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
JBnslaew Loral, each Insertion 5c.
Dlaplay, atanding Ada: price for same
nade known on application.
Stock Brand and the risss-JocMi, one
foreiga advertising muat ba paid In ad
Tor farther information Addrees,
Uarrlion, Xcbr.
F. E. M. T. K. K.
flaeato.1 Exeur-ioas to Mot Springs,
S. Dak,
Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, July
4th and 18th and Aug. 22, 1899, good
returning 38 days from date of sale at
On Far Plus $2.00 For Round Trip
od on Tuesday. Aug. 8, 1896, at One
Jar For -Bound Trip.
F. Avkby, Agent.
U steward tor the Heifer and calf
i ewerfaed Maw-.
Strayed. From my place on West
Hat creek, one roan heifer and ber
calf; belfar branded JI (flying F.) on
right hip. Address.
xbos. Doyle, Harrison, Neb.
JEt rayed.: From Running "Water, one
Blue Saddle Moras, branded I" "I Nod
on Uft shoulder and tj on 1 J right
lioukkf MJmiM
Any information as to th where a bouts
of th above horse will he liberally re
warded by Jfnta Jordan,
Gilchrist, Neb.
O. A. Garton, -was a passenger on
th east bound trura, last Saturday e ve
tting returning on Monday noon.
John Eberanecbec, of Highland, was
an to get medieinatVom th Doctor for
his iittl babe Tuesday. The little one is
quit sick.
The social given at the church last
evening uoder the auspices of the Junior
Xeague, was well attended, and an en
joyable time was had by all.
Buff Coffee, leaves today for
Oeorgetown, Tex., where his family are
exw living, on account of the children
bain if able to attend school.
Mrs. E l. Bowker whose husband is
now employed at Campbell, this state,
xpeetsto-dispose of her household ef
1ect and join him in a week or two and
lake that town her future home.
Mrs, Fred Bloniherg and little dtu-g
titor of nien were in Harrison doing
SUM trading yesteaday. While here
they were th guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.
jo. araur.er.
Mr. Phillip Unitt, of Seward, wlio
has beeti a guest at th residence of his
on ea Sunning Water during tb past
wreral weeks, Uft for bom oo last
Usskiay evening.
Through on of our special curriers,
w learned that Wih Ean si, bad
I Ue family to Csawford, nnUl h
i B a new louafc. Bop Wilt
' Mi inlds to leave Sioux county.
4Jto X. B.Jansswn. ofChadre, who
teak tpmtUmg Ma vaeatio at
of Ma grand asftjHi
, Uft for ha m iMt Monday
r-Virgii Hester, and Ma lltti so.
Owl arrived m the noo traia
irgil has baa in toe vicinity
4 CsEaiaa daiaeg sever! wis whet
ta Cani of a ear of horses which he
alTSl fraaa here. LKU Cecil
fry ft rtctt ba Oman and Ordna.
i AnmZtj to a apaetol pt,
C-t3tTsM to th Sunday State
Vr-rrlrt caatefltoa baa bee .
""e CotMWOOefl
Eagia X, Or a
-jpi eySjWf ia3M) 1rT0
Also, Flour and all kinds of
F. E. V Jf . V 0. &. lime table.
Going West. Going East.
.10. 5, railed. 11 t-JB Ma. -e, mixed 8:00
E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the)
tW Preaching every other Sabbath
at 11 o'clock a. ra., and every Sabbath
evening at 8 o'clock at the M, E. church.
Every body invited to attend.
Rev. J. L. Kendall. Pastor.
County Treasurer Beihle, is over on
Indian creek looking after his live stock,
rounding them up for market and brand
ing others.
Mrs. M. J. Blewett, returned from
Crawford, last Tuesday. wjbere she had
spent a few days at the bom of ber par
ants. We understand that Cbariiey Haneon
up near Van Tassell will move his family
ia the lower part of the W. B. Smith
building in time for his children to at
tend school, soon a it commences.
Carl A. Larson, section foreman
above Van Tassell, was in town Mon
day looking up a house to rent for his
family to mov into, so that his children
may take advantage of the school here
this com m ing fall and winter.
Articles of Incorporation, of the
Nebraska, Wyoming and Western R. R.
Co., wer filed in the county clerks
offlce, Tuesday. The road extends from
Alliance in Box Butte county this state
and on through "Wyoming to the Idaho
By request of Father Kroupa, of
Chad roil mission, we are pleased to ann
ounce that mass will be celebrated at the
Court house, in Harrison at 10 oV-lck a.
m.. Aug. 29. All Catholics are requested
to be present and participate in the ser
vices. Lee and Will Dickinson, aod their
father, who came out from Caro, Mich.,
a month ago on a visit with his sons,
were up from Snake Creek, Monday and
Tueaday doing business in our town.
Mr. Dickinson senior aod his son will
leave for the formers borne in Michigan
io a week or ten days.
Tb notes and private papers which
were taken from Marstetler Bros., safe
by a burgular, after blowing open the
safe in their store about two months ago
were found north of town in a canyon by
Otto Ttatza but Friday, and returned to
the boys Saturday. Some of the papers
and notes bad blown away but th most
important one were found all o. k. As
yet, Mr. TiU ha not kid any claim
toth reward offered by M. Bros., and
he may not do so but without doubt
the boys will suitably reward him in
some way. Th discovery will save
them much expense and extra trouble.
Last Thursdav, Chart Verity, who
now represent tb Western Newspaper
Union, mad this town in the Interest
of his company, stopping over notil
Friday evening, when he lft for Hot
Springs, & Dak., where be west to take
medicated, Hot baths for a day or so,
wbeo he will resume businees again for
Wester N. P. Union. Mr. Verity waa
one of the first raedantaof th metropo
lis of Siona county, and doriof his ee
jdtarn bees waa editor and publisher of
tb Harmon ladanendant. which ha
sold to L J. Simmons, th then editor
of tb Sioux County Journal. Mr. Ver
ity is a ractical, all round aewapaper
man, a proof of which wa hav now ia
ear oOos tb flies of the defunct Hr-
rlaon Indanenaent Beiagaa old tiaaar
of this town, Mr. Verity waa a gat of
the eotir village, la fact tb freadoas
of the town waa tarned wr to Mas.
Oarlaialy, it ia th Vfaaton Vwanpr
Uatoa w awv hn lactam Is aaa
wtUtj tfearvieaf Er. VerHv a
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c
Send in your Harness and Shoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
Professional Cards.
Phjlscian and Snrgeon.
All call given prompt attention.
Office In Drng Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, aud before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
7Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison, - Nebraska.
Dr. Romine, and wife of Chadron,
were in Harrison last Thursday, otf busi
Charles Biehle and John Herman,
will make a shipment of cattle 'Satur
Mrs. Ed. Bowker, and children re
turned from their trip down the road on
last Friday.
Best Patent flour $1.00 per 100
poucds, in 900 pound lots, and half pat
ent 1.90, at Ranch Supply House.
Toe show at Harrison, on last Fri
day nigbt was not a very brilliant one.
Yet the managers took ia in the cash all
FOR SALE: Parties wishing to buy
vounp p'gs, can find them at THOMAS
Doyle's, at Bodarc Neb.
Mrs. Grant Gutbne and children re-
rned on last Friday from an extended
visit to Kansas and other south and east
ern points.
Mr. and Mrs. Langworthy of Run
ning Water, are entertaining Mr. L's.
brother and his wife from the eastern
part of the state.
Attorney M. J. O'Connell, and Hen
ry Blewett, drove to Hot Springi, on
last Saturday, to spend a day or two,
and enjoy the baths.
Numerous reports are coming
from different parts of the county that
the peskey graxshoDper is becoming
more and more plentiful.
We learned incidentally, that Prof,
Lindernan, has been employed to teach
the High school here this year, and we
feel the choice is a wise one.
Agent Avery, expects his father and
mother tomorrow from Lincoln on a two
weeks visit and poeibly longer if they
ean be prevailed on to stay.
Mrs. Moore of Iowa, sister of Wil
liam Miller. North-west of town will be
out on a visit for a week or two besides
attending to tteme business affairs'
while her.
F. J. Witt, received telegram from
low Saturday that bis father-in-law
bad been quite senouly gored by a vis
ciout bull, soon after arriving home
from Nebraska.
Mr. Kuhns, sister of Charley Cam
menziod and Mrs. Maggie Hals, near
Sunning water, arrived from Omaha,
but Saturday and will visit with ber rel
ativss for a week or two.
Frank Smith, and little daughter of
Dead wood S. Dak., son of W. R. Smith
of this place, and brother of Mrs. John
Marsteller, came down on a two-daya-
viait Saturday, returned bom Monday
A daughter of F.J. Witt, who has
be attending school in Iowa, for tb
past two year and her grandmother ar
rived bar a week ago, Grandma Ludwig
will visit for a couple of month before
br return horn.
Aanrr w Arran roa-rwi i.ir and
sfeal veeaente T Admiral tenrev." the worlds
tisatset aaval hero. r Mmrnt llaatead,
lee Ufa-lose t rlend and admirer of the netl
ewaM. bist and beet book ; owf H
fia amw; nearly M pages half tone
0l7tje. Baoratona 1 aart.
mui ire, i aaae eoi a
ft.-.-lrfl. wrsxsenlak, TbelXiwilalonUKa
sea, trd f-weVto ftMg., Chtea.
S. J. O C'onnell, - - Co. Attorney,
Wlll Practice in All Court.
Special Attention Given to Land Of
fice Bnineg.
Collections and all boxlnegg entrust
ed to me will receive prompt attention.
Habrison - Nebraska.
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction and that
our charges will be reasonable.
Mrs. Maooik Rosecran&
He ia a Practical Stock Man.
Mr. J. W. Snyder, who came up from
Georgetown, Tex., couple of months
ago, aod who by the way is a brother-in-law
of a F. and S. B. Coffee, of this
county, has about concluded to locate
somewhere in our midst. Although, he
gave us to understand that he might yet
change his mind relative to locating io
in this (Sioux county.
Mr. "Snyder, shipped to this county
from Texas 900 cows, 450 of which have
calves by their sides. The same being
good grades of Hureford and Durham
stock. He will sell either the 4.'0 dry
cows, or the 450 with calves by their
side. The cattle are now being grazed
on the J. W. Earnest ranch, about 15
miles soulh of town on Runnincr Water.
In von vermilion with county clerk Blew
ett, who has seen tho cattlu aui who is
a competent judge elaims tbe stock are
all O. k. as represented by Mr. Snyder.
Mr. Snyder is an old live stockman of
SO years experience, having had 15 years
experience in western Wyoming, and
hence, knows the kind of cattle best ad
opted for the ranches in this section of
tbe country.
Parties wbo are contemplating buy
ing 00 or a 100 bead of cows with or
without calves would do well to make a
trip to the Earnest Ranch and see the
cattle above mentioned. Tbey are with
out doubt tlie cheapest cattle that bus
come into Sioux county for some time.
MontroMC Clipping)..
A good rain would help out our gard
en truck wonderfully.
Anna Gay hart, returned to Norfolk,
Neb., today after a two months visit at
home. She will begin teaching there tbe
Grst part of September.
White out Riding Sunday, we met
Henry Henry, who has jut returned
from the exposition he thought it was
just grand.
There area number of cattle buyers
around now-a-days end quite a few cat
tle have changed hands lately at fair
prices. Saoe.
Maeonic News.
Not much news on White River now-a-
Chfcs. Knls'rom end James Nelson hat
Mr. William Johnson was noma irom
the railroad, last week and bought sev
eral cows.
Mr. Tho. Davenport is filing up to
driv over-land to Greely, Col., in a
short time.
W had a heavy shower on last Sun
day nigbt, lighting atruck in several
places io this vicinity, but did little or
no damage.
Seat Crawford wa in this neighbor
hood Saturday, aod told ns Jeaa wa
going to be married, and laugbed at tb
Mr. Fred Mason has Ma bouse finished
and ba moved into It. .
BORN To Mr. aod Mrs. J. T. Mason,
a son, toother ana child doing wen j. t.
is stepping high. Dewbt.
Km tea. Ini n I 'u ea
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Breeato From The Valley.
Jas. Wilson returned home Sunday
having finished haying a t the S E
Mr. Ebencpeche'r babe was quite sick
Sunday and Monday. We have not
beard later.
Walter Henry of Ardmore was visit
ing relatives in this vicinity o n Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. Wohlbeter's have begun cutting
corn. Guess they did not see the raia
coming Tuesday night.
It rained Tuesday evening, it did,
which caused us to smole a very broad
smile, for it will keep our posies bloom
ing a while longer.
Mr. C. F. Coffee went to town Tues
day accompanied by Mis- Florence
Brooks, who hns been M id-nin wk
with her frienl Mm fcUm;jM tVffe-.
Mis BruoVs returned to Chadron Tuea
day evening.
We gathered cherries at Mr. Antrim's
Tuesday and hereafter we will have but
ter for our bread.
We are glad to learn tbat Johnnie Fitz
gerald is getting along nicely with his
broken leg aod will soon be about again
we hope. The little fellow is a grand
son of Judge Hunter's, and lives at Hat
A new mail carrier arrived with the
U, 8. mail on Saturday and will con
tinue to carry the same till 1003. Tbe
new carrier is Guy Kendall who has re
cently come from Iowa.
Rev. Kendall and family gathered
chokechcrries at Mr. Antrim's Saturday
and spent the bight at F. W. Knotts.
Rav Kendall will preach once more at
Bodarc this conference year reraember
the time, Aug. 27. Rev. Rice will preach
next Sunday.
Thanks Mr. Editor for tbe nom d
plum we were at a lose how to sign our
selves this time. Clio.
Over in Wyoming.
Harvest will begin in earnest
F. B. Hamlin, bought a new Piano
binder of Hester and Son, a short time
a-o. He tried it on a patch of barley
last week and is well pleased wit'i tbe
Rev. Taylor, preached his farewell
sermon at Pleasant Ridge on last Sun
day. Conference convenes io Casper tbe
24th Inst, aod be doe not expect to be
sent back here.
Hill Shatto is building a house on his
claim in West Pleasant Ridge.
Tb election to bond the district pass
ed off quietly on th 10th. Th vote
stood eleven for and two against bond
Th District may not go to t he ex
pane of advertising as party in Kan
sas City is negouaUag forth boods t
private sale.
A Mr. Blank, of Laramie, wa a caller
on tb Ridge tbe first of th week. He
waa bar in tb interest of th Wyom
ing Cclleg at that plane.
To those who are constantly Ceding
fault with th teaober employed la this
district w would aay that if you
hav any relative capable of teachinf
anhool in Wyoming, just to trot tiiees
ut and w will fir them a chanc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ele.r, who have been vi
iting the family of Mr. Zumbruonen, for
the past month, xtarted on an extended
trip to Met and Mcpherson counties
No we did'nt get any sage hens.
J. II. Newlin made a trip to Mien yes
terday He expects to get bark next
Saturday. Zekiel.
Republican Couuty Convention.
The republican elector ol 81ox eonotv
Nclir., are reqiu-xfcvl to mix ilel-iraU from
tbeir ri;apcllre j.rotriru to meet In coun
ty convention at Mnrrlon on ftaturduv,
Aognat with at one o'clock p. m. fur the pur
poie or -wlecting two ddU-flrt to ropreofliit
hloux comity lit the ropublloun Ktxla rnn
rentlon to be held In tue city ot Oman.
Siptrmlx-r 21m H; two df-k-ffaten to attend
the n publlcuti congremional convention at
I rxlnetuii Tnftday, Augu-jt SO! two dele
(ak io the fifteenth Juitielal OUtrlct con
vention (time and place to be named J.
1 he ever.'U precinct are entitled to rep
resentation an follows, the apportionment
bilnff baxed upon the vole catt fur the Hon.
M. L. Ilayward for governor. In ISM, giving
each precinct one delegate at large, and one
for each ten vote or the major traction
thereof ;
Hat creek
Snake creek
War lion net
Wbltu River
Antelope I
Cottonwood J
MontroM t
Sugar Loaf 2
Whistle creek . 1
It lfi recommended that no proxin be ail
ml led but thit tho dek-gulctprmentcaiit tbe
full vote to which the prvcinrl 1 entitled.
product caucaaca wilt he held on Augutt
24 at the time and place deigtiuld, and it
I riic-oiumenUed that at ucb caucnae pre
cinct ticket le placed lu nomination. -By
committeemen .
W. U. Uavi. HKCRKlARY.
estsret WAUir.
Cures Impotency, Night Emission and
wasting diseases, ail effects of self-
abuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerre tonic and
blood builder. Brings tbe
pink glow to pale cheeks and
rcatoree the fire of youth.
iHy mall BOe per box, 6 boxes
for $2.00; wltb a written gruaran-
iec io euro or renina toe money.
Bend for circular. Address,
CTintori etJaoon Sta CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold By Dr. J, E. Phlnney.
Want Column.
FOR BATjKi At a bargain, a com
plete NEWSPAPER OUTFIT, consist.
Ing of news preasand all tbe type and
material neceaaary for publishing a mat,
country newspaper. Also a Job press
with job type, furniture &c. Ac., which
goes In th bargain. Parties wishing
further information should write to
The Skwx Cocett Jocbxal,
Harrison, Nebraska.
r. le Wona y tUtMT Ms
sawe ier va
Baa Foot
IHmtH Macmincov.
Pracrkaf, Mrerg , Karabf.
W. P. Jalta Oarsas
ajacltwe. ulleal. .
. 1 A-
' ff '