Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 17, 1899, Image 7

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    ill u&n J u h ft,T1.'ilP'n P7 mornlo. Sept 3d.
c-n atleud thin oolleire for one-hull
nu wiuretset or youim people luter
rear free. Our no
A Rooalpt Book That Should B It
Every Horn.
w Sena for a r,hvH.,. - .
KX.rSTi: Kend"' Perfected
Tactical book, which any man or wo
JJl.e? understand. Aa a rule suet
ZTtHm . . cnlcted and eaa no
r..- ,m d by PPe "ho need th
formation men. Peopl. do not car.
Pbwok of th, k,n4 'ch calli fo.
i,.?t,r "Plain. They want a bool
rC reeds no tiplaoatloa and whlct
ni Is i them out of their dlfflcultlei
JMM the lame time save then bl(
r. Kendall'a Perfected Receipt Bool
WM prepared by an eminent pbyaioian
"oclatlon with the peopl.
Blua bun thorouvhlv
tfrtillr Increasing deair of near!)
trtryoM to know for themselves what
w 10 ao When ilck, and this knowl
stimulated the UlkoP ffA mik.
2k mo,t complete and prac-
v n; mi 01 its kind ever pub-
Millions of peoDle have com
ft ftmfttBf mvi .. I b. c
M Uvea Of UMfulnna If IV,. n. (V..4.
bland who cared for them, had been
t ssor of such a book as thli
K "ad made themselves familiar with
In writing; thli book. It has been th.
furpoae to make It ao plain that il
WW6 be adapted to all classea Ther.
la mo person, of whatever ceJllna-. who
anno nna many tains In this booh
laai will be of practical value. It !
sjrieea into different department!. Th
Ucal department li made up of val
Btble prescriptions, recipes and treat
ment fer the different dlseaaet, written
In a clear, concise manner, enabling- one
to give their family the beat ef treat
ment In time of sickness.
It contains a larr number of the very
est and most valuable prescriptions
known to the medical profession. They
are written In plain lansniace, so an to
be easily understood by everyone.Thoie
Subjects which are of the greateist Im
portance, such as dyspepsia, constipa
tion, kidney, liver and lung- diseases,
sr treated at great length and so Il
lustrated as to make It very plain to
111 Just what the disease Is and what Is
(he beat method of effecting a com
rlete cur.
The farmer of stock owner will find
recipes for treating- his domestic anl
BaJs when sick. The housewife will
In 3 the cooping- receipts to be reliable,
I every one has been tested and have
tome from some of the best profes
sional cooks and from housekeepers of
nperlenc and ability. The toilet de
partment contains recipes that will be
Ull a
d of the laundry department, as
ell as the miscellaneous receipts.
The Annondlx Is a verv valuable trea
ts, giving the cause, symptoms and
Die best treatment of diseases. It not
Inly gives valuable prescriptions for
oh disease, but the best of medical
Uvlce Is given In regard to the care,
lurslng, food, etc.
Moat books of this kind have a large
lumber of receipts for each disease,
rnen not more than one will be valua
M and a non-professional person is
tnable to select the on which has
elue. In this book only the best pre
Mrlptlona are given and those that are
11 valuable have been excluded, malc
nr this book the most valuable of Its
Cent to any address postage paid on
ecelpt of IS cents. Make remittance In
tal money orders or postage stamps.
Vftt name and address plainly. Ao
tress all orders to
00-511 So. 12th St., Omaha, Neb.
By the federal census of 1870 then
were (2,445 physicians and surgeons
In the United States. By the census of
1880 the number had Increased to 85,.
OTL By the census of ISO thn nnmh..r
was In excess of 100,000 and It is com
puted from the flfrures of the variou
meoicai associations that the total
numoer ty l0u will be In excess
L26,00, or about double what It was
tniny years ago. There were at the
date of the last official computation
28,000 physicians and surgeons in the
while of Great Britain, an Increase of
nearly s.ow beyond the figures of ten
years ago.
It Is usually comDuted that the TTnlt
?d States, exclusive of newly acquired
territory ana lands under their protee
ioraie, will show a population of 75,
000,000 In 1900. as acralnBt 62.0OO.O0O It
the census of ten years ago, and if the
estimate of the number of physicians
and surgeons Is correct, the proportion
of physicians and surgeons to the
whole population would be 1,606 to the
million, or a larger proportion than
any other country. These figures seem
to Indicate that an affirmative answer
must be given to the question; Do
doctors and health go together? The
country in which there are relatively
to the whole population the feweBt
doctors 1b Russia, In which there are
only one-fifth as many as In the Unit
ed fitates, though the population of
KusHla is materially larger. As agalnpt
125,000 physicians and surgeons in the
United States, there are only 25,000 in
Kusnla, a smaller number than are to
be found In Great Britain, though the
total population of the Huswlan Empire,
Europe and Asia, was 129,000,000 by the
last official census, that of 1&7, as
against 3S,WK),0u0 In Great Britain, am;
the total area of the Russian empire is
8.6b0,000 square miles, as against 120,
000 In Great Britain. The death rate
in England Is low and Is constantly
getting lower by the adoption of wIbb
sanitary and hygienic rnt-asures, but Is
high and remains high In Russia.
There are about 25,000 physicians
and surgeons In Germany. There are
about 15,000 physicians and surgeons in
France, 12,00 In Italy, 2,600 in Bel
gium, 2,000 In Holland, and 6,000 In
Spain. Holland, which has a very low
death rate, has a larger proportionate
number of doctors than any other
continental country of Europe, and
Norway, In which the conditions are
normally favorable to god health, has
a Bmall number of doctors and quite
a high dfath rate the two apparently
going together.
Another Southern Joke.
The elder Sothern was a great prac
How the Badger Warke It
Taul V. Henrlch, a real estate dealer
t) Denver, Is also a student of ento-
molrigy, natural history and animals
:n general. He lived down In Nebraska
it one time, where the badgers have
:aken the place of the buffalo. Mr.
Henrlch was explaining the peculiari
ties of the animal, and stated, by way
f Introduction, that a genuine Ne
braska badger was sharper than a re
publican politician, says the Denver
"They have several bright ways of
ltng " things," he began, "perhaps I
leed tell of but one to make their In
telligence plain. Now, If a badger has
rermln, do you know how he goes
Ibout It to rid himself of them?"
"Scratches 'em off," said the proprie
Ur. "No, sir; Mr. Badger Isn't fool enough
for that. He Just gix'S to some stream;
than he stands on the bank and reach-
It around with his mouth and pulls a
Ittla tuft of hair out of his tall. Now
listen closely. With that bunch of
lair In his mouth he turns around and
tacka slowly down Into the river. The
rermln naturally crawl to keep out of
e water and begin to wend their way
toward the neck, and as he dips him
self down deeper Into the water, they
lasUn to his nose and then out on to
tb bunch of hair which he hoias in
his mouth. When Mr. Badger finds
that ther are all out on that little tuft
h apena his mouth and lets the cur
rant drift down the stream. Then he
trawls out on land again, shakes him
elf. and laughs, while be listens to
the vermin floating away, tinging, A
Ufa on th Ocean Wav.' "
A clrgynan of Georgia was once
tandtna- In the court house, says the
Homlletlc Review, when a Hoosler
cam In to see the ordinary In order
la nrocurc a marriage llcens. The
euntryman asked for a "pair of II
" and on making the purchase
eesaary to being united In the holy
band of matrimony innuireu oi uw
rdlnary: "Who can I git to marry
?" Th ordinary replied that he
souls' parform the ceremony, or the
parson, standing near, would probably
accommodate him. The countryman
turned to th parson and asked If he
would marry him. Th parson readily
contented and asked the would-be
bridegroom, "Where's your gal? He
replied, "Out yonr In the street.
Th parson said, "Fetch her In." Then
h wsjp "fotch" In and th knot tied.
Th bridegroom asked the parson the
amount of the Indebtedness Incurred,
and was told that no charge was made,
but that h always left the matter for
th bridegroom to decide. Th latter
rplld: "I've ft no money, rv got
a lead of punk ins tut yonder; I II glv
ft a punkln."
Of what did th faith curer cure
four asked th skeptic.
"Of mr faith," eald the former dt
WlttM , Boaton Herald.
"Dvery time w go out riding, some
Ostnf happen to prevent our complete
taJftrmtBt." "I know It. If It'a nothing
ftcdj tb hen ltrf'M."
tlcal Joker, and I have frequently re
printed stories of his mad career In
that capacity. Here is another one
that has drifted to the surface.
Mrs. John Wood appeared with the
elder Sothern in the same company
for. several seasons. On one occasion,
while the company was playing at
Birmingham, Mrs. Wood met Cothem
in the street. They were near an iron
monger's shop, when he shook hands
with her and bade her good morning.
'Would you mind going In her with
me, I want to maKe some small pur
chases," he eald.
bhe accompanied him.
He went up to the counter and said
"I wnnt Macaulay's History of Eng
The assistant said: "We do not sell
books, sir; this Is an Ironmonger's
"Well, I'm not particular," said Both
ern. pretending to be deaf. "I don't
care whether It l bound In calf or
"But this Is not a bookseller's,
shoutid the assistant, getting red In
the face, while Mrs. Wood stepped
aside and took a chair in another part
of the shop, almost overcome with sup
pressed laughter at the cheerful, frank
expression of Sothern's face and the
mad, puzzled look of the shopkeeper's
"Do It up as If it were for your own
mother. I don't want anything better
than that, said Sothern. 'I would like
to write my name on the fly leaf.
"Sir," bawled the assistant at the top
of hln voice, "we do not keep books!"
"Very well," said the actor, quite un
disturbed st the emotton he was creat
ing, "I will wait for it."
Under the Impression that his cus
tomer was either stone deaf or a luna
tic, the assistant bounced off to the
lower end of the shop and asked his
master to come, saying, "I can do noth
ing with that man; I think he must
be off his head." Whereupon the prin.
clpal marched oft to where Sothern
was standing and asked very loudly:
"What Is It sir? What do you desire?"
"I want to buy a file," returned
Sothern, quietly, "a plain file, about
four or five inches In length.
"Certainly," said the principal, with
a withering look at his assistant, and
at once produced the article, which had
been asked for.
Some Interesting details In regard to
the present condition of Samory, the
dethroned African monarch, have Just
been received by the French minister
of the colonies. Samory Is now
at Kayes, where he occupies a camp
which Is guarded by a company of sol
diers. He has fifteen wives with him,
and slvteen of his children and several
servants. He spends his time In read
ing the Koran and smoking cigarettes.
To outward seeming Samory Is calm
and contented, but at heart he Is quit
the reverse. He cannot rid himself of
the Idea that he will be murdered some
day, and whenever one of his guards
happens to fire a shot he Is confident
that his Inst hour hiis come. He brood
ed so much over his coming doom that
he quite lost his Benses recently, and
made a determined but futile effort to
commit suicide.
Samory still retains with him a few
pieces of his barbaric furniture, but all
his gold and silver treasure, which
mainly consists of gold rings and silver
plates, has been confiscated by the
French government and Is to be sold.
Ills silver cuirass, however, a massive
and unique work of art, will be plnced
In the war museum at Paris. Sam
ory, It is said, has grieved much ovei
the loss of these treasures, and It li
considered doubhtful whether his cap
"Ever hear of the astronomer who
spent sixteen years trying to observe
a total eclipse of the sun?" asked the
ompanlon of the fisherman. "No?
Well, It was something like this. I
believe the place to which the unfortu
nate man went was the Isle of France.
He had made the moet careful prepa
ration and was bound up In his work.
Finally the hour came. .The day was
perfectly clear and all was In readi
ness for the eclipse, but Just as the
moment of totality was approaching
a cloud appeared and concealed the
sun. The astronomer was In despair.
He knew be could not afford to repeat
the visit If he returned home, so he de
cided to remain on the spot for eight
years or until a total eclipse occurred
again. I say eight with a reserva
tion; I am not an astronomer, and It
may have been eighteen years. Well,
again the eventful hour finally ap
proached. Not a cloud was In the sky
and all nature seemed Bmlllng; but
Just aa the great act was about to
occur a sudden squall came up and
the heavens were clouded. The man
who had waited eight years gathered
up his Instruments and returned to his
home to find that the government for
some reason had seized what little
property he had left.
"That Is a pathetic tale," said the
fishermun, making a long cast with a
shining anchovy, "but It Is nothing to
my efforts to take an opuh. An opah
you must know, is one or the most
beautiful of all fishes, a rare and radi
ant creature; hence Its Greek name,
impros. I first saw It In England,
und I spent several weeks trying to
take one along the Falmouth coast,
but neer even heard of an opah, and
the fishermen told me that one was
taken only about once In eight years.
Mark the resemblance to the pitiful
tale of the astronomer!" and, lifting
his rod, the fisherman hooked a chan
nel bass. The gamy fish made a rush.
straight away, heading for Lisbon as
nearly as could be Judged, then, stop
ped by the leather brake, It came In
like a fox doubling on Its own scent,
stopped and, plunging down, took the
fisherman unawares and broke the
"I next heard of the opah In Italy,"
continued the angler, as he ganged on
a fresh hook, "and here I was told that
one was caught about once In ten
years, yet I went fishing In every boat
I could find. I was traveling around
the world, and one day when I strolled
Into the fish market in San Francisco,
will you believe me? there, swinging
by its tall, ablaze with color, was a
gigantic opah, the fish of my dreams,
nearly four feet long and almost aa
high. It was a sunburst, a rainbow,
and the fish dealer said that It was
the first one that had been taken In
eight vears not the period. Some one
has described the fish as 'a rich brocade
of silver and lilac; rosy on the belly:
everywhere with silvery spots; head
and back with ultramarine tines; Jaws
and fins vermlHIon.' The fish was
caught In Monterey Bay, and as I
was more determined than ever to take
an opah, I went to Monterey a few
lays later. Here I fished in small
bouts, trolled in the picturesque la-
een rigged crafts of the Italians ln-
Ued in the very boat that had caught
his InmproH of the Greeks, but I never
aw even the scarlet fin of an opah.
'Finally, one day In Chinatown, In
Sun Francisco, I saw a lantern almost
Identical with the opah, and as It hung
over a fish stall i askea me umnnman
If he hud heard of the fish. As I de-
cribed It his face lighted up and he
Informed that his brother 'heap
catch 'em' at a little fishing village not
ur awav. Well, the next day I dis
covered the village and the brother,
who said he 'catchee heap big fish, al-
lee sumee lopah lelgh years ago;
Icatchee bout evly lelght years.' 1
ad Btruck it," continued the angler,
listing far Into the ripple of the St.
ohns; "they had caught an opah eight
ears ago, consequently one was due.
So I made a contract to go fishing with
"I caught all the fishes of the sea
from rock bass to octopus, though the
latter Is not strictly a fish; but there
was no lack of excitement when a
liiderllke creature with legs or arms
welve feet across came writing up
nd attempted to embrace you with a
tentacle. I was beginning to be ais
couraged when good fortune came.
We had gone to the usual grounds and
fter fishing some time an Italian la-
tcen-rlgged rxit came aiongsine, ana
knowing the captain, I Joined him to
change the luck, the bfnt anchoring a
cable's length from the Junk. I was
nuffinK at my pine, listening to the
men, when my line was Jerked from
my hands and, catching In a turn
about my leg, I was almost pulled over
board. "You have never hooked a whale?
(rt course not. Then you know noth
ing atiout It, for a moment I
thought I had. There was no hold
ing It. It simply tore the line through
my fingers. I had plenty of line a
stout one. I'p came the fish again, cir
cling around the boot wllh a whlsh and
a hissing of the line, and out of the
water, like a knife of vermllllon, shot
a fin the fin I had seen on the opah.
Apparently the fish caught sight of the
boat, ns It sounded ngnln, making the
heavy Intecn quiver as I tried to hold
It; then It came up ngaln, towing the
L a .
ii au seen, wen repaying me ror my
long quest If there Is another fish
In the sea of Its size that can make a
better fight I should like to aee It;
yet I suspect that my opah, the king
of the herrings, Is nothing more than
a giant of the pompanos at leaat It
looks It."
From Deep Down In the Earth.
The arlrval at the fish commission
of two living specimens of the Typh
lomolge Rathbunl has excited much In
terest These animals came from, an
artesian well dug by the United States
fish commission to supply water to
the fish hatchery near San Marcos,
Tex., and are among the most Interest
ing of subterranean organisms.
The well was bored to a depth of
about 1,500 feet, but was afterward fill
ed up, until It Is now only 188 feet deep.
A flow of 1,200 gallons of water a min
ute Is obtained, and with the water
four varieties of Crustacea and this
salamnder have come to the surface,
all of which are new to science. As
might be expected, these animals are
blind, and the name given to the sala
mander Is due to this fact, being com
pounded by the Greek typhloe, blind
and molge, a kind of salamander. Th
second term is In honor of Prof. Rich
ard Rathbun of the Smithsonian Insti
tution. The larger of the two living speci
mens is about four and a half Inches In
length. It has a large head prolong
ed forward Into a flattened snout In
which is the mouth. The eyes are cov
ered by the skin and appear merely as
small black specks. The body Is slen
der and ends in a tail, flattened from
side to side and used In swimming.
Projecting from the body are two pairs
of legs, the forward pair ending In
four toes, and the rear pair bearing
five toes, as Is customary among sala
manders. These legs are used in walk
ing, and, though very slender, seem
to possess much strength, as they lift
the body clear of the ground, and by
them it can climb over the rocks piled
In the aquarium.
The gills are outside of the body and
are Just behind the head, where they
stand out after the fashion of an Ellza
bethon ruff. These gills are a vivid
red from the contained blood, and
make a sharp contrast to the dingy
white of the spin. The animals aften
crawl out of the water on the rock
heap In the aquarium, and the gills
fall In festoons about their necks.
The general structure is of a larval
type, that Is, resembling the unde
veloped salamanders of today and the
fossils of those of bygone ages. It is
well known that fish and other In
habitants of subterranean waters are
descended from corresponding types
found at the surface In the vicinity, but
the typhlomolge suggesta many prob
lems. As It presents a primitive type,
It may be an Instance of arrested evo
lution or of reversion. When the an
cestors of these specimens became en-
galfed in the earth, It Is probable that
the form now presented was the nor
mal one and that, In the absence of
light and the presence of other ob
stacles to animal life, evolution be
came Impossible and the type became
fixed. On the other hand, this larval
form may be the result of degeneration.
Dr. L. Stejneger of the Smithsonian
Institution has published a brief de
scription of these interesting animals
arid it Is to be hoped that more elabor
ate study may be given them.
Perhaps the moat deadly and aggres
sive of all reptiles Is the mamba.
extremely Blender make which is
found all over Africa. In color these
venomous serpents are either black
or green, and they attain to a great
length, one ten feet long, however, be
ing no largr than a man's wrist It
was one of the terrible creature that
killed the late Colonel Montgomery of
the Welsh regiment, one of England's
most gallant soldiers.
Colonel Scott of the royal army med
ical corps haa Just written an account
of the affair, which ti given verbatim:
On looking over my notes of the
case," he writes, "I And we had crossed
the Tugela river to the Zululand tide.
After luncheon Colonel Montgomery
and hit adjutant (Captain Reid) went
out to shot quail. When they were
some distance from the camp they dis
mounted and threw the saddles over
the ponies' heads, as is the custom in
South Africa, and then went into some
long grass. Soon after Colonel Mont
gomery felt something prick hit leg,
which he took to be a thorn, but In a
few seconds he felt a great shock to hit
system, and called out to bis aojutant
that be had been bitten by a snake,
and that he was to ride into the camp
for me. As soon at Captain Reid told
me what had happened I turned my
pony (I was mounted at the time) to
ward the place indicated, and in a few
moments I saw Colonel Montgomery
riding toward camp at a canter. He at
the time looked like a drunken man on
a horse, as he was swaying from side
to side to such an extent that I was
airaid he would fall off. When I got to
him I and others helped him to dis
mount His legs Immediately collapsed,
the result of paralysis, by which it may
be seen that he rode In by balance only.
The injury was sustained at 4 p. m.,
a.nd he was helped off his horse at 4:10
p. m. Already he was pale, nervous
ind very sick (vomiting profusely), had
:ramps and a feeling that he was going
to die. Everything that medical skill
iould devise was done for him, but
nothing was of any avail. Just ten
liours after the accident he was dead,
rhe enormous strength of Jaw possess
ed by the reptile is shown by the fact
that the fangs passed through a cloth
solonial gaiter, colonial riding breeches
ind drawers. Colonel Montgomery was
buried in Zululand, at the Mission Station."
You feel tha blood raihla'
But what kind rJ hhwwlv
i dm ia toe quetdon.
Ie it pure blood or Impure
If the blood Is Impure then
yuu are wcai ana languid
ppetite is peer and vo
geshon is weak. You cas
FLYO-CURO will protect your stock
!rom flies and mosquitoes. It Is very
saslly, quickly and economically ap
plied with our dollar sprayer and is
really no expense to use, as saving in
!eed and extra product will more than
pay for Its use. Send $1.00 for sample
Jan and sprayer. Prices reduced for '99.
3eo. H. Lee Co., Omaha, Neb.
Mr. Newlywed (of Lonelyvllle) I've
been to the employment agency and
tot a Jewel of a cook coming tomor
row, dear. Said she'd Just as lief live
aere as not, and was three years steady
in her last place, just aa lonesome as
Mrs.Newlywed And where was that?
Mr. Newlywed I forgot whether she
tald it was on a whaler or a lumber
schooner, but I know she'll like Lone
lyvllle. Judge.
nm sieep wen ana the mora
ing finds you unprepared for
tbe wars of tbe day. Your
wuccss are paie ana your com
plexion is sallow. You are.
troubled with pimples, boils, i
or some eruption of tbe sita."
wuy or pumy your blood f
will do It. Tte It few days
snd then put your finger on
your pulse again. You can
feel the difference. It is
stronger snd your circulation
better. Send for our book on
Impure Blood.
If you are bilious, take
Ayer's Pills. They grestly
aid the Sarsaparilla, They
cure constipation also. "
9Mtm to but Doefmrm.
- -j -. K-' v ' -
in yor oau. you will reoette a
It MBIT, Without OOlt.
AdarMS,OB. i. t. A
r. n m nHnr liriW k nr V I hOV mnV
treat him. will ever be able to reconcile boat around, and us Jose cast off the
him to his lot.
His mother (profoundly shocked)
Johny, Johnny, you will break my
heart! That Is the mnBt dreadful lan.
guars I ever heard a little boy use.
Johnny We're playing street cars,
mamma. I'm the molorman, and ucn I (
drlln' a coal wagon and won't get oul
ny way I
anchor rushed away with us.
"I will not bore you with details; It
Is enough to say that half a mile be
low I brought my fish alongside, hav
ing worn It i. lit, though exhausted my
Fclf. Jos gnfTed It, and by the Bid of
lopes It whs lifted aboard a ningnlfl
ifiA creature, n living rainbow, more
Grant's Advice to Twins.
General Grant's fondness for chil
dren Is Illustrated In the following true
story, which has never been published
before. It is an experience which
twins had with the great union soldier
at the close of his second presidential
General Grant was stopping at the
famous old hotel at Cape May, known
as Congress Hall, which was burned in
the disastrous fire of the fall of 1S78,
when many of the landmarks of the re
sort were swept away.
One Sunday afternoon during Gen
eral Grant's sojourn he was walking in
front of the rotunda with the proprie
tor. Colonel J. F Cake, who at that
time also conducted a well known hos
telry in Washington. Colonel Cake es
pled coming down the Btreet one of his
frlendB. a father with his two sons,
who were the twins.
"General here come two youngsters
twins," said Colonel Cake; "I be
lleve that you will be unable to tell one
from the other."
"We will see." was the distinguished
general's reply. "Call them over.
The father and his two sons crossed
the street to the pavement in front
I of the hotel rotunda. The general shook
hands with the father and the twe
boys the latter being shy and awed at
the sight of the great man before them.
General Grant looked at the lads,
rubbed his eyes as if to increase the
powers of his vision, and finally, after
a searching examination, exclaimed,
"I can see no difference. You have
won, Colonel."
Kach of the boys had a book undet
his arm, for they had been to Sunday
The general was In a playful humor.
Ho took the book from one of the ladi
and, opening, It said:
"Try to rend It upside down."
The boy' bashfully made the attempt,
but It was too much of a task.
"I cannot read It that way," replied
the boy, "but I will the other way."
The twin then rend a sentence wltt
the book turned In the proper man
ner. The other twin also failed to read
his book upside down, but rend a sen
tence when the page was held rightly
"Well, boys," said the general, "II
you will always remember to do th
right way you will pursue a goo
course. Never learn to do thing in
"Mr. Whlttler greatlv surprised m
by confessing that he was ault eolo
blind," says the Bookman. "He ex
emplified his condition by saying that
it i came to Amesbury I should ba
scandalized by one of his carDets."-It
appeared that he was never permittM
by the guardian goddess of his hearth
to go 'shopping for himself, but that
once, being In Boston, and needlnr a
carpet, he had ventured to go to a store
and buy what he had thought to be a
very nice, quiet article, precisely sulta
to adorn a Quaker home. When It ar
rived at Amesbury there was a univer
sal shout of horror, for what had
struck Mr. Whlttler as a particularly
soft combination of browns and gray,
proved, to normal eyes, to be a loud
pattern of bright red roses on a field
of the crudest cabbage green. Whra
he had told me this, it was then easy
to observe that the fulness and bril
liancy of his wonderful eyes had some
thing which was not entlrelv nona!
about them."
East, West and South.
brilliant In Hut nnd color than those 1 wrong way, for that means failure.
TftoMsaufia lA
B-tir trow a
K A p .8 Arf.a!
- iu MA gintfi
Pullman Sictprcna and Face Rcclinino.
Chair Caws on Niqht Trains.
fur Intimation or nln, Mil tpn or Uint nana! apit a
S. m. AD8IT,
tntnl ruinror If tit, ST. J0UN, IS.
A most remarkable wedldng has Just
taken place at a village called Trail,
England, four brothers being married
to four sisters. The four knots were
tied at the home of the four sister
brides, who are daughters of a pros
perous farmer named John Hochstet
tler. Their ages range from 18 to 28,
and the ages of their respective hus
bands vary only slightly. The bride
grooms ore the four sons of John Su
mers, and are energetic young men of
good habits and some means.
We're going to
Hot Springs, S. D.,
Via the
Nice Place
Low Rates
Wagner Palace Sleepers
almost to the doors
of the principal hotels.
Ilot Springs is the place to go this sea
son if you need rest, health or pleasura.
0. P. A T. A., F. E. 4 M. V. R B.,
now U, do your nU...ptnK when ther I. no wind or do It retnlarli. WeaXw dZI 22
snmcieni wind to operate your 1 nd Er.llla. le.vim
Afwi n. JnrW o.'T.m""".1" .' "'"'J ?.r.i does a
ui r.i . ii J . i TT , ,n" w rim, iv is an me same to mis macalas.
Will .loo nhell corn, (rind fiwrl n k.,. ...,,.. i. i. .i.. - l" 'T ..."
lobs. In the hnunnrnn th. n "... I Zil L" .V.T1.L " '""fl l"r
- : . " . vvpws niMDiiiu ui KRfju wnnn nit wnrninr. inn mil
1 i
YLi vJTfJr . Tur.Wih!I5 worjlnir. Shipped Completely set up, ready to run, no toiikC
wsawiiiiw S-i.SJIIIV, JrVMU 17 MJ IP UVrWV pOWT. Wfllsf
for clrculur and upoclnl prices.
OMAHA. VOL. 8, NO. S3-'0.
Dr. Kay's Renovator,
ample, tree book and free advlr
the rerr Wont case of drspepala. eoor? ZZ
tien. bilious headsebe, ll. kidney. ajTh I
PrMfcrtsrlan and
onuroo ar
Just Ub pfUs4lti