MRS. 1NGEKS0LL IS WITHOUT HOPE l "I have in no way changed my be- : lief. I do not know whether I shall : : ever see my husband again. My : : consolation is In memory." Mrs. In- . : gersoIL : S "Farewell! if this is the end, then : : you have left us the sacred memory : : cf a noble life. If thlB Is not the : : end, there Is no world In which you, : : ray friend, will not be loved and : : welcomed. Farewell!" Robert G. : : Ingersoll. No sadder home In America can there be than the one from which the body of the great agnoetlc. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, was borne to the crematory at Fret-'h Pond, L. I., Thursday. There are left In the big castlelike gray house among the cedars overlooking the Hud son at Dobba Ferry three women who refuse to be comforted. For Mrs. In geraoll and her daughters there 1 no star In their night of grief. It was rumored that In Mrs. Ingersoll there had awakened a hope that she would meet her husband again; that the hope which supports the Christian was supporting her. This proved to be untiue. To a Question about this alleged change of belief she replied: "I hare In no way changed my be lief. I do not know whether I shall ever see my husband again. My con solation is in memory. I have as much consolation as any one who la be reaved. I know as much aa they do about the hereafter. It la nothing." They were cheerless words, falling as dully on the heart as clods upon a cof fin. Mrs. Ingersoll clung to her dead as long as the awful process of dissolu tion, would permit. He died rFiday, July 21. She would not permit the re mains to be taken from the house un til the next Thursday. It had been arranged that they should be taken to the, crematory after the funeral serv ices, Tuesday, but the widow could not yet bring herself to part with them. "Good-by" Is Infinitely sad when Its ech whispers, "Forever!" "Another day! Let me have one more day with him," she pleaded from the first. Another day became well-nigh a week, and then only necessity drove her to consent to a final disposition of the body. Two days after the strange funeral services the good-by said In the reading of the agnostic's last poem, his "creed" and his funeral oration over his brother, Eben the remains were taken to Fresh Pond and ere- mated, and then only because nature would permit no further delay. LAST SAD, HOPELESS VIGIL. The week was one of nlht and tears and hopelessness. When the bud of hope blossomed for a moment In the hearts of the widow and her daughters It wan blighted by the memory of some coM, splendid raillery from the dead man. If some simple utterance of faith rang through the chamber of memory, it was echoed by the laughter of the dead. Mrs. Ingereoll and her daughters sel dom left the room of death. They watched together, and for what? It was a longer, lonelier and sadder vigil than that of Mary at the tomb of Christ; for no angel rolled away the atone from that tomb of doubt, not even In their dreams. They eat by the etlll form In Its shroud amid its massed tribute of flow ers. They talked of his life, of his battle for truth as he saw It, of his tenderness to his family, of his love for humanity. They said that the end was so pitifully sudden. They recalled the doctor's atempt at comfort. He said that If the colonel had lived ten years longer they would have been years of suffering. But mourners are apt to think that doctors are mistaken. This was to comfort what a grimace Is to a mile. When they spoke of the sunshine of his nature they were reminded that it was now night. When they spoke of his lore of humor they realised the mock try of laughter. Downstairs Eva Brown, who had ben named In honor of her another and grandmother, and whom her grandfather called Eva the Third, swung in the hammock and sung in childish Ignorance of her loss. They put their hands over their ears to shut out the Joy that found such discord with their woe. Eva had Inspired her grandfather's most quoted homily, that on "Life." The three wept anew at the thought. little Robert O. Ing'rsoll Brown ll in 1 1 to be allowed to "go upstairs an grandpapa." The futility of Ma wish tore their heartstrings- They could not bear to reveal the mystery a adaes of the death that knows no hepe to these little one. 8o in their ehBdlsb Ignorance the babies stabbed anew the hearts of the mourners. There wr flowers In the room. The MtiuiM were heaped in mountainous peshwton about the bier. There was the pa mini tread of watchers. Servants taagiit tightly upon the door and left a new nflrry of the snowfall of synv alarMr 1111 sssgis and deported silent ty. There were tru mourning hearts In th room of death, and In the rooms be- )w and In the world outside. It was Est ether chambers of death in which lay Ik remains of the brilliant and to loved. Bwt there was difference such s sag. entiling, hopeless difference. No mmm at Ood brought his an age of fcawo to the olMintuT door. No soft ay of nith sad promise soothed the tartar hearts. Mot swot wars spoken i O word "W "Ml again." , tw gMs tCJ. tot It fnakoa death the CxSmr. It to htm mmw after sJ Oft wmmm G lwM ? sath endurable, and the widow and daugh ters of Colonel Robert Ingereoll have not that hope. So they clung to what stood to them for the man, who bad been their Joy of life, the cold, pale. Irresponsive figure by the window. 'Why can't we keep him with u al ways?" they wept. And then Science aid: "Tou may not." And day by day and hour by hour they combated every effort to take him away. "Only a little longer! Oh! Why must he go at all?" they said, and the three women, weak In their unfaith, had no word of consolation for each other. It was an awful hour when they left the bouse with the body. It waB a bit ter hour when they returned without the small solace of the ghastly pres ence. But stronger than a cable are the chains of unfaith. In the depths of her sorrow Mrs. Ingersoll sent her rm-ssage of hopelessness to the press: "I have In no way changed my belief. I do not know whether I Bball ever see my husband again. My consolation Is in memory." Whatever the great agnostic's error of faith, he was a model of fidelity as a husband. Octave Thanet says of him: "It made one better to know a man the life-long lover of one woman." No one ever denied that such Colonel Ingersoll was, and that the one woman was his wife- "I love St. Louis," he said to the writer, "because It Is one of the places I visited on my honeymoon. Ah! that was a honeymoon that will last for life!" "I fancied he was going to say for ever; but the orator disappointed me." HIS HOME LIFE. The story of Colonel Ingersoll's ro mance was told by Mrs. C. P. Farrell, the sister of Mrs. Ingersoll. "Our father, Benjamin Parker, was a free thinker. He was born In Boston, and In his studies there became an agnostic He moved te Groveland, a village seven miles from Peoria, 111. There he heard of a bright young or ator named Ingersoll. He heard him plead a case once, and after that al ways went to hear him wherever he made public addresses. "A Groveland man let his pigs wan der Into his neighbor's yard. The neighbor became angry and drove the pigs to the city pound. The owner found them there. He quarreled with the neighbor and killed him. "He was tried for murder and Mr. Ingersoll defended him. Father went to hear him, as usual. He Invited him to dinner, and there he met my Bister. He had then begun collecting his regi ment and was almost ready to go to the front. They soon became engaged, ; and they went to St. Louis, where his regiment was. on their bridal tour. My sister traveled a great deal with him during the war. "How strange these chance meetings are and what consequences follow! If It had not been for those pigs Colonel Ingersoll and his wife would never have met. "There was never a happier family than the Ingersolls. I have lived with them since I was 5 years old," said Mrs. Farrell. "Neither I nor anyone else ever heard him speak an impatient word." She pointed to an engrossed Inger- BOllian sentiment upon the well. It took the place of the scriptural mottoes that hang on some home walls: "Love Is the only bow on life's dark cloud. It la the morning and the even ing star." "He believed that." she said, simply, "and he lived It." Mrs. J. Watson Brown Is the elder daughter of the dead agnostic. She Is a beautiful woman and has a rare so prano voice. She has sung duets with Campanlnl. Critics have styled her "the best amateur soprano In America." The Ingersoll love of home Is strong In her. When she married Mr. Brown It was up n the condition that their home should always be with her parents. He has kept Lis promise. With tbem also lived Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Farrell and their daughter, Mrs. Ingersoll's niece and namesake. Perhaps no one mourns the dead man so wholly as his younger daughter, Miss Maud Ingersoll. She was hie "chum." She studied and read and wrote with him. She always came from Dobbs Ferry with him on his trips to town. "Maud has lost x her object In life," her aunt faltered. Miss Ingersoll has Inherited much of ber father's Intellectual strength and brilliancy. Like the rest of his family she was wholly In accord with hla vlewa Sh la a young woman of firm convictions and quick decision. She la a member of the New York Society for the Prevention of Bruelty to Animals. She Jumped from a Broadway cable car one day and ordered a polio man to arrest a man who waa mistreating a horse. She went bravely to court the next morning and gave ber testimony against the cabman. She secured his punishment It was noticed that she re rased to take the customary oath, but affirmed that her testimony was true. Miss Ingersoll's father was nor friend. She, more than anyone else, perhaps, claim the fltaea sof this sentiment, ut tered by him of another, as applied to himself: "rare well! If this be the end, then you have left us the sacred memory of a noblo Ufa If this be not the end, there Is no world In which you, my friend, will not be toyed and welcomed. Farewell !" Mr, parvenu Ifs anaoytar, How did they discover that the spoons I gave thooi weren't solid? They cer tainty wer not mass enough to have thorn examined T Mr. Of soars not Tssy ra gewsin bins stood. But a burglar oar rtsd off an Om vast of the silver and toft those apoana Detroit Free ANTS AS FIGHTERS. 1 was on of th six American min ers who war routed from their camp by a Venesuelan ant army." said a mining expert who lately arrived la New York from Venezuela. "We re- treated before the Invaders without making a fight, and for two good rea- sona In the first place we would have gotten the worst of the enooun - ter, and, secondly, we knew that If we let them alone they would do us a good service. "Shortly after dawn one Sunday, while we were still snoozing away In our hammocks, our native cook burst ln upon us with the news that we were about to be attacked by an army of ants. We had heard enough about ant arms to know what to do. We arose hastily, and every ounce of provisions that was not sealed ln cans or ln Jars waa hastily plied on a table, the four lineaments Imprinted on every rock, ' dead body first For about five tnln legs of which were Immersed In as tree and fence In this country, with ' utea I was a hero. Then about a dozen many basins of water. Every maneu- j whose history he Is so closely connect- men grabbed me and hustled me Into ver that Is known to the armies of civ- ' During the recent controversies of ' a room, and after the Blacks had been Hired humans you may safely expect from an ant army, but the little black warriors have never learned to swim. Our provisions thus protected, we left the camp to Itself and went out to re connoitre for the Invaders and to watch their attack from a distance. The army waa making fair time. Aa Irregular patch of black ten feet wide and dou ble as long was swarming steadily to ward our camp. As the army waa in no way disturbed by our presence It was possible to approach its lines close ly. There must have been millions upon millions of little soldiers marching, hip to him. At the head marched the leader. On went the army, up the posts that supported the camp and then ! within. The patter of their countless I little feet was audible like the rustling of grass ln a light breeze. "Once within, the army spread It- self In all directions, forming hundreds of little attacking partiee. The camp was as old palm-thatched affair and so Infested with scorpions, centipedes and spiders that we had been on the J point of destroying It Now, however, . the ants had come and would clean the house for us, and therefore they were welcome. The anU swarmed up the Joists and the dry leafy walls, and wherever there was a spider or a bug there was a brief tussle and a dead foe. But ther was bigger game In store for the Invaders. "The star battle was with an im mense centipede, one of the bluish- gray kind, about seven incnes ong, and about as big around as your mid dle finger. He darted out of a hole like a blue streak, evidently trusting to his speed and superior strength to run through the enemy's ranks. But he didn't go three feet before he was stopped. Ants literally covered him. He turned on himself and swept them from his back, but before he had gone another three feet he was burled be-1 neath another swarm of his plucky as sailants. And then began a fight to the death. Again and again he swept his tormentors from his back whils from all sides hurried streams of ants to take the places of fallen comrades. The wriggling of the big fellow be- i came less violent as the fight progress- j ed, and finally, after an effort, which I well know was a desperate last one, j he remained quiet while what little life was left ln him was bitten out of him. Later, when the army had retreated and when we had swept up the centi pedes and scorpions and lizards and a tarantula which the ant army had van quished, we put the hero of the star battle under a quartz magnifying glass. The bodies of the dead ants still clung to their foe. From his back, from his legs, from wherever there was a chance for a hold the bodies of ants dangled, holding on, I suppose, by their teeth. "Perhaps you wonder what would happen to a man who would undertake to fight an army of ants, assuming of course that the man relies on his nat ural means of defence his hands and feet I can best Illustrate that by the rare story of an unfortunate who was brought to a hospital In Caracas short ly before my return home. The man was a coolie who had worked on a cocoa plantation In a creek not far from Car acas. Following a habit of some of his countrymen, the coolie, owing to the heat had left the camp and stretched himself on the ground to sleep outdoors. Exactly what followed no one can say with certainty. Presumably he was aurrounded and covered by an army of anta before he awakened. At dawn the shrleke of a man ln agony aroused the inmates of the camp, who ran out to learn the cause. "The man waa gesticulating wildly and calling for help, while he squirmed and writhed and slapped hla face and neck and chest In a mad effort to slap himself all over at one. He was standing In the midst of an army of ants and was too distracted with pain to run awsy. Then he did exactly what a panther or a leopard does when he l being overcome. The man threw him self to th ground to roll his tormentors to death. A aingle active white man could have saved th poor wretch, but th atupefled barelegged coollea dared not, or thought not of reacie, while the victim himself was too erased with agony to seek other than Instant relief. From a slight personal experience J know the poor fellow waa burning In a fire which would take hours to kill him. "Finally a byetander regained hlf wit and rushed Into th midst of the army and dragged th man after him and threw him tato th creek. The res ctl earn to tot. The victim became Uncoosdoae. Hto velvety brown skin wag a pink mas of raw bits. Wbei be oaas to th hospital a was bound kaad and foot, a ssanlao, whose con tismeM tloo ww that h was bin MUMSLBRS, TAKB WARN IN Q. The following occurrence In a weat- , a wa ihvismvh vi av ! asoualng result of the lack of clear j eaunctatlon on the part of a speaker. ; ln preaching the funeral sermon over j the remains of a prominent citizen, who had had quite a checkered career ' and at various times In his life had 1 boon pioneer preacher. Mayor, druggist 1 and deputy sheriff, and had several j time bean Instrumental ln quelling disturbances which had arisen from religious differences existing between the two local churches, the pastor used th following words: "Our brother la la the cold ground, no more a sad dangler on life's tide. can nB panting spirit elgh among th chaste stars, contemplating the failure of his acta to make clean our hearts, and methlnka I see his noble our people, I have heard him declare, disposed of according to program I while his beard descending swept his 1 was brought out for punishment Plen bosom, that he wished all differences of ( ty of tar and feathers were left but sects might be ended, and while he was the crowd wanted a change, and It was a mayor frequently made himself 1 decided that I should have the barrel hoarse on the subject. His attempts to stop our riots resulted ln bis re-' moval from office by foul deceit Oh! studied deceit) I was with him when he received the news of bis Impeach' ment and beard hla words. His cry moved me to tears, but he quickly recovered, and hla face resumed Its nat ural, airy, artless look. As you know, he could pain nobody." The oration, as It appeared the fol- lowing week In the local paper, was as follows: "Our brother Is In the coal ground. no more a sad angler on life's tide. I ' can see his spanking spirit's eye among 1 the chase tars, contemplating the fall- ' nre of hi axe to make lean our hearts, and methlnks I see hla noble llnl- I meats Imprinted on every rock, tree 1 and fence in this country, with whose I artery a Is so closely connected. Dur- mg the recent controversies of our ' people t naVe heard him declare, while I hu beer descending swept bis bosom I ttat wished all differences of sex I mlght ended, and, while he was a J mMf frequently made himself horse I on the subject Hla attempta to stop ' nd to this day I can t see a grind oor rights resulted ln his removal from 'etone revolving without being affected ofBoe by foul deceit Oh I Study deceit! ' by It It would have been far more I waa with him when he received the 1 jnercifuj to bang me up by the neck, news of his Impeachment and heard his j ..But now about the tar and faath- words. His crime movea me to tears, but he quickly recovered, and his face returned its natural hairy, heartless look. A you know, he could pay no body." About SS.OOO Elks. The order of Elks is diffused through- out the whole country, says Leslie's Weekly. It originated In New York ln 187, Its founder being Charles A. Viv ian, a ballad singer. It was at first re stricted to members of the theatrical prof ee Ion and to singers. In the be ginning lt had only thirteen members. It scope, however, soon broadened, and It admitted ether persons besides those to which lt was at first confined. A social organization at the outset, It de veloped Into a benevolent order hav ing lodges ln every state, and having on It rolls representatives of all profes siona First calling Itself the "Jolly Corks," It then adopted the name of j Benevolent and Protectlce Order of j Elks. It la one of the most popular of all the fraternal orders In the United States, as la shown by Its rapid in crease In membership and the growth of the surplus In Its treasury. The re ports at St Louis showed that there was a gain of 11,187 members In the order during the past twelve months, the present membership being ,439. This Is the largest Increase ever made ln any one year. Ohio leads In num ber of members, which Is 6.2S4, followed In thlB order, by Pennsylvania, New York. Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, New Jersey, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Vir ginia, Kentucky, Wisconsin, California, Illinois, Washington, Missouri and Con necticut The other states of the union have lees than 1,000 members. The lar gest Individual lodges are, ln this or der, In New York City (870 members). Grand Rapids, Jackson, Mich.; . Balti more, Alleghany, Cincinnati, Detroit Minneapolis and Pittsburg. All these lodges and no others have over 600 members AMong th Plgmls. Though It was a dangerous under taking for th African explorers to travel through the land of the pigmies, there must have been a huge Interest In observing th way of these little Imps, who were generally struck spell bound at the sight of the white men. Mr. Lloyd, writing In Chambers' Journal, say be waa twenty days walking through the great forest In habited by th pigmlea, a forest so dark that In many places It was Im possible to read, even at noonday. The pigmie were fairly Intelligent and peacefully disposed, although their arrows were tipped with deadly poi son. They had a frightened appear snoe, and covered their faces. Ilk shy children, when spoken to. Th forest was alive with elephants, leopards, wild nigs, buffaloes and antelope After leaving th forest Mr. Lloyd came t one place where he took th opportun ity of screwing together th bicycla which he bad brought with him. A s4n oa th machine brought out thou and of men, women and children from their villages, and they danced and yelled with delight at aeeing. as they exprsd It, a Buropeaa riding a snake. beCer I sat yo I had heard f row family," laid th Obnt Tm," mittod th batlful girl eoMIy. 1 h. hV pag to 1m BtvAsXr,' ROLLED rN A BARREL. Therea something barbario abouj tfllvW "m Uiuvn fwpiv saaa i bh ' said th man with the broken nose, t "but I can easily Imagine two things. On Is rolling a man around ta a barrel and the other Is a coat of tar and feathers. In my foolish young ' days I arrived at a town ln southern Indiana to find the people all excited ' ever several arrests for robbery. A family named Black, consisting of a ' man and wife and a grown-up son, had been caught and made to confess to ' many theft. Instead of putting them n trial, the people had determined to apply tar and feathers and walk 'em 1 out of town. I had no objections so far as the men were concerned, but woman I oon- when It came to the stltuted myself her champion and de- ' dared that they must walk over my exercise. They got out and unheaded t big elder barrel, dropped me Into it and replaced the head, and then all ' wul ready. "I waa Inclined to look upon the pro ceedings with contempt I hod never been rolled ln a barrel, and so I bad no Idea of the sensations. They first kicked It along the wide, unpaved Street and It had not rolled over more than twenty times when I was sick of my Job. After they had enjoyed them selves for a quarter of an hour I was praying for death to hurry on. I dim- jy remember that after they got tired 0f the football work ln the street they roiled the barrel up a long hill, and then let lt siting down. You talk of sea- .icknese; but there 1b do comparison aside from the feeling of nausea, I waf jarred Jolted and bruised from tead to hw.ia and In one of the bumps h(u5 my noee broken, I ' was uncon- KiUB wnen they finally took me out and for a week I was little better than a dead man. It waa weeks and weeks before I got the revolving motion out of my head t CoU!d walk straight 'era?" was asked. "Well, I met old man Black about two years later, and be still smelled of t.-tr. He told me that It took a week's work with soap and water to get the stuff started, and that spots were left which couldn't be got off, even when rubbed with a brick. He d!dn't feel the degra dation so much, but what hurt his feel ings was that he had been obliged to put ln more work on that tar than In all his life before. He had tried the barrel racket once, and he thought it a shade worse than tar, but he had no words of sympathy for me. On th contrary, he said If I hadn't mixed In the three of them would probably have got off with a ride on a rail." Why the Horse Shies. Dr. Louis Robinson, an Englleh zool ogist ha Just given to the world an account of the habits and mode of life of certain animals, and the conclusion at which he seems to arrive Is that all such phenomena may be explained on the ground of atavism. Thus he claims that the borne of our day de rives his swiftness and power of en durance from the fact that his ances tors ln former days were obliged to flee from and frequently to defend themselves against their great enemies the wolves. In like manner he claims that the reason that the horse shies Is because his ancestors were forced to be constantly on the alert against bidden enemies, and that the reason that he rears and plunges Is because only by pursuing auch tactics could his fore fathers shake off wild animals who had leaped upon their backs. Sheep when frightened Immediately rush off to the highest point they can reach. The reason, says Dr. Robinson, Is because all sheep originally Inhab ited mountainous districts. And thlB, be claims, is also the reason why they wear a thick fleece of wool all the year through, the summer temperature In mountainous districts being almost as cold as that of winter. Finally, we are assured that the reason sheep Invaria bly follow a leader Is because their an cestors were obliged to go In Indian file through the narrow mountainous paths. Pigs have also engaged Dr. Robin son's attention. He was pussled for a good while as to the cause of their grunting, aays the Chicago Times Herald, but now he thinks he has dis covered th real reason. The pigs of today, he says, evidently grunt be cause their ancestors made their home In thick woods, and only by making this sound could they keep track of each other and guard themselves gainst going astray from the common herd. Commenting on this latter explanation, a scientist suggests that Dr. Robinson might now do well to spend some time la trying to find out why th bora neigh and th dog berk HOW SHE HEDGED. "Ah," she bitterly xclalmeoV "but you have never offered to die for your country." "No," he defiantly replied, "but I mad U10M on th stock market last week." "Edward," sb asked, "do yon think I would b abis to succeed in tragedy? Sometime X an overtake by th terrible thought that I might have to support myself If anything kppod to yew bafor w are Harried, for, of I should aerer, never lev aa THB NIOHTINOALsT. Her come a singer Indeed, who has neither equal nor second. If It song" Is unknown to any who read this, I would say, wait until you hear muslo solemn and yet Jubilant aa ever cams from a bird; a voice of transcendant sweetness, variety, and with the buJ preme power of Impressing Itself on th very Inmost fibre of our minds, and bringing us Into some mysterious sym pathy with things beyond our under standing, and when you hear It you may know that you are listening to ths nightingale. That song has been described oer and over aa-atn: poets have loved to sing It and Milton In his "Oh, nightin gale, that on yon blooming spray," ha wth his curious and accurate felicity, found Just the word that expresses on of Us chief charms Its "liquid notes," Wordsworth's Those notes of thine, they thrill and pierce. Tumultuous harmony and fierce, expresses other of Its beauties. Keats' famous ode has In It less of the night ingale, but yet Its epithet, "full throat ed ease," hits that carelessness of ut terance, that unpremedltatlveness Join ed with a supreme finish, which places It above and beyond all bird artists. But If I were to ask what is Its best, Ita moet wonderful achievement 1 should say It was the marvellous cre scendo on one note, almost human in Its artistic perfection. This la "the one low piping song more sweet than all" of Coleridge Coleridge, who has so defended the bird against the charge of melancholy that all other defences can be but plagiarism of his Tls the merry nightingale That crowds and hurries and precipi tate With fast thick warbles his delicious notes. Indeed, I do not know how the fable of the melancholy nightingale hat crept Into the minds of men; not only Is the song exultant, but every mo ment of the bird Is full of verve and Joyouaness. Gentleman's Magazine. A Curious Hotel. They say that the best hotel In Texas Is to be found at Belton, a town on the Santa Fe road, and It Is kept by "sevef sanctified sisters," as the proprietors are popularly called. Several years ago ln that place a woman and her hus band quarreled over the best way of expounding the scripture to a Sunday school class, and were so stubborn that they separated and were finally di vorced. The family controversy was taken up by the town, which was soon distinctly divided between the ad herents of the husband and the ad herents of the wife. The result was a large crop of divorces, says the Chica go Record, and seven husbandless wo men. Including the original cause of the commotion, Joined together and rented the town hotel. One of them did the cooking, another was parlor maid, a third made up the beds, and so then divided the work among them and ran the establishment on the co-operative plan. They would not employ a man about the place, although the most of their patrons were men, of course. Peo ple say that women travelers prefer red to stop elsewhere, and that would1 be a woman's way. One of the "seven sanctified sisters" used to drive a big carryall down to the railway station three or four times a day to meet tb trains, but she let the regular transfer company handle the baggage. The hotel prospered from the begin ning, and there was no reason why It should not for everything waa neat and homelike, and the cooking waa the best ln Texas, which was not saying much, perhaps, but Is a . good reason why It was appreciated. Every Bun day it was crowded. The drummers used to swarm ln there from all the northern-central part of the state, and every passenger on the Santa Fe trains waa an advertising agent. The "sanc tified sisters" made money, as they de served to do; they enlnrgi?d the estab lishment and started a big laundry ln connection with lt, where the drum mers left their soiled clothes to be done up while they were out during the week. Then the "sisters" bought a hotel at Waco, and started a laundry there, with equal success. Th Untruthful Mummy. We saw only the outer gardens and the museum, the chief attraction of which is a magnificent marble sarco phagus decorated with basrellefs of Alexander the Great On one side ths conquerer Is represented as routing the Persians, and on the Bide side there Is a llvly struggle with a wild boar. The guide book does not certify that Alexander ever occupied the sarcopha gus, but th guide assured me that ha had. The collection of statues, b rous es and sarcophagi Is Interesting and Immensely valuable, and I would like to copy some of the descriptions from the guide book, but space forbids. On Egyptian mummy case had "stranger forbear" kind of an Inscrip tion on It The guide furnished m with a liberal translation. The king In th Inside of th case, "swathed In sptoery and fin lined," had caseed this Injunction to b placed on th lid of his sarcophagus: "Do not disturb these mortal re mains, for ther I naught within thU casement except my poor body. Thr Is neither gold nor precious Jewelry to reward th covetous." Th antiquarian who unearthed th sarcophagu did not rpct this appsal When they examined th mummy wrapped Inald of th box thy found several piaoa of gold etaspd la th right hand, which prays that a Ori ental will II, even after senth. Egyp- la tag