Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 17, 1899, Image 1

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ress - Journal.
HABE.ISON-, NEBRASKA, T U i4SI3A.Tr, A.TTC3-. 17 1899.
n at.... ' K. . . . '
USTO. 4.
nu uutsTion is ever settled untTii. it is settled right. "-h mnum j. Bn.
v t -, .
Harrison Press-Journal.
SubMcription Price, 11.00
Jeo. I. Cattou,
Entered at the Harrison "post office as
second claaa matter.
Hon. W. L. Hay ward, NeLirunka' Jun
ior U. S. senator was, on the 15th inst,
-striken with apoplexy whi la lie wan io
act of delivering an address t the Mnd
wro Woodmen pfeknic at Brownville.
Hi condition wan considered to furious
that his family, and family physician
were dispatched for and were conveyed
toy special train to the kick Senator's bed
side. Over 100.000 people are said to be
starving to death tit Porto E;co.
M. Lubori, council for Opt. Dry f us,
before tin oiiliturv court-martial which
lie I being tried, was shot, in the b.ick
and probably fatally wounded on the
Hth inst.
The smelter strikers of Colorado have
finally called tin strike o(T and will re
turn to work, without ffniuing a single
lid van tape. We believe if the laboring
Hush vrtta are not dealt fairly with, by
Ilw corjwiratrons and trusts, would ue
the ballot in an intelligent way it would
bring more satisfactory results. That's
t;ie only legiruiat) way to light extor
tionists. "
The judicial l'istrict conventions of
the Peoples Independent party and the
Democratic party, will be held at Valen
tine Sept 2nd, 1828 at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
lor the purpose of piucing in nomination
two candidate for District judges.
The lieinoerat and Populists, each
will be milled to 3 delegates in the
"isty after tomorrow the Jackvonian
Democratic Club of Omuha will give a
reception at Syndicate park in that city.
Hon. W. J, Bryan, and Champ Clark of
Missouri will be present to address the
Itemocracy. An invitation is extended
to all to be present who believe in the
principle of Thomas Jefferson and An
drew Jackson.
Richard Crocker, the successor of
"Boss Tweed" for corruption, in New
York City politics, has concluded that
Bryan lmocracy is the living, progress
iva Democracy, of the common people;
the bone and siaue of the nation, and in
an interview is London, declares he was
wrong, relative to the Philippine war,
expantioo. MKitiarisru. Of course he has
not espoused alt the Chicago Platform
but. be endorses W. J. Bryan, who is the
perfect embodiment of that Platform.
JJrjau Certain ot Thirty States
NEW YORK. Aug. 14.-Opinions
gathered by the Journal for publication
tomorrow Morning indicate that thirty
Utee are certainly for Bryan at the
next Democratic national iron vent ion.
Dally Rocky Mountain News.
125 Cents to Juii. 1900.
In order to aocsue several new subs
cribers, The semi-Weekly State Jour
rial will be mailed postpaid from now
uutil Jan. 1, 1M0 for only 26 cent.
Its a big paper and this is a big offer
All through the fall campaign, up to
WOO for quarter. Twice a week, and
way ahead of Ue weekly. IU markets
alona are worth this. Send n stamps.
The sooner you Mod Um wore papers
you will receive. Address, Nebraska
AtaU Journal, Lincoln, Neb,
Proceeding of County Convrii
tlon of People's Indepen
dent Party.
The Peoples Independent Party county
coo vent ion, met at the court house last
Atturday m par call of Chairman and
AtcreUryof their county central con
mitte, with O. Christaaatn, in lb chair
mud Oraat QujUuet as tcrtUry.
Sec. Guthrie read the call as published
in the 'RKSs-Journal, the past two is
sues. On motion, M. J. Weber of Whita
River, and X C. Alexander of Sugar
Loaf were elected as temKrary chair
man and secretary, respectively.
On motion, Low Wilson, and Charles
Schilts were appointed to conduct M. J.
Weber and J. C. Alexander to their res
pective places as officers of the tempor
ary organisation Messrs, Christensen and
Outhrie retiring to the body of the con
vention hall.
The chairman and secretary were re
quested to make a K.hort speech, which
tlK-y did and to the point, a?l listening
with atte tlon.
On motion, the chair appointed the
following commutes:
Credentials; Mosley of Sugar Loaf and
Guthrie of Bowen.
Permanent Organizations; C. Christen
sen, of Montrose and Judge Wilson, of
Committee on credentials reported Qve
precincts represented as follows;
Uowen, Sugar lxa', Montrose, War
bonnet and White River.
Committee on permanent organiza
tion reported that temporary organiza
tion be made permauxot, after which
the convention proceeded to elect dele
gates to the Judical, Congressional and
State conventions, which resulted as fol
lows: Judicial convention: A. P. Itosen
butiurg, Urant Outhrie and L. L. Wil
son. Congressional convention: W. J. A.
Rami), Henry Parks and Charles U.
Slate convention: L. C. Lewis. J. C.
Alexander, M. J. Weber, and John Mos
As Running Water failed to hold an
election Nov. 7th last, it was moved
and carried that the above precincts
were entitled to one delegate based
on the vote of 1897, also, that the pre
cincts not represented in last Saturdays
convention are requested to elect dele
gates to attend the adjourned convention
Sept. 30 1899, subsequently desided, to
meet in Harrison at the Court house on
the above date at one o'clock, sharp.
.Labor Dut Proclamation.
Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 12. Governor
Poynter today issued the following La
bor day proclamation:
'State of Nebraska, Executive Cham
ber, Lincoln Aug. 12. Recognizing the
worth and dignity of labor the statutes
of our state have provided that the Qrst
Monday in September of each year be set
apart for a legal holiday, to be designat
ed "Labor day." Upon that day it is in
tended that all places of business em
ploying labor and those who earn their
living by toil be permitted to celebrate
und enjoy the day thus legally dedic at
ed to then.
"Labor is tiie foundation of all pro
gress. It is prior to and above capital,
beirg its creator. In recognition of its
importance this legal holiday is dedicat
'Now, therefore, I, William A. Poyn
ter, governor of the state of Nebraska,
in compliance with the laws of the state,
designate and proclaim Monday, Septern
ber 4, 1809, Labor day.
"In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused to be affixed the
great seal of the state of Nebraska.
tone at Lincoln this 12th day of Aug
ust, 1889.
"W. A. POYNTER. Governor.
"W. F. PORTER, Secretary of State."
I will hold a public auction for leasing
school land in Sheridan county on Sept.
5th, and a similar auction for leasing
land in Cherry county on Sept. 7th, both
auctions to be held at the offices of the
respective county treasurers, and the
land will be sold under the following
provisions of the new law;
If after using due dilligence to
lease said land, at an annual rental
of six per cent, upon the appraised
valuation, the Commissioner is un
able to do so, he may offer the same
for lease at less than the appraised
valuation and lease it to the person
or persons who will pay six per cent
on the highest offered valuation, as
annual rental, if, io his judgement,
it is the best interests of the state
to accept such bid."
List of these lands will be cheerful
ly furnished upon application.
I will also have auctions for leasing
school lands In Blain, Box Butte, Grant,
OorDeld, Hooker, Logan, Loup, Sioux
and Thomas counties Sept 18th, and
30th, and I will cheerfully furnish lists
of any of tne lands to be offered at these
auctions, and the date thereof, upon
If any of these lists are desired please
send me immediately, by Postal Card,
your name and address, as well as the
addresses of your friends who would like
to have these lists, and specify the list
wasted. J. V. Worn,
Comr. Pub, LAB.
Following ftra 17 financial nutinn.
- - 1 I r mm- - ' mm, WVIWVWI IWUVttUUIWI
Association, recently in session at Los Angles Cl by James B. Lehigh July., 13
1809, which we will, publish in three successivo iasaes for the next three weeks
and we hope every voter who will read them wjl give them earnest sincere consid
eration. Here are the 1st sections," 1 -
To the members of the National Educational association: In connection with
many other, I would be greatly pleased after adJoornment of our convention now
in session in this city, if you would kindly giveWly consideration to the follow
ing problems pertained to the financial question If you can do so consistently with
your positien as public insUuctors: f
Example 1 If the population of the globe hi 1,500,000,000, and the gold in the
world is $3,000,000,000, how much gold is there Moach inhabitant? Answer: $2.
Example 2 If the gold and silver of the wojw aggregate $6,000,000,000, how
much gold and silver are there to each inhabit Answer: $4
Example 8 If the worlds annual production) of gold is $300,000,090, and half
of this sura is required for the arts and commerejvhow much would be available
for coinage purposes? Answer? $150,000,000, oiT cools per capita.
(Continued next
The undersigned is ag
ent for the celebrated
David Bradley, Wind Motor,
Improved Wind Mills,
the best made. I am
also preiared to furn
ish on phort notice first
Pumps, Pipes. Wood & Steel Towers,
Tanks or anjtliinir In the lino
of ninnp repairs, AT LOWEST
Write me for estimates be
fore contracting elsewhere.
You will save money by it.
Addrew-JOIIN 8. AH1ITOX.
An! more, 8. Dak.
Ststn of Nehraka,
County of hioux.
j S3.
To all pernons intoretet In the estate of
1'airtck Murphy decnused:
Wherein. ICIizcbeth Murphy of said coun
ty hus tilled In my office an iniitruinent pur
porting to be the lant will snd testament of
Patrick uiurpliy deceaaod late of said cum.
ty and a petition praying to have thn Same
admitted to probate, which will relates to
both real und personal cxtata, whereupon I
have appointed Monday, the 4th (lay of Hnpt
einlier; 1KW at one o'clock 1'. M. at my office
In said county, us the time and place of prov
ing said will, at which time and place you
and all concerned may upcar and conteit
the probate of the same. It Is further orde
red that said petitioner give notice to all
persons Inti-re.Unl In natd nutate of the pen
dency of the petition and the time and place
set for bearing the same by causing a copy
of this order to be publiahed la the Sloux
county I'rkss JoI'hsal. a newapaper publia
hed in lluirluon Sloux county in said state
tor three weeks aucocNslvely previous to
the day set for said hearing.
in testimony whereof I have hereunto set
niT hand und official aeul thin 7day or August
. . Robert Wm-soh,
J Sis t j County Judr-
' ' ( A true copy.)
1 5rr
McKlnloy Lanning Loan and Trust Compa
ny, a corporation, t'omincrcial Investment
Company, a Corporation, Nebraska Security
Company, a Corporation, defendant!, will
take notice that on the 2nd (lav Of August,
Mie, Sarah Jordan, plaintiff herein, filed her
petition In the district court of Sloux Coun
ty, Nebraska, again t McKlnloy Lanning
lan and Truat Company, Commercial In
vcatment Company, Nvhruaka Security
(kjmpany, corporations, defendnnta, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to foreclose
the tax Hens hereinafter described.
In lu cauae of action staled In aald peti
tion the plalutiff seeks to forccloso a tax
llan upon tha sonth-esst quarter of Section
twenty (20) Townsnlp tklrty throe (83) north
of range fit ty-flve (5A) west of the 6th prln
elpsl meridian in Slonx County Nebraska,
t ust the taxes in vol veil In said cause of ac
tion are the taxes that were levied foi state,
county and school district purposes In the
yesra IHlU, lH, PA,tar which the same was
eld to said plaintiff on the 8th day of June
UW7, for the sum of S.T0.W, to have an ae
eountlng of the amount duo therefor, and
lor the tales due thereon for tho years, ISM
ISVT, 1S1M, paid bvaald plaintiff as subsequent
taxes and lurked to her certificate Of tax sale
and said plaintiff prays to have said laad
sold for the iwyment and satisfaction of the
amount found due npon the same for said
Utes and Interest thereon, together with
the ousts of suit snd omtsof sale, to bar fore
close and exclude the defendants and each
of them from all title, Hen or equity of re
demption In and to tho an Id land and for
general relief. And ysu and each of you are
farther notified and required to answer aald
petluen on or before the lltn day of Sepi
ember A. D, IMA.
Attorney for plaintiff.
nmnntmdmA tiK NatiAM) 17j.,,:i
hmj been added to the well
.-' know Hoepe
I vw&m mm?
With Stool aad 8oarf.
Write For Particulars.
Achievements of Admiral Dewey," tlie
World's naval bero. Iiv Murat HuUtead, tho
life long- friend and admirer of the nation's,
Idol. IHkkch and best boo k ; ovnr 500 pages
SxlOlnuhcs; nearly 100 pages halftone lllust
ruUonf Only SI, SO. Enormous demand.
BiK Commissions. Outfit free. Chance ot a
lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Com
pany, ajrd Floor Caxton BI kg;., Chicago.
CouTfirctal Investment Company, a cor
porati,-!, J. ck' Lawrence, whose tmechrta-
tlan nX"i Is unknown,' Xebraska Seeertty
Compiiti) , a corporation, defendants, will
take iiotlee that on the 2nd duy of August,
A. D. lra, Joseph Hoffman, plaintiff, herein
filed his petition in the district conrt of
Sioux county, Nebraska, against Commer
cial Investment Company, a corporation,
J. 8 Lw rence, whose true cbrlatian name
is anknown, Nebraska Security Company, a
cjrnoitlon, the object and prayer of which
la to foreclose a tux lien upon tbe East half
of the North-west quarter. South west quar
ter of, the North -east qnarter, North-west
quarter of South-east quarter, of Section
twunty eight (28), Township thirty-throe
(:3i, Sorth of Knnge flfty-four (M), west of
the 6th Principal Meridian, In Sioux county.
Nebraska, that the taxes Involved in said
cause of action are tbe taxes assessed and
levied thereon for State, county and school
dlstriet purposes for the years 1893, 1S94, 1K,
for which the same was sold to said pluin
tlff on the Slat day of May, A. D. 1S97, for
the snm of t51.44, to have an accounting of
the atuount due therefor, and for tha taxes
due thereon for the years lMXi, 1897, Itffl, paid
by said plaintiff as subsequent taxes, and
tucked to his certificate of sale.
And said plaintiff prays to have sold land
sold for the payment and satisfaction of the
amount found due upon tbe same for aald
tuxea and interest thereon together with
the oests of suit and costs of sule and attor
ney fee, to bar, foreclose and exclude the
defendant! and each of them from all title,
leln, or equity of redemption In and to said
parcel of land and for general relief. Yon
and each of you are further notified and re
quired to answer suld petition on or before
the 11th day of September A. D. 18V9.
- tl. J. O'CONMKLL.
J Attorney for plaintiff.
in tbc DisrsiCT cquit or 810DX cousTr,
Wllllsm W. Wood, plslnUff,
i va
P.utuB. Wlvht, defendant.
To Ruth B. Wlght.non resident, defendant
Too are hereby not! Had that on theZSth
day of Jiuna, 1H0!I, William W.Wood, plaintiff
hereli, fflod his petition in tbe above entit
led cause, in the District Coart of Slonx
countv, Nebraska, against Kuth B. Wight,
tbe oJect and prayer of which la to recover
from the delondant the sum of SHI. 13, due
and payable Ironi defendant to plaintiff for
fees, costs and expenses canned and expend
ed liv the prosecution of the ease of the
Commercial Investment Company, trustee.
against Isador Klosteln et al, In the Dlat
rlct Court of Sioux county.
Yon sre further notified that an order of
attachment has been Issued In this cause
and tbe same hss been levied by the Sheriff
npon thn t of the 8 W H and M-Wi of the
H-KJ4 of Section 88, and the N-ttlf of the H K'
of Mertlon 88, In Township S3, N. RangoiA
west of tho Sth f. ni., In Sloux county, Ne
brsska, and this action Is In part to cause a
sale of said tract of land under said order of
attachment and subject tho same to tho
payment of said debt tlist there Is now
due and payable on said debt the sum of
8Ml.lt, with Interest at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum, from the 17th day of June, IM,
for which sum, with Interest, plslntlff prays
for a Judgement against defendant, and
that In default of tho psyment thereof aald
premises may be sold to satisfy tbe amount
found due under said order of attarhment.
Yon arc required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of September, Isnt.
tl-sj William W. Wood, Plaintiff,
The Commercial Bank.
Harrison, - - . - Nebraska.
- v) SUKPLUS AND PROFITS - - 8,000.00
B. E. Bbtcwsteh, President. C. R Coffee, Vice President.
Chas. C. Jameson.
D. H. Gsi8wold, Cashier.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is nerebv eirtn that nv virtue of
an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the
Dlstriet Court of the countv of Sioux, mid
state ofVSIebTMka, npon a decree rendered
by said UdWrt In furor of American Mortgage
Trust Limited, Is Plaintiff, and Andrew J.
Hodge, Desire H. IIodg-R, wife of Andrew J.
Hodge, Defendants; I will on the 16th day
of September, A. J). 18S9, at the hour of 3
o'clock p. in., of said duy, at the Heat trout
door of tho Court House, in Harrison, in
said county, offer and sell the follow lug
described rual eatate, to wit :
The S-WJ4 S.K)4 iee. IS,- and XX N 1 and
8-W)4 N-K!i Sec. ti. In Twp. 30, Hands AS, In
Sioax county, Nebraska, at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said order of sale In the sum of S13S, with
interest at ten per cent, and costs andac
8 ruing costs.
Sheriff, sloux County, Nebraska.
final Proof Notices.
All persona having final proof notion in
this puper will rooelve a marked copy of the
paper anu are requested to examine weir
notice and if any error exist report the
saisss to this office at ouee. . ,
I". S. Land Office, Alliance, Neb.,
July It, 1SV9.
Notice la hereby given that j,1
has filed notice of Intention to make final
proof before County Judge, at his office, in
Harrison, Neb., on tho 8Sth day of August,
1899, on timber culture application No. 1495,
for the S)4 of N-E and N'i of S-Ki or Sec.
No. 32, in Twp. So. 81, Range No. 56.
lie names as witnesses:
David Bartlett, Charles Cammensind, B.
F. Johnson aud Alex Ixiwery. AU of Harri
son, Neb. F. M. DORRtNOTON,
Iand OfTlee at Alliance, Neb., Aug. 8, 1899.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has riled notice or his lnten,
tlon to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison,
Nebraska, on September 10, U09, viz : '
of Harrison, Nebraska, who mado H. K. No.
44IW, for the S S-WK, N-K4 8 W!, and S-E),
N-W!t of Sec. -a, Twp. 29. N. Knnge 66 west.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
bis cotlnuous resldeuce upon and cultlva
tion ot said land, viz:
Samuel 1. Coffee, John R. Marsteller,
Dwight II. Uriswold and Lewis Uerlach, all
of Harrison, Nobraska.
F. U. Dorkinoton, Register.
Departm int or tmb Iktxsios.
Land Offiico at Allllanee, Neo., Ang. R, 1899.
Notloe Is hereby given that the following
named settler hss 11 led notice of his Inten
tion to make dual proof In support or his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison,
Nebraska, on September ltt, 1H99, viz :
of Harrison, Nebraska, who made H. E. No.
4086, for tbe HH S-E!, 8 E4 8-W aud Lot 4,
Sec. 81, Twp. 31, N. Range 34 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cvltiva
tlon of said land, vis:
Peter Miller, Walter Pitt, Henry Bose and
Nols Englebrecht, all of Harrison, Nebraska.
F. M. DoaaiNQToN, Register,
J. Y. Castle, plaintiff, against Metta I
Maine, Silas L. K. Maine, George W. Hester
James O. Sargent, Defendants. To Metta
L. Maine, Silas L. K. Maine, and James O.
Ton and each of you will take notice that
the above named plaintiff has filed her pet
tltlon In the disVriot Court of Slonx county
Nebraska, thn object and prayer of whloh
petition Is the foreclosure of a pertain tax
lien on lots numbers 20 and 81 of block nam.
ber 7 of the village of Harrison, Nebraska,
for the delinquent taxes on said lots for
tbe years lsw, 1890, 1S9I, 1892, 1st 1804,- lm
and paid by plaintiff and her assignors,
and that the said lots may be sold to satisfy
said tax leln. -That yon and each of you
may be foreclosed 'and barred of all tight,
Interest, Hen, 01 eqnity of redemption
In or to said premises. Yon are required to
answer said petition on or before tbe 11th
dny or September 1VW.
J. Y. Castle-, plaintiff.
Giant Ocieeii, Attorney for plaintiff.
IN - - $10,000.00
A. MrOT.-v-
TUK JOUHKAL Will nilhllth v....Kn.nl Hk.
the rollowlnir. fov 9 -nn . l . ...
ditionul brand 75 cents. :very rarrner or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise thoir brands In ThkJoCs
i cireuiatos an over the state. It
nmj uv iu meuus or saving money for you
On left side or hip of cattle, 'i ,
On left shoulder of horses, t
Bnnge on the . bead ot Warbonnet
Address Harrison, Slonx Co. Neb.
The brand reprsented,ln this notice
and branded any where on left side
of horses and
Also tey L L brand any where on
tett side of eattle belongs to the
- Chakujs I'MFHEKona. -
Harrison, Kebmstea,,
The brand represented In this nutice
and branded any where on left side
of eattle, tad evcr-lap not from the
rlit ear.
AJso tatt asAwJbraadaa irt thigh of
horsask. tMlonva Aa th s,trltftnMl
Raage near East Springs, south nart fa
Biotrx county. Charles Newman,
Harrison, Nebraska.
8. W- CAREY. '
I On left shouMer of eattle and
lUange on UtttO Cottonwood.
PO. .. Crawford Nobr. -
On left side of cattle aad on left
shonlder ot horses. vi '
Range on Antelope creek ' . Ihj
P. O.. Ghilchrlst, Sioux Co.. Neb. V f. 'J.
Owns the follow
Ingbrand on eith
er: Also HG on cat
tle and horses
cattle on leftside
horses on left
Range on Silver Springs and east of state
Ine. I'osloftico Harrison Nob
$100 REWARD.
F0r proof to convict any person of steal
ing any of my stock.
Cattle branded
'same as cut.
- Homes branded
same on right
shoulders '
ore on
left thigh.
Sheep, paint brand
same as cattle and
fire brand ' c on
right side of nose.
Address, David Colville,
Glen Sebr.,
Estrar Notice. , ,
To Whom It mat concern. . .
That James Bourett the undersigned did
on the 7th day of Jaly 1899 on his inclosed
land situated on Running Water, SlouxCo.,
One dark brown mare was taken up by
ine as eatraywl, said Mare being more par
ticular described as follows :
One dark brown mare, about three years
old, branded
n left shoulder,
Dated at Harrison, Neb, this Xrd day ot
Aug. 1W.
James Bocsett.
i I'
wvj Liver
Bold by all crnnuitt
or sent oy nail.
Mtrvtta iHsslstl Ca. Ctsaai
W-l ,1
told Br Dr. J. E. rhiaa).
" .