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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1899)
IB! IB! A Fine Line of iww I u uiiiuj uunuy. If you are tired of paying high prices you can make money by buying your gooda at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Every body loves a nice fittiug, Styli&h Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised in all magazines at $3.00 in Boston, we sell this graceful shoe for $2. 75 right here at home and save you 60c express besides. THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Books and Stationary. J. E..PHINNEY, Proprietor. Ladie s & Gentlemen1 All other leather goods will be sold LIGHT & HEAVY i ; JUST ARRIVED AT IROHWER'S harness shop, I t; 6 I l '' ' 'if: r " If'.. v. " h r , XT' ''1 All kinda of Harness Goods. Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, gT Call and get PRICES Proffessional Cards- J. E. PHINNEY, M. D. Phjiseiau sad Surgeon. ' 411 call! given prompt attention. Office in Drug Store. -HABBISON - NEBRASKA. .GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Frompt attention given to all legal natters in Justice, County and Pi strict -urts, and before the United State? jLaad Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable jromnaoiee. ty Legal papers carefully drawn. Hajuusos. - Nebraska, j HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL Thcbsday. Atro. 10.1899. 4JM. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. ADVERTISING RATES. o Basin M Locals, each insertion 5c. Display, standing Ads: prices lor some iSnade known on application. - Mack Brand and tha Faras JcpasaL, oae year S3 .00. roreica advertising moat be paid in ad jrance For further information Address. PsiaiAJounXAL, Harrison, Siebr. F. I. ft X. V at it lime table. Going West, fcolngjist. o. , nixed.. 11 SO I Bo. , mixed 8 M t H North-western LINE f. E. M. V. R. R. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DADWOO AND HOT SVK1SGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. J. I Fitwimmong. purchased a small Jbunch of horses around here tlie first 4l this week, and yesterday be too- them yo Alliance to dispose of them. Yes Jim ; ia a trader al'l right. Shipping season is now on, Chas Cof- ' 4m started the ball rolling by shipping 14 ova on last Saturday, and on Monday genera. Currie, Bourett, Rohwer, and rtbers sent several cars to replenish the beef market of South OmahA. Thomas Bell, of Lusk was doing buaioeaa at the metropolis yesterday and while here did not forget to stop to stay friendly "how to the editor and the vdevil" as well as to renew bis allegiance iiO the FsnB-JocBSAL. Call again wben :ia town the latch atring is always oat Last Sept. TJ906) I waa jgiven up to A at tbeU. B. Hospital Omaha. Per nickras Onoamia. A friend pursuaded ma to go to the grdon Hospital Chad- ' rod, !feb., Dr. Langaon treated me two months and I am a well man today Win. L. Roberta. Zela. Neb. Dr. Leogson will be in Harriaon Aog, 18 1 consultation 91.00. It ia Hsdsed a very rare occurence, if 4t evor hapawoe at all, that the immedi Moly ouansotai yortiea to a naptial knot takeo If , .aofpria. Such was the . mo wrth t. Ciat Buffing, and Miss OertaweU Euti3, (who by the way, we Joorootilwl U 4"M bat week, which wm a oiUUke of ma uoreapooent) whoa mptoaJa ware aolamnised on last Kon. ,! 47 aftoroooo at the residence of Mr. and m. AlMO HoraTM in Harrinon. The oooaa AM tottnossi beiair married at 0erfei, mn ogk but Father. Kroo f), wm hi ttOMssd the couple ditto, so ly oemJto be morrtttf then The ' sWsertaeoAhootof friefiaa who " ri ttJ PfMkisf Mki bapolaeea. io f AtlO CXGm iooftoH to oCr Ma Also, Flour and all kinds of Lime, Hair, Cement &.c. &c. before buying elsewhere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. X. J. O (Jonnell, - - Co. AUoruej, -&o- Will Practice in All Courts. Special Attenliou Civeu to Land Of fice Business. Collections and aU bnsiness entrust ed tomewill receive prompt attention. ilARt.woN - Nebraska. PRESS MAKING PARLOR. The undersigned just located in ,fower north-west porner room OF A.VDKEWS HALL, W prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sewing in her line. The patronage of ttie public is solicited. We guarantee satisfaction and that our charges will be reasonable. Mns. Ma'hjis Roskcrans. F. T.. & 31. V. R. R. ' Special ExeurHon to Mot NprinM, S. Dat, Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, July 4th and lHUi aDd Aug. 22, 1H99, good returning iiO days from date of pale at One Fare Tlus 2.00 For Round Trin and on Tuesday. Aug. 8, 1M)9, at One T T " 1 m. - rare ror xuiunu lnp. F. A very, Agent. -In 1882 1 suffered from the falling of the bowel. Had to give up all work Couldat even milk. In Bpring of 1898 Dr. Iingson operated on me removing eight indies of the intes tine am (erfectty well and strong now and do everv bit of rav own work am 65 years old and feel 20 years younger thaa I did beore treatment F. B. Woodward. Chadron, Neb. Dr. Lancson will be in Harrison Aug ust 18 & 19 Consultation fl.OO. A down east editor has drawn up some new game laws which he wants adopted. The following is a sum mary: "Book agents may be killed from October 1 to Sept 1; Spring poets from March 1 to June 1; Scandal mog. ers from Apr. 1 to Feb. 1; umbrella borrowers from August 1 to Nov. 1; and Feb. 1 to May 1, while every man who accepts a newspaper two years, and upon being presented with his bill says, 'I never ordered it,! may be killed on the spot, without reserve or relief," MARRIED At Harrison on Monday August Tth Mr. Chris Ruffing and Miss Gertrude Marking, both of Five Points. There was a pleasant surprise on last Monday at Harrison, the parties them selves until just about an hour previous to the ceremony knew nothing about it Mr. Chris Ruffing and Mrs. Gertrude Marking were married by Father Kropa M. J. O'Coonell, was best man, and Mus Anna Morayek, attended the bride. The young couple left nest morning for Wyoming where they expect to make their future home. The writer wishes them God's blessings, and many happy and prosperous years. . In tlie perusal of our exchanges las week, noticed the following, in not less than three or four which we reprint for the benefit of some of our delinquents hoping thereby to jog their memory. Soma noted proffeasor has predicted that the world will come to an end on the 14tb of November. We would impress upon you delinquent the fact, now is the time to settle up. Come early and avoid the rush, as the last day will be a vary busv one with us all. . A letter from Olen, this county, was addressed to the Phkss-Journal Tues day, which contained an est ray notice without any signature attached, save the initial letters representing as we sup pose anon de plume name. It is a rule of the PH&S-Jot unal, office, and no doubt is of every well regulated pews paper offlee, never to publish communi cations from any person, any where, un law the parties signature) accompanies their comasunkation, whether it be an astray notiue or a piece of new that is to ba Imparted to the general public fbtojrh tbo median of the paper. j just as cheap in proportion; none but the best kept in stock. In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all East ern catagogue prices; no matter from what point goods may come. In addition to our gen eral merchandise, we are selling thin spring Ladies and Misses $5.00 Spring Hats for $2.50 Come & see for yourself. h mm We also han dle the celebra ted Valentine Flour, none better in America. Besides we have full line of Crockery. If you want a suit of clothes made to order we are Agents for Royal Taylors of Chi cago, Ills. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, prop. NOTICE. On account of the purchase of the North-western Press plant by the editor of TUE Siorj CoCSTT Jotrxal, and ac cording to contract the Jochnal will be sent to all tlie paid-in-advance Press read ers until their time expires, Geo. d. Canox. Ed. JOLK5AU' NOTICE. j All parties having accounts with . tj. I II. Barteix of long standingr are re quired to call and settle same at once by cash or note. J. II Barteix. -rBert Hamlio, of Pleasant Ridge was a pleasant caller at this oi?.ce, one day this week. Among our latest subscribers, we have written the following names: Mrs. Carpenter Harrison. Earnest Lyon Harrison. Thomas Doyle BoUarc, James Sheppard Ottumwa, ia., Earnest Bunge Bodarc, and Fred Knott Gilchrist Mrs. Herman Konrath, wears a very sober face now-a-days, as she had all her teeth extracted by Dr. Wycoff of Crawford, who spent several days at Ardmore, last week. Sheriff Taylor of Grand Island, Neb. was in these parts Monday and Tuesday, looking for horse and buejfy thif, who was reported to have been in, or near Ardmore S. Dak. But as Sheriff Taylor expressed it to ye soribe. I am about one week too late, however, he has not given up getting bis man yet Seven Doctors wanted to cut my child leg off, From the hip to toes there were twenty openings into the bone Rev. Horton now of the Chadron Cir cuit sent me to Dr. Langson who cured her in seven weeks, that wan in 1890 she never has had any more trouble. July ord 1899. C. F. Long. Browalee, Neb. Dr. Langson. will be in Harrison Aug ust 18 & ltf Consultation $1.00. On last Saturday, nearly all of the teachers who had beea attending insti tute her during the week left for their homes, after reviving their certificates, about 25 were in attendance. On last Fri day evening they gave an entertainment at the church to our citizens which was made doubly interesting from the fact of Prof. Purviance lending his valuable tal ent for the occasion. On Saturday eve ning the teachers weie given a five o'clock tea by our county Superinten dent, after which all of them ieparted, highly delighted with the treatment they had received, during their sojourn In our midst Those who had the pleasure of listening to Prof. I'urviance's lectures, were perfectly charmed nd we feel a better instructor could liwdly be found for our institute work. Suffered for ten years with Rupture & Piles, Nov. 25th 1390 went to Dr. Jjin gson who cured mo in Ave weeks was not in bed a day or lost a week work Am wall and strong today July Sod IBM 1L A. Pum. Assist. Sec'y. Chamber of Commerce Milwaukee Wiscoaeio. , Dr. Langson will be fa Harrison A eg. 18 1 Consultation flM. " ' V Miss Louise Linderaan is now in the employ of I). IL Gnswold's family on the east side. Strayed. From my place on West Hat creek, one roan heifer and her calf; heifer branded fTl (Hying K) on right hip. Address, Tuos. Doyle, Harrises, Neb. Ura Kirtley, of Kirtley, wivh a pl.-as-ant caller at this ofllce ytsterdy. He is buying cattle for Frank Currie, and we feel Mr. Currie could not make a better choice. Saturday, last, Charles coffee ship ped 14 cars of cattle. He had them loaded at Van Tasxall siding. Frank Curry shipDed a car along with Xr- Cof fee's special train. NOTICE In the future, all coamuni cations, for information relative to thin paper, or for publication, chould i e":ui dressd to Uakjiisos I'isk-s? JoIWNaL, un less, it be of a personal nature which should be addressed to the editor, person ally. On last Thursday eveniug Mrs. Col lins down at the Saw mill, had the mis fortune to run a nail in her footeaus ing a very painful wound and Dr. Phin ney of this place was called and dressed the crippled member which we under stand is improving nicely. W. O. Patterson, is busy this week repairing the sidewalks, a work that should have been done early last spring. The village of Harrison has run great risk of having to pay damages for broken limbs, to pedestrains, who use our walks from day to day. Who says it does not pay to adver tise in the PEK&t-Joi'KXAL? Mrs. Ros crans our dross rn ikur will tell you quite the contrary. She advertised in our lo cal coluras just recently , and she came in person, to tell us, she cau scarcely fill all the calls, she received in reply. The lady is a first class dressmaker, at pres sent she is at the Cook ranch. You should advertise in your own county pa per. Was taken on a stretclier to Dr. Langsons hospital from Bordeaux reun ion July 1898 Had suffered from female trouble for twenty years Dr. Lang son cured me and I never asin letter health than at the present time one year after July 1899. Mrs. Harry Leyoj, Larvaco, Neb." Dr. Langsm will be in Harrison Aug. ust 18 & 19.conultation f 1 00. A fellow from the saw mill on Spring creek was around town last Thursday and Frilay with his face badly scratch ed and bruized from fighting with a wild cat he says, so it war reported to us by our special correspondent, but his face looked more like having passed through an old fashioned "scrap.'' But liow a bout the wild cat.? We learned incidently the other day that Mrs. J. II. Brown whose husband was murdered nearly two years ago has again become a bride. The ceremony whs performed at Hot Springs S. Dak., hut th couple are now living In the vic inity of Ardmore. We wish them much joy and happiness. The name of the groom U Mr. Murtage, a gentleman who ha been working for Mrs. Murtsze nee Mis. Brown. He i 0'.v engigd in-difioetely, HO AND THE Children & Youth's! CELEBRATED LIBERTY BELL 4 SHOES HAVE HO EQUAL; Call and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller BROS. Mr. Louis Ruffing, was a pleasant visitor at Konralh's raBL-h, on List Sunday. Mr. Herman Konrath, was a Har rison visitor on last Monday to get his check cashed. Mrs. John Zuuk, of S. Dak., was a guest at the Konrath mansion, on last Sunday. - - Miss Lizzie Murphy and her brother of Crawford, were doing bueiness at the court house ou last Monday. Father Muneich. formerly connected with Harrison anJ Montrose missions, spent last Monday at Crawford, on busi ness. Mr. Bourctte, and sons, of Running Water shipped three and on h1f cars of cattle to South Omaha markets on !af Monday. The Catholic church services, at Mon trose, were verv wull attended on lust Sunday. There will be mnss at Mon trose gaain on the 3rd Sunday in Au gust Rev. Father Kroupa, of Chadron, spent Monday in Harrison. The Rev. Gentleman, while here did not forget to say a friendly "How to ye editor." Father W. L. McNamara, will ar rive in Chadrop, on August 11th to assist in the various mission work, connected with that church. Among the spwtacles to be seen on the Greater America exposition nndwav is a man of ordinary hiht who actuul Iv weighs 617 pounds. II.) is a native of Switzerland and is 49 venrs old He is accompanied by his wife, who will weigh hardly more than 100 pounds. He is found in the German village. Montrose dlpiilng. Henry Piekenbrock took a business trip to the co unty seat on last Monday. H. Piekenbrock spent last Tuesday with his family. Harry Gay hart, the Hot Springs iew eler spent a few days with his urvnts, be left Tuesday morning. Little Jakie DeBeno, had his arm brok en, while ridding. The saddle slipped to one side and he fell on his elbow. Henry Henry went to Omaha, this week with a car of fat cattle, while there he will take in the Greater Amer ican Expo. Mise Katie and Lizzie Henry went to Duck creek ranch, where they will stay a few davs to keep house for their broth ers. MARRIED At Hnrrison Aug. 7th Mr. Christ Ruffing and Miss Gertie Marking of Montrose. May tlieir joys be many as their sorrows few, is the wish of Riga MARRIED The same dny nt Casper Wyo. Miss Lena Baiimgnrd of Moat rose, and a Mr. Turner of Casper, the young took a weeding trip to Denver Colo., and their many friends join ye scribe in wish ing them a happy and prosperous mar ried life. v Mr, Dan Jordan is expected home from the round up the latter part of this month . Jake Mark ng who had been to Wis consin on p Wish re and also business, re turn' d last Thursday, Hao.-; NERYITA PILLS! Ms Ism VITALITY. LOST VIGOR 'NO MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and arastinrr disease, ill effect 8 Of Self. abuse, or excess ana indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the ptnk glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. iltr ma il fOt ner box. 6 boxea for withe written gnaran- tco to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, t f NERVITA MEDICAL CO. 5 Clinton Jackson Eti., CHICAQO, ILL. Sold By Dr. J. E- Phlnnejr. i i i . i ' Want Column. r Preaching every other Sabbath, at 11 o'clock a. in., and everv Sabbath evening at 3 o'clock at the M, E. church. Every bdv invited to attend. Risv. J. L. Kenoaix, Pastor. FOU6ALK: At a bargain, a com plete NEWSPAPER OUTFIT, consist ing of news press and all the type and material necessary for publishing a neat, country newspaper. Also a Job pres with job type, furniture Ac. Ac., which goes in the bargain. Parties wishing further information should write to The Siorx Cocnty Journal, Harrison, Nebraska. AtiKKT WAXTI4! KOR -THE"K AND Actielvcinrntaof A'Jmlrj! Dewny," thf worlila KrcaU-st naval lifro. lir Murt Xaataad, tu Ilfe-loua friend hi1 admirer of the natt mi's Idol, indent ami l't tjook ; over SOW nufrim, sill); nearly MO SK' halftone llluxlt'Httoiii.. (Inly !.!:. K mrniouailcmnnil. Hi I onniil-lon. nut lit froe. tlianc eof a. lllH tline. VV rltijiilrk. 1"ho Dominion Uoiu any, 3rd Kioor Uuxum Bid-., Chicago. For We ran make to our measure a Fine, Ail-Wooi Latest City Stylet You can be a ttell-d rested man If you know Uiw. W rite at (or Stmnlfi and Booklet "Haw It Ll WtU, Vrm Wtll, mnd Savo Money." Large Fashion Plate C.1 The DAVIS MACHINE CO, CMICAOO A UH VOU A WORKEU l"a. in Weed or Metal I la tad far I statolith at Darncs Foot Powca Machinery. Practical, SUmg, Durable. W. P. A Imhm linn .. 1 ifi Rabv St., Rack ford, iHiiMla, PAT FOLKS M4siew4 U to If pm$9T wmlh. fttrvillf, n lnormfanini, t o hasl rtwtilt. RoilHlotj wm. TfwsMrnt jmitHlf krtu mA fttiHlf mA U. a. U1TS. m l'.tM U4, M. Ui( MnV W mnt ia it, un r vrtM. DM. '1 1 HI 1 1 1.1 AHwi 1. n linilLlMI flMSSt na F" S"IH o wo 'inaiewu UMiMi viiuf iummssw Sf ha':nrIHI I I I aaaa w4suaaaM ru Ol llnuAW r ..1UA II M tl.ld a 'OO 'elelV 'M 'A WH -tMSar;1ss'aaaarMMMaM fizt snarA m aS irw AOVI aOs mm I if irii , fir