Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 10, 1899, Image 7

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FALL TRRV nrlral iiimiii M.ifiHB i..nKnn . . : i . . .. ... . . .
II iiUMMiu with a place to work for ihelr boaru. fa can aitend thl oollere for one-hi..!
1?. J1, D,k.rwu,,e4 2 1br- i"l n am tod addre.ae of juun
eateo Id buloBM education .and vet our college weekly one rmr free Our
free to anyone. Addrme. ROHRBOUOH BHOS.. Omaha, Nab.
A Raoalpt Book That Should Bo Ir
Evary Homo.
Something la always wroac with mat
r beast, and H la not always ooo
realent to lend for a physician or
heree deetor. Dr. Kendall'a Perfected
Receipt Book la a plain, oommonaenai
practical book, which any man or wo
man can underataad. Aa a rule auci
works are too complicated and can not
be undemood by people who need thi
Information moat. People do not can
for a book of tola kind which call fot
a doctor to explain. They want a book
which reed a no esplanatlon and whlc
wiu help them out of their difficult.
and at the aaaa time nave them U
expense bills.
Dr. Kendall's Perfected Receipt Boot
was prepared by aa eminent physician.
wnose associations with the peoplt
made htm thoroughly aoaualnted wltl
the steadily Increasing; desire of nearly
tveryone to know for themselves what
la best to do when sick, and this know I
stimulated the author to makt
this book the most complete and prac
tical or any boo of Its kind ever pub
llshed. Millions of people have gon
to a premature (rave, who might hav
uvea lives of usefulness If they, or thelt
friends who cared for them, had been
the possessors of such a book as thli
and had made themselves familiar with
Its contents.
In writing this book. It has been the
purpose to make It so plain that It
would be adapted to all classes. Then
Is no person, of whatever calling, wba
cannot find many things In this book
that will be of practical value. It ii
divided into different departments. Tin
medical depart ment la made up of val
uable prescriptions, recipes and treat
ment for the different diseases, written
In a dear, concise manner, enabling one
to give their family the beat of treat
ment In time of sickness.
it contains a large number of, the very
beat and most valuable prescription!
known to the medical profession. They
are written in plain language, so as to
be easily understood by everyone.Thoae
subjects which are of the greatest lm
portance, such as dyspepsia, constipa
tion, kidney, liver and lunff diseases,
are treated at great length and so Il
lustrated as to make it vary plain to
alt just what the disease is and what ts
the best method of effecting a com
plete cure.
The farmer of stock owner will And
recipes for treating his domestic an I
mala when sick. The housewife will
And the cooping receipts to be reliable,
as every one has been tested and hava
come from some of the best profes
sional cooks and from housekeepers of
experience and ability. The toilet de
partment contains recipes that will be
found very valuable, and the same can
be aald of the laundry department, as
well as the miscellaneous receipts.
The Appendix Is a very valuable trea
tise, giving the cause, symptoms and
the best treatment of diseases. It not
only gives valuable prescriptions for
ach disease, but the best of medical
advice Is given in regard to the care,
nursing, food, etc
Most books of this kind have a large
number of receipts for each disease,
when not more than one will be valua
ble and a non-professional person ts
onable to select the one which has
value. In this book only the best pre
scriptions are given and those that are
not valuable have been excluded, mak
ing this book the moat valuable of Its
Bent to any address postage paid on
receipt of tfi cents. Make remittance in
postal money orders or postage stamps.
Write name and address plainly. Ad
tress all orders to
6W-&U So. 12th 61, Omaha, Neb,
Those who are Interested In compari
sons between the vast Industrial estab
lishments of America on the one hand
and of Europe on the other wilt find
no cause for disparagement In the cose
of the latter. In view of fax-ts officially
published In a recent London Trades
Review. From this It appears that the
largest number of blast furnaces pos
sessed by one concern In the world Is
owiwl liy the Alpine Montan Gesell
sehaft of Vienna and Styrla, which has
a total of thirty-two furnaces; but as
most of these are of old plans and
methods, worked with charcoal fuel,
the fart Is more Important that of the
modern clans of furnuces the largest
number owned by a single firm Is twenty-six.
owned by the lizards of Glas
gow, who own the works of (Jartsherrle,
Ellngton, Lugar and Mulrklrk of Scot
land, thee being equal to a total out
put of 400,000 tons a year, or about
one-third of the total plglron produc
tion of that country. Next to this firm
Is that of Hokkow, VauKhn Co., of
Mlddlborough, with a total of twenty-four
furnm-fs, equal to an annual
output of 750.0UH tons of plg-lron If. all
were In blast. The capacity In both of
these cases Is below that of some Amer
ican Arms, although the number of
furnaces Is larged.
Emeralds In Russia.
Emeralds, some of which are very
fine, are found In the district of Ekat.
erlnburg, along the banks of the To
kova river, about fifty-two miles from
the capital of the district. Mining for
this precious stone began In 1941, and
at the beginning gave very good re
sults. The first emerald was found by
a peasant named Maxim Kolevnlkow
In 1M8. while he was examining the
roots of a tree which had been uprooted
by a storm. It Is pretty certain, how
ever, that discoveries of the same kind
had already been made In 118. It Is
even possible that finds had been n.ade
prior to them, as the Czar Boris Qo
dounow presented the Venetian engrav.
er, Fronds Ascentl, with a sable fur
and 100 ducats for having cut a large
emerald for a ling. The finest emeralds
were found when these stones were
being mined for the account of the gov
ernment. During this period, that Is,
up to 162, 5,600 pounds were extracted.
The government afterward farmed out
the mines to private parties, who were
not successful. The emeralds of supe
rior quality have been found near the
surface of the soli, while those found In
deep ground were of inferior quality.
Mr. Good thing (engaged to Johnny's
lster Johnny, I'm going to make you
a present What do you wish T
Johnny A bos of candy.
Mr. CL What siseT
Johnny Another bog of candy.
Mr. O Oh, wish something else
little stomach couldn't hold all
Johnny-Another stomach, St. Louts
people loter
new catalogue
Stonemason's sawdust Is better than
soap for cleaning floors.
Kerosene oil will clean blackened sil
ver almost Instantly.
To keep moths and carpet butrs from
all woolen goods and furs, sprinkle
them with cedar chips.
China closets should be scalded and
freshened at least weekly and a little
borax water sprinkled on the shelves.
To keep away roaches take green
cucumber parings and strew them
around the kitchen tables and cup
boards and see how quickly the roaches
will disappear.
To wash cut glassware use pure oan
and hot water and apply with a large
toothbrush. Each piece should be wiped
with a clean cloth as It la taken from
the water.
Air curtains, beat well and put in
cedar chest. If stained use a little ben
slne appl wletldh HlaacadtheT bnd
tine applied with cloth the same color
as materia Never use white cloth.
Lace curtains should be washed before
packing away. It is not good to keep
the dust In them, but they should not
be blued or starched.
If the moths have begun to eat your
carpet, take the tacks out, turn it back
one-half yard all around the room,
wash the boards with a saturated so
lution of camphor, putting It on with
a paint brush; then lay the carpet back
In Its proper place, put over It a towl
wrung out of water and camphor, and
Iron It thoroughly with a real hot Iron,
so as to steam it through and through,
and this will kill the insects and oil
the larvae.
Expert Coal Thieves.
Coal stealing from railroads, common
along the lines of all the coal carrying
roads, has been reduced to a system in
Syracuse, the Post-Standard of that
city says. The thieves work hard and
take many risks, not only of detection
but of bodily Injury. Their methods
would be called clever If employed In
an honest business. The heaviest
thieving Is done by men with sacks,
who climb up between the cars of a
slow-moving train, with two or more
bushel sacks concealed under their
clothing. As opportunity offers they
fill a sack and throw It from the train,
to be picked up by accomplices. Anoth
er trick is adopted by men who.
dressed like tramps, board trains as If
with the intention of stealing a ride.
These men travel along from one car
to another, apparently seeking a com
fortable place In which to lie down,
but in their progress they manage to
dislodge a large amount of coal, which
Is subsequently picked up by the wom
en and children who are employed In
the "Industry." Large quantities of
coal are stolen by these and other
methpds, the plunder being disposed of
to unscrupulous dealers, who subse.
quently rob the honest poor by dishon
est measure.
King of Linguists.
No man, however great his powers
of memory, could acquire even a smat-
terlgn of all the living languages.
They number 800, not to mention 6,XK)
Eighty-nine languages are allotted to
Europe. 123 to Asia, 114 to Africa, 177
to America and 417 to the islands of the
Pacific and Indian ooeans.
Probably the most remarkable lin
guist the world has ever known was
Joseph Caspar Mexzofantl, who wag
born at Bologna In 1774, created cardi
nal In 1838 and died at Rome in 1848.
The list of languages and dialects which
he acquired reached the astounding to
tal of 114.
It would be Interesting to know what
system was pursued by Cardinal Mez-
zofantl In the study of languages, but
little light Is now obtainable on thin
The most famous linguist of antiquity
was Mlthrldatpft, king of Pontus, who
Is said to have been thoroughly con
versant with the languages of twenty-
five nations over whlrh his rul ex
tended, and Cleopatra, queen of Egypt,
of whom Plutarch says that she spoks
mast languages, and that there weru
but few of the foreign ambassadors to
whom she gave audience througn an in
terpreter. Gambled But Once.
Senator Stewart of Nevada tells the
following story of his only experience
as a gambler: My nrst and only ex
perience was In Han Francisco In thi
spring of 1S50. I was a youngster, and
iad wandered Into a resort called lha
El Dorado, at which all sorts of games
were In progress, and on the tables
were plied up huge socks of gold and
sliver coin. I looked on as a green
youth would, and I was attracted tu a
roulette wheel. A miner was betting
100 at every turn, and luck seemed to
come his way. I didn't have murh
money, but concluded I'd take a chance,
and started In with a silver quarter,
following every bet of the miner. I ran
his 25-cent piece up to and though
elated with my fortune, obeyed the
promptitude of prudence and quit
'As I went out of the place I heard
an old gambler say: 'He'll be back In
side of an hour and lose it all.' That
remark, for all I knew, had a great In
fluence on my after career, for I not
only resolved not to go back, but nevei
to fight any game of chance In the fu
ture. So I quit the gambling then and
there and kept my resolution."
The New Evolution.
"Hsve you noticed that the pretty
girls are the ones who get seats In the
cars, and that the unhandsome ones
generally have to stand up?" asked the
man who doesn't know whether he had
rather be Schopenhauer or Mark Twain.
"Tea, but what of tlt? I don't quits
understand what you are driving at."
"Well, you may not know It, but that
condition Is going to bring about the
salvation of the race."
"Oh, I know. The women are begin
ning to take a decided stand on matters
and a more elevated point of view."
"Don't be an Idiot, l m In earpt.
Tou know the law about the survival
of the fittest snd the process of evolu
tion. Well, It Is evident that the only
way In which an unhandsome lady can
get seat will be to grow handsome.
Now this will have Its effect on thi
third and fourth generations and finally
all our women will be beautiful and
able to get two seats on the cars If they
want them. They simply have to iM
handsome, or they won't get a chancs
to sit down."
Lady Do you make half-tons
Kd Howland No. ma'am. Nothing
but hlch-tonsd pictures msde hers
Cincinnati Enquirer.
One of the kuujecls of great Interest
to t.re public now Is that of occupatl-vis
j.r wointn, and the question. ' What
i.ll oji ki'' lin u do that will
i:.ue iiem self-supporting and conv
I'jitiiuly independent?" is asked on all
t u s. An, Otis' U,e t ailings i-uggepted
(at have been t:kd or followed b wo
men, little attention so far has been
paid to the Industry of wood carving
which must be classed under the head
of art.
In considering this general topic and
t!,a advantage ottered by the various
1'iukci ut artistic effort commonly pur
uej by our stuoenta, surpusa has oft
fii t-s; reused that theie has not been
rstabllfhed in this country years ago
t..,u properly equipped a school or
in writer teaching wood carving or wood
fc-t..plure as a tin art.
"in turope," said one of the workers
in this art, "this delicate handiwork
r.us for ceiiturlts been one of the fa-
vuied forms oi u-tistlc pastime among
u.e women of the nobility, and today It
counts us us (.evolves many of the
most exclusive and most highly cul
tured wuu. n on that continent. Les
felons ait ht generally ta4en there in
tills fascinating art by the young wo
men of the ui-r classes as are music
and painting by the daughters of fam
ilies of like social rank In this couury.
"It is Indeed gtiauge that this craft,
adaptable In its application to so wide
a range of uee and ornament, has never
herttoiure been propenj presented to
the cultured classes herv. Tl.e work is
tar more cleanly that pointing, either
in water colors or In on, and the Im
plements require lesa attention and
care. The simple and most exact prln
clpks upon which true art Is based are
from their very nature BUKce:lible of
more ready comprehension and mastery
tnaii those underlying many other
branches commonly taken up.
The skillful handling of the few
tools required Ib quickly attained, and
In a few U-Fsons the average scholar is
able to execute exquinlte work at once
a surprise and a delight.
"in addition to the rare pleasure re
sulting from known ability to create
beautiful things, there are greater ben
tilts accruing to the sculptor, not to
mention others. There is the fact that
he his learned the better to appreciate
and value proportion, form and delicacy
of outline, and this knowledge, aside
from the personal satisfaction it brings,
enables him to Judge with true accu
racy the artistic merits of all things,
natural or manufactured, having form
as their basis. This essential sense, can
be secured In no other way so readily.
Indeed, the artistic faculty, the aes
thetic taste Itself, can be perfected
only by a fair knowledge of the truths
which a course in wood sculpture sup
pltes. "This fact Is being recognized In this
country now. us It has long been rec
ognized and observed in the centers of
high art in Europe, and even In the
far east. Wise masters of the chisel
now bring their dainty craft to the art
lovers of our nation, and the void that
has been felt in the art education of
this young country will not long con
tinue. Art in every form is but the
expression of a refined sense. Indeed
nothing more surely marks the spirit
of true refinement than the degree In
which an Intelligent love of the beau
tiful is manifest Hence it is that cul
tured persons are not only constant pat
rons of art. but seek themselves to be
come proficient In some one or more of
its branches.
"Music, sculpture, painting, ceramics
and various other familiar forms of
like endeavor have furnished expres
sion to men's increased and increasing
culture, and given broad opportunity
for the development of individual fac
ulties and tastes. Great as have
been the benefits to mankind from the
achievements of masters in the several
lines mentioned. It may be well assert
ed that the chlefest good has come
from the attention given thereto by
cultivated men and women, who sought
only further self-Improvement, and not
the mere making or fortune or a name.
"This chaste love for the refined has
become markedly dominant In recent
times with the better classes, as la evi
denced by a large number of such per
sons who. In every department of aes
thetics, seek such scholarships under
the great masters who have unselfishly
relinquished the broadening advantages
of public Be rv Ices for the restriction of
studio or Instrumenta-tllon. Under the
guidance and In the companionship of
such tutors our favored youth have
grown In technical knowledge and pro
ficiency along selected lines, until now
It Is by no means rare to find among
our women and men those who work
with brush, pencil and pen, or whose
ability as vocal or. Instrumental musi
cians vies with the best professionals
In the respective directions. And yet In
every such case, the only end sought
was, as before stated, the high culture
of self and the Increased means thus
secured of contributing to the pleasure
of others. The perpetuity and the per
fecting of our clv1llan.tlon rest, and
sufely so, upon such a citizenship
New York Tribune,
A Remarkable Feast.
When demolishing a dilapidated cot
tage at Bersham, near Wrexham, Eng
land, a few weeks ago, the workmen
discovered In a recess an old document
containing a list of the provisions pro
vided by the Sr Watkn W. Wren of the
day for the great feast which he gave
In Wynnstay Park, on April 19, 1T70.
The Welsh gentry were celebrated for
their hospitality, and the baronets of
Wynnstay Park entertained their
guests In Gargantuan style, as the fol
lowing list of the good things provided
for that feast Indicates:
Thirty oxen (one of which wo roost
ed whole), 50 pigs. 50 calves, 80 weth
ers, 18 lambs, 70 porkers, 51 guinea
fowl. 27 turkeys. 8 capons, 25 peafowl.
al fowls. 300 chickens. 76 ducks, 48
rol.hlis IS anioe. 1 levwret. 6 stags, 421
salmon, 30 brace of tench, 40 brace of.
carp, 3 pike. 60 dozen trout, ION floun
ders, 109 lobsters, fc crab, 10 quarts,
hrtnn 200 crawfish. 60 barrels
ntrWled ovsters. 20 quarts oyster sauce
KM hams. 110 ox tongues, 125 plum
puddings, 108 apple pies, 104 pork Plpf.
M tiles 4 rice puddings, 7 venl-
nir.. A raisin men. NO tarts, 201
mince pies, 24 cakes, 60 Savoy cakes
t0 sweetmeats, 44 seed cream, lX.ow
eggs, ISO gallons milk. 160 quarts
cream, 80 bushels potK. 6-"00 b,,n
dles asparagus, 80 bottles French
beans, 30 dishes green pea. 12 cucum
bers, 38 worth of alt, butter, Jellies,
blano mange and numerous pies.
To wash down this appalling quan
tity of solids there were provided M
hogsheads of ale, 120 dosen bottles of
ale, and a large quantity of brandy,
whisky snd sherry.
, Three couches were hired to convey
ths cooks from London, who had U-en
engaged to superintend the cooking,
and each coach brought a full cargo,
and U.0O0 persons partook of tho feast
Here It a recommendation which a
tBerkley county, Mass., fanner gave an
incompetent man who had worked fot
ffclm: "This man. . has worked
tor mo day, and I am satisfied."
'jjoatoo Transcript-
There are few members of the animal
IrlnaTdom whose work Is more marvel-jin
than that of the geometric spider and
those related to him. Dr. Henry Laney
of Cumberland, Md., who does consider
able experimenting along scientific lines
for a pastime, baa lately been studying
the thelyphonides, a species of spider,
that builds its web over the water along
streams and rivers, with interesting re
suits. After securing the web, which, In Its
natural stats, is comparatively invisi
ble for photographic purposes. Dr. La
ney proceeded first to make it tenacious
by spraying it with an alcoholic solu
tion of shellac from a medical atomizer.
Though still comparatively Invisible
after this treatment, the web could be
handled with ease, without fear of tear
ing It To develop the beautiful work
of the spider. Dr. Laney, with another
atominer, sprayed the web with a so
lution of gallic acid, which made it ap
pear as if frost had settled upon it. The
web now seemed to be covered with the
morning's dew. To complete the effect
Dr. Laney captured the Bpider, put him
in the death box and then coaled him
with shellac Deftly placing the Insect
In the web In a natural position, he was
sprayed with gallic acid. Using black
velvet as a background. Dr. Laney suc
ceeded In photographing one of the most
beautiful and delicate pictures found In
Dr. Laney says: "The spider displays
wonderful Intelligence and mechanical
skill in making these nets. Its instinct
is far above that of the ordinary am-
mal; Indeed, It quite borders on reason.
When a large spider desires to mak
a web for himself and he has some die
tance to stretch it he does not swing
himself, as most people suppose, and
let the wind or his own momentum take
him where it will. He begins his web
by starting the first guy very close up
to the corner of the angle. He attaches
to the other side of the angle, making
a short guy. Each guy increased in
length, the spider always using the lust
guy made to carry the next one over
until he attains the position In which
he wishes to place his net The lost
guy may be ten feet long and the first
one only a foot In length.
"When the guys are all fixed to his
satisfaction he proceeds to put in the
network by storting from the center,
where he attaches his web, then with
circular motion traveling from guy to
guy, spinning web as he goes and ty
Its natural moisture sticks It to each
guy, carefully carrying the web In his
hind feet to prevent It from touching
except at the point desired by him.
When he has a small distance of the In
side completed he goes to the outside of
the net and finishes out any Irregular
part of the net that does not come
within the radius of a circle. After the
circle has been attained the same ro
tary motion is kept up until the net in
finished in the center.
"Here comes the most oomlo feature
of net building the test of the durabil
ity of the work by the spider himself.
As soon as the net Is finished he puts
every guy through the severest test, by
sharp, brisk jerks, seemingly sufficient
to tear the whole net to pieces. If he
finds the net Is not taut, he will go to
the end of the guy rope, stretch It until
the net sluts him and reattach the guy.
If the net still seems loose from the
center the guy will be carried from the
center to some convenient point, to give
the net Its proper shape.
I he nets are perched so as to catch
mosquitoes and small Insects. The
struggles of the prey generally serious
ly damage the nets. The spider him
self in the morning demolishes the rest
of the web for the day, with the excep
tion of the main guy ropes, retires to
a secluded quarter and again appears
late In the afternoon, about 1:30 c 5
o'clock, and renews his net It requires
him about an hour and a half to con
struct the ordinary web. This work Is
done every day, rain or shine, and both
male and female spiders are equally in
dustrloua. The baby spiders are taught
industry, beginning net building right
after their birth. While bulldinir his
net the spider takes no notice of the
accumulation of Insect life in its meshes
and when his work of building is fin
ished he pounces upon them ravenous
ly, oonsumdng them In toto. You can
not kick or blow these spiders out of
their nets, nor can they be taken una
wares. When they fall their own net
Is attached to them, and they can al
most touch the water and then quickly
run back on a silken string which they
spun while falling. The web Is always
attached to them. When the main guy
of the net becomes too full of Insect ce
brls for convenience and comfort the
spider goes out consuming all before
him, and at the same time spinning a
fine wb behind, entirely renewing the
guy." St Douls Republic.
watering Horsea.
It Is a very plain fact that It Is al
ways best to furnish a horse with an
unlimited supply of water which he can
take at will. An animal under these
conditions will not take too much
but when we take Into consideration
how few stables are so fitted as to al
low this being carried out, It Is In most
cases out of the question the more so
as horses are out on long Journeys or
employed In work, coming to the stable
hungry, thirsty and tired. Seventy
five per cent of the animal body Is
compoeed of water, and It Is essential
to the bodily health that this propor
ion of fluid and solid constituents be
maintained. The secretion and fluid
excretions are constantly tending to
reduce the fluid parts below the nor
mal, says the Breeders' Gazette, and at
no time Is this more aparent than after
ing and active work the loss result-
ng from increased perspiration and
It Is at this time that popular opin
ion would withhold water until the an
imal oools down. Now I have always
made It a practice to permit the horse
to take what water he requires at that
time. When It Is warm In all Its parts,
with an active circulation, It Is best
able to resist the chilling effects of a
draught of cold water. The stomach
empty the fluid passes Into the bowels
and Is rapidly alssorbed, thus supply
ing tho necessary fluid to the blood,
without which the various secretions
requisite to digestion could not be
maintained. "The most dangerous time
to give a horse a full draught of water,"
says Dr. Dunlop, M. It C. V. H. (Ire
land), "Is after he has cooled down
from fatiguing work and has partaken
of a meal. The comparatively small
stomach of that animal Is replete with
energy, the circulation weak, the whole
system languid, and not In a state cal
culated to resist the chill. The water
mechanically washes the undigested
food from the stomach to the bowels,
Where It undergoes decomposition,
evolving Irritating and poisonous gases
end finally causing flatulent and spas
modic colic or fatal enteritis."
John B. Patrick, a professional diver,
caught a mammoth catfish at Paducah,
Ky. The fish weighed 156 pounds and
wui nearly six feet long. 'It Is said
to lie the largest one ever caught In
that vicinity. Mr. Patrick discovered
It In a big hollow log near the Paducah
Furniture company's mill. He placed
a big sack over the and of the log and
then drove the fish therein. It gave
him quite a tunnel before he finally
landed It
A young artist had presumed to fall
In love with the daughter of a famous
ship owner. It was long before the
dawn of aesthetic taste. The profes
sion was looked upon as merely an ex
cuse for idleness.
When it became known that the rich
ship owner's daughter had encouraged
the suit of a painter, society was
shocked. The young man had talents,
no doubt, but they were talents of a
sort that did not count in those days.
One day a friend entered the shfc
owners nouse, and the mother and sis
ters of the woman begged hits to re
monstrate with the obstinate Emily and
save the family honor.
"The family honor!" said he. "What
has Emily been doing now?"
"Doing!" answered the full feminine
chorus. "She's going to disgrace us all
by marrying the artist!"
"Pooh! pooh!" was the quick reply.
"The fellow Isn't enough of an artist to
make It anything of a disgrace.
l he women were Indignant, we are
told, but it is pleasant to know that
when the wealthy ship owner head
the story he was so amused that he
withdrew all apposition to the mar
riage. Hat Pins.
Now that hatpins are selling for II,
000 downwards, the minds of Inventive
geniuses are turning toward a pin that
will stay in the hat, past all danger of
falling out. Recently there was a
patented split that was provided with
a little spring which worked by pres
sure. A very nice hatpin, with a head of
amber, had an amber fastening accom
panying It and fastened by a gold
chain. The fastener was stuck In the
hat so that to lose the hatpin you must
lose the hot also.
A very ultra little piece of Jewelry
Is a band of pearls connected with the
hatpin by a gold chain. The pearl
band is used as a brooch or as a pin
upon the breast. The gold chain dan
gles from the hatpin and makes a pret
ty piece of finery for the woman who
likes "fixings." The band may match
the hatpin, and be of any Jewels or
plain gold.
Any device is good as long as It holds
the pin, and when you reflect that every
year there are hundreds of dollars lost
In hatpins, the economy of the little
fastener Is easily computed. Phlladel
phia Times.
Two Unwelcome Admirers.
A youngish widow, accompanied by
a woman friend, went to Chicago not
long ago, and has related this experi
ence to some home friends, says the
New Orleans Times-Democrat. The
widow being attractive, and her friend
none the less so, had the misfortune to
attract the attention of two very well
dressed men In the dining room of the
hotel where they were staying. Of
course, no notice was given by either
woman, both being uncomfortably
aware of the unflattering attention.
When the ladles arose, they observed
one of the men questioning the waiter,
apparently about themselves, and a
moment after reaching their rooms
were surprised by the knock of a bell
boy bearing two cards on his Balver.
The widow picked up the cards and
read aloud: "Mr. Wheeler and Mr.
Wilson." Without a moment's pause
Bhe turned to the boy. "Tell the gen
tlemen I am not In need of any sewing
FLYO-CUBO will protect your stock
from files and mosquitoes. It is very
easily, quickly and economically ap
plied with our dollar sprayer and is
really no expense to use, as saving In
feed and extra product will more than
pay for Its use. Send 11.00 for sample
can and sprayer. Prices reduced for '99.
Geo. H. Lee Co., Omaha, Neb.
The Electrician describes an electri
cally warmed operating table, In which
Incandescent lamps supply the heat.
The body of the table has the form of
an air chamber and within it are six
or eight incandescent lamps. These
lamps soon raise the temperature to
the proper point, when half of them
may be switched off, the remainder be-,
lng entirely adequate to maintain the
proper warmth.
Rev. L. I Carpenter. Wabash, Ind.,
the Eminent Divine of the Christian
Church, writes: "I have no words to
express my thankfulness for the bene
fit received from the use of Dr. Kay's
Renovator. Dr. Kay, Saratoga, N. T.
People who think that they know
what real excitement is may realize
their error after motor carriages get
to be common and the women begin to
run them. Somervllle Journal.
A New Ending.
Merrltt I had an awfully embarrass
ing thing happen to me this afternoon.
I was walking with a girl when a sud
den gust of wind blew off my hat and
sent it kiting up the middle of the
Giles Tou surely weren't fool enough
to run after It? You know there Is al
ways sure to be some obliging stranger
who will chase It for you.
Merrltt So I'd always heard. But
the girl began laughing at my predica
ment, and said I'd have to do some
scorching to beat the wind.
Giles Well, of course, she was a girl
and didn't know that some other fellow
would do the sprinting for you.
Merrltt In the meantime a man had
been chasing it up the block, and when
the hat scurried around the first corner
I knew he would catch It, for he was
running like a Spaniard.
Giles Just as I told you.
Merrltt I continued very leisurely.
and when I got to the corner
Giles There was the obliging man
with your hat
Merrltt No. Both the man and thei
hat had disappeared.
vm of all mm
How many of vou have Inat lh nri n
ufflclnnt wind to oner! vour n.
flow to do your nuropln ijhen there la no wind or L do It regularly Weather does
fclff,"? "."ff'i"1 ' orJr'- w""3 lm, It Is all th Taame to this mS
Will alan ahel Him vrind fowl -....H i.
lob.. In thVhoJes
J" eenu per hour when working. TptwTSi'SSi. lotSSnU
tlon needed, s great labor and money aaver. Renulrea nractlcallvnn tt.nir,n .US
Fairbanks, jaose
OMAHA. VOL. 3, NO. 32-'8.
What dne Ir rln?
It causes (be oil gltods
In the skin to become more
active, making the hair soft
and elosrv. Dreclselv si
If nature! InMnrlerl.
Ilt cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes
one of the great causes of
It makes a better circu
lation in thescalp and stops
the hair from coming out.
cots caress
Ayer's Hair Vigor will
surely make hair grow on
Daia oeaas, provided only
there is any life remain
ing in the hair bulbs.
It restores color to gray
or white hair. It does not
do this in a moment, as
will a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
Would you like a copy
of our book on the Hair
and Scalp? It is free.
It too do not obtain all the bsnaOts
you expected trooi the we at the Visor
I, wn ine voctor atom H.
A physician describes a remarkable
case of a patient's confidence In hla
medical adviser: "When I was a stu
dent in London I had a patient, aa
Irishman, with a broken leg. When
the plaster bandage was removed and
a lighter one put In Its place I noticed,
that one of the pins went In with great
difficulty and I could not understand
It A week afterward, on removing
this pin, I found that it had stuck hard
and fast and I was forced to remove it
with the forceps. What was my sur
prise to find that the pin had been run
through the skin twice. Instead oi
through the cloth.
" 'Why, Pat,' said I, 'didn't you know
that pin was sticking in you?'
" To be sure I did,' replied Pat, 'but
I thought you knowed your business,
so I hilt me tongue.' "
We're going to
Hot Springs, S. D.,
Via the
Nice Place r I
Low Rates
Wagner Palace Sleepers
almost to the doors
of the principal hotels.
Hot Springs is the place to go this sea
son if you need rest, health or pleasure
6. P. & T. A., F. E. & M. V. R. R,
m. .b.. i . . .
"-"r."".i" " "?"n W In
. : T . .
to this machine.
& co., omnHA, nun.
Dr. Kay'i Renovator, fsXtStA
sample, free book and free advice how to ear
A Quean bee lays about MM.
during bar snort Ufa of fwr of
flvt years.