Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 10, 1899, Image 5

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    tni Ml'tii rn vro rrn 1
tfX-Oovernor Give a 8ttmnt to
tho Public That Republicans
Find Unanswerable
ciciii- ui me late ai ui aon.inrii
uitt male umoen
acted the rmhllr hmino.. i. -k ...
statement of ex-Governor Holcomb In
relation to the charge that he had
urawn out of the treasury money ap
propriated for boum rent anri nm l l
his pocket. This Is the "finding'' of the
committee" and the republican organs
nave reiterated the charge on the
irengin or tne committee's dndlng, and
on the strength of their desire to say
uuiruiiui prejudicial to a political op
ponent. Ex-Governor Holcomb today nave the
luuowmg statement for the Inform
non or the public and with It the state
ment of Mr. Charles K. Gould, his land
lord Oould is himself an out-and-out
republican, but he has expressed his
opinion in empnatlc an uncompllmen
tary terms of the palDablr unfair man
ner In which the committee and Its it
torney have treated himself and wife
10 their efforts to try and smirch ex
uovernor Holcomb.
"It Is said that a truth half told Is
worse than a He. There Is much merit
ln the saying, and this Is the unenviable
position the gentlemen known ns the
Prout Investigating; committee occur v
The moral turpitude Involved Is aggra
vated beoause their actions are Inspired
by shameful partisan motives. They
could appropriately be called the 'ma
llgning committee.'
"It have been made the special object
or tneir veeomoua attacks In an un
Justifiable effort to cast obloquy upon
"They have entirely Ignored the ob
Jects of the resolution under which they
pretend to act In order to, If possible,
manufacture campaign capital for the
party they so willingly serve.
"The palpably false reports which
they have been Instrumental in giving
circulation nave been seized with avid
lty by the partisan press of the state
and served to their readers In every
conceivable form. I shall be agreeably
surprised If the editors of these same
papers shall. In fairness to me, give to
tneir readers my statement regarding
the matter.
"While I am not willing fhat my no.
tlons should be judged by men who
are bllndnd by partisan prejudice to all
sense of fairness, or by a partisan
press, I arways have been, and now am
desirous that the people of the state
hall know my every official act while
serving them as their public servant.
"As to the criticisms which have been
made regarding the legislative appro
priation for house rent I submit the fol
lowing statement:
"The legislature of '89 first made an
appropriation for house rent for the
governor. It appropriated I2.M0 for
the period of two years. The approprl
atlon became available April 1. 1X89,
On the lth of the same month the en
tire sum of $2,000 was drawn by Gov
ernor Thayer, who was then chief ex
ecutive of the state. This sum, for the
remainder of his term, was at the rate
of a little over $9S per month. I am
t not persenally informed whether th
governor lived In rented property or
occupied a residence of his own
"In 1191 the legislature again appro
priated 12.000 for the blenntum. This
urn, except 1250, was drawn out by
Oovernor Thayer and Governor IJoyrt,
who each occupied the executive chair
during the period covered by the appro
priation. The funds appropriate! were
drawn quarterly at the rate of $250 per
quarter or SK3.33 1-3 per month. Gover
nor Thayer drew $500 and $250 May IS,
191. and $250 November 5, 1H91. Gov
ernor Boyd drew $1,250, $250 being
drawn on each of the following dates:
April 29, MM. March 2, 1892, April W,
1IS92, July 2, 1892. and September 29.
192. Just what disposition was made
of these funds I am unable to speak
from personal knowledge.
"The legislature of 1893 made another
appropriation of $2,000, which was -lls-approved
by Governor Crounse. Gov.
ernor Croiusse did not, however, main
tain a family residence In Lincoln
during his term as governor.
"The legislature of 1895 made an ap
propriation for house rent, but reduced
the amount from $2,000. the sum before
appropriated, to $1,500. I was then
"After a thorough search for a suita
ble residence I selected property fur
nished asxl ready for occupancy be
longing to a Mr. Crandall and situated
some ten blocks from the canltol. I
resided In this property until the mid
dle of October, 1895, and paid Mr.
Crandall $60 per month, and drew only
this amount of money from the appro
priation. "I then found I could secure a more
desirable residence property a, block
farther away, which to me and my
family seemed more suitable to our
needs. The house was somewhat
larger, the rooms better arranged and
the grounds much more spacious.
"The house, however, had not teen
provided with modern conveniences. I
arranged with the owners, Mr. and
Mrs. uouia, to lane mis property ror
a year In the condition In which it
then was, and to pay to them therefor
110 per month. I furnished and re
fitted the house throughout and was to
pay for all expenses of repairs. Im
provements, caring for and keeping up
the ground and buildings on the
"This arrangement continued until
December, 189. or a little over one
year. I drew from the appropriation
for two and one-half months In 1895 at
the rate of $60 per month, the same
mount I had been paying Mr. Cran
dall. I drew from the appropriation
for 1SH $460. or a little over $54 per
"I was unable to see then, and am
now,- how my actions In this regard
could merit criticism If, by the change,
1 was enabled to procure a more suit
ble and satisfactory residence prop
erty and at a less expenditure from
the spproprlatlon than I was com
pelled to pay In the first Instance.
"I did not during this time draw
more of the spproprlatlon than I was
Justly entitled to. In fact, I Irew less
than I might have done with perfect
propriety and entirely within the in
tention and spirit of the appropriation
"In the fall of 1856 I had some
changes made In the premises and
made further arrangements with Mr.
Oould for the continued occupancy of
the premises.
''During the year of 1897 1 paid him
fur the use of the premises $480, or $40
fer month, he paying for repairs, stc.
drew this amount and no more from
the appropriation for this year.
"At the close of 1897 we made some
further changes and remodeling of the
premises, and I arranged for the occ u-
paacy of the game for another yes
for the sum of $M per month. Durtn,
tne year 1W5 and until the close of m
term of office I drew from the appro
pnation MM JO. I paid to Mr. Oould a
rental this entire amount, except $24.11
wnicn l paid out for necessary repaln
These appropriations were not draw)
in advance, except during the yea
1895. when I paid rental In advance t
Mr. crandall
"Of the first appropriation of $1,504
$190 was not used by me and lapse
into tne treasury. At the close of m:
term ot omce there remained unex
pended of the second approprlatloi
ow.o, or a total unexpended sum o
the two apDroDriatlons of 1696.70.
endeavored to use these appropriation!
as economically as I would my prlvab
i unas ana reel that I have done s.
reasonamy well.
I have used far less , per montl
than any other governor of the state
Had I followed the Drecedent set b)
my predecessors and drawn all the ap
proprlatlon, I presume I would havi
Deen applauded as having done a verj
irruuer set Dy inose who are now erltl
If the contemntlble llttleneaa tha
has been displayed bv the a-entlemei
responsible for the false report and I
twriisan press should prevail. It prob
ably would have been better for me ti
have gone to the suburbs of ths cltv
rented a modest cottage of five or slj
ruums ana maintained It th nal
aence ot the chief executive of thi
siaie. Mut I do not believe such Is tlx
spirit of the fair-minded people of th
state, nor was It the Intention nf th
legislature making the appropriation
Lincoln, web., July 27, 1899.
"Lincoln, Neb.. July 28. I am ac
qualnted with ex-Governor Hnlcnml
and have known him since his electlot
as governor, and more intimated
since he has been residing In propertj
urionging 10 us and situated at 175 A
street. He began residing in this prop-
miaaie or October, 1895.
"I have read his public statement
under date of July 27, current month
regarding the use and rental of thi:
property while governor, and the tav.
ment of rent and the expenses of re
pairs, etc., mere ror, and find the sam
to be true and correct In all respects
Appended to the above is the state.
ment of appropriations made by th
legislature of Nebraska to pay houm
rent for the governor and expenditure!
made from the same.
Appropriation for the hlenntiim Anrii l
1899, to March 21; 1891, $2,000; expenditure!
for the blennlum. Anrli 1. iua in u.r
31, 1891, April 16, 1889. John M. Thayer
warrant no. 62313, 12,000; appropriation foi
the blennlum, April 1, 1891, to March 31
189$. Expenditures: April , 1891. Jamet
K. Boyd, warrant No. 6887. t2S0: Mav 12
891. John M. ThRVPI- irnnl Mn uu
$-30; November 5. 1891. John M. Thayer
warrant No. 69317. tTtJi- Unrrh m
James E. Boyd, warrant No. 71169. $250
April 28. 1892. Jinl E Rnvri warrant Mil
71497, $250; July 2, 1892, James E. Boyd
warrant No. 71J02. $250; September $9. U9J
James E. Boyd, warrant No. 72470, $2fk
li.7; balance lapsed back Into treasury
Appropriation for the blenntum, Apri!
1x95, to March 31. 1897. 11.60(1 Expendi
tures: May 2. 1898, Anna C. Crandall
warrant No. 96412. 1180-. Julv 11. lsss Anns
C. Crandall. warrant No. 98386. I1W): Sep
tember 30. 1896. Silas A. Holcomb. warranl
Kn &m4 tl ii u.h l ikja mi... . u..i
comb, warrant No. B2686. $350; Decern be I
c. in cuas a. Hoicomo, warrant rvo
1)7502. $300: AueuRt 27. 1M97. Slim A Hoi.
comb, warrant No. B14S71. $120, $1,210. Bal
ance lapsed back Into treasury. $190.
Appropriation for the blennlum. Aprl'
1. 1897, to March II. 1899. 11.509. Expend
ures; December 24. 1897. Silas A. Hol
comb, warrant No. B17621, $360; May 26
1898, Silas A. Holcomb. warrant No
B21144, $250; August 8, 1898. Silas A. Hoi-
omo. warrant No. B22797. 1100: DecemtMi
21, 1896, Silas A. Holcomb. warrant No
B2M26. $200: January 7. 1899. Bllas A. Hol
comb, warrant No. B2S733. $83.30. $933.30
Balance, $508.70.
Expenditures: January 10, 1899, S. A
Wilson, warrant No. B2S754. $81.80; Febru
ry 1. 18S9. 8. A. Wilson, warrant No
H20S38. $68.40: March 7. 1899. S. A. Wilson
warrant No. M27699, 164.20; $192.40. Balanct
to i?e back Into treasury, $314.30 .
State of Nebraska, ss. : Lancastet
County: I, C. C. Pool, deputy statf
auditor of Nebraska, do hereby certlf)
nai me aoove anu roregoing is a tru
itatement of the appropriations made bv
the legislature of Nehrawka to pay hous
rent for the governors and the expend!-
ures mane rrom tne same as shown by
he records In this office.
Witness my hand and seal this 29th da
or juiy, ik. u. c FOOL.,
(Seal.) Deputy State Auditor.
Commissioner Wolfe has recently
completed a tour of leasing school land
under the new school land law, in th
counties named below and gives th
following statement showing the result
In Dawes county he offered for least
25,580 acres and leased 25,420 acres, a'
average valuation of 59 cents pel
In Holt county he offered 34.100 acret
and leased 32,230 acres, at an averag
valuation of $1.02 per acre, and some ol
this land was leased at the present ap
pralsal and for a cash bonus of $2,524.
In Wheeler county he offered and
leased all that was vacant 8,037 acres
at an average valuation of 71 cents pei
acre, and on three pieces secured
cash bonus of $230.
In Antelope county he offered 1,64(
acres and leased 1.480 acres, at an aver
age valuation of $1.48 per acre and He
ll red a bonus of $19.
In Pierce county he offered 2,160 acrei
and leaned 1,760 acres, at an averagt
valuation oi .1,11 per acre.
In Keya Paha he offered and leasee?
all that was vacant 18,183 acres at i
valuation of 77 cents per acre and re
ceived In addition cash bonusei
mounting to $701.
In Brown county he offered 28.3SS
acres and leased 18,049 acres, at an aver
age valuation of 53 cents per acre.
In Rock county he offered 21.120 acrei
and leased 15.760 acres, at an average
valuation of 51 cents per acre.
Thus It will be seen that on this leas
ing tour he offered for lease 139.149
acres of school lands and leased !20,
91 acres of the same at an average
vsluatlon of 77 cents per acre. All
school lands draw as annual rental t
per cent of the appraised value.- Th
lands leased at these auctions will
therefore yield to the state for the
benefit of the temporary school fund
an annual rental of $5.(70, and as thes
contracts run for twenty-five years. It
the rental la kept up. and there Is no
doubt about the rental being generally
promptly paid, since the lessees have
been allowed tne privilege, unier tne
new law, to set their own value
thereon. In competition with others de
siring to use the seme, and the state
has the right whenever It I thoug.it
that the appraisement Is lower than
the true value of the land to make
new appraisement, the commissioner
feels very well pleased with the opera
tion of the new law and with the suc
cess of the leasing. In addition to the
regular rental above mentioned, he se
cured cash bonuses for the lease of
lands at the present appraise lamount
Ing to $J 474.
Stout City, la. Walter D. Hunt,
prominent traveling salesman here foi
a St. Louis hardware house, petitioned
for divorce from his wife, Alice Poult
ney Hunt, one of th beat known so
prano singers In the state. He allege
cruel and Inhuman treatment. Mr
Hunt's former bom a Yankton, S.D.
On Behalf of th State the Oovern
or CI ve th Volunteer
Hearty Weloom.
San Francisco. Cal. aneciai rv
thJ arrival of the First Nebraska aj
the parade ground the regiment wai
tormea in columns of masses and Gov
ernor Poynter welcomed the gallant
boys home, saying:
"As the official representative of tht
great state of Nebraska, which we at
so much love and within whose borderi
are aur homes, I come to offer you thlt
greeting and to welcome you upon youi
return to your native land. With prldt
the people of Nebraska saw you de-
pa, ana tneir prayers and good wlshet
went with you. With Joy they hail
your return and award to you due
praise and honor for the splendid man
ner in wnicn you have acquitted your
eivt ana added new luster to the
J ready bright name of Nebraska.
"When you entered the service of out
country no questions were asked as to
euner your religious or political views
Tou went out pledged to do your duty.
and all the people of Nebraska are
proud or you today, since unon no oc
casion did you ever fail In llm of rtutv
To them, during all these long, weary
months, you have been Nebraska, boys,
and returning now you are thought ol
ana spoken ol as Nebraska nova li
whom all the state feels a most par
uonaoie pride. And when you reach
Nebraska you will And prepared foi
you there such a welcome as will in
some measure indicate to you the a-lad
ness with which your home coming la
atuieu oy aii me people. You will And
.there, as when vou went twu everv
hade of religious sentiment such as
can be found in everv Droa-namaive cnun.
!try. Tou will find, as when you went
away, political differences and parties
tunienuing wun the same earnestness
lor the maintenance of party policies
wnicn nave ever characterised Nebras-
aas intelligent people, but upon one
subject, votaries of every creed and
people of every party stand together,
with no division of sentiment. They
are all proud of Nebraska's 'Fighting
'The military arm of our government
Is of entirely different character from
that of other nations. We do not now.
nor has it ever been our policy to de
pend upon a standing army. When need
arise for military equipment a ready
response has always been and always
will be given. American armies have
always been Irresistible, because they
are composed of men who are them
selves a part of that government they
are called upon to sustain. As a na
tlon we take pride in the glorious deeds
of our ancestors, the heroes of '76. Of
their own will they took up arms In the
cause or human liberty, and having
wrested from the mother country by
their bravery and sacrifice the right to
establish a government and show to
the world a new flag, they laid down
their arm and took up the task of
building that government and of mak
ing that flag the standard of power as
It was the emblem of freedom. Again
in 1812 our fathers left the peaceful
walks of citizenship and taught Eng
land a proper respect for the rights of
tne young republic upon the high seas.
The mighty armies which engaged in
that awful struggle In '61 and '66 on
both side were volunteer soldiers and
all Americans. No such conflict had
ever before been witnessed. The con
flict ended, the government at Wash
Ington sustained, the eternal principles
of th Declaration of Independence
made to apply to all men without dis
tinction of color or condition, our flag
firmly established the glorious emblem
of liberty, those great armies disbanded
and took up the peaceful pursuits of
citizenship. All history records no
braver or grander army enduring the
hardships of camp and field, nor better
citizens returning to the walks of prl
vate life. It has ever been the boost
of our republic that In times of war
every citizen was a soldier; In times of
peace every soldier Is a citizen. Our
government Is founded upon the Intelli
gence of Its people. That Intelligence
is nowhere displayed to better advan
tage than In our volunteer army.
Men or tne first Nebraska, you
have again 'demonstrated the fighting
qualities or the American volunteer,
Your state stands first in the rank of
broad intelligence of all the sisterhood
of states, and no regiment outranks
you In hard service of all those who
answered the call of '98. Your deel
mated ranks testify to your faithful
discharge of your duty as soldiers, and
as the chief executive of your state,
say to you, Nebraska Is proud of her
sons. While we extend to you glad
greetings upon your return to your na
tlve land, with sorrow we miss many
who will never return to us. Young lives
full of promise have gone out and for
these we mourn. But they still will not
be forgotten. When the spring time
coiaes and our people gather to strew
flowers upon the graves of the dead
heroes of '61 and '65, the young heroes
of '98 and '99 will be remembered. The
granite shaft and marble column will
be reared In their memory, but the
more fitting monument will be In the
hearts and memories of their comrades
and people.
"Tou will soon divest yourselves of
the livery of your country which you
have filled with such distinguished
nonor to your state, and take your
places with the great busy throng who
are building up ner great public Insti
tutions and developing her resources.
We gladly welcome your assistance In
this work. Nothing Is so much In de
mand today as men, broad-minded men,
men of thought, men of action. We
know that those who have displayed
such loyalty and devotion to duty that
has ever characterized the men of the
First Nebraska, will show the same
devotion and loyalty to the exercise of
"Again, a chief executive of our
great state, In behalf of all the cltlsens
of our state, of every creed, both re
ligious and political, I extend to you
thank and hearty appreciation for
your splendid bravery and the distinc
tion you have brought to the state hy
your constant and unwavering devotion
to duty.''
At the conclusion three terrific cheers
and a tiger were given, and the buys
marched to their camp.
Dead wood, S. D. (Special.) Prof. F.
L. Cook of Spearflsh, president of the
normal, came to Dead wood yesterday.
He ha picked ever 6,000 quarts of
strawberries from his fruit garden at
th school ground and will have as
many quarts of raspberries.
Mrs. W. H. Manning, wife of a prom
inent mining man In Blacktall gulch,
died suddenly and an autopsy allowed
that death was caused by soma later
n4 disease. .
Story of Captain Martin. Who E
oapd From lnurgnt Army
Manila Special.) Edwin Wlldmar
ha written the New Tork Journal at
follows: I was able to secure an In
terview with Captain Martin, who es
caped from the Insurgent army. Cap
tain Martin was In General Baldermc
Agulnaldo's division and under his su
pervision all the lntrenchments sur
rounding Paranaque, Las Plnas and nu
merous other towns in the province ol
Cavlte were constructed.
He said he was heartily tired of the
war, and for his part believed in ths
promises of the Americans, and for
that reason, after having read the pro
clamation of the president, deserted his
army and came to Manila for the pur
pose of trying to secure a conference
with the officers of the Insurgent army
in the southern provinces of Luzon.
Captain Martin says that the natives'
principal grievances are: First That
America promised them insufficient
guaranties; that our offers are of tuch
a general nature that the majority of
the people are led to believe that it Is
but a repetition of Spanish trick to
get them to give up their arms.
Second That we protect and leave in
power the Spanish priests, saying that
so long a we do this they will never
give up the Spanish prisoners. The na
tives hate the Spaniards, particularly
the prlt-sts and officials, with a hate
bom of long suffering.
Third They object to our allowing
Chinese labor In the island. Th.;y say
If we open the ports to Chinese or al
low them to come here they will mur
der every Chinaman In the Interior.
. Captain Martin further confirms the
many reports that every officer in the
Insurgent army who has shown a lean
ing toward peace or surrender U very
promptly put out of the way or re luced
in rank. Ftar that reason he says
Aguiraldo's brother superseded Trias,
former commander of the forces in
Cavlte, Bat an gas and the Latruna de
Bay provinces. I asked him where the
Insurgents got all their powder and
ammunition, and he replied that there
were powder factories all over the isl
and, two In Cavlte alone, one at Imus,
one at San Francisco del Monte, and
that the insurgents had plenty of lead
and shells. That In the three prov
inces named the Insurgents had over
4,000 rifles and several cannon.
I asked him why. If the Insurgents
were brave and thought they could
stand up against the Americans, they
did not show fight oftener instead or
running away after doing a little skr
msh flrng.
That s not their plan, he said, "we
were not taught to fight that -vay. Our
belief has been that while you could
capture the small territory around Ma
nila and the largest seaports, you nev
er vcould whip or catch us In the in
terior, and that we could hold out
against you Indefinitely in the moun
tains, v l.tre we could live as well as in
the valleys."
"But wouldn't it be better to enjoy
the besslngs of peace under our gov
ernment than to turn yourselves into a
tribe of savages, driven from place to
place?" I asked.
"Yes, I think so," said the captain,
or I would not be here, but our gen
erals do not, and they prefer to fight
and tnke their chances rather than le
again governed by the priests and com
pete with the Chinese,"
Cleveland Street Car StrIK
Cleveland, O. (Special.) The with
drawal of several companies of troops
was followed! by another dynamiting
outrage, but fortunately nobody was
hurt. The explosion occurred under a'
Jennings avenue car, in which there
were six passengers. It smashed the
flange of one of the wheels and splin
tered the running board at the side.
The passengers were badly frightened
but none were injured and the car
proceeded on its way to the end of the
Grand Chief P. M. Arthur of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
has been reported to the strikers for
riding on Big Consolidated cars in dis
regard of the boycott. When asked if
he patronized the Big Consolidated cars
Chief Arthur replied:
'Of course I do, I ride every day
whenever I have occasion to do so."
"Why do you do it?" was asked.
"Why, do you suppose I am going to
walk three miles down town when the
cars pass my door? Of course not. This
agitation and boycott are utterly rt
dlculous and the strikers have gone al
together too far.
The director of police said tonight
that officers would be Instructed to ar
rest on the charge of disorderly con
duct all persons who annoy passen
gers of the Big Consolidated by calling
names or by following them to their
homes to ascertain where they live
and who they are, for the purpose of
bringing them under the boycott,
Orat Strlk Threatened
Chicago, III. (Special.) As a result
of the brickmakers' strike all the
brlckmakers In the city may be locked
out This would precipitate the great
eat struggle between employes and em
ployers Chicago- has ever known. It
has been battle to the death between
the building trades council and the
Central association of contractors.made
up of those operating In all the different
building trades.
The subject was under consideration
even prior to the brlckmakers' strike,
but since that time It has received
more serious consideration and to such
an extent that there will be a meeting
Saturday of the members of the asso
ciation to consider the advisability of
ordering the lockout.
The trouble had Its origin In the pro
fessed conviction on the part of the
bosses and the contractors that the ex
actions of the unions affiliated with the
building trades council have become
practically unendurable. Each succeed
ing year's agreement Is more oppres
sive than It predecessor and special
latlsfaction has been created by
certain provisions In some of the pres
ent agreements prescribing what shall
constitute a day's work. It is declared
that In many Instances Is claimed there
has been an Increase of wages.
An ultimatum, demanding that the
Builders' assort it Ion, If the strike Is
aot called off m ...iln a week, the resolu
tion provides that the agreement of
the Masons' and Builders' association
with, the Hod Carriers' union will be
canceled. The contractors will use any
brick they can get and have it put in
place by any workmen they can hire.
Deadwood. 8. D. (Special.) Or was
struck In th Deadwood A Detroit Min
ing company drifts In Two Bit dis
trict, which averaged $32 per ton In
gold. The company Is controlled by
New York, unicago and Detroit cap
italists. Four directors of the com
pany are here, figuring on a reduction
plant. This is tne second good strike
ot or mads within th month.
London. Com te Ferdinand Walsli:
Esterhazy Is residing in London undei
the assumed name of Boll lemon t H
has been served with a subpoena t
appear as a witness at Rennes.
Leavenworth, Kan. A letter from
General Funston was received by D. R
Anthony, Jr., of the Leavenworth
Times. The general announces that he
will stay in the army until the war ir
the Philippines is at an end and will
not muster out with his regiment
New York. Special.)Philip C. Hanna,
former United States consul at Porte
lUeo, was a passenger per steamer Ar
kadla, which arrived this afternoon
from San Juan, Porto Rico. With hip
departure from Porto Rico the office
ot consul to that country has been abol
Washington, D. C (Special.) -The
enlistments yesterday were 384, making
a Utal of 9,063. Colonel Bell s regiment,
the Twenty-seventh, at Camp Meade, is
now above its quota, making two regi
ments complete.
Washington, D. C Secretary of the
Interior Hitchcock will Join the Presi
dent at Lake Champlaln about August
18 for a stay of about a week. He will
leave here in a few days' for Marlon,
Maa, to visit a daughter, and after a
brief visit in New Hampshire will pro
ceed to Lake Champlaln'. ,.
New York. It was decided to have
five or ten thousand children at Grant's
tomb on the second day of the celebra
tion. They will be formed into a square
and will sing national songs in honor of
the admiral. This is a substitute for
the children's parade which was at
first proposed.
Paris. It appears that the minister
of war. General the Marquis de Gal
llfet, has absolved ail military wit
nesses in the court-martial of Captain
Dreyfus at Rennes from professional
secrecy, with the exception that he has
requested them not to divulge th
names of French agents abroad or dis
close anything which could complicate
the foreign relations of France.
Chicago, III. (Sptcial.) The net in
come of the Rock Island road for the
month of June was $485,604, an Increase
of $91,820 over the net Income of the
corresponding month of last year. For
the three months of the fiscal year
ending June 30, the net Income of the
road was $1,374,272, a decrease of $10,750
from the same period of the preceding
fiscal year.
London. The Daily Telegraph, which
announces that Emperor William will
soon pay a visit to the queen, com
ments editorially on the fact as dis
posing of the rumors that the emperor
is trying to form a European coalition
against England, and showing "the
continued good relations between the
two countries." The paper thinks the
visit will be "productive in clearing up
small misunderstandings.
Colorado Springs, Colo. Jas. Doyle,
the mining man who has been confined
In Jail here seven months, on account of
having disregarded an injuction issued
Issued by the district court, forbidding
him to prosecute a suit in the Iowa
courts against James Burns, president
of the Portland Gold Mining company
was released today by order of the
court, the Judgment obtained in the
Iowa court having been set aside.
Evansville, Ind. (Special.) Fifty ho
boes took possession of the little town
of Poseyvllle on the Peoria, Decatur &
Evansville and for three hours the offi
cers were unable to do anything. The
fast freight train leaving here at
'clock carried two carloads of vagrants
who had been ordered out of town by
the police. They were dumped at Po
seyvllle, and the town marshal, Thomati
Montgomery, met them at the station
and ordered them out of town. Some ol
the tramps flashed pistols and told the
marshal they had come to run the town
and did not want him to Interfere. They
marched through the main streets ot
the town, terrorizing the Inhabitant
and looting the residence of Mrs. Flor
ence Duff. Marshal Montgomery sum
moned the men of the village, and,
started and drove the tramps out of
town after several shots had been fired
on both sides and twelve tramps arrest
Cleveland, O. (Special.) At the rtr.k-
crs headquarters It was announce!
that fifty of the non-union motormen
and conductors running on the TVilson,
Cnetral and Scovll avenue lines had
quit work because the Big Consolidated
had broken Its agreement with them.
The men, It is stated, were promised $2
a day and board until the strike wai
over. The company posted a notice
at the Wilson avenue barns, stating
that as the strike was practically en-1-
ed the men must pay their own board.
The latter, however, deny that the
strike is over, and as a result, accord
ing to the strike leaders, a number of
the new men refused to take out their
runs this morning and are now engaged
In trying to induce other non-union men
to quit. The Big Consolidated oilr.lals
deny that the men have stopped work
as stated by the strike leaders.
Havana. (Special.) El Dlario de la
Marina publishes a letter which says
that the condition of the Cubans has
become very bad. A large number were
deprived of their parents In the war
and have been left without support or
guiding Influence. Naturally In many
cases they fall a prey to vice, as Is
shown by the very large proportion of
young persons who figure as criminals
in the police dockets. The writer of
the letter suggests the establishment
ot homes for waifs. These he would
have connected with suitable tracts of
land, where the children could be
brought up out of harm's way and
could be taught to till the soil.
The Democracia of Mansanlllo says:
The proposition, emanating from the
United States, to bring 3,000,000 negroes
from the United States for Cuban col
onization Is beyond all right and rea
son. Naturally tne united States de
sires to get rid of what is an Incum
brance to the country, and It may be
thit under this pressure there are those
who fancy it would be possible to make
:s-j of these negroes In "Amerlcanli-
ins" Cuhn. It looks as If the Americans
hnd launched themselves here at a time
'vl n the Cubans are exhausted Md
un.ible to resist.
Ui steamboat landing at Storm Lk
broke down with about forty ptopfa
n It, letting them down Into th wa
ter. The water was very deep, an4
for a time It looked as though th rig
orous efforts made to rescue all of then
would not avail. Some of the peopii
were taken out In a very precarloui
condition and are still suffering from
the effects. The damage to the proper,
ty was considerable.
It is announced at Des Moines thai
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
road, which recently bought the Maaoa
City ft Fort Dodge road, 100 miles long,
will take possession of the road Jan
uary 1. A short extension will be mad
from Lehigh, the southern terminus, to
connect with present lines, and gives
the St. Paul direct lines between Oma
ha and St. Paul and Dea Moines and
St. Paul.
Ralph Carlson, the 15-year-old son
of L. G. Carlson, while returning from
the scene of the fast mall wreck on the
wrecking train Thursday night. Jump,
ed from the train at the Greene street
crossing at Boone, and, striking a
switch, was thrown under the wheels
and both legs severed below the knees.
He was at once cared for, but could not
stand the shock, dying at 1:30 Friday
morning. This kt the second accident
of the kind to boys within thirty days.
The body of Edith L. Davis, who died
In a hospital at Denver from the ef
fects of a criminal operation, was re
ceived at Boone - tor burial. In- her
dying statement she named as the au
thor of her ruin, K. F. Baker, her uncle,
a former attorney -and Justice of th
peace of Boone. He denies the charge,
and claim to- be able to prove his Inno
cence. She was an orphan, her mother
having died about a year ago, since
which time she made her home with
her uncle. She was but 15 years old.
The three children of James Scott,
living at Fort Dodge, narrowly escaped
death from ptomaine poisoning. Th
children were playing In the woods and
found some canned beans that had
been opened and left there by soma
campers. They ate the beans, and
soon after became deathly ill. The
beans had been left exposed long
enough to commence to putrify and had
developed ptomaines. A physician was
summoned and the Uvea of the children
taxre saved, though the youngest nearly
(rifled the efforts of the all restoratives.
This is the second case of ptomaine
poisoning here within a week.
Thursday was the thirteenth anni
versary of the murder In Sioux City of
Rev. .George C. Haddock, pastor of the
First Methodist Episcopal church of
that city. Haddock was working up
evidence in prohibition days against
liquor dealers, when late one. night he
was shot and Instantly killed. John
Arensdorf, a prominent brewer, was ar
rested for the crime, and after two sen
sational trials was finally acquitted.
On Thursday the temperance union
and members of hi former church went
to the site of the murder and held serv
ices in memory of the dead man. A
large number of persons attended.
William And, aged 25 year, gelding
with his sister in York township, near
Council Bluffs, committed suicide Wed
nesday afternoon by hanging. His dead
body was found hanging from a rafter
In the barn by one of the farm hands.
Appearances indicated that life had
been extinct for several hours. Cor
oner Treynor was notified and he, on
learning the particulars, decided that
an Inquest was unnecessary, as It waa
clearly a case of suicide. He Instructed
the local Justice of the peace to view
the remains and Issue a permit for
their Interment Arnd had been In
poor health for two years and this
preyed on his mind. He had been de
spondent for several months, but no one
suspected that he had any intention of
taking his life, although he had fre
quently remarked that he wished he
were dead. His brother committed sui
cide in the same vicinity about three
years ago in a similar- manner.
The Iowa state college opened Tues
day at Ames moBt auspiciously. The
classification offices were crowded from
morning till evening, nearly all being
new students. All dormitories are
filled, and about seventy-five student
will have to be accommodated outside
the college grounds. All boarding
houses around the outskirts of the
campus are full and many are having
to come down town. It Is very desir
able that more boarding houses shall
be built in close proximity to the col
lege grounds, and good money can be
made on such an investment The col
lege authorities are desirous that such
measures shall be taken to provide stu
dents board and building sites can be
obtained at reasonable rates within
convenient distances. The attendance
this year will certainly exceed 100 more
than previous years, and at the present
rate of Increase accommodations will
be needed for -probably 200 outside In
a year or two more. All departments
are In a most flourishing condition and
the work should not be hampered by
lack of means or facilities. The reduc
tion In Interest rates has cut short the
income about $11.(00 per annum, which
reduces the fund tiled for paying In
structors Just so much.
As a result of the tuberculin testa
which hae been made on the dairy
herds supplying milk in Fort Dodge,
the city council has taken vigorous ac
tion towards protecting the citizen
from danger of contracting the disease
rrom tuberculous cattle. Thus far 131
cow have been examined. Of these
twenty-one, or a little over 16 per cent.
have been condemned. If the same pro
portion should hold good throughout
the other herds.seventy-flve cows would
be found to be suffering with tubercu
losis. Accordingly, the members of th
city council deemed It to be their duty
to take action on the matter. At their
last meeting It was decided that an
ordinance should be passed providing -that
no milk ahould be sold In that city
from cattle that had not been tested
and found free from tuberculosis. At
the same time all milk vender ahall '
be licensed, the requirement for license
being that all cows In the herd from
which milk is supplied shall be tested
and found free from tuberculosis. Prior '
to the passing of this resolution, two
of the dairymen of the city had served
notice on State Veterinarian Gibson,
charging him to comply with all the
requirements of the law before pro
ceeding to test their herds and holding
him personally responsible for any lose
that might be entailed through the teat.
Their claim was that the city council
had no Jurisdiction over their herds,
which are not within the city limits.
Theae dairymen are now placed In a
very embarrassing position, a they will
have to ask to have their herds tested '
or go without a license, or go out of
Toledo, O. The presidency of th
Ohio centennial was today tendered 8.
C. Schenck, president of the First Na
tional bank. It ( understood that Mr.
Schenck will accept th place, whloh
waa made vacant yesterday by th
resignation of C. M. Spltier.