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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1899)
a in cf oc::c:isi IMMINSB MASS MEETING CHICAOO SO CALLS IT. In Antl-lmporlallatlo Ltifut Spttk r MakM a Thoughtful and Eloquent Address, Caicago, 111., Aug. 8. A well attend M meeting of the antl-impertallsta "I" was neia Satuday night la Ro alia halL Prof. H. Laurence Laughlir oc cnicago university waa the priori 1 speaker. Addresses were made by Profn A. H. Tolman and Paul 8hore a Chicago university, Frank H. Scott ana nigmund Zeisler. Prof. Laughlln spoke In part aa fol w: MR. UUOHU2TS SPEECH. "Some wise persona object to any Public protest of this nature, because it may possibly be interpreted as giving aa ana comrort to the enemy. Let as look closer at this attitude and in consequence If the servants of the people in a short porlod of office may De left free to inaugurate any new con. dition whatever, and then claim free dom from criticism, because the condi tions of their own creation have placed mem ta a critical position, then there 1 an end to free government by the peo ple. There is a great principle at stake era, for which we ought to contend. Do the sovereign people abdicate their sovereignty when they choose a public errant T Why should they not cry out In alarm at any surprising new depar ture by their Ignorance, especially wasn we are asked to express our opln too publicly? But objectors say we are annexing our chosen leaders in person. Not at all. We are asserting great and fundamental principles of humanity ana liberty, and if in the support of these principles men In office suffer, that can be only because they have, of their own responsibility, put them selves in opposition to right and Justice. "The seeming absence of a policy is, after all, but a cloak for the most defi nite plana to hold the Islands at all hazard, under a theory of false con sistency. The consistency of words and acts deceive no one. In all our nego tiations with the Filipinos our govern -mnt said, 'Surrender your aspirations for Independence and liberty, and we will then give you what we think good for you. Bear in mind what that means. Bear In mind Lincoln's word: 'No man la good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. When the white man governs himself that Is self government; but when be governs him self, and also governs another man. that la more than self-government that Is despotism. On Lincoln s own definition our government In the Philippines is a despotism. On the theory by which we abolish slavery our treatment of the Filipinos is despotic. SEVERAL ALTERNATIVES. "Since conquest and expansion are undoubtedly the milk In the cocoanut. there la nothing for us to do but to dis cuss that policy squarely and frankly. It should be opposed on two grounds; first, it is bad policy in the form of politics; and. second, it is wrong in the form of morals. First, let us brief ly consider the matter from the side of political principle. There are several possibilities open to us if we have bought aad now own the Philippines It Is open to us to give them away, Uke a hnmsn slaveholder, who has bought a poor slave, la order that he might have the technical power to give him his freedom. Having bought the islands of Spain, the United States might give back the struggling Filipinos their lib erty. If we should do this we would then stand before the monarchies of the world as absolutely disinterested and humane In our war with Spain. It would be a proud thing to have paid 120.000,000 to be able to make a free na tion. The statesman who would asso ciate his name with that act would go Sown Into history like Washington and Lincoln, like great liberty-living presi dents, to imperishable renown. "On the other hand,-If our policy, no matter how disguised, Is conquest and axpauslon, then there are two alterna tives before us In the Philippines. First, the annexation of these islands as an integral part of the United States, by which the natives become citizens like ourselves, with statehood in the future, or, second, the adoption of the Imper ialistic policy of the colonies, by which the Filipinos become our 'subjects' un der aa American governor (such as was reported to be the terma last offered by our officials). "Let us discuss. In brief, the proposi tion to annex the Philippines, and give them a territorial government like that of Alaska. If we refuse Inde- Eidence to the Filipino, to give terrl lal government s then In truth the y and "the" Inevitable policy consist ent with our republican form of gov ernment. But what does that mean? Folly blind, unillumlned folly. When we add ths negroes to our electorate we created a grave problem which we have not ret solved. Let us go on. In addition, to giving a territorial gov ernment to Porto Rtcans, and to 10. SJO.WM of Malays and other races (in all actions of civilization), and put them In line for statehood is a proposition too appalling for any lover of his country to contemplate for a moment Think of our splendid country Inextricably tan glad ta the politics of islands 7.000 miles awayt Multiply the difficulties of Ire land and England a thoussnd times prsr, and then you will but faintly picture the situation created by the aossosatoa of Malay states and terrl The Imagination of men Is not ahtoto conceive it all. Than why not. fen all common sense, remember that nod has la trusted to us, as a light to be kavt burhlug for the oppressed thro' ths world, ths greatest experiment of fro government known to the human raes. and let us not cast away this sacred trust for a mesa of pottage in 0t Philippine Islands. COLLIERIES SHUT DOWN. : HI hssssin Pa. The Susquehanna Oaal ooaapaay at Natieoke shut down ltd MQMrt ul such time. It says, as Ms MM sjtntoys make up their minds tm sasara to work. The company Is ansdail order soem time ago that ths Tiisi should bars to load larger cars. . - masting of ths men was held il atwat to Uke final action, and it m doodad not to obey the. order. COMMONS ARB INDIGNANT. f slisnosgs Ten n. President Rich of Lbs Southern Mormon mission offers rt reward for ths capture of ths lead- s-i of ths msb In Osorgla which took 2 out of Jasper county. As as Mr. Rich rsosives authority msb ths head of ths Mormon church , us Foirf and 2ft&'J2: L DBWSV ARRIVES IN NAPkBS. Admiral and His Mon ars Bnjoyln Tholr Crulso. Naples, Aug. 8. Tb Olympla had s perfect voyage from Trieste to this port. There was aot a sick maa on board. The admiral Is still gaining in flesh. Consul Bylngton, who knew the admiral In Washington, said fame bad not changed him. He is the same Dewey, only he looks much stronger than when be left the department The admiral announces that the Olympla will remain here a week and then go to Leghorn for a week. The officers leave the ship to visit places of inter est and enjoy themselves. The admiral will remain aboard, taking his usual drives. Charge d'Affalres Iddlngs give him and a few of the officers of the Olympla a private dinner tomorrow night to meet the consul here and some Italian officials. Among the visitors tats morning was a party of American tourists In a small boat flying the stars and strlpea The admiral received them warmly and showed them over the ship. When Consul Bylngton asked him what time would please him to re ceive certain other tourists and Amer icans resident here, Dewey said: "Let them all come any time and day." GERMANS HAVE FAITH IN DEWEY Proas Rsfusosto Balls vo His Aliased Hostile Utterancea Berlin, Aug. 8. Admiral Dewey's al leged anti-German utterances at Trieste are more extensively commented on In American than In German papers and with a few exceptions the tone of the latter Is moderate and conciliatory. Most of the papers disbelieved the truth of the alleged utterances from the first, citing the admiral's past conduct and well authenticated friendly attitude to ward the German representatives In the nt The Influential Boursen Courier says: On the German side no serious poli tician for a moment has attributed any importance to this latest canard. Ad miral Dewey Is known from his inter course with German naval officers as a quiet, thoughtful gentleman. Incapable of giving vent to such Incautious ut terances." The Tageblatt repeatedly expresses the conviction that the whole story is Inaccurate and other Important papers like the Cologne Gasette. Hamburger Correspondent and the bulk of the Ber lin papers said it would be interesting to know just how much and how little ths truth was to the whole story. Fooling Against Otis. Sioux City, Aug. 8. Horaoi Sllbert, a Sioux City young man who has been three years In the regular array aa first sergeant of his company In the Third Infantry, has Just arrived home from Manila. He says that among both reg ulars and volunteers there is consider able feeling against General Otis on the ground that he Is not letting the au thorities at borne understand the mag nitude of the work which confronts the army In the Philippines. It is the Judgment of the soldiers that it WW take at least 100,000 men to put down the rebellion, as the foe has a great advantage in many respects. The highest bravery and nerve and skill cannot make up for number under such circumstances as those In which ths fighting has to be done. Tsloarraphors May Strike Boston, ' Mass., Aug. 8. A special to the Transcript from New Haven says: John D. Cardinal, secretary of the Or der of Railway Telegraphers, says: "Unless the New York, Nsw Haven A Hartford road accedes to the de mands of the telegraphers the operators will strike as a body all along the con solidated road. This has been decided upon. The strike will extend also tc the Boston A Maine and Boston A Al bany, aad all the telegraphers on these lines I am confident will go out. The consolidated conductors and brakemen will strike in sympathy. At present there is every symptom of a strike." Secretary Cardinal said that Presi dent Powell would soon be In this city, when a final effort would be made to settle the difficulties between the tel egraphers and ths railroad without a strtk. Podoral Off .car Aocwsod. Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. I United States District Attorney Phifaps of Oabkonh, Attorney Francis , J. Blood good, Jr., and Edmund . D. Carter, an tnsuraaas agent are accused in a com plaint filed in ths United States court of aa attempt to wreck the Bankers' Life association of Minnesota. This was to be accomplished, accord ing to ths complaint. In securing the ap pointment of a receiver or receivers to wind up ths affairs of tbe aasoctattsn. The recent proceeding before the Unit ed States grand Jury, when an Indict ment waa returned but promptly quashed by Judge Seaman, Is alleisrd In ths complaint to nave oeen part oc ths conspiracy aad the complaint also charges that PblUlps wss tbe agent through whom uie oerenoania are ai Isgsd to bars worked. The plaintiff domaads tK.WO damages. OTIS ASKS FOR ARTILLERY. Washington, D. C, Aug. . General Otis has asked for a number of 81ms- Dudlsy gtona, Oatllngs and Hotchkfss twelve-pounders for use In the Phtlra plnea All are rapid-fire guns and are especially adapted for the warfare that must be prosecuted there. Ths ord aaaos bureau has been very busy gath ering' up tbe guns asked for by Oen oral Otis, as they have been scattered about ths country In different forts 4 aissasls. out a sumciem numuvr to meet ths prsssui aemana amm own procmud aad ordered shipped to Ma- Ths success of ths Ucycls and th aulmnoMI has led many Inventors tc it tempt a resilient wheel, simpler than rasas la use. A promising Improvement Is Qssi iltinil la aa English Journal. It unseats ssseutlslty of two ooacontrte BhsMs at ths hub. connected by radial webs which extend ths breadth of th hah. Between each two webs Is mssrt sd A ptoot of India rubber, exact ty fit. tiac ths sector-shaped space. Ths oatsr aad taaer sides of ths hub are eovsrsd by strcalar plat. Into the cec tar of whteh I fltted ths axis bearing. Bolts pass from ths swter plaU to ths aiats, tnrouga ise maia mover TBS SOSIOrs, ninimvi are in us casYMgs, suppon aad ths wheat, and all hi sstMtssnr arswsatsd. sd on ths asm FAST ACTS AS ESCGilT TO THS BODY OF THS LATE COL ONEL OF IOTH PENNSYLVANIA. Chaplain Mallley of ths First Neb raska Comes Home With a Warrior's Tltlo. Camp Poynter, Presidio, San Fran cisco. Cai., Aug. 8. Again the - First Nebraska was called upon to perform the ceremonial duty of escort, the oc casion being that of accompanying the body of the late Colonel Hawkins of the Tenth Pennsylvania from Masonic temple to the train. The body was taken home to Pittsburg for burial The detail from the First Nebraska Included Lieutenant Colonel Eager, Ad jutant Fisher, ten privates and two non-commissioned officers from each company, and sufficient officers for a battalion. In addition volunteers were called for, which Increased this num ber. As before, the Nebraskans, at tracted favorable attention. Tbe cold and dust-ralslng wind that swept through the camp harder thaa ever, drove the men to cover and in duced them to stay strictly at home, save when duty, or the ever-welcome mess call, brought them out The little monkey mascots, of which there Is an average of one to each com pany, are suffering from this climate. The little bob-tailed fellows, for it is the Filipino custom to clip the tails of the pet monkeys, sit about and shiver pitifully. Each has a leather strap buckled about the small of the back, to which a long chain is attached, the other end being tied in three or four tight knots so the mascot cannot es cape. There Is but little fear of the little fellows running away of their own accord, but there ia reason to believe they would be soon stolen If let loose. COMPANY ET8 MASCOT. Company B of David City brought back Fred Black, a 10-year-old globe trotter, as its mascot Fred's home and early history are uncertain, for he Is smooth as a Spanish diplomat In evading facta But Is It known that be became attached to the Seventeenth In fantry at Columbus, O., and went with It by way of the Sues canal to Manila. There he was deserted and was soon run down at the heel and had no other clothes, not even a Filipino costume, for be was too hungry to smile sweetly. He waa picked up by company E. fed and and clothed and brought to San Francisco. From there the Tenth Pennsylvania will take him to Pitts burg and he will then more than have gone around the world. He Is a bright. good-natured and companionable lad. has dark hair and eyes and a freckled face, and is well liked. A. J. Stoner of company H of Nelson was discharged today, that he might go to ths bedside of a dying sister in Colorado. John B. Bloom of company D of Lin coln, who has been in the general hos pital here since coming over on the Morgan City, has returned to bis com pany. Pay day, so long deferred, muca to the inconvenience of the regiment 1 promised to be the real thing today at noon. Because It Is too cold to bold serv-J leas out of doors and there Is no place la camp save the Y. M. C. A. tent Urge enough for Indoor services. Chap lain Mallley held none Sunday, since be anticipated that all men desiring to go to church would do so down town. THE FIGHTING CHAPLAIN. U "The chaplain did more fighting than preaching while we were away," said sns of the boya "He was always on ths firing line with a . rifle whenever there was any fighting going on. and he was the quickest to show up with shlckens when it was over, of any man la the regiment We always used to wonder how he could find so many chickens. "When things would quiet down for two or three days, then Chaplain Mail ley would disappear from tbe regiment aad you could always find him In the hospitals, cheering up the sick and wounded. He was all right our chap lain was. The boys all liked him." Tbe chaplain s version baa not been beard, but his fame haa gone before him, for he found an invitation to lec ture in Nebraska In the mail received on the Hancock before disembarking, which be accepted on condition that tbe regiment is mustered out of the service. 1 They can't get me to say anything so long as I am a soldier," he says. NEED NO GUARDIANS. Attempt to Extsnd Manila Censor ship Mssts Disapproval. Omaha, Aug. 1 A general expression of disapproval Is heard over tbe effort that Is being made to withhold the pay of the First Nebraska until after the boys are started eastward in order to force them to participate in a political demonstration at Lincoln under tbe guise of a rerln-.t-ntal reception. The Intimation that the boys would spend' their miner m a dissolute manner Is assented Ly those who have stood by the soldiers sli the way through, and who have subscrlled of their own eans to contribute to the comfort of the boys while seeing active service on foreign soli. "It's a downright Insult, said a vet eran of the civil war yesterday, "for anybody to assume to tell those boys bow trey shal or shall aot spend their may. If they want to burn It or Miyow it Into the boy it Is nobody's business but their own. They have amou it by haider knocks than the average man rwsive. sad' after what they have gone through I resent the sumption that they ought to have gwardtuus appointed to tell them what they fhall t-vy or where they shall spend their money. If they want to bU.w themsel'es,' I would say In all or iiM-tence that it would be much more decent for these j.ople to furnish them the money to 0u thaa to say that they shall aot lav the opportunity to do s thy please after a year and a half of ths rtftialnta of soldier life and ffjr nv-tiths of steady service on ths Atln line. I notice thst none of these sen' appointed guardian were anxious to go over and If the bullets were flying toi thickly around the boys in the Pr.lilpi lues, but I remember that t-ev were very much In evidence In killing th Mil ir. the legislature when It was u project 4 to appropriate M.000 fir irv-iiit; tlw- regiment In ths field. th-y acre vrr much afraid that ths pan's "' tdat bill could be construed Into s ci Ilk Ism C the administration. It. fact, they hnve been actuated all the a ay thwigh by political motives. and that Is v.lml M ths matter wun tbem now. It seems to have become a repub lican necessity to round up these boys tt Lincoln under tbe guise of a recep tion and turn the thing Into a blowout In behalf of ths administration. A few of these political guardians are very much . ti lurbed now for fear that the boys wi;i LAV a chance ta do as they far awhile, aad proven! ths oav rrlnsr out of ths pouueai sens ma wi ws prop os id to bring bach ths rsgimsn) free of cost, aad tried to raise Ms.tM to provide the necessary trains an give tbsm a genuine noa-potltlcal ro oeptlon hers In Omaha, these psopU were not heard from. It has been th same all the way through. They hav been Ions on speeches and words of ad vice, but when It came to sometblni practical and they had a chance to con tribute a .Ii.llaj- fur the benefit of th bova thev have been too busy Witt other matters to make any response, ON PAR WITH LEGISLATURE. "It is all on a par with the action of the legislature, which would not ap Dronriate a dallor for the boys, but wanted to spend several hundred dol lars cabling them resoluttona I want to see these boys back home Just at badly as anybody, but If they prefer tc rut in a month of sight-seeing out west hope they will do It. And If they want to blow their money before they ret here I won't be sore because they don't bring it home to spend with me, and I will undertake to see that they don't have to go hungry. My Idea ii that nothing is too good for these boys, and I auess I am quite as much of a patriot aa some of these people who seem to want to put the boys In a nadded cell. There need be no fear that the boys will not conduct themselves properly, or that they will not continue to reflect credit on their state. When they went away, the people of San Francisco had an opportunity to Judge of them, and they were then regarded as the most gentlemanly lot of soldiers that passed out through the Golden Gate. There need be no fear that they will change in this respect Another thing that Is attracting com ment Is the fact that when Governor Poynter went out to San Francisco to look after the returning soldiers a so called newspaper man by the name of Harrison was started out there by the republican state central committee to endeavor to discount the governor's work and to send back political dis patches to a number of republican pa pers. Including tbe Omaha Bee. Lincoln State Journal and Fremont Tribune. He was long on dispatches misrepre senting Governor Poynter, but he told all about the returning regiment In a famous telegram, stating that no news can be learned." EFFECT OF HIS WORK. An Idea of Harrison's work and Its effect may be gained from the follow. Ing editorial in the Lincoln Post: "F. A. Harrison, republican corre spondent for the Bee. In a signed dis patch to his paper, among other things has this to say relative to the First Nebraska: " There ia much Interest in the ques tion here and the sentiment among the large business men, city officials and the best people generally Is that the volunteers ought not to be mustered out here (San Francisco). Their reason for this Is that If tbe men are paid off here (San Francisco) a large part of the money will be spent In a dissolute way, without helping legitimate busi ness, and a large number of men, after getting rid of their money, will remain here on the coast and by Increasing the number of laborers here cause a reduction In wages that Is not desirable. The leaders of the labor organisations also take this view of the case and would like to see the men go to their own states to be mustered out.' "Imagine the howl that would be raised had this appeared In the col umns of a democratic paper. Was Har rison, who edits The Opinion,' whicn Is the official organ of the republican state central committee, sent out to California, for the purpose of Insult- Ing the members of the First Nebras ka?" The above extract appeared In the Bee of July over the signature of F. A. Harrison and from It one would suppose that the First regiment was composed of dissolute characters, ruffians and a claas undesirable to come In contact with honest people, we can assure tbe good people of San Fran cisco and elsewhere that they need have no fear concerning the morals ana gooa conduct of the boys In the First Ne braska. They are Industrious, of good standing, and. In fact, are the flower of Nebraska's manhood and citizen ship. Any community would have rea son to feel proud to count among Its number such young men as compose the First Nebraska. After sheading crocodile tears over the 'dark and das tardly schemes' the pops have In store for the First Nebraska, the above dis patch ought to open the eyes of the friends of the returning boys as to who their real friends and well w libers are." WELL KNOWN TRUTHS. Although every effort was made to make it appear that the governor of the state was an "unofficial welcomer," it will be remembered that It was the governor who ordered $1,000 sent at once to supply Immediate needs of the boys, nor win It be forgotten that It was Governor Poynter who, during the legislative session, secured the appro priation of money for emergency use In this connection, after the bill specifi cally appropriating money for the First Nebraska had been killed. TRIBUTE TO A BRAV8 SOLDIER Imprssslvs Funsral Sorvloos In Honor of Colonal Hawkins. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 8. Impres sive and significant was the funeral of Colonel Hawkins, late commander of the Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers. The services were held at Masonic tem ple, under ths auspices of Occidental lodge No. IX A. V. and A. M., and In at tendance were tbe Tenth Pennsylvania regiment, each soldier wearing a bit of crepe on his breast and each officer with crepe on hla sword hilt; Golden Oats and California commanderles. Knights Templar; Occidental Lodge No. 22, A. F. aad A. M.; members of Gov ernor OsgVs staff, officers of tb vari ous regular and volunteer regiments stationed here and many Mason and other citterns who desired to pay re spects ta the memory of ths gallant hero. . At ths conclusion of th service ths oaskst was reverently removed from ths temple to a gun caisson drawn by four sable steeds. Privates of ths Tenth wars ths coffin bearers aad ths honorary pallbearers were selected from ths omcers of th regular aad vol unteer regiments and ths national guard of California. Covsring ths cas ket waa a large Aaaericaa flag aad ths tattered regimental colors of ths Tenth. Ths regular branch of ths army was represented by an escort consisting of four batteries of light artillery aad ths officer of th Second Oregon regiment sad ths Utah light artillery band rep resented ths voTuaUsrs, will several omcers of ths national guard were there on behalf of ths stats troops. On each side of ths soldiers bringing up ths rear marched tb Knights Tmpiar and Masons.1 Ths remains of Colonel Hawkins win be shipped east ta charge of Rsglmaa. UU Chaplain Haatsr of ths Tsata. oriYFUs i;ew thiai OPSNINO OF TRIAL CREATES GREAT INTEREST. Hundrodsof Witnesses and Nsws papsr Mon Gathor at ths Scans Antl's Aro Watchsd. Rennes, Aug. 8. Rennes baa awak ened from Its normal condition ol sleepiness and with the arrival of hun dreds of Journalists from all parts of he world and witnesses and other act ors in tbe Dreyfus drama, the town Is assuming an animated appearance. The terraces in front of the cafes are full of people warmly discussing the oomli.g trial. General Mercler, who was minister of war when Dreyfus was condemned, ar rived from Paris this afternoon. He was drttsed in mufti, and hi face showed an anxious, careworn look. A large number of persons had gathered on the platform at the railway station to wltn-sa his arrival, but no notewor thy Incident occurred. 1 he leading event of the day was the arrival of the hero of the Dreyfus af fair. Lieutenant Colonel Georges Pic quart. Colonel Ptcquart wore a bowler hat and a dark suit His train arrived at 1 o'clock this evening, an hour late, and only a few people were present at the station except detectives and police officers. As Colonel Ptcquart entered the catrlage which Malt re Labor!, coun sel for Captain Dreyfus, had waiting for him in the station yard, some of the sptators shouted "Vive Plcquart," and "Vive Dreyfus!" Trefce shouts elicited counter cries of "Abas Plcquart!" from the few antl-Drefui-!fes present, but the barh. of t'te latter was worse than their bite, for not the slightest attempt was made tj carry out threats which Colonel Plc quart uerly Ignored. He did not give even t glance to the shouters as his carriage drrve quickly away to a pri vate house in the town after a brief call at Maitre Labori's residence. ' AGITATORS KEEP THE PEACE. The authorities are apparertly be coming anxious regarding the mainten ance of tranquillity in Rennes during the trial, owing to the Invasion of the totn by a crowd of antl-Dreyfuslte agitator, and heroic police measures v.-eie taktn this evening to Insure peace during a couple of opposition meetings. A n-imber of people assembled in the neighborhood of the houses In which th meetings were held, and this caus ed the tolice tc mobilize in the vicinity a nurnter of foot police and mounted gendarmes anj a swarm of detectives. but there was not the slightest sign of dlscrder. Cords of admission to the trial were issued this afternoon to the represent atives of the presa Every two foreign cot respondents without exception re ceived cne card between them, which means thu the leading papers of the world outside of France will be able to be represented only every other day. Cp"ln Dreyfus will be conducted to the i-o'.rt room, which faces the mili tary prlsin, across the broad Avenue de la Gare every morning and return ed in the evening between a double row of g'ndarmes. Workmen have been busy today fitting up the Salle les Fetes It the Lycee for the trial, and the Installation of benches, desks, etc., is already practically completed. A large crucifix has been brought from the military chapel and hung behind the seats of the Judges, which are plac ed on the stage. As the Salle des Fetes is really a theater, the proscenium has been left untouched and win lonn a frame for the scenes of tbe trial. INVENTS ARTIFICIAL COAL. Berlin Sclsntlst Patents a Fuol Ho Claims Is Superior to Roal Thing. Berlin, Aug. 8. Herr Montago, ths Inventor of artificial coal, applied to for particulars of his fuel, says: "I have taken out patents in seven teen countries. Until all formalities ire completed I can give no particulars at the Ingredients, but I may say from any point of view that the hylglenic artificial coal Is preferable to the ordi nary coal, as it does not develop any poisonous gases and creates little soot; it leaves no slag and a small amount of ashes resembling wood or cigar ashes. There Is no danger of of an explosion causing a conflagration. This fuel Is composed of H2.94 per cent of ordinary earth and to 8 per cent of chemical Ingredients. It Is cheaper and better than coal. Any piece of land, even if it Is unfit for agriculture, can be used tor producing the fuel. The cost of the necessary plant Is very low, the ma chines weighing only 750 pounds for a steamship. For steam engine purpose my fuel gives a great deal longer in combustion and needs less storage pace. It ran be manufactured In any shape, so that every available inch of space In the coal bunkers can be util ized, and I reckon a ton of my fuel will do the work of one and three quarters tons of steam coal at 30 per sent less cost" Rsscuos Hsr Brothor. Yankton. S. D., Aug. 8. Robert Law, a young farmer near here, attempted suicide by banging. HI sister Ellen noticed him take a clothes line and walk Into a elump of trees near the house. Suspecting something wrong she followed and found him banging from a limb. Believing tbe limb would break with the weight of two on It ah climbed the tree and went out on the limb, but It was stronger than ah had supposed and held. She then went down the trunk to a point opposite her brother and reaching out secured his knife from hi pocket and cut him down. He haa survived and will live. He was temporarily Insane. The state board of charities and cor rections haa removed Dr. Mead, su perintendent, and F. D. Wyman, stew ard, of the state hospital for ths In. sane. Dr. Ross and J. J. Nlssen wars appointed to fill tbe vacancies. STABBED BY FILIPINOS. Sprlngfteldw, 111., Aug. 8. Mra John r. Orr of this city received ths Inteill gene that her nephew, Joan H. Oam Ms. a son of J. H. O amble of Louisiana, Mo., had been subbed and killed by Filipinos la ths island of Lusoa. No particular were received. Oambis en listed in the regular army la Jans, 1M8, In St. Louis. SHE MELTED CARBOLIC ACID. Cfcdar Rapids, I, Aug. 8. Wall melting carbolic add crystal over a tore, Mr. Fred Oregg of Bprisgvllls wss fatally burned by the explosion f ths vessel containing ths liquid. Shs was covered from head to foot with ths boiling acid, aad a sistsr whs wsat ts hsr assurtaao waa also frightfully burned. OOVBRNOR RBTURNS HOMO. Wall Plsaaod with Hla Trip In th Intsrost of Our Harass. Lincoln. Neb, Aug.l Governor Poyn ter has arrived boms from his trip U San Francisco. He I very well pieassc with th result of bia mission and sayi that he waa able to do many thlngt for the comfort and welfare of the boy of the First which might not hav been done If he had not been. there Ir person. General Barry and Colonel Stark were of Invaluable assistance, but was to be expected, the officials, tht citizens and the people of the city gen erally were glad to do anything thai was suggested by the governor of th state that had sent to the Philippine! such a regiment as the First Nebraska. Governor Poynter described with feel ing the hearty cheers with which th men of the regiment greeted him when the tugboat drew alongside at midnight on the night of the Hancock's arrival, and how they swarmed up on the side of the big ocean steamer while the short talk between the party dh the deck of the tugboat and the official and men at the steamer rail continued The men were eager to get the least word from home and hear the voices of men from Nebraska The feeling ol the regiment was attested by the three hearty cheers and a tiger with which they bade him good night. PAY AND CLOTHINO. Governor Poynter recounts many things, little and big. In which he waa able to smooth the way for the men and officer of the First At his re quest General Shsfter recalled the or der to have the regiment land on Sun day, and this permitted getting cloth, ing. baggage and camp equipments in shape for them by tbe time they got to their camp. Again, on the governor's request, ths men were given a month's pay as soon as they got on shore. The location of the camp was chang ed to one better sheltered from the winds, and General Harry's chest pro tectors were distributed so that th transition to a foggy camp waa mads as dry as possible for the men. Governor Poynter Is warm In his ex pressions of appreciation of the man ner in which the city, state and federal officers treated him. The citizens and social clubs of San Francisco crowded upon him with Invitations and proffers of services. In such numbers that his rooms at the hotel were crowded dur ing the whole time he was there. Scores of Nebraskans called, and about th only exception were two men from Lincoln. SMALL BORE POUTICIANa The attempt of some small-bore poli ticians In pursuance of a plan originat ed by a very small republican, to dis credit the governor of Nebraska was made a failure by the Indignant citizens of Ban Francisco and of the state of California Numbers of citizen and officials, many of them republican In politics, were made more ardent In their ex pressions of respect to Governor Poyn ter by this attempt and In order to show that they did not countenance It C. O. Whedon, who was one of the two Nebraskans who did not call to pay respects to Nebraska's governor, took occasion to denounce the political scheme, and to say to Governor Poyn ter that he personally had nothing to do with It. and it did not have his approval. On the question of paying off tbe boys at San Francisco, General Shaf ter asked Governor Poynter what he thought and the latter said he knew the members of that regiment were gentlemen and advised that they be paid there If the boys themselves de sired It That men who had been trusted to carry the flag In the front af battle could be trusted In a mere matter of a few dollars, and bow they should spend or keep It One of the courtesies shown the men at the governor's request waa the send ing out to camp of their baggage by the custom officers before examina tion. This saved annoying delay. Among others who were especially active and efficient in aiding him, Gov ernor Poynter mention Congressman Kahn of San Francisco with great warmth. All the principal clubs In the city sent representatives to the governor with invitations to make their house his own. The lieutenant governor, la the absence of the governor, called the day after his arrival, and at Sacramen to the state officers and people gava Nebraska's governor a most hearty re ception. Governor Poynter 1 suffering with hoarseness as a result of his contest with Pacific fogs, but otherwise feel well after the trip. RAILROAD MEN IN POLITICS. Perry, I-. Aug. 8 A meeting of em ployes of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul railway In this city decided on the plan of organization an antl-pollt-leal union of all railroad employes In Iowa. Its object will be to make rail road men a political factor so that they may successfully oppose political and legislative action called to Injure their interesta Committees will Interview all employes of railroads In the atate and aak cooperation. Another meeting will be held on call of this committee, prob ably to perfect the organization. Other western state will be taken In. AMERICAN BOYS PLEASED. New York, Aug. 8. The college ath iwtes who went to England on July S, to compete with the Oxford-Cambridge team eight returned on the St Loul. Th men expressed regret at their hav ing been beaten by the Englishmen, but thy were very emphatic In their praise of the sportsmanlike treatment they mat with on the field and spoke with enthusiasm of the social elements of their visit. THINK HE IS THE MAN, Louisville, Ky., Aug. A The police have under surveillance a man whom thsy suspect Is James C. Dunham.want ed In California for the murder of six people In 1SM. His photograph has been sent to tbe California authorities. He give the name of Netherfeld, but will not talk much about hi move ments during the past three years. A rewar dot 111,000 has been offered for Dunham. LONG AUTOMOBILE TRIP. New York. Elwood Hayes and E. 2 Anderson arrived la tbl city, having made th trip from Kokomo, Ind., to New York In twenty daya This I said to be the loageat automobile trip on ' record In the United State. Th dis tance 1 about 1,(M mil. AMERICAN IDEAS IN ENGLAND, London, Eng., Aug. A oFllowlag ths custom long practiced la America, ths thirty-four English travelers of H. J. Helns Co., the pickle people of Pitts burg. U. S. A., have boon attending a business conference at their London house during the past week, H. J. Hslnz, senior member of ths firm, pre siding. A vary successful eonvsntloa was bad, concluding with a bsaqust