Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 10, 1899, Image 3

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The Oeages as a people are the rlrh
est on earlh- From the Interest on the
money which the United States bor
rowed from them as a nation and from
the rental of their grass Unda, the
Usages, men, women and children, col
lect about 80 each every three months.
"The Osags, therefore, are very fond of
large families, and it la to the material
Interest of every Indian to have at
many children as possible. In this case
very new child does not represent an
other mouth to feed, but another source
Of Income. The father, on pay day,
collects from the government paymas
ter the money coming to the family,
and this often amounts to a consider
able sum.
The Indian has never fully realized
the value of money It comes too eas
ily. When he sets his funds he goes
around and pays his debts, for he Is
always given credit by the 'traders,"
and he settles his accounts because he
will shortly need credit again until pay
day comes around once more. With
the money he has left over be buys
anything that takes his fancy and
sometimes he makes remarkable and
ludicrous purchases.
1 An Osage, who had missed pay day
Until he nail accumulated riches be-
Efrf.Ju'S.L!' to thcl The healthy, hawr child is naturally
m!n- X? rjr cpf us, but I an enthusiast In anything which he un.
yond his most avaricious dreams, went ! stand; It Is what casualties what ships
10 ioneyviue, in soumern nanaas, una torn or aisamea that I ask. '
day. with his pockets bulging wuol -None, Lieutenant," I said "The
Inc. lieutenant; she to a wreak
the beach."
-j- , - " " . . - mnm 10 use work busuas ana ne would prefer
se another column of smoke; that Is hobo on the pilot. Oo out and a if he to sussS hUerate In soW way that
the Oquendo burning. On this side Is stUI there,' I said". wHlbelD " If hfonly SSwi how to
h,.. h. i. I. .Jk .. i a . T 'lu TJ.., L. , wn t one thing until the muscles and foe
eJi.1 he.bottom ln deeP water, I had crackled as he wended his way In ultles ampioyed become wearied.
n.7. " ' w I 1Z' train or tKu I After he has kept his arms, hands,
.I. ni r..V.'.r. -k ' . "t tor a few minutes he must change. He
.? ,.C 7 ? .t , w N: re.pHed the nfler- There will change so as to bring other parti
Wait. Lieutenant." I continued, "and he sat, as large as any hobo could sit. into play, unless he Is arbitrarily Dre-
1K miles further to the west- on the pilot with an oyster can milking vented; and when that happens he loses
ward and you will see another column ona of those darned cows." Interest and becomes a dull, sullen, un,
of smoke; that la the Vlzcaya, on the interesting: "bother of a bov " ludtrorf
beach near Aserraderos. As to the Colon HE DELIVERED THEM. by the ordinary onlooker, when, In
" T 7 w.waru, A young village postmaster was hard tact ne ""J t'red out and suffering,
her meiSnt., y?ur clpufn'. t'ee ftt work wenTUC whearS e the work "ht and
. .w?ter"f. pt. n. "tert at the door, and ln BteDDed a bashful 4o not let th children be counted out
.k- " h iT,'. amp maiden of sixteen, with a money order. homemaklng and housekeeping.
"Meln Qott!" he exclaimed. "Then .'h.- li.' .Ti",1" Women using male attire are taxed
you have destroyed the whole of that ..1 k J'.V1 iAi tor th" PUese n France. For the
splendid squadron? I did not think it
After a moment mora of silent aaton-
ithment, he said, with a polite sym
pathy which concealed eager profes
sional curiosity:
"And your in juries, captain? What
losses has the American squadron sus
"None," I replied.
"But, Captain, you do not under-
money. He shopped around ln the
tores, buying everything he fancied,
until he had accumulated a larger load
than his pony could carry. He was
wandering ajong the streets, wonder
Ing how he would transport it to his
home, when he saw a large black
wagon with glass sides standing in
front of a store. He looked at It wist
fully for some time, examined the
horses and harness and wagged his
head In an appreciative manner. The
undertaker, who had observed him,
came out.
"How much?" asked the Indian. The
undertaker, for a Joke, named a price.
The Indian went Into his saddle, count
ed out the money, mounted the box or
the hearse and drove away before the
undertaker could remonstrate. And
row Mr. Indian comes to town ln style,
with his squaw beside him on the seat
and the Inside of the hearse full of
Try lively little pappooses, who look
through the glass sides of their strange
carriage. The hearse also does service
when the Indian comes to town with
a load of wheat, which looks very
nice through the glass sides. It Is not
every man, Indian or white, who can
haul his family and his grain ln a
wagon with transparent sideboard.
Captain Robley D. Evans of the bat
tleship Iowa Is authority for the story
that had not Admiral Cervera made
his disastrous sortie on July 3 the bat
tleship Iowa and Its crew would have
gone to destruction In the harbor. Cap
tain Evans told the story to a friend
while traveling recently from Cincin
nati to Washington.
"Only luck prevented the destruction
of the Iowa," said the captain. "The
day after the storming of El Canty
General Shafter made an appeal to the
department at Washington for help on
the part of the Beet. He desired that
the tteet enter the harbor and create a
disturbance, thus diverting the atten
tion and preventing further slaughter
of the Americans when the city was
taken. Orders were sent that a bat
tleshlp enter the harbor and a consul
tation was held. It was decided that
the Iowa should enter the harbor the
morning of July 4."
Captain Evans told the officials that
If they told him to go, of course he
would go, but it meant the destruction
f and every man aboard.
"I knnw the harbor to a dot," he said, i
"I have been there many times."
Then making a sketch of the pass
age which reminds one of a letter 8,
he said: "Right there," pointing with
his penclal about the middle of the let
t.r ' the runs of the enemy, ISO feet
above the water, bear directly upon
this point; the guns have an accurate
inaiana was struck twice, sufltred no
Injury, no loss. The other ships are
virtually In the same condition. We
are all of us perfectly ready for anoth
er battle as much so as befoie Cer-
the same time he asked her If she had privilege of wearing men's trousers the
read what was written on the margin French mvKmit .f .
of the order. I tax of about lift v.Br
"No. I have not," she replied, "for I This, however.
cannot make It out. Will you please woman who is willing to pay the tax
read It for me?" la right to wear such earment. Th
The young postmaster read as fol-1 rovmment confers th rto-ht a. .
Iw: Ibute to great merit and mnlca it in
"I send you ten shillings and a dozen fact, a sort of decnratinn Hvn
kisses." men. as the rlhhnn nt tho r oo-ir.r. t
Glancing at the bashful girl, he said: Honor Is given to men.
I have paid the money and I suppose I The only women to whom has Wn
you want the klssee?" granted the right to wear mal attire
Yes, she said. "If he has sent me are Georges Sand. Ro Rrmhonr UmU
any kisses I want them, too." Dlenlafoy. the Persian archaeologist
It Is hardly necessary to say that Mme. Fouclat. the bardi wnman nri
the balance of the order was pomptly two feminine sculptors, Mme. Fourreau
paid, and ln a scientific manner at that and La Jeannette.
and eminently satisfactory to the coun- How Jealously the right of wearing
try maiden, for she went out of the male attire by women ln France has
Hi. astonishment wa. now Rnr.inlte. I m1. smacking her Hps as If there were Ibeen guarded may be seen ln the re.
Mir. ,...! j 7 b. taste upon them she never encoun-lcent case of Mme. de Valsavre. This
"Admiral Sampson s Ueet has destroy! terei! Iad A" w.e" .knowP .for hT Propensity
ed these great Spanish shlos. and with- Ar.ler. "ne. mwa. "."J"6 - l? duels and her efforts to get
All 1.4,.... n hi. 1 I aim
V.-. ...J-., ... -11 KM", . , . ,.,, . , 1. I 1... l,., .....I.I J .
It is unheard of. I must go to 10.0 .!
my captain."
The burglar who had served a abort
time In the Bridewell for being caught
while trying to leave a house he had
entered without the authority of the
owners was engaged in the practice of
his profession again.
"They don't catch me ln io self -act-
In cage this time,
great ining, aeveioping more ana more mem ior me ngni to wear men s
every year, and each new feature add- clothes, but the French authorities re
ed seems to be the best. Jimmy sent fused her petition. She is a pretty wo
me a dozen kisses along with the mon-1 man. with a profusion of blonde hair.
ey order, and the postmaster gave me Tlt-BIU.
twenty, it beats the parcel delivery I 's.
system all hollow." WHY BABIES ARE CROSS.
It seems almost absurd to advise
mothers not to !lnch babies' feet, and
A tiger cat belonging to Farmer Has. yet physicians say that much of the
ard of Herrlok, Susquehanna county, fretfulness and Irritation of babyhood
he said to himself. Pa., was stro 1 ni out toward the barn ' aue to tignt shoes and stockinars.
as ne raised a rear window of the bouse a few days ago, carrying ln her teeth ugni, pernaps, from a grown-up
he had selected as the seen.; or his op- a piece of meat for her young. A bald I sianapoint, out sufficiently snu to hurt
eratlons and cautiously insinuated his eagle, which had been hovering over I ttte tender, soft flesh of baby feet. The
head through the opening. the farm for a week, suddenly de- hoes that are got for the very little
I don t see no cards tellln me It s scended upon her and whirled her UP-1 oiby are often actual Instruments of
an ngni, ana not 10 mane a noise, ana wara in a rapid vertical night. iiunuio uecause 01 some sngnt rough-
win x piease snut tne pantry window The path of ascent, to the eye of a I neM or pressure.
so s the thing won't freeze. I guess spectator watching the scene, was I I' the shoe fits snugly, no matter how
It's all straight." clearly indicated by loose feathers vio-1 aoft It i. the sole Is sure to press into
vwin a whisperea caution to his con- lently tossed from the point of combat. "e sensitive nesn and irritate the tem-
federate. who was to remain on guard in a brief time the strurallns: Dalr came Per, If not actually injure the nerves
outside he crawled noiselessly In, stood to a standstill ln the sky. The eagle's Baby flesh Is so soft that the mothers
a few moments to listen, and then pro- wings had drooped now and then, and I or nurses often do not notice how badly
ceeaea to penetrate runner into tee in- he had given plain evidence of pain and I lne mue 1001 is Demg crowded until
terlor. terror, yet not once had his awful grip Impeded circulation tella the story of
Finding only a few thinzs worth appeared to relax. At length a descent ufTertng.
stealing on the lower floor, he started was begun, with a rapidity which In-1 An(1 email stockings are frequently a
up the stairway. creased every moment, and the two anl- means 01 injury as are small shoes. Al-
One of the steps creaked and he mals struck the ground at the very wav DUy both shoes and stockings at
stopped Instantly. point where they had at first encoun- I least one size larger than the so-called
Not the slightest sound came from tered each other, but the eagle wag I eay nt- This rule should hold srood
the rooms above, however, and, after dead, and the cat, as soon as she felt I unt the foot has ceased to grow. The
waiting a reasonable time, he moved terra flrma beneath her feet, shot away I reuu woum te a generation of health
forward and upward with great cau- for the barn, still carrying her bit of I ler better-tempered and more graceful
lion. meat. much ug women. uemorest Magazine.
Entering what seemed to be the main Investigation Droved that the cat had
upper room, he glanced about him. cut the eagle's throat and so lacerated I A, PNEUMATIC CORSET,
umcient ngni came in rrom tne its breast that its body was literally I v .. ,
street lamp across the way to enable laid open. After the death In midair, to7the use of "women X
l.fu to so a bed in one corner occu- however, the cat had been too clever to torwl m 1. i,? ,L "K
pied by a man whose deep and .-egular relax her hold and thus fall to the genTraT'll aS. L a mJSS
breathing furnished sufficient evidence ground, but let her enemy serve as a Tolble so That the LTnlce tltw
tht h unrt uImtv nurhni , v,, At oouoie, so that the air space between
The man's clothing was hanging at
tne root or tne nea.
The burglar moved ln that direction.
Instantly he heard a loud whisper:
"Don't do that. You will wake him!"
Annoyed and alarmed at what he con
celved to be a wholly unauthorized and
racnute to ease ner descent. v the two thicknesses may be blown up
The cat Is none the worse for her I anrt , i. " . . 1" 1 "
I an.lnl fllV .-J V..I.U I .- a. ..cell. a.V-
ikiioi .k.ii. auu uvtuc,
I pearanoe to the figure, but also to buoy
it up ana give confidence to the mind.
A lack of confidence Is responsible for
A verv Interesting dog. which one I the slowness with which this accom
belonged to the late General Gordon of I pllshment is learned by woman, and
u""ul""r:M" the English armv. better known a. this corset should prove a boon to wo-
l"""F, n aiipi on in pari m ... cin-A-. i. K-i- . .h men who deliirht In niitlo .rrt. K.
. . . w-l- uwaw.i, v. ' a. V w I -w uf. sar
Gordon Boys Orphanage at Dover, I nave no narainooa ror them. 1 he very
England. It Is the property of Major I Knowledge that they cannot sink leaves
Sell of the King's regiment, who says 'h!' brain clear enough to think of the
confederates to take a hand in the fine
work Of the job Instead of remaining
at his por of duty outside he turned
his head . d moved back a step or two.
s" ' clme tie whiter again, louder nam.e J Wang Proper "roke, for hand, and feet and
Km k.f.. I ' ' . ........ . ... ..... . I ...-
The burglar glanced at the sleeper,
from China to go to Khartoum, about I through the water from one place to
I .. .. . I nnnthr nrA ha nnma n ..... i ........ 1 . A
IP IP jfuilii, . ' o " - - - I 1 i - -- - - - i ivrui ei. fs " , uivuaiil mi vr- VI I ....... ". v... iMA.itB.uiiinij lu
range and when my snip reacnes maiwno nun not surrw. anu men moveu lne rare black Chow puppies back I tnese movements, the corset may be dis
joint, goodby to the Iowa and Bob toward the door, with the intention of w)th hJm and when he arrived at Gib- carded. It Is much more shapely than
There was another consultation, and
Evans was ordered to prepare to enter
teh harbor the morning of July 4. The
Spanish fleet left the harbor the morn
ing before, Cervera preventing the sac
rifice by making his final dash for llb-
"th. Inwa was to cend one man with '
the Merrtmac's party, and Captain Ev
ans lined up the men fjr the purpose
of securing volunteers. The clerk of
the ship called 150 names and each man
responded, "Here 1 am; send me." Cap
tain Evans remarked that he could not
send the whole - crew.
"Who does not want to go?" be ask
ed. , .
There was no answer.
"Well, boys, some of you fellows got
to die. Murphy, step out here. You
too, McLean."
Taking a penny from his pocket he
said: "Murphy, you're heads. Mc
Lean, you're tails. If It comes down
heads you go. Murphy. It It comes
down tails, you are to die, McLean."
"I'll give you t&O (or your chance to
go." said McLean.
Murphy shook his head.
The penny was nipped and It came
down heads.
"I'll give you S100 for your chance,"
said McLean. Murphy only smiled and
hook his head. ,
"I'll give you J 160 cash." said sic
Lean excitedly. Murphy shook his head
arain. and McLean burst into tears
and sobbed like a child, then was led
back to the ranks,
administering a voiceless rebuke to his raltar he gave Wang to Sir John Adle's the big rubber rings and cork life pre-
rvi-Kirms tiiii pu-i b.i7.
rln ilcrh f ttr Hip .Tnhn wab nn r.M frltmri
xou Diamea rooi, wmsperea tne 0f aenersl Gordon, and was then com.
voice again. -iou naven i got sense mnnrilno- t nihr.itr Wm Hniini
enougn to roo a sanooanic. iei me ao in the possession of this lady until her
mm. huilhanri. who is in th rnvnl Artl1lrv
ine Durgiar peerea wro me gioom rot a staff annointman In UnW
or tne upper nanway. . when he gave the old dog to me. The
roi seeinu bis pai, ne sieppeu oui other two nnnn h t.llv1 tr. h
through the door. dead, so that Wang is the only remaln-
omp: eimeu a iouu, ueiermini-u ng one tna. General Gordon owned
voice. tr rue move anoiner incn in
servers, and. In fact, does not show at
all, as it conforms to the shape yj (ho
Mrs. Warren W. JessUD. resldlna- near
Conklin Forks, N. Y., was the hyste
rical witness of an exciting battle be
tween two snakes, the brize thev were
"Vrv nriv inta.tin. a. w.n. latter being her three-year-old child.
this directiou H put a bullet through h, the kilted boy who acts as his keep- La,t mmer the Jessup farmhouse
you!" . er, Robert Robinson. Three years aco w" 'ted with rats and mice. Every
He lumped hack and dsrtid In the CI- Robert's father turned th .nrvinr i I effort to remove the vermin proved ln-
rectlon of the front window. out of doors at Crewe England. 1 he effectual. Suddenly they began to dis-
"Hl, theref spoke another voice, little fellow tramnod rrm t.i.. I appear, and when all had lef t the nrem-
"Don't go thsVt way, either! Can't you ni.ee. llvlna-as he could Retnrnina- tr,llf, Farmer Jessup found the cause to
see you're running right Into a gun?" Crewe, he found that his mother was! be blacksnake that had taken up Its
Trembling in every limn, he stood dead, and the hnm tht h hart hun i residence under the kitchen Dorch. He
nesr the center of the room uncertain driven from broken up. Tramping gaVB rlr that the reptile should not
sgaln, he eventually got to London, and I De '"jured. and even set out a pan of
there a constable found him. a mere m"" Ior 11 occasionally.
bundle of rags and bones, asleep at the lne make became quite tame, and
foot of the Gordon statue in Trafalgar gnw to P of J-year-old Mar
square. He was eventually taken to Berj'' wno fed It dally. The snake got
the Gordon Boys' home, and as Wang's 10 Know the little one, and showed no
keeper is one of that institution's most fer when she was near. Last week
honored Inmates." . . Margery was playing about the yard
., I wnen me motner, hearing strange
N0THINO UNUSUAG f ' I "hlrrtng sound, looked up and saw a
r ... i- rv . .w . . - 'r" iuer colled on a stone In the
It was In a Duluth court, and the wit- doorway ready to strike- She dare not
Captain Taylor gives an amusing ac
count in the Century of his Interview
with an Austrian lieutenant who had
boarded the Indiana immediately after
the fight at Santiago.
He was In full uniform, with a bril
liant display of epaulets and gold lace,
(white waistcoat and trousers. He
found us covered with the smoke and
dust of battle, groups of half-naked
men lining up to salute him as he
passed, their face streaked with pow
der smoke and coal dust. He reached
me on the bridge finally In a state of
polite bewilderment, and presented his
captains request ror permission io
pass tnrougn our Diocxaaing lines anu
krlng out from Santiago Austrian refu
te desiring to leave mat Desiegea
vn. After referring him to Admiral
riDson and tailing him that he would
found some distance to the west
ward he asked for news, and I told
him we had Just come out of action
'with Cervera's squadron.
' He showed great surprise and said;
"Then there has been a battle?"
"Yes. I replied."
"And the result?" he asked eagerly.
"We have defeated them."
"But where is the Cervera' fleet
now?" he Inquired.
"His flagship, the Maria Teresa, Is
there, Lieutenant," I answered, point
ing st the same time, to the beach a
iew miles distant.
"But I see nothing but gome smoke."
"It It the smoke of the Teresa burn-
what to do.
He put his hand to his hip pocket.
"If you make another motion with
that hand." exclaimed a voice from
somewhere In the darkness, "I'll shoot
I've got the drop on you!"
He stole another glance at the sleeper.
The man had not stirred,
The burglar felt a cold sweat break
Ing out all over him.
Then, as the savsre yell of a fierce
dog, apparently under the bed, came
startllngly to his ear, he lumped with
a yell of terror to the side window, flv
or six feet away, plunged through it
carrying the sssh with him, and rolled
down the kitchen roof Into a deep snow
bank, from which he emerged a second
later and fled like a deer, followed by
bis bewildered confederate.
He had made the horrible blunder of
trying to robe a professional ventrilo
quistwho happened to be awake.
Chicago Tribune.
"It was way back In the 70s," said
an old engineer. "I was pulling the
'limited' east from Council Bluffs to
Chicago over the Rock Island. The
night was bitterly cold. We had gone
about twenty miles) out and had
stopped at a night office for order and
had atrt4 up again, when the fire
man reached orer and said: "There is
a hobo on th pilot; saw him get on at
the depot.' 8ure?' I said. 'Go out on
the running board and see If he's there
yet. The fireman did at he was or
dered to do and returned with the In
formation that the hobo was still there.
"Well.' said I, It s a bitter cold
night, and If he can stand It out there
I am willing he should ride with me.'
And on we went toward Chicago, with
old '211' barking like sixty at the low
Joints ahead and forgetful of our 'bead
end' passenger on the pilot
"By and by, by the faint glimmering
of th headlight, I thought I saw
ahead what seemed to be a bunch ot
cjttle on the track. A we approached
it th bunch seemed to grow larger.
It waii now too late to do anything, so
I just pulled her wide open, and old 211
hit that bunch of cattle 'ka-blf.' To
paraphrase th language of Tennyson,
who glide into rapture of admiration
over Th chart of the Light Brigade
at Balaklava, thsr was Just simply
ness was a Swede who was perhaps not scream and precipitate the tragedy, and
so stupid as he seemed to be. was ln a f.enzv of terror wh.. n
The cross-examining attorney was a I under the norch th hi.clr ,11,1.
smart young man, whose object was to ed toward the foe. So oulck was the
There are two method which are
employed by fish culturists to pro
pagate food and game fish. One is to
catch the young tlsh, the fry, and
transport them to other waters where
It Is desired to Introduce them. Th
other Is to strip the female fish ot her
eggs and to Impregnate them artificial
All attempts that have been made to
propagate black bass by stripping the
female of their eggs have been failure
so far, and the only method that can
be applied to them Is to catch the fry
and nurse them till they are strong
enough to be liberated. Other fish, not
ably the shad and the salmon, are read
ily stripped, and the results are won
derful, as the percentage of eggs that
fall to hatch is exceedingly small.
Were either fry of eggs left to nature
only an exceedingly small proportion
would grow to adult flshhood. Apart
from those which would die naturally
a tremendous quantity would fall prey
to the host of enemies insects, crtts
tacetv Ash, birds and mammals that
Is waiting for the spawn ,or the tiny
Any one who has handled flsh freshly
caught knows how delicate they appear
to be and how quickly they die after
leaving the water. eYt the experts ln
the service of the various states and
of the United States flsh commissions,
handle millions of the most sensitive
food and game fish every year, and few
of them die from the process.
First the fish are led to swim Into a
confined space where they can be reach
ed with the landing net. The manipula
tion of this dip net alone requires no
mean skill. It must not bruise the
floundering flsh and must lift the crea
ture ln such a way that it does not
scrape the scales from Its sides as It
struggles. Wherever a scale 1 torn
from a flsh, particularly ln fresh water,
fungus Is almost certain to form, and
that Is generally fatal.
After the flsh Is in the net the latter
Is lifted carefully and the operator'
hand slides downward, gently but firm
ly, till it grasps the body immediately
above the tall. Then he draws the fish
from the net and holds it head down
ward. That serves to show at once
whether the flsh Is "ripe" that is,
whether the eggs have reached that,
stage of development which permits of
stripping. If the fls his perfectly ripe
the eggs sink toward the head. If the
flsh Is found satisfactory the operator
places a pan between his legs and holds
the flsh firmly in his arm. With th
right hand he encircles the salmon Just
back of the gills, and, squeezing the
flsh gently, slides the hand down to
ward the tail, where the eggs spout
Into the pan. They are hard then and
rattle into the receptacle like pea.
Later, after they have been in th
hatching frames for a time, they get
larger and softer, having absorbed so
much water. After the eggs have been
drawn from the female flsh she la
placed back into the water, none th
worse for her trials. Then the milt
from a ripe male fifth Is pressed into the
pan In the same way, and the Impreg
nated eggs are ready to be hatched.
Under favorable conditions ninety
days is the period of incubation for the
grand land-locked salmon, one of the
finest game fishes in the world, and
hardly Inferior to any as a food fish.
The first sign of life ln the eggs Is the
formation of a little clot, generally red
or pink, which Increases with remark
able rapidity, until. In a few days the
complete form of a little flsh is plain
to the eye. But It is rather a hideous
little monster that wriggles out of the
shell finally. It resembles a fish only
because It wriggles and moves like
one. Otherwise It looks more like a
fevered dream after to much broiled
lobster or welsh rarebit. It Is a trans
parent body, with a globular swelling
where Its fine fish-like lines ought to
be, and its eyes are immense goggles.
Then the fish-wise men watch the
things most carefully.
This Is a critical period of the young
things' growth, and a fall or a rise of
a degree in the temperature of the
water may mean death to millions of
salmon. Generally men remain on
guard day and night In the hig hatch
eries to watch their charges at this
time. If they pull through It Is beau
tiful to see the successive changes a
the tiny swimmers cast off their hid
eous appendanges and turn into dainty
sender, silvery creatures that dart
through the water like bubbles ofr air,
and form in thick swarms In the cor-,
ner of the tanks, where they hang Ilk
bees. e 1
disconcert th witness and discredit
Bit testimony.
"What did you say your nam wr'
was th first question.
"Tahn" very dllbertely-"Pter-
"John Petersen, eh? Old man Peter's
son, I suppose. Well, John, where do
you live 7"
"Where Ah lire? In Dul.it'."
"Now, Petersen, answer this que
tlon carefully; ' Are you a married
Ah tank o. Ah ras married.''
So you think because you got mar
ried you think you are a married man.
do you? That' funny. Now tell th
gentlemen of thl eceptlonally intelli
gent luy wrom you married
Who Ah married? Ah married a
See here, sir! Don't you know any
better than to trifle with thl court?
What do you mean, air? You married
a woman? Of course you married a
woman. Did you ever hear of anyone
marrying a man?"
"Ya. Mah sister did." Life.
Constant change In occupation Is the
law of the growing child, becaus the
aw of hi growth demands It. The
work of the home and Its environs I
admirably adapted to this necessary
constant change. ' '
Let th children work with yea. Share
with them, and they with you m ' all
the occupations of th borne. Talk.
explain, sing, while at work, and there
will be no lack of Interest. It I only
when th little on are ef t lo work
alone or with other children, on' task
which they do not cowiprensnd -that,
they boome lisUes. " . ' l I
movement that the rattler did not see
him until too late. He reared and
struck forward toward the black snake,
out tne latter, with lightning sneed.
colled himself about his enemy's throat!
renaenng nis jaws harmless. -In valri
th rattled tried to strike. Tighter mtd
tighter drew the coils until the Intru
der fell back limp and dead.' Vin( the
blacksnake uncoiled itself sad retreat
ed to th porch. . i " '..:
i i I1 1 :. ,'t
The cat that run wild In Central
Park. New York, are obpecUt of de
testation i to the v. keepers vwhen full
grown; In infsncy.'lt seems;: t:iy, se
cure sympathy and assistance. T
cat of this story made Ms spring home
in an abandoned bird' neat that had
lasted through the winter In on of the1
tall tree near the plateau, at 104th 1
street. It first attracted attention by!
running 'round and found the trunk '
ot the tree, mewwig terribly. It ae.l
tlon led to investigation, aitd lnvstir
(ration oisciosed a bilk J and furry fam
ily In the cest, quite thlii. feet from
(he ' ground. When n Dollcemus
climbed Aie . tree the cat climbed toe.
and entered !such a demurrer to. any
Interference with the nest that it .had
to Be removed, with Its contents, In a
box,1 the Isquoaling- parent bolng ma.v
while' beaten off with a club. 'The kit
ten ware duly fed and presumably!
preserved.'- Their salvation, humane aa,
It was, ems lharclly consistent, .cosy.
slderlnv that Vagrant felines ln that k-
rallty wr pursued by the keepers last
autvmn"Wlth shotguns- It hi, neverthe
less, the nrt case on record of a verit.!
bl ,. est of wlldoau being discovered
in Central Patk,.,;:. i
" English Great Sugar Eaters.'' ,-'
In 1869 the English consumed ;o' the
average 42 pounds of sugar per capita
annually. That this Is enough' tftJf
either health or reasonable enjoyment
is proved by the fact Vhrft "few popl
use so much today., For example, n in
ISM Italy consumed 7.19 pounds per cap
Iia, OIHUB, 14.91 UOUUUV, AUBirU-nilU
gary, 16.84 pounds; ' Gernlanjr, " '71. 14
pounds, and France 28.24' pounds.! In
the United States where, the.. use, .of
sweets Is said to be injuriously exces
sive, only 3 pounds per capita War
consumed In 1869 and 1 ' pounds' pr
rantta In IMS - In Knsrlsmd dUrinar MMh
97 every human being, Including bebtes.
Invalids' and paupers, ' disposed' oo. th
average of nearly four ou rice rof sugas
a day, or w.77 pounua a year.) q. f.
Furthermore, neither frorath ,- eco
nomic or the sonlttrv standpoint do the
rise to'whlch thls'extna sugat ration is
put seem satisractory. una et tne cniet
6t these appears to lie to encourage
drinking. Though' tftie exports-of bet
from England show a tenftencyi- to de
cline grows apace. Twenty-seven rait
ions a year pe capita,'.' counting:, wo
men and children, are surely t enough.
In America, though'the amount of splr.
its drunk Ms tho same, 4M gallons of
beer suffice; and American beer 'Is light.
Twenty-seven and 'dnei-quarter gallons
were the measurei for "England, in yH3;
ret In; l7ilt, had swelled, to431Vi .gal
lons, an, expansion at, the fate or about
1 per cnt a year. ut,f at as brewing
arrow, ,th weight ofog.r used in th
beer grows faster: In 1SSJ the i public
nut un with aomethlhe lees than 'four
sound of sugar to a barrel: In WM
ft dsroanded .between eight 'and nia
Admirers of theija'te . Mr.,'r,0iaVle
arWln Will hear with regret (that hit
old home at Down, where he lived from
Jt842 jto the time pt hip death, Is to be
riven un and the contents' dispersed.
,Thoa who desire to refresh their mem-,
Sry regarding the Kind of" tsrrantly
ouse that It was, both Anstdei and out,
tmodld referrto the'admigalfle dra.wintr1
Ur . iltaiil.ninnni. "tv Ufa cohk
bn Ilk clockwork. Hfid ath l;d to
th 'pot wherer, I , shall end If," Nvrotc
Darwin la '184ft.:. and W-Pr0Pb4fcy,wi
rtriet1y fulfilled. Down wa ceiWrffy a
retired place, hut hardly so rts to VAt.
rantf the. statement which rnee rnpL
peared In a Oerman,, periodical: thnV It,
could only, be apAroaohrfd. by ra muls
traok. f it tanda. Indeed, r iff twohjlrh
rodSi on leading po Tinbrtcfre snM lhe
-other tq.Westerbam. and th mtls'nam-i
-tat, frUMinumberand ernlrrenc yf,
tit fvlaltlnr pilgrims, Itpertftp. ; oft
of th most lntftltMiaA nUIn-
dOB NWi. '' ,
It ha been contended that precoclooj
cleverness foreshadow a career th re
verse of brilliant But this la not al
ways the case, for, while It is undoubt
edly true that most men and women
do their best work at about the period
of middle age. there are plenty of In
stances of persons who have risen to
positions of eminence who displayed
signs of genius at a very early age.
At the age of 9 Dickens used tJ de
light his companion by telling them
stories, while Scott composed a num
ber of Interesting tales when he was
only 12. Charlotte Bronte, too, wrote nu
merous stories, poems and plays when
he was 14, and at the age of 8 Hacau
lay compiled a universal history.
Writers in other lands have not infre
quently given similar evidence of preco
cious cleverness. The great Scandina
vian poet, Adam Wehlensch lager, when
quite a child, evinced unusual skill in
writing verses, and In his ninth year
produced several short comedies for
private theatricals. John Payne, an
American actor and dramatist, was an
other prodigy - from childhood. He
wrote for the Press and was editor of
the Thespian Mirror when only 13.
The musical world has brought forth
many Infant prodigies. Before he was
8 years of age Mendelssohn excited th
wonder of his teachers by his incredible
faculty ln playing music at sight, and
when he was 5, and Beethoven at 7 at
tracted attention by his phenomenal
The distinguished German musical
composer, Robert Schumann, also
showed at a very early age remarkable
talent for playing and composing. Al
though at the outset of his studies he
worked steadily on, struggling against
all obstacles, and achieving success by
his Indomitable energy and genius.
Among artists, Raphael worked in the
studio at 12. at which age Titian
painted a Madonna. Landseer, the
great animal painter, exhibited his pic
tures at 13, but he had previously given
early indications of his genius by draw
ing animals well before he was 5 years
of age.
Turning to Individual Instance of
youthful precocity It Is recorded of a
Hanoverian lady named Dorothy Schlo
zer that she had the degree of doctor
In philosophy conferred upon her when
she was only 17 years of age. Before
she was 3 years old she was taught
Serman, and three years later she had
.earned French. Other languages fol
lowed ln rapid succession, and before
he was 14 she had become an excellent
;lasslcal scholar. In addition, she made
aerself acquainted with every branch
)f polite literature, as well as many of
the sciences.
Another prodigy was Thomas Mai
iln, who learned to read and write with
i rapidity that enabled him at the age
of 3 to compose letters. A year later he
nad acquired remarkable proficiency In
Latin, and in his seventh year he wrote
fables, while some attempts he made
it poetical composition were very cred
itable. But his most celebrated achieve
ment was the conception of an Imagin
ary country called "Allestone, in
which, in a series of letters, he gave a
vivid 'and Intelligent description. He
drew a map of this fanciful kingdom,
giving Imaginary names to the principal
mountains, rivers, towns and so on.
This, however, was one of his last
efforts, for he died at 7 years of age.
Of an Individual named John Bar
retter It Is declared he was the master
of five languages at th age of 9. WMle
In his 14th year he published a learned
letter In Latin and translated 1 1 thj
'Travels of Rabbi Benjamin"-won He
brew Into French. Four year later this
fame of his learning an weltlag at
tracted the notice of the professor of
the university at Halle, wb Wens so
delighted with his wit. and knowledge
that they offered him th degree Of
doctor of phllosopfcy. i "i s 'i lo.
Blaisse Pascal, one of the- most 'pro
found thinker accomplished .writ
ers of France, Is said to have shown
precocious proofs of genius,' particularly
In mathematics, from his earliest child
hood.1 At the sage oS l he comp6sed a
tractate bn conic -sections whlcJr excited
great admiration, 'and -beforhe was 9S
he Had Composed the greater part ef dti
mathematical works, and made the bril
liant experiments in- hydrostatic and
pneumatics for whleh -be Js renowned.
At the present moment the jt-yeajvold
son of a butcher Is- attracting consider
able attention ln Germany sby his won
derful gifts. Cmry recenUy he 'wa pre
sented to the AnthrojNL0101 society, of
Berfln.' as k remarkable i example ,of
earljr Intenigwnce. His chief idelWrht Is
reading',' hi'1 which he-showed himself
exoeptl6nalIy proficient rnt th age qt.2
years. -He" evidently poss ar, reten
tive memory, for ne can repeat a large
number '-'of historical, biographical and
B-eoExanhlcal -dates. 'Including the: date
of the births and deaths of innumerable
generals, poet i and .phllosophetw. T All
thl knowledge, It Is staled, hae been
self-acquired. li'i -.'liiel e.. n
rina U nr.-n, an.hln
nil. i vi"""t-v !.',, ,r
' A very' thrilling 'exhibition of" superb
horsemanship 'and brute eegaelty wa
witnessed; i on, , the Brlgiy wood road
near ' Washington A young j farmer
rrom Montgomery county,, w(as . driving
lome from the cityv the herse .attached
to hi 'buggy being; a magnificent ani
mal.'' about three, year ojd.',, WTren
about opposite thefcar sheds Bright'
ood one of th old worhpu.ca cams
down the track . and. reached. the spot at
the same time, j There was a fiat wheel
attached to the car and it made almost
as much noise as , a, locomotive, added
to which was the bumming of .the .mo
tor. I'The iftnei youag, thorpughprefl
pranced and pawed, the eartjh as, the
car approached, but refused te, advance.
Just at the Instant the .caj was PMs
Irg thle driving, outfit the now thois
bughly frightened ' animal wheeled
arouhd on - the track and directly ' ih
front 'of the car,-At . thj same, instapt
the 'horse made a dash for, the tradlt,
the Vduns man handling the reins sav
a mighty pull en the rein and alttjost
Instantly drew the frightened anjmsjl
straight up'on his hind leas.. There h
stood pawing the air,-,, not mpr lhah
a foot from the car. and In hat, 'posi
tion he -remained until the grinding
conveyance,, .crowded with shrieking
women and astoritshed Hla, swett by.
Durins these., thrilling seconds the
driver, in tle. buggy kept his teat! and
In the most maker -nf'-faet way allowed
the 'horse' td place his! forefeet, upon rb
earth when ia.ll danger was past.. , ,,
' H- the driver wavered for ah In
stant and allowed the animal lb be hit
by the car, fit would hay thrown the
magnificent brute off bl hind jeg and
urfdoubtedlyi smashed .the. buggy ,,d
mofV 'probably killed the horse., h'
An assistant chief pf the Are depart
ment,, and several, of the men attached
to the HrlahtVortd' enstne hdasevwlt-
'nertse1 the IrtMdent, '.and were loud ln
the praise of i both driver and animal.
Sevcrali of the passenger In th front
Lf it he car were badly scared ai tbdy
reanzea me imiwranre ' iH osm '
xtn'ylhg In 'the air and not descending
upori'them with hi forefeet, ;
f r i, f -.'V1.-1;,' rTV . "
n Visitor-ln 8L Loulsi-r-They tofts m
In: Chicago that I iwoutja find, fhlf tOwa
(Mstresstnsjly. aulef, , Tf roar of traCA
inert 1 1 something trenjendon. )
Native (listening with, soaiartMil'
ness) I'm afraid that' another Ufci
do. Chicago Tribun.