Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 03, 1899, Image 8

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    DI "the honS phSmac I I
f &q Drugists Sundries,
I I Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
. C)j J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour and all kinds of
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, uch as Lumber,
Call and get PRICES
Professional Cards.
J. E. PHINNEY. 11 D.
Phybciaa and Sargeoa.
411 call given prompt attention.
Office la Drue Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
natters in Justice, Couoty and District
Courts, and before the United State?
Xnd Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
lyLegal papers caref ally drawn.
Uskeison. - Nebraska.
Thcbedai. Acq. 8. 189.
30. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
Buetne Local, each Insertion Sc.
Display, standing Adi: price for same
Bade known on application.
. - Stock Brand and the rksss-JoDBtrAt., one
ymr $3.00.
Forelga advertising mnit be paM in ad
Harrison, Kobr.
F. K. a K. V K. &. time table.
Oolng Weft Going- But.
Ot O. I, zexxedV 31 40 1 Bo. . mixed 8 J0
'. E. M. V. B. R. is the best
to and from the
A YGtaley, went to Crawford, on
Hast Saturday evening, sad returned yea
iardayaooo. Mrs. Sarah A. Boss of Highland pre
duet was attending to some legal busi
Cteas in Judge Wilsons court Tuesday.
We learned from a reliable source
i week, that tbe committee on fin-
, in connection with proposed pas
toral residsnce at Montrose, have rained
tttO, and are now awaiting the further
advisement of Bt Rev. Bishop.
, Joaase, Of Glen and bis son
pleasant callers at this office last
Monday. Wo an always glad to bare
Milan so ma in any time, and any one
and wbea yon caa, and we will endeavor
to treat yon tba rbest -wo can. v
-4tn Dnnn, and bar son, arrived an
yesterday's noon traia from Wilber. She
CI assume tbe duties of housekeeper
tor Ur. Hal lacy. Her ton ia an in
tnieusu ia music, aad hopes after a
aee to be abie to get up a class.
Jtnt Gillette, of tba Chadron evade,
amy, antral oa tba aoea tram last Tuee
y tailaaaslatlac ia institute work.
Ha ia an able up to data speaker aad a
We an hafpy ia tba
i Chicago
la losing Mr Gillette, ia Wstrasws's
t ar taaiars to psTblisb
till fcere goes for tba flrst, Carriaon is
ry atbo asetev of sobool mams.
tZi ywa aver bear tbe likaf . If at bow
C jm like it?. TU quill poster of tba
VzzitKOOUa, foals that wa ear easily
-JtM& frank Myers, wbo
Jg$ jlrswesuV ejaxl tseasReJoj 4ebftesBavsV saV sWael Ov
trra wsjoi aarei by tbe toad
yCZliisteomt to Barriaoa last
Jecaww proof on acosaat
" traefcj tZl tevtoal tmk fraaf
Lime, Hair, Cement &c &c.
before buying elsewhere.
M. J. 0 Connell, Co. Attorney,
Will Practice in All Court.
Special Attention GIreu to Land Of.
flee Business.
Collections and all buslaess entrust
ed to me will receive prompt attea tlon.
FIabrisox - Nebhaska.
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
Tbe patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction and that
our charges will be reasonable.
Mrs. Maggie Rosecraits.
F. E. & M. T. B. R
special Extup-ions to Mot Springs,
S. Dak,
Ticket Will cnlrl TnocU. T.,ln
4tb and 19th and Aug. 22, 1698, good
returning w aays irom date of sale at
One Fare Plua fa 00
and on Tuesday. Aug. 8, 189, at One
c iw ivouuu irip.
F. Avery, Agent.
Then will be mass at Montrose, oa
next Sunday, by Rev. Father Kroupa.
The JonwAL family an under obli
gations to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gilbert, of
Five Points for an excellent mess of wax
beans. Many thanks.
Clarence Raura. son of Hon. W. J.
A. Raum, of Cottonwood, while attend
ing institute hen this week, did not for
get to pay a friendly visit to our sanc
tum. Mr Dryer, of Hat Creek, was in town
on last Monday to meet his niece aad
nephew, wbo arrived on the noon train,
from Wymore, this state, to make their
uncle and family a visit
Rev. Kendall, informed us that the
M. E. church and parsonage, an now en
tirely out of debt, and consequently tbe
members and pastor have reason to feel
jubilant over this hapby event
The dance given at the court house
in Harrison last night, by M. J. O'Connel
George and Henry Blewett, was from
all reports a desided success. 23 tickets
wen sold lots of ladies wen ia atten
dance and an all round good time was
Mrs. Sam Seaman, was in from tbe
valley last Monday, to have Dr. Phinney
perscribe for a felon from which she has
been suffering. Doctor Phinney, on ex
amining the felon considered it necessary
to lance it, which gave some ease to tbe
An interesting and spirited, game of
base ball wae played in Harrison, yes
terday by tbe Montrose 8 m one side and
the Harrison 9 on tbe other. For lack
of space and time we an unable to give
the tabulated scon. The result however
stood Harrison 43, Montrose 26.
Tbe case, Geo. H. Turner vs Frank
Stratonatt for trial before bis honor,
Judge Wilson Tuesday was, by request
of defendant continued to tbe 29th lost,
aad later ia tbe after nooo a settlement
was effected between tbe parties to tbe
aait, the case ordered dismissed at oast
of plaintiff.
D. H. Griswold, ia not chagrinned
atthefailunof tbe White River Wolf
association last fall but fa bow orgaais
fakf a new aasociatioa to bo known as tbe
Boaniag Water wolf aasociatioa and baa
sade the boaaty for wolf acalpe 180,
which ought to Induce stock men ia tbe
oeaety to tela K aad aaswt ia getting rid
of tba wolf peat ao distroctive to toe
stock utoMttoo? oar ooaaty.
Weloara through oar special oerree-
poadeat, abet the nuptials of Mr. Chris.
Kaffiaf , of Fire points, to Kfaa Qertrode
&rfciaof jeontroso, daughter of Jake
KarUaff, will take place on next Satur
day, at tbe Koatroaa cbarcb. Hotting
tike tetag m Uese lor sverytkiag , erea to
with tba atwlf wedded pair Godspeed
tSroaa life, a Cm Jocbal awa, bsfi
rfiaa,rf he c& ben a nj ar'lwa
ctslwf iiaaa. '
!lov; To Me Honey.
If yon are tired of paying high prices you
can make mosey by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all magaiines at $3.00 in Boston, we sell
this graceful shoe for $2.75 right here at home
and save you 60c express besides.
All other leather
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all East
era catagogue prices; no matter from what point
goods may come. In addition to our gen
eral merchandise, we are selling this
spring Ladies and Misses 15.00
Spring Hats for $2.50
Come & see for
also han
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
Besides we have full line of Crockery.
If you want a suit of clothes made
to order we are Agents for
Royal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, Prop.
On account of the purchase of the
North-western Press plant by the editor
of The Siocx County Jocesal, and ac
cording to contract the Journal will be
sent to all the paid-in-ad vance Press read
ers until their time expires.
Geo. d. Casos.
Ed. Jocrkal.
Be sun you notice tbe new bead
dress of the paper this week.
Mrs. M. Rosecraos and daughter,
Sundered with friend in Highland.
Grandpa Wright, came up from
Glen, last Saturday noon, on business
and returned on the same evening.
Mrs. Ed. Bowker and children went
to Whitney on last Saturday evening
to stay for a short time, with relatives.
Mrs. Kendall, mother of Rev. Ken
dall, accompanied by her daughter Mrs.
Lulu Thompson, and Miss Mae Mossman,
spent a day at the parsonage this week.
Mrs. E. F. Pontius, who has been a
a guest at tbe home of her daug bter
Mrs. W. H. Davis, in tbe city, since
last Friday returned to her home in
Rapid city last Monday evening.
Mrs. Kurns, a sister of Mn. J. L.
Simmons was a pleasant caller at this
Sanctum, on last Saturday. The lady
has been teaching in the vicinity of Bell
and is attending institute ben this week.
She is stopping at tbe home of M. J.
Leroy Wright, who has occupied
the patrenal mansion since his marriage
last winter, moved his family into tbe
old Smith building last Saturday. Mr.
Warneka, wbo purchased Mr. Wright's
house will now have it plastered and fin
ished up in time for the children to at
tend school.
Among those whom we have added
to our list of reads n during tbe past
week, the following names appear:
W. F. Shepard Harrison, H. T. Zerba,
Harrison, 8. J. Leeling Harrison, L. C
Lewis Andnws, W. T. Jones, Andnwe.
B. L. Smuck, Harrison, Miss Rosa Kon.
rath Montrose.
Henry Warneka, bought of Aug.
Haatelquist, Monday, his herd of cattle,
about 70 ia all coanting calves He also,
bought the improvements which Mr.
Haaselqfst baa oat at the place wben be
lives, which be will move down to his
Ruaniag Water ranch. August will
remove to Wheatland, Wyo., sometime
daring tbe fall wben be expects to make
bis futur home.
Tbe lecture by Elder Scammahora,
given at tbe M. E. church last Satur
day evening, in behalf of tbe Epworth
League was sxeeiieot aad the song by hi
Eminence was par excellence. A good
oogregation wae oa band to enjoy the
lectun aad we bare to boar tbe flrst one
say that tbe lectun wae not wertb tbe
Ia "The Progress of tba World," tbe
editorial department of tbe Btvime o Bt
vine tot August, the questions connect-
tary Alger's resignation an diaoaesefl,
aad also tbe differences between eon
tary Oage aad tbe Civil Service Boform
Teegne. There to alee aoeae comaseat
a tba Cafale eWetaaoa f polKasal
goods will be sold
Institute is in progress here this week
with a fair attendance of teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Carton, now ride
in a brand new Courtland spring buggy.
A. McGinley, took a trip to Craw
ford last Saturday evening, returning
Monday morning.
Mr. Jennings, of Kirtly, spert Sun
day in our midst lie came down to
consult Doctor I'tiioney in regard to his
Mrs. D. H. Griswold, returned from
Avoca, la, on last Thursday noon ac
companied by mother Griswold, whose
health is slowly improving and we trust
e'n long she may enjoy ber accostumed
health and strength.
Institute Notes.
Monday night Prof. Percy Purviance,
of Lincoln, wbo is instructor at the In
stitute this week, gave an interesting
Lectun at the M. E. church for the ben
efit of the teachers, who an attending
tbe county institute hen this week.
His subject was: "physiology of the
brain," and those who listened to it
acknowledge it was very instructive.
The following evening Prof. Gillette,
of Chadron, academy, who is assisting at
the institute here this week, lectured
at the church, his subject being "Lions
intbe way." The Proflessor handled bis
subject without gloves and showed con
clusively that he knew well what be
was talking about He shewed by his
lectun that people, in this day and age
of tbe world, to be successful in life
should get rid of the imaginary lions
in the way, and use the commonest kind
of sense in the penuit of a calling or
proffessioo and we will be pretty sun of
success through life. Certainly, the
teachers, wbo wen present could not lis
ten to the lectun without receiving
material benefit to assist them in their
Ufa work.
Following an teachers from different
parts of this county and Dawes wbo an
attending county institute hen this
Miss Mable Lowry, Harrison
" Dortha Patterson, "
" Hattie O'Cooner, '
" MayWisoo,
W. H. Davis, "
Will Smoke, "
M. J. O'Connel, "
Mrs. Walpole, Crawford
Hartley Hixson,
Mrs. Hales,
" May Kirns, Marslaod
Miss Ira Spsara, Crawford
Mary B. Sowen, "'
Nettie Raines, "
" Mary Shaw,
Famine Rusher,
Mr. Clarence Raum, "
" BeU Ruasell, Olen
" Bertba Alexander, Ardmore
J. 0. Alexander, '
Tba teachers at tbe Institute this
weak will giro aa entertainment at tba
M. E. Cbarcb tomorrow evening when
food, old fiohloaed time, aocially, i
ma. "joe!!
A Fine Line of
Ladie's & Gentlemen's
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller BROS.
Montrose Clippings.
There will be masi at the Montrose
church next Sunday and Monday, the Oth
and 7th.
Mrs. Dan Jordon, is visiting with Mrs.
Surah Jordon this week.
The Montrose base ball nine went to
Harrison yesterday to play a game of
ball, they were at Jake Henry Sr's. place
last Sunday, out for a little practice.
Miss Rosa Konwrath was visiting with
Miss Lizzie Henry lakt Sunday.
Big Jake Wasserburger sold his 2 year.
old steers to John Tidd.
Lightning struck the hoirw of Solomon
Borkey last Thursday, the only one in
jured was Mrs. Dorkoy she has a bad
lame arm since then.
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman a
girl lhv, but did not hear on wlml
dsla it was. Sauk.
Over in Wyoming.
John Sutton had to pull bis pump on
last Thursday, also the first of this.
James Rice branded calves on Thurs
day of last week, and Andrew and Chris.
Christian branded on Friday.
Geo. Davis will move his family to
tbeir home in the valley this week.
Ye scribe, in company with a few oth
er nimrods, expects to spend a few days
in search of tbe festive sage ben the lat
er part of this week.
Yes, it rams a few drops every after
noon, but not enough to wet the ground
in depth. A good rain would help the
small graio some and the potatoes a
great deal.
Hile Church and Mr. Petti, furnished
the music for the ball in Harrison last
Miss Ida Sutton, will close ber first
term of school in East Pleasant Ridge,
Notices have been posted for a special
meeting, on Thursday August 10, for tbe
purpose of bonding district No. 7. to
build and furnish a school house.
Mr. William Jennings has been quite
sick, and on last Sunday Hill Shat
to took him to Harrison so as to be un
der Dr. Phinney's can.
A family picnic was held in the Mun
roe canyon yesterday; the families of J.
Rice and J. J. ZumBrunnan, participat
ing. Barney Haas made a trip to Pleasant
Ridge yesterday.
Zekiel expects to make a trip to Glen
and vicinity next week. Wonder if the
people then will welcome bim in their
w rlf iBdndnf tot ad. and tOs end re
s-llls'BI fwu tiiie bunutiful NintMlne
bf espn, r.0. 1). kuiii't to eitrclna
lion. If f h 4 exactly rnrewni-4
I you osu rev Uirspa BRoBtour 8fK(l
nxLvrtblkmU. MM le.UfOcerta.
or t to sad express cbarff. Ihl Is af
ret ular aiaw tatwument, eolic rosewood
bedf, f sarv ssrl and eboef cheekend
edsa. bnaniifal exert tuustar nard
a atnjBeewoodaaierireenl aadsleVrliullft
h-ee, Tnaeesasn either a sfseaoime.
SMtkar.FlMkinrV lolls the sae.etoca.
Wrl'e for rllaK ainsf osi Cftier'i
ASrvs, A. Mmv, Oaaha,
j"vy syep
Cures Impotcncy, Night Emissions and
wastinc diseases, all effects of self.
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pinic glow to paie cneeics ana
restores the fire of youth.
By mall 60c per box, 6 boxes
for 4t2.f0; with a written guaran
tee to cure cr rerana tne money.
Send for circular. Address,
OHnton AJaeeucn sts CHICAGO, IU.
Hold By Dr. J. E. Phlaney.
In the Mntter of the EaUte of Patrick
Mnrphr, decoKiwd.
At a rmintr Court beld at the Coiintr
Court IbKiiii iu nnd fur said County on tbe
3rd day of July, 1K).
Trewuit Koljert Wllnon, County Jndfe.
On rna'ltiiK and IIUIi.k tbe petition of John.
Rurrouf ha, praying that wlnilulalratlon oi
aid Mauie be granied to hiiu a AamlnU
tmtor. Ordernd.lhat theTtli day of August A. ft.,
lsw, at V o'clock A. M., ia aMirnl for hear
ing aald petition, wheu all person inter
etl In auld matu-r may appear at a man
ty court to Imi beld In and for aatrt county,
and show eaaae why tbe prayer of the peti
tioner ahould not be Krauted; and that
notice of tbe pendancy of aald petltloa aad
the hoarlng thereof, be (Wen to all person
Interested In aald mutter bv DublUblnr a
copy of this order In The moui Couuti
JouaWAL, a weekly newanaper piloted In
Hm county, ior lour aucceaelve 1
to aald day of hearing.
Haled tbU rd day of July, 1SW.
UontiT WllAO
County Jadge.
(A true Copy.)
Want Column.
tJT Preaching every other Sabbath
at 11 o'clock a. m., and every Sabbath
evening at 8 o'clock at the M, E. church.
Every body invited to attend.
Rxv. J. L. Kendall, Pastor.
FOR SALEiAt a bargain, a com
plete NEWSPAPER OUTFIT, consist
ing of news press and all tbe type and
material necessary for publishing a neat,
country newspaper. Also a Job press
with job type, furnitun Ac. Ac, which
goes in the bargain. Parties wishing
further information should write to
Tux Sioux Cocwrr Jocbmal,
Harrison, Nebraska.
AchelvemenUof Admiral IJewejr," the worlds
greateat naeal hero. By Mnrat Hastoad,
the life-long friend and admirer of tbe nati
on' Idol. Blggeetand beat book; over Mo
page, SxlO luthee; nearly 100 page halftone
ll nitration.. Only l. JO. Knormoa. demand .
Illg Oomiulaalon. OutOt free. Cbane eof a
lire time wnte quick. The Dominion Com
any, Ird floor Cat tun Bldg , Chicago.
laTEntrayed from my
place 2 hlack, 8-year-old hors
es branded reverse F on left
jaw; 2 iron gray mares brand
ed cockeye on left shoulder.
A. L. Hodge,
Glen, Neb
The wire-a-week State Journal, print
ed every Tuesday end Friday, will be
sent postpaid with all of the news of tbe
world from bow until after election for
only 25 cents. It is worth that much
to read about tbe fighting fJnt regi
ment's ntum. The Journal, printed at
the stats capital is the leading Nebraska
paper aad iu mighty cheap at a quarter