Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 03, 1899, Image 1
Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XII. HA.K.Kisonsr, nebbaska, rm.iJTi3JDA.ir, Aua 3, 1899. Oir tt-,NO QUrSTION l: rvrp rm rn nsern r. ., ,.-. 2STO. 2, w wiiiikii 19 as. 1 llu niun 1 . "aim, niuinm J. HrjSB. Harrison Press-Journal. MTABUHKD I88& o Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFIOIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY, Geo. D. Canon, - - - Editor. Entered at the Harrison post office cj second class mutter. For the past two years ye editor lias contemplated chancing the name of The Siorx County Journal. Since buying the Northwestern Press plant we con cluded to prefix the mine Pue to Jui unaL. thus, making a. compound word or name, mid what was ouce tho Siorx CotNTY Joiicnal will iu the future be known as, the Hakiukox Phes Juchnal. In our own opinion, we consider tho new head to be an id.-al name. We trust this will meet with the aprovat of all our readers. The only people that are making any outcry against the nomination nnd elec tion of Hon. W. J. Bryan in 1W0, is the Republican party and a few pold dem ocrat, who in "5(1 wero ashamed to come Out openly and vote thiiir Imnetit senti ments a republican ticket but put up n ttraw ticket thinking- by so dohig they could split the democratic party, and thus insure tho election, of president Mc Kinley. Of courso tiiev foolr d the peo ple nomewliat, but worst of at! ttie coer ton and system of cRpionatjo up-jn tl.e laboring; rots, who ware op.'uly, given to understand tiutt if they did not vote for Mr. Mckinley and the gold standard, high protection, trust party, they would be thrown out of a jeb &c. &c. If the leaders of the republican party are an xious to lute president MoKinloy reelect ed another four years and they believe Mr. Bryn is the weakest candidate that the democrat could put up in the 1000 campaign, then they should do all in their power to have Mr. Bryan renomin ated next year. The 1st Neh. Vol. regiment from Man ila arrived quite safe and sound in San Francisco bay last Saturday, after a sea voyage of six weeks or more. Of course there were 64 who did not return alive to their native shore, besides 140 others who came maimed and disabled for life fu triply to carry out the benevolent assi milation policy of tbe administration. Whatever else may be said the valiant courageous boys of the 1st Neb. VoL have had about all the foreign conquest for "benevolent assimilation" they will waot for years to come. According to to the spacial corresptndaot of the State Journal and World-Herald, the brve boys wars filled with joy, io anticipation of soon being able to greet their fathers and mothers, brothers and aistert, sweet hearts and wives, also their friends and neighbors. May Ood grant, that tbe public reception to be given in their honor at Lincoln, on their return to the state may be one con tinual round ol greeting and ovations that the boys will not forget to their dialog day. CkanB Clark Sees SaeM. Jackson, Mine., July 30. "Nothing abort of death can prevent Bryan from being Um democratic nominee and noth Jag oat the Alraicty will prevent him from securing it," aaid Congressman Champ 'lark of Missouri in an interview today. "Democratic chance of success ttave improved fully 00 per cent in the last four months and are now brighter than they have been in any presidential oanspaign in the last twenty years. It Is practically settled what the party platform will be and it may be outlined M follows: Re-enactment of the Chi cago platform, declaration against expan sion, strong plank against trusts and oth r oppression, opposition to large stand eng army and advocacy of economy in fiabllcexpence."-World -Herald. Mr. W. T. Stead sends tbe American MontUg Rtviete of Herimt from Tbe Hague some interesting comments on b peace conference, at which Mr. Stead Massif, though not an accredited dele gate has ben one of the arbitration avowemeat. Jobs Curran of Sionx county was trad ing in Hemtningford Monday. John is getting to be quite a frequent visitor here, but is always welcome. Hem ming ford Herald. Mr. G. S. Dickenon of Ciro Mich., ar rived in town yesterday morning and went out to visit his sons, Will and Lee the Sioux county stockmen. Heiuming ford Herald. Joslah Allen's Wife's new story. "Josiah Allen's wife" (Marietta Holley) has finished her new story; and the first installment is published in the August Ijculie's Home Journal. It is io her char acterise, humorous veinf but' may be said to be a story with a purpose. It bears the name of my "Stvliah cousin's Daughter. WIND MILLS- The undersigned is ag ent for the celebrated David Hkadcey, Wind Motoi Improved Wind Mills, A I 1 i 1 -r me uest maae. I am also prepared to furn ish on short notice first class Pumps, Pipes. TYood & Steel Towers, Tanks or any 1 hln? in Hie line of pump repairs, AT LOWEST PRICES. Write me. for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere You will save money by it. Amresh-JOHX s. AS1ITOX, Ardmorp, H. Dak. County Convention. A delegate convention of the J'coplo's Independent Party of Hloux County, Neb rankii, u hereby callc'l to meet at the Court Mouse In Harrison, Nebraska, on Saturday, August li, 1899 at one o'rlook p. m., for tbe purpose of sWecting delegates to the con. grenxlonal, .ludlctat, and state conventions, for i)in-liti In nomination candidates for the various comity ofliens and for the transaction of such other business ns may properly come bfore the convention, the varlon precinct la the county will be en. titled to representation In said convention b,uw.d npou tbe vote for Hon. W. A. Poyn ter for governor In the general election of ls9s. One Delegate being allowed for each ten votes and major traction thereof ami one at Inrge from each precinct, which makes the following apportionment: Andrews Antelope 2 Bowen 6 Cottonwood 8 list Creek i Montrose 3 Snake Creek " 1 Sugar Loaf 2 WhMle Creek i Warbonnst S W hite river - S Total delegates: 40 It is recommended that tne primaries be held at the usual polling place In each pto clnct on Thursday August 10th and that no proxies be allowed bnt that the delegates present east the mil vote of the precinct. Claijs Christenskn, chairman. Qraxt Utmimi, Secretary. GREENBACKS or Government Money. At close of our Civil War in 1865, there appeared in the London Times the following: " If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, should be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government wiil furnish its money without cost. It will have all the money that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." The famous Hazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Bucll Bank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. The "walk into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny of the United States Govern ment , Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven per cent and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas ure and profit. CommfsMloner Proceedings. (Continued from but week.) Th affidavit of Peter Raben alleging that be had been illegally assessed to school tat and that the same had been paid under protest was presented and the board And that tbe facts stated are true and on motion the county Treasurer Is hereby ordered and Instructed to refund to I'eter aabln tbe tin of2,. The affidavit of H. Frleke aliening that he had been Illegally assessed to school tax and that tbe same had been paid under protest was presented and the Hoard find that the facta stated are true and on motion the County Treasurer U hereby ordered and In structed to refund to II, frleke the sam of 17.67. ... . . Tbe affidavit of II. T. Zerbe alleging- that he bad been Illegally assessessed on his tim er culture entry was presented and tbe board And that tbe fact stated are true and en motion the County Treasurer is hereby or. dered and instructed to strike said tax from the tax list of m. The affidavit of John A. Thayer alleging that his lioalestate had been twice assessed jof the year IS! and that the same had been paid under protest was presented and the board And that tbe facts stated are true and on motion the county treasurer is here by ordered and Instructed to refuud to said John A, Thayer the sum of 16,27. On motion the Connty Clerk is hereby or dered and Instructed to Issue warrant to K. E. Livermore chairman against the sol diers Relief fund for any and all money's now In said find. on motion tho county Treasurer Is hereby orded and instructed to transfer all bond ed school district sinking fund moneys ac cumulating after tbe bonded indebtedness lniM been fuly lutlsllcd to tho general fund of said school districts. On motion the county Superintendent li hereby allowed IM.OO ns full compensation for Institute purpof.es for tho year 1899. ( On motion the Juitlces of the Peace are heroby Instructed to flic tbsir report wltD Connty Board es Overseer of the Poor In their respective Precincts as required by law. It satisfactory appearing to the Board that one Krxuk tllxson a pauper has been in duced by his Brother John W. Hixson to come into this county, knowing him to be In destitute circumstances, and whereas By virtue 01 Sec. I, Chapter 67, of compiled statutes of M, the said John W. Ifixsoii as brother of the said Frank lllxson, Is respon sible for his care and support. It is on motion hereby ordered that tbe said John W. lllxnon, provide for the care and niointninaucc of the wild Frank lllxson, as provklrd by law. Un motion the county Clerk be, and ho Is hereby orrtore! to mall to John W. lllxson a copy of this order. .... On motion Board adjourned till 8 a. tn. July 18, liiiW. M. J. liLIWglT. Clerk. Harrison, Neb., July 19, 1899. Board met pursuant to adjournment. presunt Commissioner Meng, Procanler, Itohwer and clerk. The claim of Jes Crawford, John L. Strat um, O. B. Douglas and M. J. Illewett were on motion laid over till next meeting. The petition and field notes of the revised survey on wbal Is known as tbe eottonwood rood to Harrison were taken up and duly considered theboard find that the road es. tablisbed by the revised survey to be a con sent road and on motion it Is hereby declar ed to be a public road as shown by Plat and filed notes In Clerks office. The road Petition of Charles C. Grove and others and all papers connected with said road were taken up and duly considered the board flixl that proper notice had been given and that no claims for damages having been filed, On motion It Is hereby ordered that the Hue petitioned for be and tho same Is here- ba declared to be a public road. Tbe road petition of 11. S- dough anj others and all papers connected with said roud were taken up and duly considered the board find that proper notlcs had been giv en mid that uo claims for damages had been tiled. On motion It Is hereby ordered that tbe line reported by the commissioner be aud the same Is hereby declarod to be a pubUc road, On motion Board adjourned till 8 A, M. July to UM. U. J. Bliwitt, clerk. Harrison Neb. July 20th 1899, Board met pnrsant to adjournment. Present commissioner Meng, Procunler, Bobwer and clerk. On motion the board proceed od to check up tbe occouats In the treasurer's office. On motion board adjourned till I A. M. July 21st WW. M. J. Blewett, elerk. Harrison Mob. July 21st 1899. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Commissioner Meng, Procunler, Itohwer and clerk. On motion board continued to check up tbe accounts In the treasurer's office. On motion board adjourned till S A. M. July 22nd UW. M. J.BHrfETT, clerk. Harrison Neb. July tind UM. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, commissioner Meng, Procunler, Bobwer and elerk. The board completed their work In treas urers office and on motion report ordered filed with tbe county Clerk. On Motion board adjourned without day. M. J. Blewett, elerk. Eatrar Notice. TO WBOM IT MAT CONCERN. That Janes Boarctt the undersigned did on the 7tb day of Jnly 1899 on his inclosed land situated on lunnlng Water, SlouiCo., Nebraska. s One dark brown mare was taken up by me as sstraytd, said Mare being more par ticular described ae follows i One dark brown mare, about three years LT old, branded n left shoalder. Dated st Harrison, Neb., this grd day ol Aug. 1899. James BoiniEir. NOTK'K TO NOS RESIDENT DEFENDANT. IN THE KISrEICT COUST or SIOUX COUNTT, . NEBRASKA. Willla W. Wood, plaintiff, v Kutn It, WlThtdetetfdant. To KUAJsrtfTght,non-resldent, defendant. Tour are hereby notified that on the 28th day ofJune, 1899, William W. Wood, plaintiff herein, ffled bis petition In the above entit led came, in the District Conrt of Sionx county,1 Nebraska, against Ruth B. Wight, the object and prayer of which Is to recover from the defendant the snm of Hl.lil, due and payable Irom defendant to plaintiff for fees, costs and expenses caused snd expend ed In the prosecution of the case of the Commercial Investment Company, trustee, against Igador Itlcsleln et al, in tbe Dist rict Coart of Sioux county. Yon are further notified that an order of attachment has been Issued in this canse and the same has been levied by the Sheriff upon the N'4 of the 8-W Si and NW of the 8-EH of Section 24, and the N-KV of tbe S-E! of Section 26, lu Township H3, N. Range 66 west of the 6th P. ni.. In Sioux county, Ne braska, land this action Is In part to esuse a sale of geld tract of land under suid order of attachment and subject the same to the payment of said debt that there Is now due and payable en said debt tbe sum of 81.13, with Interest at the rate of 7 per cent. per annam, from tbe 17th day of June, 1SH9, for whldh sum, with interest, plaintiff prays for a JOugemsnt against defendant, and that In tafault of the payment tberoof said promisee may be sold to satisfy the amount found due under said order of attachment, You asto required to answer said petition on or before tbe 4th day of September, 1899. 1-4 J William W. Wood, rialntlff. '. Final Proof Notice. All persons having final nroof notices la this paper will receive a marked conv of the paper ant are requested to examine their nonce aaa ir any error exist report the same to this office at once. TIMBER CITl.TURl, PINAL PKOOF-KOTI- CE rOE PC RUCTION. IT. I. Land Orrici, Alliance, Neb., July 19, 1899. Notice la hereby given that EDWARD K. LIVERMOKE, of Harrison, has filed notice of Intention tomake Dual proof before County Judge, at his office, In Harrison, Neb., on the 98th day of August, IMS, on Umber culture application No. 1496, for tbe of N EK and Mtt of B E), of Sec. No. St, In Twp. No. 81, Range NO. M. He names as witnesses : David Bartlett, Charles Oammenslnd, B. F. Johnson and Alex Jxjwery. All of Harri son, Neb. I. M. DOKRlNOTON, Register. RessMlllsmsratk. Mo Marrtaa. ae HkiiiIwm, m t4 isnna assMost w il. "Tjriusiel MmHilly stratm t4jMrtsn ssaa- l.ls,sta, BON TON RESTAURANT. P. B. BIGELOWi Prop., candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, ?Rigs, Calces, Pies, Bread, stationary ?etc. tST A Good Lunch Counter in ooiu at .Laving rnces. J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer Send in your Harness and Shoe re- pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK STRICTLY CASH: STOCK R RANDS. The JotmHAL will publish yoar brand, like the following, for 12 :00, per year. Each ad ditional brand 79 cents. Every rarmer or ranchmen in Rloux and adjoining coantles should advertise their brands In Taa Joca- kalss it circulates all over the state. It may be the meaus of saving money for you. CHARLES BIEHLE. Cm left side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of horses. ( iRange on the head ol Warbonnst icreek Address Harrison, Sionx Co. Nsb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow IngbrandooelLb Also HO on cat tie and horses cattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. . Ranjro on Silver Springs and east of stato ine. rostomce narrisou neb The Best Advertising- Medium In North-West Nebrasa, Ig The HAR RISON PRESS-JOURNAL. I 3 - The Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - . - Nebraska. CAPITAL STOCK PATD IN -SURPLUS AND PROFITS - -o- DIRECTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. Chas. C. Jameson. D. H. Griswold, Cashier. rnQQLTCDnunrfclTCt western national bank, new yosk. nrLUnntOrUnUtn 1 0. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. Omaha. Nu. INTEREST PAID ON NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. IS THE DISTRICT COURT OT SIOUX OOUN TT, NEBRASKA. J. T. Castle, plaintiff, against Hetta I.. Maine, Silas L. R. stains, George W. Hester James O. Sargent, Defendants. To Metta L. Maine, Silas L. R. Maine, and James O. Sargant. Ton and each of yon will take notice that the above named plaintiff has filed her pet tltlon In tho district court of Slouz county Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition Is the foreclosure of a certain tax Hen on lots numbers 20 and SI of bloek nam ber 7 of the village of Harrison, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes on said lots for tbe years 1M0, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1891 1804, 1IH and paid by plaintiff and her assignors, and that the said lots may be sold to satisfy said tax le In. That yon and each of yon may be foreclosed and barred of all right, interest, Hen, oi sgiity ef redemption in or to said premises. Yon are required to answer said petition on or before tbe Hth day of September im. J. X. Cati, plaintiff. Gbavt Gutiirib, A ttornsy for plaintiff. QYPHILIS., s" mlilitae. TnstMelmiMsel 17 man sr si osm. Ttnaa low. Mtmk 1m. Okll via. M. W -. IWH. tin Connection and Every Thinff POST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, Neb. In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c A SPECIALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. CHARLES UMPHENOCR The brand reprsented in this notice and branded any where on left side oi uorses and LjJ, Also the L L brand any where on left side of settle beleas-s to tha undersigned, Gbabijm UmfhEnouk. Harrison, Nebraska. CHARLES KEWMAN. The brand represented In this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, and over-lap cut from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belonrs tn th nn...i..n Range near East Snrlna-s. sonth wart fa Sioux county. Chaklbe Newman. Harrison, Nebraska, aw ritir JOn left shoulder of cattle and 11111 WCJEJ. Uteri tret nn T.itrtl rwAesAM4 W...(Wfordebr. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder ot horses. Range on Antelope creek. P. O., Ghllchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. - SIO.000.003 a - 8,000.00 C. F. Coffee, Vice President. ' A. Mcfiixi.Ht. TIME DEPOSITS.- THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL ach and Llvr Complaint. UMRCMTtD. 100 PILLS Hold by all dragetots 28CT8. or asat by m alL Ce., Sold By Dr. I. E. Phmney AGENTS W ANTED FO R THK hlVK AVI) Achievements of Admiral Dewev," tho world's naval hero. Hv Murat Halstead, the life-long friend and admirer of tho nation's. Idol. Biggest and best boo k : over IM pages SxlOlncbes; nearly 100 pages half ton 1 1 lust rations. Only tljn. Enormous demand. Big Commissions. OutOt free. Chance ol a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Com pany, Ird rioor Caxton Blkg., Chicago. Ins VsaoTEPSrisTLs aei 1. 1 00 eielV N 'A 'w-W E)slW'Waiefae1yessiisiiM ifj(ewstqwarwAtelwBOAOV1 ANV-! m