The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 20, 1899, Image 8

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!lou To Make Honey.
If you are tired of paying high prices you
can make money by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish
Shoe. Tfe Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all magazines at $3.00 in Boston, we sell
this graceful shoe for $2.75 right here at home
and save you 60c express besides.
All other leather
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all East
era catagogue prices; no matter from what point
goods may come. In additien to our gen
eral meichandise, we are selling this
spring Ladies and Misses $5.00
Spring Hats for 12.50
Come & see for
, yourself.
also han
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
Cosides we have full line of Crockery.
If you want a suit of clothes made
to order we are Agents for
.Royal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l gerlach; Prop.
Tbukdat, July. 20th. 1890.
SSst. 9. Canoa, Editor and Prop,
Sassasss LOMi eack lnsertim ic.
IUelT, stsaiac A4: price for mm
at hamra on application.
Mack Brand aasl Um Jovihi, one year
Forstfa advertising nut b paid la ad-
Far tartfcer inform Hon Addrcia,
TUB Bioex Cocm jooit,
rrioa, Hebr.
V.X. AM. lime table.
(Mac West. Gallic
Se.S,srtTV llJil Mo. S. mixed l:
TL T. S. K.
is the best
to sad from the
CT Preaebiag ererr other flabbeth
t llo'doeka. ex, sad n Sabbath
isif at 9 o'clock attboM, E. church.
- Zry bo&f invited to atleod.
.Ear. J. L. Kqidaix. Pastor.
bagotogist of
Thoraton, of ibi city.
I to OrMrfofd, oo ImI Saturday sts-
np saeetiog.
Aery. Tisoalquiot, returned from
I Met Friday where he wont to
' to look tip new . loca-
Ob Oroftka of Trenont, specialist
CSiA. TT&koff of Oawford, a dentist
rjMwfattjpwifamloftftl bueueas ia Ha
kissweek. .
s Bartell, H. Kery Mor
aaJ3oay Kendall, returned from
! -XZtSmr Griewold,
with three year.
i. -Caca CtltoiM with ear a
qr Cs, who left for
'tlw K wfcn hi. fessi-
:CssiJa, C.liiin, of Ohm-
at!Ca. c Mav
itCSar wfii
. vt
goods will be sold
F. E. A M. T. E. R.
Special xcarioiu to Hot Springs,
8. Dak, -
Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, July
4th and 18th and Aug. 22, 1899, good
returning 30 days from date of sale at
One Fare Plus $3.00 For Round Trip
and oo Tuesday. Aug. S, 1899, at One
Fare For Round Trip;
u . Av2bt, Agent.
llisa Mary Morarek, is now employ
ed in the family of Mr. Oscar Ward, of
the east tide.
Mrs. W. B. "Wright accompanied by
Mi as. jsme lert for Kapid city . Dak. on
laat Saturday evening to vimt among
friends in that city during a week or
two. The baby ia under the care of Mrs.
Ed. Maine. '
A letter recieved by Buff Coffee
Monday noon, states something less than
the value of $1,000,0000,000 belonging to
toe betra of John T. Coffee somewhere
down in Kansas. The estate is in the
form of real estate, comprising about
850,000 acres in the heart of Topeka.
D. H. Griswold, returned from Iowa,
on last Monday noon. He reports bis
mother better and thinks she will be able
to undertake the journey to Harrison
within a week or ten days. Mrs. D. H. re
mained to accompany ber mother hither.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kennedy of
Crawford, came up on Tuesday's noon
train and were guests at the Hester man
sion. They visited their Sioux county
farm ia the afternoon. They returned
home on the evening train.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Uuitt and son
of Seward, this state, arri ved here on a
visit to their son and his family Thurs
day, Mrs. Chat Unitt was on band at the
train to recieve them, and at once they
war conveyed to their sons country
residence, 10 miles south-east of town.
Paul Brewster of Cheyenne, who has
bean here daring thu past several week,
during; which time he and his brother
from the east, have closed a deal, where
by they become owners of the Ben. John
sea ranch, returned to his home on last
Monday noon.
Wo wish to call the attention of
tomo of our delinquent subscriber lo
tao fact that it is nasweaaary that they
mate aa immediate aett lament We
have some who an two and three vaars
ia arrears. After (his the Jocrxal will
s run exclnsively on a cash basis.
The JarjHML family are under obli
faftom to Mr. aad Mrs. Lao, DsBuck for
taro atos mass as of booM grown straw,
korrias last Friday. They wore delicious
fruit aad asmoostrates fallv that stiaw
torriea, fcaebsrriaa, currents and iafact
allkiaasof small fraita oaa aa raised
at a profit in aorta wast
with ordinary ear.
latl fotfBmyfta Korth-westsra
rtas,fotoot Its last issue the reason
an we believe it to be a most important
aaatiataditorLlwisstotodia ms fara
IiiaM ta aaa Jarfs sooogh
''tr-Mr4 tw rsfE, Ta haa no
kl-xUUix?iMrtiato say
The place to Get Good1
Bargains at all times-is at
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
.the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fine
Foot "Wear a specialty; and
Children.s Foot Wear care
fully considered.
For HcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
Mrs James Johnson, is entertaining
ber daughter and children, who arrived
on the west-bonnd train yesUrday.
Mrs. T. O. Williams, of this city, is
entertaining ber mother who arrived yes
terday to make tier an extended visit
Sioux county institute will be held
from July 81st to August 5th this year,
which it somewhat later that had been
intended at first, ''.'.j Z7,"'.l ' ' -
' M. J. Weber and sister-in-law, Miss
Minnie Bendixon, carc up from Glen,
yesterday. M, J. was at th court house
during the day renewing old acquaintan
ces. ,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Thomas, and
their daughter, Mrs. Lorena Wit ham,
and children, were up from Crawford yes
terday attending to some pesotial tmai
nessat the court house.
Among our new aubcriberg this week
the following are included, William Jen
nings of Kirtley, Paul Zerbstof Warbon
net, Carl Larson of Van Tassell, Wyo.,
and V. Wolheleter of Gilchrist
Have you noticed what long faces
several of our Benedicts are wearing
now-a-days? W-jll its all because they are
minus their Benedicta's. We have no
less than five poor lone widowers just at
Mr. and Mrs. John Elly, of Monroe,
Wis., arrived on last"Tuesday, and were
met at the train by Mr. and Mrs Zum
Brunnen, of Pleasant Ridge, whose
guests they will be while bsre. Mr. Elly
is an old school mate of Mr. Williams of
this town.
i; Ibas. Coffee, is entertaining Capt
Snyder, of San Antonio, Texas, (who by
the way is a brotlier-in-law of the boys
at his country seat in Bodarc. We had
the pleasure of meeting and having a
pleasant chat with the captain, who
thinks Sioux county an ideal stock coun
try. This issue will mark the clf of the
11th year of the Joliwal, and its starts
out, promising hopes to live yet many
years. We thank our friends and pat
rons who have so generously supported
us in the past, and we ask for a liberal
share of their patronage in the future, as
our "motto" is and ever shall be to try
and state facts just as we know them to
be, always having the interests of our
readers at heart and endeavoring to edit
an upto dale, clean newspaper. A few
years ago we came among you a stran
ger and have but the warm sat words,
gratitude for the treatmeut raetveU
Now we have but this to add, we havs
come to stay and the interest of the peo
ple of Sioux county are our personal in
terests as wo shall onasavor to demons
trate mora fully as circa instances may
occur. Again ws thank all our subscrib
en aad patrons.
"During the bat weather last summer
I had a aevere attack of cholera morbus,
aeosssltatiag my leaving my business,"
says Mr. C. A. Hare of Hare Broa , Bo
eaatiaOUo. 'Aftr Ukink two or three
dosss of Chamboriaia'a Colic, Cholera
aad Cairboan Eamedy I was completely
rajSnaaf ad ia a fsw boors wan abte to
work ia taastors. Iemasrly
rttoaay awa aflietoa with
aawal ar riatnaeh toauble. For sals t
Pr 3. EVFainaav,
The place to Get Good
Bargains in Bubbers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felts and Rubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fresh Goods
such as we know would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry HARDWARE &
Building Material.
Read the Jocesal want column this
V. A. Hester shipped a car of horses
to Des Moines Ia., Monday.
Arthur Christian sold his team to A.
McGinley last Saturday and was obliged
to borrow a team to get back to liaw
hide with.
Mrs. M. J. Blewett and children ac
companied Mrs. Robert Neece to her
home Sunday where she will visit a
mong friends In that DtCSioATtf" "ft
week. ,"r ';; -
Mrs. E. J. Wilcox, returned from
Craw'ord. yesterday where she has spent
the past week, visiting among old
friends. "
Over In Wyoming.
Hill Shattd is potting down a well for
Mr. Thompson, near Luslr.
Mr. Peiti and Howard Shatto are talk
ing tf buying a thnrtinajf uiacltina. Ve
are glad to know tluii there i a prospect
of a threshing machine being jierfect fix
ture on the Ridge.
''Andrew Christian had a serious run a
Way on last Wednesday, which resulted
in total destruction of a wagon. He
went to town the next day and pur
chased a new Bain wagon.
( The school Board will sell the district
bonds to the amount of $650. at Richards
and Collander's Bank in Lusk on next
""A Terisicborean party was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Christian ou
last Friday night A large crowd was
present and an enjoyable time is report
ed. ...
County Supt C. A. Sherman, was
visiting the school in No. 7. on last Wetl
and Thursday, He spent a pleasant half
day with Mr. and Mrs. "Zekiel"
: Mike Jordan of Gilchrist, Neb., stayed
all nigbt at Mr. Newlins, oo Thursday ul
lag week.
; George Davis, bought a 160 acres o'
land belonging to U Anchor ranch, a
few days ago. Consideration $300.
J. U. Kewlin and family, made a trip
to Oilchrist and vicinity on last Satur
day. They called at the horue of Mr.
a ixl Mrs. Leonard Dout, on the way
down. They fame home by Hie way of
Harrison, on Monday.
jThrough tlij kindness of Miss Phebe
Knott, we were shown a copy of the Hat
Creek Star, edited by Miss Blanche Cof
fee. It Is a newsy little shtet and is
well edited. Its circulation is increas
ing very rapidly. The ad are gotten up
in good style. While the continued
stories are very interesting. ZsxiKL.
Persons troubled with diarhoea will
be interested in the experience of Mr.
W. M. Bosh, clerk ot hotel Dorrance,
Providence B, I. He says: For Several
years I have been almost a constant suf
ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at
tacks completely prostrating me and
rendering me uoflt for my duties at this
hotel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly handed me a small bot
tle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and
diarrhoea Remedy, Much to my sur
prise aod delight its effects were imme
diate. Whenever I felt symtotnitof this
aJasaaal would fortify myself against
tteatttack with a few doses of this val
aakls remedy. The result has been very
satisfactory and almost complete relief
from the affliction." For sale by Dr. i.
E. FWmjey.
SHOES! Wffi!!
A Fine Line of
Ladie's & Gentlemen's
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
money. -v.
Marstelier BROS.
AH kiriWfbf HafneBS Goods. Alsd,,louraH'Vi,all kinds of
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c. fcc.
XW Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
. !n the Matter of t!e Entate of J'strlk
iiui ativ,
At County Court Bia t tbe CoonlT
Coort Kooia la and for iil Comity on th
Jrd day of July, l9.
I'reMrnt Itolicrt Wilson, Canty iv.
On reaiUnif ini fllitim the prtlUon of John
Rurrougbii, praying thiit lmiultrUon ol
nl l lt Ue granted to iilm a Aitjnlnl
trator. Ordered, Tht the 7lh day of Aujnrt A. D.,
1S99, o'clock A. M.. u OMiuned tor lmnr
liijf wild petiUon, whn ll pcraonu lntur
rtc.1 tn mid matter my pimr at coun
ty court U be liiild In and for ld county,
and allow cue why tin" pmyrr of the peti
tioner should not tie (rrantd; Bnd that
notice of the pendancy of mild petition and
the hearing thereof, be KiTen U) all tron
lnterelrt In &td uiatter by publUhtnic
epy of thi order In Tme hiou CouxiT
JoUsKAf W(kly newspuper piloted In
said county, lor four ueceye oek, prior
lo mild day of herin.
JLmUfd thU 3rd day of Jnly, im.
' (
Boal, ! County Judge.
(A true Copy.)
Want Column.
FOR SALE i At a barjrain, a com
iog of news press aod all the type and
ruuteriil necosnary for publixhing a neat,
country newtipaper. Alxo a Job pretui
with job type, furniture ic. which
goen in the bargain. Pitrfci wishing
further information should write to
Tiik Siocx Couxty Journal,
Ilarrion, Klraka.
Arbeivruiftiitsof Admiral Dewey," the world
gri;rtt-st iihthI hero. By Murt llted,
tli life long friend nd ndrnlmr of thennti
on' idol, liljfifot (Mid bet Iwok ; ov-r 600
pupee, xl0ltiche; nr.iirly 100 pnen h ilftonn
illMtnitUin. tinlyil Ml. Knoiuiouedemund.
Illlf CommliulonH. ttnint free, ( lisnc eof
life time. Wrlto quick. The Dominion Com
ny,ard floor Cuitou lildg,, ChlcxKo.
Good Hay & Stock
Ranch for sale.
For Bale.
A 10 foot, Perkins wind
mill, and tower for sale
cheap. A. R. Kkwwkdt.
Crawford Neb.
r?TEHtrayed from my
place 2 black, 8-year-old hors
es branded reverse F on left
jaw; 2 iron gray mare brand
ed cockeye on left ihouldef;
A. L. Houox,
Glen, Neb ,
Proffessional Cards.
J, E. l iil.NNEY. M. D.
Flijlsclan and Surifeoa.
All call! glTen prompt Bttf ntion.
Oftlce In Drug Store. '
M. i. 0 Connell,
Co, Attorar,
Will lTnrtlre In All Court.
Special Attention tilyentoLaad ON
Collections and all biwSnMg entrnit
ed to me will reeelre prompt attention.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United States
Land Office. ,
Fire Insurance written in reliable
EjrLegal papers carefully drawn.
Harkisok, - Nkbramu.
Tho undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of tbe public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction aod that
our charges will be reasonable.
Mrh. Maggie Kosecrana.
ftestsfw rrrsuTr,
lost viaon
Cures Impotcncy, Night Emlsi ions and
wasting diseases, all effects of sell-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion, A nerve tonic sum!
blood builder. Brings the
inn glow to paie checks aod
restores the Are of joath.
nan coe per box. O tmm
Urn Jo eon or rernnd risacg.
Send tor clnmlar. Address, ' .
?RVJT!L KseicAL co. -
Moll By Dr. 1. 1. ft!cO
Wa fWA