The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 20, 1899, Image 7

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By Rev. Edgar Whltaker Work. D.D.:
The opllmlst who feels that hla vo
cation la slipping away would do well
to take a train to Dayton, O., and visit
the worka of the National Cash Kegis
ter company, as a preventive of en
croachlng pessimism.
A great factory system organized
upon principles of brotherhood, openly
professing the golden rule as lta doc
trine, advocating the care and train
Ing of men's minds and spirits, while
employing their hands, Is so unique
so altogether captivating, that It would
require not above half an hour's In
spection most effectually to silence for
the time Wing the loudest grumbler
at modern Industrial conditions. Quite
the most unique thing about It all, to.
Is the naive confession by the company
that they find business profit In the
thing they are doing for their people.
Enter the women's dining room on the
upper floor of the administration build
ing, or the "rest room.' 'or the bath
rooms, kept as clean as your mother's
kitchen, painted In colonial yellow to
be easy for the eye everywhere the
same frank placard greets you "It
The company pays good waxes, and
gives unusual attention to matters of
sanitation, cleanliness, light, ventila
tion, heating and ornamentation. The
health of the employes Is made a first
coslderatlon. Several years ago the
president found a young woman heat
In gcoffee In a tomato can on a heater
for the noon lunch. He promptly fur
nished a stove for heating lunch, and
from this has grown the generous noon
lunch provided for the young women,
at a cost of one cent. The dining room
contains flowers, rugs, pictures, a piano
and a "rest room" adjoining with med
icine and couches. The lunch is esti
mated to cost three cents, but the com
pany figures that the Increased effi
ciency of this department amounts to
Ave cents per person. The young wo
men are required to wear white aprons
and cuffs, which are furnished and
laundered at the company's expense.
They go to work an hour later than the
men In the morning and leave ten mln.
utes earlier In the evening. There Is a
ten-minute recess each morlng and
afternoon and calisthenics or rest. They
also have regular holidays. They re
ceive ten hours' pay for eight hours'
work. The chnlW have high bucks and
foot reRts. The young women In the
binderies and at the machine look n
neat as high school girls. The ob)wt
leswin In rlean'llness is too plain to be
mistaken. The men work ntne hours
and a half with ten hours' pay. Weekly
baths are granted to all, on the com
pany's time.
It Is believed that plmufsfit surround.
Inas are conducive to the economical
production of good work, while they
attract a much better cU.w of work
The young men In the office have the
air of college students. Courtesy In ex
acted of all.
Suggostlon boxes are found here and
there, and the bust suggestions receive
generous prizes. The employes receive
full Information by bulletin boards of
the work of the company. The Ad
vance club Ui composed at officers, heads
of denartments. members of various
committees, and all foremen and their
assistants. This club meet regularly
lo consider complaints and suggestions,
The factory has no superintendent, but
la managed by a factory committee of
five experts In various lines of factory
work. The system of prizes for sug
gestions calls forth' the Individuality
and originality of each employe. Only
high Bthool graduates are employed for
office departments, and manual train
ing Is a prerequisite for some depart
ment. It has been announced that
after the year 1W15 no one will be em
ployed who has not attended a kinder,
garten In childhood.
When visitors of note are expected
the bulletin boards atitl wnoe their
names, to promote the personal Inter
est of the employes. The attention paid
to pleasant surroundings Is not a mere
matter of taste; but a matter of busl
nesa policy hence here an there a
waving palm among whlrrln wheels
and belts. The lawns and grounds were
carefully planned by a landscape gar.
dener. One of the streets netr the
factory ha been pronounced In sum
mer time the most beautiful street In
the world. The section of the city In
which the factory is located wa for
merly "BJIdertown," disreputable and
unsightly. Now It la "Smith Park." and
la rightly named. The employes them
selves have formed the "South Park
Improvement association." Fsr many
squares about the factory the effect of
the factory's attention to beauty la
seen In the home, In a window-box of
flowers, a vine-clad pouch, a well trim
med lawn, or a well kept bach yard.
The company keep a landscape gar
dener, who Instructe the people In the
beat methods of planting trees and
training vine, and the company offers
prises, for example, for the beat kept
back yard. Realising the difficulty of
occupying boys and of teaching them
usefulness, a boys' garden ha been
furnished. Each boy ha a plot of
ground assigned him and 1 permitted
to raise vegetable. Prise are given
for the beat result
This year athletic ground have been
added and a club house far the boys ef
the neighborhood.
There are no strike here, and no
lockout. Why, Indeed, should there be?
A prominent Oerntan ocsarart, vto
Klag the faatory, saM: "Tbk la all I
mean by social lam." Another said:
Ton snake money and happiness at
the same time." AM this ossts the
company a large earn, bat, besides get
tm Its own pro-is. Us lives of tbou-
sands are broadened and made mor
happy. When capital becomes gener
ous to labor, labor becomes loyal tc
capital. The employer realises that II
is to his Interest to make the employe
aa much of a man a possible, physical
ly, Intellectually, morally. This repre
sents a distinct advance In factory life.
The workman is not merely a "hand,"
he la a "soul." Put more Into his soul,
give him more to think about, give hlrr
a better dwelling and -better surround
ings, open new vistas of life, and h
will, out of his strengthened manhood,
give you a belter service.
Passing by many Interesting features,
such as lectures, ptereoptlcon talks,
Saturday half-holiday, the training
school for salesmen, cooking classes, li
brary, let us not neglect to mention
the House of Usefulness and the Sun
day school.
The House of Usefulness is the social
settlement. Here resides the deaconess,
and here center all the social organiza
tions boys' and girls' clubs, musical
organizations, kindergarten, mothers'
meetings, relief associations. The lev
erage obtained here upon the lives of
boys and girls seem Incalculable.
Pleasant Sunday Afternoons this le
the title given to the Sunday school.
It has seven hundred members, and
meets on the third floor of the factory
building. A printed programme is
used, with a scripture lesson. First
there is a drill of the Hoys' Brigade,
then a choir processional, then singing
and reeponslve reading and quotation
of selected verses, scriptural or other
wise, then a twenty-minute address and
remarks by the deaconess. The sub
jects of study are practical life lessons,
such a "Work," "Charity," "Chlld-
fe," "Liberty." The basis of the study
is the scriptures, but illustrative mater
ial from every source is welcome. Of
ten the stereoptlcon is used In the
school to show scenes of travel, the
beauties of nature, best methods of
home-making, or landscape gardening
There is nothing traditional, nothing
hoary-headed about this factory sys
tem, not even the Sunday school. Walk
ing amidst these new Industrial condi
tions one feels as If he had already
pushed through the door of the new
Judgment Day.
Prophet Smith, a negro of Galveston,
Tex., icoelaimed that the world would
come to an end Friday, June 9, and
hundreds of negroes In that part of the
state believed him. Smith telegraphed
to Houston that the earth would be
enveloped In hot water Instead of brim
stone, and that the visitation would
come at midnight. He advised all be
lievers to hasten to him at Galveston,
end urged all who could not afford the
trip to remain steadfast.
At Houston Smith's follower Disci
ples of the Church of God, they call
themselves were particularly demon
strati ve. They gathered In an old brick
warehouse at Fannin street and Frank
lin avenue, to await the blast of Oa
briel's horn and remained there forty
eight hours. The matter attracted so
much attention and the condition of
the weaker members' of the party be
came so dangerous by reason of heat
snd hunger, that the police were com
pelled to dlKjerse the deluded followers
of the black prophet. They had prayed
and exhorted day and night until they
were exhausted. The doors and win
dows were barred Inside aryi the fou
air was almoet unbearable.
The end of the world did not come
that Friday night, but the faith of the
ncfrroes remained unshaken.. Finally,
as the best means of getting them out.
Chief of Police Blackburn and several
officers, armed with warrants charging
disturbance of the peace, broke Into the
building and arrested several of the
men. These warrants were sworn to
by skeptical negroes, whose wives and
daughters had been persuaded away
from home by others who believed In
Smith's predictions.
An Immense crowd gathered about
the place. It required some time for
the nollce to effect an entrance. The
crowd finally became boisterous and
threw bricks and clubs against the
warehouse and through the windows.
Then the men Inside made a few affi
davits and the persons against whom
they complained were arrested.
HI Mouth Open For 18 Years.
A novel operation was performed at
the Cleveland general hospital last
week on Edward Klotz, who, after
eighteen years, I now able to close his
mouth. When Kloti, who Is now 21
years of age, was 3 years old, he was
burned about the face and neck. Little
attention wa paid to the child's hurts
and the raw surface of the chin and
chest were allowed to come In contact
with each other. In the course of time
the chin grew to the sternum, or breaat
bone. The burns were kept wrapped in
cloth. When the wrappings were taken
off the chin was firmly grown to the
Kor eighteen years Klotx's mouth has
been wide. open, he being unable to
close It even the smallest fraction of
an Inch. Ilia lower teeth grew out of
hla mouth like tusks. Dr. George W.
Crlle undertook to Improve Klota's ap
pearance. The youag man wa literally skinned
alive, aa far aa his breast wa concern
ed. An Incision was made at the tower
extremity of the breast, and the skin
peeled off of the entire surface of the
breast, neck and chin. The skin wo
peeled upward. The flesh wa laid bar
on the side to the ribs. The blood ves
sels, nerves and deep muscles of th
seek were exposed. Then the chin waj
out away from the cheat.
A portion of the large sheet of skin
wa cut out and replaced on the body
In such a manner that It will grow tc
the parts.
Klots can now open hla mouth, and
ays he hardly dares to ever open II
Field Oun with a Koiary Recoil Sys
tem, Does Not Need He-Aiming.
William H. Bevana, a young Amert
:an but thirty-two years of age, has
Invented a system by which the recol
if a Held gun can be entirely consumed
It is estimated that twenty 15-pound
shells can be fired from his gun every
sixty seconds and this with a greater
accuracy than from any other gun of
a like nature in the world.
It is contained within -a small box
which is fitted by means of cleverly
contrived devices under the gun and In
such fashion as not to Interfere with
its movements either laterally or hori
zontally. This small mechanical won
der can take within Itself the powerful
recoil of three feet; or, In other
words, can receive and consume within
the twinkling of an eye the backward
Jump of a gujs which sends a fifteen
pound shell a distance of 5.000 yards.
Edward W. Very, vice-president of
the American Ordnance company, and
an ordnance expert, stated after
watching the tests which were maxle
with a gun fitted up at Uiidgeport,
Conn., with the new rotary recoil sys
tem, that It meant a revolution In gun
manufacturing throughout the world,
and said that he was confident that
eight shots out of ten could be placed
In a target at a range of five thousand
Sards by a gun modeled on iir. Bev
ana' design. This could be done, he
said, without there being any necessl
tay for rcalmlng the gun, so perfectly
did the recoil work.
After a number of tests with the ro
tary recoil It was removed from the
gun with which the officials of the com
pany at Bridgeiort were experiment
ing, and a shot was fired without it. So
great was the force of the recoil, that
the gun, carriage and all, was lifted
and thrown a distance of ten feet in
the air, landing muzzle downward in
the sand.
This new recoil, while being fitted
at present only on the new field gun
designed for the competitive govern
ment test, can be used on all guns
Mr. Jtevans claims that It will save
one-third of, the weight In the carriage
of stationary and coust defence guns.
"When in place the rotary recoil la
under the gun and almost entirely con
cealed from the view of the gunner as
well as protected from the shot of his
enemy. The box Itself revolves on a
shaft. This is enlarged In Its central
portion Into a saddle which remains
fixed. On the outside of the cheese
box or hollow cylinder there are gear
teeth which engage with similar teeth
on the under side of the gun body. The
cylinder Is filled with a liquid consist
ing of a mixture of glycerine and water,
"The backward Jump of the sun on
firing causes the cylinder to revolve,
and the liquid within to pass from one
side of the plBton to another through
grooves of varying area cut in the
walla of the cylinder. At the beginning
of the recoil the liquid passes through'
the largest part of the groove at the
time that the gun Is moving fastest. Ae
this groove grows struiller less liquid
can pass through it, and the gun grad
ually ormes to a standstill. Then by
means of springs, shaped after the
fashion of clock springs and attached
to the side of the cylinder and which
revolve It In the opposite direction, the
gun Is returned to its normal position
and Is ready for another shot. The
entire movement of the gun back and
forth after the shot leaves It Is so
quick that It cannot be followed with
the eye."
Seed 5.000 Years Old.
Com that ha remained hidden for
thousands of years In the heart of the
Arkansas mountains, and which Is de
clared by those who have examined It
to be not less than 5,000 years old, has
been discovered and planted, and the
corn that has been artsed from the
plant Is in the possession of the orig
inal owner of the recovered cereal, Mr.
Oeorge Barnum of Columbus, Neb.
Some time ago a relative of Mr. Bar
num, while exploring; a mountain cave
near his borne, found some curious and
ancient pottery. This pottery was sub
mitted to achaeological experts, who
declared that It was certainly 5,000
years old. The most Interesting part
of the find was that In one of the Jura,
hermetically sealed, several ears of corn
were found. It occurred to the finder
of the lottery that It would tie Interest
ing to experiment with this com, al
though no one entertained the hope that
after such a lapse of time it could be
made to grow. Mr. Bamum planted It
In a corner of his farm land last Jnn,
and the result ha been marvelous.
The corn proved to be giant maize. In
pile of the dry and unfavorable sea
son It grew to a height of 15 foet, the
stalks measuring In circumference sev
en Inches, with leaves fire feet long.
This was all the more surprising be
cause other grain grown from modern
seed and planted near to that found In
the oave shriveled and perished under
the heat of the aun. The grains of
the corn are In all rettpocts like other
com, except that thy are much lagtr
and are In color dark chocolate. J
Mr. Bamum la taxing bealegwd by hla
former acquaintance with requests for
seed. One of taeoc curious one, John
E. Burton of Milwaukee. Wis., ha
made a. iersonal Investigation of the
story of th discovery of the oorn, and,
satisfied that It Is perfectly genuine,
he ha obtained a supply of the seeds
from Mr. Barnum and will begin ex
periments on a farm owned by him. A
great deal of Interest has been awaken
ed In the matter through the wat, and
others will try to grow plants from the
prehistoric seed, so that there Is ne
danger of the oorn relapsing Into Its
former out of the world state.
Small eyes are commonly supposed to
Indicate owning.
olantlsts Claim That Early Inhato.
tanta of England were Cannibals.
The shocking discovery has been
nade that the esrly Inhabitants o:
England were cannibals.
Human bones that had been gnawed
y human teeth have been discovered
n large quantities near Braintree, in
he county of Essex, which adjoins Lon
lon on the northeast side. There can
e little doubt that the bones were
jnawed and picked clean by human
leeth because they were found In the
liclnity of prehistoric dwellings. It is,
if course. Impossible that wild ani
mals could have devoured the bodies,
ipllt the bones open to get at the mar
row and then arranged them neatly to
fether in the neighborhood of a village
A lake dwellers.
It is therefore unavoidable to con
.iude that the ancestor of the moderi
John Bull, who prides himself on hit
superiority of table manners to thos
)f all other nations, feasted on human
The discoveries receive additional In
terest from the fact that they wer
made by a clergyman, the Rev. J. W
Kenworthy, who is a very distlnguishet:
Skulls that were cracked open so af
to get at the brains and human bonei
split from end to end by artincia
means have been found embedded Ir
:he soli at Braintree. The nature o'
the treatment to which these skulls am
iones were submitted in ancient tlme
is such as to leave no doubt in th
ninds of specialists that they are rel
ics of a prehistoric cannibal feast in
lulged In by the residents of Braintree
These ancient Britons were con
itantly warring upon each other; but ii
by no means Improbable that whet
!ood was scarce they did not trouble tf
ro out and kill an enemy. Suspicion h
;ntertained that the number of bone
which have now been found and which
jndoubtedly were scraped and split a'
tome festival were part of the an
itomy of some peaceful residents li
he locality who happened to' have thi
ill luck to be selected for the evening
The soil around Braintree is specially
adapted to the making of bricks. Ex
;avatlons are now In progress there
ror the purpose of extracting brick
arth. These operations have been
;arefully watched by the Rev. J. W.
Kenworthy, who is interested in anti-
juarian research. Much to his aston
ishment, he came upon a find or the
Irst magnitude.
This went to Bhow that a prehistoric
vettlement existed on an Island In the
middle of a lake at Braintree. 'the
reverend gentleman has laid the fact?
K-fore the lFeld club of his county.
Mr. Kenworthy has been able to show
Ihat the lake at Braintree silted up
ivltrt washings from the hills, and that
!or some purpose the prehistoric real
lents of Braintree constructed an ar
iflclal Island in the middle of the lake,
rhls was probabl for the purpose of de-
ence. Mr. Kenworthy has discovered
:hls Island, on which were huts Inhab-
ted by the people of the stone age.
The huts had well made floors and
were protected by painted piles. Iri
the material of the floors Mr. Kenwor-
hy searched for evidence of the man-
sers and customs of these Braintree
'ake dwellers.
Before coming to the bed of London
May, which underlies the artificial lake,
Mr. Kenworthy encountered relic of
the pre-Roman period, and bineath
that a Btratum three feet six Inches
thick going back to the neolithic or
itone age. Beneath this was a stratum
of the post-glacial age, resting on top
sf the bed of London clay. The re-
tnalns of the lake-dwellers were found
In the stratum of the stone age.
Here were found numerous flint Jave-'
n heads and wooden spear-shafts. The
most remarkable discoveries, however,
were made on what was formerly the
oottom of the lake. These Included a
large number of bones of the ox and of
ither animals, which bones had been
arefully spilt to get at the marrow.
rhe skulls had been cracked so aa to
permit of the brains being extracted.
Scattered among these were several
uman bones and skulls, whloh had
en treated In a precisely similar nan-
ter. These "bones had been carefully
ipllt by artificials means, and the
nan who did it was undoubtedly one of
lohn Bull's cannibal ancestors.
He was quite skilled in manipulating
the bones. The lower end of one bone
ha had a piece knocked off, possibly
with a stone hammer, so as to lay bare
in Infernal cavity. Into the hole thus
made the cannibal drove a wedge, thus
putting the entire bone from end to
One of the human skulls found at
this spot ha had the back entirely
itroken away, evidently for the purpose
Df getting at the brains. After the
bones had been scraped clean they wer
thrown Into the lake by the dweller?
tm the artificial Island.
The only argument that has been
brought forward to prove that these
boues were not split by cannibals le
raslly disposed of. That the men threw
their dead Into the lake la not likely.
as people of that period burled or bum-
id their deceased comrades according
superstitious rites. Had the dead
been simply thrown Into the lake the
bones would have been found In a per
fect condition. Just aa If the Individ
uals had been accidentally drowned.
Several scientific men who have ex
amined these remarkable relics of Eng.
tlah cannibalism say they prove conclu
sively that a large cannibalistic com
munity existed at Braintree, and that
juman beings were esten thers In the
ardlrary course of domestic rooking.
Mr. Kenworthy will shortly publish a
treatise on these strange discoveries.
To give some idea of the effect of
these new bullet, we will try to de
pict their deadliness with accuracy, fol
lowing Bruns. Bruns found that bul
lets with leaden tips fired from email
caliber rifles at short ranges inflict
wounds more serious than those formed
with ordinary rifle bullets. Experience
has constantly shown an abnormally
large exit aperture of irregular form,
a large lacerated pit in the muscles up
to the size of a hand, and a cutting of
bones into numberless small fragments.
In the case of shots from very short
ranges for Instance, 25.30 meters there
resulted a crushing of the soft parts,
and a splitting up of the bones Into lit
tle bits, bits of tissue of considerable
size being driven outside, so that some
times the member wa held together
only by veins and the skin. The exit
wound showed an enormous defect of
skin and muscle, the muscles being
lacerated and destroyed, and the blood
vessels for the greater part torn. But
even in the case of shots at much
greater ranges, up to 400 meters, the
peculiar effect of this leaden-ended bul
let was betrayed, the wounds being de
cidedly more serious than those inflict
ed by the fully coated bullet. At 600
meters the peculiar effects are not met
with always, so that as a limit of range
within which the effects are always
found we may take 500 meters. "It Is
quite plain," adds Prof. Bruns, "that
surgical art, in spite of the great pro
gress it has made in the last fifty
years, will be helped less when dealing
with wounds of this kind, and there
will remain no alternative but amputa
tion, If the wounded man has not died
from loss of blood In consequence of
the destruction of the soft parts."
SlOO Reward, SIOO.
"There are many men who wouldn't
marry for money," growled the savage
misogynist, "If they could get the mon
ey any other way."
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure la all Its stages, and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building -up the
constitution and assisting nature In
doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any otvse that It falls to cure. Send
for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The blood completes Its circulation
through the bod In twenty-two sec
onds. Every three minutes all of the
blood of the body Is vitalized.
Ex-Oommander in Chief of the G. A.
R. Hon. T. S. Clarkson, says: "I take
pleasure In commending the virtues ot
the remedies prepared by the Dr. B. J.
Kay Medical Co. Having known of
some remarkable cures of Omaha peo
ple effected by the use of Dr. Kay's
Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung Bairn,
I believe that these great remedies are
worthy of the confidence of the public."
Write us your symptoms of stomach,
boyel, liver, lung and kidney diseases
and we will send you Free Advice, Free
Sample and Free Book on Home Treat
ment Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr.
Kay's Lung Balm are sold by druggists
at 1) cts., 25 ote., 50 cts. and 11.00 or
sent by mall by Dr. B. J. Kay Medical
Co., Saratoga Springs, N. .
The Russian government haa adopted
a somewhat drastic method of repress
ing drunkenness in St. Petersburg. It
has i rohlbited the sole of alcoholic li
quors In 25,000 shops, and It haa opened
5,00-1 establishments under state con
trol atid at equal distances apart in
their stead. These establishments are
directed by young women and the li
quor Is sold In bottles bearing a gov
ernment stamp. Only one bottle may
be sold to a customer at each shop, and
If ho shows the leaat sign of lntoxica
tlon when he visits another no liquor
will be sold to him.'
Dm A'
ray With the NsMwaalty For a Great Many Expenalva CoBveateneea
tte Usually Eaaentlal for the frofltatble Hudling of Milk end Batter.
As a cream separator It la perfect. Employs only the principle of csose
snd effect. In construction It is as simple as an ordinary milk oan. Cold
well water (lo equal proportion to your milk) Is sll that Is neoeesaiy to se
cure ell the butter fat the milk containa in the warmest of weather. Farmers
engaged In the sale of cream to creameries will And the fteeior Amteanatle
Crawm Repanstor superior to any other, but those who think themselves but
fll prepared to handle their milk and butter will find In the Beetoi Sa para tor
all the benefits sod advantages which they could have hoped to get out of
expensive equipments. The Beetor Separatora have been lo nae nearly two
years among the moet progressive farmers In Iowa, Mlaaourl and other
states. rivlsK In each ana every Instance complete satisfaction. The house
wire will find lu usage aa simple as a milk oan and the result a good, or
better, than those attained from the most powerful centrifugal machines,
Ia order to Introduce the Hector seperater Into general use the low prlue of
7.00, (f. o. b., Kansss City,) Is made. The 34 gallon site at 9IO, f. o. b.
Kansas OUy, Ma. All letters of Inquiry will be cheerfully answered and
sach other Information given aa may be required. Write your name end ad
dles plainly.
Address all communication to B. H. PIOKEN, Ottumws, Iowa,
Bow many of yoa have lost the pries of
anfnrlant wlad to orwrate roar wind mills,
a to operate your wiira sniiia,
oo your pumping weea utarv ia no
mr pumping whea Mere la no wins or to do It n
rk. bet or cold, wet of in, wind or calm. It la el
'111 also abet! eons, grmd teed, saw wood, churn butter and
ifaa. In the bousa r en the fans, dost nothing to keep whi
i l ranla ner DC or whs wnraina. boidpmi
Aeo, a great labor and money saver.
ly safe, we make all altea of Uaaolln
for oircoisr sua speoisi prtoat.
OMASA. BO. 2(1-1 BOB.
f And 1 it not due to nervous
) exhaustion? Things always
too x so muco nngnter wnen we
re in good health. How caa
you bsve courage when suffer
ing with headache, nervous
prostration and great physical
Would you not like to be rid
of this depression of spirits?
How? By removing the
cause. By taking
It gives activity to all parts
that carry away useless and
poisonous materials from your
body. It removes the cause of
your suffering, because it re
moves all impurities from your
blood. Send for our book on
To keep in good health you
must have perfect action of the
bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con
stipation and biliousness.
WrNm to oar Ooatorm.
Pcrbapn you would Ilk to eanralt
torn eminent physicians shout your
condition. Tben write aa freely alf tha
particulars In your esse. You will ra
eslra a prompt reply, wltbonf cost.
Address, DR. J. C. AVER,
Lowell. Mass.
WlnX WW I or beaut, are (iul. kly healed with
out acar and with no danger of I1(mk1 poison whea
ftIW and other wounds or soree on ma a oernv.scr'9 ia umi. lien ot iu aajupwea
booklet mailed postpaid ror I o
tlYfjaaa tetter, rheum, and other skin dla
lJs.a.lnSly ottM-s yield Immediately to treatment
L with Lee's Germoeone. Don't wante time and 1
pur will, soapa, ointments, and hlood purifier. Get
m ozone ia ali-rsufficlunt, lucxpeiuslve, aad a oertala
If the akin. Soaps and o
and other dlneajwa affecting the tctUo
leaKiiy ;utoi hs aiiv tuwww
ointments don't reach th unot.
flermoaono does. ftttmtiiaiiU have but teniuorary If
any efTi. W hen the pores of the acaLp are cltmn and
healthy the hair will grow.
SflpC EYFC throat, or month, nmt other lnflam
UIIC ass I eWvf nifttlonnof the tiiucoun lining of the
cavities of the body are quickly healed by un of
Lee'i Uermoaone, a soothing, hallntr. antlaieptta
lotion, applicable to any part ot the Kkin, scalp, or ma
com membrane.
sV and Inflamed feet, t-lninntr. od other akin diaordera
lieenllar to tlie summer .-eaaon, InatanUy rvUeYae
and cured by usa of Lee's Ocraioaoiie.
I EE'S 8ERM OZONE aenf yeVdfaoo'iI
sj Is for sale by .nany drufrtflfte. A box of lu aamplsa
and booklet will be aerit postpaid for IS s4e by
the manufacturers. Om. N. Lee CKeesleal Ce., OmaSa.
Stab., or SS Murray SI., Near Vark, or a f ull-else package
postpaid for SO eeate.
The hair of the wild animals of South
America is In gieat demand In America,
and Britain for manufacturing pur
poses. The reason is obvious. It Is
longer than the hair of animals in al
most any other section of the world.
First quality horse hair Is chiefly sup.
plied by South American wild horses
for haircloth and upholstefy. The tails
and manes are generally used, and
owners of horses bind the hair up In
colls. Hair which Is over sixteen In
ches long Is utilized for the manufac
ture of haircloth; second quality Is a
mixture of the short hairs of horses
and cattle, and third rate is Siberian
goat hair. All these varieties of the
hair of horses, cattle and goats fetch
a good price In upholstery circles in the
United Kingdom and the United States.
The United States geological survey
has Just Issued a may of New Tori
and vicinity. The map Is engraved on
copper and printed from stone. Tht
cultural features, such as railroads,
cities, towns, houses, etc., as well as
the lettering, are brought out In black
and other features, like swamps, etc.,
are clearly defined, making a valuable
chart of the territory.
this Engine In one day on account ot la-
leavlnc your stock without water.
waving your iiock
wine or to oo it rf uiariy, westaer
inn una an anu naarni
oaaay tor s saoares ouiet
te farm. Cost nothing to keep whea sot worktaaT, ssjd oalf I
working. Shipped completely set up, ready to ran. no touto
and money saver. Hequlres praetloally no attsaUoo, s4 is
complete w an up, resar to ran. do I
Hequlres preetloallf no atteaUoo. ap-d
Boglnee, from IK to w bores power, write
& CO., OfflAHA, TIM.
Dr. Kty's Renovator, 2STtSXt
ample, free booh ss4 free advice bow eoewa
Appearances are deceitful, tot
T"i7 w1nv ir f ssjss, cos
son can never un just now o
going to cost to keep then up.