The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 20, 1899, Image 6

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Orer th t the glory dies a war,
Flint rof flecks gleaming In th
darkening sky:
And the low sounds that mark the close
of day
Rise up from wood and upland rise
and die:
Soft silence falls o'er meadow, hill and
And in the hush I want you, on, my
Xb the ray radlanre of the morning
In the warm brooding glory of the
When man and nature In their pride
mad power
with the day's fullness blend in
eager tune.
Th rush of life forbids the pulse to
That now, in yearning passion, wants
you, love.
Wants you to watch the crimson glow
and fade
Through the great branches of the
broadening line;
Wants you to feel the soft, gray, quiet
Lap the tired world In blessed even
time: Wants you to whisper: "Come,- your
power to prove.
The gloaming needs its angels, come,
my lave."
All the Tear Round.
"It's a long tramp, Jack."
"Tea; but the crust's hard and I can
do it easy."
"You've done most a good day's work
"Never mind that." Jack gave a proud
little Jerk of his head as be looked up
from the gun he was carefully cleaning.
Tm most as big as a man and full
as strong."
"You don't expect to do much hunting
by the way, do you?"
"Only to keep a lookout."
The short winter day was closing in
a Jack set out on his long walk a
walk under conditions not often ex
perienced in these days, but not un
usual twenty-five years ago In northern
Forest in almost unbroken stretches
for miles on miles. A heavy snowfall
had rejoiced the hearts of the lumber
men in the camps scattered at far dis- j
tances from each other. Logging had
been pushed on with energy until the
cold weather had been interrupted by
a day's rain, which had spread dismay
among those depending on solidly pack
ed roads.
But nature had been kind to the hard
workers, for the softness had been fol
lowed by a period of cold almost un
precedented. For two weeks the tem
perature would have read far below
lero had any of the forest laborers seen
thermometer to read.
The declining rays of the reddening
onset lent a sparkle to the snow as
Jack briskly set out on his long walk.
As) the .luminary took its last glance at
the bleak world the moon arose, smol
irig over a cold appalling to any less
startr than the forest laborers who
knew no other climate and rejoiced in
conditions favorable to their work.
It was a great occasion which de
manded Jack's presence at home no
.teas & one than the marriage of his
oldest sister. The father was dead, and
Jack, in his faithfully sustained posi
tion as man of the house, was already
Caking on a weight of care beyond his
Bis home lay ten miles distant from
,tb lumber camp In which he did, as
Was his proud declaration, almost a
man's work. In the other direction was
the nearest small town, which Jack had
taken occasion to visit a few days be
fore on an errand of importance.
When fully out of eight of the camp
ad beyond all possible observation
from any of Its occupants he paused to ;
unfasten his tightly buttoned coat. The i
warmth of his honest heart kept him
from feeling the bitterness of the cold
on his bands drawn from the clumsy
A small parcel taken from his breast
pocket and the radiance of the sun
set bad nothing to do with the glow
which lightened his face as be carefully
loosened the wrappings to gaze on an
ornament of colored glass set in brass,
designed for the adornment of the
"It's line. And AbbyMl think no end
of it There isn't a girl in the settle
saint that got one like it.
"Bat," with a more sober face, as,
fur looking at the sun's rays as they
through the glass and were re-
from the metal, he returned the
to his pocket, "It ain't up really
what Fd ought to do for Abby, and
th get tin' married. Father' d 'a' given
hr somethin' of a settln-out All win
Mr Ire been watchln' for a bear. If 1
Mill 'ft' got one and sold the skin I'd
been able to do real well by Abby."
sriod was full of what this doing
have been had he been possessed
of tarn BMsni to carry oat his loving
' SsskMsa The log cabin which was to
few Us sister's home would, he well
-tags, BU destitute of all but the barest
' gcXvtaioaosa, Deep In his heart lay
CV toast 1a to distinguish it by some
"frtjm m have look before the wln
'" mm," h soliloquised.
: : Oa bP of the eoM tent him
T 1 T. -J IWSia loounesw. nt passim we
- r-tWs eabta on his war. turned
f lis oa the rough clearings and
;T lata a Umber road which pene
izi aVsap lato the aoart of the dense
'.: -rst ia ft oatfauod Iris walk bla
hated the sneaking creatures which
preyed on the few flocks of sheep, would
attack children or even a man when
enough of them came together. Many
a wolf story had Jack listened to beside
the camplire. The animals were get
ting scarcer as the country gradually
became more settled, but he had heard
of cases in which the severity of the
season had brought the ugly things in
packs frightfully near the scattered
He listened with every sense on keen
edge. No, it was not the wind. Even
in the short moment in which he stood
still he could fancy that it grew louder.
that snarling howl, broken by barks
and yells. He looked carefully at the
condition of his gun.
"I'm ail right as long as I have you,
he said, giving it a pat as he hurried
on. "But if that really Is a wolf or
it might be two or three of 'em by the
noise the sooner I can get to the Hol-
comb clearin' the better I'll like it.
He Increased his speed to a run, but
the shortness of breath induced by the
extreme cold soon brought him to
halt. And fin the dead hush of the
forest the appalling notes came with a
distinctness which brought to Jack the
first thought of peril.
Not one wolf, or two or three, but a
pack, driven by starvation. Oh, the
horror of that ceaseless yell! With all
his strength the boy pressed on, terror
adding speed to his limbs. It was for
life, this race be knew it well now.
No gunshot would avail with that pack
of yelling demons. The patches of
moonlight were few and far between in
the dense shadows of the trees, and
with straining eyes he watched for the
ourve in the road which would bring
"Beema hardly fair, though, poor
bnte, like takin' advantage of 'em,
shut in so," said one.
But sentiment did not prevail, as one
twenty miles conducts you to your des
tination. It is Impossible to associate "snakes'
with the beautiful and varying scener)
after another of the snarling voices ...a.-....,---- through which you pass as far as Kla
was hushed.
"Seventeen of 'em, as I'm a llvln'
man. Jack, my boy, you'll be rich on
your bounty."
Bounty! Jack had not had time to
think of that of the five good dollars
paid by the state for each one of the
ugly scalps. And to think of all thn
good things be could do for Abby and
for others!
"But," he began, "It belongs to all of
you you all helped."
"Not a bit of it, br. Every cent of it
goes to you. You 'most earned It with
your life.
"The weddin's all over, of course,
said Jack to himself as, late in the
night, he drew near home.
But no wedding had taken place. His
mother and Abby, with anxious faces,
were sitting over the fire, and he was
received with a rush of open arms.
"Where's Hiram?" was Jack's first
'Hiram's gone back he can only get
away once a week, you know"
'Gone! And without you?"
'And do you think there'd be any
weddln' here without you, Jacky? And
we not knowln' what might 'a' become
you? The weddin's put off till next
There was little delay In securing
the bounty at the nearest county town
and Abby rejoiced in such a "settin'
out" as few of the hardy young home-
makers had ever known.
' " was suddenly arrested. The
'( "rtd C wind, oreo m Us angriest
I,.-. lonely focarV., never
aoaad Kka that Ic-etched,
- kWl ' Two or tares
mi feat Mf ask had aaar
-i.rX t aW tmdor df
bo daacar. How
him to Holcomb'e clearing. But as th
quick breaths of the pursuing enemy
became distinguishable amid tbei
barks and howls Jack realised that h
had no hope of making it. Nearer.close
by the roadside, he remembered an old
cabin, long since disused as a dwelling,
but occasionally temporarily oecupie
by settlers making their way farther
on. How far he might find safety here
he could only conjecture, but It wa
something In the way of a shelter.
The wolves were close behind as he
dashed Into the cabin, giving the door
a desperate shove after him. No time
to fasten It, for the alps came In too
But there were friendly rafters above.
and with one leap Jack was among
With his head reeling, breath com
log In heavy pants and a faintness in
realizing the horror of his situation,
Jack grasped the timbers. They were
old; he could almost fancy they shook
and swayed under him. He did not
trust himself te a look below until he
felt himself securely poised. It made
him dizzier when at length he ven
tured a glance. There they were, the
hungry demons, leaping, snapping, en
raged that their prey, so near, should
be beyond their reach. Jack did not
take a second look. With returning
breath and steadier head he brought his
strong common sense to the considering
of the situation.
"Howl away, you brutes. You think
you're going to get me sooner or later,
don't you? Not if I'm a woods boy."
How many of them were there?
Would they never quit crowding at that
door? A few moments later he heard
a dull slam through the din of snarl
ing voices, and looked for the cause.
The door had at length been pushed
shut, and In one of the frantic leaps it
heavy old wooden latch had fallen int
"Ah, here I am locked In. Now, what
next? I wonder which of us would
starve to death first," he muttered.
"You, maybe,' "with another glance at
his foes, "for you're hungry to begin
with, and I'm not. Only I'm not so
used to being hungry as you be.
Regaining his nerve and self-posses
sion, he examined his surroundings
with anxious eyea He saw that so
long as he looked well to bis hold
among the rafters he was in no present
danger, but how was he to get out?
The cabin was built of logs. He might
work for days without making any Im
pression on its solid sides.
But above him, within easy reach of
his bands, was the roof, through which
came small twinkles of blessed moon
light. He soon found that it was
made of saplings laid close together,
then finished with a thick covering of
brush. To his great Joy he found that
decay had begun its work and that
the smaller saplings were ready to
crumble beneath a vigorous touch.
But others were strong. They would
yield only to slow cutting with his
knife. Hfts footing was precarious)
with one hand he must continually
support himself.
He never could have told how many
hoars of frightfully exhaustive labor
followed bis conviction that through
that roof lay bra only hope of saving
his Ufa One ho stopped, almost In
"Must be about that weddln' time
now," he groaned, his bead dropped
upon his free hand. "And if they knew
mother and all of 'em!" At It again.
As at length bo could put his head out
a new fear was growing. What If more
of his pursuers were on the outside.
Then there was no help for bun. Shel
terless, he would surely freese to death
before the cruel night would be over.
Better that than the other. With Meed,
lag hands, whirling brain, every muscle
on a strain with the last effort, Jack
pulled himself upon the roof and peered
over its edge. No, there were no more.
The glaring ees, the gnashing teeth,
the howls, the pandemonium all shut
lav With renewed strength, bora of
Messed certainty, Jack sped back to
the eaara for help.
It was a frolic such as woodsmen
A Clever Magician.
An amateur magician of Chicago,
George W. Patterson, is playing some
fantastic tricks with scientific appara
With a pair of Indian clubs, studded
with miniature electric lights, he
weaves circles and figures In lines of
light that would make La Lole Fuller,
the fire dancer, envious. But this Jug-
pier with electric light is most startling
in his Imitation of a thunder storm
This begins with the first faint flash
es of heat lightning, produced by Geiss-
ler vacuum tubes arranged about the
walls. Then comes the zig-zag forked
lightning, which flashes bptween the
metal electrodes, making sharp reports
of actual thunder.
To get that prolonged roitlng peai and
echo of sound traveling through great
distances a "thundershot" of Iron is
used. One end of It rests on the floor
and the other is shakes by hand.
To Imitate the downpour of rain and
rushing of wind a simple sieve-like af
fair Is used. It consists of a barrel
hoop, over which Is fastened strong
brown paper, forming a circular ves
sel into which beans are poured and
skillfully shaken.
Mr. Patterson heightens the effect
here by singing "The Lightning King"
through a megaphone.
As the storm ceases bird-calls are
made by the operator, and the peaceful
melody of "Anchored" is sung. Then,
as a delightful surprise, a double rain
bow appears across the background of
the stage. It Is produced by sending
the rays of a common Incandescent
electric lamp through a prism. The
double bow Is the result of simply
turning the lamp so that the two sides
of the wire loop are not In a direct
line with the prism, when, behold, two
rainbows appear.
Mr. Patterson plans to produce ozone
elctrically and blow It gently among
his audiences by means of electric fans.
With the aid of an atomizer and apple
bloBsom perfume he believes he can re.
produce the genuine air of a country
orchard In springtime after a heavy
thunderstorm. One will need only to
close his eyes and recall his mind's im
age of the beautiful blossoms and the
graceful trees to make it alt seem a de
licious reality.
A clever instrument used In the tele
phone-megaphone. The mouthpiece of
the telephone is connected with four
transmitters, which multiply the usual
telephone sound of the voice by four,
and It Is sent by wire, so Increased.
Into the megaphone, which sends It
forth into space with sufficient Intensty
to carry it with perfect distinctness
throughout a large church or hall.
Why Cannibals Eat Man.
Borne grewsome Information has been
collected by a member of the Europe
an medical fraternity In relation to
tribes that eat men. A Frenchman fig
ures that 20 per cent of all cannibals
eat the dead In order to glorify them;
It per cent eat great warriors In order
that tbejr may Inherit their courage
and eat dead children In order to re
new their youth; 10 per cent partake of
their near relatives from religious mo
tives, either In connection with Initia
tory rites or to glorfy deities, and 6 per
cent feast In order to avenge them
selves upon their enemies. Those who
devour human flesh because of famine
are reckoned as IS per cent In short,
deducting all these there remains on
a portion of U per cent who partake
of human flesh because they prefer It
to other means of alimentation. In the
heart of Africa maneatlng Is continued
to this day, and to such an extent that
In certain villages ribs and quarters of
man meat can be bought. It la easier
for the natives there to kill men when
they desire flesh than to go to the ex
ertion of hunting gam.
Fuddy You're a queer chap. You
paid a good deal of money for that
fancy lock on roar front door, and yet
am told you leave the door unlocked
i a. & i a a- as
aa rarely comes to their mo. ' course, iou
Bosa the snout, the exhilar- 000 "Pfooe i am going to nave a
af tack over tao front snow, the' burglar smash tt all to pieces, do you?
kaaa nCsS tor 0m
It cost me too much for that
By Lawrence Bruner. Acting State
Entomologist of Nebraska: During the
past few years Injury by locusts, or
grasshoppers, as they are usually called
in this eountry, has bees reported from
various localities In the Interior of
North America. Bven within the pres
ent month quite a number of such re
ports have reached us from different
localities within our own state. By
means of specimens obtained and ex
amined by the -entomologist at the state
university It has been learned that at
least four or five distinct kinds of these
Insects are sufficiently numerous in lo
calities within the Mate to cause seri
ous alarm.
They are the following ones:
The two-lines locust (Melanoplus b
vlttatus), the differential locust (M. dlf-
ferentlalls), the red-legged locust (M.
femur-rubrum), the lesser migratory
locust (M. Atlantis), and the , Rocky
Mountain or migratory locust (M. spre
tus). , ..
The presence in uncommonly large
numbers of the Rocky Mountain, or
migratory, species at several points
seems to warrant us In urging the au
thoritles to action with a view to the
destruction of the pest wherever found
While this particular species la In re
ality no more destructive to crops than
would be an equal number of Individ
uals of any of the other named above,
their habit of getting up in the air
and migrating In a body to some other
locality renders It capable of greater
Injury. It Is by this means that the in
sect escapes from various enemies and
unfavorable climatic conditions.
The various species that are figured
herewith will readily be recognized by
the readers of this short sketch. While
it Is Impossible to enter into any ex
tended discussion of locust Increase and
tbe consequent injuries arising from
such mulllplacltlon of the Insects, a
brief statement may not be amiss. Dur
ing normal conditions of weather, etc..
the Insects of any region are kept with,
in bounds by means of their natural en
emles, ad no dire results follow. When
these conditions are disturbed In any
way, and restraining influences are
withdrawn, the more bardy species In
crease very rapidly. Such Increase In
numbers, of course, means the require
ment of an increased amount of food.
and we see the result more plainly.
Some kinds of locusts prefer different
haunts and food plants from what oth
ers do, and hence the seeming differ
ence in the amount of barm done by
When the natural chocks upon lo
custs' increase seem to fall and these
insects multiply abnormally, It is nec
essary to use artificial means to reduce
their numbers. It is cijk-fly to suggest
what can be done In this direction that
the present article has been written. In
tbe first place, I wish to suggest that
our native birds be protected, since
nearly all of them are especially fond
of locusts as a diet during the summer
months. When our prairie chickens and
grouse were numerous no harm what
ever was reported as coming from "na
tive grasshoppers." Quails, plovers,
blackbirds, sparrows, hawks and even
ducks are known t feed largely upon
these insects. A single bird of any of
these species will destroy thousands of
these Insects. Where the birds are de
stroyed these extra thousands of In
sects soon increase beyond the normal :
and Injury results, ear after year the
gap is made wider and the possibilities
of harm Increase. Bven frogs, lizards,
snakes and other animals that come
under our ban destroy many of these
destructive locusts, and every time we
thoughtlessly destroy one of them we
make it possible for their natural food
to do us harm.
Only three weeks ago the writer saw
dozen of birds engaged In feeding upon
the young of the migrating locust In
IMoux county, where tbe Insects had
hatched In one of the valleys by the
Aside from the birds, reptiles and
some of the smaller mammals that ha
bitually feed upon locusts, these Insects
are attacked by numerous kinds of
other insects. These latter, of course.
Increase and decrease according as their
food Increases or decreases, but they
are also affected by oilmatlc conditions.
Conditions that are favorable to the
increase ef these enemies do not seem
to appreciably affect the hoppers, hence
the frequency with which tbe latter be
come destructive does not seem to be
materially regulated by parlsKlo In
When we have removed about the
only natural check to the Increase In
destructive numbers of the locusts, we
must naturally seek relief artificially.
Thus far we have been only partially
successful in our attempts at destroy
ing these Insects by thejise of fungus
diseases. Unlike the chinch-bug fun
gus, the one that attacks grasshoppers
Is comparatively slow In Its action, and
only appears to take hold of the In
sects after they are about half grown.
This being true, we must look else
wfiSre for a means of warfare.
If we carefully watch where eggs axe
deposited In rather large numbers, we
can destroy these by harrowing the
ground and exposing them to the dry
ing Influence of the sun or to the keen
eyes of the blrda Deep plowing during
fall and early spring will bury locust
eggs so deeply that tbe young hopper
when they hatch are unsble to reach
the surface.
In a garden an old hen with chicks
will do much, while a flock of turkeys
will prove valuable-
math Hot Spring Trees and stream;
and all the glories of mountain seen
ery greet you on every hand. Tot
drle through a luxurious growth ot
evergreens and shrubbery; you crosi
and recross numerous streams; yoi
breathe the soft air of Shasta and Slsk
lyou. But when you have left Klamatl
Hot Springs a few miles behind, there
Is an appreciable difference In tbe land
scape. Scarcity of vegetation Is th
first observable change. At every turn
In the road the aspect becomes mor
barren, more forlorn, and more deso
late. Finally you seek In vain for i
tree or a shrub, and at last, dust-covered
and weary, you pull up at a dry
withered villages that produces noVhln;
on Its hard, rocky soil but revoltini,
snakes. You have reached Llnkville
the haunting retreat of serpents.
There Is a bridge at Llnkvllle tha j
spans Klamath river. From this bridge
which Is a vantage point as far as vlev
s concerned, a most extraordinary sigh-
meets the eye. Along the river banks
at Irregular Intervals of a few yards
are seen dark balls' ranging from a foo
to three feet In diameter. They ar
stationary and as passive as a bowldei
which they resemble In color. But if
stone is hurled at any of these Strang
spheres to your horror enakes wl-
crawl oft In every direction, and tt..
ball will melt away as lard melts In a
frying pan. The repulsive creaturt-i
that have thus been collvd up In
perfect sphere alkie away under rock?
and one minute later not a snake Is t..
be sees in that particular spot. Uu:
the other balls of snakes in the viclnit
are little disturbed by the stone.
As has been said. Llnkvllle Is In r
very barren district. Nothing whatever
grows upon the rocky soil, not evti.
sagebrush. And so the river bank.
which are a mass of driftwood ano
rocks, seem a befitting place for snaks-s
But It Is surprising that they shoul!
develop In such great numbers. Whei
not rolled in balls, they may be uvun
slipping In and out along the rubbish,
and the ground for yards will be a
squirming, wriggling mass.
Thest snakes are perfectly harmless
Indeed, if It were not for this fact,
Llnkvllle would not be habitable, for
while the Immediate neighborhood of
the river Is their favorite haunt, thy
roam for many hundreds of yards away
and may be seen alorrg the roadway
and around the houses and creeplna
over the porches. They possess a mark
ed degree of tameness. You may &.l fe
them up with Impunity, and children
play with them on the doorsteps.
The Llnkvllle snakes are dark In colot
with two yellowish stripes on th!i
backs. The average size Is about an
Inch and a half In diameter and a yard
in length, though msjiy are smaller ant'
some attain much greater proportions
Snakos and Nothing Elaa.
"LlnkvIHe," or "Klamath rails." I
situated In an obscure corner over the
California border line In Oregon, and
rrmy be reached In twenty-fours hours'
travel from Ban Francisco. Ton have
only to take the northern-bound train
for Agar, thence a stags Una ef about
Ape Money Testers.
W7e do not often hear of monkeys be
lng useful. We hear them called "odd"
or "comical" or "amusing," or "mis
chievous," as well as a great manj
other things; but we do not hear th
monkey often alluded to as "that use
ful animal, the monkey."
Now, the Siamese people don't think
that way. They don't reflect how amus
ing a monkey Is. They find out what a
monkey can do, and make him useful
by making him do It. There are plenty
of monkeys In Slam. They are of all
sizes, large and small; and the largr
apes of Siam, we have heard, are used
by the Siamese merchants as cashlere
In their counting rooms. Think of mak
lng apes useful In such a way as that
To keep them for cashiers In a count
lng room!
We are not told that these apes are
expert at making change, or that they
are able to keep the merchant's ledger
for him. No; the way the apes are
made useful is this:
The merchants are often deceived and
frequently swindled by quantities of
clever counterfeit coins which are In
circulation. Tbe smartest men they
could employ were deceived, too; for
the bad money was such a wonderful
imitation that the closest scrutiny of
ten failed to find the difference between
a good and a bad piece.
In this dilemma some Soatnese mer
chants called to their help some one
who was always thought not so smart
as a man a monkey. And these "large
apsa of Slam" proved such a success al
their new avocation that the custom
of employing them for the purpose of
detecting money has become universal
Tbe ape cashier of Siam holds his situ
ation without a rival.
He has a peculiar method of testing
coin. Every piece is handed to him
and he picks up each bit of money, on
at a time, and meditatively puts It Into
his mouth, tasting it with grave delib
eration. If the coin Is good he de
clares the fact plainly. He takes 11
from his 'mouth snd carefully place It
in Its proper receptacle beside him. lit
has pronounced Judgment and every
one ' la satisfied that the Judgment is
correct But If the coin is bad, th
cashier makes known his verdict la ar
equally unmistakable manner. H
throws It violently from hla mouth to
the floor, shaking his head with ai
muth disgust as the merchant himself
might feel at being Imposed upon.
With loud chattering and angry ges
tures, says tbe Independent, he maket
known his displeasure at being pre
sented with a bad piece of money. TV
merchant himself could not express II
Now, how does a monkey know what
a man cannot tell? Ah, that la hli
secn t. lie never reveals It. Perhapt
he Is. afraid If he should make knowc
all the mysteries of his profession hi
occupation might be gone, and peopU
would one more prefer men ror casn-
:nra In place of the extraordinary aoei
employed by tha merchants of Slam.
A few yean ago the people of Ecus
dor derived much amusement from the
ingenious method employed by the fa
mous savant. Ralmondi, to determine
whetter the Rio Maranon or the Rio
Ucayall should be regarded as ttt
main stream of the Amazon.
Ralmondi was an Italian, but Peru
was his adopted country. If he had
cast his lot with the Ecuadorians they
would have applauded his cleverness,
but they were almost ready, Junt then,
to rush to arms because Peru scorned
their claims to a large region as far
south as tbe Maranon and Amazon riv
ers, and so they called Ralmondi a
crack-brained enthusiast and a vision
ary. The learned professor went about
solving the problem In this way: He
took samples of the water from each
river a short distance above their con
fluence. Below that point the united
rivers are known tbe Amazon, and
he took samples of Its waters.
Tluwe samples were taken at two sea
sons of the year, when the rivers were
at'the flood and the lowest stages. Then
the professor filtered his samples, and
by analysis determined the amounts
of salts held In solution. He found
that the larger amount at ail seasons
was contributed by the Maranon, and
dedumd the conclusion that this river,
therefore, contributed to the Amazon
the larger amount of water all the year
round and was, therefore, undoubtedly
the head stream of the great river.
IlaJmondi's solution of the problwm
by means of a quart bottle and a for
mula Struck the Ecuadorians as being
dsrlrcxoeiy funny.
the world recognizes the Mara
non as tbe head stream, and Ecuador
is compelled to fall back upon her un
doubtedly proper contention that In her
tfrttory the Amazon basis mini near
ly approaches the Pacific
It would require a canal only about
JO miles long, from the headwaters of
the Paute feeder of the Amazon to the
gulf of Guayaquil, to form a continuous
watrway nm the Pacific to the Atlan
tic, and make an Island of the north
ern part of South America when the
Nicaragua or Panama canal Is cum
pietod. Vew York Sun.
Ventilation Necessary.
Tbe young should be trained In the
Importance of ventilation, for this Is
one of the most neglected requisites of
good health. It Is estimated that 1.000
oublo feet of pure air per hour is the
need. of each Individual. In the best
hospitals t.OOO cubic ft-t Is not con
sidered too much. By weight one-fifth
of this Is oxygon, the life-giving ele
ment The same air rebr-athcd femr
times will no longer sustain life. Tbe
oxygen hws been mostly absorb!,
while waste matter and carbonic acid
gas, a dadly poison, have taken Its
place. Wrere our rooms airtight we
couldn't survive. The atmosphere pen
etrates every crevlr.e around d'Kr and
windows, thanks to the law of equilib
rium, and we are saved from death.
But whenever we find members of a
family sallow, hollow-eyed, liable to
take oold easily and readily, subjwt to
various disorders, we may be certain
of one or two things; cither the diet is
faulty or they do not properly ventilate
their dwellings.
A flebra.led FTench physician, find
ing hirusorr much dpi4eted by hard
work.dld a strange thing for a I'nwich
man. He drvssed In flannel from head
to foot, put on a cardigan Jacket, open
both, his windows In winter time, placed
a screen before each and slept ttiore,
undismayed by the coolntats of the at.
mosphere, "By habituating one's self
to sleeping with open windows and ha v.
lng tha bead protected from draughts,
the tendency to take oold will be event
ually overcome, that Is, with a proper
amount and kind of food
One must not think that this subject
of fresh air la too much Insisted upon.
It cannot be. Nothing among culti
vated people Is so continuously disre
garded. To enter some elegant par
lors Is to breathe tbe air o a charnel
house. Theaters and places of publlo
resort are, lo this respect, filthy beyond
deaarfptlon. After sitting two hours in
a room moderately well filled with peo.
p1, one Is nerveless, dispirited, subject
lo headache, and liable to take oold.
The dsptfrtment of public health should
atrlotly watcn all place In which audi
ences asaemiile, a often they become
places) ot contagion.
An Evolaoa Eden.
Utah la retumlg to Edenlc conditions.
It has a town which no woman may
enter. Tbe town is Bunnyside, a new
coal camp in Whttmore canyon, near
Prion, Utah. Robert Forrester, tha
manager of the properties and superin
tendent In charge, has Issued an edict
against women.
There ave au men employed in the
mines at Bunnyside. Most of them are
married, but they are not only not al
lowed to bring their wlvea to live at
Bunnyside, but their better halves may
not runt them tbere. if tbe married
man wants to -visit his family he must
take "a day off" at his own expense.
His wages ar "docked" In punishment
of this foolish show of sentiment As
a consequence few of the men have
forsakes their Jobs in spite of the rig
ors of hard tlmea.
air. Forrester, who proclaimed tha
sever edict. Is not a woman hater. H
declares that he Is a fervent admirer of
the sex. He proudly claims th dlsttno
Uon of being a "ladles' man."
Th reason for the order which was
Issued last week forbidding women to
live In, ar even visit, the camp, is a sor
did business proposition. There ssa
2, M0 acres of coal lands to which tha
oompan owning the Bunnyside mlnsa
s not ret secured a Dorfect sttla
Wars the men permitted to bring their
wives upon th lands, and. by even
aa oncaomnaJ visH from them, giro
oo lev to the claim that their cabins la
t seal l anas were taeir homes, than
might arlss a Question of Utl. In this
case If the men were uaserupuloua and
so willed they might force the eompaar
to buy out their rights, Hence the ua-
SUlaat proelnmatton of the prudent Mr.
t? t i . .