The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 20, 1899, Image 1
X if t The Sioux County VOL. XI HA.E.ISOlsr, ITEBBASKA, THURSDAY, CTTJXj"2" 20, 1899. , ISTO. 5: Our Motto--' NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. WWara J. Brjan. Journal The Sioux County Journal. IKTABLISHKD 1?S8. Subscription Price, $1.00 mON TON RESTAURANT TTT1? PTHMT717T? .PITA DMA nv . P. B. BIGELOW, Prop. OFFICIAL-PAPER OF EIOUX COUNTY, Aito. I). Canon, Editor. Kntered Rt the Harrison pot office as -second cloos matter. NEGROES AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. Boston, Mast., July 15. The post will say tomorrow; "An uprising of the colored race against the administration at Wash ing in being organized in Boston. This is Iho seat of the movenirnent that is proposed whenever the colored peoplo are populous. . "The. instipUors assort that it will mean the downfall of McKinley, imperliasro and the republican party. "The object of this organization is a irvolt at the ballot box. 15nt thure are those among its supporters who would willingly Like part in an armd uprising and who were it possible would offer their strength to aid their blrenglh to aid the philipinos in their struggle for independence. "On Monday evening the liittt meeting cf tho boston colored auxiliary of the National Anti-imperialism league wiil be held in St Pauls Baptist church, Tremootand Camden streets. D-. Jerome W Wylie of Wa:sliinjf ton, D. C, a writer on negro sulIVriiigs and a president of the auxiliary movement came from the si-at of government came from the seat of gov ernment last week and had several conference with Edward A Kinson and Irving Winslow preparatory to the work of organization. It has now been decided to establish these branches all over the land. It is taid that the tip;ort of almost tho entire colored population will be given to tho move ment. World-Herald. HE CORRECTS AN ERROR. ATLANTA Cl, July 18. The friends of Wm. J. Bryan in Georgia and Alabama are worried about the attitude of Senator John T. Morgan of Alabama who declares that ho objects to Mr. Bryan seriously, bcauso the Nbra.skan wants congress to order the withdraw 1 of all troops from" the Pbillipines, a prooition which," Senator Morgan says, "would be a gaiiibt all the laws of humanity ami which would bring disorder and 6is grace to this country from which it would not rocover in one hundred 1 ears." To bring about a better understanding between Bryan and Morgan .Utor Clark Howell, Democratic national comiiiitUemau, Urged Mr. Bryan to i lerly set forth his position on the I'iiillipine subject and that Mr Bryan iias wired as follow' from Humphrey, Neb., which is given out by Mr. Howell tm Mr. Bryans denial of Senator Morgan's statement. "I favor tho Bacon resolution, which promised the Filipinos indepen dence as ooo as a stable government could lie established. I believa further, that our nation should protect tlra Filipino republic from outside interference while it works out its own destination; in other words I believa we should treat the Filipinos as we have treated the people of Mexico and he people of South and Central America. Monarchies are founded upon Jorce , but republics are are founded 'upon consent. t "The declaration of independence asserts that governments derive their just power from Die consent of the governed. If the declaration is aound, we can not rightfully acquire title by conquest or by purchase from alien moorch, whose title we disputed when we furnished arms to the Fili pinos. "If the administration had given the Filipinos the assurance or lndepon lence which was given the Cubans thero would have been no bloodshed. If thataiwturaobe is given now, ho.ilities will cease. No one proposes to withdraw the soldiers until a stablo government is established, but it will t easy to establish a stable government when it is known that our occu pation of the Philippine islands is only temporary. "Forcible annexation would be criminal and contrary to our coda of .morality W. J. BuyaN. In Daily Rocky Mountain News. Hundreds turning From McKinley to Bryan "Mr, Bryan is very much stronger in Nebraska than three years ago' says Mr. LuiWhart of Norfolk this Nebraska. Mr. Luikhart isa bank examiner undt-r the present state administra tion and aa such he bas special advantages in learning the sentiment of the of the people. He Bays: the German people in ISM feared the silver ques tioo and voted for Mr. McKinley. They no longer fear the silver question believing that if free silver was to prevail in this country that it would not effect them disaaterously. But above all they are opposed to militan ism and imperialism. They left Germany to get rid of for McKinley In militarism for themsel veil and their sons. Hundreds of them who voted 1S1HJ will vote against bira next year because of militiarism and foreign -expansion." And it is net in Nebraska alone that the Germans feel this way but all over the west. There are twelve German newspapers in Iowa which op 7osed Bryan three years ago. Recently I sounded the ed iters of these pap ers aad found that nine of them would support Bryan next year regardless of the money question because of the position he has taken against imper isjism and militarism and two of the othero said thev would support him if the mony question was not made too important. Bryan is sleadly gaining all over the country and a number of the states carried by McKinley throo years ago will go for Bryan next year. Sunday Rocky Mountain News. lion. W. J. Bryan has accepted an In vitation to sneak in Chicago July 30 when the national committee meets. Other National celebrities wil I pres ent at the same time who will assist in the political organization. W. J. Brvan according to a special to the Denver News from New York, con trols thirty three members of the Demo cratic national commltte out of 51 follow ing will show the committeeman from each state favorable to him: Alabama, Henry U. Clyton; Arkansas Thomas C. McRae; Calif on la J. J. Pwyer Colorado, Adair Wilson; Florida, Samuel Paecos; Georgia, Clark Howell, Jr.; Ida ho, George Ainslie; Indiana, John G. R'l.tnlriand; lowt, C, A. Walsh Kmm, J. Q, Johmrm; Kentucky, Urey Woodson pout A it, N. C. BIanclnr.1; Maooota, T, V. O'Broin; Mississippi, W. V. O'Sul livan; Missouri, V. J. Stoiie; Montana J. O. McIIatton; Nebraska, W. II. Thom pson; Nevada, Clyton Belknap; North Carolina, Joeephus Daniels; North Dak ota, 1. T Baker: Ohio, John It. McLean: Oregon, J. H. Townsend; Pennsylvania, J. N. Duffy; South Carolina, B. R. Till man; South Dakota, James M. Woods; Tennessee, James M. Head; Texas, James O. Dudley; Utah A. M. McCune; Virg inia Peter J. Okie; Washington, W. II. White, Wisconsin K C. Wall; Virginia, John T. McGraw; Wyoming W. H. Hal liday. awti-Brtak states. Anti-Bryan states showing committee men opposed to him ar as follows: Delaware, Richard R, Kenney; New Jersey, T. B. Baker; Now Hampshire, True I Norris; Vtrnoot, B. B. Small ry Maine,' Beth (!. Gordon; Connecticut, Alex Troup; Rhode island R, B. Coin ttock; Maryland, Arthur P. Gorman. Drugs, Dru gists Sundries, . Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Boo its ond Stationary. 2 Yj J. There will be a ball game in the afternoon of Ang 2. and wlsoadance n the evening at Harrison Neb. Kvery body is cordially invited to come. liy order of conimittte The Democratic National Com in i tee will meet in Chicago, July liOth, and in all probability will transact very impor tant business so far as the future prose- dential campaign of the party will be carried on. Outside Dor tots and Dentists seems to find a trood field in Harrison to ply their proffession. Proffesmonal men out side of our county who niakii a living from their proffession should not forget to patronize the Journal wen they come to tins village to do business. In conversation, with Mrs. B. F. Thomas, at the court house yesterday, she informed us that her brother, Doug. Hamlin, our old time citizen and friend, who left here for Braylna, la., couple of years ago, where with his family he is purrnenaully located, will make the race for county Treasurer of AudibonCo. fa., on the Democrat ticket. Our ac quaintance with Doug, was limited, but in our opinion no more honest conscien- cious man could bo named for the posi tion, and, above all democracy cannot be questioned. Mr. Hamlin's many friends in Sioux county will be pleased to hear of the honor the democratic party has bestowed on him and will hope to hear of his election in November. Montrose Clippings. M. J. Gyhart ia busy cutting hay on his ranch at Duck creek. Miss Rosa Konrath and Lizzie Henry soent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. Jake Henry Jr, J. J. Wasserburger is fencing his claim he purchased the wire and posts from the Roinders placo. H. vVasserburger Sr. and also baby Harry, wero on the sick list last week. But are triad to say that they were some what better at last accounts. Last Saturday while coming from Harrison, Mr. Wagner's horse ran a way both he and his wife were thrown from the wagon Mrg. Vagner is quite serious- injured in her side, the wagon seat hav ing struck her there, and we have not heard whether she is any better or not at this writing. II. Konrath sold 03 Ivsad of horses to the William brothers they intend to ship them to some eastern market. Sauk. Proceedings of tho Baard of Equrli zatlou. Harrison N'eb. July 17 l9 Board of ip3lJzatlon met at the clone of recess. 1'renent coinmliiloiier Meng, procanlcr, Ruhwer and cli-rk. To procure county revenue for the yar IWiOthe board hereby make the following levy. On valuation of tri80.42S.49, for gunerul fund 9 mills on the dollar valuation. For bridge fund three and seven tenths mlJiH on tho dollar valuntlon. Fur noldlcr relief fund three tenths mills on tuo dollar valuutlon. On motion the clerk be ind ho hereby U onlnrl to levy on the valuation of Kowen bond jirnclnct tho required nnmber of mills on the village to raise tho amount of STno.oo for InU-rest on courthuue Ijonds ami SiOO.00 for ulukiiig fuud for court bouse bonds and commission for collecting same. On motion the clerk be aad he hereby Is ordered to levy on the valuation of the dif ferent school dlatrlcU tho amount locally niwl and certified to by the proper officials to be o levied, alo the required number of mills renpectlvely to rale the amount of In lerent and sinking fund on school district llonds and commission for collettlng same It appearing to the board that a special tax U necensarv In order to provide for the payment of outstanding Koad district war rant and to liquidate Indebtednena against Ilia followJng road districts the board hers by make the following levies. Iload District No. 1 it S 4 6 7 R 0 11 13 1.1 Mill 1 2 snd C ten tin 2 1 2 1 1 2 5 tenths 1 snd S-tentht on the assessed valuation of all tho taxable property within laid diatrlcts. On motion the clerk be and hn hereby Is ordered and Instructed to levy village tax on the valuation of the village of Harrison whan properly filed and eertled to as requir ed by lnw. On motion minutes of session were read and approved. On motion Ttoard adjourned wlthont day. M. J. HMtWKTT. Clark. c. PHINNEY, Proprietor, ' n Ron. M. P. Kinkaid of O'Neill will without doubt be the republican nomin ee for congress in the big "suth this fall if ti e trend of the republican newspaper tali counts for anything. i M ' , Therefore, Tho Verdict for a last word says again to you the leaders of Tain mar? Hall: Be for Bryan Declare vou selves for Bryan. Thus will you be wi'li your people. Thus and in no oth er way will you ho safe. Of a verity if you travel by mich lights as Whitney will burn Tor your guidance he 11 have yoa in such swamps and quicksands of politics as in their mire and ooze would bog a saddle blanket let alone a man. New York Verdict. -WIHD MILLS. The undersigned is ag ! ent for tho celebrated David Bradley, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, 1 t 11 1 T tne DeBt made. 1 am also prepared to furn ish on short notice first ; class Pumps, Pipes, Wood & Steel Towers, Ta iks or anytltimr in t ho linn of pomp repairs, AT LOWEST V PlilCJi. Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere, Yr will are'.inoncT'fcy .it" Admess-IoTIX S. ASIITON", Aril more, S. Dak, AGK.VTS WANTED FOR TFIF, LIFE AND Aeuievernenls of Admiral Dewey," the World's naval hero, ltv ITalHteiul, tlio llfe-kniK friend and admirer of tho nation's, lipy. IMggnHi and beat boo k; over D00 piufns BxWint-hKs; nfturly 1 (SO paues tmlftoiie lllUHt ratlons. Only il,M). Knonnous demand. Big Conimlsxlons. Outfit free. Chance ol a lifetime. Write quli-It. The Dohilnlon Com puny, 3rd Floor Caxton Blkt?., Chicago. Final Proof "Notices. .II peron having final proof notices In thi paper will receive ft marked copy of the psyvr and are requested to examine their notice and if any error exist report the saifu to tula office at once. Xotlcc for Publication. Land Offlci.- at Almahcr, Sxn., June 14, IS09. Kotlce is hemby given that the folio lug mtiiied sottlcr has filed notice of his Inten tion to miike Aim proof In support of his clritm, and thut said jiroof will bo made he fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, NiibroKku, on Jnly 22, IS'.KI, viz: Cottlcib Knoll of Itarrison, Ncbrahku, who made 11. K.' No. 444;;, for the X S-KU Sec. 26 and St H 'VH 'rf Keo. 25, Twp. 82, N. Ilimge Bfl W. lie naiues the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and eultlva tlon of said land, viz: numue Knorl, A. J. ltogart, Otto Tictze and Ucorgo Cant, all of Harrison, Ni-li. r. U. Donais-ITON, Kcglstcr. ItMHKttCUI,Ti n, FINAL rilOOF-XOTI-; CE FOU PUHUCl'IOS. U. S. lanuOificc, Alllsnce, Neb., July 19. ISM. Notice Is hereby given that KDWAUH L. LIVKKMOrtK, has filed notice of intention toinake flnul procjf before County Judge, at his office, In Ilarrlnon, Neb., on the Uh day of Auffust, I'M, on timber culture application No. J4DS, for the HX of N TJi and of H of 8ec. No. Si, in Twp. Xo. 81, Hange No. K. He names as witnesses: David Bartlctt, Charles Cammenzind, U. f, Johnson aad Alex 1-owry. AH of Harri son, Neb. . r. M. DOHRISOTON, Keglster. Contpst Notice. I SITKI) STATES LAND OFl lCK, Ali.iascx, N'xb., June 7, 1899. A sufficient contest affidavit navlng been filed In this office by Juy F. Neweomb, con. teslmit, against llomeiilead entry No. r,2, made July 10, IWI4, for K'i S-WJ4 snd S Kh Seel Ion 19 Township W, N. Kunge M West by Bertha I .an if o Cou testae, In which It Is alleged that: the claimant has abandoned the same for more than six months laat mat and removed her rnsldcnee therefrom and said tract Is not cultivated nor Improv ed. Httid parlies are hary notified to ap. near, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 0 o'clock s. in., on July 14. ISIW, iKifore T.J. O'Keefe, V. 1. Commla. slonerat bis ofllee In Crawford, Nebraska, snd that flnal bearing will be hold at in o'clook . ni., on July 2, 11. befole the Hiiglstvr and Receiver, at the United states Land Office In Alliance. Nebraska. The said contestant baring. In a proper Blhilnvll, filed Junes, lW, set forth facts s-hlrhahew that ftr dne diligence, ners mil service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby orili red and directed that such iotl-e l given by due and proper publica tion, r. M. DoaaiMOTow, K0"' BeeTisvtff. '. Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, ?Kigs, Cakes, Pies, Bread, Stationary ?etc. i5J"A Good Lunch Counter in Sold at Living Prices. J.W.SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer Send in your Harness and Shoe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. YUl WORK STRICTLY CASH: OUR CLUBBING LIST- I 04004040-fOtOO i The Sioux Cot.-STY Journal and Journal of Agriculture 1 Year, r 1.7S E & " " " " " Twice-A-week World-Herald " - 1.70 J jjj " " .." Thrice-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) " - 1.70 jj 2 '' " " " Silver Knight Watciimn (D. C.) " - 1.75 J g " " " " " Cinclmnati Weekly Enquirer, " - 1-55 i kfciaS ii il(SftX, I(1trai4(4t KKKK(fc1iai STOCK BRANDS. The Jobhxal will publish your brarfd, like the following, for t2 :00, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents. Kvery farmer or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties s'eould advertise their brands lu Tns Jocjl Ass'itvelrcalatee''al' Over' the sttetvrt may be the means ef saving money for ybu. CHARLES BrEHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, ? On left shoulder of horses, j Range on the head 01 Warbonnet creek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow ing brand on eat tio: Also HG on cat tle and horsey cattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Ranco ok Silver Springs and east of slate Ine. 1'ostofllce Harrison Nub The Best Advertising: Medium in North-West Nebrasa, Is Tho SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL. iJhe Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. rOCAPITAL STOCK PATD IN -SURPLUS AND PROFITS - -o- LIRECTORS. B. E. Bukwsteu, President. C. F. Coffek, Vice President, Ciias. C. Jamesox. A. McGi'ley D. H. G bib wold, Cashier. , PnDQrCDnMnrNTC- western' national bank, new York. f'LUnntOrUnULIl I O. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nkb. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- Our baby has been continually troubl ed with colic and cholera infantum since bis birth and all that we could do for hia did not seem to give more than tem porary relief until we tried Chamber lains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. Bine giving that remedy he has not been troubled, We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to poverties your meritorious remedy. O. If. Law Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by B 1 J. E. PMnney. . '. f . Connection and Every Thins TOST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, Tet. In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c A SPECIALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. CHAOLES UMPHENOVJB The brand reprsented In this notice and branded any where on left side of horses and AImo the L Lbrani any where om - left side of cattle belongs ta tk ' vHHMHvanimuiiB,. KarrlMB, Nbr astro. CHARLES MEWMAIf. The brand represented In this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, snd or er-laj) out froi the riffht ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horKS, belongs to the undersigned. Range near East Springs, south part f Sioux county. Chmkles Niwmak, Harrison, Nebraska. . S. W. CARKT. On left shoulder of cattle horses. Range on Little Cottonwood. and Crawford Nebr. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle aad on loft shoulder of horses. Range on Antelope creek . O., Gbilclirlst, Sioux Co., Neb. : II 0,000.00? C) ' 8,000.00 cF THC UP.TO'OATC LITTLE LIVER PILL 1 'in iswiiioutintjsic. wuiiailfZBIIOflf iu:wwF' ICORLLabeuTwr tun roATrjs ' CUty Er.e. S. inn a I , 1 i -I 'A k 'In 1 T . V 'it -;v 1 ' . . . V r t 6