The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 13, 1899, Image 8

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How To iake Money.
If you are tired of paying high prioef yon
can make money by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all magazines at 3.00 in Boston, v;e nell
tills gracef al .shoe for ?'t?.75 right here at home
and pave you 60o express besides.
All other leather goods will be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none hut
the best kent in stock.
in Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries vre v;ill meet nil East
ern catagogue prices; no matter from what point
goods may come. In addition to our gen
eral merchandise, we are Felling this
ppriug Ladies and Misses 3.00
Spring Hats for ' 50
Come & pee for
also ha n
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
esides we have full line of Crockery.
If you want a suit of clothes made .
to order we are Agents for
Eoval Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. cerlach, prop.
J" O TT IEL 2sT A.
Thcesday. July. 13th, 1890.
eo. D. Canon, Editor ami Prop.
F. 1U 4 H. V B. 8. lime table.
Going Went. lining Kast.
flo. 5, mixed, 11 :5 I Ho. 6. raised 8:00
f. E. M. V. E. Ri is tne best
to and from the
F. E. A ;3I. V. R. B.
gpeeil Excursions to Mot S;r!njjs,
S. Dak,
Tickets will be sold Tuesdays, July
4th and 18th and Aug. 22, 1X09, good
returning 80 days from date of pale at
One Fare Plus ?2.00 For Round Trip
and on Tuesday. Aug. 8, 1309, at One
;JFare For Round Trip.
F. Avery, Agent,
On next Monday, the county fathers
ill be with us for a short time.
Miss Louise Wedderman, left for
L(ult oq last Monday where she has en-
tered the employ of Mrs. Swartz, at that
Fred Bloraberjj, Dedrick Nelson and
a Mr. Peterson were up from Glen, on
Inst Monday doiDg business at the court
The chime of merry wedding Wis
jAT9 again to ring out in the rosy air.
' 'Where? When? Wait and you will
', hear e'ere long.
"The wind mill, which has been under-
T roiog much needed repairs and has been
' idle as a result during tlie past few
weeks, is now whirling at its old accus-
: intoned gait
."K D. H. Griswold and family accom
f puitd by hit guests spent List Sunday
Sown oc Eunninng Water, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Root Niece. They returo-
( jd on Monday.
ws. Anarew racuiniey ana ner sis-
-tor-io-law Mrs. Mansur left Monday even
' fafOiwtbaF. E. M. V. R It. forh
- ' Ho(pfiafi, a Lak., where they goto
Mtjojr tte niaaral baths for a cowple of
: W wiab to call the attention of some
oar UUpquMt ubscriben to Um fact
Ct M U Btcwai-y that they make aa im
MttlMMWt. We have some who
0M two or tbrM jritn in arrears. After
Z!m iavmu. wiU lw run excliui-
H .-. Dp. HitiVftA. P. BaMobrff nd
fj& ft Ctf ot JLMim, mm in Har
' 'sat tact Caef teinf bmhmi tt
Several young rp!e from h:re are
attentiing camp meetiug at Crawford,
this week.
N. L. Tipton, who has been awny
during ths sheep shearing season, return
ed to Harrison yesterday nooa.
Rer. and Mr. Ksndall It ft for Craw
ford on last Tuesday rooming to attend
the Methodist carapmeeting w hich is in
session thare.
oi rr ,.f it. v v . t v
Wvominz division stopped off Tuesday')
until the evening returning until the
Chadron on the 8 o'clock train.
John Herman was in town Monday,
stopping over until the nest day. He ha
purchased his pariener's ii.Umtigin the
sheep business. Hence, he H cow solo
proprietor of tisa Jiermaa IieiKit ur-aiul
-Tnhe absence of D. li. Griswold
for an indefint te period to his old Lome
at Avoea la., editor Davis ib acting bank
er and cashier at the Commercial bank,
It is a Klondike that every news-paper
man iu Nebraska would appreciate.
Hon. M. J. Gayhart of Montroae was
in Harrison the first of the week. He
was here soliciting subscriptions for the
purpose of erecting a pastoral residence
at Montrose and then tlie Catholics of
of Montrose will have a resilient priest.
Harrison will be attended from there.
31. J. Blewett, returned from Lin
coln last Friday where he had Inen for a
week to attend the the firt meeting of
the state board of brand and mark com
mission of which he is a member. Ha
reports that there will not bo anothr
meeting of the board before Dec. 31 13
09, as the law pives all parties tisitig
brands and marks until time to fnd ir.
their applications for brands which they
have had recorded in their respective
counties after which the board will at
that time beam to puss on and lilow
brands to whomsoever they may con
clude. "During the hot weatlier last summer
I had a severe attack of cholera morbus,
necessitating my leaving my business,"
says Mr. C, A. Hare of Hare Rros., fin
castle Ohio. "After takink two or three
doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy I was completely
relieved and in a few hours was able to
resume my work in the store. I sineerly
recommend it to any one afnkted with
bowel or stomach trouble. For sale by
Dr. J. E. Phinnev.
IL Griswold, received a telegram
on last Monday morning to the elfec1
that hi mother, had just been stricken
with paralyssis ami was ill a very pre
carious condition. Tlie same eveuine
Mr. and Mrs Griswold left for Avoca, la.,
the home of his mother, where they go to
b with and edminister to her wants, If
Oraadma is able to undertake the journ
ey within a month hr children expect
to bring Iter back with them where they j
will consider it a labor to love to attend
and wait on her. Mother Criswold spent
a fw months Iter last summer and en
4MMd herself to all who met her, hence
.W aiMy friends will be iod to hear
of Bw fflirtln. The chiKireft re out
with Km. Main, who will liava charjj
f UwaiOuriog their parent !oc.
The place to Get Good
Bargains at all time is at
The following of which if
nearly always found, at
the above place:
. complete; assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnis-h-ing
Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to Riit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a Fpecialty; and
Children, s Foot Wear care
fully considered.
m in
For fcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small hill come
in and see vhat we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
Haying La commenced in tins local
ity. Burt Siuuck, Alex Lowry, Tlios.
Holly, and Eggert Ruhwcrare buy these
days running their mower?,
"1 liave ued Chamberlains Courh rem
e-Jy in ray family for years and always
(vithgowi resulU;" Says Mr. W. h. Coo
per of el RiO Cal. Fr mu&U children
we find it especialy e.Tc-" tr.e." For sale
by Dr. J . E. Fhinwy.
"""A deal was 'coitk'amatcd !kis week
wiiniby B. E. Brewster and hU btoth-
er Paul become-: the owner of tlm stock
and raich of Btn Johnson, on Running
water about 10 tniiea south of Harrison.
vv'ediJnot k-arn dcdnately, but thone
who are acq u a tiled with tha ranch nd
know about th nmo'iiit of liv y'ock
OWted t.,y I.'.?. Ji4i :.! i-iii!.-,:i l';e r.;;
raid to be between 'ony and fui'ty-.iva f-
Whatever tho pnee
may or may not have been, one thing
is certain the Running w ater ranch is one
of the best if not tlie best in North-west
Nebraska, and we doubt very much
whether the Brewster Bros., would take
$5,000 for their bargain.
Our baby has been continually troubl
ed with colic and cholera infantum since
his birth and all that wi could' do for
him did not seem to give more thi.n tem
porary relief until we tritd Chamber
lains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
dy. Since giving that remedy ha has
not be n troubled, U'u want to -;ive
you this testimonial as an evid-nce of
our gratitude, not that you need it to
advertise your meritorious r;:)K-!y. (J.
M. Iiw Keokuk, Iowa. For sul by Dr.
J. E. Ririmay.
County Tiwairer Dieule dropped in
to this olTice yesterday r.tid toiidu the
stateruent that the grasrdioppers were
pretty r umeroui, down in hii ri iiliU)r
bood and were caling the crops and grain
prptty hailly, he wrote to 1'rof. Eriirii-r,
of the entomologist expermn-nt station
at Lincoln aking -fcir information, r!a
tiveto the destruction of the pet-its. Hut
the Processor wrote him that as the
Legislature hist winter nglt.ld to pa.
an appropriation he was unable to C'W.d
era'e with the fe'rpie in the localities
whre tiie country was infostei w ith
tliem and aljout all he coubl do wa to
to write lel tT ami let the farmers know
how they were prepared for extermir.atr
ing the hoprs.
. Over In Wyoming.
f Cliarl ie Christian is troubled, with sore
eyes. Dr. Phinnejr thinks tie will be all
rigljt soon.
IMimi Eva Church will tike poss;.siti
of the Kirtloy jwst ofi'ce this week.
Miss Steurs went to Harrison on last
Friday where she will visit awhile with
the family of T. O. William.
Lee ZumBrunnen has been w'orklag
for Mr. Rice for the past few weeks.
The Ridge was visited by a shower al
most every evening during last week,
sd fnr this week (t ie still continuing
its afternoon visiu.
Most of the residents of this part cele
brated the 4th at Nolan's grove.
Rev, Taylor add family, of Manville,
spe"t the 4th at Andrww ChrittianV.
T3w Carrie Leeling, visiud for a few
day with her prct)t, in tlie valley, the
flrrt of Jat week.
The place to (Jet Good
Bargains in Uubhers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felts and Rubbers,
with l'lilCKS ALWAYS
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as vre always aim
to buy Good, Fresh Goods
such as we know would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry HARDWARE &
I ) u i 1 d i n g M a t e r i a 1 .
ri'X-trayi'i-l from my
placfi 2 black, 3-year-old hors
es branded reverse P on left
jaw; i' iron gray mares brand
ed cockeye on left nhoulder.
A. L. Jb.DOK,
Glen, Neb
F. 1?. Hamlin, haj th lumlM.-r on t!io
ground for tlie new ncliool hou.-i to be
be built in no. 7.
Miss Ira CliriMian, will clo her
third tarn of school in West 1'leasant
Kidiire on Friday of nest wee It.
Uiss Ida Button, filed on a t section of
'tlncln Ham's domain, on Friday of last
wet-'-c. Th" is J;c.'tted in the vall;J
O :iv'''i 1- iiV,li i':!-'"' !T' V. tn
which he will range n;ar his bottle in the
valley. Zaarx.
The Danes of White River, gathered
at Fred Iilomberg's on the 4th and en
joyed themselves tnppeif a kg of nails
and drank the hi-nith of old indepen
dent, 'i'liat is tlie way have a good
lime while we live.
Julius Jensen was on White River Um
ilh from tht Black JlilU Ha loaks
kind-o-usta w as.
Everybody is trying to find a cool
J. T. lu'uson has his wind mill up and
running all rilit.
Frud Pullon and wife and F.l. Mason,
were ovir to t-petid the 4 th with while
river friiiuds from tho Janie's Cook
C. fihi-ldon and New comb brought
Uuee line stock critters to their herd on
Hack creek la Sunday.
JL J. Weiicr was in Crawford on the
Tth hist, provinj water ri'ht before the
water commi.-uiotiers.
There was a dance at Scott's on thn
evening of the 4th a Iarj,re mimlsjf atten
ded and all enjbyed theruselves.
Several families from Chadron are
camping tifar Mr. Nelson's place fishing
and having a frood t ime in ueral, w e
did not learn th-nr narnt s.
A lare fc't, Bernard dug came to my
place on the 4th. 1 have tifcd him up
and notified the owner. Bald-faced;
Rope tiad round dogs nc-k.two hind legs
white; male. I live three miles behind
the hill, and the fellow that takes the
dog back pays $."5.(10 Dewey.
Persons troubled with diarhoei will
be iuterosted in the experience of Mr.
W. M. Bush, clerk ot hotel Ixirrunce,
Providence R. I. He says: For Several
years I have len almost a constant suf
ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at
tacks completely prostrating me and
rendering tne unfit for my duties at this
hotel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly handed me a small bot
tle of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and
diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my sur
prise and delight Its effects were imme
diate. Whonovtr I felt svmtonisof this
disease I would fortify myself figainsl
the allta'k with a f,-w doses of this val
uable remedy, Tlie result lies boen very
satisfactory and nlmoft complete relief
f-orn the aflliclion." For Mile )y jt. J,
K. Phiiioey. 1
ine Line of
Ladie's & Gentlemen's
1 I fP
Children & Youth's
mm in hp m p
Ui2S9ibU Ilk u La L'yC
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller BROS.
All kind of Harness Good. Also, Flour and all lands of
Grain and Feed for Kile. Besides the above I have build
ing material, nr.!i ss Ltiinber,
Z'J Call and pet PIUCKS
Woroford Bulla for Sale.
I Lave bulls d my own r-.Kn? and
others wh'yh I Iwv f i-l.,'-- '. t.
i I.-! 0 ;.. .ir- ; pi-ico :: l ' :.''.
each. TIkiv are, ctik'.C. and would
by Sold for iLoi-'iuiirciIa Sf on a Here
ford farm. If yt'U want "while laces"
corns and eco minis and yen will buy.
Will hclo deliver all tuies 40 miles or
It's. Can bo ocn auy Cay at iay i1im:
on Sheep creek.
T. B. S:;YDi:n, Collins, Neb.
ro u sAi.i:.
Two Hereford Hulls, two-year-old.,
and one Binder
Rood as new. Will take
grain for binder.
II. V'ashkuixrof.r.
"Dr. Crool'H the noted fro
mont ipeciiili.-t, will arrive
in Ilarririou on the noon train
Wednesday, .July 12 to re
main until Friday July 1.4.
For two daya only at Hotel."
is Tin-: coi'sty cortncit' swex (xiLK-
'n tie Mnttir of the Valuta of I'atrirk V, Il4'4 e,,IM'll.
At k 'uiitr c'o'itt lift'l st the County
C-;ufl k.Hii:, iti iiti'l lur Haiti County oa liic
4v il,.y nf Julv, ).'.
(ri .t nt HoiM-rt W ilon, f 'ounty Juili c.
On rcailtii.; unl llilimf tlir -i 11 l,ui at Jilm
IturroiiKlis, Jir iyin.f thtit ii'l.tiintslnilioii I
ail .ut foe ifi unte 1 to tiliu as A'lnniili
tnil'ir. ir.ti-re,t, Hist Hie 7lli 'lay of Autftnt A. f.,
tst, at ! iVIwk A. M.. m iijislKfisl fur lii-nr-lnr
imtd p.ttli',Ti, whuii iill iwrMiiiii tiitiT
p-n-'l tn enl-t mriUi-r iiuiy utipt-nr at n r-.iiin-ty
'ourt to ti lii'ld In uti'l fur nM county.
Hint stiuw .oui' why th pruyi-i-of lliii slt
tlnnr KlionUt not fsj ?iiul"(l; hikI tluit
until el lew prnileufy of Milil H.tlilriii nul
the lieiirlng IIhti i,f, ,p(r!vi n to all fx-Moiim
lnUTet4'i lti hI'1 m itler liy ,n 0, 1 .1 1 i n if
copy of tills opler In Til it Mot Cui w
JnCKStt., it Weekly lH'Wiiw,'r tiltiitcd til
tid county, mr four ure.-ite wceW, Jirlor
toniti il'iy of lienrtiiK.
Ji.Usi tliUanJ day of July, lsCS.
llolltlKT W II SOS
tounty JiiiIko.
' '(A tmeCojiy.)
Cures Inpotcncy, IVi'lit Emissions and
iraf tlnff diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or esccesn and Indis
cretion. A nerve tonic ami
blood builder. IMruja the
pink glow to pale cheJk and
restores the fire of youth.
Hy mall J30c per box, boxe
for tf.'JJWi With ft written fruaran
tee to enre or refund tlie mouey.
Bond for circular. Addrrss,
aimonAJartuort Qtc CHiCAOO, lit.
hm llj Dr. J. E I'lilBBry,
2 R X SLl '
Lime, Hair, Omesit cic. &c.
before buying elewht-re.
t"' " every other KnliUtth
at 11 o'clm k a. ni., mid evcrv bab'iKilb
"vcfiini: ul H 111 hh-U at the M. K. chinch.
? -. .. - i,.,,".. ;.. ...,.,.1 1
Kr.v. J. L.!.u P.tstor.
j. e )';:in:-;:y. vl i.
ritjlscljti a:td Snrjoott.
All ctilU uivcii jtruuijit uttmitlou.
tCIii:- In I)i;,ik suire.
-!H!tHWO KEt'-itAKXA.
rromjit ulter.tion tcivco to all legal
tiin,U';i'3 in Ju.sticc, trouuty and District
Court, BttJ Ufiiro tho United State?
Land Ofik'C.
Fire insurance written in reliable
Jl "Legal pitpcrs citrcfully drawn.
Harriso. - Neiwarxa. making pahlok.
Tlie undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public te solicited.
Vf e guarantee satisfaction and that
our charges will le reasonable.
ilW. MagoIE lloSECUANfl.
AiMiIV4inr!itif Aiinilritl linwi-y," the world
Krrtcnt muvmI luro. Ky Mnntt lliitnnfl,
tin- lilt- loiifC friend nd miIiiiIiit of tMi nntl.
on'. Idol. ll'.i,"i,t Hint joit 1,1x1k; over ao
pHli-M, mi hh-Iiim; innrly KM w hull tone
llln ,tnilli)ii"i. (inlyei.M. KnnruiiiiixileiiiHnit.
t minil-.lon. (limit fr-e. t Imni' p..f
lit.; tlino. Wrltinnti k, Tli Inimlnlon Com--Miy,
ir I Klojr CftXtwii Itldu,, ;hl:fo.
The llft Advcitlhlnt- Medium In
Sortlt-VVMf, NHii-itHii, U 1'Uc ttlOL'X
Good Hay & Stock
Ranch for sale.
Vor Hale.
A 10 foot, Perkina wind
mil, aii'I tower for sale
ulic'ip. A. l. Kknnkot.
Crawford Mcb,