OES! 10M 003 HIE OE PIRTKtlT H 5 7 r ' - r-L' V If 4' If you are tired of iayin hiijh prices you ran make money by buyiiW your goods at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Every body love3 a nic-3 fitting SiylWi h-. AVe Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised in ail magazines at $'5.00 in Boston, ve fell this graceful shoe for 75 right here at home and wive you COc express besides. All other leather just as cheap in proportion; none hut the best kept in stock. In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all Ea?t earn catagogue prices; no matter from what point goods may come. In addition to our gen eral merchandise, we are Felling this spring Ladies and Misses 5.0J Spring Hats for 82.50 Come & yee for yourself. We also han dle the celebra ted Valentine Flour, none better in America. Besides we have full line of Crockery If you want a suit of clothes made to order we are Agents for Itoyal Taylors of Chi cago, Ills. : RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, L- gerlach, Prop. THE SIOUX COUNTY Thbbsdat. July. 6th. 1899. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. . I. . V a. 11e table. ttoburWest. Gains Cut. Mo. I. mixad 11 30 1 Bo. . mlxed. 8 :0O North-Western K LINE 47. PL M. V. E. K. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DKADWOOD ASD NOT SFElliGS, SOUTH DAKOTA. F. . It M. T. B. K. JfCiflil Excursions to Hot Springs S. Dak, Ticket will be sold Tuesdays. July 4th and 16th and Aug. 22, good .returning 80 days from date of sale at One Far Plus $2.00 For Bound Trip ad on Tuesday. Aug. 8, 1839, at One .Fare For Bound Trip. F. Aveky, Agent. . Oc last Friday Mrs, W. JL Davis .entertained her sister Mrs. Myrtle Bca Urof Cody Neb. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Griswold, of 43mnd Boulevard, are entertaining the fba former's cousin, Mrs. Terrell, and daughter, Miss Maud, of Platville, la. Mr. and Mrs. I C. wrigbt, went to Whitney on last Monday evening to peod the 4th, with friends. They retun -,d to Harrisoa yesterday noon. BORN To Mr. aod Mr. Oscar Story, at Story, on last Tuesday, Juae 27th, W daughter, very body doing well in that MHua-noM so far as we know, Mrs. Wallace and daughter wont to to canyon on last Saturday, to spend a few days with John and Frank as well as to hearths eagle so ream. State Brand commiasoaer Blewe 4 ft for Iineola on last Thursday even inf to meet with the other members of the board who assembled for their first meeting on th Ant of Inly. Mrs. Ki. Maine, acoompanied by ber idaugtar Mrs. Dott, went to Chadron, on last Satarday areaing, to spend the 4th, with friend la that city. They returned to HairUoeryestsrday. OOs Louis tJarUian, is now im .plorai in the family of station agent Avery, Uaijia Hunter, being obliged to Abandon bar nonttton there, owing te th not of bar havtnf met with a'paisful no icHmi hy atwaring nnnrtaty between on .nf bar atbs Mi ngat. LwnaarMmTfalnaCoothrl ayiXKyteylar yar and always CtraCJ KxmT Can Kr. W. B. Coo- goods will bo sold CIKL TANTED-WUI ni? a gotxl j?irl. of experience $20 per month to do general housework in a small famil r. Address Sirs. M. C. Harrow Dougluf, yoruinj. . T. Mason of CI lea accorapaoied by his son were Harrison visitors Monday, John Davis, and family, spent lst Sunday down on Runninx Water, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Bourette. Mr. Oscar Ward has moved his fam ily into the bouse jost recently vacatei bv Mr. Rohwer. The latter with his family are now comfortably douieiled in their mansion on the hill. Mr. Ed. Bowker who has teea up at Lusk, during tLe past three or four weeks returned to the family firs-side on last Friday evening hence the broitd smile on Mrs. B's face. Mrs. E. J. Wilcox, of the oast side, Whose health lias been quite poorly during the past several weeks, is much 'better at this writing. This ber maoy friends will be pleased to hear. Frof. Boush; who one year ago last Tuesday, won the $2,00 bicycle prize at this place, passed through by rail, on last Monday, going west to llanville, to spend the 4lh, where he taught a suc cessful nine months terra, and we learn lie is most anxiously sought after for the coming year by the school hoard. Grandpa Wright who has been en eased ia beautifying the Turner mansion both interior and exterior relumed to ITarriin on last Suntlar owing to the fact that his paint Urusk Iwcame dry for lack of paint He will return and com plete his work later on. First however he has work claiming his immediate at tention at Glen. Judge wilson returned from Wheats land, Wyo.. Sunday. He reports Julius and tlie other boy as getting along with their farming nicely. They have the first crop of Alfalfa cut and put up and his Honor seems to be well pleased th way the boys are getting along with their wark up there. About 3 o clock Mondav morning a nice shower of rain commenced falling and continued to fall excepting short in tervals of 20 or SO minutes up until noon or there about, it lias been a great bless ing to the grangers and stockmen alike a it was getting very dry again and the bay crop as well as the garden and grain crop were sure to bave been very short indeed. Persons troubled with diarbaea b interested in the experience of Mr, W. M. Bush, clerk ot hotel Dorrance, Providence R. L He says: For Several years I have been almost a constant suf ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at tacks completely prostrating ma and rendering me unfit for my duties at tbis hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly handed me a small bot tle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera nd diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my stir prise and delight its effects wera imme diate. Whenever I felt symtoms of this disease I would fortify myself against th atttack with a few doses of this val unblo remedy. The result has been very satisfactory and almost complete relief frwattMnfflicUom." JL PbiMty. For tate by Dr. J. The place to Got flood! Bargains at all times is? at J. H.BARTBLL's The following of which is nearly always found, at the above place: A complete assortment of Ladies and Gents furnish ing Good, Dry Goods, No tions and Millinery. A Good line of Men's Duck Clothing, Hats and Caps to suit the times. Ladies and Gents Fine Foot Wear a specialty; and Children, Foot Wear care fully considered. TO J. H. For ftlcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire and Salt; in fact nearly everything kept in a well regulated store. If you are in need of a large or small bill come in and. see what we can do for you before you send your money out of the country. Respectfully, LOST: A buld -faced St. Bernard dog is very gentle, and answers to the name of Lion". Any-botly finding, or know ing of bis whereabouts will please catch and tie him up, and send us word and we will pay for trouble. Knoiu Bsos. Chris. Bulling, is down frsn the Flyipptoa ranch on business today. Oscar btory will have tha honor of makiag the first application for Ux k brand under the new state lrand law. For an up to date costume, ladies should select styles from an up to date magazine. This they will Dud in purus- ng MeCaU's magazine. llerbet Lacy who has been employed around Lusk in a sheep camp during the past several months returned to Harrison lat TuesJiiy. Mrs. Kendall w ho lias been to very ill during the t.ast week is tow rapidly recoven r. P.it Lacy, went down the rokd last Saturday to tpead the 4th and retimed on yesterday. M. J. Liewett returned from Lincoln to-?ay, where he has been to meet with t'ie new stock brand committee. Miss Mary Noreisch who came down from Douclas on last Saturday uigl.t returned to tier duties in that city yes terday norm. rrank Johnvn has r urcha'! a tome of Mr. RceJ, he will move it into town soon as the haying is ov-r so he ea gel some oim to help him. lie has also pur chased a lot which is the cecond lot north of Mr. I'rid ly's. Mr. Ih-nry Warneka is enterta.ning her sister, Mrs. Jverson, of Houston, Tex Thj lady has interests in this m tiou and we understand will invest still more capitol here. Later on she intewfc to make her permenant home in Sioux county. Attorney Guthrie expects to ive either tbis evening or tomorrow, with his family, the latter for an extended visit with Mrs. O's. mother in Kmsas. Orant expecte to return in about a eek or ten days. On last Monday evening, a DURber of the school mates of Master Lddie Guthrie, invaded the sacred precincts of the Guthrie Mansion on the hill, and aft er the beat of tlra surprise had paed, all joined in making merry for an aour or two. Music and various games were indulged in, after which light refiesh ments were served, aod theo the lads and lassies bade Master Eddie good night. Mr. Palmer, of Chadron, came up on last Tuesday ooon, for a short slsy at the Hester mansion, the guest of Miss Claudia. Our baby lias been continually t Mull ed with colic and cholera infantum lioce h i birth and all that w could do for rim did not seem to give more than tem porary relief until we tried Chamber lains Colic, Cholera and LUrrhoea Rme dy. 8iac giving that remedy he has not been troubled, We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not tbat you need ft to advrise your meritorious remedy. Q. K. Law Keokuk, Iowa. For sale bj Dr. J. E. Rhino ey. Grandma Davis, is k pending a ; few I days at the horn of Mr, and lira 00. H. Turner. The place to Get Good Bargains in Bubbera is at J. H. BARTELL'S, Where a complete line of warm Felts and Rubbers, with PRICES ALWAYS right. Our line of GROCERIES are fine, a3 we always aim to buy Good, Fresh Goods puch a b "we know would fuit all our Customers. We carry a complete line of FLOUR & FEED; all Flour guaranteed. Also, we carry HARDWARE & Building Material. SMELL'S J. II. BARTELL EfSTKAYED. E'EFtrayed from ray place 2 black, 3-year-old hors es branded reverse F on left jaw; 2 iron pray mares brand ed cockeye on left shoulder. A. L. IIoixjk, .... Glen. Neb "Dr. Crooks the noted fre mont HiK'cialitt, will arrive in Harrison on the noon train Wednesday, July 12 to re main until Friday July 14. For two days? only at Hotel.'" Mr. SjiffP-, who ban been h Kiiwt f t t! e McGiuley himse during t'ie past eral Vteei.s,, teUirui to h a hjino in l'eti- sylvaoia on hist evening. Ed. IJowker, left for Campbell, thin slate, on lact Tuesday even.n, where be has beu enj,':ined to wurk on a l.ir'e contract. Ed. expects to be gone fur au ndelluato ienol. The JiA'KNAL family are certainly indented to Mrs, N. L. 'liptun, tins ween for three lor lour rnes-ies cl flue nwiilieii Tliey were without doubt as line gar den vetahlts as lias come lo the village tins spr.ng. Many thanks (or same. Mr. SicGiiiley and his liroMK-i-m-law Mr. Sellers who went to Uenng and Alliance, a week asro on business and pleasure combined returned Tuesday, but not in time to spend much of a fourth with friends and neighbors out in the canyon. Ttie following named parties are to appear at the court house to.iay, liefore the state irrigation Iward in a suit invol ving water rights, in the parties iuinied ate neich-orhood. Chas. rw hiltz, J. A. Thayer, O, A. Garton, John Phuikett, Marts Valdez, 8. H. (kj(fe. li. fc. Brewster, C. F. Cotfee. " Juring the hot wei t ler !at summer I had a severe attack of cholera morbus, necessitating my leaving my business," says Mr. C. A. Hare of Hare Hro., flu castle Ohio. "After takink iwo or three doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy I was completely relieved and in a few hours was able to resume my work in the store. Jsincerly recommend it to any one afflicted with bowel or stomach trouble. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. BILES ASD KKOIUTIOSS OF THE 8TATE HKAND8 AMD MARKS LAW. Applications for registry brands or marks should he sent to secretary of state with fee of $1.50 for each separate brand or mark. Bend cash, draft, or postoflice order. Where brands or marks are a! ready recorded in a county a certiflt copy of such record must be attached. Applications for registry may tie made after July 1, 1899, and are required to be made by Dec. 81, 1H9, for all brands and marks then in use. Application will be filed in order as recived, and con sidered by the board in said order. Blank form may be obtained on ap plication to secretary of state. To secure uniformity all applications are required to b mad on thes blanks. A Fine Line of Ladie s & LIGHT & AND THE Children CELEBRATED SHOES HAVE HO EQUAL; Call and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller BROS. JUS -AT- OT3nunnr.p'S VT A T?TtfTPl?i SHOP? All kinds of Harness Goods. Al, Flour and all lands of Grain and Feed for Kile. P.efdderf the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c. &e. ' zf" Call and get PRICKS before buying elsewhere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. !'()!', SA LK. Two Hereford F.;i!R two-year-old--, an 1 .:..-. ?:iu i ; - -j:u!ht ;is new. V.'iil take L'rain for hinder. II. 7AsrKiu:rii:u:n. Tim r.rst Advnrtiiiiri MfJium In North-Wet Vhriisit, is llK'flOl'X (OO'TV .JOtiUAL. Good Hay & Stock Ranch lor sale. CHARLES SCH1LT. For 8u!p. A 10 foot, Perkins wind mill, ami tower for tale cheap. A. It. Kennedy. Crawford Iseb. in tiik county roi-BTorsjorxcoi's- TY, NhuHASUA. In the MtU-r of the Ktute of I'strlck Murpliv,U't-acil. At a County Court lieM at the County Court iUmm in and for ssl-i County on tbe Irtl day of July, I'reseiit liolrl W'ilM)n, County JuiJire. Ou reiiillng unJ filling tbe petition of John RarrutijflK, prjiying tlmt sftmiulstrstlon ol napl estate lx fcrsnted to hi in a Aamtiiln trator. Ordcret, Ibnt the Tth ay of Angstt A. D., W), ato'cUK-k A. M ilnu'l for her Inn iwlil M-tk!ou, wlin all pi-rnon lutnr elel In sul'l matter may appour at s ennn- tf court W )J held In and fur tiald counly and nliww rmi liy th nrayr of the vwtl llonrr aliould not (franU'l; and Unit notice nf tbe M-ulnry uf ald etltlin uud thn ln-rln;f thfreof, t nUen to all rwiu InlTrit'-'l in jhki Tiintirr uy puDiisnins a py of tills order In Ths Hforx coi'srr Jne mk a t.. a wi-rklT nrwiiiaixr iillnted In nald county, lor four successive weeks, prior to mm any ol hearing. Uuted this ard day of July, im. . . ltOUEUT Wil o JSeaJ, I County Judge. ' v ' (A true Copy.) (IERVITA PILLS! HetttvM vlIatfTT, LOST VIQOR AMO MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy, Night Emiesloniand wasting diseases, all effect of self. abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brines tbe pink clow to pale cheek and restore tbe Are of youth. y mall 60c per box, 0 boxes for M.HO: with written iranr&n- tee to cure or rernna tne money. Send for circular. Address, NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. CHntvn AMkWi Cta ONICAOO, KX. tM4 j Dr.J DrWaner. ,fSLVl Gentlemen's HEAVY T & Youth's LIBERTY BELL T ARRIVED lVe;ichifK evi ry oilmr rUhhath at 11 oVI. il ls a, in., :u:d every Kub'mitli vnivir' tti k (A leek tit the M, E. church. i;,. i V l.-iy invited to nltoti'l. K;v. J. L. KKMiAl.t., Puitor. J. 11 I'HINNKY.M. J). riivlcla ami Sitrjrvou. AH calls Kivrn prouipl atU'titlou. Cifflci In DniK ?lr. -HAKIt:SW KKDItASKA. ORANT GUTHRIE. Atlorney-at-Law. rrotiiit attention given to all lepal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and liefore the United States Land Of!',ce. Fire Insurance wtittttn in reliable iomiisnies. f3LoaI pajiers curefully drawn. IIaruisoh. - Nebrakka. lin:8s MAKING PARLOU. o The undersigned just located in lower north-west corner room of ANDREWS HALL h prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sewing in her line. The patronage of the public is solicited. We guarantee satisfaction nod that our charges will be reasonable. Mrh. Magoie Roseckaxb. For Sale. I desire to sell at private sale, for cash, 30 head of cat tle, 15 of which are cows with calves; 3 yearling Hteera; 1 two-year-old Hereford Bull and 16 head of 2 and 3 year old Heifers. Residence i in Sowbelly canyon. . GOTTLKIB KlfOBL KKTHWATE! FOR "THB Un AM AclMdrmaanUof Admiral Dewey," the worlds tho life lunjr friend and aslailrer of tha mm'. oil's l.lnl. RUrcmt and beet bosk) over Sat tiav, xio uk hosi nenrlyjM Mae ksttawe illastratlniis. Oulyll.M. amuutmmL Mt drniuilrtlons. lmt$t five. bm ear a '" tan tk. TheU,MaOs Mr. W'l riwr Uasien BlOf OWeafo, 4 1 K.7.