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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
C83.300 TO WIN AN AMERICAN BRIDE Prince Leopold Isenburg, whose ' is a flnt cousin to the emperor Austria, borrowed 360,000 mark A) from three German banks fur une- express purpose of capturing an American heiress., Anna Gould and Fkmiice Pullman were especially 'aasaed by his creditor as the moBt de sirable. Either of them would do. The 1 man did open negotiations with lata George M. Pullman for the of his daughter, and a match salrkt have been arranged, only for the dictatorial manner of the young sprig af royalty. Old "Duke" Pullman show ed him the door. Falling to capture van a pleblen heiress, the prince re tarn ed home. Now , three banks are suing him. They are the Bergische bank, the Wur fjemberg Verelnsbank and the German Yereiaebank. The American brides' hunt came oft ta UN, according to program, but It was a rank failure. Prince Isenberc does not deny that Be borrowed the money under the dr eam tances and on the conditions nam ed .but will not or cannot make resti tution. In order to evade his creditors be n asMKated. upon his father's death In Aprfl, bis hereditary rights in the prin cipality whose name he bears, allowing aa infant nephew to succeed. As -for II i If the Almanac de Got ha shail kaew him hereafter only as a cadet of a impoverished: semi-royal house, and Ms official Income will be exempt from pjvtes by sheriffs and other officers of the law, namely, between $30 and $35 per month, the pay of a first lieuten ant of Infantry In Prussia. The Isenburgs. though right cousins to the emperor of Austria, have been aot only bankrupts far 12 years or snare, but have actuenr lived off other people's money. In 188T the reigning Prince Carl. hus ftasd of Marie Louise, Archduchess of Austria and princess of Tuscany, issued a loan of 11.600.000 at the Frankfort Bourse, just as other potentates, big and small, do occasionally. This loan was taken up by so-called "small peo ple" In South Germany, and with its proceeds Prince Carl then and there paid bis enormous floating indebted- As) soon as old Isenburg had secured the big loan be ordered Leopold to quit fat military and go upon a tour of the aaaata of Europe to seek a wife that eesnblned a great name with a fortune at equal size. Of course, the bride-elect atast be a Catholic The axchduchess asother made that condition. But there are few Catholic princesses of wealth aatatde of the reigning families and prepaid wasn't quite big enough a man as catch one of the latter sort. Though ft apeat four years looking for a bride pja was, upon bis return, as little mar lied as en the day of his birth. In this extremity old Isenburg and the tsnperial and royal highness, his Vita, resolved upon heroic measures. They decided to pocket their pride and fct their sob and heir marry any womaa would bring the necessary cash thai coffers. The sum demanded 4.0M.M0 marks down and a like rant to be set aside for the living aanenaes of the young couple. After Mnee Carl's death the second million efettare was to be merged with the Wantkora- family fortune, while with (he first aa immediate effort was to be mAm to wiDe out the loan of 1887. Thfcs plan the chief of the house of pjeuburg submitted to bis financial agents, and though these gentlemen, fc had already begun to regard their vestment with the house of Isen- fenrg as a risk, say now that tney naa sjsseia. faith in Prince Leopold's abilities aa a lovetnaker; they though him suf arjently attractive to catch some ple fejan heiress. Having read so much of American women's erase for titles they calcu lated that Yankee millionairesses would Jump at the opportunity of mar fyteg an archduchess' son, even if be he a bankrupt and & pauper. For the purpose of "dazzling Ameri can society and securing an American heiress in marl rage,"' the financiers. Sis., the three banks named, advanced the Isenburga. toward the end of the pear 1W, 360.000 marks without secu rity, accepting the Joint paper of Prince Carl aa head of the house, and of Prince iMpotd as his legal successor. In ex ehange. Aside from the general con tract with the principal covering the aetata mentioned, Leopold agreed. In a special undertaking to regard the pMM marks as a personal loan for wmtca he, his heirs and successors, sjkeahfl he liable. Te forestall suspicions of a mercen ary sot tournee was to be styled a educational one, and It was to be gtrea oat that the high-minded prince feed entered upon this trip with the Ua& at informing himself thoroughly on Esjirli industrial conditions and be fiere be entered upon "the government" sffM was to visit factories, study farming had the management of larg of laborer. It was aiso 10 that troon returning to iy be would write a book on his la the Catted States. with all this, the main object at Che enterprise mast always be up jjnaoit la your salad." were the banks' fasjiai linns "The prince Is not to go cpasj wild ffoese chase. He will have to assnaftftxa hja efforts aeon catching cia at certain Aaserksaa girls whose Csaatal aUattag we sarseti gated t CMM si Mkw rtoreaes Fun- ; t mm m mm eosjatry Jt was --r zrim wmsv Pullman as the better looking. At th beginning of September (1S4 the thre banks learned to their eminent satis faction that the prince was engaged to marry Mies Pullman. The engage ment was said to have taken place iu Chicago, August 22. This piece of in telligence, cabled to Germany, not only filled the banks with extravagant hopes of financial returns, the numerous other creditors of Prince Carl likewise re joiced and promised to be more lenient with him in the future, particularly when Leopold wrote that his prospect, ive father-in-law had no objections to parting with the cash, namely, $1,000, 000 down and $800,000 more "to be in vested in a manner yet to be decided upon." Then, it appears from the bank" statement. Prince Carl thought that the time had come for him to put on airs. "Duke" Pullman had cut down th demands of Prince Leopold $200,000. and it looked as If he meant to keep a string on the $800,000 promised. "Such presumption Is not to be toler ated by a prince of the Holy Empire!' declared the old bankrupt. Prince Cart. As a consequence, young Leopold, backed by his father, smothered Papa Pullman's enthusiasm by springing new and additional demands upon him. Above all he gave htm to understand that the apportioning of the marriag settlement must be left entirely to tho house of Isenburg, then that Miss Pull man must marry under the name and title of Countess of Marchioness, which the pope had conferred upon the cat builder. Thirdly, the marriage wouici have to be a left-banded affair, of course, and Its issue was not entitled to the name any style of Princes and Princesses of Isenburg. The German creditors claim that thit latter clause was the hair that broke the mmel'a hark The Pullmans broke off the negotiations, and for Leopold "who had no personal Influence over hi betrothed." there was nothing left tc do but to return to Europe without a wife and with a sadly reduced treasury. "He has lived in the Datemal castle. Birsteln, Hesse, since," say the banks, SDeudlnr the rest of our 330,000 marks and making; no further effort to Im prove his finances by a rich marriage." The Manufacture of Wall Paper. While various kinds cf printed fab rics were known to the people of most remote antiauity. it was not till the eighteenth century that wallpaper in anything like its present form came Into common use In Europe. though If appears to have been used much carliet in China. A few rare examples which may be as early as the sixteenth cen tury exist in England, but these art Imitations, generally in "flock, of th old Florentine and Genoese cut velvets, and hence the style of the design in no way shows the date of the wallpaper, the same traditional patterns being re produced with little or no change fot many years. It was not till the end ol the last centunr that the machinery t make paper In long strips was Invent ed. Up to that tlma wallpapers were printed on small square pieces of hand made paper and were very expensive On this account wallpaper was slow in superseding the older mural decora tions, such as tapestry, stamped leathei and paper cloth. A work printed In London In 17 throws some light on the use of wall papers at that time: "The method ct printing wallpapers of the better sorl is probably the same now that it hat ever been: Wooden blocks with the de sign cut In relief, one for each color are aplled by hand, after being dippec In an elastic cloth sieve charged wit! wet tempera pigment, great care being taken to lay each block on the right place so that the various colors maj reenter' or lit together. In order tc suit the productions of the paper milli these blocks are made in England 21 inches wide, and in France 18 inchet wide. The length of the block Is lim lted to what the workman can easly lift with one hand two feet being about the limit, as the blocks are necesarilj thick, and in many cases made heaviei by being inlaid with copper, especialh the thin outlines, which. If made o! wood, would not stand the wear ant tear of printing. "In 'flock' and gold or silver printing the design is first printed In stronj size, the flock (finely cut wood of th required color), or metallic powder, li then sprinkled by hand all over th it adheres only to the wet size and Is easily shaken off the ground oi unsized part. If the pattern is require to stand out in some relief, the proeesi la repeated several times, and the wholi paper then roleld to compress the flock Cheaper sorts of paper are printed bj machinery, the design being cut oi surface of wooden rollers under whlcr the paper passes. The chief draw back to this process Is that all the col. org are aplled rapidly one after th other without allowing each to dry sep .. u done in hand printing. somewhat blurred appearance is usuallj the result." The Empress and Her Stable. The empress of Germany takes 8 vi interest In her private stables inc i. ik. rMinv lemons of her sons. Het majesty makes a point of having i j.itw Am anil when the weather Is un favorable' she taker it in the rlcimt school. The empress always uses u .. when her younger sens ar having their riding lesson, and otter she will herself show tnem now v do what Is being taught them. At re .. tha emoress rides a very tat horse; on ordinary ocacslons her uouni . hifc hnrae. and for hunting h prefers a handsome chestnut, which U vary quiet and a gooa jumper. .. i. unmauiUil in her drive 7? r-perorforeiy drive. J?r: wYIXv ht ii iiu rtSSTmtUmgmt to the court are re aadMeck. SOME QUEER FISH STORIES "I have had some remarkable adven ures with big game in Africa," said a eturned traveler, "but the experience vhich impressed me most was a ashing Tip. I had an old college mate on one if the rivers branching from the Niger ind hearing that I was in the country le sent some of his people for me. A eek later I was in his plantation in :he ery heart of the game region. One vening my old friend said to me: " 'John, the larder is pretty low. How would you like a day's fishing?" " 'Nothing better," I replied. 'It's a ong time since I've whipped a stream with a rod." " 'Oh, said my friend, 'we don't use -ixl i here, especially at this time of the rear. There are tools.' and he pointed to a number of natives armed with picks snd shovels. "I said nothing, as I supposed it was l Joke, and Joined the procession that wound away through the woods. Fi nally we came to an open country, eov jred here and there with low brush, ind the men halted on the edge of a peculiar and Irregular saucer like de pression about 100 yards across. It ooked like the dry bed of a lake, and uch It was, an odd place to go fishing, but It was the place selected by my !iiend, and presently the men were lard at work with pick and shovel. "The earth was baked very dry, and the dust flew In clouds. Finally one of the men gave a shout and threw some thing out that he had struck about two eet down. It looked like a brick with the edges worn off. I broke the brlck like object Into pieces, when out rolled i fish almost a foot long, alive and opening- its gills as though It had been awakened from a ten years' sleep. The ish had been packed away In a case is deftly as though made by some (killed worker. The Inside was as smooth as glass and the color of ma hogany, and so far as I could see, air tight; in this the fish had been her metically sealed. "The men were now tossing out fish ;very few minutes. Some of the cases broke as they fell and the fishes soon lied in the hot sun, but in most cases they were kept Intact and piled in i heap until twenty or more had been found. They lay at a depth of from one to two ana a nan im, aim not accidental. The fish at the ap proach of the dry season left the sur face and wriggled Its way down through the mud, then, by the aid of the mucus on Its scales, formed a jmooth, hard case. In which it lay until the rain came again. These dy lakes I learned had been the cause of reputed miracles. People bad been camping In them possibly when the first rain came, and where an sour or two before the earth was baked to a brick-like consistence, was now a small pond alive with fish. The mo ment the water penetrated to them the Kill melted away and the fishes worked their way up through the soft mud. WTnen the natives had dug enough fish we returned to camp, where they were oiled up like cordwood. When one was required for the table the cook ?lmply put the case In water, as he would a potato, soaked out the fish, ind there it was, ailve and ready for he broiler. The fish was a long eel- haped creature with a head line a make and four fins placed ' as though :hey were legs. It was very good to he taste despite the fact that It was preserved fish. In India I saw another remarkable fish hunt. One day we were walking through the Jungle when we came upon t crowd of native men, women and children, provided with baskets of va rious kinds. They were walking rap Idly and in reply to a question one of the men said that there was a great run of fish near a little branch of the Boolu river not a mile away, and they were going for the fishing. "We followed the shouting, laugh ng crowd, who soon turned Into the bush and Anally came to what was dur- jig the rainy season a fairly well filled stream, but now rapidly running dry. rhey kept down the bank until the wa ;er grew deeper, all peering carefully it the muddy banks as though watch jig for something. Suddenly s small ooy uttered a shout and dashed Into the bush, the others following. "On examining the soft mud I could listlnctly see a singular maze of marks, is though something had been dragged ilong. The shouts of the natives grew louder and louder, like the baying of hounds on a fresh trail, and when we jvertook them they were picking up little perch-like fishes from among the lry leaves of the forest as you would fruit or nuts. The ground was covered with them, all moving apparently In ne direction by a wriggling motion, ind their sharp fins. In a word they were migrating overland Just as a bird would, using their fins as feet or legs ind making remarkable time for fish. timed several and found that they ;ould move a foot in two minutes, not rery rapid time, It must be confessed, out still fast for a fish. We passed on jo where the procession was entering :he stream, where they at once swam iway, entirely unaffected by their walk icross. country. "How fishes can live on dry land was 'or' a long time a mystery. At first t was believed that they carried about slth them a supply of water which hey used as occasion required. Boms if the fishes had cavHIes In their gills hat were supposed to be water reser roirt upon which they draw In their migrations, hut It Is now known that bey breathe air entirely and are as ruly amphibious as a frog. The Afrl an and fouth American lung fishes fuund underground at time breathe when out of water by tha air bladder, which now acts as a lung, Its surface being covered with blood vessels wbl& take up the oxygen. When the fish return to the water the gills become the lungs a remarkable provision of nature." New York Sun. Terrible African Insect. We were plowing against the current In the Mozambique channel on a steamer. Every mile brought us nearer the eouator. and. In spite of a fair breeze, ths motley complement of pas sengers fairly gasped for breath. Capt. Haan. my traveling companion and I stood leaning over a temporary railing, which had been erected amid ships on the port side to divide the second-class from the third-class deck room. The tetter was occupied by sOO Mahometans traveling from Cape Town to Mecca. All day the Moslems were either pre paring their dally repast of maalles, attempting to get some sleep with their robes drawn over their eyes, or listen Ing to a priest who used the fo'casle deck for a pulpit. We had JuBt completed the purchase of two pair of sandals from a Muessin on board, and declared our Intention of wearing them, when we landed at Be- Ira, In Mozamlque. "Don't dare to," continued the skip per, who had been in the East African trade twenty years. "For goodness sake, have you never heard of the ma tachio? Well, I'll tell you about It." But the captain never did. The low, black coast of Mozambique was sighted at that moment .and the best of navi gation had to be used In entering the shallow bay. Into which empties the Pungwee river st Beira. So the skip per hurried to the bridge and left us wondering what the malachlo could be. We found out later on, and so did others, some to their horror. In fact, the mactahhlo got chummy with the Immediately upon their landing. Not even the huge scorpions and deadly spiders which Infest East Africa along the Mozambique coast are dread ed so much aa this Insect, which re sembles, in some ways, the American tick. The matachino, however, is a much more serious proposition. It lives In the sand and is so small that it is diffi cult to see with the naked eye. In a twinkling it fastenB to one's foot, bores beneath the skin and hides Itself. There is an Itching feeling, but with the other sensations of this sort in a hot climate one Is likely to overlook the matachino bite. In thirty-six hours this insect has deposited eggs, which hatch almost immediately. Tou then have several hundred matachlnos In your ankle or foot, and you are in a "Jolly bad way," as the English resi dent will calmly tell you. The streets of Belra are of sand. Into which your foot sinks up to the ankle. Though four big steamship lines do business there, not a horse or ox can bt seen. Neither would be of service In such roads. All traffic Is done with little trucks run on narrow gauge tracks and pushed by native Africans Every one, therefore, must wade through the sand, fine ladles with pret ty hose and Parisian boots. Just as well ai a naked Zulu, whose feet are often nc callous as to faze the most viclout matachino. The matachino Is not to "be trifled wth, and you soon learn to squat down dwn in the sand and look at your foot, hen there is a suspicious biting sen sttion. Those who have strong nerves cirry a sharp knife and cut out the In ert themselves. The Afrcana do this, aid it is not an uncommon sight to see a boy drop a load of lumber, sit down aid perform a surgical operation and cintlnue his labor. As far as I could learn, the mata ellno is indigenous only to Northern Mozambique, for In Delago hay they dfl not seem to be troubled with It. Philadelphia Inquirer. i Sulphur Flies. An extraordinary Innect Is described b; a correspondent of the Scientific Anerican under the above title. The nime was coined by the employes of th Mountain Copper company, Llmlt et because of the remarkable habits o the fly. The company, whose f ur nices are about six miles west of Red dhg. Colo., mine and roast between tea aid twelve hundred tons of nre a day. Jtn and copper sulphides are the main cristltuents of the ore, and the sul pjur is forced to part from the metals b( means of heat. To accomplish this, tc ore Is brought from the mines and pjed In great heaps upon sufficient od to kindle It. The huge heaps aproxlmatety two hundred feet long, forteen feet wide and six feet high Ifclted burn for about thirty days. jVhen the roasting process 1 well Wder way clouds of sulphurous fumes rie from the heaps, rendering resplra ttn Impossible In their Immediate vl cllty. Then may be seen, daring In atl out of the suffocating vapors, pe cfiar gray flies, about the size of a hrse fly, that apparently live and tyed In the smoking ore. They seem U thrive in the 'densest fumes, the lerer portion of the heaps fairly alarming with them. At night the wrkmen are compelled to cover their ftes with netting and their hands with gives, to resist their attacks, for their bies are very poisonous. The files wre unknown until the smelting oper aVms began, some years ago- hie sensation of taste produced by electric current passing through tt tongue Is found by Zeynek, a Oer nin electrician, to depend on voltage. Sdden changes of current and voltage piduced changes of taste sensation, eimlng to prove that the phenomenon ok-lectric lasts U tn, electrolytic one. STORIETTES. HAD JUST LANDED. Among the occupants of a crowded Third avenue elevated train going up- :own yesterday afternoon were two men in one of the cross seats In the forward car. One was reading a paper and the other was looking out of the window From all appearances they were stran gers to each other. Finally the man who was reading the paper turned to the other, and In tones loud enough to be heard all over the car, said: "Well, I see Jeffries won the night" "Aw, did? H'lm very glad." other "He's a pretty good man, I guess. Don't you think so?" "HI don't 'appen to know Mm." "Don't you know him? Why, I mean Jeffries, who won the fight the other night" "Hi repeat, sir, HI never 'eard of Mm." "I mean Jeffries, who whipped Fits, "Oo's 'e? FHz? Fits? Fltz? Hi never eard of Mm before." The crowd on the car was tittering by this time, but they roared when the man who had never heard of Jeffries or Fttzaimmons asked: "Oo are these fellows, Jeffries and Fits?" "Why, the best fighters in the world nappily retorted the man with the newspaper. "Hit's strange Hi never 'eard of them. Tell me, can helther of them whip the Hengllsh ehamplon, 'Cholly Mitchell, or the big chap, Jemmle 3mlthr "Oh, no," answered the other man with a look of supreme disgust on hlf 'ace, "you're away off. I'm not talking if dead ones. But tell me, how long have you been here?" "HI Just arrived last Wednesday.1 "Here, read up a bit," said the other man, thrusting the paper Into the Eng Ishman's hands. "Read that fight story uid try and forget about 'Cholly' Mitch- ill and Jemmle Smith." New York Sun niB PARROT AND THE WITNESS. Across the street from the court aouse there lives a parrot In the days t Its youth It accidentally overheard a nan using language which would not took well In print, says the Topeka State Capital. The language has clung 'jo the parrot ever since, and despite Ihe owner's efforts the parrot has be come very proficient In the use of pro fanity. Jt can swear almost as well at l politician. It might be termed an ex pert. It certainly is a professional. A few days ago an interesting cast as on trial in the district court Thf room was very warm, and all the win lows were open. A gentle breeze waft- id in from the south, bearing in thi lounds from the street below. An especially Interesting place In th stlmony had been reached and th urt room was very stilt. Every oni was listening intently to the witness. rhe witness made a statement, and Jicn "You're a blankety-blank liar," said l small, still voice. The witness wriggled. Judge Hazen r la need around to see where the sound ;ame from, and Bailiff John Coyne tap-' ed with his lead pencil and scowled iround the room to quell the disturb in ce. The witness began again. "Shut up, you horse hlef," said the voice again. Judge Hazen frowned. Some dlsre- ipectful persons near the window tit- '.ered. Bailiff Coyne edged over in that ilrectlon and stood by the window. Get out, you," suggested the sarrot. The bailiff saw the bird and shook klr fist at It ! J ! !! " remarked the parrot again. ThJs was too much for the bailiff. He pulled the window down to shut out tht profane sounds and went ort. In a fe minutes he came back and said: I'll bet that blamed parrot don't iwear at this court any more. 1 ve got muzzle on 'lm." STORY ABOUT SCHLEY. One of the veteran sea dogs of the navy who has been on the retired lis; for a generation, tells a characterlBtli anecdote of Admiral Schley, when tin latter was a madshlpmun and assigned is executive officer to a little gunlxiat called the Owasro In Admiral 1'orter't gulf squadron. Ills commanding office! was a volunteer for the war, notorioui for incompetency and intemperance, which was exceedingly irritating to an ambitious young fellow like H hl-y,whi had Just escaped from the discipline of the naval academy, and had an exalted opinion of the dignity and honor of tht- nervlce. The Owasco was stationed off Mobile and was one of a small squadron of which Captain James Alden of tht Richmond was senior officer. One day a puartermaeler of the Richmond report ed to Captain Alden that the captain' gig of the Owasco was approaching, the captain's pennant flying. Supioslng hie visitor to be the captain of the Owasco, Alden put on his unlfmm coat, the side boys were ordered snd the boatswain' mate made ready for his three pipes at the gangway. When the Owasco's gig came alongside, the man who sprang up the ladder was Midshipman Schley. "I expected to see the captain of tht Owasco," said Alden, with slight sar casm, "I am commander of the Owasco, sir,' aid Schley. "Since when?" asked Alden. "An hour ago, air," said Schley. "Where Is Captain T" "Locked up In the cabin sir, drunk?' . "Who locked him In?" asked Alden. "I did. I first put him under arrest and then ehlt hltn tip (P b( caWn. Then I took command of lbs ship, and here I am for orders." Alden was fond of a Joke, and was al first disposed to laugh at the young man's summary action, but he said: "Well, the first order I'll give you Is for you to lower that pennant In the gig. go back to your ship, sir, unlock that cabin door and restore Captain to duty. Then report to me in writ ing If the captain's Illness still Incapaci tates him and 1 will know what to do." AFRICAN S PREDICTIONS. Here Is a yarn that has been picked up by the Society for Psychical Re sesreh. Dr. R. W. Felkln. who bsd ac companied Emln Pasha on a tour through Uganda and adjacent terlrtory. is responsible for It He says that some time last year his party had got back to Lado, about LOO miles south of Khartoum, and that he had been with out letters from Europe for a year. Naturally he was Impatient for tid ings. In that part of Africa he had often come across wizards who pre tended to trsurforro themseles Into lions or other animals at night and to trael Immense distances In this guise. They slso asesrt that they acquire In formation at such times about stolen cattle and other lost property. Dr. Felkln says that, although he has no explanation to offer In regard to these alleged fet.he had a chance to verify one of their stories. One morning after his trial at Lado man came to his tent, evidently in great excitement, and said that the local wizard, or "m'logo, had been -oamlng about the country the night before In the form of a jackal. During his rambles the "m'logo" had visited Vfeschera-el-Rek, fully 560 miles away. between Lado and Khartoum. The wis. xrd declared that two steamers had lust arrived at this point and had brought malls. He also described min utely Hhe appearance of an English ifficer accompanying the boats. Dr. Felkln ridiculed the story. But Emln Pasha took the thing more seri ously. He directed that the wizard be brought before him and questioned the fellow. "Where did you go last night?" "I was at Meschera-cl-Rek." "What were you doing there?" "I went to see some friends." "What did you see?" "I saw two steamers arriving from Khartoum." 'Oh, this Is nonsense. You could not possibly have been at Meschera-eW Rek." 'I was there," the wizard replied emphatically. "And with the steamers was an Englishman, a short man wttb a big beard." "Well, what was his mission?" "He says that the great pasha at Khartoum had sent him and he has some papers for you. He Is starting verland tomorrow, bringing the papers vlth him. and he will be here abouf thirty days from now." Dr. Felkln says that thlfty-two days later the Englishman did arrive at Lado. and that he brought letters for he party. The newcomer was Lupton Bey. Of the wizard Dr. Felkln says that he Is satisfied that the man was never outside his native village In his Ife. MRS. JOHN JACOB ASTOR'S GOWN This curious Idea of using wheat as a Iress trlmlmng was Introduced to smart nociety by no less a personage than the beautlf-il Mrs. John Jacob Astor. When Mrs. Astor was abroad In the pring she spent much time with the most celebrated couturieres of Paris planning a great number of wonderful gowns for the coming Newport sr-UBon. They are all marvelous gowns and cot thousands of good American dollars. Her wheat ball costume Is perhaps the most curious of them all. It Is a Worth creation, and ise as artistic as It Is novel. The dress ltsHf Is of faint corn color embroidered chiffon and silky net he same shade. In effect the gown Is t prlnci-ps robe. The decollete bodice s outlined with wheat mingled with ex. TUlslte velvet autumn leaves in rich hades of deep yellow and rfddlish brown. Juttt below the shoulder the wheat Is misled about the arm, form ing a Substitute for the leeve. Wheat ind autumn haves al trim the front it the g'jwn a little toward the left, "overlng the opening. So skillfully Is ihe wheat used that It s'-em almoMt to be growing upon the gauzy chiffon. The effect Is btalulful, and each sheaf f wheat Is absolutely true to nature. The lower part of this remarkable ;nwn is made of a series of graduated fluunces of fine silk net The net Is tho ame shade of yellow as the chiffon, ind each flounce Is headed with a nar :ow band of gold passementerie. Tha train Is entirely of these transparent floumes. The foundation of the cos tume Is soft liberty silk, matching the . ulK-at exactly In color. When Mrs. Astor appears In this Imported gown she will wear In her dark hair a small cluster of wheat In place of the con ventional aigrette or gold ornaments. Wheat Is also seen woven with silk to form a passementerie. Some of the most effective of the imported black silk grenadine gowns are trimmed with bands of of wheat passementerie. The wheat looks as If tt were appllqued to a band of woven silk. The new phos phorescent blue,' an artistic leaf green used for the silk foundation of the and Indian pink are the shades most passementerie. Miss Prism Don't let your dog bit me, little boy. Hoy He won't bite, ma'am. Mies Prism But be is showing hll teeth. Boy (with prlde)-CerUlnly he la, ma'am i and if you had good teeth as he has you'd show 'am, toaColoaa Hews.