The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 06, 1899, Image 4

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    OS 0 17AII HEWS
Thlrty-tlva Hundred Relnforcs-
mant For Otis Sail and 4.000
Mora Rsady.
. Manila. (Special.) A collision be
' tween the two armies at San Fernando
inevitable soon. The insurgents
i active all around the town and can
$je seen working- in the trenches to
strengthen their position. Day and
Bight forces are at work. It is estimat
ed that 3,000 men were seen marching
ta the road north of town. The Amer-
turned out and manned the de-
expecting an attack. The sol
dier steep in their clothes and break-
faM at 4 o'clock in the morning, so as
to be ready for another daybreak aa-
The commission of three Spanish offl-
-cers which entered the insurgent lines
av fortnight ago to make a final attempt
to arrange for the release of the Span
-tab prisoners has not returned. Their
long absence has occasioned alarm.
But report come to Manila that they
were received by Aguinaldo at Tarlac
and entertained hospitably. It is said
that Aguinaldo gave a banquet in their
honor, all the leading families of the
rebel leaders present attending, hence
the Spaniards in Manila hope that the
mission of the commissioners will be
General Ovens bine Is in the hospital
offering with fever.
General Grant is commanding his
troops on the south line. ,
"Washington. (Special.) A statement
prepared in the office of the adjutant
general of the army shows that with
the deparutre of the Pennsylvania from
San rFancisco about 3,500 reinforce
ments were dispatched to the Philip
pines this week. These troops are car
lied on the transports Zealandta, Sher
idan, Valencia and Pennsylvania, and
Include fifty-nine officers and 3,444 en
listed men. About half of the troops are
recruits intended to fill gaps In the
regiments in the Philippines caused by
deaths, disabilities and discharges.
There are about 3,000 recruits at San
Francisco, which are also intended to
recruit the regular regiments in the
Philippines up to their maximum
strength of 128 men to a company. In
cluding the Nineteenth Infantry, under
orders for Manila, and troops at San
Francisco, there are 4,000 ready to start
for Manila as soon as transportation
u be provided.
The war department is awaiting ad-
vVe9 from General Otis before proceed
"tag actively with the enlistment of
" Tottwiteers under the recent decision of
the administration to organize nine
regiments of three battalions each, in
cluding the three skeleton regiments In
the PbJUvptaes. amounting in all to
.about 10,000 Tolnnteers.
Everything is in readiness for the
''proposed increase In the army and the
entire machinery of enlistment and or
; gsmtxation can be put into operation at
-.a moment's notice. The necessary or
ders will be given as soon as the in
formation desired from General Otis Is
TLondon. (Special.) Admiral Dewey
win sand in Europe at Trieste, an Aus
"trisn iport, at the head of the Adriatic
This win be the first port in Europe
' that America's naval hero will touch.
It is stated on the highest authority
r that Admiral Dewey's health has shown
no appreciable Impravement since leav
v fog Manila and acting under medical
: advice he will take a complete rest for
some time in Austrian Tyrol before re-
gaming his Journey home.. His health
unfortunately so far is so indifferent
that he could not safely face the fatigue
of the reception awaiting him, but when
Junerlcans in Europe learn his intention
to land at Trieste, crowds of them will
ock there to welcome him.
Washington, D. C (Special.) The
mr department Is in receipt of the fol
lowing dispatch:
"San Francisco, June 29. Adjutant
General, Washington: Transport Valen
tal eft yesterday evening with head-
Quarters, band, troops B and M, Tenth
avalry, seven officers, 145 men, 200
- rounds carbine, 120 rounds pistol am--munition
per man, one assistant sur-
one acting assistant surgeon, six
hospital corps.
"SHAFTBR, Commanding."
SX. Paul, Minn. Governor Llnd re-
ssjurt from Lieutenant Colonel Fried -
tefc st aMsila s cablegram stating that
- ClM effective strength of the Thirteenth
ThjimnH volunteers was now MO. Of
iUh total msmbershtp 1M men were
but not seriously. The regiment
r ovtpost duty on the railroad.
Is no deunite laformatlon thers
0, C The first orders
today- for recruiting the
ssthoruung the
of SSvNv sssa. Tk order
ssB.fsr the
ta Om rUHp-
tersfcsea la.
wfesCis snder-
- ""'- tsf-sr
r .... L. - .
Cyclist Follows an Engine Ons Mils
In Less Than a Minute.
New York. (Special) Charles M.
Murphy of the Kings County Wheelmen
rode a mile on a bicycle, paced by a
locomotive, in 57 4-5 seconds. His course
was a two-mile board track on a siding
of the Long Island railroad. Murphy
followed an engine and a day coach,
the latter being provided with a hood
which acted as a wind shield for the
rider. The board track was laid near
Maywood, L. I., and extended from that
station two miles east, and was as near
ly perfectly level as skill could make it
Fully 3.000 people saw Murphy make
his daring ride.
Engineer Sam Booth had his hand on
the throttle of engine 74 when the word
was given to start at 5:10. The engine
started at a rapid rate, and before 400
yards had been traversed was running
at a rate of more than fifty miles n
hour. Murphy was keeping well within
the hood.
As they neared the beginning of the
mile stretch the pace was a mile a min
ute and clouds of dust obscured the
rider from the view of spectators who
lined the banks on either side. Enter
ing on the space which would test his
speed. Murphy, in reply to a query,
shouted, "I'm all right; send her along,"
but there was no necessity for his re
marks regarding speed, as the engineer J
was sending the big steam flyer along
at top speed.
The quarter was reached in 15 sec-
ons and the half in 292-5. The timers
for the three-quarters were Messrs.
Bleges and Stoll, the former registering
44 and the latter 43 4-5.
At the finish two of the watches
showed 57 4-5, one 57 3-5, another 58
and the fifth 5714, which was held by
Sheriff Creamer. The timers agreed
that Murphy covered the distance in
57 4-5.
Those on the back platform who
watched Murphy all through his won
derful ride stated that the rider's han
dlebar had knocked against the rubber
buffer at least six times, and each time
the concussion send him back six feet.
but Murphy always had strength to re
gain this. During the last quarter the
rider covered the ground fully a wheel
length outside the hood, but as he
passed the finish he was close up. Just
then two strong men on board the train
reached down and seized the rider by
either arm and lifted him aboard the
car in safety. Their action undoubtedly
saved Murphy's life, because he was
then In such a weak condition that had
he been allowed to remain on the wheel
he would have been unable to control
It and a serious, if not fatal, accident
might have happened.
Murphy was carried to the front part
of the car and laid on a cot, where a
physician administered to him and in
less than five minutes the cyclist was
able to converse with those around him.
Murphy seemed dazed at first and said
In answer to queries as to why he fell
back so many times: "I did that so that
might not come In contact with the
planks that were being torn up In front
of me."
Later on he did not refer to this, but
said continually: "Boys, I always felt
that I could do this. Now that I have
done It I am satisfied and so are many
Before the train had reached Babylon j
Murphy had gained his normal condi
Murphy rode a 28-Inch wheel, geared
to 120, 6-inch cranks, and the weight
of the machine was 20 pounds.
Killed by a Bomb.
Shenandoah, la. (Special.) At 5:30
o'clock this morning Dr. George O. Cog
ley, a prominent dentist of this place,
was fatally injured by the bursting of
gaspipe bomb that had been made
for killing fish. Dr. Cogley, in company
with Dr. Perkins and Fred Perkins, all
of this place, had gone to the Nishna
botna river, near Farragut, for the pur
pose of fishing, and had exploded a
number of bombs in the river without
visible effect. It was then determined
to fire the last one on the bank In
order to note Its effect on the earth. The
bombs were being exploded by means of
an electric battery, and Dr. Cogley
picked up the bomb and carried it un
der his left arm, taking in his right
hand the other end of the wire that
connected with the bomb for exploding.
In placing the bomb on the ground con
nection was made with the live wire
and a tremendous explosion followed.
The left arm of the doctor was torn al
most to pieces and a great hole in his
left side penetrated the abdominal cav
ity. Dr. Perkins was also injured by
flyln bits of iron, one piece penetrating
an eye, which endangers its sight. Help
was summoned at once and Dr. Cogley
taken to a farm bouse nearby and doc
tors and his relatives summoned. The
wounded man lived until 1 o'clock,
when he died. The dead man was a
prominent Knight of Pythias, being
chancellor commander of the local or
der. He was also a member of the
Modern Woodmen and carried $1,000 In
surance. He leaves s wife and two
The Russian government, which pro
poses to spend $50,000,000 for new field
guns during the next two years, has
arranged for an elaborate test of wea
pons of this clsss st Bt. Petersburg In
Austtst nest. In this competition a
number of leading American gunmsker
will be represented, and the 'results
should furnish a fair and reliable Indi
cation of the relative value of our arms
ss compared with those of other na
President Flnley of Knox college, st
Oaleeburg. 111., has accepted the editor
ship of Harper's MagaMn at a salary
of about tit, a year. He has enfoyed
the distinction of being the youngest
aollege president to the country, and at
least three other universities have re-e-atly
bees miking his services. Mr.
Hairs was one of the ooUsgs elaas
matss of ft. ft. MeClsre. and this is ons
sf the cKaags fsuowtn oa the aiMaaee
of Urn Uarssr aa MoClur
r.::.:E. dkyfus' views
Has Faith In Her Country and Doss
Not Believe Injustice will Be
Dons to the Prisoner.
Rennes, France. (Special.) "Have
you any idea of the attitude of the
members of the new court-martial?" 1
asked Mme. Dreyfus on her way from
Paris to this place.
"No," she answered; "nor do I care
i to know it. So many principles are In
volved that the fate of one man Is quite
secondary. My comfort Is that this
trial is to be public They would not
dare to do an injustice. The whole
country will be the Jury. I leave the
fate of my husband not to the court
martial, but to the country."
On the advice of M. Havet, member
of the Institute, who accompanied Mme.
Dreyfus, I met their train at Ver
sailles. I was invited into their com
partment and traveled in their company
as far as Cbartres. Mme. Dreyfus looks
to be 30 years old. She is a rather
handsome brunette, pale, sad, but
brave, no moan, nor tear from her. She
was dressed elegantly but simply in
mournig, which she has worn since her
husband's condemnation.
1 "Was your husband the victim of a
conspiracy?" I asked Mme. Dreyfus.
"No," she answered. "Why a conspir
acy? Mistakes were committed In good
faith at first. Then arose a desire to
hide these blunders from the public be
cause of the attackB on the army that
would surely rise out of them."
"Yes," Mme. Dreyfus said, in answer
to another question, "It has been un
fortunate that the anti-military party
has used my husband's case as a wea
pon and hs fought us. .Thus Justice
has been delayed, for the military party
was driven to defend itself by fair
means or foul."
"You must be bitter against your hus
band's enemies," the correspondent sug
gested. "I have not hatred for any one,"Mme.
Dreyfus said; but she added: "Except
for Esterhazy and Lebon, the former
minister tif the colonies, whose orders
were unnecessarily cruel to my hus
band. I shall never forgive Lebon for
Bending him to that torturing island.
"But you are happy today?" '
"Happy? Yes. It scarcely seems true
that the day has come at lost for which
I have waited so long, for which I have
endured such long periods of despair
"And you are confident of his acquit
tal ?"
"Yes. For now there is nothing left
against my husband. For what could
they punish him? Yet my heart will
be uneasy until he Is acquitted. For are
there not officers who still InBUlt Lrey
t us, who still foam at the mouth at the
mere mention of his name, despite all
the proofs of his Innocence? "
"when your husband is set right oe-
fore the world will he leave France?"
No; he will not leave France." an
swered Mme. Dreyfus with decision
Captain Dreyfus has no reason to hide
himself. He owes it to himself and to
his children to live right In France and
here he will live with his head erect.
You have never doubted his Inno
cence T
'Never, never!.
'Pardon, but if there should be a new
condemnation ?"
I would fight It for five years, for
ten years, for all my life," exclaimed
the truegt woman of this tragedy, "for I
know he is innocent." And she added
Joyously, "I shall be allowed to see him
immediately on his arrival. Permis
sion was granted to me a week ago.
Arriving here Mme. Dreyfus was met
by some relatives, a hundred Journal
lsts and 300 citizens, among whom were
sprinkled many police. There was re
spectful silence. All the men raised
their hats as she alighted from the
train and passed out of the station.
The house she occupies Is constantly
guarded by four mounted gendarmes,
but her presence has excited no mani
festation of any kind. She has received
thousands of telegrams and baskets of
flowers come to her by every train.
Paris. (Special) It is persistently ru
mored here that Captain Dreyfus land
ed )at evening from the cruiser St ax,
Captain Cofflnleres de Nordeck, at
I'Orient, and Immediately proceeded to
Rennes. As the telegraph offices are
closed it Is impossible to verify this re
port. It Is also said that the government
has advices from the Azores when the
Bfax passed Fayal that the health of
Dreyfus was precarious. This Is held
In Me quarters as explaining the anx
iety to prevent the public from seeing
The Parisian public is rather listless
about his arrival, and there Is no en
thusiasm at Rennes, where torrents of
rain are falling. The station is full of
reporters, waiting the coming of the
The prohibition upon the Importation
of horses from Turkey has been re
moved. In Milwaukee Jack Hammond of De
troit fought Bod Douglas of St. Louis
ix rounds to a draw.
United States Consul Skinner at Mar
seilles reports grasshoppers threaten to
destroy the standing crop In Algeria.
The United States cruiser Boston, the
first of the Asiatic squadron to San
Francisco, Is expected to strive there
within ten days.
Three carloads of Christian Endear
orers left San Francisco over the South
ern Pacific route for Detroit, where the
convention of Endeavorers takes place.
United States Marshal Bhoup of
Alaska will Investigate the death of the
passengers of the steamer Jessie, to die
cover whether they perished In the
wreck of their vessel or whether they
were massacred by the Alaskan Indians
one year ago on the Kuskoklm river.
Washington, D. C Secretary Long
nas signed an order designating Cap
tain H. C, Taylor to command the
North Atlantic sauadron during the
month'! leave of absence of Admiral
Sampson, which will begin tarty next
Halifax. N. ft.-Tbs British first -clam
cruiser. Indefatigable, ons of the finest
cruisers or the North American squad
ron, will leave hers July I for New
foundland. It Is no doubt the laten-
Uon of the naval authorities to attack
It to the Beet perfurailns Oakery nre-
tseUoa service oa that coast
Tram Cars Turned Into Bsrrloadas
and Riot Prevails.
Brussels. (Special.) The liberals, be
ing In a hopeless minority In parlla
ment, abandoned the idea of fighting
the electoral reform bill by parliamen
tary methods and started a campaign
of obstruction. The city wore a com
pletely revolutionary aspect. Tram
cars were overturned and used as bar
ricades. The commander of the civil
guard asked to be supplied with 15,000
cartridges, treet lamps were smashed,
the rioters pricked the horses of the
gendarmerie with needles and many of
the animals fell with their riders. Sev
eral inoffensive onlookers were Injured
by the swords of the police. It Is ru
mored that there are some women and
children among these.
The scenes In the chamber quite beg
gar description. M. Van Denperboon
was dubbed "murderer," "bandit" and
"minister of civil war" by the socialists,
who declared that they would appeal
to the king.
In a riot during the afternoon shots
were fired by both sides Three persons
were wounded and a police officer was
severely stabbed with a shoemaker's
knife. The rioters on being dispersed
assembled at another point. A large
crowd gathered on the Rle Royale, tear
ing up the paving stones and using
them as missiles. Finally the civic
a party of conferes, has been making
guard was ordered out to relieve the
police. Despite the efforts to suppress
the disturbances riallng continued to
a late hour, many persons being in
jured. A tramway conductor received
two bullet wounds. Ultimately the
troops wer called and thlrty-flve arrests
were made, many of those taken into
custody being in possession of revolvers.
The public prosecutor and his entire
staff remain on permanent duty at the
hotel de vllle. It Is rumored that one
man who was wounded has since died
at the hospital.
Investigation Is Being Made
Ascertain the Truth.
Chicago, III. (Special.) Dean C. Wor
cester, member of the Philippine com
mission, has cabled the Times-Herald,
denying reports that Philippine prison
ers were shot by American officers.
This was In response to Inquiries sent
by H. H. Kohlsaat as follows:
"Worcester, Manila: Charles Brenner,
Minneapolis, Kas., writes home: 'Com
pany I had four prisoners, and did not
know what to do with them. They
asked Captain Bishop what to do. He
sold, "You know your orders," and four
natives fell dead.' Cable the truth.
Commissioner Worcester's answer
"Kohlf-aat, Editor Times-Herald. Chi
cago: The original statement of Bren
ner Is untrue. Brenner's charge was
promptly Investigated by the military
authorities here. No facts were ascer
tained to support the charge at the
time of the first inquiry, but the inves
tigation has been renewed, and is he
rb g prosecuted vigorously and exten
sively, - This investigation has not yet
been completed. Brenner's charge has
some semblance of truth, for the reason
that It Is now believed that two prls
Jtiers were shot In the heat of battle
refusing to pass to the rear wfctn
I V (Ip red to do so.
TTiis matter is being probed to the
bottom. It is an isolated case. The in
habitants of the towns recently cap
tured had been maltreated, robbed and
tin destitute by the insurgents.
"The natives rejoice at the arrival of
the American troops, who neither burn
their homes nor loot their property, and
who feed the hungry. The Inhabitants
are resuming their ordinary occupations
and are ready to co-operate with us.
"The wounded insurgents are brought
to Manila, where they receive the same
care and attention as our own wound
Uncle Sam Has Fifty-five Million
Acres of New Land.
Chicago, III. (Special.) William Al
den Doyle of San Francisco, special
agent of the land office, who has Just
finished an official tour of the Philip
pine and Hawaiian Islands, arrived in
Chicago from the west. With reference
to the settlement of the United States
colonial possessions acquired by annex
ation and as a result of the war with
Spain, he said:
'As a result of spoils of war and an
nexation, the United States govern
ment possesses about 55,000,000 acres of
additional land as its public domain.
distributed in various Islands. The bulk
of this tropical land in which there is
no private title will be settled by citi
zens and subjects of the United States
through a homestead scheme which
must be especially devised In the near
"The standing homestead laws are not
applicable, and a new act will have to
be passed by congress. To encourage
colonization, the usual period of five
years during which the land must be
cultivated and improved before the re
ceipt of title may be reduced to four or
even three years. American negroes
will be encouraged to take homesteads
n localities where natives will U-arn
learn our methods of agriculture. Con
gress will have to determine how large
a slice of land can be given to one man
Politicians Beslsgs the War Depart
Washington, D. C (Special.) The
first volunteers to be raised for service
In the Philippines will be those for the
skeleton regiments now being formed
by General Otis, It Is not believed there
will be the least difficulty In obtaining
these men. It Is probable that some
time will elapse before the troops of the
provisional army are sent to Manila
but meanwhile they will be drilled and
taught marksmanship In camo. It la
estimated mat three months are re
quired to make soldiers of recruits. The
omcrrs or tne war department think
in i a number of volunteers now com
ing home will desire to return to the
Philippines for a short service, after
they have had an opportunity to see
noow ana rnenas. These men are re
garded as the most desirable for the
regunenu being organised by General
It Is learned at the war department
Maimers is no rusn to get the new
orgaMiatlons to General Otis at the
present time, the rainy mason having
set It sad It ia not believed that these
troops will be niomarr for service as.
ospt to relieve those who bars beta on
otlst datr.
Declares That the United Statsa Is
Now Under a Most Contempt
ible Dictatorship.
Buffalo, N.Y. (Special.) The Nation
al Social and Political conference re
sumed its session to dlscups non-parti
san efforts in political reform. The
subject Is divided into eight subdi
visions expansion and militarism, per
manent Internal tribunal, proportional
representation, recall or Imperative
mandate, single tax, non-partisan tem
Derance and organized labor. Each
speaker was limited to ten minutes,
with twenty minutes for discussion un
der the three-minute rule.
Rev. H. W. Thomas of Chicago pre
sided and discussed "Expansion and
Militarism." Mr. Thomas was one of
the first to espouse the cause of the
Cubans. In speaking of the war in tne
Philippines he declared It the saddest
thing in the history of the United
States. As militarism tends to despot
ism, he opposed It, believing that indus
trialism means democracy and the pres
ervation of the liberties of the people
Durlnir Dr. Thomas' remarks not a
syllable of applause reeted Admiral
Deway's name.
William J. Ghent of New York took
the opposite side of the question and
declared that popular sympathy was
with the government
"When it is possible," said Mr. Ghent,
"for a man to mention the magnificent
victory of Dewey, without the loss of
a man or ship, and to speak of the
great victory at Santiago, where not a
ship was lost, and only one life was
lost when this Is possible In this coun
try without a single sign of applause,
I say to you that It simply Illustrates
the impotence of the body befpre which
the remarks are made."
Prof. George D. Herron of Iowa col
lege declared:
"We are living in this country today
under a military dictatorship of the
moet contemptible kind. This Is an
illegal war, and we are being gov
erned without a constitution in Amer
ica today. We are In that same period
from which the Roman republic passed
to the reign of the Caesars, who were
simply chiefs of police for the property
classes. "
His remarks caused a sensation. Minn
Luclnda B. Chandler of Chicago put In
an earnest plea for the t-xpanslon ol
love of liberty in the hearts of the peo
ple as a safeguard against-militarism.
Frank J. Stevens characterized the
wax In the Philippines as "murder of
the people, murder of the love of free
dom and of our fellowmen."
Prof. Richard T. Ely of CambridneJ
Mass., speaking . on Co-operation,
brought out the fact that the British
co-oiwratlve societies In one year di
vided profits amounting to $33,500,000
The Scottish and English societies
owned among other things eight steam
J. R. Sovereign, former head of the
Knihts of Labor, discussed organized
labor. He said that while there was
craft selfishness in some labor or
ganlzations. and while all were not ir-
fect as a whole, organized labor
doing much good.
The various subjects of the day
were then discussed In three-minute
speeches, after which the conference
adjourned until evening.
Pretty Chicago Woman Parades a
Family Skeleton.
Cheyenne. (Special.) A sensational
divorce suit waa begun In the district
court here. The plaintiff Is Cora M.
Bristow a pretty woman of about 25,
who seeks to obtain a divorce from
Nicolas Brlstow, her husband, a prac
ticlng lawyer of Chicago. The parties
to the suit are wealthy and the case hag
been before the courts In various phases
for some time.
Mrs. Brlstow the principal witness,
was on the stand. She testified that her
buHband had failed to support her and
was cruel In his conduct. When they
were married he was a drug clerk and
was afterwards admitted to the bar.
None of his earnings went to the sup
port of his household. Her father and
mother supported her and her child,
and she did not know what Brlstow
did with his income. She testified that
her husband ordered her out of the
house and applied Indecent names to
her; that he tried to et her to commit
suicide and attempted to force her to
commit abortion.
Mr. Brlstow denies the charges and
brings counter charges against his wife,
claiming that she was unduly familiar
with several men of prominence In Chi
cago. Mr. Brlstow has begun suit In
the Chicago courts for $76,000 damages
against the parents of Mrs. Mristow on
the grounds that they alienated the af
fections of his wife. Considerable no
toriety waa given the principals In the
case about a year ago by an attempt
on the part of the defendant to kidnap
his little daughter, who waa In charge
of his wife.
Mrs. Bouthworth Dssd.
Washington, D. C (Special.) Mr
Emma D. E. N, Bouthworth, the author-
em, died at her residence In this city at
l:J0 o clock Friday night, after an III
nese of several weeks. About a month
ago Mrs. Bouthworth was prostrated by
the beat and the Infirmity of advanced
age, she being In her seventy-ninth
year, rendering her unable to recuper
ate from the attack. She grew rapidly
worse until a few days since, when It
waa seen death was Inevitable. She
was attended by her son, Dr. South-
She had lived for many rear a re-
tired life In a picturesque mansion of
the old-fashioned type, located on a
!!U J2Lw,t WMhlnton, overlooking
Undo Sam's Receipts and Expen
diture For the Vaar.
Washington, D. C.(Pclal.) Gov
ernment revenues for the fiscal year
ending this day, today's receipt esti
mated, foot up to $615.(00.000 from Inter
nal revenue and $.5Z3.000 from "mis
cellaneous." The secretar yof the treas
ury. In his report to congress, estimated
the receipts of the year at $485,000,000,
classified thus: Customs. $195,000,000; in
ternal revenue, $270,900,000; miscellane
ous, $20,000,000.
An enlarged volume If Imports and a
closer administration of the appraiser's
office at New York accounts for the In
crease In customs receipts and receipts
of $12,000,000 In partial payment of Cen
tral Pacific Indebtedness for the In
crease under the "miscellaneous" head.
slihtly In excess of estimates.
Expenditures for the year will be
very close to $405,000,000 and the deficit
about $39,500,000, or $27,500,000 less than
Mr. Gage's estimates. It Is due to say.
however, that the secretary's estimates
were based on the theory that military
expenditures might be kept upon a war
footing to the end of the year. It was
deemed best to make provisions In the
budget for high pressure expenditures
In that quarter. Figures for April, May
and June show a falling off of about
$15,000,000 in the army and $7,000,000 for
the navy, which Is back to about nor
mal. t
No further contraction In army ex
penditures Is looked for. Indeed, It will
be safe to count on an Increase In that
direction on account of the call for
more troops.
The army cost $229,000,000 and the
nevy $ft4,7O0,000 for a year, a total of
$293,700,000, $150,000 for the fiscal year
1897-98. A considerable part of the $50,
defense fund voted by congress had
been expended prior to the 30th of June,
1S9S, and appears In the record of last
year. Previous to the Spanish-Ameri
can war the normal cost of maintaining
the army and navy was $W,000,000.
The foregoing figures do not Include
the business of the postofTiee depart
ment, which runs about $105,000,000 this
Miles Guest of Labor.
Plttuburg, Pa. (Special.) Major Gen-
eral Nelson A. Miles, who Is In the city
as the guest of "all organized labor,"
had a busy time today sightseeing. hold
ing receptions and holding meetings.
In the morning the general was taken
through the Homestead armor plate
works and other mills. In the afternoon
he held a public reception and In the
evening he addressed two large meet
ings in the Grand opera house and Ave
nue theater. Preceding the evening en
tertainment General Mile was escorted
through the principal streets by several
military organizations. The route of
parade wan lined by thousands of peo
ple anxious to see and cheer the dis
tinguished guest.
Native King Keeps Faith.
San Franclscofi Cal. (Special.) From
Honolulu cornea the news of the mar
riage of King George of the Tonga isl
and group to Princess Lavlnla. The
majority of the people of the Inlands
wished, him to marry Princess Ofa, and
several meetings of dignitaries were
held with a view to trying to Induce
King George to change his mind, but
to every communication the king re
plied that Lavlnla was his choice, and
that if he could not marry her he would
not marry at all. The jieople reluctant
ly consented and the wedding took plac
June 1 tn the church. Ilev. J. B. Wat
kins, the king's chaplain, tied the knot.
The church was densely crowded with
Tonga n.
An Asphalt Combine.
Philadelphia, Pa. (Special.) The As
phalt Company of America has Just
been Incorporated In New Jersey with
a capital of $30,000,000, "The corpora
tion," said George A, llahn, one of tha
Incorporators, "has been formed to con
trol the sale of asphalt In the United
States. It will have charge of the en
tire output of Trinidad asphalt, and
whatever other natural beds can be
obtained. In this way we expect to
control all the asphalt In the world.
We shall absorb a great many smaller
companies In this country. The main ,
business of the concern will be car-'
ried on In Philadelphia."
Takes a Hopeful View.
Chicago, Ill.HpeclaJ.)-General Har-
rlBon Grey Otis of Los Angeles, Cal..
who was with the Eighth army corps at
Manna, and who saw nearly a year's
fighting around that city, arrived In
Chicago last night enroute for Wash
ington. He will remain In the city a
day before proceeding eastward. Ilia
visit to Washington will mark his mus
ter out of the volunteer service. Gen
eral Otis discussed the situation In the
Philippines at considerable length and
took tha hopeful view that with the
additional troops to be furnished the
war would be terminated before the
next rainy season.
A comparison of the earnings of men
and women In the state of New Tork
hows that 9.2 per cent of them earned
between $50 and $115 In the quarter,
while 37. per cent earned between $78
and $100; the number that earned more
than $159 In the quarter (equivalent to
$2 a day) was Insignificant. On the
other hand, more than one-half of the
men earned more than $150 each.
The National Tube works company
has juat completed the shipment to
New Tork of a large consignment of
South Africa. It Is of the lapweld make
and twenty-elght Inches In dameterT
Tub Works oompanr
celvtd the contract In rmn-im.. i.t.
rwmac ana us mil of Virginia.