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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
I- The Journal; ioux I "VOL. 2CE. EE-IISOZSr, 3STE1BE,A.S5CA., THURSDAY, CTCJLIT 6,1899. Onr Mtto---'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNT'l, IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Bo"- William J. Bryan. IsTO. 50. -'I County The Sioux County Journal. fgTAWJ?IIED 18SS. Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. Geo. D. Caiioo, - . Alitor. Kntered at tlie Harrison jot ortlce as eecoud class matter. Pome -mention is tnude of Arthur P, Gorman of Maryland as the most available candidate of the democrat party in 1900.' About the only ones to Hii;jgesf, Mr, Gorman for thu Democratic candidate are such republican leaders as Mark Hanua, Ouunry Depew, ex-vnator Carter of Montana, Perry Belmont , and I'ierpoint Mor gan, and Awos Ctimniinfjs who is the only regular democrat. It will quite readily be get-n that the thought, is Father to the wwli of lite uWistnt. The vary fact of tlM J-.Htions coining the samite they da are suMldet t reasons why Mr. Gorman will not be Rerioulv considered by the national IX mocratic convention next year. Two democratic f-tale convention, so far thin year have b-cn held, nnci in Per. neylvania and the other in Kentucky. Doth conventions declared almost onam-mou-dy for Hon. W. J. Bryan for presidental candidate in lliOO find the free and unlimited coinajjeof both gold and silver at the legal ratio of 18 to 1. Thus., it's plain to ant bode who' keep posted, rela'.ive to the politics of the ilemocrutiu party lhat their next N ttional convention will make the financial iwu of ISM the pr'.r. -cipal i"ie of 19C0. Of c nirse, strop. iK.'A,urp v. ill lie incorporated into the platform against truBts, militaryimu forei,'ij ex ansion and against High Protection, the old she trust. ""Not wifhiitandin r all the republican leaders are teiliutr, the people that Bryan and free silver is dead, it it more alive today than it was in lt-U i and dtmt you for get it. Co m ui i .-as i o n e r.s Pr o c (( I i n s . Harrison, Sen., June I9, Board of eoiinty Commissioners met la regular session. Present eommtr.sloiier Heng, Procunier and Rohwer and Clerk. On motion tlie county Treasurer is hereby ordered and Instructed to transfer the fol lowing sums from the Bridge of 13n9 io Bridge fund of 18K7 JUS From road fund IhW to Road fund JOT $ S7 ' " 1KK) " " " " im " " " ' " 1 ' " ItA ' " im " " ' .- Bridge ' IM "General" 10 i .. .. JMK) 1H91 im im m& KHS 147 liM mn iw.s If -i3 I'M Wjh I-'. S 17 1 18-W 1'3 1.94 3.20 1.60 4 40 fl.76 1.78 2.01 1.W U.17 2l,i)3 SjO.IiO 3I..-0 45.-r. 40.00 to.. 65.,'0 .) wu runts to the amount of 85 per cent said Minn or warrants tor I7,4ue,49 Therefore be : renolved that the I'oDowinK lteni in cl l ied in the entimate of expense for the y: t M99 viz: District court exmne, aal rie tatlunary, Printing and ruMUhin, In .'.entitl expenses, Iustltute, Jiane and pi, j- fund and ofHeem faeu he reduced to eoir:e within the limits of 9 mills on the dol. lm f the total aMeed valuation of felout ecaaty for tin year W39. Da mot!ou the Board took a receBU till Jcly 17th le99. M. J. BI.EWKTI Clerk. j Treaurer,i Statement. tr itement of money reeetvd and dintiu ru ed i y the 'Irnasurer of Hioux county, Ne Uw ki, from the 4th d:iyuf January, IM, to le 1st day of July, IH'.'J. SI ATI: Kl.SDS. Balt-.nce $ ,W'3 9'.i iV.exfioiis . l,uio'jQ iiKl M..ite i renjiurer... ji.w-'pi 4 BON TON RESTAURANT. P. B. EIGELOW, Prop., Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, iFigs, Cakes, Pies, Bread, Stationary ?etc. CouiuilirfJSiona.. - ilolHllfU-. 13.11 Sill S7 .. .. ,. i,lS7 .. .. " " i)jj " ' ' 1;.j) Un motion Boaid udjourned to meet !m mediiitelv nfter ndjourulng as a board of epiiizatjon. ii. J. Bl.KWF.rT. clerk. ' COt'N'TY CKNKH4I. H'Mli nee 7'l HI iretioitN . Z,t4 "4 It, I jCrf'ii'-e 'Va'.IttUtu Redueuieil JuitlilJlaiOil -Ifl-jS li . I 4,4jS 19 3. A ,Mt 0. 5fA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thin? Sold at Living Prices. POST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, "b. How our Citizens Spent the Fourth, i'l-oiwiiing-i if titn Board of L'tjitaK zatimi. (ConUnued Iioia lnt week.) liarrl on Nrbr. June Ut lufO. Itoerd or eipializition met pursuant to ailjonrntnenl. 1'iesiiit eommlmloaer eng j rot'uniei. Hol.wer ami clerk. hoard foune tlm nveracre usswwoai i;r head lit cattle In Hi - cotl.ity to lie ' x"'' Hie iiveraKB . nea' rier nnao la ti'.e tc tons preuiuels to he as fo Iowa. Iiui ii --4.l AiM!0- i A eel re w 4. oLioawooa u..t Hut creek 0 Moui " HuntuK Witter lO.i.'O Snake creek KM sng:r Utat 6.M VJii.tle ereeic IW nn,t)Oanet 4 m h uiw iuibi . VUIhj of lkruoii 5.5y. Hu found that in order to equalize the awcMiimnt on eatllo in the coanty the foll owing change in the various preciDet nsro ne'-ery aurt u ordered Andre raised .. ,',".mol 8,5s8 01 sui.rur.n.s itiii.iKF f i :,'iJ. Bjt'aiiee ,- isoks I - C 'i f KIlUliiOU;, 4 M ; lialauoe M S6 J.W.SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles Sc. Send in your pairing, and and Shoe re- first class job is CorNfY KO.VI) FC ll'.i.lnaee to lection. iornratiwlous.. M 10 .ilia, 47 49 'talaaee- Antelope Uowen Cottoawood Hat t.reck .Montroio Runninu Water Snake ereck j fnar loaf WhUtleKeek Wfci'vows-et pur i . " " '47 .9 .15 ' .21 reduced M per Mi per raised .'ii per " .15 per .,. ,48 M!jr . .7 per cent Tuesday wuh without doubt nil ideal day, being pleasant, and above all cool a day Reeiti.ngly Hiiulo to ordee and one that was enjoyed by every body who took advantage of the day for an outing and an abound (jeoil time and few there were in tin metropili of Sioux county who did not lay aside every care and busi ness activity and bin themselves away to different places in tlie county where the day was p:Ur:o!'.-aHy celebrated fionurc;g tlie day wtisch commoiatei the hirtSway of tlie first rtipuUic on eartli and moie tian thai tb'j iuot librl tiie inobt f atfiot ic and wi m tho molt powerful. A niaj-.ritr of tii citisen: of vur U-wa went to f-'.prinr; cretk about six miles from town a beautiful f.Suco baUd on hr. I'lunnej's ranch, where we understand all enjoyed tbeioK.lves in opto date style returning h6m curly in the evening - Q iiwa a nnhiber, lift did not go to Spring creek went out to Nolan's ranch, .p?rhapl.i triiles north of Harrison where hundreds of people went and gathered mil mmt the dar fn mrio'i w-vs enjoy ii Mmiwi. -.., :. '-. -.-"- ' i-, a l T'1i. :.. il..!itfoi,il tl.. f.r.ali.11 nflpr which fni!lip fl nil White Kivcr rro.. s.k, ... ,v. . - - Vlllttlf0 ()f ,r,,rrUon rat.ed a; per cent croiifW ot lamuies r ;i'.reu to no ou suiuv un,-u.a ,,,.,.. i.,,,ni adlourued till 8 a. m. ired for the occasion. Dinner being over, the platform which had been prepar- June mi mK ed for those who enjoved the light fanlKlie was soon lilkd by couples and danc- Jnif commenced in nrne4 tiiuiic being furnish' d by 3U-sis Petty and Woodruff, Mr. Frl Ou A o!ayin tie acnomp tnim on Uh origin. It must be said, with credit to Mr. and Mr. Nolan, that everything wai dore !.;, r,rf i mtiLr.. tl.rtle rrirei and neiL'hbori en iov themselves they did to the '(jueeiis taste. 47 40 COOT IlhtUGK ftrsi). ioo.ia 8j a 7 m 47 40 cent Mil I IS .nee . 5 ;:3 Cc ectionK - 849 00 1 ii .'.nee I'S SO . Warrant rcdoeiuel '-Train, (erred .oinniWion i !W2il 4, SPECIAL DKBT FUMft. '' lJjnen 340 08 i '.elin.s -VfftrrsntB Kedeeiued I'oaiuiiM-iiony - balance 62 M 400 70 UliAD DISTIUCT FUNDS. it Si 8)025 Ml 2'2 018 29 im 81 8 8B guaranteed. - FINE WORK A SPECIALTY STRICTLY CASH: NO EXCEPTIONS. OUR CLUBBING LIST- The Sioux County Jouknal and Journal of Aoeiculturk 1 Year, - $1.7 " ' " " ' " Twice-A-week World-Herald " - 1.70 " " , . " " Thrice-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) " - 1.70 " " " SilvesKnioht Watchmn(D. C.) " - 1.75 " " " " " Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer, " - 1-51 h -i lS i! (' cU Kii i road) iMlQ: jf (POll) T Sti! 06 49 97 St2 07 vpi -TtTt ' j Kccrvotr Rcgulat'on. Toe dUpatchea from Wasbingtnn to ttio dailiee Tburnday oontainod a brief outline Of the reyulaliorw pi omuljjated by tbe interior department rcepeolingr tbe roseryoir filing. ad thene reeu lationis will be of vast Imporlanuo to the people of thin section we publbb the dispatch in full below: Commissioner Horman today issued reRulations under the law known an the cattle reiwrvolr site act, providins' or bnterint' land for the establishment of reservoirs for wawrlns cattle Many inquiries have been received and en trieu tendered in the local land offices id Nebraska for such si'ee, but they have been held up pending tho prepa ration of the rerulaMon. They pro tide that for 2.riO.W) tallonu a forty acre tract will bo give tho applicant. Eighty acres will be allowed for a roa crvoir from one-half to one million gal lon eanacitv: 120 aertu for from one million to one and yne-half million gal lon capacity, and for anytbint; larger J(S0 acres wtil bo patented: The reser voirs are to be free to all owner of rattlaand fencinir absolutely prohibit ed. Power U alno five!i to the officer to reject anv auilication that i not made in good faith and forntook-wator-Jng Durxe alone, Any uo ol a res ervoir for any other purpose alno sub- jecU tba entry xo cuneouai-iuu. It will oo readily eon that there Is jiot goinj to be such a "anao" in sceur- Inir land under this la aa some eeemed .to think, and It h more than likely that the filing rcade by many of tho He outfits will bo rejected, eiclally of those who have nobbled up whole invmhln in different parU of the utate. We bcllofe, however, that all the fillnjfs which have gone m from this county haye been made in good faith, as no attempt has boon mado to Uet a corner' on tin) land. North -tern Press. (.'on tent Xoticf. . I SITKH STATUS LAND O STICK, AI.I.UKCB, NRn., June 7, la'JO. M. J- Bi.eWett clerk. Itnrrnon Nebr Jane Karl lifflJ. I!on.rd of eauallzatiott met pursuant to a Journment. i'rrteu t CommliMloner Merig, jtoluioui , liohwer and dark. Board found the average assessment per acre of improved lamln in the county io be HO oeiiU and the average assessiaeati ol t.ha iium in the various precincts to be as fOllOWHi Andrew W cent a Bowwn '& " ItattYcek Hi " Kuninff water'i " Sugar Loaf SI " Warhonnet 75 " Antelope 7.1 cents Cottonwood !!5 ' Montrose 74 " 8aaku creek tsS " WhUtluCT:k"5 " White river 78 " Village of UnrriHon J1.O0. It was found that la order to cpUl.e tho asm'iNinent on uutinproved land lu thecoun A snCietent content nfttdavit navln? been m tiun olilee by Jav I . Neweollih, con te.iinit. uil.tinxt lioiuelead entry So. nmde Juiv 10. Iiii. tor K'i S-W, and '. M Li Section liiTovtnuhin.O. N. IIhuku hi West OV t.rl!ia l.uni'o i iinnw'ft uj wuioi iu. nilevnd that: ttin eialinniit.fc.ei aleindone t . , lite ame lor iare umn mm uimntH turn. ti isf and removed her rextdi-nce tliiirel'ioin aad aid tract. 1 not euitivat'-d nor luiprov en. iu ini"M- ".,. i ..... k i ,(, ...rloiia ore riear, reaeoii'l and offer evidence loueiimir I vy tnti im)"iii aid HlleKBtioii nt 10 o'elnek n. in., on July Cmct were necessary anil go ordered. S4. !KW.t. M-Iire T.J. o Keele, I . h. ( ouiini moniTat nis onien in (-ranroru, ffnnw and Unit hnai lieannK U1 lie held at I" o'clock a. in., ou July in, M'i, lifoi the K'KlsK'rand Keeein r, t the, 1 niled Stalen J.ttuil Ufhce la AiiiKiie, enraKa. The said contestant hnvinir. In a proper allliavlt, tiled Jnenii, jk-jii, h. -I, forth fact which hiw til it ut ter due diliifenee, peri anal service of the notice can not he iunde. It in lierebv orden-d and ii H eeled thst ueli notice le given by due mid projwrr puliliea- tion. Jr. M. HOMUIfOToit, reduced raised 10 .S 6 .1(1 .ti .0 par cent KcfflMter. WIHD MILLS. The undersiigned 3k ajjr- ent for tiie celebrated DaVII PiKADLKV, WlND MOTOIl, Improved Wind Milltf, tlie best made. 1 am also nrepared to furn is.h on short notice firnt class Pumps, Pipes, Wood & Steel Towers, Tanks or anything in the lin" of pump repairs, AT LOWEST PH1CES. Write' nie for estimates be fore contracting elnewhere. You will nave money by it. AdhuEnS-JOIIN 8. A811TOX, Aril more, 8. Dnk. Andrews Antnlop liowan " Cottonwood reduced Montrose rawed H ii n 1 11 1; water " Snakj ereelt reduced .Id ftunar Loaf " -5 " " Whistle C'reekrniBed .8 Warbonnet " '6 " " Wbltertver ' .5 ' " " VlllaKcof Harrison reduced S!0 per cent The RVerae asseiimicnt perai're on impro ved land In llat creek precinct beln? so near the county average there wan no change or dered In said precinct. Ou motion board adjourned till a. m Junein 1M. M. J. Mlewctt clerk fhi.nviu and Road over- i.'erH Iteeeiptu 'oinmtsilons . r.71 to SCHOOL DISTRICT FUNDS. V, Ut ice 2,950 40 Collections 1,912 : t:'j.v Seboct Blind Fund f 17 Uo Apportionment - S77 01 'twiers I'atcU C.'ommiaslons Jialance . m 70 16 51 4 011 SO IS 353 '10 674 )0 4,0W SO 10 12 1,4.1188 SCHOOL HO ND R 'Nnee. ttolleetlons To .School Funds -. Couponq Redeenird... Coniinlssions 8,504 81 FXSDS, ... flsflfil L'VB iti 0Wi SI ro 17 6;) 38 1,000 13 STOCK BRANDS. Tun Journal will publish your brand, like the following, for 2 :(I0, per year. Kach ad ditional brand 75 cents. tvery lanner or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties utioald advertise tueir brands ju Th Joub- KAI.. it clreui.iUs:, tCX Over the state. It may lie the means of savinn money for you. CHARLES BIEHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, ) On left ahoulder of horses. ) IhaiiKB on tho head ol Warbonnet rterenk . , Address Harrison, Sionx Co. Neb. ESTIMATE of EXPENSES. At a meeting of the Hoard of County Com missioners of Sioux eountr, Nebraska, held on the 11 day of January, 1899, the following estimate of expanses for the year 1800 was made : District Court Expenses 3,000 00 Roads and Bridges 3,000 00 Salaries 1,00000 Incidental : .. 2,-500 00 Stationary ,300 00 Printing and Publishing .. Officers Fees . Institute . .y ,600 00 -. ,700 00 .. ,100 00 ,siy) 00 iff.3M 1,913 Oft B'lWKN PUKCINCT COURT ItuCsF, BOND ' Fums. Halanee - 1,593 80 t.:0lnctlois 36OC0 Coinietssions.... t... lialaaee. . 25 10 4,0i'i3 Soldiers Kelief .Special Road District ,500 00 Total- It. J. Ill.EWKTT, C01 1 2,000 00 nty Clerk. CHARLES UMPHEHOUR The brand reprsented in this settee and branded any where oa laf t sisl of horses and Also the L L brand any wbere left side of cattle belonfs 1.9 tm iindersiued. .,1 Crf ai. Ur sr ov i. ' Harriaoa, Jiobrskt, CIIARLfiS NEWMAN. Tbe brand represented is this nottM and branded any where oa left slds of cattle, and over lap eat from tbe right ear. Also the same brand on left tbib of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Range near East Springs, south part lo Sioux county. Chaslis Newmah, , Farriaoa, Mebraskn. ; I'O. . S. W. CAREY. of cattle arlliorses. JSlKaiifreon Little Cottenwood. Crawford Nebr. lf SOTOn left shoulder and I'. O. FRANK NIITTO. On left sido of cattle and on left shoulder ol horses. Range on Antelope creek , Ghilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. AOITH WASTED FOR THE L1FK AND AehlsvemenU or Admiral Ilewey," the worlil's naval hero. Mnrst flalsUaul, the Jlfe-long friend nd art id I rer of the nation's, Idol. BlRKsat d bt boo k ; over fiOO pages ilOlncbes; nearly 100 pages halftone illust rations. Only HJW. Knormous demand. Bis; Commissions. Outfit free. Chance el a llf.tlme. Wrltequlek. The Dominion (Mm paey, Ird fJoor C ax ton III kg., Chiongo. . , JA- W,...j HUM ITlfttl-' K4 Ilarriton Neb. June 23 HiW. Board of cqulization met pursuant to ad- joiirninent. Present commissioner Aleng, rroennter, Hohwer and clerk. The Hoard fouml the total valuation of as sessable properly In the different precincts to tie toliovrs: Andrews., 17,1 17.00 Antelope 13.M4.O0 Bowen M.SHS.W Cottonwood 2?,2i9.00 Hat Creek U.W.'.'O Mon troso SS.S07 .00 Running water.. Oo.UO.00 Snake creek -.25,112.00 Sugar loaf 23,:.00 j. ,SI54 65 4,011 OS j . FUNDS OF VILLAGE flF ItARRIftON, j Helftnce 03 Wi Collections JiSM . '; Paid Vil'oge Treasurer.- 82 00 Commissions. .... 27 Commissions . 10 87 j Balance 165 ' 2-19 68 249 OH 1 fil'KCI Al. ItOAD DISTRICT FUNDS. $;laoce 143 31 Collections. Si 3 id ', Warrants Redeemed. 243 75 ( Italaiico .i tw 55 f Couiiiiissldns '14 92 307 24 307 22 ADVERTKING FUND. I!alance.i.. . 1 .'((1 . Coiniulsslocs 1 1'7 ' Balance.. 24 Hi Collections '. - 2H 20 2S20 2S20 SCHOOL LAND LEASE FUNDH. jlnlance , 130 7'J Collections . 638 40 Paid State Treasurer 62910 Coinmlsslons ............ 9 38 Balance .......ji. ..... 4:t0 35 ej 1 BO YEARS' XPERIKNCE I Whistle creek WarliouDet -4'.i,s79.O0 ' ATuMlilSSS 27,107.00 White River 20.SSI.OO Vlllsgc of IIarrlsa... 22,240.00 On motion board adjourned till a. m. June 24th 1BW, M.J. DbBWarr, Clerk 1,(W9 19 l,0fi 19 STATE SCIKKID FUND. Balance 6 00 state Apportionment-.- 577 91 Apportionment to Dist rict . ... Balance........ ..... 077 91 000 Traoc Mark Dcsiai COCVRIAMT AC 1 nmim mt a stetsfc and AptnrivUm mnf qmOIr artaln jor opinion free wtmliw an famn.tnn areb.her totn,l(!. fv,mii;"nl.-e-IKiMatilaltfoneilmsfid. Ilandboekon l'its Mn( fl 1)1,1 tfr fui n uiiea piuieilifc. fuwiis te'i Ihroarn Munn & Ce. rscwT tprtitti wlm, wiihoat olii ui tus Scleiilific Emericaa. A hanearlr imiHraled wlilr. If'tS rwlailim of ar seientilKi w.nrnal. win s .... . f... in. II. Mol.t 1.1 ll nswstiralci Uram dflee. Mr. Wssbltwtua. P t- Harrlson Nebr, Juno 24th HOT Board of equlir.atlon met pursuant to ad journment- I'roaatit Commissioner Wenf, Procunier, and Konwar ami 1 tern. lbs following preamble and resolutions! were ou motlou ai'optod. W aereas: the ao'sed valuation of Sloan oniity, Ni l.r.,f r tho vmr 1W0 Is but tVC, 4io, 4(t n eorrecio d by the board of email, ration subject however to correction by the clerk in so fur as clerical errors: may sp. p ar and, whereas 11 mills levy on snld stun will make 4,71,44 and the Hoard of County I Commissioners are only allowed to UiUe 5S2 91 582 91 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALES. Ralnnce . ! 09 .10 Collections.... . 171 05 Certificate Cantviled .. 240 35 ' 210 30 240 30 l '-.Mil on Hand.. .. 17,415 t Warrants . lill 91 Total Cash and Warrants tK,917 00 Wiri-ants Registered.. . l,0f.&33 11 glitcrcd Warrants, out- siandlng 8,077 10 CMSSIKS BlRllb'!, County 'freasnrcr, 0: ;i bl' The Commercial Bank. 1 4 INCOlirORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (? CAPITAL STOCK PATD IN 6 SURPLUS AND PROFITS' SIO.OOO.OO5. C) . 8,000.00 0- -o- DIRECTORS. B. E. Brt-wsteb, President. C. F. Coffee, Vice President. Chas. C. Jameson. A. McGinlet, D. II. Griswold, Cashier. l CORRESPONDENTS: WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New York. OMAI1A NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Neb. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- Notice for Publication. Land Offlee at Almanci, Nib., Juse 14, 1R9. Notion Is hereby given that the following named settler lias fliod notice of bis Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on Jnly 22, 1899, vlsi Gottlelb Knorl of Harrison, Nebraska, who made H. K. No, 4442, for the KX 8-K4 fio. 20 and H4 8-WJ of Hec. 21, Twp. 32, N. Range 00 W. He names tho following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and sultlva. lion of said land, vis: Samuel Knorl, A. J, Rogart, Otto Ttetxe and tteorge Cant, all of Harrison, Neb. r. M, DoHRIXTTON, Register. LIVERITA THB UP-TOOATC LITTLE LIVER PILL QUKMM Blllouanas. Constlpatlorig Slck-Had-ch andUvr Complaint. . iai in 100PILLQ 2tS CT8. SeKt kf til rasMa reeas7a Mi Br Dr. JC niaaor. . 3 1 Vf' : - -'. tit f t , T t-t si fi.. ' ' " ' - ' J. f .... i...... 'stuls ' ' if " ' ' 'mmllT sT"