The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 29, 1899, Image 8

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    Hou To Make Honey.
If you are tired of paying high prices you
.can make money by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, adverted
in all magazines at f3. 00 in Boston, we sell
tliit graceful nhoe for $2.75 righthere at home
aud save you 60c express besides.
All other leather goods will be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drygoods and -Groceries we willaneet all East
ern catagogue prices; no matter from what poin
oods may come. In additien to our gen
eral merchandise, we are selling this
spring Ladies vand Misses $5K)
Spring Hats jf or $2.50
Come & see for
also han
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
jione better in America.
Pesides we have full line of Crockery.
J! you want a suit xi clothes made
to order we are Agents for
Uoyal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, p.
THOBWAT. June. 29th, 1809.
fim. ft. Canam, Editor aod Prop.
1. 1. A X. J R. . tune table.
Going Wast. Going Rut.
0. t, islxad. M mi So. 6, niljed. 8:00
f. ,, M. V. K. R. i the best
to and from the
F. J5.AM.Y. ILR.
Tourtlxr Jly Excursion Rate.
Ticket wrtl be sold July 1, 3, 3 and 4,
4o all stations oo F.E.4M. V., within
a distaoee of 200 miles at One Fare tor
Bound Trip. rood, returning until
.July 5th, caiwaum charge 50c.
F. Avery, Agent,
P. E. ft M. V. K. B.
JJpeelal Eicanlea to Mot Springs,
8. Dak,
Tickets will be sold Tuesday s, July
J4h and 18th and Aug. 22, 1H09, good
rvtonung 80 days from date of (sale at
iOea Fare Plus $2.00 For Round Trip
um1 on Tuesday. Aug. 8, 1899, at One
Fare For Rouod Trip.
F. Avrav, Agent.
Miss Maggie Hunter, is now employ
ed ia the faauJy of station Agent Avery.
The republicaa state convention will
jbe held in Omaha, Thursday, Sept list.
The county fathers who have been
o our Buast dWiag the past two weeks
as a board of aqoaliaatkM adjourned on
The IfesesVHeraM relief fund ool!eot-
M lev e
cyclone sufferers,
t sum of 18,966,
will novo his faari-
ly out lo rm now
f towa tais weal
on the outskirts
they will be at
friends after this.
BOSSi-Osi ftaaaay evening June SSth
lO To Kr. aa Mrs. Charles Thomas a
iea pound boy. Dr. Ejaer reports all
doteg anely.
BOSXi-T Mr. aad Mrs. F. B. Lang,
artfry, near Baaafag water, a boy
M(Staeoui8 Made Doctor PUajtoy
m Me ptooa, who was the atteoaiag
pTsttaa luporte faster, mother aad
4uaetj wall.
CZZ3-9 Kr. aad Mrs. F. Amy, on
wrrawosy, imm a, icp a 4 o'cleak p.
0 A A3 Mai buss rested parties
tjpsZiZj r"7 Fnutk. Mot-
-Cm gmm tertuu a Just
Mrs. Gerlach and Mrs. Priddy, also
Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Holly were among
tbAae who went to the canyon this
week berrying.
B. E, Brewster arrived from the
Bay State, on last Saturday and U look
ing after his interests at the ranch. He
expects to remain about to weeks.
A very pleasant birthday party, was
given at the home of Sheriff and Mrs.
Holly on last Monday afternoon the oc
casion being the 7tb birthday of Master
Tommie. Nearly all of the little tote
town dressed up in their best fnocks and
joined in helping Tommie celebrate bis
birthday. Several presents were offered
and all did justice to the good things
which Mr Holly set before her sons little
guests after which tbey all "spaoked'
Tommy and gave him an extra bard one
to grow on and then left for home.
Once more the village well has been
re)jred by pulling the tubeing and put
ting in some new pumping valves and in
other ways putting the pumping appar
atus in Qrst class order. The wind mill
is being remodeled and put in such shape
that the town will be swimming in wat
er all her days, if nothing more oyer
ever breaks down. Every body should
have a well of their own anyway.
Lney Sutton, and family were out
at Kirtley commonly called Pleasant
ridge visited with his brother-in-law and
family, and his son Sunday, the late i
who just recently returned from tt Phil
ippine islands where he has been engaged
as one of Uncle Sams Naval heros. Mr.
Sutton, brou ght home from his brother-
in-law's, a grain of smokeless powder
which his son brought home from the
war and also some other war relics,
which are curiosities to many of (lie
people in this country. The graia of
smokeless Powder, to us is the most
curious, it being a piece, sexagon in
shape one wav and about 6 inches and a
half thick, and of light brown color.
Any body desiring to as Um curio will
no doubt be accommodated by calling at
Mr. Sutton's, who will take groat plena
ure in explaining all about it
Toe annual school meeting aad elec
tion of Bowen school district No. 7, took
place at tne school bouse at 3 oclock P.
M., 3. H. Bartell moderator in the chair,
and E. Rohwor, as secretary of the net
ting. -
Moating called to order and minutes of I
last annual meeting read and approved
after which '.Tim. Gerlach made a state
ment of money collected sod disbursed
during the year just eioesd.
l am report or too director also was
mad aad approved. ,
On motion the patron of the school
present proceeded to the Domination and
election of dkrtriot treasurer by ballot
which resulted In re-election of I Gar
lach tor the mine; three
vote beiaf ;
(fertoob , 10
Krs. Beset , , 1
Um l
It wm foaad that the vt4asUoa of all
Uiwble awpwty to the district wm im
rorad Mrtw 9St,000 aad bsace tax
er7 f 14 Bulls oe) Um dollar wae voted
ier aonPei
The plaoe to Get Good
Bargain: at all times ig at
The following of which i
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies ajid Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line jo f . Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats , and
Caps to suit the time.
Ladies and Gents Pine
Foot Wear a specialty; ajid
Children, s Foot "Wear care
fully considered.
For McCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country Respectfully,
Q Dominique lL-iss, was in town last
Monday, to meet his sister, who came in
from the west in the evening.
Andrew M'Omley, of Utis city, and
his brother-in-law, Mr. Seifus, wbo has
been a guest, at the M'Ginley home, dur
ing the put month, left for Gering, the
first of the week. We did not learn, how
long the gentleman will remain in that
section of the country. , I
Following are cttziens of Sent Co.,
who have taken land under the U. S.
Berervoir act since two weeks ago:
Oottleib Knori, Geo. 1L Turner,
Theo. Wagner, Jacob Wasserburger,
Bernard Baes, B. 8. Longwortby,
Domnique Iiaas, Peter Uaas.
-For the lack of space this week, we
refrain from making any complimentary
remarks relative to those, whe were not
homely enough Dor those not pretty
enough to get one at those delicious
cakes at the Royal Neighbors eptertain
meatTueaday evening.
W. F. Morgareidge, ex-superintendent
of public intrsuction of Cherry coun
ty, this state, who was married to Miss
Maud Van Buskirk, at .Gordon Neb., o
week ago yesterday, arrived here a week
ago today via the F. E. M. V.
Railroad, Mr. and Mrs. Morgareidge wUl
spend a week or tea days visiting with
Mr. M's brother-in-law and sifter. Mr.
and Mrs. James Nolan, who live out in
Warbonaet precinct. We learn that Mr.
and Mrs. M. will go from here to Omaha,
to visit the exposition before returning
to their home.
Of all men in the United States at the
present moment, probably John Barrett, :
former United States minister ts Siam.
is the one best qualified by personaj
knowledge to discuss Um Philippine situ
ation. Mr. Barrett lias spent Um past
five years In the far East. Loag before
the Spanish war he had traveled over a
large portion of Luson and had visited
the islands of other Philippine groups.
In May, 1898, after Dewey hadannlhilat
ad Spain's fleet in Manila Bay, "Mr. Bar-
rett returned and remained in Um vicinity
of Manila for seven month, f Finally,
after the fighting with the Pbillpinos be
gan In February ho earn back to the
scene of hostilities, aad only left to set
sail for America in Um middle ol March.
Mr. Barrett contributes to Um Jfevfew of
Bmvitw for July a summarv of his im-
prsssions after all these montba of ex
perience aod obatrvaUon. TV article
is highly opportune and significant.
Montrose Clippings.
A good rain would not ooom amiss
around hero just now.
Quite a bail-storm fell hero on Ante
lope and Squaw Creeks, it is eeti mated
that la some places hall laid six inobes,
deep and some were as large as good six
ad ban's eggs.
M. J. Gaybart and 11 Konrath, took
their cattle to Duck Creek, loot weak
where tnore Is better range.
Oayhart, baa rotomad to
foe a wall earned .aad sauoh
rent from the eastern part of too
Halo, after an abasnoe of four yam.
John WaaMrbnrger will work for J.
Aoojroja daring Um haying attwori.
The place to Get Good
Bargains in Rubbers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felt and Rubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fresh Goods
suck as we know would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEEL); all
Flour guaranteed. Alo,
we carry HARDWARE &
Building Material.
18 Jbotrayed torm my
place 2 black, 3-year-old Lore
es branded reverse F on left
jaw; 2 iron gray mares brand
t-xl cockeye on left shoulder.
A. L. Hodge,
Glen, Neb
Masonic Jfcws.
Messrs. Young and Smith have comple
ted Fred Mason's well On his Homestead.
Peter Nelson will have a well drilled
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. John mom-
berg on last Saturday, a daughter, Dr.
itereilith tlie attending physiciiw), reports
moiiwr anJ chilJ iloui ' nictly, uud lie
has hopes of John's recovery.
r red mora berg, has sold his improve
ments on his claim, to Mr. Anderson, of
School meeting went off One in No. 10,
C. E. Kalatromfor Director, J. Blomberg
Moderator, M. J. Weber, for Treasurer,
We heard that they had a prize fight in
No 2, referee called it a draw.
The saw mill at Glen, is running full
blast, with Mr. Palmer at the throttle.
Pete Nelson, is fencing a pasture, for
future use.
J. i. Mason and Hon are loactuig a car
of lumber this week, for G. W. Hester,
lumber is in great demand, iaat (ill the
orders fast enough.
Wanted at Glen, several men to chop,
inquire at the mill at Glen.
We learned that the ofHcers elected In
No. 2 were, Jens Jensen Director, Dedric
Nelson Trearsurer. Drwir.
Over la Wyoming.
miss nary Lasting or the valley, was
visiting her sister Carrie, at the Andrew
Christian home last Keek.
Louis Wohlheter was a caller on the
Ridge, last week,
The contract for building the school
house in Diet, No. 7 was let to F. B.
Hamlin, consideration f3O0. He will be
gin building at once.
We learn that the family of Wm
Reynolds, living near Lusk, are under
going a aeige of dtptheria. Two of the
family hare already died.
Mrs. Eva E. and Miss Dora Christian
attended the S. S. convention at Bodarc,
last week.
Word was received on last Thursday
that Mian Eva Church had received the
appointment as postmistress at Kirtley,
this is good news for her friends and we
truly believe that she will make an
efficient and obliging post mistress.
Ceatoaary of CMP-Kectlnga.
A writer in the July Ladita Home
Journal calls to mind that one hundred
years ago August IT? 9 the first camp-
matting for religious worship was bald in
America. The site of this notable gath
ering ia a short dietaoce from Russel villa,
la um axaw or Kentucky. Toe earlier
oaap meetinm, it is shown by Um fount
oTs article, worn formerly oooduetod ir-
respective of deaotaionatlonal hoes, but
Um form of worship soon bocatno, and
has since remained, a MottiodU iusttu
A Fine Line of
Ladie s & Gentlemen's
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVJ3 you
Marsteller broS-
All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flonr and all kinds of
Grain and Feed for pale. JJesidett the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c &ct
IW Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
Two Hereford Bnl!n. two-year-old?,
and one Hinder
good aa niisv. Will lake
grain for binder. ,
H. Wasseebcrgeii.
The Bc8t AdrertUIng Medium In
North-Wiwt Kebrasa, Is The SlOtX
Good Hay & Stock
Ranch for sale.
I was seriously afilicted with a cough
for several years, and last full had a
more severe cough tlmn ever before 1
have used many reiuedies witliout recei v-
ing much relief, and bein rttcomnigiidcd
to try a bottiti of Chaniberlutn' Cou,-li
Remedy, by a mend, who kDO'iii trie
to be a $oor widow, gave it to me, 1
tried it, and with the most gratifying
result. The first bottle relieved me
very much and the second bottle has
absolutely cured me. 1 have not hod
as good health for twenty years. I
gave Uiis certificate without solicitation,
siuiply in appreciation of ttia gratitude
lelt for the cure eirecteo. Kctruily
Mrs. Mary A. Beard. Clareiiiore, Ark.
For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney.
Bad management keeps more people
in poor circumstances than any other
one cause. To be nuccettHful one imint
look ahnd and plan ahead so that when
a favorable opixirlunitv nnmunU itself
he is ready to take advantages of it. A
little forethought will also save much
expense and valuable time. A prudent
and enreful nixn will keep a bottle of
Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy in the Iiouko, the t-hiftleHS
fellow will wait until necessity compels
it and then ruin bis beet borne goinir for
a doctor aod have a big doc'or bill to
pay, bewides; one pays out 25 cent, the
other U out a hundred dollurs and then
wonders why his neighbor ix getting
richer while he is frettinir poorer. For
sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney.
Curei Im potency, Night EmlssLonsand
wasting diseases, all effects of self.
aouse, or excess ana indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
Mood builder. Brings the
ilnk glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
mall ftOe oer box. 6 boxes
for tlMOt wttk written ruaran
tee to ran ar FfSin1 th mm.
tend for circular. Address,
Canton JMhaon tu OMIOAOO, ILL.
Koltl Bf Dr. i L". 1'JtluHir,
QT FreacUing every other Sabbath
at 11 o'clock a, in., uud every Sahbulb
evpnin at S oVloik at the M, II cliurclt.
i:.eiy Udiv iuvitHd to attend.
Rev. J. L. Kksdaix. Vaiitor.
J. E. PHINNEY. 51. I).
PhylsriflH ami Surgeon.
All cull glvrni prouijit tttlntlon.
Office In fu nic Ktore.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and Dutrict
Courts, and before the United States"
Land Office.
Fire luHurance written in reliable
E3TLegal pupers carefully drawn.
Hamuscw. - Nebraska.
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to dp all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction aod that
our charges will be reasonable.
Mrs. Maggik Rosecrans.
For Sale.
I desire to sell at private
Bale, for cash, 36 head of cat
tle, 15 of which are cowb
with calves; 8 yearling steers;
1 two-year-old Hereford Bull
and 10 head of 2 and 3 year-
old Ileifern. Residence ii in
Sowbelly canyon.
. Gotti.eib Knobl
AiiciTWATr.f ro 'Tiii! urK ahs
ArliclvciiiciiU of Vhtilrnl lwr," IkeworM
tfmiti-kt tin I lino, II v Murst HiuleaU.
ttw llfp Ionic friend hiii! mlmlrrr of the n stl
enSldol. Wt end lNl book! ovrr SW
i).un.hl'liii,Ti.; tirrly tWpgiisbtlfloM
l!,l,n. imlyii ftn. Kixwmwitsdemsea.
IJJK tv,,,,!.,!,,,,,, oiiut trvm, Ifieiwieofe
lll time, Wlit...inlcU. Tim Ix sslnlonCom
snT, jra r.ojt c.i.'j.i isiUg,, ('hiimgo.
''.V. :V:fp' 'V' -'tfY i ,