AT FiACE GOIIFlliEKCE DISCUSS QUALITY OP MERCY TO BE OBSERVED IN WAR, Red Croat Subcommittee to Make a Report on the Subjeot to the Conference. - The Hague. (Special. -Th Red Ctom subcommittee of the peace con ference met today. Prof. Asser of the Dutch delegation presiding. Prof. Louii Renault of the French delegation ex plained that certain modifications had been made In the report, meeting the wishes expressed by his colleagues at the last session. Captain A. T. Mahan, U. 8. N., de clared his readiness to support propos. als submitted, In a spirit of concilia- tion, though he considered they pre sented a lacune In regard to the post tlon of shipwrecked men picked up by vessels, finding themselves accidentally on the scene of an avengement The subcommittee, however, considered that article lx covered all eventualities. Dr. Monoto Itachlro of the Japanese delegation announced that he proposed to submit a motion modifying article vl of the Geneva convention regarding the disposition of sick and wounded prisoners, on the lines of the subcom mittee's report, which leaves such dis position for the victors to decide. The report being adopted the presl dent pointed out the advantage which would be gained If, during the confer ence, a convention could be eigned em bodying the important humanitarian articles comprised in the subcommlt' tee's scheme. On the motion of Baron de Btldt, the delegate of Norway and Sweden, It was decided the president should present to the conference such a convention with a final article providing for the signa ture of protocols of adhesion thereto. The committee will also recommend to the conference the revision of the Gen eva convention of 1864. On the motion of Admiral Sir John Fisher, representative ofGreat Britain, a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the chairman, "whose efficient work made possible the application of the Geneva articles to naval war, the first practical result of the conference." The chief of the British delegation, Sir Julian Pauncefote; the head of the American delegation, Andrew D. White, and others attended a brilliant recep tion tendered by Baron d'Estournelles de Constant of the French delegation. YUKON OPEN AGAIN. Breaking Up of the Ice Opens, the River to Navigation. Seattle, 'Wash.-(Special.) The first news from Dawsln and the Interior of Alaska to be received here since travel over the trail closed about six weeks ago has reached here. It covers the period between the big fire, April ?, and the opening of navigation, May 25. A revised estimate of the losses caused by the Are places the total amount at $500,000, about one-half the amount pre viously estimated, The Tuko nbroke away from Ita Icy fetters In front of Dawson May 7, or nine days later than last year. The steamer New York was carried ashore by the Ice and nearly destroyed. The wheel of the Willie Irving wan crushed, The Ice Jammed at the foot of Third treet and b locks of Ice were piled up mountain high. For a time Dawson was threatened with a flood. After a short time the Ice broke with a crash and the river was open for good. The breaking of the Ice marked the grad atlon of the Cbeecharkos or tenderfeet. Into the ranks of the Bourdoughs, or old timers. The event was celebrated wKh the firing of guns and a general rejoic ing. The Flora was the first steamer to arrive from the outside. It waa follow ed In a few hours by the Bonanza King. Reports had been received from all the creeks and everything waa satisfactory. There waa no evidence of a shortage of water, which caused so much trouble last year. On Bonanza and Eldorado hundreds of men were at work sluicing out gold. The benches are showing uj well. Some enormous dumps of gravel were made during the winter. These; are now being worked out and are pan nlng much better than was expected. Dominion and other creeks on Indian river are also being cleaned up with more than satisfactory results. A great deal of summer work will be done thla year on Eldorado If the flow of water will permit. VICTIMS OF THE CYCLONE. Seventy-five New Craves In New Rlohmond, Wis., Cemetery. St. Pafll, Minn. (Special.) A New Richmond, Wis., special to the Dispatch ays: The situation here la still gloomy and the suffering great, but much Is being done for relief. The scene at th eemeterUs Is one that will never be for gotten. Seventy-five new made graves may already be counted In the Pro tectant and Catholic cemeteries on tbs south and east limits of the town. The cold, damp weather has added Immeasurably to the suffering, scarcely a house In the city having a whole pane of glass. The whirlwind . broke those windows that escaped the flying mis siles. As a consequence It Is almost Impossible to make the night bearable. Added to this suffering from cold the crowded condition of every building left In the town and the wonder Is that hundreds of the older people do not per ish of sickness and exposure. The vaults of both banks which weft wrecked have been opened and every tkiaf Incite Is perfectly presirrsd. RICHARD BLAND IS DEAD. Noted Mleeourlan Joins tit Silent Majority. St Louis, Mo. (Special.) A special to the Post-Dispatch from Lebanon, Mo, says: Hon. Richard Parks Bland died it bis home near Lebanon at 4:30 a. m , peacefully and without apparent suffer ing. Mr. Bland returned home when con gress adjourned In March and soon suffered a relapse from an attack uf la grippe. For more than two months he had been confined to his home an 5 bis health has gradually declined. He thought he would not survive the at tack from the first and showed hli thorough knowledge of his condition On the 3d of this month Mr. Bland sud denly grew worse, and his sons, whe were In school, were summoned home and for the flrst'time the public was Informed of his critical condition. Trom time to time since then the patient showed signs of Improvement, but the physicians In charge would of fer very little hope to his family and friends. He continued to lose his vigor nd grow weaker. On Sunday and Monday he presented an Improved con dition and his family took new hope, and late Monday afternoon there were many expressions that Bland waa getting better. About 10 o'clock Tues day night, however, he fell asleep and sontlnued In that condition until deaih relieved him today. His family are proRtrated with grief, til the community is bereaved. The funeral will take place at Lubanon at i o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Mr Bland's remains will be placed In the pera house tomon-ow, and will lie in itate for twenty-four hours. The ,'uneral will be conducted by the Ma onlc order, and all the ministers of Lebanon will be present to assist. Private Secretary Bell has notified the clerk of the house of Mr. Bland's leath, requesting him to appoint a com mittee of members to attend the funeral. Prominent friends of Mr. Bland throughout the country huve jeen notified of the funeral arrange ments, A dispatch was received from Colonel William J. Bryan, at Chicago, stating .hat he would attend the funeral. Mrs. Bland has received several dozen mes tages of condolence from admirers r.f ler husband all over the country. The itraln on Mrs. Bland's nervous system las been very great and her friends ire alarmed at Its effect. WANT MORE FICHTINO. Three Regiments of Volunteers to Be Re-enllsted. Washington, D, C. (Special.) Pursu ing a policy determined upon some months ago. General Otis Is organizing three regiments In the Philippines, com posed of officers and men of the state volnteers who desire to remain In the service. The army bill authorized this kind of enlistment In the Philippines. If the full complement cannot be made up from these discharged volunteers in the Philippines the regiments will be organized and officered Irtukelffton form until recruits can be sent from the United States to fill them. General Otis and the volunteer officers in the Phil ippines have been consulting to see how many men will enlist. The number has not been very large, as there seems to he a desire on the part of the volun teeers to return to the United States with their organizations. These three proposed regiment, with three regi ments of regulars to sail from San Francisco on the Kd and 21th, and those under orders for Manila, will give General Otis 33,000 fighting men. It Is stated positively at the war de partment that It was intended to re duce the Infantry companies and artil lery batteries In the United States to &5 men each to Increase the batteries In the Philippines to 105 men each, Is absolutely without foundation. The approved plan for the reinforce ment of the army operating In the Philippine Is briefly stated by a high official of the war department as fol lows: "The Increase of the size of the com panies with General Otis to 128 men to the company was made from 3,100 men, heretofore in the hospital corps, which the comptroller has decided may be enlisted over and above the 65,000 men provided by law. In addition the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth regiments of Infantry have been ordered to Manila and General Otis has been authorized to organize three skeleton volunteer regiments In Manila, officered from vol unteers In the Philippines, for the reg ular army. General Otis has Informed the department that he can organise these regiments. It is proposed to send him recruits from here to fill them to their maximum limit. The arrange ments referred to will give General Otis a fighting force of over 33.000 men of the line. These plans have been ap proved by the president and will be put Into execution with the least possible delay." The Held and staff officers and cap tain of these three regiments will be selected from the volunteer officers who have demonstrated their special fitness to command and who have dlstlngulah ed themselves In action. It Is expected also that the first lieutenants will be chosen from second lieutenants In tha service In the Philippines who may be esoet-lallv commended by General Otis. The volunteer second lieutenants prob ably will go out from the United States with the recruiting squads. SHIP NEGRO MINERS IN. Operators Substitute Imported La borers For Union Workmen. Plttsburg.Kan, (Special.) The threat of the coal mine operators to Import negroes to take the place of striking union miners was made good when the Western Coal and Mining company, which I the corporation through which the Missouri Pacific Hallway company operates Its mines, brought in 176 ne groes from Tennessee and Alabama and unloaded them at Fleming, where stockades had been built around the Missouri Pacific mines. The union men were out In force to meet the negroes end endeavored, with considerable success, to prevent them from going to work. Among the union men were many negroes who had been brought up from the south during the strike or 1W3, and these were largely Instrumental In keeping many of the newcomers out of the stockades. The result was that only a few of the Imported negroes, those having families and being desti tute, went Into the stockades. There was no disturbance. The agents of the four big companies which are fighting the union declare that enough negroes will be Imported to ooerate their mines In Kansas, Mis souri. Araftnsaa and Indian Territory. In Kansas they rely upon the Injunction secured In the federal court at Leaven, worth to prevent the strikers from In lettering wlta weir oparauona A CANNIBAL FEAST From the New Tork Press: Now thai we have fellow-cltlsens In the Philip pines who are proficient in the gentle art of cannibalism the whole subject of anthropophagy becomes of Immediate Interest. These cannibals of ours In the Island of Mindanao are a free-and-easy sort of people, blessed with good appetites, and they would as soon eat their friends George Frisbie Hoar and Eugene Hale a anybody else, if those distinguished gentlemen should venture within their reach. Gorman? Well, possibly but even a savage has his feelings. On many of the Island of the South Pacific cannibalism still flourishes In spite of the effort of the missionaries On the Island of New Britain and on many of the neighboring islands to the eastward of New Guinea races of can Dibals live who make no secret of the fact that they are fond of human flesh On the island of New Britain, whlc belongs te Germany, there are several fine plantations where the owners live In fine houses furnished luxuriously in European style. A traveler who recent ly visited the estate of Ralum, on New Britain, says that within a mile of th plantation house are living chiefs who keep slaves for the purpose of food, and are In the habit of killing one every day or two to satisfy their diabolical tastes. He say: "Not only do they do this but they boast of It, and I have had these people come and tell me how they enjoyed their feast on the previous ev ening, which had been some portion of a human being." On many of the neighboring islands a traveler has to be constantly on his guard lest the natives lest the natives take him unawares and make him into a roast or ragout. Some of the South Sea cannibals are head hunters, but not all. Among the head hunters the biggest man in the community is the man who has the lergest collection of human heads. It is a sort of Australian ballot system, In which every man votes for himself as often as opportunity offers. It Is not necessary that he get his heads In bat tie; generally they are procured from jnsuspecting persons, who are murder ed In their sleep or are killed by a blow !rom behind, when the head hunter nas stolen stealthily upon them. It is .isldered Just as honorable to get a jead In thla way as It Is to take it from a man whom they have killed In fight. As to the old days of ballot Box stuffing no obloquy attached among nls followers to the Tammany office Holder who was electd by this means, io among the head hunters aa long as i man has the heads It does not matter low he got them. It Is looked upon is quite worthy of praise for a head lunter to kill his man by trickery as to ill! him in a fight. Our fellow citizens of Mindanao are oth head hunters and cannibals. Cap- Aln Webster of the British army, who recently visited some of the islands ly ing to the eastward of New Guinea, lays: "These natives are not only head luntera and cannibals, but make no lecret of it whatever. They are the nost treacherous of all the people of Jie South Seas, and when apparently n the most friendly terms are only iwaltlng a favorable opportunity to latch the stranger unawares and to add me more head to their already huge ;ollection. I may say that during the hole of my visit I hardly ever had my revolver out of my hand." In the Island? risked by Captain Webster he says .hat In every case the victims are itruck down from behind. A little over a year ago there war lonBiderable attention attracted to the :ase of a Mr. Duncan, a trader among Jie South Sea Islands, who was cap- ured by the natives of one of the Isl tnds of the New Hebrides, killed and taten. He was tied to a tree for three lays and forcibly stuffed with food to atten him. Then he was killed, roasted ind eaten. Cannibalism principally flourishes to lay among the Islands which stretch rom New Guinea to New Caledonia, .nd on the Island of Mindanao. In ome of these Islands the tribes will requently make war on each other for he express and avowed purpose of re ilenifhing their trlfcal larder. These nnnibal tribes which make war are not enerally head hunters, though some- imes they are. The natives of Mln lanao are warlike, fighting among hemselves with the greatest ferocity, well as against white men, and are lead hunters aa well as cannibals. They tosseea all the accomplishments. Among the smaller Islands which treffh from New Guinea to New Cale .onla there is little animal life to fur ilhh food, and the natives live for the cost of the year on fish and fruits. V'hen they begin to long for a change of Jet a raiding party is sent out to some tlghboring island or village and a rce attack Is made upon the Inhab lants, who, If possible, are caught un .wares. When such a raiding party returns n triumph to it village It coming Is jinounced by a great blowing of conch hells and shout of "We have killed! ffe have killed!" The women, children jid old men of the village rush out o weet the returning warrior with Dud shout of Joy, and then the tribal oaatlng pit I prepared. It Is lined flth stones and a great fire Is built f the stones. The bodies of the slain rhlch have been brought back are then trepared by the removal of all the In ernal organs and the cavity of the ody Is filled with sweet potatoes, taro eaves, breadfruit and bananas.' The A boo man of the tribe then selects the tody which he will eat himself, and ill the young man watch him with tated breath while he Is making selec- lon. for th man who slew the body felocted by tha taboo man is th hero If tha day. When the stones la the pit have heat 4 to a white beat the ashes and burn log wood are raked off and a bed of Dm sand sprinkled over the bottom of tb pit The bodice to be roasted are thei wrapped In banana leaves and tlef with long, ropelike creepers. Then the bodies are placed on the floor of hot sand, and over them each is piled a lit tie cone of sand, which soon open crater at the top and begins to throw out smoke. Meantime the men of the raiding par ty are chanting songs and acting ovei again for the edification of the womei and children, the killing of the victln whose body they have brought back They ehout and yell and sing weird songs until all the village is wrough up to a state of frenzy. In about tw hours the cooks, who have been watch ing the pit, declare that the feast if ready; the sand is brushed away and the roasted bodies brought out. Th one that the Taboo man ha chosen li laid on a sort of Utter, and a masl edged with feathers is put over th( face. Then, with shouting and chant ing, It is carried to the Taboo man, wh thereupon gives permission for the feasl to proceed. The people eat In little groups in ar orderly manner. They cut the flesl with pieces of silvered bamboo, and hold the pieces cut on curious-shaped four-pronged forks. These fork have a square handle, and the tines are Be1 one at each corner. They are oftei elaborately carved, and are handed down from one generation to another. When Cortes came to Mexico he found that cannibalism prevailed in the em plre of the Montezumas to a consider able extent. A wealthy Mexican gentleman would sometimes serve up a slave roasted whole when he gave a dinner party Just a the chiefs of New Britain d now. Tet the Aztecs were a hlghl civilized race compared to the New Britain savages. Until a few years ago cannlballsre flourished in the FIJI islands, but Eng land annexed them and stamped it out A RACE OF GIANTS On the banks of the Blue Nile, some 200 miles from its mouth, and in a re gion so inaccessible that even the all penetrating Briton has Just discovered It, Sir William Garstln has Just dis covered a colony of giants, say the London Mall. They are endowed with physical attributes Buch a would havi driven their old fairy tale ancestorl into permanent retirement These gi ants are farmers. For generation aftei generation they have tilled the soil along the bank of the Blue Nile and tilled it In spite of obstacles that make the annual harvesting Kansas cyclonel seem like a summer In an amateui garden. The old family homesteads of tht Nile giants have a most annoying hab it of disappearing Intermittently. Thli pijillarity due to the uncertain tern peF'of the sluggish Btr.iara that flowi by their doorsteps has caused the gi ants to acquire amphibious habits. In stead of abandoning the region entire!) and seeking a more trustworthy neigh borhood they have, with Infinite pa tlence and forbearance, studied the whim and eccentricities of the river When it Is high they move up out ol the wet and cultivate the high lands When It Is low they move all that it portable onto the mud Islands that ap pear the moment the stream subsides and on these little mud piles they raise rice and grain and a really Incredible amount of farm produce. This alter nating between the banks and the mid dle of the stream is kept up year it and year out. Sir William Garstln, undersecretary of the Egyptian Public Works depart rnent, returned to Cairo recently frorr an extended Journey up the Blue and White Nllee on the English gunboal Metemmeh. He found the Shlllocks, ni the tribe of giants Is called, at Mo gren-el-Bohoor, or the Meeting of tin Water. He asserts that he was mos favorably impressed with the Shlllocks They are good looking to begin with and, better than that, they are honest Their most marked physical character istic Is their tremendously long arms which hang below their knees. The are men of remarkable bodily strengtl and can endure fatigue and hardshl that would soon kill an ordinary mor al. Sir William found that hardlj any of them failed to be at least a fool taller than the tallest Englishman If he party, and many much larger that hat. Thiilr attire ifi conspicuous by its ab sence. When a sntnocK giant nas aon ned his headgear he Is ready for break. fast, but no man ever stir out with out It or without his spear In his hand and this weapon invariably Is decorat ed lavishly with ftstrlch feathers al the point. The Shlllock women are much smaller than the men and are In ferior to them In looks. They weal their heads closely shaved and arraj themselves, winter and summer alike In skins, which they wear after the tyle adopted by a sandwich man. Th Sblllock is not a religious man, and beyond some vague Ideas of the de Irabillty of propitiating malevolent plrltB, he I Influenced by no creedi whatever. His only modern vice la tht harmless one of moklng, and he In- ulges In that on a scale befitting hit stature, The pipe wnicti ne smonei will hold comfortably a half pound ol tobacco, and when he becomes weary ol holding It between his teeth he passet It over to his wife, and she carries II ntll he wishes It again. Russia, with a population of 127,0O,- 000, has only 18,331 physician. In thi United States, with a population a about 78,000,000, there are 120,000 pbysr A TRAMP SCIENTIST. Ann Arbor, Mich. Dr. J. C Leonard la missing. Some say that be has left bis bleaching bones on the mountain side, as he himself predicted; some say "Doc Leonard? Not muchl Can't kli: him so easily!" All agree that Dr. Leonard Is the strangest combination of dentist, tramp palaeontologist and queer charactei that every befriended a great univer Ity. Dr. Leonard first made himself known to the University of Michigan by in quiring of Harrison Soule, It treasur er, through a letter, whether the col lege had any use for relics and speci mens in its museum. Now, the university of Michigan is a great and valuable institution of learn ing one of the greatest in the country; but it has not millions of endowments, like Tale and Harvard. It gets most of it money from the state by jollying the legislature, most of whose mem bers have or have had, or will have, sons in attendance there. Major Soule has no money to waste on specimens he hasn't seen. He didn't propose to buy a pig in a bag, and he so replied, In more diplomatic phrase, of course. The university had no fund, he said, to pay for such articles. Next Major Soule received a postal card couched in rather less diplomatic phrase than his own, thus: "So you can't pay the expense, eh? Then go to the devil! I'll pay it myself. My rope Is nearly run, and some day I'll turn up missing, and a few years later a few bleached bones will be found among the crags up in the moun tains. I want to be remembered some where on God's green earth, so kindly accept my gifts, and some day, old cub, perhap's we'll meet. J. C. LEONARD." Pretty soon Major Soule began to re ceive things, expenses paid; a huge 900 pound cinnamon bear, stuffed the larg est ever killed an antelope, and rare mining specimens. The collection grew constantly. It now fills two cases in the museum and is considered very val uable. There are Indian relics, shields, axes, bows and arrows, blankets, te pees and minerals of every sort known in the west. Most pathetic of all Is a lockless gun an old Mississippi rifle with a ham mered barrel four feet long a relic of the saddest tragedy of the plains, the massocre of Lamolle Creek. It was the gun belonging to the young fellow who was butchered by the In dians. His swetheart had stabbed her self to the heart under a wagon not far away, and he, wounded fatally, hid himself to die In the bushes, first wrecking off the lock and sights of his rifle that the Indians might not use it. The gun was found many years later by Dr. Leonard and Best to the mu seum. Dr. leonard and Treasurer Soule have never met. but they have struck up quite a friendship by correspondence. Sometime Dr. Leonard does a trip as .dentist, presumably to replenish his funds. On one uch trip he wrote to Major Soule: "I travel along with two mules, a cart, my dog, a gun and my tooth pull ers all alone. I manage to stay in each town long enough to pull a couple of barrels of teeth and dicker for some new specimen for the collection and then move on." At another time he wrote to Major Soule for his portrait. On receiving It he returned his own, with a letter as follows: "You look like about the same kind of a sardine as I am. I send a pic ture of my friend." T"he last time Dr. Leonard was heard from was In the fall of 1898. He was tartlng upon an expedition through the desert regions of Arizona to Investigate the remains of cliff dwellers there and In Old Mexico. He has never been heard from since. Perhaps he has Indeed become "a few bleached bones among the crags," but white-haired old Treasurer Soule will not believe he has lost forever the Iriend he has never seen. He is sure the doctor will some day turn up with new specimens for the "Leonard collection" In the university museum. Baby Girl Mascot. The officers of the Seventeenth regi ment of French chasseurs have adopted a girl baby a a regiment mascot The French regiments do not usually have mascots, or pets, as the Americans and British do. During the Spanish American war the Frenchmen heard a frreat deal about the American mascots. The' Illustrated paper published pages of pictures of them, and excited the French public, always eager for novel ty. Now, the 'Frenchman doe not love dogs ar)d goats quite as much as the Anglo-Saxon does. A human being cf the fair sex Is more to his liking, and the selection of one in this case strike the French public as a happy Improve ment on the American mascot Idea. Several officers of the Seventeenth chasseur found the little girl aban doned In a railway carriage at Ram boulllet, where the regiment Is station ed. The baby would have been taken to a foundling asylum, but the officers, being kind hearted and In a good hu mor, decided to save her from the fate They took her home to the barracki and all of them cheerfully agreed to adopt her as "the daughter of the reg iment" Arrangements were made wKh a ser geant' wife to care for her. The little girl will In future go wherever the reg iment goes and be educated at Its ex pense. It has been suggested that this mas cot will entail a great deal more trouble when she grows up than If the regi ment bad adopted a dog, a goat or a monkey. WHAT JKSUS WOULD NOT BO. Under the title, "What Jesus Wavkf Not Do," a few brief paragraphs fW auently published In the London Inde pendent are now going the rounds of the English religious preee. Jesus would not make "getting rich" or "getting on" the goal of hi agist' ence. He would not wish to enjoy anything which waa neither the result of his owl labor nor the Joyful gift of love. He woald not wear gold nor orna ments which had cost painful and de grading human labor. Nor would M allow the little birds and beasts thai bis father cares for to be reckless! llaughtered to deck him with featbert and furs. He would not seek immunity front peril or pain by voluntarily lnfilctlnf tortures or diseases on Innocent and healthy animals. He would not be present at amuse tnents which profane the bodies Ant pollute the souls of those who gaii ihelr bread by providing them. He would not waste food or fuel while others are perishing for need vi them. He would not trail yards ol costly fabrics along the ground behind him while others lack proper and de cent garments. Jesus would not earn his bread bj following any employment cfr produc ing any material Injurious to the mora it physical well being of the commun ty. He would not seek to secure for relay .ives "after the flesh" any appointment . r honor of which they were not won Ihy, or of which others were more wor. Ihey. Jesus would not underpay ol nverwork strangers In order to provide for the idleness or luxury of kinsmei tr descendants. He would not condone the faults oi rices of the wealthy and powerful. , ,f; ? Jesus would not, in times of populaJ xcitement, write false and fiery ar tides to the papers, by which passionf ire fanned into fury and wars are pro rnoted. He would not lead armies into othed cnen's countries. Nor would he in- rent scientific means for the wholesal Jestruction of human lives. He would hot fill children's story books wit cenes of battle, burder, and violent leath. Jesus, seeing his Father's Image II 111 men, would not describe people bj rulgar epithets derived from the coloi jf their skins. Having no spiteful prejudices or Jeal osies against any class of race of hvb nan beings, he would not Invent slan lerous fiction to Justify such preju- lices. Jesus would not despise a womaa because she earned her bread by doing (hose, household duties without which iomes cannot exist. He would never use the words "me. ilal duties," because whatever is a duty s glorious. Jesua would not despise the mistake f the poor and Ignorant, the futile as )iratlons of the suppressed, or the de ipalr of the wronged. Jesus would not rashly destroy any eauty which had come from the hand f his Father. Jesus would never do a deed in ltsell evil, on the plea that It might lead U rood. Jesus would never sacrifice others bj Mmself on the score of his own super iority. OUT OF THE CRUCIBLE. The man who doesn't agree wit four method Is a theorist. The loudest crowing rooster makes lunghill a well known place. If faith did not piece out reasos riany more men would commit suicide The far-seeing man usually sees so nuch that he is too timid to undertake , inythlng. The lamb makes no enemies, bu 'ears many; the lion makes many, bu tears none. What we call a man's personality h iften no more than the present feai vhlch he inspires. Abraham Lincoln, while he made a food president, couldn't split many nore rails than any other boy. The man who for another's good tellf I disagreeable thing, usually hlmsell rets the most good out of It. Were many unsuccessful men to live onger they would mane successes' were many successful men to livi onger they would make failures. It Is not always the largest and itrongest objects which are preserved, ("he Colossus of Rhodes is a tradition. uhlle the Venus de Mllo still wins th idmlratlon of the world. The mind Is He steel; friction sharp ms, heat tempers. Idleness rests. II rou want a good blade, keen of edg uid strong, It must be pounded lnte lhape by a skilled hand at a hot forge jreat minds are thus shaped and tem pered at the glowing forge of life. A very small piece of lead from a Very cheap pistol In the hands of fool may kill a very wise man. Penni Magazine. WITH PREJUDICE. Leading a woman to the altar Is us ually a man's last act of leadership. A woman's Idea of a hopeless fool hi man who praises some other woman. The man who I always waiting fot omethlng to turn up is usually asleea s-hen It finally comes along. No one ha ever been able to explain rhy bald-headed men have their ball lut oftener than other men. When It comes to a matrimonial est- ragement every girl thinks she Is ietf-appolnted board of strategy. Love levels all ranks except In Kent, lucky, where It takes the toughest Und of whisky to level a major er ) SOlOBel.