The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 29, 1899, Image 2

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The farmer of Niobrara are rejolc
tag over the fane rain. The crops ar
looking floe.
W1U Fraaer of Niobrara had four fin
(era of his right hand mashed In th
fob press at the Star office. Dr. Smar
dressed the band.
Burglars broke Into the hardwar
tor of S. Dewey at Hay Spring am
itole goods amounting to S2M. Then
Is no clew to the rchbers.
Great preparations are being mad
for the Fourth of July celebration a
Madison. Hon. W. W. Toung of Stan
ton will deliver the address. A chorut
of sttty voices under the direction
Rev. Fowler will sing.
rhe rush still continues at the Unite
Kates land office at O'Neill for reservoil
dlings.. So far 1,466 filings have beer
made. William F. Allen of Omaha hai
made about 250. Western Nebraska
will soon be covered with water.
Petitions are being circulated for Big
natures throughout Knov county ask
ing the county board to relocate thi
county seat. The originators of the
move are interested In a rural site lo-
rated in the center of the county about
fifteen miles from the railroad. Enougr
lignatures. It is thought, will be se
tured to the petition to call the election
A serious accident befell Lee Berry
f Oxford at Orleans. With other youns
men he was bathing in the Republican
river, and in diving from ,a tree hl
oead struck a stone. Upon recovering
which is considered doubtful, it is fear.
"Id his mind will be permanently im
paired. While painting his residence in Ox
ford Captain J .M. Lee fell from a lad
ler at a height of about fifteen feet,
sadly fracturing his right arm. Not
withstanding his advanced age, it is
thought the captain will recover with
to more serious results than a perma
nently stiff arm.
The wheat crop in the vicinity of Far
tain is Int very unsatisfactory condi
tion." The late, cold spring delayed the
frowth of the fall wheat and the put
3ng In of the crop of spring wheat and
lie continued low temperature hindered
the germinating of the seed, conse
guently It did not come up, and since
hen the cold weather has hindered its
growth and it is reported that some
lelds are heading out at six Inches. The
reeds are troublesome and will reduce
(he product greatly at harvest time.
Jorn is doing well and promises well,
bough the weather Is not regarded as
ery propitious for a big crop. It is
lulte dry, notwithstanding the fre
luent showers, which have been light
runners are very busy with the. corn
arop and business is dull.
Weary of suffering from epileptic at
acks, Phoebe Kearns of Omaha, aged
1 years, attempted to end her life. She
.HtainMi a bottle of laudanum and
ok It to her home, 1543 Sherman ave
rue, when she returned in the evening
torn work. Her mother discovered the
aottle, and, having her suspicions
iroused, concealed It. Miss Kearns
,woke in the light, searched for the pc
lon, and found it where it had been
ridden. She drank the contents of the
Kittle and again retired. When her
nother discovered her In the morning
be was still conscious, but her pulse
tas extremely weak. A physician was
aimmoned to her aid, and after a few
lours' work she was In much bettet
tradition. She Is still very weak, but
t is believed she will recover.
London. Some war insurance was ef
ected at Lloyd's at 16 per cent for three
nonths and at 2 per cent for Insurant
or buildings at Johannes berg.
Pretoria. Both chambers of the volk
aad have adjourned to allow their
nembers to consult their constituents
the franchise proposals of President
Peoria, 111. The American Spirits
Manufacturing company has decided to
nanufacture Bourbon whisky on an
oormous scale, and for this purpose
tas commenced building In this city a
tarehouse with a capacity of 14,000
Mlddlesboro. Ky. While acting as
peacemaker between John Moore and
Arte draft at Rockhouse, Letcher
ounty, William Haggard was shot dead
tjr Craft, who fled to the mountains
tl tfe an infuriated posse In pursuit.
Stockholm The International Hydro.
traphlc and Geological congress to dls-
susa arrangements for periodical re
warcbes in the North Atlantic and the
forth Sea opened hen. Sir John Mar
ay. Dr. Nansen and other explorers
pert among those
apTlngfleld, in. A Lincoln special to
aba ftate Register says that State Vet
artaartan Scott and assistants have
femnd la Ua herd ef US cattle at the
te teetltutJoB for FeaMe Minded
Cfe2fa there twenty-fire head which
symptoms of tuberculosis.
CMeas IS. The National
1 f Wood Pa-
ear today wit reataaaatattrea fa at
toadi treat aS ast at tJae Catted
Ct- tat Z ft taXSat ha U
tzz tor aa UkP la rrtan af
Ovr a Thousand Insurgent Fall b
th Battle of Cavlte Naat
Blow at Imua.
' Manila. (Special.) The Fourth regu
lar Infantry and the Wyoming regimen
have been added to General Lawton'i
command, and today they were towe
across the bay in cascoes to Las Pinal
preparatory to moving to Imus, flvi
miles inland, where the rebels are re
ported to have an arsenal and a largi
quantity of arms and supplies.
Washington, D. C (Special.) Gener
al Otis cabled today as follows:
Manila Adlutant General. Washing
ton: Success of Lawton's troops in Ca
vKe province greater than reporte
yesterday. Enemy numbering ovei
4.000; lost in killed, wounded and cap
tured, more than one-third; remainder
much scattered, have retreated soutl
to Imus, their arsenal. Of five piece!
of artillery, three were captured. Nav;
aided greatly on the shore of the bay
landing forces occasionally. Inhabit
ants in that country rejoice at deliv
erance and welcome with enthusiasm
demonstrations arrival of our troops.
The war department bulletins th
Manila. Adjutant General. Washing,
ton: Prominent Filipino, frendly ti
Americans, assassinated at Cebu. In
habitants of that locality urgently re
quested American protection In strongei
force. Have sent, oaiianuu ic-nno..,
and two guns from Hollo, which insurel
peace. Hughes now In charge or iniun
In that section. OTIS.
Captain Cable of General Whaeton'l
staff, with three companies oi mt
Twenty-first regiment, reconnoltereC
in the direction of Imus. The rebels,
who were apparently expecting an at-
.ack, retired, leaving behind them twen
ty Spanish prisoners, who Joined the
Americans. The rebels have prooaDij
gone to the mountains along the lake.
According to native stories, the rebels
arried 100 dead and 300 wounded thro'
r oft.r ihp recent battle. The-
I fiv.' t u-.v..
natives are now flooding Into Bacoot
and it Is probably there are many sol-
tiers In plain clothes among them.
The whole section is practically with
ut food and Major General Otis has
trdered the distribution of rice and beef
lo the Inhabitants.
Many people "till refuse to credit the
itories of the assassination of General
Luna, by the guard at Agulnaldo a
aeadquarters. Though the reports t to
that effect are most circumstantial and
!rom good sources, rumors of assassina
tions and disasters from the rebel camp
ire so frequently printed In the local
Kvpers that they have come to be re
rarded wKh Indifference. The latest is
(hat the governor of Cebu has been
silled by natives because of his friend-,
ihip to Americans.
A prominent commercial man with
ixceptlonal means of learning of the
niiplnos' movements claims to know
Seneral Luna is still alive, adding tc
She statement that if he is dead, and
t his death occurred a month ago, peo
ple would have expected a collapse of
ibe revolution to follow.
The failure of the Filipinos to follow
ip the peace negotiations strengthen
(he impression that their overturei
eere merely to gain time and In ordei
jo lure the Americans to show theli
The Indepencia, a revolutionary or-
ran, of May 20, a copy of which has
lust been obtained, prints an interview
s-ith General Luna, showing the argu
ments he used to keep up the spirits of
tls followers. He represents the Fllipi
to cause as prospering, "because the
imericans have gained only a hun
Iredth part of Luson by hard fighting,"
ind says the women and children tilling
he fields within the American line give
lie proceeds of their work In support
ft the Filipino army. e is smu i
tave further remarked: "More Amer-
cans will be killed by ambuscades, sur
prises and disease than in battles.
1 detest war, but we cannot accept
aeace at any price but Independence,
fhe Americans suffered for their own
dependence and In their hearts they
appreciate why we resist them.
Mo Definite settlement nu
Bean Made.
Washington, D. C (Special.) No offl-
tlal confirmation of the reaching of an
arrangement In London providing foi
the temporary dellmlnatlon of the Ala
tan boundary has been received at the
state department. It is gathered tna
a responsive answer has not yet beet
received from Canada by the Brttlsi
mvemment to the American defialtl
proposition. At any rate the Britlsl
government has not made a concluelTl
answer on Its part.
Lest a misleading Impression be car
rid bv the statement from London ti
the effect that the arrangement said U
hu m would carry the
Blfc r--- -
hmmdarv issue over until the high com
mission meets In August, It may b
stated that the arrangement ratified bj
this rovernment Is not likely to be 11m
itMl in such fashion. Moreorer, as th
record published of the last proceeding)
of the high commission shows that tin
Canadian side refused to discuss anl
other questions until the boandar.
queetion was adlasted. It Is to be pre
earned that they win adhere to tha
teetaton and that Oae beaadary uea
uaa aaast be removed front the teb
w anodas Thread! as I
er tas avaetlag ef ue
As soon after the first of July ai
practicable I wfll hold public auction!
for leasing about 695,000 acres of schod
land, under the provisions of the nes
law, in the following counties: Ante
lope. Banner, Blaine, Box Butte
Brown, Chase, Cherry, Cheyenne, Cus
ter, Dawes, Deuel, Dundy, Oarneia
Grant, Hayes. Hitchcock, Holt, Hooker
Keith, Keya Paha, Kimball, Knox. Lin
eoln, Logan. Loup, McPherson, Pierre
Perkins, Rock, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan
Sioux, Thomas and Wheeler. Under th
new law, if these lands will not lease
at the public auction at 6 per cent upor
the appraised value, they may be leased
to the person offering 6 per cent upos
che highest valuation. These lands art
In the best stock-growing portions ol
the state, where cattle, sheep and
horses can be produced at less expense
and, therefore, at greater profit that
anywhere I know of, and yet surround,
ed with as good and Intelligent a clast
of citizens as anywhere to be found
The harvest truly is great and lasta
almost the year round, and no more
Inviting field for the intelligent stock
aian and farmer can be found; and now
that there Is an opportunity to secure
twenty-flve-year-lease contracts there
n at what the lands are worth, the
essee himself being the Judge, trie eon
idently expected that all or nearly all
if these lands will be leased during the
present year at the public auctions, ai
above mentioned. Anyone desiring to
attend any of these leasing auction!
will be notified of the time and place
f holding the same as soon as it haa
Keen arranged, If they will write me al
ince, giving the names of the coun
ties in which they are Interested, and
s-ill also be furnished a list of the landi
be leased, so that they may visit the
jountles In advance of the leasing auc
don and examine the lands which will
ae offered. Notice of the auction will be
July given in the local papers. Send
itamp for copy of the new school land
aw under which the lands will be of
fered. Any further information will be
heerfully furnished.
Lincoln, Neb., May 18. 1899.
rommlssioner Public Lands and Build
One sailor In 266 is lost at see-
There are forty-seven Chinese tem-
iles in the United States.
Whistling Is regarded as a violation
if the divine law by Icelanders.
The Tartar alphabet contains 202 let-
itrs, being the longest in the world.
For $300 a year a man can, In Japan,
ay for a house, food and two servants.
Explosive bullets were first used In
!ndla for hunting tigers and elephants.
The Free Methodist church of Amer.
eiL has about twenty-five thousand
Lots of people marry money, but the
Icense is always made out under arv-
rtber name. jj
The individual who djves to if
om of pleasure brings up more graie
Jian pearls.
It occasionally happens that a mat
lislocates his common sense when h
'alia In lnv
Women, according to a prominem
, i
ihyslclan, have, as a rule, much coarsel
lair than men.
The retail dealer doesn't stand wel
vith the manufacturer when the lattei
las to carry him,
The grave of an unmarried woman It
fiirUcv is often indicated by a rose
larved In stone.
The taste of strychnine can be de-
ected when one grain is diluted with
M OW parts of water
The first electric railway In the world
ran built In Ireland, from Bushmills
D Giants' Causeway.
France has kept 200,000 tons of coal
.tored at Toulon since 1S93 to be ready
n case war should break out.
A fool may Insult and abuse others,
tut a wise man gives people credit for
hat they are actually worth
ti,. re now over 5.000 vocations
men to women, one is mamage
ithers are of minor Importance
The shipyards of Great Britain, all
a-orking together, could turn out a big
rfeamshin every day of the year.
Every other Austrian household ana
rvery third Italian family contributes
me member to the national army
There is a rosary In the British mu
leum made of the vertebrae of a snake.
another Is composed of rats' teeth.
Oysters are such nervous creatures
Jiat a sudden snocs, sucn b "-
jiunderclap, will kill a whole boat
L moralistic failure is a man who
rives you ad. Ice about getting on In
:he world, then winds up by striking
eou for a loan.
The largest steel shaft In the world
has Just been finished. It is 27 feet 10
aches long and Its diameter In the mia-
le is 37 inches.
When a dog barks at night In Japan
(he owner is arrested and sentenced to
srnrk for a year for the neighbors
whose slumbers may nave oeen dis
turbed. -
Essay A paragraph padded with
Centurion A cyclist who makes
century ft"1-
Heirloom The trousers that are
banded down from father to son.
Quiet About the hardest thing foi
a woman to keep In this work.
Adversity The only scale that gli
the correct weight of our friends.
Ultimatum Something a woman M
eontlaaaUy working oft on her hue-
Brave The man who will stand wtta
aa twenty feat of anything a
at.: , . ...
When you hear a person tellin' how
the world has gone awry.
An' relalln' all the- tiuubie we'll en
counter by and by.
When you hear hiui prorhesyln' notu
ln' else but doubt an' gloom
How the sun will soon get the ague an'
the flow'rs forget to bloom.
If you've any mind fur guessln', you
kin alius hit it right.
His luck has gone agin him. He's the
man that lost the tight.
' when you meet another, steppln'
high an' lookln" proud.
A-shakin' hands so cheery an' a-smllln
on the crowd.
An' tellln' folks to brace up; that the
troubles they go through
Is all imagination; things that vanish
like the dew:
Who says this earth's all right, no mat
ter what Is said or done.
Tou kin recognise him easy. He s the
lucky chap that won.
"You mean that you can't put your
self out to give your mother's brother
night's lodging!" said Caleb Cbeverel.
The March wind, bearing dust and
grit and bits of flying paper on its
restless wings, came whistling around
the corner, lifting the old man's faded
comforter's ends and turning his blue
nose a shade bluer still, while Mrs.
Larklns, his eldest niece, stood in her
doorway, filling up the aperture with
her ample person in such a way as to
suggest the familiar legend, "No ad
Mrs. Larkins was stout and bloom
ing and cherry-cheeke dressed In sub
stantial alpaca, with gay gold brooch
and eardrops, which bespoke anything
but abject poverty.
Uncle Caleb was thin and meager
and shabbily dressed, with glossy
seams In his overcoat and finger-ends
protruding from his worn gloves like
ancient rosebuds coming out of their
"I'm very sorry," said Mrs. Larklns,
stiffly; "but we have but one spare
room, and that is at present occupied.
Of course I should be glad to do all I
could for you, but"
I understand, I understand," said
Uncle Cheverel, turning coldly away.
"I'll go to my niece Jenny. I wish you
very good evening."
Mrs. Larkins closed the door with a
sigh of very evident relief.
I dare say Jenny will take care or
him," she said philosophically. "Jenny
has a smaller family than I have. But
I don't see why he came up to London
Instead of staying peaceably down in
Tortoise Hollow, where he belongs.
Mrs. Jennie Eidertop, Mt. Cheverel s
youngest niece, had a smaller lamuy
than her sister Rebecca, but then she
bad a smaller Income as well. She had
Just finished a vigorous day's cleaning
when Uncle Caleb was announced.
Oh. drat that man!" said Mrs. Elder-
top. wringing her parboiled fingers out
of a basin of steaming soapsuds. "What
sends him here, JuBt now of all times
In the.worid?"
And she went down stairs ungra
ciously enough to the street door,
where her husband was welcoming the
old stranger.
"Come in. Uncle Cheverel! come
In!" Bald honest Will Eidertop. "We're
all upside down here we mostly are,
now that the spring cleaning is going
on. But there's room for you If you
don't mind the children and their noise
and a little smell of whitewash in the
spare room."
Mrs. Eldertop's welcome was by no
nasn. cordial. She looked, to use
a common expression, "vinegar and
darning needles" at the visitor, while
In her inmost soul she calculated the
probability of the cold boiled ham and
hnidina- out for once more at
"Come, Jenny, don't scowl so," said
Mr. Eidertop, when Uncle Caleb had
gone upstairs to wash his hands and
"Ain' h vnur uncle?"
"A good for nothing old vagabond,
said Mrs. Eidertop, acidly, "without a
half -penny laid up ahead.
"For all that he's your guest," said
her husband, "and you're bound to be
civil to blm. And here's his overcoat
now. with a xlg-xag rent In It Just
mend it while you are waiting for the
kettle to boll."
"I won't!" said Mrs. Eidertop,
"All right," retorted her lord and
master. "Then I II take it next door to
Alexia Allen to mend.
. .. kA
Now, Miss Alien, tne tanore-., wu
lived In the adjoining house, was pretty
and buxom to look upon, and Mrs. El-
oenop nu Uu.- - -
. .. m .-.frtfth v CI I -
ousy of her for the last four years.
"You'll do no such thing," said Jenny,
tartly. "Hand It here."
And she threaded a needle with a
black silk and thrust her finger Into a
thimble, very much as a determinea
crusader of old might have donned
sword and shield for some encounter
with the Moslem.
"What's that?" said Mr. Eidertop;
for a folded paper fell from the pocket
of the garment as his wife turned It up
side down.
annul tomfoolery or other,' ar-
.wered Mrs. Jenny, brusquely.
"I fancy you're mistaken," said Mr.
Eidertop. "It's the rough draft of a
"But he's got nothing to leave."
shrieked Mrs. Eidertop.
Tm not so certain of that," retorted
win "Just look here, Jenny I 'I give
m heaueath to my two beloved nieces,
In equally divided parts, the sum of
ClO.MO, at present Invested In consols,
nl "
"Oo onf said Mrs. Eidertop, breath
laaaly. "Read the rest."
There is no rest," said her husband.
-That', the eno or tne paper. v-.y
a reath draft. I tell you. And now,
what's your opinion ot Uncle Cbeverel's
"He's been a miser all along," sail
Mrs. Eidertop, her face grawtng radi
ant. "Making up poor mourns ans
traveling around the country with al
this money in the funds. A regular oil
character Just like those one readi
about in novels. Put it back. Will
put it back. We've no business to be
prying into Uncle Caleb's secrets; bul
what a blessing It Is he came here In
stead of stopping down at Rebecca Lar
And when Uncle Cheverel came dowr
stairs he was surprised at the sweel
smiles with which his niece Jenny wel
comed him.
"Been mending my coat, eh?" said
Uncle Cheverel. "Thank'ee kindly
Jenny. I caught it on a nail yesterday
and I was calculating to sew It up my
self when I could borrer a needle ani
"I'm glad to be of use. Uncle Caleb,'
beamed Mrs. Eidertop. "Johnny, pul
on your cap and run to the grocer's foi
a smoked mackerel for your uncle'i
breakfast. I hope you found your room
comfortable, Uncle Caleb?"
Before she slept that night Mrs. Ei
dertop put on her bonnet and shawl an
ran round to the Larklns" mansion t
Impart her wonderful tidings to Sistel
"Tou don't say so!" cried out the as
tonished matron.
"Gonpel truth!" said Mrs. Eidertop,
;l saw It with my own eyes."
"He must come here," said Mrs. Lar
kins, resolutely.
"Not If I know It," said Mrs. Elder
top. "He's my guest and my guest h
shall remain!"
"But if I'm to share equally with
you," said Mrs. Larklns, "I ought U
show him some attention, the dear
generous-hearted old man."
"Lest he should alter his will,"
shrewdly remarked Sister Jenny. "You
always were a worldly creature
"No more than yourself!" said Mrs.
Larklns, bristling up. "But It's mj
family I am thinking of, Jenn. I'll tel
you what I'll come around and see
him tomorrow."
"But don't you breathe a syllabW
about the will." said Mrs. Eidertop, it
a mysterious whisper.
"Oh, not for worlds," said Mrs. aLr
kins, fervently.
During the next week Uncle Chevere
was overwhelmed with civilities. Ot
Thursday a new suit of clothes arrived
with Mrs. Larklns' love and compll
ments. On Friday Mrs. LarRlns cami
with an open barouche to take deal
Uncle Caleb for a drive In the park
And on Saturday Mrs, Eidertop burs!
Into tears and declared she should ner.
er be happy again If her mother's only
brother didn't pledge himself then and
there to make his future home with
herself and Will.
Uncle Caleb looked a little puzzled.
Well," said he, "if you really make
a point of It but 1 was intending to
meet Cousin John at Gravesend.
Dear uncle, promise me to stay here
always,' cried Mrs. EldqrtqD, hyster
"Just as you say. Niece Jenny, as
sented the old man, complacently.
Mrs. Eidertop felt that she had car
ried her point
But when Mr. and Mrs. Larklns came
on Sunday afternoon to press a similar
petition. Uncle Caleb opened his eyes.
"My Importance seems to have gone
ud' In the market," he observed quaint
iv "I never was In such demand
among my relatives before. But
can't be In two places at once, that's
And he decided to remain with Mrs,
Eidertop, greatly to the Indignation of
the Larklns family, who did not hesi
tate to hint boldly at unfair advantage
and undue Impartiality.
But Just as Mrs. Larklns was rising
to depart, wKh her handkerchief to her
eyes, little Johnny Eidertop came
clamoring for a piece of paper to cut a
kite tail from.
Go along," said Mrs. Eidertop, im
We have no paper nere. m
Amelia." ......
Hold on. little chap noia on: saw
Uncle Caleb, fumbling In his overcoat
pocket he had Just been aoout starling
ff.r walk when the Larklns party ar
rived "here's a bit as is of no use to
And he produced tne "rougn aran
onri hMinwrd It on Johnny
rn. m'i written on.' said ne, ana
t'other ain't. It was lying on tne noor
in Mr. Watkln's law office, wnen
In tn see if Joseph Hall w
employed there as porter still. An old
.hm mlno llftll Wll I
i In Tortoise Hoi
-t gee ,ven a blt of
pappr waBtedf go i axed the clerk If it
waa f any use. He said no It was
will ,
I nnlv - draft OI LfT. r B4CUII will.
r.iMi mmle a new will every si
months, he said, so I Just picked It up
rait it In mv pocket. Everything
comes In use once in seven years, they
say. and this Is Just right for little I
Johnny's kite tall."
Mrs. Larklns looked ai n. mum up,
Mr. Eldetop stared Into the spectacled
eyes of Mr. Larklns.
Uncle Caleb chuckled benevolently as
little Johnny skipped away with the
piece of paper which had been freight
ed with such wealth of anticipation.
The Larklnses took leave wnnoui jr
unnecessary formula oi suieux
Mrs Eidertop took occasion to tell
Uncle Caleb that perhaps he had better
prosecute his original design of the
Oravesend visit.
"Because we re expecunn cuuiif
tomorrow." said she, "and our best
room will be wanted for a while. And,
she added within herself, "I will take
good care that It shan't oe empty
just at present.'
So Uncle tjaieo wein vvi.o..--where
Cousin John was as poor and
h..rirt as himself, and be waa
never Invited to return to London again
Five years later uncie L-wieo acirv
ed this life and left behind him i 20,.
000 In consols willed to John Clark
To his "dear nieces," Jane Eidertop and
Rebecca Larklns, he left tt to eachU
pay for the trouble he put them to whes
i.n a them. To say that there was
w . . . -, . - 1. IV.
Joy In the nieces- nousenwuw
will was read would be to say what to
false, for. If the old man could ha
't unklnd things thai
" "LL, .rdta aba. I
1 4oubt l( j WOald have tall taan tvea
laeeaca. i
Herr Harden, Prince Bismarck's In
timate friend and companion, has caus
ed a sensation In Berlin by the publl
cation of some curious facts about the
great German.
The most sensational revelation was
that, when his political career closed.
Bismarck the monumental man ot
the last half of the century, the most
successful of mortals. If success do
measured by achievements actually
contemplated suicide. He says:
Bismarck undoubtedly conteropuwea
suicide as a rellet irom nw
sufferings, the full extent of which was
only known to those about hlm;.but be
s restrained by pride.
His own words to roe were: 'Peo
ple wish me long life. It Is very kind
of them. If they could take away my
pains I would also consent to their
wishes. But. as It Is, my duties now
consist of washing, shaving and cut
ting the nails of my hands and toes ana
such matters.
I have become a useless member
of human society. Since I can no lon
ger go out my pleasures have been re
duced to the modest dimensions of a
good glass of wine, which is too often
forbidden to me now, and, again, a
pinch of snuff. Should one wish to
live longer thus? My good wife Is no
onger with me.
I am completely contented to die
and long for Euthanasia, it is
longer considered respeciaoie B..u
moral for a man to put an end to a
used-up life. It was different In class
ical days. We have all read Cornelius
Nepos and what he says about suicide.
We have become more sentimental.
If one were to end his life now
the motive would be twisted, the wild
est reports circulated. No one can
blame me for not being able to do more.
have had to give up political busi
ness; the sight of the development of
affairs furnishes no pleasure for me:
have too long looked on agriculture
. 1 It rillA
as a minor empioynieuv
my life know.'
Then, after a pause, Bismarck said:
People do not know what it Is to feel
one's self slowly dying, and there are,
In addition, the pains with their In
numerable shades.' "
A Novel Lunch.
One of Philadelphia's wealthy young
bachelors, who has most artistic rooms
about a mile from the Philadelphia
club, was surprised one afternoon by a
call from a mother and daughter, twin
especial friends on whom he waa anx
ious to make a favorable Impression.
yt course, he was glad to see them, but
ihey had taken him unawares, and he
reflected with a growing horror that
ihere was not so much as a cracker to
Being a man of wonderful mental
. . i ,i ,
resources, a ongnt Kit a. u,
rtruck him. Why not use dog biscuit?
Ue had plenty of these, and they were
lot aif unpalsftable, while If broken
jp into tiny Judicial bits there waa
very chance of their not being recog
nized. They might even be mistaken
:or the latest thing In biscuits. Deter
mined to try It anyhow, the bachelor
presently offered his guests some sherry
with bits of dog biscuit, served upon a
lalnty Sevresolate. It worked like a
:harm, as the guefrts were visibly Im
pressed with the new viand. They nib
oled at It diligently. If with difficulty.
ind aeked where It might be obtained.
Upon this point the young man waa
jnable to give any satisfaction. The
olacuHs were, he said, a special Im
portation of a friend of his, very costly
and very rare, who had presented them
to the bachelor, the latter, of course,
inly serving them to his most honored
The mother even asked If she could
aot take a sample home with her; they
were going abroad very soon, she said,
and would so much love to match it
n London or Paris. But this aspira
tion the startled youth nipped In the
jud by begging to be allowed to ob
tain a boxful of the dainty article for
:hem from his friend.
A Youthful Gamblers Bribe.
Little Francis Is only five years old
as yet, but already he has a pretty clear
jonceptlon of some of the ways of the
world and Its methods of accomplish
ng desired ends. Visiting at his grand
father's house not long ago, one of his
jncles taught him to match pennies,
with the result that he wanted to keep
an with this amusement day and night,
Sunday and weekday alike.
"Grandpa says we can't match pen-
ales today," he weeplngly told one of
the aforementioned uncles on a Sunday.
"Oh, go and coax him a little, was
the laughing rejoinder, "and I guess
he'll give In and let us."
And this was the Interpretation that
Francis gave to the word "coax," to the
horror of his strongly religious grand
Grandpa," he said, gazing up Into
his ancestor's face with beseeching ear
nestness, "If you will let us match pen
nies this afternoon I II give you half of
all I win."
A Snake Story.
Charles Casey, Albert Baldwin, Oliver
J. Default, Merl Nutting and Louis
Fenlon, farmers living in the vicinity of
Meadow Pond, Mass., organised a snake
hunting party and went looking for the
reptiles. The first place they struck
was In an old well. The stone covering
of the well was removed and a large
number of snakes were teen crawling
around. The killing was quickly begun
and when finished seventeen Mack
snakes, measuring about eighty feat
altogether, were stretched on the sod.
These men claim the championship fat
fctlna. It Woroegiar oatuatf. ' t