The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 22, 1899, Image 7

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1 roe. In tatters on the garden rath.
Cried out to God and murmured 'gainst
his wrath.
Ikwm a eudden wind at twilight's
Had snapped hr stem alone of all the
And Oxl. who hilars both sun-dried
dust and lun.
Bad pity, whispering to that luckless
"Bluer, in that thou gayest we did not
What voice nearest thou when thy pet-
ala fellT"
And the rose answered: "In that evil
A voice said, 'Father; wherefore fall'st
the flower?
For lo, the very iroasarnera are still."
And a voice answered, 'Sown, by Allah's
will.' "
Ttoen softly, as
the rain-mist on the
Came to the rose
the answer of the
"Sister, before we smote the dark In
Ere yet the stars saw one another plain.
Time, tide, and space, we bound unto
he task
That thou shouldn't fall, and awn an
one should auk,"
Whereat the withered flower, all con
tent. Died as they died whose days are Inno
cent; While he who questioned why the flow
er fell
Caught hold of God and saved his soul
from hell. ftudyard Kipling.
Dorothy Willis settled back In her
eat, as the train started with the sigh
of content. She was actually on her
way to the city for a whole day's fun
and shopping.
She had been looking forward to this
trip all the long, busy summer. It was
to b her one outing for the year, for
the heavy mortgage on the Willis farm
made mere pleasure Impossible. Hut
there was shopping that must be done
In the city, and mother had said ihat
Dorothy should be the one to go, so she
bad been saving up her pennies for It
ail summer. She had found time to
jlck ime berries, and she had gather
ed chestnuts to sell. She had a little
money In one corner of her purse
"Just for reckless extravagance," she
"I know hat you will think I am
dreadfully foolish," she said to her
mother, early In the summer, but If 1
can save money enough I'm going into
Delaney's to lunch." Delaneys was
the most aristocratic place In the city,
and charged accordingly. You almost
had to pay for the privilege of passing
on the sidewalk. "I've seen people
going In. and It looks so lovely. It
smells so good, too, clear out on the
treet. Somehow a put-up lunch goes
down dreadfully hard after that. I'd
like once In my life to play I was rich,
and could have just what I wanted."
"Very well, my dear," andswered her
mother, "do .. you please. We should
be more than glad to give you all you
want. It hurts us both to the quick,
my daughter, to have you work so hard
and be denied so many things, but"
"Don't you say another word, Mother
Willis," orled Dorothy. "You know I'm
happy as the day Is long most of the
time, and I'd work ten times harder and
live on potatoes and salt before I'd swap
my blessed father and mother for any
millionaires on the face of Uie earth. 1
enly want to be foolish once for half an
hour or so."
So Dorothy hod picked berries, and
gotten up early to tramp off after chest,
nuts, and all by Itself In one corner of
her purse was a crisp, new dollar bill
for folly.
Brie had amused herself and family
planning her lunch.
"It you don't come home, Dorothy,"
aid her brother Tom, "we shall know
Just what the trouble Is you've died
of indigestion. I should expect to if 1
put any such conglomeration Into my
"I am pretty healthy," laughed Doro
thy. "1 guess I can stand It for once."
But now the long-looked-for duy had
comeDorothy was really on her way!
It was Juirt 9 o'clock when she reach
ed the city and started on her shopping.
Buch a long list as she had, and there
was so much running about, to be sure
and get the best bargains! "I shall have
a fine appetite," she thought, for she
had been much too excited to eat her
breakfast properly.
At half-past eleven she decided she
hould go to lunch at 12, for she want
ed to be there In the busiest time. It
would be such fun to see the crowd, and
be one of them for once. i
Bhe bad Just been getting woolen
stockings for father and Tom, and was
waiting for her change, when she no
ticed a little girl, not far from her,
eyeing a pile of men's cardigans very
wistfully. Such a forlorn little mite as
he was! Her dress was scant and
faded, and her face was so thin and
old. Dorothy felt as If she would like
to put her arms around her and kiss
ber, she looked so pitiful. Perhaps she
howed her loving sympathy In her
face, for soon the child came towards
"How much do you s'pose them Jack
et be?" he asked timidly.
"Oh, ye. ma'am I Mother and me,
we've been trying to earn enough all
summer to buy one, for father got such
a cough, and he Is so cold at work In
winter. Mother hasn't used a bit of
sugar or milk In her tea, and I haven't
had any butter on my bread for so long!
We've saved M-f-t-y cenUl Do you
think that will buy one?"
Dorothy felt as If there was a great
lump In her throat, and somehow she
ootildn't to count her change which
fcad Juet oome.
"I hop so, dear," ehe said. "I'll go
orer with you and ae."
Oh, thank you! Mother oouldn t
gmtad time to come, because she has to
sw ayery minute." , M
It was Dorothy that Inquired the
"One dollar and a half.- answers
the clerk, "and a big bargain, too,-
For an Instant Dorothy did not dar
look at the child beside her.
Toor little thing! Her bright look o
expectation had faded, the tears wer
running down her cheeks, and she look
ed at the half-dollar In her hand In sot
rowfuj surprise. It had been such ha
work to get it, and it had seemed sud
"We never can get one,- she sal
with a sob, "and father will get mor
cold and be sick, I'm afraid."
"Give her your lunch money," sail
conscience to Dorothy. "Can you b
so mean and selfish and horrid as 0
go and get that foolish lunch when thi
money would do so much good to thes
poor folks?"
"But I worked so hard to get It, an!
I've anticipated It so much," pleads
Dorothy, "It Isn't as If I had lots d
"The first mouthful ought to chokj
you to death," sale, conscience, remorse
It took only a minute less, If any
thing for Dorothy to think all this, t
fight the little battle, and, thank God
to come off conqueror.
"Don't cry, dear," she said. "I'v
got some money that I don't need. I'l
put It with yours, and we will get tr.
cardigan together. Then every time yoi
see your father put It on you can thlnl
of me. Won't that be nice?"
The look on the child's face repaU
Dorothy a thousand times for her lltU
sacrifice. Indeed, It warmed her hear
so that she slipped a quarter Into thi
child's hand as they parted.
"Get some sugar and milk for you)
mother's tea and butter for your breai
tonight," she raid.
"I don't need that ribbon for my hat
the old one will do well enough," shi
said to herself.
"Well, did you have your wonderfif
lunch, and did you enjoy It as much at
you expected?" asked Tom at night.
"More. I never enjoyed anything s
much In my life. I didn't get Just whaf
I planned, but It was even more indlges
tlble If anything," replied Dorothy, wltl
a happy little laugh; and that was ar
she would ever say about It.
"It may have been filling at the time
but It doesn't seem to have Btayed bj
you very well," said Tom, dryly, aa hi
watched Dorothy eat her supper.
Perhaps the young woman who wroW
this moral story had read about thai
nice girl who always looked pleasant ai
the deaf and dumb man and found
herself heiress to his property when
his will waa probated. This is only a
supposition, of course. The story
speaks for Itself, as the reader will see'
Mabel waa a beautiful girl, Jusl
dawning Into womanhood, and she ran
a typewriter. She helped support het
widowed mother.her father having been
lost at sea many years previous to th
beginning of thla tale. Mabel could
earn but little wages with her type
writer, because she was obliged to an
swer the telephone and she couldn't
expect typewriter wages for doing that
But she did not complain. Every day
when she rode down town In the electrlo
cars she noticed an elderly gentleman
whose clothes were old-fashioned and
pretty shabby. He had a good face,
but she could not help seeing that his
trousers bagged at the knees a great
deal. Other people noticed It, too, and
snickered and made remarks and even
called him "Old Baggy Knees," but
Mabel never did. She was too well
brought up for one thing, and, besides,
she had a good heart. Whenever she
could she made room on the seat for
the old man, and once when there wai
no room to make she stood up and
ave him her scat After a while ha
talked with her and found out who
she was and where she lived. One day
she missed him. In fact, she saw him
no more. It may have been a week of
so when there came a heavy rap at
the door. It was a marl with a pack
age. The address was "Miss Mabel
Plnkllngton, No. 792 Skldmore place,"
and Mabel opened It with nervoui
haste. All It contained was a pair ol
much worn trousers and a card which
reach: "For the little woman who nevet
called me baggy knees, from her Blnceri
admirer, John Tewksbury." Mabel
laughed, but her mother shook out the
garment and said: "That's a funny
present." She felt In the pockets, but
there was nothing there. Then she
threw the trousers across a chair and
plaintively said: "You know, Mabel,
dear, that we cannot make the last pay
ment on this home tomorrow, and we
Mil lose IL"
Mabel sighed end answered, "Yes,
mother, we will lose K."
Just then her mother, who had been
looking at the trousers idly, ald: "I
don't think I ever saw such baggy
knees on a human person. They look
fairly solid." 8he came a little closet
and felt of them. "I declare, they are,"
she ecltedly said. She turned them In
side out, and, lo! two huge wads ol
$20 bills fell on the floor, one from each
knee. When they counted them up
they found there was 14,180 In the two
bunches. O, but that was a happy
household! And next morning when th
cruel agent came for hla money h
waa given It before he could ask for It.
All of which shows that It always
pays to be good and respectful to old
persons. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The actual area of Greater New
York la stated by the board of Im
provements to be as follows: Manhat
tan Borough, or Manhattan Island, 13,.
187 acres; borough of the Brons, or an.
nexed district, M.J70 acres; borough of
Richmond, or Btaten Island, M.001
acres; borough of Brooklyn, COM acre;
borough of Queens, 7,MT acres. The
official total area of Oreater New Tork
la to square miles, with aa estimated
population of I, ioo,8ft
When the American fleet left Martin
ique, Its squadron evolutions must havi
presented a curious sight to thoae oi
shore. For It was here that the swift
est ships of the fleet gathered for theli
great handicap race to Dominica, as
event officially designated as a men
speed trial. The engines on each shll
were subjected to a four houra" trial al
full speed, the first two houra to be os
natural draft and the last two o
forced draft. The starting point was or
a line seven miles off the lighthouse ol
St. Pierre, and was crossed by eack
ihlp going at full speed ahead. Th(
better to "curb all attempts at racing,"
Ihe slowest vessels crossed the line wit
a good start In their favor, thus even
ing matters, after the manser of a reg
ular handicap race.
For days and weeks before, the sail
ors and stokers aboard the different
thlps had staked the better part of theli
pay on the outcome of this speed trial
Greatest was the rivalry between th
men of the New York and Brooklyn,
since the relative speed of these twt
vessels has been an open question evei
ince the day when the New York
strove to overhaul the Brooklyn in hei
chase after the fleeing Cristobal Colon
For several hours, while the ship
were getting up steam, they circle!
about each other like huge white birds
of the sea hovering over the brine. Tt
those aboard the Brooklyn and New
York It seemed as If the two swlfl
cruisers were eyeing each other, and
measuring points In anticipation of tb
coming race.
The Indiana got under way first, and
crossed the line at a twelve-knot clip
with a trail of dense black smoke mark
ing her course northward to Dominica
As the slowest of the five entries Id
the race, she was allowed to take a
long start, and her smokestacks had
nearly disappeared under the horizon
before the Massachusetts slipped hei
leash. Of all the five ships, the Massa
:husetta was best prepared for the race,
having been overhauled but lately, so
(hat her engineers declared her to be all
slicked and primed for Just such a race
uid laid their wagers accordingly. Aft,
r the Massachusetts was well on hex
way after the Indiana, Captain Slgsfcee
itarted In pursuit of both with a fine
ourst of speed from the Texas. On the
strength of the little Texas' perform
mce on July 3 of last year, when she
nanaged to maintain the killing pace
let by the Oregon In the great record
run after the Cristobal Colon, Captain
Slgsbee'a men had high hopes of wln
ling back some of the money they lost
n the day of the recent regatta In Ha
eana Harbor. WTlth this pack In full
:ry ahead, the Brooklyn and New York
rot under way within twenty minutes
f each other, the flagship starting al
The race became most exciting during
the last two hours of the speed trial,
when all the ships were going under
!orced draught. Then It was that the
S'ew York overhauled one ship after
mother, finally crossing the finish line
ff Dominica barely a ship's length
l-head of the Indiana, and nearly even
with the Massachusetts. Close behind
oer came the panting Brooklyn, and
lor behind, her hulk barely rising above
Ihe horizon line, came the vanquished
fxan. Captain Slgobce's long protract
d stay In the foul waters of Havana
larbor had proved her undoing. Edwin
Smerson, Jr., In Collier's Weekly.
About Cats.
The bent of the cat's mind was pleas
intly defined a few years ago by a
writer In the London Spectator, who
said there could be no doubt as to the
lew Puss took of the philosophy of na
ure and life. She Is quite satisfied that
.he world and everything In it was
nade and exists for cats. This appears
n all that well bred and cared-for cats
lo, and In every accent and tone of
.heir voice. Puss possesses herself with
;he air of a proprietor of the best place
ind the best food; expects to be waited
jpon; demands a share of every dish,
ind looks upon us at once as her Provl.
lence and her servant.
Cats are not demonstrative like dogs,
ind do not submit to training like the
aorse. The dog has been credited with
unbounded affections, and the horse
with almost human sagacity; but the
:at still suffers under the bad character
that Buffon who cannot have been ac
quainted with any reputable specimens
of the race gave her. She is said to
se selfish, spiteful, cruel, crafty, treach
erous, loving places and not persons,
ind In every way unworthy of fellow-
ihlp In the household. J. G. Wood an.
iwers these accusations by saying that
the cots with which he has been most
familiar "have been as docile, tractabl
and good tempered as any dog could
be, and displayed an amount of Intel
lectual power which would be equalled
by very few dogs, and surpassed b
none." To all persons who have giver
their confidence to Puss and received
hera In return, they need no answer.
Then Came Silence.
In the train sat a queer old Quaker
ess. She wore a silver gray dresa
snowy collar and a gray bonnet. Sht
was a large and handsome woman, an
on her quiet face was peace. Two smart
commercial travelers stepped Into thi
same coach, and after they had dla
cussed the spirit and tobacco trade
while, they loked around at the Qua
keresa. Then they looked at eacl
other, smiled, and one remarked In ai
"Billy, I guess the old lady la Inflate1
with Quaker yeast."
Without lifting her eyes, the old ladj
aald In a clear voice that could bs
beard all over the car:
"If thy father and mother had con
eumed more aweet Quaker yeast am
leaa beer and tobacco, thee would havi
been better raised and better bred."
Then It waa so alien! that you comli
bear the angina pump.
Ability la a poor man's wealth. M.
Avarice la the vice of declining years.
Candor la the brightest gem of cltl
cism. Disraeli.
We enjoy thoroughly only the pleas
ure that we give. Dumas.
Advice la seldom welcome. Those
who need It most like It least. Johnson.
Accuracy la the twin brother of hon
esty; Inaccuracy of dishonesty. C.
Title and ancestry render a good man
more Illustrious, but an 111 one more
contemptible. Addison.
Affectation lights a candle to our de
fects and though it may gratify our
selves its disgusts all others, La vater.
The shortest and surest way to live
with honor In the world is to be In real
ity what we would appear to be. So
sratea. In activity we must find our Joy as
well as glory; and labor, like every
thing else that is good. Is its own re
ward. E. P. Whipple.
Few persons have sufficient wisdom
to prefer censure which Is useful to
praise which deceives them. Roche
foucauld. There Is a maxim of unfailing truth,
that nobody ever pries Into another
man's concerns but with a deBlgn to do,
Br to be able to do, him a mischief.
Call on a business man only at busi
ness times, and on business; transact
four business, and go about your busl
ess, In order to give him time to finish
lis business. Wellington.
Is there any one who suffered from
writers' cramp because of indorsing
No man looks so tired as he who
wns a small boy who is old enough
lo ask "why."
It always makes a woman awfully
mad to have some one say the bright
:hlngs which she was Just about to
Just aa soon aa a woman falls to care
when a man scolds her you can rest
issured she la beginning not to care
for him.
The college bred girl Is Ill-bred when
Ihe thinks that her extra learning war
ants her being Impertinent to her
Just when a woman manages to get
er hair trained Into a nice pompadour,
lie rumor that bangs are returning re
Juces her to despair.
A bird In the hand may be worth
two In the bush, but It doesn't com
pare with the one on the hat, Judging
by the price of millinery thus adorned.
Just as soon as you begin to think
'.hat there is no one quite as fine as
fourself, then at that moment you can
rest assured that there are others.
The craze for securing something for
lothing makes a woman forget fatigue
when she stands an hour In line to
tet a biscuit that her husband wouldn't
ist If she made It
The person who knows the plot of
1 play and tells It audibly to his
elghbor Is not so numerous as for
sierly, because, perhaps, there are so
few plots that any one can discover In
,he up-to-date play.
War correspondents were employed
is far bock as the time of Edward II.
Scribes, specially commissioned, were
lent up with the English army which
Invaded Scotland at that time. But, In
credible as It may sound, not one of
the London newspapers was specially
represented at the battle of Waterloo.
Courage, like cowardice, Is undoubt
edly contagious, but some persons are
not liable to catch It. G. D. Prentice.
Justice Is truth In action. Disraeli.
Our only greatness Is that we aspire.
Jean Ingelow.
What has been done can be done
again. Disraeli.
Conduct la three-fourtha of life.
Matthew Arnold.
Judgment Is forced upon us by ex
perience. Johnson.
Age, like woman, requires fit aur
roundlngs. Emerson.
Houses are like the human beings
who inhabit them. Hugo.
Money makes up in a measure all
jther wants In men. Wyeherley.
Take hope from the heart of man and
you make him a beast of prey. Oulda.
The refusal of praise Is only the wish
to be praised twice. La Rochefou
OMAHA. MO. 25 1899.
The way to get rich la to spend leaa
than you earn.
No man can climb higher than his
highest Ideal.
No one can disgrace us but our
selves. J. G. Holland.
If a man could have hie wishes, be
would double his trouble.
Back of every sorrow Ilea some Joy,
as back of the cloud the sun.
Vice we can learn ourselves, but vir
tue and wisdom require a tutor.
' Praise Is the handmaid of virtue,
but the maid Is much oftener wooed
than the mistress.
There is enough salt In the sea to
cover seven million square miles of
land with a layer one mile in tbiak
ness. "Although you count yourself a
brighter fellow than I am, yet I can
come round you," as the earth said to
the sun.
There Is a law preventing the crying
of newspapers on the streets of Wash
ington on Sundays and on week days
after nightfall.
"I never saw a man so afraid of fire
as Slchensteln?" "Is he?" Yes. He
always prefers an assignment." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
As showing the keenness of the their
scent, It Is said that the vulture and
carrion crow can smell their food for a
distance of forty miles. But then it
must be taken Into account that the
food has a somewhat penetrating flavor.
The fact that skeleton remains of
elephants are so rarely found In any
part of Africa is explained by an ex
plorer who states that as soon as the
bones become brittle from climatic in
fluences they are eaten in lieu of salt
by various ruminant animals.
One of the strangest streams in the
world is In East Africa. It flows In the
direction of the sea, but never reaches
It. Just north of the equator, and
when only a few miles from the Indian
Ocean, It flows Into a desert, when it
suddenly and completely disappears.
$100 Reward, 9IOO.
"There are many men who wouldn't
marry for money," growled the savage
misogynist, "If they could get the mon
ey any other way."
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all Its stages, and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fails to cure. Send
for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best
A wife certainly has no cause for
complaint If her husband doesn't love
her any more providing he doesn't
love her any less.
If wives were as nice to their hus
bands as female clerks are to their
male customers but few matrimonial
failures would be recorded.
Via the
For the T. P. S. C. E. Convention
July 5th to 10th, all lines will sell tick
ets on July 3rd, 4th and 5th via the
Wabash. The short line from CHI
side trips to Niagara Falls, Toronto,
Montreal, Mackinac, and many other
points at a very low rate via lake or
rail have been arranged. Parties con
templating a trip east should call on or
write for rates and folders giving list
of side trips, etc Also a beautiful sou
venir entitled "Lake and Sea."
Room !02, Karbach Blk..
Otiha, Neb.
way With the Neceanlty Fnr a
Are funnily Essential for the
Asa o.retkm unrtarfttor it le
and effect. In conatruction Tt la as simple a an ordinary milk can. Cold
well water (In equal proportion to your milk) Is all that is necessary to se
cure all the butter fat the milk contains in tbe warmest of weather. Farmers
entrnKed In the aale of cream to creameries will find the Rector Automatic
Cream Heparator superior to any other, but those who think themselves but
111 prepared to handle their milk and butter will find In tbe Rector Separates
all the benefits and advantaKes which they could have hoped to get out ol
expensive equipments. The Kertor Koparator have been in use nearly two
years amonK the mnst progressive furmers In Iowa, Missouri and othel .
states, riving in each and every Instance complete satisfaction. The bouse,
wife will And Its usage as simple as a milk can and tha results as good, ol
better, than thone attained from the moat powerful centrifugal machines.
In order to introduce the Keetor Separator Into Nebraika, the regular prlca
of 17.00 has been reduced, for a limited time, to $4.9S, delivered free of all
freight charges at your station. All letters of Inquiry will be cheerfully
answered and such other Information gives as may be required. Write youf
name and address plainly.
Address all communications to B. H. PICKEN, Ottumwa, Iowa,
mm of all im
How many of you have lost the price of this Bnflne In one day on account of la
sufficient wind to operate your wind mills, leaving your stock without water. Oct one
now to do your pumping when there Is no wind or to do It regularly. Weather does not
affect Its work, hot or cold, wet or dry, sind or calm. It Is all the same to this machine.
Will also sholl corn, grind feed, saw wood, churn butter anil is handy for a hundred othel
lobs, in the house or on the farm. Costs nothing to keep when not working, and only I
to St cents per hour when working. Shipped completely set up, ready to run, no founds,
tlon needed, a great lalior and money saver. Kequlres practically no attention, and la
absolutely safe. We make all ilcua of Gasoline Engines, from 1 to 76 horse power, writs
for circular and special prices.
Rev. D. C. Hopson, Pastor M. E. Church, Wauneta, Neb. writes: "After
years of constipation and stomach disorder, Dr. Kay's Innovator has removed
the constipation and made my stomach almost new, I could not hear a watch
tick with it close to my right ear, and but a very short dlstanoe from my left
one I can now hear one quite a distance from my right ear, and a long
distance from my left one, and the tbiok, heavy feeling-between my ayes, to my
Dr. Kay's Renovator;
Joy, Is gone. Dr. Kay's Catarrh Cure did it It is the best thing I ever tried."
We give a-RII AQVIOE nd "ens Of- Kay's Boms Treetmeat, aa lllostreled soak
ef 114 paces, treatise all ailments common ta the human family. Write na all about soar ease.
If druggists do not have our remedies aon't take aay substitutes the say are "feei aa seea1
far they have Mo Iquolj. They can he had. areaaid ay ratara malt, M eneleslaf mlae as
Curos Eczema.
ft also eures snytniag la the nature ol
wounds, eruptions, disaherges, or InOaav
matlon of the skta or mucous membrane
Not a soap or ointment but a soothing,
healing lotion, firing immediate railed
from itching or burning, and insuring t
rapid cure.
v-BHm al maeeuHeae and attar Is nam
polsoo-lvy, tired, swaS , and litllamaa
leaf, ahatlng, and other skin dlsordert
peculiar to the summer season, lnstantlj
relieved by Gennoaaae. Give Gormo
zone ton says' trial. If not found en.
Urely satisfactory, return the unused
portion to us and we will promptly ra
fund your money.
Trial size, lOo; large size, Wo postpaid,
Geo. H. Lie Chtntictl C.,
Omaha, Nab., er Murray at. Maw Yarfc.
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Ry,
for Chicago and the East. Short tlnx
between Omaha and Chicago. ElectrU
lighted, steam heated, solid vestibule
tralna depart dally from Union Depot,
Omaha. Dining care operated "a la
carte" plan pay a reasonable price foi
what you order only.
' General Western Agent,
1504 Farnam St.. Omaha.
at Hot Springs. South Dakota k
Just right for ImthlnK at any tlmf
of the year, without shock to tha
bather and without application A
artificial heat.
If rick, yon can be cured.
If crippled with rheumatism, yoa can be cured
If tired, you need rest, and the place to go la
Hot Springs,
South Dakota,
Low rate tickets on sale every day
Much cheaper than to other resorts.
Climate, water, scenery and hotels
are unexcelled.
Any agent "NORTH - WESTERN
LINE" or J. H. GABLE, Traveling
Passenger Agent, Dea Moines, la.,
can tell you more about It.
General Passenger Agent, OMAHA, NEB,
Half fare round trip (plua $2.00) oa
first and third Tuesdays of each month.
Quickest and best line to St Louis, tha
East and South, via Omaha ft St. Louis
and Wabash. Fast mail leaves Omaha
4:50 p. m., Council Bluffs t:lt p. m., ar
lives St. Louis 7 a. m., returning leave
St. Louis 7:30 p. m., arrlraa Omaha
8:36 a. m. dally. All Information at
Port Aruthr Route Office, 1416 Farnanj
street (Pazton hotel block) or write
Harry E. Moorea, C. P. & T. A., Omaha,
Hon. W. A. Paxton, President of tha
Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., says!
"I believe the great remedies of Dr.
Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm are worthy of the public's confi
dence." Dr. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga, N. Y.
Great Many Expensive Conveniences
Profitable Handling or Milk and Butter.
nerfect. Fmnlovs onlr the nrinclnlea nf unM