The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 22, 1899, Image 3

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    A SONO.
There's a sweetness In the air
When the aun is low.
And the sky Is flushed and bare,
And the lifrht wind blow;
While the shadows come and go
As the night doth fall
Along the misty rnoor land where the
curiews call.
There a lady full of grace
. Whom I loved of yore,
And the lovellght on her face
Shlneth evermore;
And I long aa heretofore
For the night to fall
llonc the misty moor land where thf
curlews call.
Dear love, can I forget
Through the flying years
Thy face amid the fret
Of their pain and tears;
Nay, my heart remembers yet
When the night doth fall
Along the misty moor land where the
curlews call.
Ernest A. Newton.
Mrs. Spreadbrow sat under the big
willow In her front garden. Behind her
Mood the trim cottage, and In the grass,
ilmost at her feet, gamboled Eddy, her
foungest born, and the new white and
Slack puppy.
From the gyration of the two young
creatures on the grans, M rs. Spreadbrow
let her eyea wander drearily across the
Bay to the Irregular sky line of the big
Jlty, where she knew that Mr. Spread-
orow was busily engaged In converting
sales of cotton Into brisk bank notes,
Ah, though she, happily, she had
xiuch to be thankful for, the best hus
oand In the world, promising family,
l charming home on Staten Island and
But at this Juncture her reverie
was broken In upon by the sound of
,'ootsteps on the gravel walk leading
,'rom the front gate to the house, and
ooklng up, she beheld the comfortable
Sgure of her dear friend, Mr. Town-
There followed a scene such as any
sidy who has been surprised by the
ludden and unexpected arrival of a
ralued friend can readily Imagine. In
Je course of It Mrs. Townley was con
veyed to the parlor of the trim cottage,
jq sit and "cool off" before going up
stairs. "Take off your bonnet, dear," said
ser cheery hostess. "I will put your
tatchel and parcel and things on this
:halr. O, I have so much to tell you
ibout and scold you for; why haven't
fou come down before?"
In the midst of Mrs. Townley's ex
planations as to why she had absented
aerself, there burst through the open
French window, like the advent of a
whirlwind, the puppy, Sport, In full
:ry, followed by Eddy.
Round arid round the rom they clr
jled for some moments and then, obedl
mt to the oft-repeated commands of his
mother, the little youth turned and em
traced their visitor with much heartl
tess. The peace that followed these
lemonntrattnns was rudely put to flight
y the cllrk of the front gate, and the
.Ty from Eddy, who was stationed at
:r.e window, announcing "a lady coni
ng." "Somebody to call. How provoking!"
aid Mrs. Spreadbrow, with a pucker of
aer placid brow. "Come, Maria, let's
to up stairs before Delia goes to the
loor. There goes the boll! Never mind
rour things."
In an Instant the room was cleared of
til save the black and white puppy,
ho shambled about for a moment,
shen trotted out into the garden by the
lame route he had come In.
"It's a young lady, Mrs. Spreadbrow,
tnd she says she wants to see you on
uslness," announced Delia, a moment
,ater, thrusting her head through the
loor of the room to which Mrs. Spread.
row and her friend had retired.
"Dear me! what can she want?" The
jtdy's voice expressed as much Irrita
:ion as that kindly organ could em
jody. As she entered the parlor, a tall, slim
rirl, who had been standing nervously
n the middle of the room, advanced to
jneet her, and the Icy tone and manner
:hat Mrs. Spreadbrow had determined
;o assume toward the dlHturber of her
tecluslon melted away as the pretty
roung creature lifted a pair of sad dark
yes to her race ana 8am in an em
barrassed voice.
"Please pardon mo for Intruding. I
nave come to to "
"Pray sit down," Interrupted Mrs.
Spreadbrow, cheerily.
"Thank you," said the girl, and
dropped Into a chair. "I will not de
tain you long. I have here a chil
dren's history " and from the depths
of a romoy satchel she produced a
small book "that Catcham & Teasam
are publishing "
Ah! Now Mrs. Spreadbrow knew the
worst. "But I don't want it," she said,
"It won't do any any harm to to
look at It." The girl spoke aa If trying
to repeat a lesson, and with a wistful
look In her face.
"Yes, it will; because If I let you
how it to me I may buy It, and I real
ly don't want It"
"Nobody does; but you have put your
rejection of It very kindly," said the
girl, riling to go.
Her voice trembled, and the smile she
manged to screw her pretty lips Into
waa far from cheerful. Mrs. Spread
brow was touched. There was some
thing so pathetic about the vole and
manner, and aha was so very young
and so very pretty. The motherly lady
laid her band on the glrl'e arm, saying
"Let me give you a (las of claret be.
for you set out again in the heat or
For the Uttle book agent had turned
away to bid the tears she could not
"Bum me." aha murmured, 'It's the
fee weather, and and not being ao
customed to the work. I began only
yesterday, and It's a long trip to and
from New York."
"Sit down," urged Mrs. Spreadbrow,
ently, "and I will go and get the
When she returned the girl had quite
recoveied and was sitting quietly at the
window smiling at the gambols of the
puppy. She apologized for having
given away to her emotions, sipped her
wine and thpn rose again to go.
"Thank you so much for your kind
ness," she said warmly, and "good
by!" "Stop," exclaimed Mrs. Spreadbrow,
"I've changed my mind about the book,
I'll take It."
"You really need it?" with a percep
tible brightening of the eyes.
"I can't get on without a history for
Eddy. I never thought of Sport's hav
ing destroyed the one he had."
When the necessary negotiations had
been concluded and the pretty book
agent had departed, Mrs. Spreadbrow
returned to her guest, with many apol
ogies for her long absence and bubbling
over with the pathetic romance she had
woven from the materials furnished by
the young girl's words and manner.
The two ladles talked over this and
similar Instances, until they were both
In a tearful state, and Mrs. Townley,
to turn the tide of feeling, proposed go
ing Into the parlor and opening the
nubbly little package which she had
brought and which she said contained
some trifles for the children.
This proposition was hailed with Joy
by Mrs. Spreadbrow. Mrs. Townley
waa in the act of untying the last
string, when she suddenly bethought
her of her black satchel, in which it was
her custom to carry her purse, and
which had ben deposited with her bon
net and parasol on a chair In the cor
ner of the room. With the precipitancy
Invariably displayed by her sex at sucn
Junctures, she roBe and stepped over (
to get it. The parasol and bonnet were
on the chair, but not the satchel.
"Are you sure that you didn't take
It Into the library?" asked Mrs. Spread
brow, after the parlor had been search
ed. "I know I didn't" responded Mrs.
Townley, with tremulous Irritation.
"But of course we can look."
The satchel waa not In the library, the
only room occupied by the ladles since
Mrs. Townley's arrival; nor did It turn
up anywhere In the house, which with
anxious Inconsistency, was searched
from top to bottom. Mrs. Townley had
become very pale and Mrs. Threadbrow
trembled with excitement and chagrin.
"O, this is dreadful," she said at last.
"I I hate to think it possible, but it
must have been stolen. How much
was In the purse?"
"A hundred dollars,' responded Mrs.
Townley. "I brought It with me for
safety. But who who? There has been
no one '
"The little bok agent," gasped Mrs.
Spreadbrow. "She Is the only person
who has been In the parlor besides my
self since you left It. Is it possible
can It be that innocfcnt-looktng O,
But Mrs. Spreadbrow was a woman
of action, albeit mild and gentle, and ;
she sprang to her feet, fiercely clench
ing her small, soft fists, "I'll follow
her!" she cried. "Do you go one way,
Maria; I will go another, and Delia and
the children shall go In the other direc
tions. O, we will run her down! The
little hypocrite!"
In a few minutes the house was emp
tied of occupants, barring the cook,
who stood with her elbows on the fence
and watched the departing search
party, and the black and white puppy,
who. In his foolish way, growled at
and worried something under the big
With the hot August sun pouring
down upon their heads the pursuers
scurried rrom nouse to nouse, wmi:
with what Mrs. Spreadbrow termed
the Intense cunning of a thief," the
little book agent managed to elude
At last Mrs. Spreadbrow found a maid
t who said that she had seen the '
girl enter the railway station and that
if Mrs. spreadbrow hurried she could
overtake her before the arrival of the
train for St. George. Statlonwnrd the
anxious lady sped, fear and indigna
tion, Intermixed with a spice of uncer
tainty. What should she do If the girl refused
to give up the purse? Ah, she knew;
she would get on the train, find a po
liceman at St. George and Intercept her
as she stepped on the boat.
She reached the station Just in time
to see the book agent's skirt wlilflk
through the door of a forward car; she!
herself was hauled onto the last car by
an obliging brakeman, Just as the train
moved off.
Arrived at St. George, Mrs. Spread
brow hurriedly accosted a policeman,
explained that the young woman In the
gray linen dress, carrying the black
satchel, had committed a theft, and
urged him excitedly to detain her. The
officer hesitated a moment, and then
Interposing his portly form between
the young girl and the gang plank,
touched her lightly on the arm and
said, pointing to Mrs. Spreadbrow:
"Do you know this lady?"
"Yes that Is, I went to her house
this morning, and she was"
"Will you come out of this crowd?"
said Mrs. Spreadbrow, her firmness
suddenly forsaking her, "I want to
speak with you."
"But I will miss my boat,' 'expostu
lated the girl nervously. "My mother
will be waiting for me and what can
you mean by calling a policeman to
stp me?" she concluded with a fright
ened look In her If a full realisa
tion of the situation bad but Just flash.
d upon her.
"The fact Is," eiclalmed the polio,
nan, "this lady wants me to arrest you
for theft, but maybe you can expla
certain suspicious circumstances."
The girl was white to the Hps now
and the look of despairing fright in hei
eyes was pitiful to see.
"For theft me for theft?' 'she salt
with stiff Hps.
"O, do come where it is quiet," urgec
the accuser, looking as distressed as th
accused and then the three went lnt
the ferry-house."
"Sit down," said Mrs. Spreadbrow
weakly, when they had reached a quiet
corner of the big room.
"Thank you, I prefer to stand, re
piled the girl proudly. "And now maj
I ask what you accuse me of stealing?
"I I." said Mrs. Spreadbrow, trem
bling before the pale "little thief," "we
think you took Mrs. Townley's purs
out of my parlor thts morning; yov
were the only person in the room besld
myself between the time she left It
there and the time we found It gone
and "
"My God!" murmured the book agenl
dropping Into a seat and covering, hei
face with her hands. Presently she re
covered herself and turning to the po
liceman said: "Search my satchel, sir,
please, and you," to Mrs. Spreadbrow
you may search my person; and may
God forgive you!"
'O, my dear, I can't, I can't I can't
when I look at you I can't be be Bui
everything's against you." Mrs. Spread
brow's eyes were full of tears and het
voice trembled.
"There ain't no purse hereNbut this
one," remarked the policeman, who had
been rummaging through the contents
of the black satchel, holding up a slim
pocket book.
"That's mine; look through It; you
will find Just 20 cents." The book agent
spoke very calmly.
"That's right," he assented, putting
the purse back. "But of course the
money muBt be h,j on tne lady's per.
gon ne jded cautiously.
"Here It Is! Here It 1b!" cried a
panting but triumphant voice, and Mrs.
Townley. flushed and excited, rushed,
toward the trio waving a much-mauled
Russian leather bag, such as soma
ladles are fond nf carrying their hand
kerchiefs and purses In.
"It was that wretched black and
white puppy! He must have taken It
I out of the parlor, and Eddy found him
chewing it to pieces In the garden.
Why, what is the matter, Hattie?" for
Mrs. Spreadbrow had dropped Into
seat and regardless of curious eyes, waa
weeping plteoualy.
"I I I'm sorry. Pie please for
give me."
The little book agent wavered a mo
ment, scorn, Indignation and pity chas
ing each other across her face. Then
she slipped down beside the distressed
little lady and taking one of her limp
hands said simply:
"I do forgive you. Pray don't cry
But, please, next time you miss any
thing, be sure the black and white pup
py hasn't taken it lefore you decide
that anybody else has."
She could not refrain from this milf
shot, and, though it was tremulously
aimed. It did not miscarry, but went
j,lraght to Mrs. Spreadbrow's heart.
where It has lodged ever since. ,
And so It was the black and white
puppy! He Is a sedate dog now and a
great favorite of Miss Amelia Banks
ex-book agent who declares that If It
had not been for him she would never
have obtained her present lucrative and
congenial position In Mr. Spreadbrow's
olllc.e, where the painful memories of
her experience as a book agent and
other pali.fu! memories as well are
fast fading into oblivion.
Alcoholism Among Animals.
"The taste for alcohol," says the Re
vue Sclentlfique, "Is not the privilege of
man alone. It Is well known that the
horse will eagerly drink a quart of red
wine, and that dogs love beer. The ex
ploits of Gideon In Zoa's 'La Terre'
attest from the standpoint of literature
the bacchtc taste of the animal. Now
Wledeelne Moderne' tells us of a dem-
onstratlon made by Mr. Tutt, London,
that even butterflies may go on a spree.
In a public lecture, Mr. Tutt shut up In
a case male and female butterflies with
flowers of divers species. Now, while
the female butterflies quenched their
thirst modestly by sipping a few drops
of dew In the calyx of a rose, the
males Indulged In characteristic in
temperance. They went straight to the
flowers whose distillation produced the
most alcohol, and indulged In their
Juices till they fell senseless where
they stood. The butterflies were dead
drunk. To further convince his audi
tors, Mr. Tutt Introduced Into the case
a glass of water and several glasses ol
brandy. The male butterflies, without
hesitation, chose the brandy. The fact
does not admit of doubt. Male butter
files in a state of reedom are often at
tracted by the emanations of a glass
of gin thnt has been left on a garden
table, and, drinking of It to excess, sleet
the heavy sleep of drunkenness."
Reflection of a Baohelor.
Love with women is like poker with
a man he does most of his winning
while learning it.
Women know more about love than
they do about loving; men know mor
about loving than they do about love.
Married men are rare whose pride It
so strong that they can't bear to think
they might have been refused wher
they proposed.
Every other woman you meet hai
either a missionary scheme that she li
Interested In or else a kitten that sh
wants you to take care of.
There I no surer way for a man U
make a girl think she ha got to havi
another man than for him to make hei
think he think he has got to have her
New York Pre.
There are a great many things In
arming, as well aa In other callings,
hat are acquiesced In as true and yet
ire largely Ignored in practice. One of
hese is with regard to the time when
lay should be cut. As a matter of be
lef nearly every one admits that grass
.hould be cut early, because it is then
nore nutritious, more palatable and
nore digestible. As a matter of practice
lowever, many farmers let the seed
!orm and the hay become woody before
lutting. In some localities, with timo
hy especially, where the grass Is grown
'or seed, a header is used to take off
he seed crop, and afterwards the stalks
ire cut and it, is called hay. It Is really
lot hay at all; It is straw, and has no
llgher feeding value than straw well
:ured would have. Of course. If one
:an make more money out of a timothy
srop by heading first for seed and then
aklng the straw for feeding purposes,
.hat ends the matter. But this is hard
y ever the case, and the practice genor
illy rests upon a sort of vague Idea
hat the grass will be pretty nearly as
food for feeding purposes and that the
leed crop will be Just so much In. This
s a serious mistake, for the only real
eiurn obtained by the practice Is the
leed. If that Is worth more than the
my crop would be If cut seasonably,
hen take the seed crop, by all means,
ut don't do it on the strength of the
dea that three or four bushels of seed,
lus a considerable feeding value In the
itraw, will equal a good, fair value for
t crop of hay seasonably cut and well
:ured. Of course, In the case of other
(rasses Where the seed crop has no
ipeclal market value, allowing the
rrass to stand until late Is a serious
njury to the feeding value of the hay
tod without any compensation in the
alue of the seed.
From the Market Basket: The Agri
:ultural Department, through Its ex-
jerlment stations, has been investlgat-
ng the food value of hens' eggs. Ac
:ordlng to a large number of analyses
nade of American eggs at the various
itatlons, an egg on an average weighs
wo ounces and has the following per
:entage of composition: Shell, 10.5;
n-ater, 66; fat, 9.3, and ash, .09. A side
if beef contains on an average about
.he same percentage of protein, but a
arger percentage of fat. Eggs belong
o the nitrogenous group of foods, and
vould naturally and quite properly be
:omblned In the diet with material sup-
jlylng carbo-hydrates (sugar ana
itarch), such as cereals, potatoes, etc.
.t the California experiment station the
hlef object of the examination was to
letermlne whether there was any basis
f fact for the popular opinion that
ggs with brown shells have a higher
ood value than those with white shells.
,t has been said by some that the
rown eggs are richer than the white
mes, but this statement is not borne
mt by a chemical analysis, and the
jhysleal examination proves that the
naln points of superiority, though ex
remely slight, are possessed by the
vhlte eggs. The minute differences
.hat are found between the two groups
ire exceeded by variation between va
rieties within the same group. It may
e stated that there are practically no
inferences so far as the food value
s concerned.
Among the best business men In farm-
r communities It Is no longer a doubt-
'ul question as to whether they had
x-tter carry Insurance on their proper-
.v. Nearly all farmers who own prop
erty believe In Insuring against fire
tnd lightning, a very large majority
it them believe in Insuring against tor
ladles, some of them are strong be-
ievers In life Insurance and a great
nany are now becoming Impressed with
he necessity of Insuring against hail.
Before Insurance became general in
he country, many a farmer lost his
mlUllngs and their contents, and was
hereby ruined for life. The loss came
t a time In life when it so crippled
ilm that he never fully regained the
ist ground. At a light expense the
armer can now be Insured against loss
fire or lightning; he does not miss
e amount his Insurance costs, and at
e same time he is prepared for any
oss that may occur. As long as prop-
ty Is exposed to fire and lightning,
ist so long will It be consumed, and
four turn may come when you are least
prepared to meet It. These consldera-
ms have made the matter of Insur-
mce quite general as regards fire, light
ing and tornado, but another form of
isurance has come Into vogue In the
past few years, which Is a very good
id, and yet few of the whole number
farmers realize that they ought to
larry policies protecting against It. We
nave reference to hall Insurance. We
plant and cultivate, but the ele
cts have all crops In. their mercy
rough the growing season. The labor
many hard weeks or months may be
iwept away in one short hour. When
large crop of any kind has been plant-
It becomes property and Is exposed
dangers from the time it Is through
ground until It is In the granary.
even then It Is not exempt. A
thousand or so dollars' worth of crops
may be Insured against hall for a few
lars. There Is no moral hazard In
hall business as there Is In the fire.
insured may bum his buildings If
feels he would be benefited by sus
taining the loss, and he Is not liable to
caught asd sent up for arson. But
farmer can not "hall out" his crop,
matter how poor It may be or how
strong his desire to have It destroyed,
so that he can get his Insurance. A
poor crop la liable to b hailed, but a
good crop la Just aa liable, on may
not b much of a loss, but th other
is a quite serious one.
At one time it was customary to In
sure crops alone In old line companies.
but the rates were so high that a great
many recoiled from the Idea of Insuring
at all against hall. More recently co-operative
companies have been organised,
until now the risk against this danger
ous source of loss may be carried at ac
tual cost It Is safe to say that the
more territory over which a company's
operations extend and the greater the
number of persons that become mem
bers, the less the protection will cost.
Hall storms will pass through certain
sections, but so many localities will be
missed that the expense Is divided up
quite small when it is shared by a
great many members, scattered over a
wide extent of territory.
We believe it pays to carry some hail
Insurance. We do so for the reason that
hall storms are liable to come over our
farms at a time when we can ill afford
to have them come. For the sum of
about three cents per acre one may
insure against a possible loss of ten or
twelve dollars per acre. If the crops
are being counted on to pay some ur
gent debt, you can not afford to meet
with a' loss.
The destructive tornado is also liable
to come at any time and sweep away
all the buildings and property we have.
The family may be safely ensconced in
the cave, but a mortgage or a fire pol
icy will not hold the property against
the fury of a tornado. It is safe to be
on the safe side In these questions and
to provide for any emergency. We be
lieve In all kinds of legitimate insurance
and in the co-operative mutual compa
nies it can be carried so cheaply that
there is no excuse for not carrying
some. Did you ever know a man to
meet with a loss who had no insurance
who did not wish he had some? And
when the new buildings are up the first
thing he does Is to insure them. This
Is the way, but locking the door after
the horse Is stolen does not bring back
that horse. We believe in protecting
ourselves and property as far as we are
able, and in order to do so we will have
to keep posted on the question of Insur
ance. Iowa Homestead.
To Lannder Lace Curtains.
From Farmers' Voice: Curtains
should be taken down and laundered as
soon as they show soil, as this saves
the curtains as well as preserves that
fresh appearance which gives such an
air of cleanliness to a room. If they are
allowed to hang too long without clean
ing they may be transformed from
beautifiers into dust repositories; but
lace curtains are often made to do duty
for one more season because of the
dread of laundering, when the work
may be very easily done at home, where
it Is not convenient to send them to the
laundry, thus saving no inconsiderable
expense in professional cleaning. Lace
or muslin curtains should never be rub
bed on the washboard, nor should they
be put in with the general wash. It is
a kind of work that is worth doing well
If worth doing at all. The curtains
should be taken outdoors and shaken
until no more loose dust will shake off
them, then put them Into warm water
and let them remain over night. The
next morning prepare a tubful of hot
water and add enough pearline to make
a strong suds; Immerse them In this
suds for an hour; then put them into
fresh, clean suds prepared in the same
manner, each time squeezing the lace
and rubbing and shaking them gently
with the hands. Keep on renewing the
suds and rubbing till the water is no
longer dark, then rinse In clear, soft
If the curtains are white, the second
rinse water may be made blue, as for
clothes. If a cream color or ecru tint
Is preferred, strong coffee should be
added to the water; then dip them in
thin, boiled starch slightly tinged with
blue or brown as desired. As curtain
stretchers are somewhat expensive they
are purchased by comparatively few
housekeepers who live In the country,
hut their curtains may be made to look
quite as nice without them by pinning
them to sheets which are tacked to the
floor of some unused or spare room. If
the curtains are alike it Is easier to
place the two corners together and
stretch and pull them until they are
perfectly straight, then pin each scallop
to the sheet after carefully shaping it
with the fingers. If the work Is prop
erly done they will not need Ironing
and will have the appearance of new
curtains. And last, but not least, when
you come to replace them on the poles
they should be draped In such a way as
to have a pleasing effect, and not with
mathematical precision. , as they look
better Is arranged rather carelessly and
not with such painstaking labor.
K tchener's Spies.
Lord Kitchener Is made the hero of
an Interesting anecdote, the details of
which have Just reached London. It
Is told by a relative of the Sirdar. Ac
cording to him, one night while the
British-Egyptian army was approach,
ing Omdurman a Dervish spy was dis
covered in camp, and was placed un
der arrest In headquarters. Not a
word could be coaxed out of him; he
pretended to be deaf and dumb. Short
ly afterward a second spy was caught,
and he, too, assumed a deaf and dumb
rile. He was placed In the same tent
with the first prisoner.
Half an hour later a third spy waa
brought Into headquarter, and waa
put with the other two without delay.
At th end of an hour the alert guard
heard animated whispering going on
In the tent among the deaf and dumb
prisoners. A moment after the third of
the sple stepped out of the tent and
demanded of th guard to be taken to
the officer's tent. He turned out to be
th Sirdar himself, who was disguised
so cleverly that he not only fooled his
own men, but wormed the secret of
the two prisoners from them.
Little onion are now boiled anl
lerved on toast, after the manner oi
isparagus. This affords a change fronr
the stereotyped way of serving, and
rill usually be found most acceptable.
A stubborn attack of hiccough wll'
ilmost Invariably yield if a drop of oi!
f cassia (cinnamon) on a piece of sugai
is given tc the sufferer every ten of
Ifteen minutes. This has been proved
effective when all other remedies have
Rhubarb Is the first spring green
:apable of being used as a dessert Stew
tne quart of cut rhubarb until tender,
idd sufficient sugar to make very sweet
ian through a coarse sieve and sel
tway until Icy cold. Just before serv
ng add slowly one pint of thick, rich
:ream. . .
To make gravy for roast beef in s
pan, pour off nearly all the fat. Pul
:he pan on the stove and add dry floul
intll the fat is all absorved. Then add
lot water or hot stock, and stir as it
hlckens. Cook five to eight minutet
ind season.
In covering the piano for the summel
t thick, heavy cover should be selected
f a thin one is used the dust sifting
hrough grinds on the polished wood is
t most harmful way. In taking the
sover off, flick the top lightly with a
eather duster one of the few occasions
when a feather duster is to be recom
nended then wipe with an old silk
Pare lengthwise a ripe pineapple and
remove the eyes. With a fork dislodg
Irom the core the single fruits; th
.Tacts will designate the place whers
:he divisions occur. Slice lengthwise
icross the grain, three sweet oranges,
Peel and slice two bananas and cut
lengthwise into haves one cup of straw-
oerries. If all the fruits be sweet use
the Juice of half a lemon, otherwis
jmit It. Beat to an emulsion one-third
:up of olive oil, or butter will do, a llt-
le lemon Juice if needed, and three ta-
olespoons of honey. Mix with the
rrults separately or together, and ar-
tange on a bed of heart leaves of let
:uce. The most striking effect, perhaps
s produced by dressing each kind ol
Jrult separately, thus massing each col
jr by itself. If the pineapple be large
i larger quantity of dressing will be
equired, or less fruit may be used.
From Farmers' Voice: A salad is
valuable addition to dinner or supper,
ind if one has a good dressing on hand
here is always something on the farm
hat can be used to advantage.
The following recipe will be found
ery satisfactory, the dressing will
ceep indefinitely and is excellent foi
talads of boiled vegetables, chicken.
obster, tomato and lettuce, and many
Ike it as a relish with cold meat. Make
jp a supply while the eggs are at their
owest price and you will have suflft
:ient to last until spring.
Rub the yolk of four hard-boiled eggl
rniooth, add two teaspoonfuls of drj
nustard, two of fine salt, and a few
lashes of cayenne, or you may us
white pepper or peprika if you objec
:o the "bite" of the cayenne, using con
ilderable more; mix these thoroughlj
fhen add one tablespoonful of fine su
gar, two of olive oil and four raw eggl
well beaten; after this is worked to
!mooth paste add very slowly a scant
;up of vinegar and mix thoroughly.
Pour In bottles, cork, and keep in sj
:ool, dry place, and shake before using,
nils sells in the city stores for 55 cents,
aalf-plnt bottles.
From the Gentlewoman: After they
nave become "bone dry," put the shirts,
collars and cuffs through a wheat
itarch made by pouring foaming hot
water over a smooth batter obtained
by stirring wheat flour and cold watei
together until it Is the consistency of
thin cake batter. This should be boiled
slowly for two hours and then strained
through a cheesecloth to leave It per
fectly free of lumps. Add to each quart
jf boiling starch a teaspoonful of white
wax, such as is especially prepared fot
laundry use.
The secret of a good smooth finish ta
stiff starched clothes Is in the method
if starching. This must be carefully
lone. Spread a shirt bosom over a clean
board, and with a piece of thin cloth
rub the starch Into the bosom with
trong, firm strokes. There should not
oe a wrinkle In the linen after It le
thoroughly wet and starched, and all
superfluous starch is wiped off with the
Moth. The wristbands and neckbands
are treated the same way. When it ii
thoroughly dry "bone dry" agaln-
the shirt and collars and cuffs are dlp
oed for a moment In boiling water and
quickly wrung through the wringer
with the rollers pressed as tight to-
gether as they can be turned. The
piece should now be left to stand at
least two hours before they are Ironed.
Cuba ha 1,200 sugar plantations.
The Dank of England was opened
202 year ago.
A Russian doe not become of ag
unUl he 1 28.
In Greenland potatoes never grow lar.
ger than a marble.
Ireland possesses the most equabli
climate of any European country.
There are said to be fewer suicides
among miner than among any othei
class of workmen.
The depth of water affect the speed
of steamers very considerably, the vea
eel moving more slowly In hallon
than in deep water.
Dried banana are now being
ported from Queensland. Thy an In.
tended aa a substitute for ralatna ig
Brttlab puddings.
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