The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 22, 1899, Image 1

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Cnr tfitto--'r2o QUESTION 13 EVER SETTLED UMTIL IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT."--""!. William J. Eryan.
2STO. 48.
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Trice, fl.Of)
ti. D. C mi n,
l' 'liter.
Entered at tlm Harrinn poat odlco
econd clo ter.
CapUio Dreyfus the famous prisoner of devils island will after an ab
sence of three years embrace his family on Saturday of this week. His
military rank bus been restored to him lending his new trial.
Senators Depew of Now York and Markus A. Hannaof Ohio declare that
IrusU reduces the price of manufactured articles to the purchaser, and the
same time Mr. llanna has given tho people of the country to understand
that the next national republican convection will declare against the
trusts. LVnt that consistenev?
At last Nebraska is to have an executive mansion. The P. K. Thomp
son mansion has lie n purchased at a cost of 20,000 including furniture.
Feveral other offers were liein considered hut on last Sunday a deal wns
clowd, thereby tho mam ion above mentioned becomes the property of thu
state. It is in tho immediate vicinity of the stale house just across
ttie street.
Congressman. Hit-hard Parks Bland, the jreat free Silver leader and
Democrat of the 8th Missouri, district, died at his home last Thursday
. morning at Lebanon, Sin., at 4:00 a. m. This, clows tho career of one of
the most prominent political leaders of the Democratic party in his slate
if not in the nation. The party in funeral will morn hid untimely taking
u way. Whatever else may 1 said relative to Mr Bland's public and priv
itsd character, it must ha admitted by friend an l foe alike that he lias al
ways been honest anil sincere in his public life. Mr. Bland has served al
most 28 years in the lower house of Congress, it is safe to say it will bo
hard to llnd another man in the 8th Missouri district that will fill his place
in the national house with s much credit to himself and his constituency
ait lias Mr. Maud.
All trust good are boin;; advanced from 5 to 100 per cent notwithstand
ing the fact that improved machinery is being used for the manufacturing
of their goods and a reduction to a minimum of salesmen in getting their
waren and coods onto the market. Following are a few articles we pave
which the people are expected to contribute to the pockets of the poor
trust millionaires:
Tin ware and enamel ware
! percent
Iron pipe rnoro than 100 per cent.
Brass (foods 60 " " Chair furniture ;!0 "
Uublier over shoes 11 " Am. Tin plate 30 " "
( locks and Watchei" GO ' " brass Pins at ' "
Pipe 124 " " Hashes Hi "
Ribbon 10 " "
News paper I to I cent per pound
book paper ! and 10 cents por pound
Soap common 25 to SO cents per Box,
Mr. P. E. Iaw, president of the commercial Traders National League,
wus liefore the industrial commission, in Washington D. C, on thi Kith
inst, and gives the number of salesmen thrown out of work as a result
of the formation of trusts. Following are a few of the trust organization
and the niuii.ber of men thrown out of work for each organization.
The Toliacco Trust discharged salesmen 3,000
" Chair
.' Rubber "
" Am. Tin Co"
"Steel rod i V
9 per cent-
Robbers Cr
ock the Sefe.
In Marsteller Bros store
Last Friday morning'.
About 2 o'clock last Friday morning burglars effected an entrance
to tho Marsteller Uros., store from tho rear, through the window, and
blew open their safe, securing about ?75 in money and valuable pajwrs
estimated at fl ,500. They succeded in getting; away without leaving any
clue as to their identity, or the direction they look, in their escape from
the village.
The burglars were, without doubt professionals at the business from
the nppeurance of the work done on the safe. They first took a wrench, or
something of the kind and twisted ofT the bundle- or knob thus providing an
opening in which they fioured into tho opseiture enough nitroglycerine or
soon other powerful explosive to blow open the safe. 1'rolm.bly, the time
required in doing the work from the time they entered the building until
they left did not exceed half or throe quarters of an hour.
Tho report was heard distinctly by several people living in c'ote prox
imity to the store. P. B. Bigelow, and wife who live in the rooms back of
the "candy snap" heard the report of the explosion quite forcibly and Mr.
Blfelow jumed out of bed and went to the window, claims he saw otio or
two flashenof lignt throught the window in tho store. The alarm was
flnnlly given, but too late to apprehend the safe crackem, Sheriff Holly
early in the morning: examined every stranger In tho village, but did not
find any body but was able to prove their innocence relative to the
robbvry. Tlie sheriff also went to Luk and overhauled a. stranger wl o
I tad been in Uie town only the day before, but found nothing on hisperson
to indicate tliat the fellow hvl been implicated in the burglary.
Monday morning a party, who came in from the valley north of town
reported hivinif seen, or rather heard of a stranger, acting strangely
jtod from the discription givon of him tallied exactly with a stranger who
iiad been in Harrison the day previous to the robbery, immediately on hear
ing this clue, Slierff Holly and Will Marsteller, went down in search of the
stranger and tracked him from Henry Linduiuan.s place on to Anlmore aud
Jilireoiont, 8. LHtk., but were unable to hear tuiylhinj; further of
either of th lust named filar, and tb ire gave up the chase. Tl e boys
lo not doubt but lti stiange ckaracUr seen in the valley was the safe blow-
That respected authority the commercial Year Book, published by the"
Joiirnul of Commerce and Commercial bulletin, contains a list of Amen
can trusts and combinations. It is ru t complete, of course, for uo statisti
cian can keep track of all the operations of the trutit promoters, but it is
accurate ns far as it goes.
When tho body of the book went tl press.'in the middle of March, there
were JJ.'iB of thee combinations in existence. Their common K.tock amoun
ted to 12-17,i)l!i.MS, their preferred .stock tof.STO.077.200, their bonds to
t7U.3ftM,661 and their total capitaliz.uion to $5,. 833.,779.
In the ten weeks lietwcen tho time when that lr-t was closed and the
27lh of May so many new trusts wer formed that it was thought advis
able to insert a supplemental sheeet to accomodate them. There were sixty-three
of them making 410 in all. Thev issued $0fi2.70.O0O of common
irtock, 100.30,000, of preferr'! a tor, and S.V.VJ, 73,000 of bonds. Their
total capitalization was $l,!iKl,'.iri,()'!Q, which brought the agsrPL'ate capi
tahzation of all tho trusts in tho country on May 27 up to $7,416,235,779
'And more of tlieni are hatchintf eery day.
)o you reulijvj what $7,!0.000,000 means?
It is enough to run the govei ntuent of the t" S. for fifteen years. Tiie
interest on it. at tlirt rate earned by t tany of the trusts would run the
government forever.
It is 100 for every man, woman and child in the country 500 for everv
family. s
it is over seven times the bonded debt of the United States, and more
than anyothor national debt in the world.
But this enormous capitalization does not tell the whole story. The
Sugar trust pays rettularly 12 per cent on its common stock. The last
dividend of the Telephone company was 15 per cent. The Standard Oil
paid 30 per cent. New York Journal, i
P. B. BIGELOW, Prop.,
Cartdies, Nuts, Tobacco, Kruits, Dates,
Fi, Cakes, Pies, Bread, stationary
rTA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing
Sold at Living Prices.
Wyoming" Migratory Stock Lav,
(Pontlniu (1 frji last week)
Be it ermcli'A Inj the. IsgUhit arc of thetatu of Wyoming:
Sec. 0. The owner, of any live stock, or his agent, which has been assessed
for taxation, at any time of tho year, shsil if he intends to move siad live stock
from said county, at the date of such assafsment, or at any time thereafter, file
with the County Clerk of the county in vuieh such live stock has been assessed
a notice which shall set forth the name of the owner, the number and kind of the
live stock and tL'e brand thereon, togetheC with notice that such owner proposes
to move such live stock into some other County of this state, naming such county
on or about a day to be therein epecilied. h Which notice shall be, by said County
Clerk, recording in a book to be kept for tfiat purpose, which book shall at, all
times be open to public inspection: and sujh County Clerk shall forthwith trans
mit a copy of such notice to the Clerk of the County into which it is proposed to
move said live stock. ,
Hec, 7. The owner of any live stocky or his agent, which shall lie moved
from the County in which the samo wjis aj.spssed, to another County, shall, imme
diately after entering the last mentioned Ctuunty, transmit by mail, to the Clerk
of the county he has left, aud tho Clerk of tiie County he has entered, a notice
which shall specify the name of tiie owner, the number and class of the live stock
the County in which the same are assessed, and the date when said live stock
crossed the County line. And such owner or agent shall give such notice by mail
is often as said live stock shall be moved pom one County to another, both to the
Clerk of the County left, and to tho Clerk of the County into which said live stock
is taken.
Sec. 8. At the timo of the payment of.tho taxes upon any of the live stock
mentioned and referred to in this Act, and in any event prior to tiie 21st day of
December in each year, the owner of such ,ie 'stock or his agent shall make an
al'idavit which shall specify the name of the owner, the number and class of the
live slock and the time said live stock has '' "en held in each County into which it
has been taken, w hich al'idavit shall lie inmied'tely, by such clerk, recorded in a
iKJok to be kept for that puprpose, and the rie'aal thereof shall be forthwith deli
vered to the Treasurer of the County. ' ' .. ' '
See. !). Immediately after receiving,"' 'h a111 .it, it to duty of
the County Treasurer to compute the amij.t of such taxes so paid, after deduc
ing the taxes due th State, in proportion to tho time such live stock has been
a-lJ in the iseveral Counties specified in said affidavit, anu prior to the first Tues
day in each year, lie snail maun a iaiiii:tr- Mniemem, snowing eacn sucu conipu
tion nod the amour.t of taxes due to the State and to each County from such hv
stock, which tabutKtud statement shall be submitted to the board of County com
missioners on tha (iist Tuenlay in each yea for tlwsir approval.
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c.
Send in your Harness and Shoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
The Opening I)i:y.
Tho Greater America Exposition at
Omaha will h opened wiLli elaborate
ceremonies on July 1. Many noted men
will lie present to participate in the exer
cises and the city of Omaha will join with
the Exposition in a treat demonstration.
The famous British Military Hand will
give two grand concerts and will partici
pate in the opening exersises. At night a
brilliant illumination of the exposition
grounds will be witnessed and a iniiguili
cent display of (ire works lias been ar
ranged. Railroads will otftr exception
al excursion rates and the city of Omaha
will be prepared to entertain thousands
of guests. July 1. lMJ'J, will be one of
the memorable in Omaha's history.
wind raLs.i
The undersigned i .13
t ut for the celebrated
David JhAi)M:v, "Wind Motor,
Improved Wind MilK
the best made. I am
also prepared to furn
ish oh short notice first
rumps, Pipe. Wood & Stool Towers,
'Junks or on) thing In the lino
of pump repairs, AT LOWEST
Write me for estimates be
fore contracting elsewhere.
You will save money by it.
Ardmori', IS. Dak.
P p RJ f.f
b e 6i Li
1 ,-,d
Aclileveineiil. of A'luitrnl tn'wi-y," tiie
worl'I's nnviil tiero. Iv MurRt lliilHtrH(l, the
life lout? frltMel uii'l niluilrertf Uo nutlon'M,
t'lol. IllfircMt iin'l t hi Imk k ; river rK) p',,4
HxKilnehert; nearly 1(0 putes halftone UIiihI
rutioim. duly tli, l-.norinou 4 tlrinand.
lllK I ominlloin. (Hi till. I ree. c hniiee il a
lllel.lntn, rlt'Miulek. 'l'lie liotntnlon Com
puny, Jnl Misir I bMoii UHik-, CliU:ni;o.
Notli't for I'libllciitloii.
Lnnil oniei; m Ai.i.uscr., Smi., Jimn H, )irt.
Nollee bi hi'iehy Klven Unit the IiiIIuwIdk -naineil
settler Iihk (1 led inilli'u of his Inten
Hun tn mult" Until proof In support of his
rlului, fttij Hint Bi(J pr'Kif will he insilii tw
loret.'lerk of District Court, Ht llnrrlon,
Ntlirsnkii, on July IS, vl.: (ioltlell)
Kuoit of lliirrlsnii,, who hi.'ulij II
K. '). 441.:, fur I ti't S-.VH K'i See. 20 Mild f ! j
Wi,nf s,c 2.1, Tup, !, K. limine V.
lie mtiiii'D Hi" folio a -lujf tiii'.icM to prove
Ills eontliiiMins ri"l'lrne ufiou anil eultlva.
lion of sshl IhihI, via:
Hiuiiuel Knorl.' A. J. ItoKftrt, (tto Tlnl'-e
and UvorKoCant, all of Harrison, Neb.
K. Jl, DuKltlMToN, l(e(ltcr.
tti a blooded, black Norman
high-bred, 4 years-old; his
weight 1,300 lbs. CONIC wil
make the neason, lbD',), at tht
residence of Jkkky Will, 3i
miles north of Harrison.
TERMS: 4, to injure ant
money due when Mare in
known to bo with foal.
Will try to prevent all ac
cidentn, but I will not be re
Sponsible should any occur,
' .Tkrry Will.
i Contest Xotlcc.
Alliance, Ni:n., Juno 7, 1H0O.
A suflUtlent content nllliluvlt nuvln beun
tiled in this oltlee by Juy K. New coinh, con
tctiint, iticutiiNt Homestead entry fto.
mmlo July 10, Win, for K'i S W', ami V
S'K!t Sect lou lUTownMilp 30, N. llaiiRa 5.1 Wext
by Hrrthii I.ttiiR'! ('oiitestee, In wlileh It Is
a!i"(i'if Hint: the 'liiliimnt hits ubnnluiietl
tho sumo for imiro tluin six mouths last
Pits' und removed her resilience therefrom
uli'l sui'l tract Is not cnltlvatRd nor Improv
iH. Said pari le nre hereby notified to up
IS .ir, ri jioiid nii'l offer evidence louchliiK
Hlit'Kntioii lit 10 o'clock a. in., on July
'4. K, bet ore T. .1. O'Keef e, 1". R. Coimiil-
nlfnternt his ofllrn In Crawford, Nebraska
iiti'l that tlmil hciirhur will Iki hold st 10
o'clock h. in., on .Inly W, lif'i, befoie the
U"IMer and Iteeeiver, lit the I'nlted .State
Lund I mice In Alllittliie., .cbrukii.
file Kitld rniitnstiuit htivinx, Ih a propi
Kf.t'lnvll, tiled Junefl, !!i;i, set forth fut-
which shw tint after tluo diligence, pcrs
onivl nervlee. of tills notice can not bo made,
U Is hereby ordered nnd dlreeUitl that sue
niitleo bo given by due and proper piibllea'
Hon. K. SI. UoitaisoToN,
The Siocx County Journal and Journal of Agriculture 1 Year, -$1.75 S
" " " " " Twice-A-wekk World-Herald " - 1.70 g
" " " " " Thiuce-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) " - 1.70 8
'' ' ' " " Sii.veu Knight WATcnMN(D. C.)" - 1,75 g
" " " " " Cincinnati Weeklt Enjuii:er, " 1-55 it
Tub Journal will publish your brand, like
the following, for &I:M), per tout. Kaon ad
ditional brand 75 cents. hvery Tarmer or
ranchmen In Sioux and adjoiulnif counties
shonld artvertine their britiuls In Tub Jour
nal us it circulates all over the Btato. It
may be the meaim of savlnc money for you.
ra.IA'.2.I.FS IUKH LI!, ,
On tef t Bide or hip of cu ttle, t
On left shoulder of h'H'scs. )
'3l"HI,?) 011 tu0 '"'a'l OI WurbomiGt
AddreHS Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
At a meeting of tUe Board of County Com-
mlKHloner of Sioux county, Nebraska, held
ou the 11 day of January, 189!t, tiie following
tiiuato of exiieiiMua tor the year 1809 waa
Idstrict, Court Expenses ,'1,000 00
ItoudHitnd Ilridife.i 8,000 00
rialaries I 1.000 00
Incidental V0 00
Stationary ,:wo 00
I'rintiiif? and l'liblibhlns ,1,0000
OllleerR Kees ,700 00
Institute ,100 00
Soldiers Relief SCO 00
.Special Itoitd District ,500 00
The brand renrap.nteri In hao.
IS ftn b,"anile1 aaV where on lrft aide
ht fer.v.'fl of liorneM and
IgyjH Ainu the L L brand any whert ob
left 8luc ( cattle belonRi to the
I Ti ru'Jersigncd-
- llj-rrinon, Mebra.'Kiu
The brand represented In thti notlae
and branded any where on left aide
Of CfLttlA. find OPAl'-ltttk ,tf t frnm thm
'Ja.W - r
ririt ear.
Also the same brand on left thlph of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
Range near East Springs, south part lo
Sioux county. Chables Nbwman,
IJarrlbioa, Nebraska.
'SVOn left shoulder of e
tS? horses.
cattle and
Total- $12,000 00
M. J. Klewett, Co. .lily Clerk.
tange on Little Cottenwood.
J'O. ., Crawford Nebr.
On left side of cattle aud on left
SUi shoulder ot boraes.
Range on Antelope creek
1. O., Glillclinst, Sioux Co., Neb.
Tlie Gonimercia! mmu
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
fpCAPITAL STOCK PATH IN - - S10,000.00:
15. E. Brewster, President. C. V. Coffee, Vice President.
Ciias. C. Jameson. A. McGinlev,
I). II. Griswold, Cashier.
I rnDDCCDnwniTWTC' western national bank, new York.
'UUnntorUIiUtli I o. oiiAiiA national bank, omaiu. ne
Mr. P. Kotcham of Pike City, Cal.,
says: "Ilnrinj- my brother's lato sick
ness from sciatic rheumatism. Chamber
lairj'u Pain Balm was the only remedy
that gave him any relief." Many others
have testified to the promdt relief from
pain which this liniment afforils. For
sale by Dr. J. E. Phiuney.
Mr. John fiovins, editor of the Press
Antlion, Iowa, nays: "I have used
Chnniberlain'H Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in my family for fifteen
years, have recommended it to hundreds
of others, and have never known it to
fail in a singlo instance. For sale by
Dr. J. E. Phinnev.
and Liver
Bold br all rnUU
or sent by mail
Nwrlti IUal C4., Cllof
Hold Bj Dr. J. E. Phinnsy.
28 CT8.
. ., (',
i V