The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 15, 1899, Image 8

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How To lake
If ym are tired of paying hih prices yon
ran make nionev bv luy hi-r your poods at the
Kvjry body loves a nice fitting, Hlylish
Shoe. Vre Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all imrrnines at .0) in liorton, v,e sell
this praVeftd shoe for $-J.7." ripht here at home
and save you G0t- express besides.
All other leather goods will he cold
just as cheap in proportion; none hut
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drygccds and Groceries we will meet all East
ern, catalogue prices; no matter from what point
goods may come. In additien to our gen
eral merchandise, we are selling this
spring Ladies and Misses $5.00
fc-prmsr Hats fur &..r0
Come it set for
also han
dle the celebra
. tecl Valentine Flour,
. none better in America.
"Besides we have full
If you want a suit of clothes made
to order we are Agents for
Eoyal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, PrcP.
TtitrRSDAY. June. 10th. 1393
iim. 1). Canon, Editor and Prop.
F.E.4S.V It. it. lime tM.
Going West. Uutnff East.
fio. 5, mli),. 11 :20 I So. C. mixed 8:00
North-W estern
. V. E. E. is
to and from the
fF. E.
the best
south d.
The lk--t Adterlb.iis Mrtflum ia
iSorth-West Sebrasa, In Tlx BIOl'X
Will Celebrate and
The Pogramme
-vTill occur in our
iicst week's issue.
&53lx out for it
tt Of
line of Crock
The Glide Stall ion. own
ed by me will bo kept at Z.
F. Antrim's place near Kod
arc, for service the most of
this season.
J. II. IlAirrirLi..
Miss Louisa Lindcruan came up with
her sister Mrs. Btewett, on Tuesday for
a short visit
Tlw County Commissioners have
been in session this vtxi. as a boanl of
The annuci.1 thiiiirns da? will Ije oc-1-elr;Ui
at the t hiin h next fcucdnv witti
approjiriat xerdses g
1 i... ..i.M i
tt:n u ill , t.i i- s
A nu rubor of our yount; poopl took
an outiut;, yv-t r ! y t- tb valtT, t
amen; theru V, 1! Coil ci Mil Prof.
Limit-man arj-l a Uj-v Voting j
iWiiktr (Irlswciil an.i f.imily. liv-s !
tonisrbt for IjenA S. V, on a visit for a i
wfw-'U or ten das. Tlwy will oouolless
visit)tne of the otlxir citio of western ;
South Dakota lfore rcturcing.
i ,'harle Chrktian. son cf reprewnta
tive Andrew Christian, of Kirtlcy. V.'yo.,
returned from Lincoln, Neb., yenturrlay,
where he has Vieen attending school at the
state university during ths pasts- holad'ic
One of the worst cyclones of the
season swept over the country near Has
tings Minn., and Hutinon and N'ew IJii h
nioml Wis., doiiiR iufalcuahle damage
to the latter narnwl place, killing near
ly 200 people ar.d wounding about 400
One of the finest growing rains that
has ever fell in this country at this sea
son of the year, commenced falling h-re
Tuesday morning about 3 o'clock and
continued up till about 11. No doubt
but that an inch and a half of water fell,
all going into the ground which pretty
nearly insures a good hay crop for this
Will Gerlach. left for Douglas
Wyo., taday where he has leen employ
ed as salesman and book-keeper for A. R.
Merit of that place for the past year.
He has severed his connection with that
house and will in the future work for
the fTrm of Georee Bo wen & Co., of
the same city. It is cafe, to say however
that the firm have done well to nee u re
the services of Will and that the other
firm's loss will be their gain.
A pleasant surprise, wai tendered
'Trof' Lindeman, on last Monday even
ing, at the home of bis nncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerlach, by mem!rs
of the senior class, and a few invited
guests. A very pleasant time was spent
various games, and music both vocal
and instrumental waa indulged in, and
last but not least the inner man was
made happy, by the profusion of good
thing? served up by the genial hostess,
after which the guests departed all hop
ing Frank will again take up the duties
of proffessor, In our school oeJct year.
Mr. Lindeman left for his parents home
at Lyruao, la. , where he expects to re
main, during the remainder of his vara
tion Mid when he takes the best winhes
of ft bolfc of friends, which he has form
ed duriqf bia ibort stay in our midst.
i r
place to Get Good
i to
T',ar:.'ahis at all times is r.
J. j.3ARTELL's
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Miliinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children, Foot Wear care
fully considered.
h i Ij J. si.
For KeCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what wo can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
Contj'.y J!. J. O'CY.nncll
is now rii:,ticuli:!g at lis touuty t--at
in Ad.'iia.
JJ. J. E!ewitt onJ family, w-nt to
Crawford,- on last Saturday, vcaing,
an'i rt-tnrneJ on Tue-i.'iy noon.
County Treasurer Hc-iJite, went to
Craw font, hist Friday oiglit on bu.sinois,
an.1 returnwl on last Sat ur Jay noon.
Mr Gerl:w li, Rrcompani J ly her
son Will, nn'l prof., iUmfc-man anJ JIisji
Iyuie ro;.ie a trip to l!onlro"e
i S;iii-4nv.
Mis M.u":i Iluntor r'! from j f- Mahsrof Lincoln s-ayintr that he hail
Oiatlron on last FrWav iwwn. wher.j Mtejna commion i I by i;ov. nior
len Rt-n.ii0fr the aiv .!unnr; ! Foyter U Mr. PW.t a mtnfcr t.X
the it btn- nionth?.
r;r.-'M V.'ri,'''t
for t'ouryviM
icrm-r iii.iriv.wi " - -fi'.tv
where he ex;-cs to l-e buy foi t or
three weetc-s at Ivavt.
Tie fam'.lar face of Will GHai:h. is
again ' -'-n on our sres. Y"s Vill
trrows homenick to K'ilnm and mnthT
once in awhile and cannot resist thedu-
sire to lie w ith them.,i a nuni!iir from H-iriotj wnt
to Montrose, on last Sand ly to witness
the confirmation ceremonies, which oc
cured there on that date.
Ilcnrv P,lpweit and George Gerlnch
went to Van-Tassel, on on last Sunday.
to try their lui-k with hook and line and i
met with the ordinary (Kherman's luck.
Frank Tinkhnm, came from his mine
in Wvoming, on last Saturday evening,
on business. Mr. Tinkhani has just r- j
rent I y disposal of his interest in tlie
livery business at Douglas, hia business
pf.rtnr was ttie late lamented Sheriff
T. R. Dredge, wns a pleasant caller at
this office on last. Monday and while here
inscrihed his name among the readers of
the Jot'USAU It is the oCical paper of
this county, therefore for all matters in
any way pertaining to our county, you
should read the JOURNAL.
Frank Tinkham, who came down
from Douglas Wyo., a few days a;'o on
business left for Spring Hill Wyo., where
be and his jiartnpr J.lek Kreisler with
sereral of our boys have a copper mine,
which they expect to work during the
summer and winter. Mr. Tinkham
while here disposed of hi Sioux county
real estate to John and Steve Serres.
Mrs. Ed. Rowker, wnt to Crawford
on last Thursday evenms. as a delegate
to visit the Royal Neighbors camp in
that City, She reports a mot enjoyable
time and the kindest treatment from the
"NeifrlilmrH-', After the husine!s of the
evening was ubrowd of, deligbirul
refreshments wore served, Mrs R ennrot
extol too highly, th ladies of the Gate
City Camp.
Following are those in Bowen pre
cint who have filel Hpplicatione t t:ke
land under the V. S, reservoir act:
A. J. Bof art, O. W. Story.
John Corbin, Thoman Dredge,
Keller Lindsey.
Clerk of the Court, Plewett informed
on that filing under the U. 8. Reservoir
act can be made Irefore a Notary Public,
as well as before the land office commis
sioner or other oflWrs qualified to cer
tify to the applicaitt'u filing paprj.
iae place to uct doou
Bargains in Bobbers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felt and Kubhers,
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Goo1, Fresh Goods
such as we know would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete lino
of FLOUli A FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry HAKDWAKE A;
Build iiig Mat e: i a 1 .
U u ktiti ia U3 2a La 1
The antiu-d schnoi cioHioo for the
election cf fu.-hool treasurer, for this vill
age will to (j!:li,! at the m-hool house in
Harrison on Moml.iv, June 2Clh one vvci?k
from next Mor.tay.
Dr. Phinney informs us that l'al r
Irons, who got ln" broken
near Inlitin cr-'k, as tirinounof-d in t!w j
J(rtT;SAt. lat t, is oif'fciy
ami expects to ha sitting up Ly the -J lit
of July.
on liit! Comity clerk Ul wet t, n)iay ai
I tfernoon rwxivvA t-lpp.ram from John
the IVand and MurUs Loard for the
state cf JCetifka.
ill.. ii-'V., U it. ( S- ' 'I- t !'. - ' ''
l:;e Racraiuc-ut of Confirmation to a I'-ifr
number at the 55ritrMs cbtirch laugii.g
in u :e frjtn 10 to 25 ytars. After a few
f-hort word )f exorUitifin which were
d-divere l in three lafiguages, his lordship
addressed thowt who wero aliut to lc
cunfirmci Iritfiy, on the nature of the
wramenUin general, hutdivelt, particu
larly on the onn which tlu-y were about
to rwyivc. Judging from the manner
in which he delivered his sliurt sermon,
we woul l d-.'eni it a nvru tr":it to listen
to his Uev-renj-e deliver a lengthy dis-
course. The church which is of very
pretty design in it lf. was beautifulyU--
cir.iU J for the occat-iou, and at b ast
ttiree huodrnJ p'op!e wi!nes-:d tbeimpos-
i"S service. Several childrei. from H.n-
rison and vicinity were among tlwue con
firmed. We have but wonts of praise
for the people of Montrose, as they were
anxious to entertain all w ho came and
thus verify the words of holy scripture,
by "welcoming the stranger within their
JlHsonlc Now.
Mrs. Fred Mason, returned home from
the east, on lust Friday.
D. F. Thomas, of Crawford, was up one
day last week, surveying Fred Mason's
J.T. Mason & Son shipped a carload of
lumber from (Jim, tin week to G. W,
John Blomberg, has moved on to the J.
T. Mason claim.
The bridge gang are bucy driving pil
ing Heiir Glen.
Mrs. VV, A. Pullcn, r tumid home
from Mr. Jensens, where fcbe has Ix.en
taking care of the sick for some. time.
Fred Pulleu was over from Jim Cook'x
ranch, Sunday vUiiing White Uiver
Mrs. J. Btinipaon of Crawford, is rusti
cating with Thomas DavenjKirt's family.
Fred P-lomU rg has moved his cattle on
White Itiver during the past week.
Charles Kalslrom, Is driving on the
road for a grocery out-fit, better buy
goods at home and know what you are
getting. Dontftskyour store keeper to
trust you, when you have no money
and send off cash when you get It, this
makes hard times at home.
J. T. Mason is now comfortably settled
down on the school section, and bringing
in the t'ordwood for the government.
mi mm
ii m
hne line oi
acne s i gentlemen s
T TrTT'n V
LylVjll 1 UT
Cliildren & Youth's
Mm mm M ihkb, .
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as
Marsteller BROS.
Dia:s.s MAKiNt; paulou.
The unders:gncd just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds cf dress
making and sewing in her hne.
Tlv patronage of the publii.- iswlicite!.
V e guarantee Mtisfaclinn and that
our charges will b raahouahlo.
Ma-i. Ma(;:k It'iRBc-nvN's,
I FirrMs, 3 aud ruie rurtre:
one is a Kirrel, two Utvs unit ou'j ronii
! and he 4 b.-.uided lS JI' on left vleinld-
!d- r iir d Jit or! nht shoulder. Kmyeii j
Iiv.m Hie n Ui. tit u week .. f"-'1l Hi-.
j '.viui'-.iiiiiilb s.iouei In; let' :t tii
S.L Ofiiee. J. U HI.
M 1 1 1 ro-.o ( "1 i 1 1 1 1! ngs.
Since the wealiKT !ia got, arn aage
h;is reapjai'et!.
Miss I Ana HibUcn departed for Oruaha
Sunday evening.
II. Was-rbuiger bought a blooded
Hereford lull of K. Aridersuri last S.U
unl.iy. The s;i!e of John Thorns was not well
attended and every thing was sold rather
John Thorns and son departed from her
ilutiJay but w d.d not learn where they
were headed for.
MiwGefty .Marking was homn from
Crawford viMting with her parents and
friends a few days.
There was a gathering of about COO
people at the Montrose chun-h lust Sun
day June 11 lb to witness the confirma
tion of 45 children. Huv. liiabop lao
of Omaha. H,v;r..
I was serknihly nlilicteil with a couph
for several yari, and fall bad a
mors severe 1 ough than cvtr U-foro. I
have iiwd many remedied without receiv
hig iihkIi relict, itilJ Iwing rcornuieoded
to try a bitthj of Clurulwrlaiu's Cough
ltemedy, by a friend, ho knowiug me
to Iki a poor widow, gave it to me, 1
lrid it, uti'l wiilj the most gratifying
r;sui!.s. The l!iit bottle leheved rue
very much end the t.econd bottle has
absolutely cured me. I have nut bail)
as goo I health for twenty years. I
gave this certificate without noli -itation,
simply in appreciation of the gratitude
felt for the cure effected. Ite-ipect fully
Mrs. Mary A. Beard, ( 'Uretuoro, Ark,
For sale by Dr. J. L. Phinriey.
Had management keeps more people
in poor circumstances than any other
one cause. To be successful ouo mint
look ahead and plan ahead so that when
a favorable opporl unity prew nts ititelf
he is ready to take advantages of it. A
little forethought will also s;ive much
expense and valuable time. A prudont
and careful man will keep a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless
fellow will watt until necessity compels
it and then ruin hi best horse going for
a doctor and have a big doctor bill to
pay, besides; one pay out '.'5 cents, the
oilier is out a hundred dollars and then
wonders why his neighlsir is getting
richer while he is getting poorer. For
tnl by Dr, J. Ii, Ppirmvy.
T.T1? A TT
we can SAVE you
j:" I' every other Sabbath
itt 1 1 o'clock a. in,, and every Knhhntb
evening at S oVhn k at. the M. II church.
Lvery body invited to Attend.
Ki:v. J, L. Ke.nuaix. Pastor.
J. Ii PiUNNEY.M. I).
P!!iic!:tn nad Snrgron.
11 glren urompt Httrntton.
i.rtiiee in hmg hiort.
Prompt at'entioa given to nil k-gal
fitters in Justice, County and District
t.'t.ucts, and befuro the United Suites
Lu.d OlTlce.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
"I'gal papers carefully drawn.
llAiati;;;, - 2?&kaska.
A,ENr- wAvniK ran t:ir i.ii-k ami
AelieiveiiK nlof A' Jltwey," the v4iriii
(frer.test l.tirt! hero. My Murj.t Ilieilewl,
tin" life lo.-i:r Irleiu! nml H'ltnli -r of il;e :i utl
jn' I'lul. UUii'l book ; or U J
pnis, Svlinie'll'-.; ne.irly l'1 tx U ill i.iae
lilUstf'.ttioiJs. (nly:'i.
(.inrjiilni. le.itlH frt-.r. (li.ute e'tf a
life li!tii. V. rire 'j'li.-rk. "I tie 1 lomtnitju ( 'otie
.iiiv, 3i-.l I'loor i' txtna VAJ,, (li!ei;i.
62.', reward will Ik; given
for information that v.iil
lead to the arrcnt and convic,
tion of tlitt person, or persons
who cut my wire fence, four
miles v.e,-t of Glen last Sun
day r.l'r'ht May Uth, and also
on following Tuesday night.
FlCKl) I)bUM!K!t."l.
C77"Don't si'iid to Mont
gomery, Ward & Company
or to Klkhrtrt, Indiana, for
your JIarn(;r;er. I can pell
you better good and much
cheaiKT. If you are open for
conviction come and learn
for yourself.
Kookut KoiIWRK.
HtOf VlfALtTy,
Cures Iiapotcncy, Kij;ht EraliioiiBainl
wastln'f dUcarcH, all cfTccta of self.
'? -to net inn. A icri'A tnnliiuml
"f nJ'bbKid Imllder. Ihlngu tl)3
trpiriK rjiow to pale checbu and
4a5i rcntorea the fire of youth.
f'S5nn7 mail ftO" P borf
for .r0 with a written (rnamn
teotneuro or refund tho tuouoy.
Scnrl for circular. Address,
Ctrrton b Jcciuon Cuw CHICAGO, IU.
, Mil! 8 !.', J 5 Win.
r 1 ,.
... ,'
' l V ; .