JEFFRIES WINS FIGHT KNOCKS FITZ8IMMONS OUT ELEVEN ROUNDS. IN Graphic Deaorlptlon of th Battle of Two of the Mlghtleat Slug gera of the Day. New York.--8pecll.)-Jaa J. Jeffries, Mother sturdy young giant, baa come out of the west to whip champion pugilists. At the arena of the Coney Island ciuo uimgnt he defeated Rob ert Fitzslmmons, world's champion In two classes middleweight and heavy weight, in eleven rounds of whirlwind ngnung. tie came to the ring a rank ouulder, and left It the acknowledged master or tne man he defeated. He waa never at any time In serious dan ger, and after the sire-up in the early rounds of the contest, took the lead. He had the Australian whipped from the nintn round. Jl waa acknowledged that Jeffrie would have an Immense advantage in weight, height and age. but the thousands who tipped and backed his opponent to win were sure that he wa au.w and that he would In that respect be absolutely at the mercy of the past matter of the science of lighting that he waa to meet. He proved, on the contrary, thai he was Just as fast as the man he met, and beat him down to unconscious defeat in a fair flirht. Jeffries Is a veritable giant In stature and marvrlouHly speedy for his Im mense size. J-ena than a year ago, he appeared in New York, a great awk ward, ungainly boy. Today he is the lithe, active, alert, trained athlete. The men who prepared him for his fight worked wonders with him. They taught him a nearly perfect defense. Improved his foot movement and Instructed him in the methods of Indicting punishment The transition since he appeared last has been little short of miraculous. At 24 he defeated Robert Fltzslrn mons. Tom Sharkey Bnd Peter Jackson, and If he cares for himself he will prob ably be able to auccessfuly defend the title for many years. FITZ' CONDITION. The defeated man was Just as good as when on the crlpy morning In the plains of far-away Nevada he lowered the colors of the then peerlesa Corbett. He was Just as active, Just as clever, Just as tricky and Just as fearless of punishment. He went unfalteringly to his defeat He was the aggressor, even at moments when he was bleeding and unsteady and stunned by the blows he received he reeled Instinctively toward his op ponent. He was fighting all the time, and punished his opponent, but found him a different opponent than any hi had met and a difficult man to fight. Jeffries fought from a crouching atti tude that was hard to get at. He held his head low, his back was bent down nd his left arm was extended. He kept tabbing away with the left, and found no trouble In binding H. It was there that his superior reach told. Thai giant arm served as a sort of human fender to ward off danger. He showed an excellent defense and the ability ti use both hands with skill. He Is game, too, for he never shrank from his pun ishment. It was a great fight to watch, and commenced and ended amid scenes it Intense excitement, DRAMATIC SIGHT. It was all dramatic. The men fought before a ciowd of 9,000 persom and stood up in a great beam of blind ing white light. It was like a thousand ;alclums and It showed their great white bodies in strange relief. Wher. the blood came It was an intenser red than usual. There was not a sugges tion of interference from the police. Chief Devery occupied a seat by tbt ringside, but never entered the ring. When it was all over he sent Captain Kenny in to clear the ring. The con test was pulled off without wrangle and was devoid of the brutal elements thai Chief Devery had fenred. Never was i crowd handled with less friction It was al Ipertectly orderly. The absence of any preliminary con test gave the crowd a fight appetite, rhey began calling for the performance it 9:30 and at 8:45 were demonstrative. Jeffries was the first to appear. He :ame through the main entrance and walked the length of the hall at 9;5t to an accompaniment of cheers, while Fitzslmmons, who was accompanied by is Bpartan-like wife, came from the flresslng room by a rear door. The agreement as to the conditions of 2llnches and breaks was discussed and fettled outside of the ring and there was but little delay when the terms were agreed upon. FITZ' DRAMATIC ENTREE. Fltxslmmijns' entry Into the ring at 10:06 was made the occasion of a rather theatrical demonstration. Julian wa first and then came the fighter. The leconds were next In line and then ;ame two men bearing a gTeat floral piece that was almost funereal in its ippearance. It waa Inscribed, "flood Luck to the Champion," but the flow trs are wilted now. FKzslmmons bowed ceremoniously to It. Jeffries was next Into the arena, and, like his jpponent, got a demonstrative rccep lon. Fitzslmmons looked lanky and thin, but his skin waa clear, his eye orlght and his step elastic. He made i great display of American flags at nls waist . , Jeffries looked sturdy and massive ind seemed a little nervous. He got the worst of the assignment of corners, or the great lights shone Into his face ind he blinked at them in a nervous ort of way. Bller, too, looked color less and HI at ease. There was no trying delay In the ring, and the gong tounded Just as the men had been pre ented and gloved. When they squared ff Jeffries looked fifty poundB to the d OPENING ROUND. The opening round was a tryout, pure and simple and not a single blow Bf an effective nature was landed. First one was the pacemaker and then the other essayed the pressing. They were almost equally active and thclev" work recompensed the crowd for the lack of excitement. The second round began In a business-like way with Jeffries trying his left. Fltsslmmons then took a turn, but was short. Just the round closed Jeffries downed Kltuslmmons with a hard straight left on the law. The champion came up lowly In a daxed sort of way and ?ee7.d toward his man. The crowd cheered Jeffries, but the gong ended Fltsslmmons rallied In tha mt and waa aggreaslve again In the third. Fltsalmmons waa bleeding, but flght jVlously. H. mad. th. dace, but It T. raiirnrnlan'a round. The fourth waa faet. but not decl.lve. Fits slmmon made 'hie best showing In th. hitherto beet, regarded as a nuallflca SfTh Ha began the round with a punch tlon In a president of Yale. In addition that ooanad "Jeffrie' left ayt and sent a Mttletorrent of Wood coursing down ft oliilr H- forced Jeffrie against tha ma but the CWIfornlan slipped MraylrWB SUB. Us mad Jeffries hug again, but then the round ended and Jeffrie waa back and fighting. Fits Simmons waa the aggressor In the sixth and that, too, waa his round. H tried all of his tricks with left and r,ht. but was unable to place them ngnu Me closed with a strong right uppercut, but that, too, was blocked. BEGINNING OF THE END. The seventh might be said to have been Fltxslmmons', but he did no par. tlcular damage with his punches. The eighth saw the beginning of the end, for Fitislmmons never regained his balance after that round. Jeffries be gan the round with a straight left on the face, that again brought the blood out of the oponent's mouth. The Cor nishman staggered against the ropes but came back for another facer. There was fear in Fitzslmmons' corner, and Julian yelled to Fitzslmmons to be careful. Fitzslmmons olanted one of his lefts on Jeffries' law and staerered him against the ropes. Fitzslmmons looked like a beaten man. The ninth was all Jeffries. He sent the Australian's head back with a series of lefts, put hlB right on the body and avoided any serious punish ment. Fitzslmmons kept pressing for ward all the time, but was unable to find hlg opponent. The tenth was In reality where the fight ended. Jeffries rushed his oppo nent and downed him with a left swing. Fitzslmmons seemed out and there was a moment" of the wildest ex citement. Julian ran along the side of the ring and sprinkled water on his fallen Idol. At the end of seven sec onds Fitzslmmons staggered to Ills feet only to go down again. He was up again and Jeffries poised lirnself for the flninh. He shot his lelt to the body and tried for the head with his right. He was and collected, but the time was too short. Again did the gong come to the aid of the man who was then going, stag;iring and dazed to certain defeat. There was a frantic effort to revive the champion of cham pions, but he waa cleanly gone and his seconds could not restore hlni. FATAL HOUND. The fate-like gong clanged again and the old fighter wobbled out to meet the sturdy young Hercules who awaited him. It was us courageous and gritty as a dash up to the firing line In battle, but It was hopeless. They were to gether. It was a splendid moment and characterizes a tragedy. Jeffries waa as fresh as at the start. There was a moment of sparring and the giant arms of the Callfornian shot through the air. It was left and right and over. Fitzslmmons, limp and un jonscious, dropped to the floor. Jeffries teppcd buk, for he knew the force that he had put behind his terrible blows. The timers called out the sec onds that counted out an old ring hero and heralded another, but nobody heard them. The crowd was on Ha feet howling. There was a rush for the ring, but scores of bluecoats barred the way. Ten seconds are short and when the tenth had come there was a new roar of excitement to welcome the vic tor. Julian, Hlckey, Kenny and Ever hardt gathered up the prostrate man. He was till In a trance. They carried him to his corner and a little blood oozed from his mouth as his head fell forward on his chest. The new hero crossed the ring and shook the hand of his rival, after which he was sur rounded by his friends, who hustled him from the ring and into his dressing room. Jeffries had the good wishes of his clergyman father out at Los Angeles, Cal. This wire was placed in his hand as he reached the ring: 'Jim: We know you will win. Keep good spirits; be confident of our bless ing. "FATHER. MOTIliiU, AND FAMILY. JEFFRIES' STATEMENT. Fltz fought a good and game battle. and hit me harder than any man whom I have been up against. He can whip Sharkey In two rounds. I would gain nothing by meeting Sharkey again, but am willing to meet any man in me world in whom the public has con fidence, and there need be no fear of my quitting the ring for the stage. I will defend my title as champion at ail tlmts and against all comers. At no time during tonight's fight did I feel any misgivings as to my ability to win. I am satisfied that I have well earned the right to be called champion by beat ing Fitzslmmons, who waa undoubtedly the greatest fighter of the age." Jeffries and his party left tor new York at midnight and will make the Vanderbllt hotel their headquarters. Just as soon as Fitzslmmons reached his dressing room his wife, who was anxiously awaiting the outcome of the fight, greeted the fallen champion af fectionately. "Keep up your spinis. Hob," she sold. "You fought splen didly." , Mart n Julian spoae encouragingly to the defeated pugilist, but the latter seemed not to realize what waa being said to him. His trainers and sparring oartners laid the lanky pugilist on a cot and whispered words of encourage ment In, his ear. SHOCK SEVERE. Fitzslmmons had only partially re covered from the shock of defeat and occasionally murmured: "How did I come to fight him?" Mrs. Fitislmmons and Mrs. Dan Hlckey Dent over tne prostrate man and bathed his head and face. Clots of blood had formed In the noKtrila and the damaged nasal organ began to be a source of worrlment to Mrs. Fitzslmmons. "t nave noinin io say regarding me uuu-inuc m n light, she said. ' DUl I leei sure ihba Rob still has a host of friends who will not forget his past career in the ring." Manager Jullun, when asked of his opinion of the result, replied: Oh, there Is very lime ior me io . body knows that Hod is game ami i feel certain that he still has a warm place In the hearts of many. No mat ler what comes or goes, Hob need not worry about anything as long as I live. He Is my friend and I am his. He shall never want for anything, and while I feel his downfall most keenly I have the satisfaction of knowing that he was beaten by a clever young leuuw .if h a. decided null In the weights, who showed such cleverness that the sting of defeat is softened to a great ex tent." , . , Yank Kenny, tne neavyweigm spa ring partner who has been with Fltz slmmons ail through his training, was crestfallen at the turn affairs had taken. Jack Everhardt was equally down cast at the defeat of Fitislmmons. v,u ran snv for me. ne sain, i never Imagined that Jeffries could have Imnrnvwl XI VdStlV. Rob ' UP HglllllSt a big handicap In regard i weight and I think he acquitted mnsou splen didly." tk raiitinna of Yale university have been smashed by the election of Prof. Iladley as president of that Institution. Um la under 42 years old for one thing. Then he Is not a clergyman, which has to all that, ne is noi a proie...r . 0rek, Latin, philosophy or any of th. so-called culture branches of education, but of political acienos the science o government In Its broad sense. UP-TO-DATE FIREWORKS. The Fourth of July flreworka of 191 will be right up to date. There will be "Klondike Fountains," "X-Ray Photo graphs," "Otd Harry's Visiting Cards' and "Money to Burns." There will be "Chrysanthemums," which make an In tensely brilliant light, and deep, scin filiating forms resembling the flowera from which they take their name "Brilliant Stars" with a bright, hissing Bffect, and throwing out myriads of electrical stars; "Sparkling Bombs which begin with a lephyr-llke whistle and go out with a 13-Inch gun report "Surprise Boxes," with a quick dls charge of stars which go snapping and twisting aimlessly in midair; "Silver Vesuviuses," with a lasting and beau tlful effect of spin fires; "American Mandarins," with a combination of squib reports and detonating salutes resembling the rapid fire of a gatllng gun, and "Floral Bombshells," showing in fire all the prismatic colors In varie gated stars, which fall precipitately In a. shower of golden rain from the bomb shell when It bursts high in the air. In boxes filled with straw are to bo found little canes, labeled "Snake-in-the-Grass." They are placed on the ground and a light applied to their apex. In a few seconds a miniature .make, with fangs Intact, rises phoenix like from the ashes and hisses in t manner most spiteful. "Candy Rosette Wheels" consist of a spinning wheel which, after It has been fired, leaves a cane of candy whose value would be assessed by any repu table dealer in sweetmeats at at least one cent. In the "X-Ray Photographs after the fuse is set afire, the cover of the camera will disappear as if by magic and reveal your picture In an excellent likeness of Balaam's Ass. The "Humming Fire-Tops" are con ceded to be a great novelty. They con sist of wooden tops surmounted by driving fireworks which make them apln with great velocity. Then there are "dragon tongues." Af ter the fuse has been lighted, the cover 3t the den disappears without leaving elthe rashes or smoke. Then the dra gon appears on the scene and extends tils tongue in a menacing manner. "Old Harry's Visiting Cards' are made of white "magic" paper, with His Satanic Majesty's name imprinted on one surface. As soon as Ignited they mysteriously vanish, leaving no trace whatever. The "money-to-burns" are on the same principle, only they are made up is a fac-slmlle of a $10 confederate note ind come put up in pocketbookg. "Look out for the stick!" will be the popular cry on the night of the glorl jus Fourth. The rockets this year will be as varied as they are numerous. In addition to the usual short-stick rockets there will be "tri-color union randies," emitting balls, which, while in the air, divide Into three brilliant red, white and blue stars; "parachute rockets,' 'discharging at a great height floating stars of large caliber, suspend ed from parachutes, which float a long listance and change color before disap pearing; "prismatic dragon rockets," displaying at an altitude of 300 feet a awarm of dragon-like serpents, with vermllllon-hued bodies, which change ind Interchange In their winding course till they gradualy fade away In the dls tance. Amid the clouds the "cascade rock ets" display a broad, swelling spread of liquid gold in streamers of glittering radiance with feathery edges, which gradually dissolves in a lasting cloud of sparkling mist. The "peacock plumes rockets," rise like an Eiffel Tower of fire to a great height, and with a ter rific explosion form a gorgeous veil of feathery plumes, embellished with to. paz and emerald comets. The designers of the set pieces will have plenty of opportunities to display their art on the coming Fourth. Patri otic designs will be In demand and many of the firms have on hand al ready a number of reproductions of the Maine and pyrotechnlcal photographs of naval and war heroes. They are made in all sizes and, though they vary In price, are for the most part ex pensive. WHERE1M MIGRANTS COME FROM If any old frequenter of Castle Gar den should revisit the barge office after an absence of ten years he would be surprised at the change in the nation alities of the people now found there. In old days the blond Oermans, th English with their misplaced aspirates and the Irishman's funny brogue were features. Today Germans are compar atively rare, and the Irish and English almost as much so. In the last nine months the total German income at the port of New York has been 10,244, and that Includes a few tourists. The Brit ish Isles, which used to send over 100,000 a year, have not sent 18,000 In nine months. It Is from Italy that the immigration Is now greatest. Ten years ago the Italian entries for the entire United States were only about 25,000 for a year. Already this year, with only nine months gone, 47,243 Italians have ar rived In New York alone. Immigration from Austro-Hungary It also Increasing, and the entries at this port during the nine months are 32,654, as against 39,797 for the whole of the United States In the preceding year. A mall Immigration of Christian Arab is beginning, and the Armenians and Turkish peoples are Increasing, The entries at the port of New York during the nine months have been as follows: Austria-Hungary, 32,054; Bel glum, 769; Denmark, 1,041; France, 1,749; Oermany, 10,244; Greece, 1,429; Italy, 47,243; Netherlands, 734; Norway, 1.5M Portugal, 725; Roumanla, 919; Russli and Finland, 12,266; Bervla,Bu1garia and Montenegro, S3; Spain, "429; Sweden, 8,. 007; Switzerland, 1,01; Turkey, 62; Brit lak Isles, 17,666; total, 148,810. WORLD'S COAL PRODUCT. United States Holda Second Placi aa a Fuel Producer, Washington, D. C The coal produc tlon and consumption of the world dur lng the past fifteen years are present ed in some tables Just prepared by th treasury bureau of statistics. Thes show that while the United Kingdom ii still the largest coal producer In th world, the United States is a close sec ond and if the present rate of gain it continued, will soon become the lead ing coal producing country of the world The coal production of the United King dom in 1897 was 202,000,000 tons, that ol the United States 179,000,000, Germany 100,000,000, France 30,000,000, Belgium 22,000,000, Austria-Hungary 12.000,000 Russia nearly 10,000,000, Australia near ly 6,000,000, Japan over 5,000.000, British India 4,000,000, Canada nearly 4,000,000, and Spain 2,000,000. No other country reached 1,000,000 tons in production. Th United States has gained much more rapidly during the fifteen years under consideration than has the United Kingdom or any of the Important coal producing countries of the world, her gain during the fifteen years being over 73 per cent.and that of the United King dom less than 24 per cent. The an nouncement Just made by the geological survey that the coal product of the United States in 18&8 was 219,836,000 short tons, against 228,287,000 for Great Britain, shows that the United States will soon become the leading coal pro ducing nation of the world. As an exporter of coal, however, the United States takes the rank in propor tion to its production and stands fourth In the list of coal exporting countries. In 1898 the exportatlons of coal from the United Kingdom were 48,000,000 tons, from Germany 12,000.000, from Belgium over 6,000,000 and from the United States a little less than 4.000,000. The quantity exported In 1898 was slightly above 4,000,000 tons. Australia came next to the United States as a oal exporting country, her exports amounting to nearly 3,000,000 tons, while France exported about 2.000.00C lapan 1,000,000, and Canada 1,250,000 In 1897. France is the largest coal im porting country, her Importations in 1897 being nearly 12,000,000, while Ger many Imported 6,000,000, Austria-Hun-?ary 5,600,000, Italy 4,250,000, Canada nearly 4,000,000, Belgium nearly 3,000,- 00, Russia 2,500.000, Sweden over 2,500,- WO, the United States nearly 1,500,000. nd Australia 1,000,000 tons. Great Britain is also the largest con sumer of coal In proportion to popula- lon, her coal consumption in 1897 being 3.87 tons per capita, that of Bel- ium 2.70 tons, the United States 2.42, Germany 1.58, Canada, 1.2, France, 0.98, Australia 0.97, Sweden 0.50, Austria- Hungary 0.37, Spain, 0.19, Italy 0.13, Russia, 0.09, ancl Japan 0.07 of a ton lier capita. According to these figures, which are summarized from a report of the coal production of the principal countries of the world, Just issued by the lirltisn sovernment, the United States now iroduces about 30 per cent of the coal n the world, the coal product of the tourteen countries enumerated In the .ables being, In 1897, 566,000,000 tons, of shlch the United States produced 179. KiO.OOO tons, while In 1883 she produced ut 27 per cent of the total coal product :f the countries enumerated. The 1898 Igures make an even more satisfactory ihowlng for the United States. Served Him Right. A young lieutenant In a cavalry reg ment fell violently In love with the laughter of a wealthy merchant. But je soon became Indifferent to the lady harms, and when his regiment wa irdered for a term of service to th ast he was so ungallant as to leave ler without any explanations. When a short period had lapsed the jffieer returned home with more dust han medals on his coat, and soon after le landed was present at a dinner and all where his quondam lady-love was imong the daintiest of the beauties. They danced together, and she show d no resentment on the score of past infalthfulness. After much pressing he lady gave the officer an appointment it a certain church near her latner s louse, which had been their trystlng jlace in former days. The young officer went happily to nis :lub, where his old friend, Major iffered him a cigar. 'I met my old flame, Muriel , this venlng." said the new arrival from tbroad, and he told his friend of the lnnolntment she had given him. The major expressed no surprise, dui mid Muriel was a good and forgiving j-lrl for he knew what had gone, be- ore. The former lover went to the church rr the day named, and there was ureddlne. When the ceremony was over Hurlel , the bride, came out of the hurch on the arm of Major , the hrideeroom! A certain Individual went home to nis odglngs a sadder and, It Is to be pre turned, a wiser man. Shreds and Patches. A man is sure to be Interesting when ae talks about a subject he knows all bout, and amusing when he talks of what he Is Ignorant. It Is the vast middle ground that Is debatable. We pity a man who meets his Ideal tnd cannot get her; but he Is more to e pitied who marries his Ideal and nds he has not got her. To be lonely Is to feel one s self a miked soul, shivering In the cold wind Infinity. Boredom is weariness of jelf and Inability to escape from It. To tiore Is worse than to be bored but It Is not so easy to know when It happening. It Is a good plan to be usplclous whenever you find the con versation particularly Interesting. What a humorist the first Inventor 01 straps In cable cars must have been! If you haven t much paper ana are in oiibt whether to write a sermon or an plgram, write the sermon; It takes less Covered Buttons. The first maker of covered button was Mrs. Mimuei wiinsion or .asi Hampton. Mass. In early life her hus band prepared for the ministry, but, hit eyesight falling, he was compelled tc give up all study and support nimseir He opened a general country store, and his wife gave a great deal of attention to a notion counter, one winter aay, ir 1826, she was sorting her stock, when II suddenly occurred to her to cover lomi of the wooden buttons, then In general use, with cloth. They attracted muck attention among the customers of th little shop, and were finally known tc nil the neighboring towns, and becam very popular. Willlston and his wlft contrived machinery to do the work the first ever employed In America, At Immense manufactory sprang up, ant made half the covered buttons of thi world, and Willlston died worth setera millions. And the source of all thli wealth originated with a bright N England woman. 10 TUNNEL THE ISTHMUS CANAL O. A. Karwlese, the German engl neerlng expert, who was consulting en gineer in the construction of the Sues canal, now proposes to build a still more remarkable ship canal across the Isthmus between North and South America, His plan Is to tunnel through a moun tain range. .By this plan full-rigged ships with masts reaching up 180 feet high could all right through the mountain range four abreast. The object of such a tremendous and unheard-of undertaking as this is to make the shortest posible cut through the isthmus connecting North and South America. A week ago this plan of Mr. Kar wlese was submitted to Admiral Walk er, of the Nicaragua canal commission, who will naturally bring it before the president when presenting reports on canal surveys. The proposed Nicaragua canal which the United States government has had repeated surveys made for, will have to be 169 miles long. Engineer Karwiese's proposed canal would be but eleven miles long. Only ne and two-thirds miles of this would be a tunnel through the mountain. The ther nine miles would be simply the enlarging of existing waterways lead lng to the Atlantic and Pacific. The Interior of the ship tunnel could be lighted by electricity, and motor energy supplied by electrical power transformed from the tides by ma chines especially constructed for that purpose. Such a machine already ex Ists and has been patented by William Bowman of Norfolk, N. Y. A single lock at each terminus of ca rial construction would absolutely con trol the water level between the two oceans. These locks would, of course, be necessary to prevent a flood tide on one side of the Isthmus from rushing through the artificial opening between the continents. By this method navi. gatlon through the Isthmus in still rater and on ocean level would be prac tically possible. No other plan ever uggested provides for an ocean level Canal. Engineer Karwlese claims that such l canal could be built in two years for (48,000,000. The lowest estimate for the Nicaragua canal Is $118,000,000 and five rears' time for construction. So great in undertaking as boring a hole thro' a mountain range big enough for ships to sail through would seem impossible were It suggested by any lesser author ity than Mr. Karwlese. Mr. Karwlese was consulting englneet u the designing and building of the sanal through the isthmus of Suez, and tor a short time was engaged with De Lesseps In Panama. Almost at the itart he became convinced that the Panama route would ultimately be ibandoned, and says upon investigation e found that the existing isthmian lurveys were inaccurate and in many instances merely a matter of guess work. Accordingly In 1891 he began a sys- matlc survey of the whole Isthmus md Is now possessed of maps, sound ngs and other records, all convincing 'acts. He is, of course, familiar with lie Nlcaraguan region, and condemns he course there with objections siml ar to those actual! encountered In Pan ima. The proposed new route involves tome features altogether novel In canal kulldlng, but It is claimed to be not only ihorter, cheaper and far more practical !han any other course ever suggested, klr. Karwiese's experience In canal tuildlng and fame as an expert assure ts consideration by the United States fovernment. It is probable that Mr Karwlese will accompany on their sur reys the isthmian canal commission recently appointed by the president to n vest I gate all routes, and will person illy go over the ground of his work with the officers of the government. According to surveys and estimates urnlshed by Mr. Karwlese a ship tun- lel canal can be completed through the ower Isthmus of Panama between the 3ulf of Darien and the bed of the San. a Maria river. This region ts known is the Aput valley, and is crossed dia metrically by the Cardllllere range of nountalns, which extends throughout the length of the isthmus, connecting with the Andes of South America and with the Rocky mountain system of the jorthern continent. At the point of intersection with the iputl valley the Cardllllere are steer tnd high and almost solid rock. Mr. Karwlese Is ready to demonstrate to the :anal commission the practicability of uttlng through this rock, not a can yon, but a tunnel 180 feet high, with 8 feet added for depth of water. This lnteroceanlc ship tunnel would be 8,888 feet, or, approximately, one ind two-thirds miles long, and wide enough to allow four ships to pass ibreast. No such stupendous engineering feat has ever been attempted since the be ginning of the world, but Mr. Karwlese Is ready to undertake it; and there are many expert engineers who have long considered that the execution of such a project at a favorable point waa en tirely feasible and would furnish the most satisfactory solution of the whole lnteroceanlc canal problem. The Aputl valley la adapted for such canal In several ways. The actual between existing ocean tide pools on either side of tha Cardllllere Is fifteen miles eight hundred feet, and for all but eleven and one-eighth miles over tha proposed course navigation la possible at the present time. Harbora at each and of the proposed route ar of gravel and firm sand, and th bad of the canal Itself would be of rock. The water of the Santa Maria river M clear and deep, and there are no quick sands nor alluvial deposits to block con struction and render perpetual re-ex-cavation imperative In order to pre serve the usefulness of the canal when built, The Aputl valley is a natural division between the two continents. In making his first exploration of the isthmus, Mr. Karwlese was alone, and intrusted him self to native Indian guides. He navi gated San Miguel harbor longitudinally and arriving at the mouth of the Santa Maria River was astonished by hi guides, who paradoxically offered t "drop him up stream to the mountain. This apparent contradiction of the law of gravitation was literally accomplish ed on a raft, for by takiag advantage of the flood tide from the Pacific the explorer was able to land at the base of the rocky Cardilliere. Crossing the range on foot, the party came to a navigable tributary of the Tablna river, and floated down stream on the Atlantic side into the broad Gulf of Darien, an arm of the Caribbean sea. The Tabina river has its source on the Atlantic slope of the mountains In the middle of the Isthmus and trend almost parallel to the coast in a south easterly direction emptying its water finally Into a harbor of the gulf. The natural harbors existing at each end of the valley described would afford perfect protection to a large fleet of ves sels. A TRAMP CONVENTION. A convention of hoboes has been call ed to meet at Danville, 111., June 15. The call for the novel gathering has been circulated In rural districts for some time, and recestly reached Chicago. Quite as unique as the convention it self is the "call." It Is a tiny poster, or "sticker" for handy pasting on lamp posts and convenient land marks of the highways. The hoboes are their own bill posters and they are pasting up the love feast call at countless place along the roadways all over the coun try. Within the last few weeks 10.006 of these posters have been printed and distributed at the expense of Charle Noe, a wealthy young man of Syca more, 111., who styles himself a "soci ety tramp." Under the name of "Box Car Tour ists Union No. 57," more than 300 ho boes of Chicago have organized to get in readiness for convention work. They claim to be affiliated with 100 similar organizations covering most of the ter ritory between "the great divide" of the Rocky mountain range and the At lantic seaboard. An outline of the pro gramme for the convention has been drawn up. It includes discussions of the economic and social conditions out of which the hobo evolved himself or has been evolved. College graduates in disguise or "reduced" by drink will be among the eloquent speakers at the meeting. Tents and empty barrels will house the delegates and a sand lot owned by "Onion" Cotton, a hobo pro prietor of Danville, has already been selected for the holding of the conven tion, which is to be in the open air. Only "ex-useful" members of urban, suburban or rustic communities will be given credentials to the grassy floor of the convention. Those already register ed and declared eligible are: Land sur veyors, shoemakers, railroaders, cigar makers, designers, molders, printers and tailors. By special dispensation of the man ager of the convention, "society tramps," ex-actors and ex-college pres idents are to be admitted. Route pick ers and providers of "side-door Pull mans" and of "eatings" have been named for the Chicago union. Among these are Wlliam F. Petera, George T. Walters, Edward V. Davis, Charles F. Noe, "Onion" Cotton, Adolphus Rurk- hardt and Edward Freeman. With th exception of Noe and Cotton, all these have been hibernating, along with oth ers of their Ilk, in basements at 40 Sherman street, 103 North Clark street or In similar winter resorts throughout the city. Arrangements for transportation In box cars, with hay trusses for berths. have been made through the good of fices of friendly employes of the Chica go & Eastern Illinois railroad. The he glra from Chicago will be witnessed June 16. Before the start on the after noon of that day a parade will be held In the downtown streets. Anybody who wants to fall Into line as the proces sion passes will have his or her creden tials passed upon as the box cars are being boarded at the Polk street sta tion. In political and police circles the con vention is regarded as a move toward a revival of Coxeylsm or tramp agitation of the kind that carried the marching 'army of the unemployed" to the step of the Capitol building in Washington some years ago. Whether any menace to social order Is perceived In the Danville program, the authorities ar not prepared to say. The organisers of the convention declare, however, that sedition I not contemplated. They do not anticipate any attempt at govern mental suppression or Interference. Still, they very freely admit that the work of the convention will be largely political, and that the foremost object sought to be attained will be to devise way and mean "to make the struggle for existence a pleasure Instead of a burden." Maude Adams, the actress, I the gr4 granddaughter of Joshua, first cousin and an Intimate of J. Q. Adam. Joan ua's son Joined a party of Canadian Mormons and wa among the first geV tie in Bait Lak City. Mr. Zerlaah Gould Mitchell, wan died recently, wa the laat Indian prla can In Massachusetts and waa a ttanat descendant at MaaaaaoiL