1 Sioux County ' . HE K if T TO TKT A T JL-o i S VOL. IXI. HAIBISOT, THUBSDAY, J"U"LTS 15, 1899. Cnr MU-'KO GUZSTICN 13 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Hon. William J. Kryan. 2TO. Tha Sioux County Journal. ESTAiiUHirs; Isy8.J fhibsarirrtion Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPCR OF SIOUX COUNTY. 1co. 1 (jinoii. Killlor. Kriten-d hi the llirriMHi jhjjI ollce an croud cJasri i ui ier. Thet'awfurd papers, who hive m ineoiwistetitly taken Mr. Caviu's part iii tha tbhi'i-putubb) part lie has played relative to the appointmeat of h-mself as brciud comou-Mooer. need tiwt worry about wlint that gent'o ' :n h '" I able to do at the, fall election, li s playel his h t i .ihl last fall mid since In has been shown up in his trim lijjiit his ir;fluwe will he like a cuts; of ire iu Hades. Mr. Cavin outs.de of politic; may he in very cuuceivabU way a gentleman, hut politically there cannot be a ;.;rtat r hvpr.:rit., in fact ho is a pol.tical nxr-Mrtcity. - I'.uy the Lord hao mercy on his soul. l'-y Ih appointment of 11. J. VAvwkII of thin place for one of the t!ir..-j hriTnl cnnin.irsionVrH cf tin; state hy Guv. Povntcir Tuesday, w- Miovr lr .vu-m-y displayed wi.,e judgement, as the, Jot i:nal beliuvea Mr MIhw t v ill vivo universal satisfaction to the fusion fortes of North-west Nebraska outside of thus who have heen worliinrf for tii ai pDia: i,n.;it of sotuu oit lio W!1!i playing into tin; hami-i of Hon. A. !. I Vslu r an. I some of hh half In-irt4?il r'ptib!ii'an fricruh w ho for tha saiis.of revenue only, would as soori disrupt their own party as the reform forces. Vs, it is a J3 inch gun lirl into their iat,ks an J the e.tplonioii of th h!k-il has ilone tht-ni fearful dam jt. n t Sou. inform a:d Trfasnrer if th owner of such l.'ve gtock, the number thereof the brand tlier.K.11 nud the valu of tlw name together wit) the time and place at which it is proposed to brinjj said Uv fctork across ton lina of the .Stato. Bw. .!. The County Treasurer iton the r-ccipU ut kmcIi letter or other infor mation, that stock has hi-c-n brought into his -o.!i)ty fro in outside tho Stale aft.T April 1st in any year, shall iiiiinoiliattly. personally, or by d.-puty inspector said li stock for the uirpose of taxation, nud !i..st-v!i ihf sanvc. And said Trean urer so assemng rnul live stock at hereinbefore pr.vilt.sj, shall forvrith enter said live slock upon tha assessment roll of said county fur the then current year; if tho assessment roll for the then Current year has been completed, ho shall then proceed to make a supplemental assessment roll on which all property of the like claw shall la entered and 8hmjs.o;I. Such procvedintrs in all respects shall ba had in refereuco to such supplemental assessment r,!l as am or may be provided by law for the annual assessment roll. If such supplemental assessment roll thail he mado or tiled subsequent to tho making of the cnaual tax levy, then it shall he the duly cf the treasurer of said County to forthwith spread said annual tax levy upon such nupplemenfal assessment roll and thesame proceedings shall he had for the collection of the taxes upon said siippl jinetiUl roll as are provided by law for the coI1ik;Uou of taxes upon tiln annual assessment roll of the county. If such County Treasurer shall ileem it pecesr.ary he naiy doiimtid tlw immediate payment of tho taxes duo iion the live slock referred to in this section, and upon refusal of such payment such Treasurer is authorized and empowered to proceed forthwith to col lect the same in the manner provided by law f jr the colle.-tion of delinquent taxes upon personal property. Sec. -1. If auv person shall fail, neglect or omit to pive the notice request-id by Section 2 of thisAct, or shall iu any manner trade or attempt to evade any of the provisions of this nd such person shall he gu.lly of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall he punished by a fine ,-,f not les than lift v dollars, nor more than live hundred dollars or by imprisousK-rt in the County jml for a period not exceeding six months or by both sucn line nrinq risounient. Sec. r. Whenever any live stock shall be i rom.;ht into this Stale and the same shall have been assessed as hereinbefore provided, then, ud from the date cf such assessment, Mid live stock shall in ail respects I f) subject to the provisions of this act, hereinafter contained, and the owner thereof shall in all respects comply with the provisions of this act hereinafter contained, Continued ne.t week.) BON TON RESTAURANT. l 1.3. BIGELOW, Prop., Candies, Nuts. Tobacco, KTuits, Dates, Cakes, Pies, Bread, Stationary 2etc. EHTA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Tiling Sold at Living Price?. POST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, IS eh. Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles c- Send in your Harness and Shoe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. Some of the p-ent metropolitan, republican pa;n rs, ro do'.n every tVm,- in their power to make the 0,.'iOn,OH(l silver vit s, who support-j.l Hon. V.". J. P.ryau in l?Q3 believe that the silver issue is dieuj or tiat Uie domo ATata: party is hoplu.sly divided on the Jissties 1o 1 e I rf :(. I t oct in the impai;in Of 100!). They should wait till the preat dvmoer.Uic party in f'oiivcntiou uasembled in KiOO f peaks ofiicially to the country than it will will he time i;nout;h for republican parly and its newspaper advocate: to ,ay what tho issues will be. The great ifenincralu: parly will not tube any bckward step in reforms which it advocated in 'i)0 neither will it in what il should advocate in 1 900. Garlick's soliloquy "You vas .shentleiaeim, Mr, Boyuter. I dink I peeti already yet sometimes happy dot I get dot dom Caveu vera ho don't von sell me some any prauds and marks; don't it? Vas I even gono to soma legishlatur I vas Iecn so tickled!" The above slur on th 'iermans of North wf st Nebr.rik.i at the expense of Neighbor Oei'laeh of thii town shows tho utter contempt, that editor Kteluni of the Tribune holds toward as ;;ood ciUxun as there are iu the w holo country. If nei;,ddxr Oerlacb were aidmmed of his nationality, he t'ui In wutl justly d.-sirve tint kind of criti iUn, li it In is'nt Mid his pn'riie and irivate character will compare with Brer Xeteham's or, even Mr. Cuvins public and private character. The indications are that tho triple political nlliuti'-e will he renewed iiextjeur, we rcali.e that this combination polled a majority of the white vote m e get an idea of its potency. X. Y. Sun. Hmii hole heap of fun for the Tribune to notj this popolenio intirnecine wiirfitro up in Ibis section, as it presages a republican victory iliis fall, (iarlii I: is now even with Cavin, and honors are even letweeu Lawes and Sions couti'ies. Hut it's Mr. t'avin's next deal, boys, and (lout you forget it. Crawford Tribune. W. t;, (tuvin, the man who done the dirty work for ('apt- A. (1. Fisher and the 'Republican party last fall, no doubt, exausled every resoure-e that is know, ij lo a traitorous politician. Mr. Cavin has been pbce l before the neople of North west Nebraska in his true light, and the reform forces that stand for principal, will ste that he does not work no more underhand tricks. grh: 1T ft'C or Government Mcr.sy. U. S. Reservoir Act. At close of 0';r Civil YV'r.r in 1SC5, I'.ierc ij-.e.treJ i:i the London 'I inie? ths f.diir.vin : "If t hit mischievous iinar.chl jiol icy wliich hid its origin in the North American l-lcpublic during the iutc Civil War in taat country, should be com: indurate'.! do'vn to a fixture, thsn that government will furnish its money without cost. It will have a the n.oncy that is necessary to carry 0:1 its trade and rommercp. Itwi'.i heonvj rosp':rous beyond j.-reccdertt in thi hi.-.iory of ciio'hsed nations of tiie world. Ths brain and wealth of aii countries will go t: North America. THAT GOV KTiNMKNT MUST LE DF.-il'ROVr.!) OR IT WILL 1)1- jvi'uoY !;vi:ky monauciiy on THIS OLOliel." Tie I'tnous Utz,tard ciretilar, to cs i".i: i.i .'c;v York, artd the Luell P..t!.!; circtilar to United :.'ates rank er,, both cm an .din:' from London, and t!ie fabulous corruption fund raised in 1'iigiand and Germany, estimated at 'ft, 5 30, ceo, vcre t!r.' agents that se cured the elobhij of our mint against iilvcr. Tiii "walk into my parlor" policy of ,:i.'J.in i, tl'tring a:u! since the ;'p"!:i.h AYar, is Uv; L:test evidence of L'r.t;ii,;h Diploiaacy in shapinj; the d.stiuy of the United States Govcra ment. Not.vi.'hstar.dir.;; the famine price of tv heat, the Sp.iiiir.h War, and fabu lota; txpctidiptres of money Ly our p;o cr.iio rut tt'ii t:i:i tnc past year, : . ij lias ii.crtu'i :d 1:1 value t lc en per t f f it. and a.i other values decreased in the f.aui'.' f.rocirtiin. -BOBS. ,1, fi "Bj it enacted by the senate and House of Representatives of the Unit d States of America in Congress assembled. That aqy person live-stock conany, or tratis jiortiition corporation engnged in breeding, grazing, driving or transportatmg liv.- stock may construct reservoirs upon unoccupied public laivbi of the United States not mineral or otherwise reserved, for the purpose of furnishing water to such live stock anil shall have control of such reservoirs. Under regulations prccrihed by the Secretary of the interior, and the lands upon wliich the same is constructed, not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, so long ns such reservoir is maintain ed and water kept therein for such purposes: Provided. That such reservoir shall not be fenced and shall be open to tho free use of any person dcmrii g to wat er animals of any kind. Sec. 2, That any person, live-stock company, or corporation desiring to avail themselves of the provisions of this act shall II lo a declaratory statement in the United States land office in the district where the laud is situated, which state ment shall describe the land where such reservoir si to be cr has tieen considered shall stute what business such corporation is engaged-in; specify tlw capacity of the reservoir in gallons, and whether such company, person corporation has filed upon other reservoir sites within the same county, and if so, how many. Sec 3. That at atiy time after the completion of such reservoir or reservoirs which if not completed at the date of the passage of this act, shall he constructed and completed within two years after filing such declaratory statement, such per son, company, or corporation shall have the same accurately surveyed, us herein after provided and shall file in the United Slates land ollice in the district ir. which stich reservoir is located a map or plat showing the location of such reservoir, which map or plat shall be transmitted by the register and receiver of said United ritntcs land olflce to the Secretary of the Interior and approves! by him, and there aftersuch land shall be reserved from sale by tho Secretary of the Interior so long us such rewrvoir is kept in repair and writer kept therein. Sec, 4. That IJongress may at any time amend, alter, or repeal this act. .North I'latt'i Independent Era. Wyoming Stock Migratory Law, He it cnuricA hy the IsyMttwr. of Ihe St lie, 0 Wynmlii'j: Section 1. All live stoi k shall lie listed for tnxation in the county in whic h tlte ame shall be located on the II rst day of April in each year. All live stock which shall 1m brought into Ihe State after the first day of April in any year .shall be immediately listed for taxation in the litst county which the same shall nUr. 8c, 2. Tim owner, ngent, manager or foreman of any person, corporation or association proposing to bring live stock into this State, after the lirst. day of April In ny year, chail at least ten days prior to the time it is pressed to move Mid live lock acre the line of the HUle, forward to the Treasurer of tho county 40l9 wliich it Ispropoaed to Urst bring said live itoek, a registered lUer shall For a ihorr.u .') isndeTetnr.ding cf the money ipaMion. or silver i-.-tue, the Cincinnati J'.tttjttirer has uniformly ro.i ;i evidc'iec d its abiii'y to teach, explain and produce all fads and truth. It 1.5 a piper that ou;dit and can be read by all classes with pleas ure and profit. Is a blooded, black Norman, hig-M.red, 4" years-old;- hie vo;;-?i;i..Tiul! t. CONK will mafc the season, 1899, at the residence of Jkkky Will, iH miles north of llarrinon. Ti'diMS: &-, to insure and money due when Mare is known to be with foal. Will try to prevent all ac cidor t '. but I will not bo re sponsible tdiould any occur. Jkiucy Will. FIXE WORK. A SPECIALTY STRICTLY CASH: HO EXCEPTIONS. OUR CLUBBING LIST- "I !M The Siorr Cocnty Journal and JotTitNAL of Aop.ioULTfRE 1 Year, - $1.75 '& H " " " " " TWIOE-A-WKEK WoRLD-HEliALI) " - 1.70 g " " " " " Thkice-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) " - 1.70 K P, '' ' " " " Silver TCnioiit Vato'imn (D. C.) " - 1.75 j " " " ." " CreasNATi Weekly Enquirer, " - 1-53 STOCK BKANDS. Tin; Jocrnal will publish yoar brand, like the following, for SCiCO, per year. Each ud ditional bruud 73 conta. Kvery tanner or raneliiTien In Slonx am arljolnSng counties si!iy advertiiie their breads iu TsruJoua- KAi-as it clrtuiates iht over u.s slate. It ray bo the means of savlni; money for yoa. i 1 hiin.lt" Nolt naue lion V iXotico for Publication. Jet at Ai.uasck, Neil, June 14, lf.Ctt. : U hereby frlvi-u Unit the toUuwtng-- .ettler li'is II ied noliee of his tnteti nin'te tlri.il r.ronf In Riijinort of his (inim, mi. I Unit, said proof w ill be uueio tsi torn (aerie of Oiiirlct. Court, at lliirrtson, Nrliri-'iin, 011 July M, UW, viz: Ootlleib Knoifil il.irri.Mja. NebKi.Kii, who made lb V.. No. 4 : f2. for t:m Sv;s-i:i f ee. 2a and 8' H-Vi '4.f :. 1 wi: E'i, N. Kiuiro M VV. It-' f iune the follow !n,' witne-crts Improve ills e-:iti:iuiit reMidciu:e upon and cultiva tLoii if stud land, v i : JUiAail Kuorl, A. J. Hoi-art, Otto Tietze Hint irioig'i! Ciiiit, till of Harrison, Neb. I M. DoliiiiMToN, li(tster. WiND HILLS. The undersigned is as? ent for tht! celebratetl David Bbadley, WivdMotoi:, Improved Wind Mills, tin; best made. I am also prepared to furn ish on pliort notice first Pumps, I'ljics, Wood & Klecl Towers, Tatdis or nuytlilng in Hip lino of" pump repairs, AT LOWEST Pit ICES. -!--- Write me for (tinintes be fore rontnietiiip; el-iewliere. You will save, money hy it. AbPKDis-JOIIX S. AS11TON, Arilmorc, S. Duk. Mr. John llevins. editor of the Plw Alilhou, Iowa, says; '! hnv Used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dior rhooa llemedy in my funiily for fifteen years, have recommended it to hundreds of others, and have never known it to fail In a single instance. For sale by Dr. J. E, Phiuncy. . i Contest Notice. EvSl'It!) $T.VTE'5 1.ANII OffiVK, ? Ai.uanck, NF.n., June 7, IS!)!). A SHttlelont contest ulttdnvil, naving been filed li til in odlrii by Juy K. Nweondi, eou tescit, (calnit ItOineatead entry .No. 9i2, mml July Id, k, for K'i S-WVj und W'i S-KUfceetton WTownshiiiaO, N. liange 63 West by ikiUia J.uiii; (.'onteslee, in whlenitls Rlleff'l that: the rlaliiuint 1ms jibandonnd llio Suine for morn tlmu six montlis last niiKf u'ld reinivetl her reidenre llii:rfroni and ha'k' tract Is not cultivated nor tmprov ed. nid jmrtiM are hereby notified to ap. p; ar, renpoud mid otter evidence touehiupf mid UltiRatliiii at 10 o'clock a. m., on July 'il, CO, b-Oii'c T. J. O'Kcele, T'. S. Commlf slonetst his ollice lit t'rawlord, Nebrsskii and that HhhI henrlnij will be held at to o'clock a. m., on July S!l, IsfiS, befoie the Hoglster and Kncnlver, nl the United Wtutes I.nnd (MUce In Allliinee, Nebraska. Thei'iild eonli'staiit havintO Is a proper snidavlt, tiled Juned, IHi'J, net forth facts s hleli xleiw tlml lifter dim dillsteiire, pers onnl rrvvlee of this notice run not be made. i t Is hereby ordered nnd directed that audi nolle") lie (,'Hen by due and proper publica tion. V. M. I)okisi;tos, i HenlHter, Xf IT'S 'J SI I (T "Th" wont form, pml- J.'.'"ti.l pra at 1' 1 " .Iment winfl'lrntlnl. Ouret !'-eiitl '.Tie ti.i'i. 'ltn.i' v. Onf'irtloo H!iink npU Wn. C411 ur rll. pit. W'RJ INSTITUTE, IOM.Ulh tt..St.Uuit.Mal m t ;.:f.'U a vovk: '"Lt I ' V'iv4 er rVotl f If i rwna lur CkuIujiuj of :.m:'i.v I X'f f I. (- ! .I.1W tl.iruM.. (i j V lJ. & J itin lin Co., I Rcrl. illi-i'di. tS-'iiftS FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder 01 hordes. lVinpeon Aiitelojjo ereek 1'. ('., Oliiichnst, Sioux Co., Neb. CHAltLK.s 1IIKHLE. On let t side or hip of cattle, j 3 on let t shoulder of horses. I j"V Uangs on tho head ol Warbonnet L.. .!.dcrei.lf Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. mtm d.XV.CXHF.Y. fir&k fr-Son left shoulilei- of cattle ltyi?L"Wlrse. tSwsSitm ItaiiKe on Little Cottonwood. 1 j. ., cruwiuro ieui. and ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRAND , CHARLES VMPilENOTJB i The brand roprsented In this notice .. e- and branded any where on leftside of horses and ' ' -i .1 ',"""3 i-iu the L L brau any where o IK ' s H 'eit side of cattle beloatc to the N'.inaerjtsued. ; tiuiRi.rs UwfaEsoDR. liarrinou, Sebrasica, CHARLES MEtVMAJI. f'3."l The biand represented In this notice KS and branded any where ou left side K5'.rl of cattle, and over-lap etst from the terd riKhtear. I1 Also the same brand on left thiKh of horse., belongs to the undersigned. KsbiBO near East Springs, south part it Sioux county. eHAKCES Newmak, Harrison, Nebraska. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Good Hay & Stock Ranch for sale. CHARLES SCHILT. nftTne G011111 ierc INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska (PCAPITAI, STOCK PAID IN - -Orb SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - $10,000.00 8,000.00 -o- DIBECTOES. P. E. Bukwster, President. C. F. Coffkk, Vice President. ClIAS. C. JaMEHOxV. A. McGinlky, I). II. GarswoLD, Cashier. WESTERN NATIONAL RANK, New Yomc OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Neb. CORRESPONDENTS: -:INT lvREST PAID ON TIMK DEPOSITS. Mr. P. Ketcham of PiUo City, Cal., says: "Durin"; my brother's late sick ness from sciatic rheumatism. Chamber lain's Pain llahn was the only remedy that save him any relief.'" Many others have testilied to the promdt relief from nain which this liniment affords. For sale by Or. J. E. Phimiey. AOENTH wanted-fou T1IK LIKE AVI) Achievements of Admiral liewey," the world's luiviil hero. Ilv .Miirut Hnlsteiid, the 111 e-lonsf friend and admirer ol the nutlon's, Idol. UlKKeHt und brut boo k; over iVW pafjes Sxiolnehes; nearly let) pni?es Imll'tona llhint. mlions. Only t,M. Knoriuoua deiitsud' lllK (.'uiniiilsslons. Outtllfree. I huiice ol n lilelhne, W rlleuulck. The Hoiiiinloii Com pntiy, Hrd Floor I'uxtou Illkg., Chicago. - UVERSTA THE OP-TO-DATC LSTTLE LIVER PILL CURES 0OU8nO8S, Constipation, Dyepopsla. Glck-Hoad-acho and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. 6old by all 4rnccits or sunt by miiL JNcrtlU Mallcal U., Okajt 100 PILLS 2r5 CTS. Sold lijr Dr. i. E. Pliinuey. f. jr. -4 A a - 4 a. 1 ',1 .''". ' ''A r Aic'