How To aim Fcpaij mm mm volley. JPr r f V- i If you are tired of paying high prirvs you can make money by buying your good; at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Every bony loves a hire fitting, Stylish Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised in all magazine at $'3.00 in lioston, we tell this graceful shoe for si. 75 right here at Lome and save you COc express besides. All other leather goods will be sold just as cheap in proportion; none but the best kept in stc ,In Clothing, Dry good si and Groceries we v.ill meet r.ll East' era catagogue prices; no matter from what point goods may come. In additisn to our gen eral merchandise, we are celling tliis spring Ladies and Missi s k'i.CO Spring Hats for $''.f0 Come & see for yourself. We also haru die the celebra ted Valentine Flour, none better in America. Besides we have full line of Crockery, If you want a suit of clothes mad to order we are Agents for .Royal Taylors of Chi . cago, Ills. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, THE SIOUX COUNTY Thursday. Jane. 1st, 1309. lie. D. Canon, Editor ami Prop F. E. & 3f. V E. it iim tabl". Going West. Oolns fcjist. fl. 5, nrixsd, 11 :20 I No. 8, mixwl 8:00 T J North-Western LINE if. E. M. V. II. K. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEADWiX)!) AU HOT untUiOS, SOUTH DAKOTA. The -citizens of Harrison, Are hereby requested to meet :fit Andrews Hall, Friday evening, June 2, lS'.K), to con sider the advisability of mak ing preparations to celebrate in Harrison on the 4th of .July. Respectfully, II. A. Priddy. Til KcKt Atlertislng Medium In Hortk-Wwt Sc brasa, is Tlie IsIOl'X COUNTY JOURNAL. M. J. Blewelt, went down to Craw ortl on last Saturday evening on busi and returned Monday noon. With this issue Mr. Thayer of Bo(krc, wift inscribe his namu among the Jnvns ALreBden. All should read the official ; paper of the county. " W. J. A. feum, Rssejwor for Cotton wood precinct, was in town Monday to -turn bis books over to county clerk, Blevratt. He also informs us that lie expects to make another trip to South 2Mut within a fow days with a bunch of hones. W. C. Cavin, who is "alt thinjrs to .alt Ben" as St. Paul says, has so adjust ed his politics, that the governor of this jrreat common wealth has been importun d to appoint him as a member of the brands and mark commission which was .rioted by late lamented legislature. Miss Mnrley made a pleasant rait ;it this oftice on last Monday and ordered ' the Joim5A sent, to her home during " hef ration. We hope to sea Mis Marley back attain as teacher in our school, as we do not know if a- better 'teacher coulj be procured. Miss Marley left for her home at Inmnn Neb, on last llondaj evening, Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cut. says: "During wjr brother's Lite rkk jMss froot rJ"4: rheumatism. Chamber, tain's IVj LJm was tim only remedy Ort ct wM soy iCti f . Many others , ' -.l fcpUIJ4 tir pcomdt relief from ),.' j; 'jthUl t&l toinMnt afford For Prep. M. J. O'Cconnpfl hns Seen swndinj; a few davs in tli valley this week. Mr. J. W. Of.trawltr, of Ar'Jinore, was a visitor at ttto county seat op last FriJay. Jess Cmwford who with his brother owns and oi-porats a f i milt on Spring creel; wliiiti ia town Tuesday said that two?ray wolves crossed Dr. riiiunev's pl:u:e last Sunday in searcli of nme young calves, but assisted by his do;; forced the foragers to retreat. Like ncaHy all oilier poopte the JofliSAJ. family enjoys cake and especial ly wedding cake, and our taste in that line was satisfied t" "r uttermost con tent. Mrs. 1'erry Kirkjvitrick Kmem-i irfcd ua very gneroulr on the occas ion of her daugl;tiV marriafre. many , thank's kind friend though wa did not dream as we deemed it unnescepsary, our : dye 11 ng cast. Miss K-ttie and Gertie Bourette returned from Cliudron. on yesterday neon. TbfiV were nccompanied by Mas ter Jameson of Chadron their litt'e nep. hew. Miss Gertie has attended the puhlx--iwdioo) at Chadron during the past niiw month's, but Miss Katie has been visit ing her cister and friends during the past week. In justice to Judge Westovcr rela tive to not being able to convene court tiere on the 22nd of May as ordered by his honor, he informed us while here thnt court at Rushvilledid not adjourn until 24rd, and besides court on Saturday tie fore hail extended over into the falltith, in order to try and reach here on time as announced by the court's order, the Hrst of the year. Next week, will appear one of the most interesting letters we have yet pub lished of Harry Christens' s. Watch for it as you will enjoy reading it. Mr. John Bevins, editor of the Press Anthon, Iowa, rays: "I have used Chi mber'ain's Colic, Cholera and Iiar rhoea Remedy in my family for fifteen years, have recommended it to hundred of others, and have' never known it to fail in a single instance. For sale by Dr. J. K. Pliinne3-. It would seem to us that it would tie doing about the rh. ht thing if ouj town board would go to work and put in a watering tank down at the pump house, so that the stock that a-e cons tantly in the streets anil on the sidewalk on main street could be stopped. The time'of the year is at hand again when every business hou? will bs full of flies as a result of slock on the streets from morning till night, Iiesides people com ing in Irom the country cannot leave a team on the streets with feed in their wagons, but they ore obliged to heard the r;tock away or if they have groceries in their wagons the're liable to lie destroyed if the wagon is not watch ed every moment of the time. No doubt every business man in the town would be willing to appropriate a little out of their private funds for the pur ixjse. It would be but a short time af ter the c hangs was made that tho cattle and bortus would get used to going to the new watering place. bslieve the changa wonl W do not would ditcom mod's i j 3r ir5 r 1 1 , '-, . r. , rw,i j I lit l ' lJ 'lit l M I Bargain.- at all times is at J. H.BARTELL's The following of whuh i nearly always found, ut the alcove place: A complete assortment of Ladies and Gents, furni-h-ing Good.-, Dry Goods, No tions and 'iinintry. A Good line of .Men's Duck Clothing, Hats and Caps to the times. Ladies and Gents Fine Foot Wear a specialty; md Children, Foot Wear care fully considered. PH TP 1 For irlcCorraic machinery, Barbed Wire and Salt; in fact nearly everything kept in a well regulated store. If you are in need of a large or small bill come in and see what we can do for you before you send your money out of the country. Respectfully, J. T. Masr n, of Glen was a visitor at the Hub last Monday. XV. 8. Johnson, of (iln. was doing busings at the Hub on la-.t Monday. W, 11, Smith of this Village, last Monday sold to J- T. Mason, of Vk-o, a dU'i M-ib!e horse we t' ;d iat what tho price received was. McCall'S Magawne for June is a mar vel of hc-auty and in regard v rtyl sad correctness of drew, it .:;-!. nil previous f H'.i'ni we have ytt reucivid. Tlie Juiw number of tlw JXTiczc of Rcrlr-n has an IIustratel article on sum mer reading, giving a rapid survey of the important books just issued fi'oti) the varwns puiilioiiers Louies. !n tii i'T-tc f Hrr'arn for Jiite Mrs. LMiaira 2-'-.k KUl,' ilew'n lli n ceut progress iu agru-iilUinjl ut;Ui-d-niade by the Southern States, as il!u-,ta-ted in the work of the Georgia experi ment station. John iJeBeno and son of Animore, S. I)., passed through town Monday on their way to Gering, where they expect to iitid work on the new railroad, now being built through that country by the B. & M,, people. Wo are requested to announce that J Rev. Kendall, will praudi 111 funeral Hermon of Mr. Grimm's littla one, who died in the south, ju-.t Morn the family came north last prmg. The xermon will be pre:udied r.t the Iioilarc school on next Sunday afternoon. Rjy Wright, wlio has 1ec-n local ed itor in the Prts o'lice, during the past eiglit month's, s.'vercd his connection with that institution on last Saturday. Roy's many friends will be pi-'a.sed to know that he has entered tlie employ of Marsteller Uros., and will work out ut their ranch. A couple of weeks ago tin Jovknal clipped a local notice from the Alliance Grip which we failed lo give proer credit which we should have done but the proof sheet was read by our otlier half and not knowing it was clipped of course did not make that correction and hence the fault rests between the com positois, tti'j article ;n question was rela tive to taking go vermnent land by put ting a resovoir on same. Wo beg par don from editor Grip, Rtdntivs to a local notice two weeks ago about parties taking an additional claim under what is termed the Reser voir act on government land, Attorney Grant Guthrie has received u pamphlet from the secretary of the Interior and Mr. Guthrie Informs us that it is of no lieneflt to ui as the expense of building a reservoir and maintaining it after it is built is too expensive to warrant tbu undertaking, Willi no kIiow of ever lie quiring a title to the land, as the land cannot be fenced and beside tlm reser voir is for the lieneflt of the public. Mssonle Sewn. J. T. M:ison, and his better linlf were up from Olen Monday making a transfer of their homo place, which J. T has sold to John Rlomln-r, tl3 con .idoratii n bing fr,0Q. Whilo hire Mr. Mjson In formed lliu ruill fiiis!i:;r of tb Joil.NAf, that be ns building a new lious on the j school se'-tiou ne;ir svhero li.a '.nv m il I TIio place to Git Good Uan'uii's in 1 lubber is at J- il BABTELL'S, Where a complete line of warm Felts and Rubbers, with PIIICES ALWAYS right. Our line of GROCERIES an; fine, as we always aim to buy (rood, Fresh Goods such as we know would suit all our Customers. We carry a complete line of FLOUR & FEED; all Flour guaranteed. Also, we carry HARDWARE & Building Material. J. II. BARTELI, is now located and that it will but a f.w days until it will 1 e completed when be will move f sis family into it. Also, he informed us that bis mil red, hail taken a bumestcad adjoining lii school section North-west of Glen and would ass:st Ins father in getting out logs for making lumber filling a poveirimcnt contract for 401 cards of wood ho h- J only jut !ca awarded a day or two ago. Mr. M. gave tm to undui.taul that Mr. nitimbiirg, who Imught his place will take Fred Isiwm burg's cntllw to cars for this summer und which will raiigo near the j. luce. Tncidentally, we learned throu;;! Mr. Mn-m, !mt Charley Ivalstrnm ha a new Hlv! ivi" '.; a ! ;.t-:.-e :,Vb rt.nfi..y ;r..ii.;,u-.d v' J. .';.!; i -.'..ii 1 w;):U.". J. T. Mason, tooic cattle for bis laud j.old to BUimburg. Hill-Klilpatrlck Nupttalt, MARRIEiJ: At the residence of the bride's parents in Highland precinct, Sunday May 2H, 1&9, fit high noon, 11 i-s Alice 15. Kirkpatrick and Albert F. Hill, of RuJard precinct this county, aed respectively ti and lit years. Hi honor Julge Wilson performing the ceremony. The immediate frtfcnos of the high contracting parlies were present to wit ness the Milenin cermoney and partake of the elegant uud delicious repast which of course was an after consideration. We aru personally acquainted with the bride who is a daughter of Mr. uiij Mrs. Perry Kirkpatrii k of Highland precinct, resctefi citizens of whom any neighbor can feel proud Mrs. Hill nc Kirkpatrick isun estimable young lady and with out doubt will be a help meet indeed, to the comianiou of her choice. Relative to our acquaintance with the groom, we are only eliuhtly acquainted with him, but it is safa to Kiy ho is a gentleman in every respect, worthy of the loving affection of his spouse, and will be an honor to her through life. The JL'U."CAt, extends hearty congratu lations to the newly wedded couple Mr. and Mrs. Hill, mid that nothing may a rise through life to mar their peaco and happiness and as the years gi by, may new joys und blessings be nddcrt and that the last days of their lives may be their happiest days. A I'mbleut'i Oruro I'uinnrkcil. Two pages of pictures in tho June ItU Horn'' Journal, giving views of the plac.i-s "Where Our Presidents are Buried," recall the fact that four of the first five of our Chief Kxcutives slvep in the soil of Old Virgina. Tb picture shows that the grave of President John Tyler, at Richmond, Virginia, is absolut ely nnmmbed even by a small head utono. Visitors to Hollywood Oomelry sro shown a scarcely peroptibla mound, over which a magnolia Ireu spreads its sbiide In summer, ns the renting pliK's of our lenth 1'n-sident. Ths Ouriul places of tho others srs tnnrked by mcnumcnts or tom!s, except thoso of the two Adum mk, who are buried under the portico of the First ( hurt ii ut Qtiincy, M s?4''hu- ' s, A PICTURE OF ADBSIHAL DEWEY, ' A PICTURE OF SLOWS if us lit Mb A PICTURE OF Any of these three with & 2a0 lash purchase MAR3TEL t'fi" Preaching every other SabUtth at 11 o'clock a. m., and every Sabbath evening at 8 o'dock at the M, E. church. F.very body invited 10 attend. Rev. J. L. KesDAix. Pastor. J. K. riHNNF-Y. M. D. Phjlscimi nnd S'jrg"on. 411 Ci.!l (liven prompt Mtuulion. OClce in lir-JK Store. -HAttKtWS - XKUUASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. fiitornsy-al-Law. Prompt attention ir'v n tr all let ni"t:T in .!:!. t nty u 1 ; tcl Coili'U, and Ua'oro tlie t'mted Htutes Liud (Jlfice. Fire Insuraiuo written in reliable companies. tlfljegal papers carefully drawn. liAKKUst'N, - XiiailASKA. Din:sy MA KINO r Alt LOU. 1) The undcrs:ned just located in lower north-west corner room of ANDREWS HALL. prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sewing in her line. The patronage of the public is solicited. Wo guarantee s.itihfiiction and that our charges will be reasonable. Mkh. Maooie lifWIX-HAXS. AliKN'T WASTE!) f Oll"TllK l.irK AM). Aelielveiiieiitsuf A-piili'ttl l)e-y," thn worlds ifrrt-i.t nnvul hero, liy .Murnt llastrail, llni life long (rl"n'l toxt uilmlritr of the ou'otilol. ll)i,'K"tt ami best IxjoIc; ovn lt) piiirin, SstO niches; nearly 10(1 pajfes half Uinii Dlu.trill'iiis. (niiy I.Ii(i. Hiiormuinilcinaixl. I't Comtui.Hloiui. Oulllt free. (Iiuue eiif u lite time. WrUeiiilt-lf. The Dominion Com any, .'!r I Fhcir axton rtlfli., ('liicnito. Liieutenunt Charles O. Zollars, Co. E. 1st. Colorado volunteers, in an interview in the Osiily Ricky New ssys: It will takel (0.f)00ldirsto 'li!t) the PhilipiDOs and that sur volunttrs are li able to remain in the Pbilipine Islands perhaps another year. it in iwi to ay that Lieutsnt Zollars conns pretty near knowing what lis is talking about as he has only just return from the islund. I was seriously alllicted rith a cough for several years, and lust fall l ad a morn severs cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without receiv ing much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Chamlwrluiii's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who knowing me to lie a poor widow, gave it to me, 1 tried it, and with the most gratifying r-HullH. The llrst bottle relieved mo very much snd the second bottle las absolutely cured me, I have not had as good health for twrnty years, 1 gave this certificate without solicitation, sunply in appreciation of tlm gratitude fwlt for the cure (THctod.-R;.p'clfi)liy Mrs. Vary A. Rtnrd, Clnrt-moi, Ark, For sale by I'r. J. E. I'iinnry. -o- 1 Hi AT- LER BROS, For Sale. SaT2(H) head of good young Native Cowj, alo L'OOlieal of yearling; iiiotft of them Bteera will sell cheap if sold soon: Tliey can. be seen at ir.y Ranch S mile north-west of Manviile, Wyo. 'George Hitshew. -Revard.- 5:25, reward will lie given for information that will i lead to the arrest and convio tion of the person, or persons who cut my wire fence, four miles wett of (Hen last Sun day night May Dth, and alto on following Tuesday niRht. Fu::d R.vkmberg. For Sale:--a stud Colt, three-year-old, ?ired by an im ported, thorough bred Stal lion, darned by seven-eights Shire. Colt can be seen at my residence in Warbonnet precinct. Char Bikhle. "Don't wnd to Mont gomery, AVard & Company or to Elkhart, Indiana, for your IlarnesHes. I can sell you better goods and much cheaper. If you are open for conviction come and learn for yourself. EuGEItT RonwRE. KOA! NOTICE TO LAND OWKtlfi. To All Whom It Mat cosckbs: Tho CoiitinlMiloucr spixjinUtd to locate a rosil coiiiHiniclnie Bt the nortli-wrst corner of S-c. W, Twp. SS, Han (o M, running theneo one unit one half miles north hs repertfit in favor of -tallliililiit( of thst part of ssld roiul, comnitrnnlng t the north writ corner of 8-c. 8, Twp. :2, Itunr u, rnnnliiK thence nurl'.i one half ni fl-, aii't all objections thervto, or cli.ltri for tlnmngof mint tie flled In the roi.nty CIrW' office on or before mjon of lh loth day of July, 1WI. M.J. IU.KWKTT, Coiiuty Clerk, milh Pi! I QfSSB WSh Ullllll I I LiLViNn MtNMonn Cures Im potency, NigbtEmlsslouand waidinff dlseascn, all effects of self. -) abUHC. or exceg and Inlta. crction. A nerve tonic ant hlood builder. Drlngs the pink ffiot7 to pale cheeks and restores the lire of youth. liy mall r,uc per box, O boxes for 'i.My, with n written gtura Wfs to euro or refund the tuonC7 . Send for circular. Address, MERVITA MEDICAL CO. cintort ajaesMa etc., cwcACS, I m-l Pf Dr. J. F, Pfetuwr. r.,-.