The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 01, 1899, Image 4

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ft)UVd to Htv Been Taken Prl
oner By Insurgents Dewey
Send Cablegram.
Manila (Special) Admiral Dewey hat
been notified of the strange disappear.
ance of J. C. Gilmore and fourteen
members of the crew of the United
States gunboat Torktown.
On Saturday list the Torktown an
chored off Baler, on the east coast of
the island of Luzon, and about 260
miles from here, where there was a
Spanish' garrison of about fifty men,
which had been defending Itself against
several hundred Filipinos for months
Lieutenant Gilmore, Ensign W. 'H.
Standley, and a boat's crew were sent
up the river from Baler bay to com
tunicate with the Spaniards, the town
f Baler being situated some distance
Inland. Ensign Standley, who landed
at the mouth of the river, reports that
he heard some volleys, a bugle call and
cheers from up the river, but that the
automatic gun, which was part of the
equipment of the boat, was not heard
firing. Standley later paddled to the
Terktown in a canoe.
search was made for the York
town's boat and crew, but no trace of
them was found and the Torktown
sailed for Iloilo, from which place her
commander cabled to Admiral Dewey
Ms theories that the Filipinos had cap
tured or sunk the boat, or that the
Spaniards had rescued the American
A scouting party of American troops
found a rebel skirmish line more than
a mile long east of Malolos. A sharp
fusllade followed, but no losses were
Brigadier General Charles King, who
has been taken suddenly ill, and who
is unable to continue in command of
his brigade, has been relieved of fur
ther duty and has been ordered to re
turn to the United States on the first
transport sailing from here home.
Washington, D. C (Special.) The
navy department having requested a
correction of the portions of Admiral
Dewey's dispatch, which were not de
cipherable, was today able to furnish
the full text of the dispatch, which is
as fellows:
Manila. April 18. Secretary of the
Wavy, Washington: The Torktown
vial ted Baler, Luzon, east coast of
Luzon, P. I., April 12, for the purpose
Of rescuing and bringing away the
fpanlah forces, consisting of eighty sol
fefera, three officers and two priests,
who were surrounded by 400 insur
gents. Some of the insurgents armed
With Mauser rifles, as reported by na
tives. Lieutenant J. C. Gilmore, while
making an examination of the mouth
of the river in an armed boat, was am
bushed, fired upon and captured. Fate
unknown, as insurgents refused to
communicate afterward. The follow
ing are missing: The officer previously
referred to. Chief Quartermaster W.
Walton. Coxswain J. Ellsworth, Gun
ner's Mate H. J. Hygard, Sailmaker s
Kate Vendgit, Seamen W. H. Rynders
sad C. W. Woodbury, Apprentices D.
W. A. Venville, J. Peterson, Ordinary
Seamen F. Brisolese and O. B. McDon
ald, Landsmen L. T. Edwards, F. An.
derson, J. Dillon and C. A. Morrissey.
The officials of the navy department
are confident that such of the men of
Ike Torktown as escaped being killed
alright in the first ambuscade will be
well treated by the insurgents. Some
time ag the war department made in
quiries as to the number of American
prisoners held by the Filipinos. In
reply General Otis referred to these
soldiers and said they were being fairly
treated by the insurgents, he supplying
funds to defray the cost of their food.
The reports made to the navy depart
ment by Paymaster Wilcox of Dewey's
officers who made a trip across the
Island of Luzon from Manila to the
north coast, described the condition of
the Spanish officials who were the pris
oners of the insurgents, as very com
fortable. In many cases, he said, the officials
were only nominally in confinement,
being allowed the liberty of the towns.
The officials are hopeful that Gilmore
and his men who survived the ambus
cade will some day regain their liberty.
The department has sent no instruc
tions to Admiral Dewey as to the
course he shall pursue, believing that
he is fully competent to deal with the
ituatlon and resting secure in the as
rarance that he will spare no efforts
to rescue Gilmore and his men If they
are alive.
Duel with Pitchforks
Chicago, III., April 24. Armed with
pKchforka, Horace Scott, colored, and
Edward Zlkmond, a young white man.
fought a duel to death in an alley at
the rear of ISO Indiana avenue. Scott
was stabbed In the breast and died a
few minutes later. Zlkmond surren
dered to the police three hours later.
There had been III feeling between the
men for some time, and when Zlk
mond attmpted to drive through the
alter and was unable to do so because
a wagon In Scott's charge blocked the
Ksage, the old quarrel was renewed,
mend threatened to kill Scott, and
Oe latter ran at him with a pitchfork.
JUkmond drove a short distance up
tfee alley. Borrowing a small three
ensued nKchfork. be ran back to
where Scott was working. Scott's wea
eoa was a four-pronged affair and
tonger tnaa inai cimw y
When the two men met they lunged
struck at each other viciously with
Mstr fork. The fight lasted fully five
r sautes, when Zlkmond struck Scott's
k aetds aad then plunged the prong
9 1 1 w fork tat the negro's brfeaet.
trt staler: ml bara Mar br
fS( HOwKMr. Wkmoad followed
t gtH vr tis gfla man, threat-
-t tt o-hm at aver Seott
I ,r 44 aad Esea rmm mm
''Hnrca r T
Colonel Vifquain and His Boys Are
In Georgia's Capital.
Augusta. Ga (Special Colonel Vic
tor Vifquain with his Cuban heroes ar
rived at Camp Mackenzie today and the
Third Nebraska Is encamped at the
place formerly occupied by the First
Maryland. The men left the quaran
tine station where they had a hard time
in the pouring rain yesterday morning
going up to Savannah and taking three
sections of cars for Augusta.
Upon reaching here they were trans
ferred to the Georgia road and carried
DUt three miles to a station near camp.
They reached the station at 10 a, m.,
having to lie there several hours. Wag.
ons were in waiting and carried them
up to the camp, where tents with floors,
mess halls and everything needed were
awaiting them. The health of the
regiment is excellent, only two men
oeing left sick behind. Lieutenant
humming of company F and Lieutenant
rurren of company H.
The regiment has a splendid location
:hree miles from the city and 300 feet
above it. The cars run within 300
t'ards of the camp.
The commander of the post called
:his afternoon and preparations for
nuster-out will commence at once. If
he books are in good condition the reg
.ment should be mustered out by May
L2. The men are delighted to return to
America. Colonel Vifquain is wearing
he diamond ring presented to him br
he enlisted men of the regiment.
Augusta, Ga., April 24. The firs
iress parade held for quite a while b
he Third Nebraska regiment was held
lere, a large number of citizens being
jresent to witness the evolutions.
The Third battalion marched on the
w?autiful parade ground first, followed
ioon after by the First and then the
Second. After the proper movements
tad been gone through with and the
egiments formed in line the band
narched the entire length of the line
tnd returned, playing a choice selec-
lon, stopping on the extreme right and
ireaking forth with "The Star Spangled
Janner." At the first note the long line
f soldiers, facing the west, stood at at.
ention, and every hat in the large
:rowd of spectators was doffed. The
risp breeze made the colors stand out
rembling and waving the folds over the
leads of the men, speaking protection
o all.
The red glow of the setting sun, the
(lue sky above and the white drifting
ilouds made the colors of the flag ot
iberty. It seemed to the men that the
aright stripes of their beloved colors
ere reflected on the horizon and the
ihole heavens had contributed in doing
lonor to the stars and stripes.
The phenomenon was eo striking that
t was visible to all, and as the last
totes of the national anthem were com
ileted by the musicians the clear notes
rere caught up by the breeze and
sehoed and re-echoed by the red hills
if Georgia and .South Carolina, which
teemed glad to take up the notes to
ihow that the sons of the south were
eady to unite with the sons of the
lorth, east and west In defense of the
lag and to cheer the national anthem.
The scene inspired all with so much
atriotlsm that It was several minutes
ifter the music had ceased before hats
vere again placed on heads and the
inclusion of the parade began.
At the completion of the dress parade
i review was held by Colonel Vifquain
ind the soldierly bearing and straight
Ines of the men brought forth many
xpresslons of admiration. It will be
nany a day before the first parade of
Ae Nebraska regiment at Augusta will
e forgotten here.
lame Officer who Will Govern
State Institutions.
Lincoln, Neb. (Special.) Governor
oynter has announced a lot of appoint
nents, embracing the officials of the
.hree Insane asylums, the state oil
nspector and deputies, officials at the
lome of the friendless and at the In
itiation for the blind and the superin
tendent at the Institute for the feeble
ninded at Beatrice.
The officers of the home for the
'ri end less are the same ones appointed
y Governor Holcomb two years ago
tnd who were kept out of the Instltu
ion by the refusal of the officer of
;he society of the home for the friend,
ess to acknowledge the validity of the
aw by which the state took possession
it that institution. These officers, tho'
ippotnted two years ago, have been In
possession of the home for about two
week, the case being decided In their
'avor by the supreme court at the sit
ing preceding that held this week.
Jovernor Poynter, in consideration of
:he conditions, reappointed the officers
is below for the home of the friendless.
The full list, as announced by the
jovernor, li here given:
Home for the friendless, Lincoln:
Mrs. C. 8 Jones, superintendent, Lln
:oln; Mrs. W. H. Hunter, matron, Fre
nont; Dr. Lenore Parky, physician,
Lincoln; J. M. Osborn, engineer, Lin
sol n.
J. N. Gaffln.-state Inspector of oils.
May IS, 1899, Colon; deputy inspectors.
I. M. Thompson, Lincoln; Charles
Canning, Omaha; Vincent J. Stead ry.
Broken Bow.
Dr. L. W. Edwards, physician state
penitentiary, Lincoln.
A. H. Gleason, clerk labor bureau,
May 1, Lincoln.
J. E. Harris, superintendent Institute
for the blind, Nebraska City, June 15,
IsMTb, Talmage; C. A. Whitfield, stew
ard, Arlington.
Dr. B. F. Lang, superintendent Insti
tute for feeble minded, Beatrice, May
IS, 1st. York.
Dr. C. E. Coffin, superintendent hos
pital for insane, Lincoln, May IS, Ord;
Dr. W. H Dearing, physician, Platts
mouth; William Foster, steward, Lin
coln. Dr. O L. tephenson. physician, Nor.
folk asylum. Hastings. May It, Hast-
Dr. I r Steel, superintendent. Hast
St asrlum. Hasting. May II. Hast-
IBS; Dr. D. 8. Woodsrd. physician
; I. m. Ban, suwsra, uncoin
lohn Wannamaker Calls It a New
Chapter of Shame for
Philadelphia, Pa.. April 25. Matthew
Stanley Quay was Friday declared by a
ury of his peers to be not guilty ol
:he charge of conspiring to use for his
)n unlawful gain and profit the
'unds of the state of Pennsylvania de
bited in the People's back of this city.
Harrisburg. Pa., April 25. Immedl
it?!y on receipt of the news that
Senator Quay was acquitted of the
.harges against him. Governor Stone
ipnolnted him United States senator
.o fill the vacancy until the next legis-
ature meets and notified Vice Presi-
ient Hobart, as follows:
"Fir: By virtue of the power vested
n me as executive of the state of
Pennsylvania, under article 1, clause 2,
lection 3 of the constitution of the
'Jnited States, I hereby make tempo
ary appointment of the Hon. Mtthew
Stanley Quay to be United States sena-
or from Pennsylvania until the next
neeting of the Pennsylvania legls-
ature to till the vacancy now existing
n this state. Very respectfully.
"Governor of Pennsylvania."
Governor Stone said that in appolnt-
ng Colonel Quay he felt that he had
lone the fit and proper thing. H
bought it would make the issue, and
s better done now than by waiting foi
The authority cited by the governor
ays that the governor of any state
nay make temporary appointment
luring a recess, to hold until the next
egislature meets.
Philadelphia, Pa., April 25. John
Vanamaker made the following state
ment relative to the acquittal of ex-
Senator Quay and the latter's appoint
nent by the governor as United Statet
'The acquittal of Senator Quay will
je a disappointment to every lover ol
ustlce and every friend of good gov-
rnment throughout the United States.
It records with emphasis the difficulty
if convicting potent political defend-
ints, charged with public crime, no
natter how clear, convincing and over
whelming the evidence may be.
"The story of the corrupt use and
ipeculatlon in public money In Penn
lylvania is an old one and has been a
natter of notorious accusation against
i long line of state treasurers and
olitlcal bosses for many years. Mr.
Quay himself has been again and
tgain accused of participation in treas
ury Jobbing by the newspapers of this
ind other states with circumstantial
letall. Heretofore, however, the baa's
for these accusations largely consisted
f oral testimony and of allegations by
political apponents.
"The case which terminated today,
jnllke previous allegations, was found
id exclusively upon documentary pnjof
n his own handwriting, and that of his
friends and confederates. The evidence
f the guilt did not depend upon the
veracity of any man or men, but was
lupported exclusively by his own let
ter and by written entries and state
ments recorded by his trusted friends
ind supporters.
"This is a new chapter of shame for
Pennsylvania, a new record of failure
m the administration of Justice that
sill do much to encourage corruption,
lets and public plunderers generally
hroughout the country. The first shout
of defiant exultation over his acquittal
nas proceeded from the governor of
the commonwealth, who has promptly
Appointed him a United States senator
without authority In violation of the
law and In defiance of the will of the
people as expressed by the votes of the
"Quay has got his technical verdict,
but the trial of corruptionlsts and plun.
derera will still go on."
Chair Combine
Chicago, 111., April 24. Chicago man
ufacturers have decided to form a com.
blnation. Details were concluded at
a conference of factory owners and
eastern capitalists in New York and the
Incorporation of the United States
Chairm company of New Jersey, cap
ital $25,000,000. will follow next week as
the result of their deliberations. Sixty
five plants are embraced In the organ
ization's plans. According to the claims
of its members It will thoroughly dom.
Inate the American chair market.
Negotiations for the combine have
not yet been completed.
It is reported that the manufacturer!
have the choice of cash or preferred
stock In payment of '.he options given
on their plants. Further Information It
to the effect that the entire capitaliza
tion cf liS.OOO.WM) will be preferred
shares, and that the output of tht
component factors Insures from tht
start annual dividends of not less than
11 per cen.
Cincinnati, O., April 24 Luhrman,
Wilbern Co.'s factory, heretofore not
in the trust, has sold 61 per cent of lt
stock to the Continental Tobacco com
pany K. V. Wilbern, president ano
general manager, becomes manager ot
the scrap department of the America!
Tobacco company. It I said thai
roo.00 was paid for 61 per cent of 14
Judge Makes a Ruling In the Butt
Against the En-Secretary
Des Moines. Ia.. April 24 W. M. Mc
farland, and not the state executive
council, was responsible for the com
pilation and publication of the last
Iowa census So Judge Holmes ruled
it the opening cf court when the Mc.
Farland care. In which the state seeks
to recover 15,000 from the ex-secretary
:f state, was continued. This is the
cmt of ;aw upon which the case
mailed a ruling at the close of the
iecond day's Kfficn. With this out
f the way the state continued Its case,
putting twelve witnerses on the stand,
?ach of whom testified to having been
connected in some way with the money.
The state gained a very decided ad
vantage by the decision of Judge
Holmes on the point of admissibility of
the evidence by the state tending to
(how that the ex-secretary and not the
executive council had the full control
Df the work of the compiling of the
census and that in all Its workings his
office was conducted by himself. In
the statement of his decision which
overruled the objection of the defend
ant's counsel, his honor said he had
.arefully studied all the provisions of
the code in regard to the executive
council and the census and found that
:he executive council did not have the
minority to hire labor for the perform-
nce of the work or to fix the hire of
uch labor when It might be at work.
The stale Is confident of victory.
Surprise was created at noon In the
:ircles interested in the court house
.ocatlon controversy over the filing of
i petition for an injunction by F. F.
piyler to restrain the Board of Super
visors from advertising for bids for
ocation or the issuance of bonds for
.he construction of a court house or
jther action which might grow out of
he proceedings In connection with the
:ourt house.
Because of a quarrel with her lover
Inez Streeter tried to kill herself by
.aking carbolic acid. The man in the
:ase was Frank Render. She will live
The coal miners 'ave been securing a
und for the care of some of the men
who are out on a strike. They report
aulte hearty sympathy on the part of
.he people when the miners place the
situation before them In the true light,
md aid Is freely given. The Carbon-
jale and Klondike mines are not run
ning and the Christy mine Is working
jut a few men. There are still 1,000
fnen out and they say they will stick to
jheir demands. The operators say that
for every day they are out the miners
lose an aggregate of over 13.500.
A decision in favor of the defendant
was returned In the case of the famous
Cherry sisters against the Des Moines
Leaders. The plaintiffs have two other
ases against that paper which the
Aill bring at once.
The survey of the Duluth & New Or
eans railroad from a point sixteen
Titles north of this city to Nevada has
oeen completed. Now that this work
tag been completed It Is expected that
L. C. Cummlngs of the Chicago Loan
ind Trjst company and S. V. Wardall,
ecre'.ary of the company, will arrive
n the cl'.y within two or three days to
;lose up the deal for the entrance ot
:he road into this city over the ter
minals of the Des Moines Union rail-
oad. The promoters will complete the
lurvey from a point sixteen miles out-
ilde of Des Moines to this city, connect
Ing with the Des Moines terminals east
t the city. They will then start from
(Nevada and survey to Iowa Falls. It
s the Intention of the company to build
Ihe road from Des Moines to Iowa Falls
this year and have It In operation be
fore snow flics. The northern terminus
of the road will be Osage, la., where
.'.onnectlon is made with the Winona
& Western, running between that city
nd Winona,
Tlllle Smith, a 17-year-old girl, has
disappeared and has net been seen for
several days.
Fort Dodge Developments In the
mystery surrounding the Identity of the
late William Snelson are materializ
ing slowly. The latest information
would indicate that Snelson, who kill
sd himself because Mae Beebe, a 15-
year-old girl at Lehigh, refused to re
turn his affections, was a married man
nd has a wife now living. Her resl-
lence Is not known and the authorities
ire endeavoring to locate her.
Fort Dodge An Important ruling has
been made In this city by Attorney
Captain J. A. O. Yeoman, referee In
bankruptcy for this district, In the
Charles F. Wennerstrum bankruptcy
case which has Just closed. The rul
ing is relative to that clause In the code
which exempts fuel and provisions foi
the bankrupt for six months. Rererec
Yeoman held that inasmuch as very
few men, !f they were honest in thell
Intentions to turn their property ovei
to their creditors, would lay In a sup
l4y ot provisions and fire I for sis
months, and so ruled that an equitable
interpretation of the cause would ne
cessitate the allowance of monev Ir
lieu of provisions that had not beer
kept back.
Des Moines, Ja. tSpeclal,) The flee
Des Moines, la., April 24. The elec
tion of officers of the Fifty-second lows
national guard regiment, recently or
ganized after service In the war, re
sulted In the re-election of Colonel W
B. Humphrey of Sioux City as colonel
S. J. Parker of Hampton, lieutenant
colonel; Otto Hlle of Boone, as one ma
Jor. With on company, Hampton, stll
to be heard from, the other majors an
m doubt. Probably no other candidate)
for major have a majority aad anothe
ttectloa will be aeetsM ry to sleet.
Over fifty teams parsed through At
Klnson Friday, destined for Boyd coui
:y. with toupehold effects.
The Auburn Telephone construction
company Is getting in readiness to put
in telephones and lines In Geneva and
V liber. . ,
B. G. Whlttemore, sent to the peni
tentiary from Nemaha county in Au
gust, 1&96, was, on Thursday, paroled
by Governor Poynter. Mr. Whlttemore
s W years of age.
Jerome Tilden, an old resident veter
inarian of Edholm, received serious in
juries by being kicked by a horse. His
head was seriously bruised and his leg
broken below the knee. Mr. Tilden, be
ing over SO years of age, will have a
hard time of it to pull through.
The preliminary trial of H. Devllblss,
charged with criminal assault upon the
12-year-old daughter of Ole Marti ot
Brock, was held before the county
ludge at -Auburn. The evidence was
strong and the defendant was held to
answer to the district court, bis bond
being fixed at 1900, which he has thus
far not produced.
'John Chandler, a conductor on the
Wyoming division of the Burlington,
was thrown from a box car at Ara
more, S. D., and frightfully mangled.
He was taken to his home at Alliance,
Neb., where he died. His right arm
and right leg were badly mangled. He
fell between the iars while switching.
He has considerable life Insurance and
a family.
The Lutheran Publishing house ot
Blair Is issuing its first number of the
Danskeron. Heretofore the paper has
been published in Neenah, Wis. The
Danish Publishing house has put in
in entirely new newspaper outfit, in-
eluding press, folder, engine and type,
Three years ago six hands handled the
work of the publishing house, but now
.t requires over twenty.
A new elevator company has been
.ncorporated by Messrs. A. B. Ellis and
I. C. Gopp of Salem and George Mc
ullough of Minneapolis under the
iaws of West Virginia. The company
proposes to do a large amount of busi
ness In Eastern Nebraska, and Is now
making arrangements to construct
arge grain elevators at Bancroft, Pen
der, Emerson, Hastings, Winslde and
other points In Nebraska.
Baker Post. No. 9, Grand Army of the
Republic, of Columbus, has Just receiv
ed a couple of large unmounted can
ion, which were donated by the govern
ment to the post. They are 4ft-lnch
rifles of an old pattern, recently dls
;arded. They were shipped from tht
Mare Island navy yard near San Fran
;isco, and will be placed on the soldiers'
monument In Frankfort Park when
that work is completed. They are in
good condition and it Is probable that
they will be used to celebrate the home
comir.g of company K.
The new beet sugar factory to be
built at Ames this summer Is claimed
by Its promoters to be not connected
with the beet sugar trust. While the
Oxnards will construct the factory and
Install the machinery, they have noth
ing further to do with the plant The
sompany is composed of Boston capital
ists, who are most of them also stock
holders in the Standard Cattle compa
ny, which has conducted a successful
business In Ames and also in Wyom
ing and Montana for several years. The
faotory will be run free and independ
ent of any other company or corpora
tion. Owing to several deaths In rapid suc
cession the populace of Schuyler Is
thoroughly aroused by the cry thai
tplnal meningitis In an epidemic form
was abroad. A special session of the
board of education was convened, but
n adjournment was taken to Monday
morning without anything being done.
Physicians advise that no good wilt
arise or safeguard be made by closing
the schools. A daughter of Fred Edei
died last night and a son is In a pre
carious condition, as also Is a child ot
Henry Whitehall, colored.
Don J. Barnes, chief engineer fo
the J. H. Shepard company, which hat
the entire contract for building th
new railroad from Atkinson to Perry
Neb., has been out on the Niobrara
river for the last few days soundlnp
the river and laying plans to com
mence the construction of the new rail,
road bridge to be built there, opposlU
the town of Perry. In Hoyd county. Mr
Bnnes says that the work will com
mence on the new bridge as soon ai
Ihe material can arrive, which will b
within three weeks. At present th
crofslng cf the river Is furnished by
ferry boat.
The Fremont city Jnll holds a mar
who has started upon his second wi-elt
of continuous sleeping Ills name li
Jihn Ward and he Is evidently a sld'
door tourist. Last Friday night hi
went Into the Klklmrn freight depot a'
that place and went to sleep. The pollci
were notified and he was taken ti
Jail. XT nt II Friday morning he had no
had a mouthful t f anything to eat. Thi
police tried every way lo awaken tht
irfkn. but without success. They be
came frlghtemd i.nd o.llid In a physl
'inn, but he &ld 'he man was In n
danger, having evidently worn bimael
out before sleep cmt menced.
A Kentucky farmer own a mule
which ha la some unknown manner ac
quired th tobacco chawing habit and
It will not work unlee it Is regularly
provided with IU Quid.
Denlson At a special election held
ere the proposition to build a new
116,000 high school carried by a large
najorlty. Nearly 50 women voted.
Hartley At a special election held
ere F. E. Fee was granted a franchise
!er a local telephone exchange by a
rote of 67 to 3. The town council will
;ass rules and regulations governing
the construction and maintenance
Sac City The Milwaukee Railroad
company is now at work on its proposed
line from Rockwell City via Sac City to
Storm lake. The company, with a
force of men and teams, has commenced
grading on' the line where the survey
f the Milwaukee intersects the sur
veyed line of the Northwestern rosd,
ibout one and one-half miles northwest
if this place.
Ottumwa The South Ottumwa Cream
ery, owned and conducted by Messrs.
Velson & Fritz, wss completely de
itroyed by fire. The machinery used
for pasteurizing the milk, costing 14.
D00, was all lost. The building was
owned by Eugene McKinney, of the
South Side. Neither the building nor
the machinery In it was Insured.
Boone James Kuchymka was terrl
Sly injured while at work in Brown's
;oal mine at Fraser. A large rock sud
lenly caved In through the roof of the
chamber In which the unfortunate man
was at work, striking him, crushing
leveral ribs and bruising him In a seri
ous manner. The man's comrades ex
tricated him and telephoned to Boone
lor a physician. It is not yet known
whether Kuchymka's Injuries are fataL-
Fort Dodge Otto List, whose parents
eslde in this city, has been arrested
jpon an Information from the sheriff of
Appanoose county. Some time ago
i Sheriff Dowd of this city received a let-
;er Informing him that List had been
ndlcted for highway robbery in Appa
oose county, and to look out for him
n Fort Dodge. Saturday evening Chief
it Police Larson recognized List as he
as entering a saloon, and placed him
mder arrest. The sheriff from Appa.
loose county arrived and returned to
entervllle with his prisoner.
Harlan Twenty-flve leading business
men met In this city to consider the
Northwestern' s proposition to build a
line to Harlan from Kirkman. Ex
Mayor W. L. Baughn was appointed
:hairman of a committee, which is now
it work, to see what the right of way
md depot grounds will the cost, the
road promising the extension In sixty
days if these two things are granted.
It Is estimated that about $8,000 will
save to be raised. A number of men
have signified their willingness to give
1500 each.
Des Moines The Northwestern has
twarded contracts for grading a sec
ond track on Its main line from Tama
2ity to Lamolle, twenty-five miles; also
torn Ontario to Boone, ten miles, and
'.rom Missouri Valley to Council Bluffs,
.wenty-one miles, making fifty-six
niles of double track which will be un-'
der construction by the Northwestern
within the next ten days. The company
s also building eleven miles of second
.rack from Boone to Ogden, which ln-
:ludes the construction of a steel bridge
ver the Des Moines river five miles
aorth of Molngona, 160 feet high and
t,700 feet in length, at a cost of $800,000.
rhe building of the new line will not
anly eliminate wholly the heavy grade
at Moingona, but will shorten the dis
tance between Boone and Ogden four
Le Mars Charles A. Rudolf of thi
place has been probably killed at Le
mar, Colo. An unknown man wa
found ground to pieces on the railroad
rack at that place. The only sign
of identification were a handkerchief
with the Initials C. A. R. and the nam
of a LeMars clothing house on the
strap of the dead man's coat. A plec
it the coat was sent to the Lemar
Nothing firm, and was recognized as a
:oat recently sold to Rudolf. Mr. Ru
dolf was traveling for a Denver firm,
and a letter received by his family her
gives Lemar as his Sunday address.
Mr. Rudolf always carried a handsome
watch. As nothing was found on the
lead man, neither watch nor money
nor letters. It is believed he was robbed
and murdered and his body laid on the
track to conceal the crime. Mr. Rudolf
has a wife and three children. He was
for eight years treasurer of Plymouth
Des Moines, la. fpeclal.) Iowa ha
two full-fledged candidates for th
speakership A Dubuque special say
that Hepburn suys he wilt support Hen
derson, and Henderson's friends her
are confident he will have the full Iowa
delegation. As he is chairman of rule
and next to the gpfaker his nomination
would be natural.
From Clarlnda. the home of Hepburn,
it is claimed lie hus the solid support
if Iowa. Captain Hull of Des Moines,
haitnian tf the military committee.
says he wi;i not be a candidate..
Politicians here say no Iowa con
(fresHmiin is entitled to claim a solid
delegation. No conference has ever
been held by the delegation on th
subject, and untl! It U held nothing
can be known.
Hepburn and Henderson will make
mron effort for the delegation and It
s expected the unit will prevail, giving
a solid delegation to th man with
a majority,
Russian photographer sham delln
quent customers by hanging their pic.
ture upld down In their gtaa caaea
Thi method toon compel them to par