The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 01, 1899, Image 1
Si 1 HE J 0URNAL TXT VOL. 3STO. t5. Our )!tt(f"NO C'JISTIC? !3 Z'JZP. SETTLED UriTIL IT 53 SETTLED R!SHT."--Kn. Y.'illinn J. Bryan. Bryaa's New Book rim County A UU t5 t'3. lr;r tfrEON TON HEST AUK ANT. t$ ar lies, wma j. nr.YAN $&.M. Tlo. Mm rtrnri. tonatora f't'l''i kik .' Hour, Vaat, Ailrn. WUl Our- ' ' r-em, txon, J ifon. lK::tf!, 3" " ' ," Una W I Pn-i CJuiion. Cmlnr, Mcluriu, Till- " ' ,,, Mo,,,,,., ')UIUUr, -j,!,,,. Hok. AKrurw CiBsenie. H.,irv , - ?' 1; J:',n5"". n.).i, A. Wrm, lion. Altai K. Plfwi-nwn. Jf-KcrBtary Oar. JCAKT- "i,1"?, V'" M,V'0'"'- n" A U-oa. If-t Uariil Htarr Jordan, Ml Wa.r, lion. " , Ham I loia(ra, treat. Am. 1 fctt. of LuUir and oUi.ra. SP""!on itonomlnatej, "r;R l,:ll SIAXK t'MP," and nppo.) to tlmOoniitltiition af M . "fT". lh lwclurll"' of IndBndsnja, (md ail Ilia mow aiiorod dootrinoa ol oar Bapabllg M ua&dad down to iu by our x'atf.r. THE GOSPEL OF A HIGHER CiVILIZATIOM AHD ERCADEf? LIBERTY. Tilt OXJ.Y BOOS O.I THE fctUJECT. ACEi.73 VANTED. Itlspfofaaalf Ulnatratad, (tItIiht bxanliful liatf-tnnn portraits of Mr. Prrnn and tha other oon 2j7otof1 J ""' tt.rilllu intrravt. aliowinif the "ast conditinna and onatoma in the ralllpplnaa. hnthliiR llko it fnr ttmptd In txwk.t,ubliaiiiiz. A rnry bonnnia for atront. Mootb uosghtat book-atores; it cannot befurmalmd tij aur oilier house. Wo are tiia tola Uawlal Publiabara. Tba flrat KdiUon. 100.000 ooplita. A large ootoo book, baautl ful new type, WB PAY FUtlUIlT on each order amounting to CO book, st on time, bon caah oooipaniaa order. THE OCTFIT IK VKV.l'. We nnke no charpe fir tho e!efrnt, completa Proapectua Outfit, with blanka, etc.. but aa ncl Oattlt nma n a lot of rwinny. In ordnr to protect ourwlriM Cainat many who would imp upon o by nndln lor Oullit with no Intention of working but arj' nt of Idle curioity, we ri(iure the applirnut, a a caarenlcc ol t,ul tultli on hie part aead na Ho to corer poauifr and wrapping, tlila uiwaunt to bo refunded to a,-cnt uooa ear raeelpt mi l-et wrtfer for IV oLa. Beat Cloth Blmlinc c jja ewt Hilt KDNiis HiudlDK. with marblM ngJ. " Z-t tt roll fituaia Uinduiif, wilii ruI.1 udna "1""!"!"!"!!!" 3,Wt Write fer war laparnllelcd Iri b Aeciits. A ldrent THI INDEPENDENCE CO? r- . I i i . , i-uu.ibsiors. The Sioux County JcurnaS. (rTAUIJ;:!l.i l'f. SubHcriptiou I'rite, ?1.00 OFFICIAL PAPLR OF 2IOU)v COUNTY. (Jeo. V. Ccnon, KnU-rwl at t!m Iliurlf ji j.oit o.'fu-o tu:coli(l t'lHaa J?. ut : r. K7 f " - y 3"- 1. J i u m3 Decoration Bay, Mom ri a 1 1" x c rf Js s . THE LAST EOLL OALI It is with sa-lnes-i Uric we are called to fiiroiii(r!n iinotlifr dentil of an g!J huliiic.r, wlio lias lieon cullwl liy tliu rntsspj;er of )ealh to go up hijjhfr ami Thonjfli the day was ono of t!w nin-t windy of tlm stiisou liit turnoijt at tlie uecoriiuori tttrvicos. w lie i tooK at t!.e II. K. dn.rcli an-1 wu cud,. id ! r":UIU,s f" a""u,,,r ur!"ter lit tliu C'juioUiry wura tj'iite laive onid jrii) tii-it Uiftra tvns n..i j.i j -J in tii ul niort' !)s:nr..iful than the one vvlm-h has cIo.s-mI here below. U'tvill lm but a f'W iirife yfarsat th very mo it, us BeV. K-rii! ill stall in Ins sermoti over Ida r.jniaiii.-. until nil them hav passed over into the be yond. Tbd writer was nnt nc(uaint((l with the Set-eased, but sincj our residence in the conntv have W-n mtimatxly ac iin9it;d with his son l.'harles, who is a mo'lrl yomi nian and of course we bcl ievitowps ti)tn:h to his fit' her and moth er 1(3' tiio good f'.iaht.ies which he p mes ses.', vv'e, also realize it was a hard blow to Charley as well us the rest of the faui lly U liuve to part wiih his father. Mrs. the hue of 'March tUn,P;")"01"' iuvl lh" fi"1"1-1' wil1 li:ive 1J. 13. BIGELOW, Prop., Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, Calces, Pies, Bread, Stationary ii '1 Satunlny, Juno 3rd, a delegation will ;o dawn to I.liicol'i to uml:e a for mal protest to bis I'xt-'dltincy, finv. Foynter ujraiust t!e uioiutiiitiiit of W. C. Cavin, of ( 'ran ford, us cliau nmi, of the Brain! an 1 Marks cominiss ion which has uiready If.'eu m.iile. V.'itliout doubt frnvernor l'ovnter has been imposed iiKni by home political tru-UsVuri. , which if t!ie iip-nautmet.t i allowed to stand w ill lose hundreds .f volet to the reform forces in Xorth-wt-ht Jttl.ntskit. Ot e lb t sure Mr. Cuvio is not a t't-mocr it in r.ny aient of the term, and so far as we know h:t never tt'iii itad with tlieui. Tui, on Hie other luind the euiior of tde J'H'hxai. does know that Mr. Cavin together with Col. Nayward of Chailron Neb., w:i.s:u'.iiiticd it. to tiie, Petiples Independent pirfy, s-uaton vl i-i-invcntion at V.tieiitine last fall to f.'pi'b wiit J isiwcs county at.d lie-y cast the ttntim 5 votes thus prov.r; coneltH.ive'y that he was not than a democrat. A' 1 ab ,i'. a m nt i or six weeks r M a candidal for representative as a pop'ilixt in the representative con vention of the democratic, and 1'eopies Independent convention held at Crawford and then afterward Mr. ( :,tvin, s we urn Hal ly iuforan.'d said tno moot vile things ah ut t!u n ) u n e of tiiat c vivention, M :. (Serl teh wl o was an Imnest consistant 1'opulii.t. Hence, he h.i.s, in reality no ri,;ht to ny ct.nsitleration from that party or any gentleman, who has shin lin,- or influence in that party. la fact, if the commission is irisued ti Mr. Cavm it will he an imposition on every true reformer in Northwest Nebraska. two papers of the town a programme re lative tJ the exercises, and just how they should be tarried out. However, on account of the commander of the lot al b-iiii sielf and away for medi cal treatment, whose duly it was to look after that part of the decoration services, u detailed programme was omitted. And le-re it is that we with to say that K. E. Livermore, who is ui-l Mivs at liDiue nt tne decoration day ser-1 vices, con .unaioiis in seen,' that every j part of tho s-rvices are conducted ac- c irdin;; to the letter, ami h'-nce his ab-j .-.-iii'i) was noticealdt!. thus, evervthin relative to forinin;: from thocliurch to the cetnett-ry and the cairyirig out of the services at the graves of the oh) tolilit rs devolved upon At. Franklin Force, which he did nicely and with (act. Following civic organizations w r.i n - j presented, and marched in the parade to the cemolry : Mixlern Yoodnmu of America, AVood munof the World, Boyal Neilibors of America and the Kpworth Jinnors, and in the parade in the erdar iia-n- Crand Army of the KepuMir, Junior, Kp worth iA-tigii, Moilvrn Woodman of Anierici, VVondiueri of the World, I'.oyal Nt i. -Jibois of America, then the gem-ra! public. The Services at the cei.n try were biautiful am! well carried out. Wii.l an ! cultivated (lowers were taken there by most every hotly and nlrown profusely iton the graves of our t-oiin-tr's dead, not only the hero's of war hut scarcely any other grave was forgot "ii in the strewing of lioiveis upon liiem. The old Veterans, who were present and M-tioipali-d in (he exercises ula! marched in the procession were: M. Smith of V. L. Ilald-vr.i, A. J. I'ugart, U. Story. Sanf.ii'd Hill, re.-s Jthi'sotl, lJ. Lyons, John l'lnnkett, I'orce, John 0 Sneehan rn m m at:. rishis Crocker. NKW YORK, May 21 "In a md ;w Mr. Cro ker is looking for (is-ht, lio will have to meet in every aswmhly district in New York county. I am a Tam many hall organization man. Shall continue to be a Tammany organization man and will make my ligh t within the organization, for the present at least." Statement by Joint C Sheehan, CrokerV jiredeccs sor art leader of Tammany Hall, dictated Tor the Jour nal. Daily Rocky MoirxraiM Nkw. SILVEB THE ISSUE SAYS I-SENATO the s oijiathics of the community and the Jont.'vU, together with the i'riends am'!ie.ighbors takes this way of oll'er ingjtousolation in this their sad hour sorKivV and sadness. Tho d':ceasd, Francis M. Umphenour enlrst'-d in CVinipany J)., 20th Illinois, volunteer Infantry March 8, lSfit, anil wat honorably discbarued July 10, 1HC5 Ho was born Dec. 1' JH-1 1, in IMwards coi iity Ills., livinf; there until 9 years old, then moving to Livingston county until he went to army, after his return to tho same county be was married to Miss Marrett, .Sehlosser where he lived for 10 years when they moved to Kansas living there 1 J years, then moving to the houthern part of Nebrat-k.i where he lived inoKt seven years, returning to Kansas for a while and in lf?93 rneyed to Okl'dioma aul living there until . two months ago when they moved to this count rv. IT-T'A (rood Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing Sold at Living Price:. "POST OFFJCP UUILDIXG, Harrison, Xeb. J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles Sc. Send in your Harness and Srioe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK A SPECIALTY STRICTLY CASH.' NO EXCEPTIONS. '!4'T&a'OVa'- Five Point ljwon, . Antelope, l'odarc, Warbonnet, A ndrews. Had nianagemunt Iceeps more people in poor cu-iai'iistancus t:ia.i any other one cause. To lie successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity presents iisell ia read y to take advantages of it. A little loret bought will also save much eXjienso and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Inarr hoea Iiemedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until necessity compels it mid then rnin bis best horse troin:: for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides: one pavs out 2."i cents, the Other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neihlxir is getting richer while he is Kettiug poorer. Fur sale by Jir. J. K. I'iiinney. . Chitmiry. D'Z-": At the residence of his non ChaU'c-s, SiUe North-west of Harnsoti at titSclor!f.P.X 3aturd-xy, Xltty'' 27Str laf"', 1 .-nncis Marion Umpheoour, aged 5.) fears. f1 1 jrt M St) f'l f! "f.&SS "EwiSiS SSSS "a " SSJn SSSiSaxy.KXttRS'- 5 OUR CLUBBING LIST- The Storx Coi'Nty JorRKAl. and Jocrxat. of Amcuf.TCRK 1 Year, - 1.75 " " " " Tvice-A-wf:ek Would-IIehald " - 1.70 " " " " " THRiCE-A-WEEs-WoKr.D, (N. Y.) " -1.70 '' ' " " " Silver Knight Watchmn (D. C.) " - 1.75 " " " " " Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer, l-og STOt'K liltANDS. Tub Journal will publlsti your bninrt, like tlie followlns, for Stj :'K), pur ve-.r. Kaeli art ttitiotial br-.tnit 75 cents. iivery Tanner or ritnt-linien lu Sioux ami ui joining conntins siioitld ltd vortise their brands in TiikJoCE XAfcos it eireulsittt-j all over the otitte. It tuny be tie means of savins moiey for you. p m i L t - a .1',' , ffiy.VLM?uA r mm CIIAltl.KS HIFIIi.K. On left slito orbip of eitttle, j jv.-4;fj C-n lert Hlitui'iei" or nirses. i (A, lltanKfl ou tint lietitl ol warbonnet fA?l Addrena Ilan-lson, Sions Co. Nod. 3K&?'A S. W.CAREY. 'J?!'- m ,P1T' nouiuer oi etitLiu uuu liksiiii&Kl'-tiureon Little Cottonwood. I'D. ., crawioru reur. 'J : to BLACK FOOT, Idaho, Miy 28. Kx-Sanator Dulxis chairman of the executiv committee of tliu National Silver Ilepublicai) party, was interviewed today as to the present attitude cf iho Silver Republicans. Mr, Dubois said: "Tho silver Itepublicans will meet in national convention at the same time and place as tho National Democrats. "Tlie persistent statement made by the Republican papers that silver isa dent issue is tlie expression of their wish, hut not of u fact. T hose w ho supported liry an In 1H1MJ will niipxirt him again, unless they have some swcial reason for not doing so. There will not tie many who will ubondoii principles deliberately adopt ed for personal or special reasons. The Democrats without doubt will declare ugainfl the foreign policy of the utlmiuist ration against imperialism, the issues in 1100 will be the same as in IH.ln, only intensiiled and more clearly defined, and the candidates for president will lie the same. McKinley will bu supported by the aggregation of wealth find all that (hey represent. "Mr. IJryan will be supported by the reform forces. "Ho far as the Silver Republicans are concerned they are interested in the sne aks of 1 lie principle which they supported in the Chicago platform and lias not changed, and the Chicago platform will lie readopted. ' The united liemoerats and Hilver Republicans will Is, more completed arid liarnumions in 1000 than ever before, and everything points to a victor r the re form foroes. "Tliare in no disint-K-ration of tlm Hilver Republicans except in the visions of tliose who wish tha nuccemt of the gold standard trust controlled itnperahstic Re fiuuliuia party." Dully Rocky Mountaiu X-jwh, w o M P P-i !? 9 cj S H K 'Ji POO es -- CO r- s 5 03 k" rr, U j O O til t-t U C rll p. 'A o ct r i -tj 2 (,.- " E- 1 u rZ Z rt K " -s to i2 t -3 2 our!i?cO U r- C O - if - - ! r- G H G Z ? o 7 Isa blooded, black Norman, high-bred, 4 years-old; his weight 1.300 lbs. CONK will make the season, 189'.), at the residence of Jerry Will, o.J miles north of Harrison. TERMS:-!, to insure and money due when Mare is known to be with foal. Will try to prevent all ac cidents, but I will not be re- t'ponsible should any occur. Jerry Will. AtiEXT VVAM KI) -foil ..Till". I.IKK AVI) Aeliteveini'iiH of A'ltidrid Iewey," llu World's ii vti t tu-ro. Ilv lliiintficl, tho life Intiir f i l'-inl itiel Htlntlrr of the nstlou's, Idol. lllKKi-t tne I lieal book ; over fMi page 8l0lncln"; n.v.irly Urn pine Imlf loan llltist ritlloiis. Only I,M. liuormous dniiiiitul. IHk Coiniiiliiions. (Ititllt ften, Cluinite ot a llfotlini'. Wrltr rjnlfk. The Dominion Com pvty,3rd'ja lllkg,, t'hleniro. :nWlKD MILLS.-!:- The undersigned is ag ent for the celebrated David Bradlky, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, the best made. I am also prepared to furn ish on short notice first class Tumps, I'lpos, Wood & Slorl Towers, Tnnks or aiijllilng in tho lino of pump n'pali s, AT LOWEST PRICKS. Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere You will save money by it. Abi.REr's-JONN K. ASHTOX, Ardmore, H. Dak. SYPHILBS. laaav UO"wtful proli'-n. TrMtirl' idli-ii. FKANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left slionliler ot liorw. Range on Antelope Creole I'. O., Cbilchnst, Sioux Co., Neb. ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRAND CHARLES CMPflENOUU 5 S5 The brand reprsented in this notice ijj "ad branded any wbere on left side 2iSalfi ot bt,"'s0 and il-fS$ Also the L L brand any where on left aide of cattle belongs to the CuAKLEs UMrnEsonii. -".'.a,--'-'-. -Harriaoe, liebrniVa, - - CHARLK8 SEWMAX. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on lei t side Y&a of cattle, aud over-lap cut from the right ear. ' Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. lwiinge near Etist Springs, south part fo Sioux county. Charleb Newman, Harrioa, Nebranka. TIIE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Good Hay & Stock Ranch for sale. CHARLES SCHI IX Is H IS 5-2 SaaaaSSiSiKi H r,i-i 3 III ?T" "V u frits KJtJ)lkililllJ UIQWI aWUlia.i INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. fp CAPITAL STOCK PATD IN SU RPLUS A N I) PROFITS SIO.OOO.OO33. G) 8,000.00 eT5 DIRECTORS. B. E. Brfavster, President. C. F. Coffek, Vice President. Ciias. C. Jamkson. A. McGinley, D. II. G iswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New York. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Ned. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Ttia wont foraii poal-. tlvclr carad. M aaarf TrMttnast nonfldrnttat. Oar.a i p-inail oi at ntil'-fi. 'lotn.ltiw. Onoatwa HTanft aa4 liooklraa. Call vt wdu. PS. WARD INITITU1C. . .ZvN.0thSt.,IU'l.Mt. ROAD KOT1CETO LAND OWNERS. To am. Whom It Mat Conceuh: Tlie cottiniisxloner appolntwl to locate a rond eoniinotitdii( nttne north-east corner of tlie iiortb-wi-st nnarter of tlio north east quarter of Sec. 9, twp. :ti, llane o, rnnnlnn tlienro south one mile to connect with east ft west laid out. romi, has reported In favor of tiie establishment of the cunie, wUh a variation commencing 2-12 rolls south of the point of starting, thence running tanit li east 2tt rods, tlumco noiitli to intersect with road running east anil west 15 rods eaxt of lino petitioned for, and all objections thereto, or claims for canuiges must bo I! led in the county Clerk's otllce on or beforo noon of Iho I '.III ilnv r .llllv. lHlfl ' I M. J. III.EWKTT, Connty Cleric. LIVEKITA THC UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Olliouanett. fansllnttli h-irrt-rritrrlwr"''"'-V,t'" 100 PILLS 26 CT8. ach and Llvr CompSalnte aWIMR C4MTM. - tSold by all tranUte I or aent or autu. IWi1UMMlC.,( Hold By Dr. J. E. thnntj.