The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 18, 1899, Image 8

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    liov; To lake ftloney.
n -
If you are tired of paying high prices yon
can wake money by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all magazines at $3.00 in Boston, we Bell
this gracefnl tdioe for $2.75 right here at home
and save you GUc express besides.
All other leather goods will be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drygooda and Groceries we will meet all East
era catagogue prices; no matter from what ieint
goods may come. In addition to our gen
eral merchandise, we are celling this
spring Ladies and Misses $5.00
Spring Hats for $2.50
Come & see for
also ha n
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
fBesides we have full line of Crockery.
If you want a suit of clothes made
to order we are Agents for
Royal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l gerlach, PrC?.
TBtmsDAT. May. 18th. 1899.
4toa. D. Canoa, Editor and Prop.
f.E. AM. VS.. lime table.
. Going West. Gain;? East.
Jto. . mixed. II :48 1 So. 6. mixed 8 M
J1. E. M. V. E. B. is the best
to and from the
Car-load of Wind Mills
Jk Pumpe and Round, stock
"tanks for 6ale at car load
rates. . W. Hester.
O. W. Hester is btiihtio a addition
4-0 hit lumber shed this week.
One more week of school, and then
hurrah' for vacation is here.
Couoty clerk Blewett, made a trip
,lown the road on last Saturday, return
ing on Monday noon.
-Mrs. T. O. Williams who has been so
wj ill inca last Friday is slowly im
proving ooder the car of Dr. Phinney.
A. McOinley, is baring a small born
and store-house bnilt on the Sherman
property. Carpenter, James Wright is
We learn that Brer. Tom O'Keef has
been appointed nnder secretary, to state
board of Irrigation by Gov. Poynter,
vice Capt Adams of Crawford resigned
Mrs. E. J. Wilcox, returned from
iher trip to California, Monday evening,
Mrs. Wilcox went there early last fall
to spend the winter and enjoy the fine
winter climate which predominates there
.during that Mason of the year. Mrs.
Wilcot returns enjoying reasonably
fair health barring the long trip.
It is not generally known that any-
jMdy can 01a on 100 acres of land for
the purpose of making a reservoir for
watering cattle. It is not necessary to
rover the whole tract with water.
Hockmen should see those familiar
with land laws to learn bow thus to
aoqeire mare land. Ksad toe basioees
local columns.
& K. Livanaora, who bat beta quite
.a wail froea heart trouble all spring and
jprt of the winter, experienced a sight
jttfwk of paralyaW, Sunday, on bis left
Mi thi airing U night prove serious
it aroper laTsal trail meal was not ob
4asaaa at oaaa, be arranged matters and
left (or Chadraa, Monday evening where
$ aa fOami Masaaif under toe care of
4a laatijatii Aoetor at that pUoe in
art t low ftaat aanfiaeaea la Ne ab
j '. tai Sockml and his
txU sen totkiatpmtr reoov-
PhjUrian and Snrpcn.
All ealls given prompt attention.
Office In Prnn More.
tW Preachiog every of Ijpt fUbiialb
at 11 o'clock a. m., and every rib''iuh
evening at 8 o'clock at (lie "A, E. tiiurch.
Every body invited to -ru-rid.
Rev. J. L. Ken ' J'v,r.
For sale 2 cars ones and
two-year-old Heifer call on
V. A. IIestee.
Next Monday, district court will
Attorney Guthrie, made a business
trip to Child ron, on last Monday evening
and returned on Wednesday noon,
Slieriff Iiolly, has purchased the
quarter section or land owned by Jock
Ragland North-west of town.
On laxt Friday, Claua Cliristensen of
Montrose, brought bis daughter Miiw Til
lie to towD, she will work for the time
being at the Harrison house.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gayhart, of
Montrose were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mr. Nutto over Sunday. They
returned to Montrose on Monday.
Mrs. John Liicy, who has been suff
ering from Tonsihtiss is now very much
improved, under the care of our home
Physician Dr. Phinney.
Mr. Gerlach, made a business trip to
Ardmore, on last Saturday, and return
ed on Sunday evening. He was accom
panied by Mm. Gerlach.
We are pleased 1 chronicle tlie fact
that Mr. Rohwer, who has been seriously
ill during the past six weeks, is now on
the road to ultimate recovery.
Mrs. E J. Wilcox, was a pleasant
caller at this oRice one day this week.
Evidently the air of California is a "mas
cot" for Mrs. W. looks like one who has
drank of the fountain at youth during
her absence.
J. W. Reed, who made a deal last
fall, whereby by be became the owner of
the J. H. Bartell stock ranch, situated
about one mile north-east of Harrison,
moved bis family and household goods
to their new home on last Tuesday,
The Langworthy Bros., mansion
is now nearing completion, the plasterers
are at work and they expect to give
right of way e'ere this to Mr. Bowker
who will complete the carpenter work
and put them in possession of their home
Mr B., to a number one carpenter as his
employers have doubtless realized e'ere
Zekiel intimates that because "Over
in Wyoming" did pot appear in last
weeks issue of the JockiaL, we are be
gining to tire of the effusions of TsJcUTi
fertile brain, such however is not the case
the "Over ia Wyorolog,, news letter did
not show op at this end of toe route,
bence, it was do fanlt of cirs. If it was
seat or posted, it doubtbm fell into other
Hajtw aad baa been witb-held for rt aeons
Wat kaawa to themselves.
0fcD. Cajtop, Editor
The place to (Tood
Bargain at all tinier is at
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
tie above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ing (Joods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Ilata and
Gaps to suit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fice
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children's Foot Wear care
fully considered.
For KcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of d'ess-maki.-.g
and sewing in her lino.
Tl:e patronasie of tlie public i lic;tl.
V'- guaraotr KitVn-in anj that
Mr. asil Kr. Wiliianj '. I -. ;. : rt, were
visitor st t!e Hub on l:u.t i-.t.Cy.
Mi ; Marley, is now a r -.! i;t of the
east K. ii making l:-r Ium: ? si
family of Mr. Moravt-U.
Mr. and Mr. Kendall, drove to
Crawfoni, on last Monday, they are ex
pected to rpv.i-n liniH-j '' -'inf.
Ji.lm C'-"n Ixtnnlil '.-.' i -..! of cat
tle of Carr-- (,'ll:Vn DC l;i, ftitur
day, crl . ' 'AJwt of "'!''! 1-ought
50 bead oi t'la teams r.t--.:
Jlrt. Ieslio Crane aie, to town
last evtiiHig and had Dr. Phinney ex
tract a fish hook from one of hr f risers,
which she got fast in it whii ' iiing.
Rev. Rice will preacb (He funeral
se'mon of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Hall's little
child, who died with &ptheria, last
March. The service will iie held at the
Bodarc church next Sunday. May 21,
1S99. '
' Charley Uphenour, his mother and
sister arrived from Sullivan this state
last night, they were delained there ab
out 10 day ago on account of the sick
ness of Charley's father, who was put
aboard the train after :imrley readied
there and the rest of the family came
Over in Wyoming.
Our laxt weeks items failed to appear
in the Journal. What is tlie matter
Bro. Canon, tired of our squibs? If so
let us know and we'll quit.
Andrew Christian had, a serious run
away on last Saturday evening. It
seems that a colt that lie is working got
scared and started to run while hitched
with three other horse to the drill. In
their course they struck the windmill
tower and were all piled up in a heap.
We have not learned the results.
Louis Wohlheter of Gilchrist, was a
visitor at N'ewlin's and A. Christian, last
Saturday and Sunday. He reports it as
being tco dry to plow in the valley.
Miss Amy Christian is teaching school
in the Streeter district near Luok.
Andrew and Chris Christian have rent
ed Laney Sutton's windmill and tanks,
near Van Tassel Springs, for the sea
son. Chas. Glaze of Crawford placed a neat
tomb stone at little Ltowey McDermott's
grave, in Pleasant Ridge cemetery, on
Thursday of last week.
Andrew Christian bought two Herford
bulla of John Herman of Indian creek
last week.
J. J. ZumBrunen is kept, at odd times
sharpening plow for his neighbors. It
it vary convenient to have a smith in
oar community as it often saves a long
trip to town.
The place to Get Good
Bargain in Bubbers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felt and Rubber,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fresh Good
such as we know would
suit all our Customer.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry HARDWARE t
Building Material.
Trompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the- United State?
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
0Lcgal papers carefully drawn.
Thefjintof the week it was alri!t
like living near the bunlm of Newfound
land. Puch si heavy fog I that
mv N.rt I' -r.t Pi. t-,u
Uid not mean YV iHmiii Jem,:.: i':s au.
Zekiel wrote that item ;vs.! he ina.itit
just what he said, Wittiuni Jouoings is ',
very nice man that liven mi F!.',t;?.
Ridge Zekiel wrui too well raised to refer
to him as "Dill Jenning" vertay do?
Mrs. Boylcs who lives near the school
house w:T wr,n put up a wind mill.
YVe unuuil.iiid that she hns tlie mill
and tower tir.iL-ron the ground ready to
be erected. 7.r.:mj...
Our ii'cwiy I-.aiV Ker.e.iU t
Jttrn' -'f ;it t.'v ?T i ;ton catholic
thiuct ' i iii.-.T . u;.(-..)ny ntorr.iKg
durirjr ' "" f-'i "1 i vrps. er.d llary
M.irl:iu;', kth of Cmttuw. After the
ceremony Mi K-r'irncd the neu'lv
wcLW t-ouple with a aetcct nuiu ber f
invikd guests rr-paircil to home of
the brides parent Mr. anil Mrs. Jake
Marking, where a Ixjuntifnl wedding
breakfast was served and where they
all made merry until evening, when
all present tripped the light fantastic.
The newly married couple have a host of
friends who all join in wishing them yy
happiness, and prosperity, in their new
life, and ye scribe voices their sentiments
by adding amen. They are keeping
house for the prewnt in ths Sim Tebbet
houw) but the gioom intends building in
tlie near future.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan
May 191), a girl, we presume of reg
ulation weight. Ob, yes, we smoke
some times Jim.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Val
d, on Monday May 13th a girl, Moth
er and child are doing nicely, n rid Mar
cos oh well be is slowly recovering from
the shock. Mary Moravek is looking
after the culinary department for the
time being.
BORN To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. L, Rag
laod a girl of regulation weiifht, mother
r.d child are doing nicely they sr at
the home of his parents In Knol county.
The city of Baltimore, io the recent
municipal election went l-temwraiic by
8,641 majority or a gain of 10,000 over
tlie preceeding election. It proves con
clusively that the gold democrats are
returoing to their first love. There is
nothing much more sure than that
Maryland Kentucky and west Vrgioia
will swing back inio the Democratic
column in 1990, thus adding 24 more
electoral votes to the democratic candi
date chaoces for president.
wile op of ii he,
III of these
m jiurcnase
Marsteller broS.
Mcliiiiiiistmtor s Sale of Per
sonal Property.
Ia tlw Matter of the estate of Herman Goedde, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in iursuance of an order
of Robert Wibou, judj?e of the county court of Sioux coun
ty, Nebraska, made on the 4th day of May, 1SD9, for the
sale of the rTia estate hereinafter described, there will
be wld
V.k lhn-:h of Herman Goedde, deceased,
of Ardiaoiv, S. Dale, on Friday, May 19, 1899,
a. m. nliarp, at public vendue, to the highest
I'vs-h tl:e fo!lt:'.vinr: described irsonal roperty
Head ol Cows,
Head of Horses,
Kay Rake,
Cook Stove,
1 rV.Ttn
Ot rn fa-srnrT0Y
1 Wire Stretcher, 1
1 Hammer, 1
7 Rolls Barbed wire.
Faid sale Yvill remain open
At Salt Lake, last week.May 11th, the
YWntern Labor Union, and YY'estern
Federation of Miner, at a joint conven
tion passed following rexoiutioos:
Opposition to government by in
iunction. Favors. government issu
ing all money, and opiximt National
tanks of issue.
Indorces Municipal ownership of
public utilities, telegraph, teleph
one railways &c. &c.
Opposition to the retention nnd
annexation of the Philippine islands.
Opposition to trusts of every dis
cription. The Texas legislature only lait week
paased a anti-trust law, framed some
thing after the Arkansas and Missouri
laws. The law absolutely debars aor
pool or trust from doing business in the
state, prevents their goods from being
used in the state for the reason that th
law clearly specifies that goods bought
from any trust or corporation which
may prove to be a trust need not be
paid for.
The bill provides as follows:
That no corporation can flix a
price on its goods and force merch
ants in the state to sell at such a price.
That pooling is strictly prohibited.
That corporations giving away its
goods, for the purposes of crushing out
competition, shall be adjudged a mem
ber of a trust and ball be deterred from
doing business la the state.
1 ilU
three . witl
3 m ilea
Head of Calves.
Grass Mower,
Hay Forks,
until everything ia nold.
GERLACH, Administrator.
825, reward will be given
for information that will
lead to the arrest and convict
tion of the person, or persons
who cut my wire fence, four
miles west of Glen last Sun
day night May 9th, and aleo
on following Tuesday night
Fbed Blombero.
For Sale:-A stud Coit,
three-year-old, sired by an im
ported, thorough bred Stal
lion, darned by even-eightg
Shire, Colt can be seen at
my residence in Warbonnet
precinct. Chas Biema
HiT'Don't send to Mont
gomery, Ward & Company
or to Elkhart, Indiana, for
your Harnesses. I can sell
you better goods and much
cheaper. If you are open for
conviction come and learu
for yourself.
Eooert Iioswsx.