'T' V" - 1 . HE S . lOURNAI TOL. 1 1 - pro Cnr 5rr;o Cll'fcTICrJ 13 CVS3 fTT'.TO Ufi7IS.fr,3 cTTLTD niGKT."--!. VERim J. DW j 1 - ; v O 2 o I 4. J: 1. A CI r A 9 V. The Si'oux CQL-:rny Jcurnal. (ESTt;U.sHED lb83.J a Subscription Price, f J.00 OFFICIAL PAPf.,1 OF iOUX COUNTY. 'eo. 1). Canon, - i:iitor. Enured nt the Harrison post oillce hh eeoud elttM i- utter. Folio .tit ,,l,?08l,"!i ,:t "inUHuV'trtlua !.ui::u-:w.. way of Ohrlstia iialion of ! A.Jrrin.l IVwey. f l,e hero of th Vlii the Pij )-,!,,,, O ,H.:.nil.iliy lU'hf, litti i-vr u tlieni up int(J I,,,,, tin,,. ...I- . .111,1 Mart tlH-u.. Tin i.tnm J tl;n li.t-i.'i-t. !"-oiirs, oh.I tli'Sn't kt,r l,;it t , unilmp w,mt. to tsii. niij ,e s , I. -Vou 9 ftl! dead. - Tlw ii-xt 5ij.v nfrvr Mm Icr.U-J w wnt ovir iWr '4 Ituryinp llw (!-;. J ii.r.;,-r.. I saw 74 Urd 1.1 i.im ;s ..' 2 tlm-ii up in. it p i,., a (;;'.., Hti. ln.p f 'l.-n. in. 9 tlM-ro, Ufxi 0 i.!i. ..J. Ja t!. patli of tl, W-n-.tt-iUm g.lof tlM) Sir.'ii iiHiiSi-rv. tlivrt, lii'S -i.l !,!.;!-., Q woiinil- (I. V, tiiin;-.:! :!! !n-:r hi:;..-. I !,-,;, .,,. $ 'Ometl. -il.a rivl'ltt t! t!t; Tr-r). . J,,,y.( (!;! Vii O Pfiwncrs. (In.- jh,:...i-v ..( tl..; T. i,r;. !nn A with J!0 priMit,(.M, r.id ;;..t !h rt v. rli o!.,,iit, it); l ,.j, ;. 4 native we nut. inrn, v, ii at,'l 1 iiiiilivo. Jt n i it O kitfln of Ui-j p,rt,r , i,!n)(ir.-i. To hhoot it !!.. !iS Mx.fdijt. r-(.'" '.v;ii ) tO Ait, but Dltlfii V ri Id ), ! i;o ili.iir; (iilr; iii , Jin! ftl-tlllt'i!.' Mis.t Ilia i...,0..,.ilft..,v ,,F . . ..... 1 ' . "i t . thuainjV(,M:ii;tif!i:i, r.'fij Miem. ? V.' i a ii- Jt (J m id u J 3 i VjlHiras Sv 3.. w.Un- Huhird I? Rll., Ii 0 iew in Ui Fot,t: "Tbe J'opulisu Kprit'g. nntl wili bold it too, in advance iJrV'un, ml the Jk;fU-riitH . ill inior; (5 1 P I . .1 I I . T .. ... tt ii i wum iv.i.vt! oiioii'e, I v r;ti i;i s:it".:t .1 ol.',- oi . ; v.....::,; ;i , yau f u 2 w5llaw -.f pfia-.-bt-nt tcfe-e. j "lo tire .'itii'it-r.v.ii! enfmiiiifKi Ci-5 an .will r,a renomtutn'.l by accla- ( 9 mation. Tcr U w way in tK wf.rliJ by wiiich ,H tmniin-.ktUm can b . ,nl vi.if uiii.i j guimi jiEHl u!K3'l -9 with people in lw mS tvni:t In evary ntat I fotin 1 tlia ?niimi.-nt far '4 Bryan overwlvdmta. In 8 nit!i 0,fkoU a-i I in t!i Northwest there its th-j 0 me feetioff. I Iwlievo, ton, tiit half of Vn tlt-b-.-.-itioa from Xe-.v York f will be for Hryan. An for Nw York city, 1 do not thinU Crocker w,U thro X W ht Brvaoevea iu tlio Tammany or-anixation." Daily Iiocky Kouu- tainNo8. c ?, AdJitloiial Lontt.i, C. F. Coffee, bl about 75 hvtri of xattle taken from Ids Sioi x county much up to his Hawbide place tins weeii. Mrn. T. O. Williams, heiilth is t.t:l! .tlite iorly , but no doubt as -the warm wetber rumen no eptice it will be very much improved, wo hope no tit any rata. The Wenleyan Quartet fn sinrrep wr greeted with a full tifHis: on !at'i ot-wmy eveninj?. .. That tb-ir h-sn-ei h wim ', -re than pleased wan fchin by Uw i-oul.iiiu-"t encore, ti e performer rermved. Tbe Bingere d):.(bived r.tr talent attd ' Allowed that tliov Iwv.i f fit, time nnd labor in the training of their voices, 'fhey are entitled to the highest encou iuui of h-aisu from thm ton mi unity. r'W -S V " i .t r. i V,"Oi " f ' ' - .:;a .... n. An -v-.,,,...,.:,,.., . Hot. v;. J. !: . r49-.4,cujf; r:.n. n. r. i'VJn, uoj, ..:.... a.ia. . a-pm i . ; , : - - - "' Iir, 1st, ht. , l i"-.'-f, ',.1, .-.,, I ..if ) , , . ". -- i.v t . t 3 .. ' Cl Ka.urT, fij, (c,.-i, i'm.... . ? vi. i., i4 . v r. . . . . . V. tV.TVV'W I 1":..fJ.. '7 t .; ,. ' VI . ' 1 TfffHtarlnl I'rr-Hn-.'tf.i ' s-uu-A' .'. ;f ; v - ' " $....) - Mv-- -i tn - Tt U prcifn!r t)trtrttt4, ir-fnf ! -n'it Si; .-n i rrfb;' f ,""'u. ?V( rf!-1 v 4H'mirii Bifrt vm" r.f f;n)ff., -. -j. ,; ,; IV r- ' i- ; , i i ; . thiItplfH. Nof!lrtti,' IU H iri 'I ftilf(f, ! ir i-nnf ., s. ;-;'.), A ' t' -f ' -UV T' - , - It ctinnoHw t'lugli bt l-HX-Si-sw-Urtii tt-rriliL'ii- l't : ul tfnf t'.ti" j-Liij. Vi-j fi.ii ti-(f.'j Offl' I'll i'uid(,i., fli Kdit Uan, WW.C'JO-fftMri. A I oet.o Vv..li, i,'n''.'-i' ba (:h PAY i'JU.SJIT on 4L- itUr Aojti-h; tj t'j iov. a; m Cni'f then t " fry.irj'tHul ardor. ttOwtfli, i(h lit r i.iit (mHit, tt i i ui a J.i r r 'M-. . .5 ,: - tl, ,: t, fJlfit IUnr ho J4Vr."vi -l 4 i ? td.ii'lf for f l,n , w j, J r , rv. r... t vi . pitrolf out f ti t"ri'f(r, ft rptjt'-r i tni cr iji" i f i rjir r fi; ;i , j j i f ooa jkju wrsjti, lr& '' "rd"? io i.al.iN liwtrinth iiiu-iin,-' , Dtt Half ftuwift biu'ut.g. ;r!i pi?(.U-i o ptU Full itiiwie JbuiiluA vim olti i dle HHnrrir t:u.ill4 Twr. t THB IMDBPEKDv-n.;:; n Rss v.onl tinier-? ! i ( - ' ' iiu:uiy ' ;;i..in J.iHiiOtl Ui- I') m. In. I vn- c,v, Th.-y hu;! f-t.ir a with tt. n.. lii-v .. k. .f t imtnln ' kn.i Iht- oi.'.n t i i ' 1).' iu;.nv 'f. I Mhl. tliJ .". iit ;t.; c:- ii... N' V. .1 ..i.-w . ' ;i.!1!iom'v for o' .. , ! ? j y j p UoU a natKitutt ciinventioa nixt f of the Democrat, Tbt y will rwttw 5 tbq action of tl'.O I Vipniif t. Till t.J it w-n im !'" ..... Last Saturday afternoon , quite a wvt ra mil iilorui imt over thU ncction of the comilry. Wiolj it bailed only slightly here, just west of town, pc.r hnpi a mile and a half the full of hi.il w;w so seven , that ti e ffroand was j er fe( tiy white and at daylight the follow. ing rooming Sunday the firoumi was still eoyi-rr-d i:i pbu;ii with hr.il Modes. ?I. J. O'Counvl is vi:i: tins at hw old haunt i:i th! valley thin eukt m well hh to attend the wddint; of his old friend Paul Serws, which will o'lour todny, llttv. Father Kroiijia will tie tho nuptial ' -f 'v :,:.4 u.U. 1 ftmouiit io rei it eiLC;Jt ,; trf , r.r - ;:: I 3 3. BILLOW, Prop. Hold sxt Living IVir:-s. rcvT or;". f - As-atto Mjunilnm . . tJ h. Ui is st;)il to l''liirn liii:;,..- Ujirti;ti!l ti) 1 1 !; rn; iiTr i 1 t'i .iiiiv -.;i!'m (i tilts kiu hi I 1 tu;;t!H ffOiiis ii .).: K :! us 'i,i'ui er of llw irinr. .':! i..",h, i 'if being uj evUK's.'nn w:h E r ti uj,o:i '-.'ouiUV Jjurnal of pitUin.q; up ii job fill Fo irr J..:uti-i '. r-l- tno i,ta. WOiir,-T. i rtft sw! 3 !. :tl n-.t. do v.-fj u'.'n it for jrruntei It. r:i4. true. Ii t h.s sktto Journal orrrt-jvm-twsi, vtr--:..!.-;..' ! .., , , ., iV w ,.(;.,;,, - j .'.!. . nytinm-ir?r''V:.- tlnt'C to nettle hi- s(-! . be In n fy -uw nt Hil..'l t 1 be ,,i s'.,oi ftf i h;v ii.. ::.! f rttl'oi.i, .v.:i ly tiie .J.jrii iiitl !,i any v; S:j v Iovv,tbi if tlm i,i:i:fiiiiit vt hieh wiw nnute in H.ij str.ta Journal of Af il lxth by IN ( :iw(lro!j oiTc.ift.d"ni had Inw (wl,i.., - we hud mj'f,j, wt to j uouot nt mo i iriii't i.im! i.ic;.o wotiut nave Wen Huinciunt to Ne'tle tho mot r-f-.vcru fate of stomach acha and billiou;,:;i-ss. Ma 11 v ok! so!.1,"!--- tin .v f.-I ', !i t i: "'"i of the hunt f.'.Tvir !y e:. bir ! (!ri':.r t,b.. wnr. 5fr. O-.. i' 'M -r.... t-f f f i' viibi. York I'ouaiy. V.'i.n. , v. ho f -.v (ha hardest kind of s-i-vi. c nt ih-i fr.ii.t, is now frequently tronblvd with rheuma tism. "I (md a severe ottnfck latoly," be say, "and proptiMd a M'Jr.f Chumuir luin's Pain lithu. It did mi touch ..rood til.'! fc I would 1i'c to bno.v , !v, nil ...... .1.1 -I.,..,.. r,ym ...... - - . , ' , ., . ,. ' , . " I i".9.ft bin o:i)i.e tberefn, on or before. Mr. Afidar,,,,, wwU d both for l,m own tl:, ,,,!; ,,. 7fif .,ive,.r lSi nml ,, tlttimH TLUt rA,:lltr.:,..'.?.l,,.i!i''' - ' ! aM .tn o, the , I, . , . , '". ' a liottbs f.f it iu their home, not onir for rheumati riitt. but lame b;u:',;, KprtfnM, swellinijn, cut, l-ruiwin an.) luirna, for inch it im i!iv!ni:all',d. l'or sale bv Dr. .1. E. Pliinncv. H'okk'ii il:iiild knowH. Many women MifTuer i.ufo'd afnny and iDHisry b.-. ii: :j tin) nature of t!u;ir diw:... ? in not enri-'-'. t ly undi-rsav d. IT.ey hav bci-n led to behave lis; twnmb trool.lo or fei.ialo wvakaes i f woum sort i'l rc:i.,;ir.M'...i fur I'm nnoiy u'.i tli.it h sei v-'iuh,' ill, ,nd. ouri(Iiift, nrtvoiii-f-s:i, Ii :nl'i"be, I pisiTv or darfe iir'-l' - lit: I!,.- eye'., si e'i :u:' !-,:'i i. a 'If-'.;;:.' 11: 1 in or do! ! ; '.'!' int.;! bn-k, w .ikt.v. or I., ..riiur (l,.wn s 'i at .on, proi o :s oi' H.'iiiU.y so ; !y of I rv.-'iita-iv;iy irivci to ;;il -rxon h-tv-urn,.) Willi M -utr: ..dor f,-.'.; net ibiMro I j t..t i ml ud mo, ,t ,b,.ri, ?"- '-'l'h idii';i' or bin ...H'f ,..r-- li.lt. -ki.....a, ti.Mf: .i,,lr, ii:.-,.,, 1.' ,u, h .oiite.nt i'l it. after t u liiui" i'l 1 of, I :!.,-.. tUb l.:,," : ... I fir ,!:,!.; ,l;,.f,,, llo er ..iMinm-.l ;.!;!! for t.Wir'v ,omi- I : '.- ; il :.l.l(t e.?,,.,- I.t ; -,; , ..;,- t',., ., t;,,, h..m-.r tV'M ki'hc' nod I.! iddor Ir.-.Jil ;; or ;.i..y J;v,... All ..-f-mn nr.: tl' oi'ie, J i. to ;.rm,-!,t their cbdUH Willi the '!';,' ;-l)in - . -ill'! -in i nr. -f f n i-.t 1 v.,., Ii.-. . . t:i v,,i:it.- .tadpnof nu.l.1 eon... ll'i i bV tli.. t;;i'.MHi(, ! i" r ' f or' hy hf-r ph-"i"lnn to fi iii.iK' weiikm n or womb trouble. Ib'tlfe fo n;inv f ;1 to obtsin Tid'tf f eioiMi'tlit.;, rd'o (( -:."!!-. ..,t tin. i! -ouse it'lf. Iuf a t- fin lion of 1':i p. unary enii'm Ai i !i IM I: '.ill V li-cbii". f:i f-K't- women i us nvo lire liirde rr'v r !.e .yifji l;id,. -, nod I.' -'.Mr trou'ol-j ami bota tie d llw nn let in dy. I'r. Kilmer's Swamp -Riot U (!m pi' -at, ib' ;.'m',-'rv of t!i i iiiincr.t I -v ii'i.l hl.-.i'd T ;i' 'Hd i'i t Ii" I itt ,y t ) '"'' '! auy drug Him'.: for liny rents or one unl la r To prove iimvondi-rful meriiKyou may have a n.inifdo Iwdfle end book tel.lp:, ii!! about It, bolh wnt absolutely fi,. tiy lonil. Kindly tiieutiou TiirShh'a CjiCV- TV Jo'-H',,t, iitid n-r.d your t,i'tiii.' to Or. Kilmer & Co., Ihrfjliuitiptou, N. Y. oc 1, iSta i ionary 'nnoff;ona:uI Hvery Tliinprj - :." 1 ''"!" 'l).VJi) IhUM:. Wind 1.1:11., t !:;':'. I a.-; ;;''.i-':-d to i'-ru- L ''(- 'lice find "Is 1 1 '; t. i L:-n'Y I.; J" A?: I) t)t 't to 1 1 . ' i 1,-; i '.rt of l-i ,. Ii;:,.- :: . ;.:, ;i ). ;.,. ,.,iro,'r r:uo. i..? th;..-o ' ()!'" b!r 1. i'.i', :i!i oit;Uona ;, o; i-,- .in-, for 1 gwi tmirt b til.l I ." ':-' V"rk- i.r.lce on or befurt . -jl 1. til 'l.' V of Juiy, !W, M.J.BU;WKTT, Co.-tiity Chirk. w' "r, " i T.W. '. .It ;Ur (!(:.; T:. iWa,ek,oiier apjwmvwt to incoto a rv.' e.Ks.vu cifw st tne ncirth-ias, eorncr 'f t,rf.w.,'H9 tur.ru-r ,! the no-tb-ntst nuniusf t, With tKJhl i i:s fii...- ;h . . . . ' j';.. i ! , ,.i : i! of lilt! t ' -.: -. tfl'-n i.M.l.i : oilt:".-eii-,t. Iu ' i 1. i : i '.n;!i io intfi'H '-es wit'iro.vj l'lui i'!-,,!; eat ncl w.-hi )5;0'!h et,t of line p. ilc;;;! ft.!', ii;nl nil objections thereto, o ii ; i Jii' ( ii;.i..it;i; uinut b". tiled In t!i j i-ii.'.fj' i.hrkU oillco or before noon ot lb.: 'yUl iny of July, 1 id.. oi.rw:-:TT, Hi.:").) 0umy Clerk. r; U2 COUNTY COURT Or' SIOUX - f- COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In Jh?'taat.lurof tho Estate of Herman (lot1: Iwuejiscd. .: . - i, r.R i'it:t-:s.r.vnos akd ihcau- .'V'-wv Jwfn.by ?!ven to all pentomt liav-h.-r 'i'itir!j'i-,if ,rien;iml s'K.ili'-l Herman Hoc U;.e ate wf . f.jout County, Ki,brbka, rtoc.i weft, thai the tiioe fixu.l fur Ollnstrbiini as,i:,-;it n.b! eitjlo in nix uionth fnnu the Sid ivol !r.y A. P. iuJ.I. All H'lcii persona ' Jccjiilrett t- prHt)nt t:i;.r plaimi ullh tin: vou.-h-i-rt, to the comity Jmlii: of snid 5l! !v .f June ld'rti, or ufteiwur-l on the Hi rt d.V".o(- eiteii rciulor term of Mid court iln.-ii'-.-.thetiine liuiiici! for liiinff claims a rrf:o I. l'4led fids .3rd d.ij' ot May pssn. J!ol, erf r-i t ounly Juue. tint) Copy) 1N1HF. C;U:iTY c(;7RTO? SIOUS . : GOO i V, NKDIIASK.V. t . " - of to. i n.tfct of (:.:.;. '. 1 k:w ', o....-.';i... I, m iw: " t..: i'.:;:,;..srATicriANi I'Lah. l. 'ii i. . oi,!, e therein, on o. before the. litb if V r.f . ..etnber If: l.liff all OlnllUHIH) f.b. d Vie 1 le i ' ; efo;,. the M'lld .Inijgo on tile .'.Ih ii y ol Jeiic ) ,;-.( or nff. r i.ri! on (lid flr.it dey i.f i , ;, ri :-;il.r term of ) . I eo.trt (lar be? t..c. 1 ! .,e i. .. le,! lor thin; elalim m ltoi !: el. Ii. ' ed t;d, 1 day of Muy ''). !' ' Tl n-Pnon' ',,i .. r f - o , , i In.ii i i i.u.ily ,lu,'.;! I A f.r.t) w;.i !,' 'icic.1 wp.h rheftnintifim h emtrtieu l r.;M m.til Im W:' U'i ;hl! to wrik, A fit T U' iuj;' one nt d a b-ili tcttlt: of Chainbi rbtiii's 1'aln iiit'iH be v,"n! nti to bo nbmit n'r.in. I can h.nrtily refoiumettd it to petHor.s SUl Vibji from rhetiinnliitrrr. John Snid- i IVer'1 Ohthnjii Co., V. Vn. For wile by i'r. X Ii I'liinuey, J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer Send ii your Harness and slioo re pairing, and a first class job is; guaranteed. FINE WORK STRICTLY CASH." Tkp. r'iorx fVnT,-TT JotT.sjiL and Toi.,bitatj csf At:PiCTTn?E 1 Year, M " " " '. " " Tw:r;;-A-vE(K WoHiD-IfmALn " . 1 " " " " ' Tj;iU';K-A-VVi;r:K-VvnTii.r, (Nr. Y.) " rl '' ' " " ' Sn.TE'1 Kkmjut Watcrvs CD. 0.) i; " " " t " " Cwf-:::KA7i Wr.niy Entjin:;", ST'K'.v nn.t.VDS. Tun JoruKAL will puOIinli yonrbmnI,li-e H fo!lw!ns;, f'.'i' Si :D, per yeir. Kah a4 r!:t h:iJ bTf;:ul 75 ce;it. Kvery rurmcr or rarii-hnmn tu sn:i ar-d adjuintnt; coantics i shunkl a:!virti.? their braii'ln in TUB Jol'R- sM.a it etrcnlatcs all over tlio tite. It iJy bo the mi iiii;) of navina money or yon. f"": FRANK SCTTO. Ji '' ij On lpft aide of cattle and 011 left If.".!" -'joouii r ot UorfSti. i K;tn,on A.utolope crc.-k 1'. ., tibilchrlftt, hioux Co.. Noij. CH.VKI.KS BIEHI.K. On lei t or b'p of ett1, ) " On iof t idioul'.icr uf lioiv3. i I .ft'SiKiRaiiiti on the bond of Wurbotim't v.' Ufrei-k Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W.CARKY. ft shoulder of cuttle and ,:i'ih"")ii I.f Ule Cotton vool. rv. ., 'niv. tord Sehi: ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRAND ULik! bids IXCOItPOllATED l.SSS. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (SCAPITAL STOCK PMD IN - - SlO.OnO.OO55 G) SURPLUS AND PROFITS - 8,000.00 DIEjEOTOBS. .15. E. Bukwster, President. C. F. Coffkk, Vice Prositlent Ckas. C. Jamesox. A. McGinlky, 1) II. G iswold, Cashier. rnnnrCPnpinPHK' WESTERT NATIONAL BANK, Xew Yoisk. .i'b JnilLrLl.yCiil I OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Ojivua, Nkb. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.";- Shcriirs Siilc. Kolice la hereby (riven that by virtue of an uMi't of s:ilii iKeierl t-.y the Clerk of tiie Il.-t.'ict C ourt of t ei.llety of hionx, mi'l t,.t-Mif Xei.r: ;,i, f:)io: n docree reuili re 1 by fidii Orei 1 1. in f ivor ( f Wi!l!:oa ii. y.-.tii; i.eij 'lni'l (,r.,le.o:i, Wl.tl iDI lielbl Jr. iieil 1'niTli 11. Kayflea ere pi'i liiiie', unrt Potcr ,f. .S. i flliie. ;-,ori.bieH i'oi v ii'e, i,:id , . J. o.T.vilen, lira ilef.eidaiits; I HI on I i'! l.tli it.,- of M..y f.'.i'.i, nt i he liour of 3 o'cloi'i p. no, of , Oil . tiy, nl. 111. i eunl (roni. d.iorof i,ao Court 1'ouk, in llnrrihon, in Kttil con if offer end cell the lot low in; tte.e i r.bi-tl renl -e t .i io, to I ! ; 1 lie West leilf of of Him North wt qimr- ir N'oe n n.ree. ami t,,o i-.i liuM of the , t- 1t',.l,H Ml ....... II,, l.J.il, , 1,1, 11,.',,., tli; ! y on", ..Norlii UaiiK filly four weel, iu Rlon . coin. I v, Ni bi mlcu, ut public unction, In the blf-be.Jt biilder for Ciich, to mii,i.,fy iitilil. oi .ler of mile in tbu iun ot two hiindi-c! and forty-six doll irs nml twenty cent 4, Willi Intere.l :it 10 per cent, from April 1.1, lKo, uiel cufU unrt acrming eoxtN. TUldbiS 1101.1, Y, (3 0) SlieriirKlouxfjonnly. Nidi. N.'h(oithir Couffh. I h id a lit i Id lwiy w ho wan nearly dead from an attack of wlujophi ooukIi. My nei;hbor rccommerulcd Chamberlain's (iouyh Remedy, I did not think that any medicine would Imlp' him, but ifu?r Slviiiff him a few dosolof that rmmedy I ncdiecd an improvomont, and one bottle cured hint entirely. It is the lient cou'rH niedk-ine I ever hud In the bone'-.J, J Moore, South I'.urfrotlstowii, Pa, For salu by Dr. J, K, Phinney, !n Ham3ss, Saidlas, Brides Sc. A SPECIALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. ft 51.75 1.70 h - 1.70 $ 1 75 t - 1-55 i CIlAiJLE.i ITMJ'HSSOl.R f'Tj'TTS TbebmmJ rnprneutea in this notice '. - J 1:1:1! uraltilod any whore 011 left side f i ,-'"! A!o the L I. .brand any wliore r ( ' J J'-fL ido of cattle belongs to tfc Ca.iiti.Es fjMrHEjtoua. liarrisoB, Jiebraskft, Cti vx: 1...-5 m;wman. frr Th; brana reprenentecl in tbi notice K' ' i ttm' branded miy where on left side !-.".- j or cattlo, and orer-lup t from the I.''...",'. ' riRbt ear. f.'ij".;! A,S,J brand on left thisrb of L. bortiea, belongs to the niKlerssigned. ttatige nciir Lust bprings, sontb part to SiOQX eouilt.y. CIIAEI.K'i iiBWMAN, Harrison, Neuraaka. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Good May & Stock Ranch for sale. CrlJBLES SCHILT- -o- r'.i p p.?i',wi viialit'.', f??" s i - H'-CST V1GOH i tlia-tt "t3 t 2 m 2 8 St..i-.V-,r,)3 MAf!H003 Cu:-i."3 Ixpc toncy, I'irlit laKhaionsand vastJuf uleoare:-, all t-Hccts of nclf. "' T'C;a!juf,e or excess and indis ''r.'"icrut.j.on. A nerve tonic and .,'"'"' V':s':l:' l'1''-'"'-'-''' Krlr,"'! th; C.'pink r.-iov." to palo cliecks and j''. "'.' l'f-ftl'orr a tli c lire of youth. nail RQe per bos, (Iboxca for .'!! ...Vj; v. s:,i ft vrliiVr. cu:tr-in- , Send for circular, Afidrcsa, NCSVITA PDICAL CO. Clinton &oitic:i Ct;.f CMICAC'tf, ILL. Sold lly Dr. J. I. riiimiey. THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL r;77 ,; cures - If'' iV-.SIIIousnoos, l j r " sick -Head- iv- r'-icno und Liver Complaint. 100 PILLS 25 CTS. 'Hold by nil rtrnfrglste or eni, y in all. NcrrltaMelkaiCCM, S.M !tT Dr. J. E. Pli j. i- 7 f ( ,: w r I ."V 4 I j f". .... .