The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 04, 1899, Image 8

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    How To
8 Sioney.
mi Amah
If you are tired of paying high pricen you
can make money by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylisli
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all magazines at 3.00 in Boston, we Fell
this, graceful shoe for right here at home
and save you GOc express besides.
All other leather goods vill be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
.In Clothing, Drygoods and
ern catalogue prices; no
,rcoH may come,
t r.i i.,i-r'-!i:n:!:
s-piing Ladies and Mies.OO
Spring Hats for
Come it we for
also ha n
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
esides we have full line of Crockery.
If you want a suit of clothes made
to order we are Agents for
Royal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, Prop.
TncKSDAY. May. 4th. 1899.
G. D. Canon, Editor and Prop,
T..Z. fX.yn.lL lini
Going W est. Going Kant.
-He. 8, mixed, 11 :S0 1 No. 6. nnxed- 8 0
E. M. V. R. B. is the best
to and from the
-The Weslyan Quartet Singers ad-X
vertised to give an interesting ecter-V
taimiwnt at the M. E. church in Ear-6
prison, Tuesday evening, iiiay, a iJ,0
Twill be here without faiL
O' Tickets will be sold at the Post
. OofficebyP. B. Bigelow.
Reserved beat Z'k
The Clover Leaf Club, will give its
econd annual entertainment at Acd
rews hall "Slay 0th 1 HOD. Following is
the Prorrame:
Sons' Welcome,
Drama Two Uhost in white,
Song Dear old village school,
Drama Sweet Family,
fiong Goodnight,
After program we will serve Ice cream
sand cake.
Ice cream and cake 10c a dish.
Admission 10c
Entertainment begins at 8 o'clock.
Ladies Hats and Men's
"Hats. Girls Hats and Roy?
Hats. A complete line 3 net
received at Bartell's.
J. H. Cook was a Harrison visitor
this week.
A. L. Staudenmeir was a Harrison
imtor on last Monday, he reported his
family as somewhat under the weather
from the effects of a severe cold.
Frank Bacnart, of Bodarc, has snUr-
d the employ of Perry White, and will
accompany the family to Oering where
'ha will drive a team all summer for Mr.
. Lee Dickinson wu up from the
fiuaka creek country Monday and Tues
day doing business with county Judge
WUaon, relative to his being appointed
Administrator of bis brother's estate.
Joseph Dickinson, deceased.
Charles Orewall, came op from East
fipnaf Saturday, went to the valley
, tmi received about 500 head of cattle
f mm differ parties in tha t neighW
hwd whtcn he, will heard during the
fHMMf M his But Springs range. lie
pmmt through br with tbe cattle
Groceries we will meet all East
matter from what joint
In addition to our
e, we are -Hbij? tl?i
J. E. PIIiNNEY. M. I).
Phj Istian sad Surgeon.
411 calls f. ra promyt atlcutSon.
Ofllce In t'rug fjtore.
t'E" Prwhicg every otlitr Fa'iVah
at 11 o'flocka. m., and everv labba.h
evening at 8 o'clock at th 31. Jl cliun-h.
Every W.y invited to atu.tiJ.
Rct. J. L. Ke.vdall. P-i.-itor,
KTLadi arid Cliildren's
Hats trimmed up to suit, on
short notice at BjeteixV
11. J. Gay hart, of Slontrose was in
Uarrison the first of the week on business.
Olnev Kr.dai! tuiurai from tli
Chadron Academy on lat Mwda noon. !
T , T-. ,i , . . , .. , !
John P i 1,1 ar.I Si. a ,h twp ly'f i
.'" ' " i
of Hat Cr;k, were Ilarrisun visitors on
last Monday.
W, B. Wripht, has taken a claim
west of to n doubtless for tbe pur;ose
of having range for his stock.
Rev. Kendall will do the plastering
on Egbert Eohwer'a new Houm, which
carjjenter Bartktt has now alxut ready.
Judge Wilson, who has ixn at
Wheatland, Wyo., during the past two
or three weeks, returned to Harrison on
last Sunday afternoon.
D. H. Griswold and A. McGinley, r.f
this place who hav Wo taking io the
sights at O.'fjug, th pal wp.-k, r'irn.d
from tlinir trip on la.t Frk'ay nvtn'.tsg.
Sir. and Mrs. Cis. CoITw a.-.d son
came op from, on last Monday
noon, they expect to be at homo to thair
many friends after this, at their Hat
Creek ranch.
County Clerk Blewett, returned
from a buniness trip to Omaha, and oth
er eastern points on lat Friday noon, he
was accompanied by his brother Henry,
who exp-nits to remain in Sioux county
William Voight, of Soldier creek,
was a pleasant caller at this sanctum on
last Monday. Ye were pleased to meet
him, as is one of our esteemed surcrib
rs,and called to make ye editor happy,
many thanks, call again when ia town.
Charles Newman, precinct assessor
for Running Water made his returns to
the county cierk on last Monday and his
books will show the valuation of person
al property in his precinct to be upwards
of $73,000. which together with the real
estate, will rub the f 100,000 mark pretty
Following are the list of jurors
drawn by tbe county commissioners last
Friday to ere at tle May 1899, term of
Leslie Crane, C, E, A. Estler,
Carl. Ueumier, N. L. Tipton,
Alex. Lowrey, Chas, Camen.ind,
Frank Nutto, B. L. 8m tick,
OttoTietze, Peter Allison,
Henry Warneka, John Serres,
Wm. Stull, J. B. Bradley,
Tbos, Curran, T. C. Burson,
M. H. Green, J. C, Alexandar,
Henry Dickmat), C. A. Tuddy,
M. J. Carroll. Robert Harrison,
ileory Kreeman, Au;, Meier,
The place to Get Good
Bargains at all tiroes is at
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ii:t Goods, Drv Go? ds, Xo-
.M iliinerv.
line of
lbs. k 'nlihv: JIats and
Gaps to rait the times.
Ladief and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children.? Foot Wear care
fully considered.
' i 1
t- i t -i
For LtcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
ana bait: in tact
kept in a well regulated store.
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do icr you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
lUE!s 51 A K I J
The unders'gnsd juct located
in io-.ver north-west corner 'oorn
prepared to do ail kinds of d,-ess-making
and Eov'inT m hor l:no.
The atrona of tle it.M;r- i
V e jruaranteu iatiNf action an
our cbare-s will be rtcisnnaUta.
I'OK.v:-T.. M
cf-dy on Ajml S'-Hi a
partins liu n ; v. , i
R-a't miliir in si
o'lnm. of
tlie A.lii.'!,-e'r il lii': "'"-.'' ' '
property, of linMuau Ooi-i., ...-.i- '. ji
The jury "in the Mrs. G.rj; murder
trial aft'.r i.-eiosr out 24 houM br.-ju.;iit i n i f
w'"' "f not Kilty. 'i'ii- s.r.
rve a a warning to all Ucilrovur
tiOtjifis an 1 v;r u.-
W. E. Bigelow, who left S:os
counly about a year and a l&lf asro for
Orejron, reiurnuJ to llarrisoa yahterday
Mr. B. came hack to settle up his t.usi
ness aiTairs afU:r which ha will locate in
Logan cou n ! y Colorado.
VencelVr Martiiiez, fifd wife came
down from Lusk yesterday and will vis
it at tiie home of Sir. and Mr. Marcos
Vaidsz. 2dr. Martinet, Will rsiurn to
his work af ter a short t;iy but his better
half will remain possibly all f.utrimcr.
Oww? to nonie aligtt differe.n- W
tweeu t'.e u '.. t ,a.':t rst'..' in tbts
estate of tt la'e Ikriuan Gou.!d'.;cti.
aed, ur p-rual frnJ and RiercW.t
Louis (k-rinclj wan s.iccted by both sides
as adminkstrator, we doubt if a better or
mere trustworthy person could have
been chosen for if uprightness and hones
ty, coupled with a through understand
ing of busineM for anything:, tlieo
Mr. Ger1a.-:h i the wan whom the par
ties displayed prudence in selecting.
At the entertainment given at An
drews Hall Monday night by Prof Poun
er, of Mith Center Kan., a blind rnun
who awarded a prizes to the roost popular
youns lauly, a prize to the most iif;ly
man in town. The result was that Miss
Mamie Gerlach rweived the prize for be
ing the most popular young lady a gold
tend rinj;, and Burt Bmuck the prize for
being the homhest man in town, a pair
of socks. The vote stood Miss Marley,
00 and M.w Gerlach 75. We did not
hear what the vole was on the ngly man
but presume it was unanimous.
Many old soldiers now feel the effects
of the hard service they endured during
the war, Mr. Geo. S. Andi rson, of Ros
ville, York county, Peun., who saw the
hardest kind of service svt the front, is
new frequently troubled with rheuma
tism, "I had a severe attack lately," he
eays, "and procured a bottle of Chamber
lain' Pain Balm. It did much pood
that I wou d like to know what you
would charge me for one dozzen bottles"
Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own
use and to supply it to his friends and
n?ighbors. as every fami!y should have
a bottle of it in the r home, not only for
rheumatism, but lame hack, sprain,
swellings', cuts, bruin- an J burns, for
which it is iine'j'iallei For sale by J)r.
J, E. Phinnev,
and lln. So'.m IZ. ltn- Over In V,'' (im!si''.
If 1 fssr& fesi
The place to Get Good
Bargains in Bnbbers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felts and Rubbers,
Oar line of GROCERIES
are One. as we always aim
to buy Good, Firrli Good:
i such as we know would
suit all our Cu'-Urmera.
Ve carry a complete line
of FLOFR A FEED; all
Flour eun ran teed. Ah
we carry HARDWARE
J Building Matei ial.
nn tkyw n Jfi
nearly evervtninrr
n you
(iiuxx (;uTii;:ir.,
mat!. rs
Court'-, :
I vivifti to all lKi
(."oiitity aud I Mrn:t
i t!u l,U:ii Staler
written in reliable
;:rt:H.i'iy i'.r iv. n.
Fire Innumnce
Willi cr
v,'ii in.,' -r:i'i 1 y.r.
put O.Jt Stbobt -''' ::. -. M
W.iii:tn Jcuii:;jt'; !; is :..? ;
ar.d pump, lie Mays that Jw
burro it.-ir water and will
wmd mill
I?, tired of
now have
water to loan.
Charlie Thomas has tr-xUA a new
wind mill and pump on hi claim iu
Wwt pleasant l!id;;e.
The Hide's seems to he on the boom
tiiis fprm and we pr;di-t a bright fu
ture ff.r it soon. At lact if we gtt at.y
amount of moisture it will blossom like
ti'.t rosn.
Kurriest Lyons breaking prarie lor
Hill Biiatto oil hi'-; chum iu:r the fcchool
Hill Shatto ant !, brother Howard
are kept busy drilling noils. They were
drilling for Mr. Bigelow near Harrihon
last week.
L. I'J, Wilson moved f;om the valley
onto his claim the Br-at cf the week. He
will put (ml a crop and do borne fancing
this m -ton.-
Bam Hi;imnn moved his family from
the Lo Wili-on pliwe tti tlie lliis farm
d.wn in the valiy, thu Hril of th week.
He will busy himself loookin after his
hor.-s near the Hat creek store, this
Itney Button talks of running a herd
in the neighborhood of his claim near
Van I springs.
On Ittfct Friday tfiis locality was visit
ed by a snow storm which laMt-d about
fi. heurs and covered tlie grouixl to tlie
depth of three inches. On liut .Sunday
niorniri-; i; te a fiiower of nin foil, no
Unit the ground w iu fine condition.
At the jintnril ire'.tm held in Hist.
o, i, on last Monday J. II, Xewliu was
elected clerk for the ensuing term of 3
Culturf' is Hcht Ac(julr-d ut
There is a mikluken idea of culture
prevalent. Culture does not mean
merely committing to memory a great
number of facts out of text-books, but
it does mean a careful and thoughtful
assimilation of every bit of knowledge
tliut forties our way for the purpose of
making ourselves more iuUllij-'ent, more
noble, mote helpful humxn being, and
where ran he found a hatter w hool for
the development cf the aStribni' s than
in a wirly and proerly conducted home
ii.y Jjulie Hume Journal.
Un lU- :rL AU J. J. Zntrsi.-niii'iTi, M-t. r,ut ;uj orchard
' r tt -i , i -... .,,,;... i ... ..t i... . ,....!-
IfiilillL DEWEY
- Q d M U BBB m b a m -
B3 110 fffi TP
bLM .a Or' or U
nsM i His 0
Marsteller broS.
April )', ;.-..
,:. I. !! II. ( t li
.nun- r,.iiiiii:c
ir,.-i.-i:n;4- v...
., a r-r ; i 'si, i'.
.urnnit-uf- t
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hi. J. HLJiVrtTT, t l4!rt.
l!:iliT.i. N. ii.. A: r.l is 1
P,i:irl of l-uij:
iiT :utt i. a I k,
;))" Ji.n.r'i pr
fii;p:. I uj.i iH-
!y ( ., ii.ii.. ... i met a
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in II-,.- in
ii'l li .-il rt tlJ'
'. IllCil tu Ii A 11
.S1..V U:tiu ul'
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.1 I'lM.-.r
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fjeiieral I.
u i' v i :: )
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H oioe iriii -t to 1lic
W,v.'i i i . l,t!i-'i Oi iioi1. mi rl.Ttmn Hi
V.-, M.ii r, li. it ' .iii-il ! u pr.pwi II.mi
lUe miiiili-r o3 Jdf.i:., it, ii.ii.1 pn-rim t Iruin
tm vol.: r;il ut Hi-:" 1-ihv,1 .flccliim
ii.'Ml i;t i?v.l f.n L-ii.-i.
The folloslnsc list of names of pt?roi
i ,,ib.' lii .l.iui, iiuii a.'.cwlij 1 io.
tu.i acvi riti precincts.
Dsve (olsill'-, v-ls liiilrickwm, A. T.
,ii'!mn, t. h. A. F.stter anl Aie. Lvrey.
Antiope - 5.
ham t-ec'.liif; anil Aug. Ultix.
I'.owcn - 12.
John II. Rnriell, K. A. ltleelow, Peter Hour
ret, ( liar!. ( iiiiieiizilKl, J. M. CorMn.w. 1.
fioyt, K. ,V. I.lvermori', Frank Jiutto, H. I.,
huiurk, iit 'f ictzo, S. L. Tlj.lon antl iienr j
Cottonwotfl 5.
T. C. iturnon, i. W. Iivfs, Hofwrt Kergu
sou, Carl Hi uuilir utnl 4;. W. I'ercy.
Jlut Creek-
J. H. Ilra'tiry, Daniel Jordan, Ilonilnick
IIM, John r. Mayor, Joint Serres, '!.. V. Ant
rhii, M. J. Cttrrull iiii.1 John KbeMecber.
Montrose 5.
J, C. Ali iiiii'ler, A'liiiii llaiiiiiKsri!, Jobn, Au&. M"ler Hint John Meitnlnif.
ICuuiiln;; Water 2.
William Ilourret uii'l ('. tirewull Jr. .
Snake ("r-k
Tliouiss f'urrau and I. I,, lit!.
T. F- t.ohlen, Jolin W. IHxwd, RotK-rt Hitr
rUou aud and licorge Jm oliey.
WBrliono' t - 5.
!.!: ( ran, lU'iiry Dlckmao Sr, I.. I)ut,
It, I.. Keel ami Jitmei bmlwlc.
V. hlitlw I'rwk - S.
I'rter Alliwa, Jsuies Lu. r.ilHj tsri'l Juckson
White Klvrr-7.
M. Il.tireen, c, f. Ksltrom, Henry Krws
Uuii, IinnnlH Mora.i, U. A. l'uiMy, William
Mull inl J. T. M.iu.
m motion lwiard (ljarnet till 9 g, m.
April ), hf.V
S-tnte of .S'. bmnka,
Moiix County. 4"- Vfo hereby certify
that the within and foregoing
of the mimes of the (wisotu olfffl l.ln to sorre
Fetlt Jurors selected by ut suil furnished
to the county Clerk, for the My isiiy, term
of the Ulnlrli t Court a required by law.
Si'ulM. ! ' ,,aDty 'o'ainlsioneri.
M. J. Btiwtn,
County Clerk.
Hnrrlsoii, !)., April !9, Mi.
Itoiird nu t ift arfJunruniKut.
rrt.'iit MHiifriiioaer Meug und Procua.
ler aji4 Clerk,
On ii.ollon the fallowing appolntruunts
witi iimlr
1, 8. Mcfutoan, Jostle of tu In
White Illvcr prwluct; John Curran, Justice
(Contiuued on JiliVorial P.tjfw.;
n n
f 11
ifl 'IIS i
ee Willi
M r; g
For 'Sale-
We Avill he in Harrison nu
next Saturday May Hh v,1t!ir
l.VU head of t-irinrer.-', yearl' rl(MT;4 and heifers 'and on
May J .'5th we will have
".KJ ;nore. Ml tbeso ratl-'o
will for rale, and are from
Stanton county Neh.
For Sale: a stnd Coit,
three-year-old, fired by an im-
:1, thoroaj
darned by
i bred .St.-ij-i;cvert-ciphli-i
Shire. Colt
can he sei-ri at
iny residenco la War-bonnet
prechict. Chas JiiEiiLE.
r'' Don't m-wl tt) Mont-
" ffoniary, V.'ard & Compny
or to Elkhart, Indiana, for
yonr IlarncHw. I can fdl
you bettor prooda and much
r!;ea pt?r. If you are open for
n-mviction come and learn
for yourself.
Eggkkt H on wit e.
How To Fitnl Out.
Fill a hottie or common gla-ss eiih
your water and let it stand twenty.four
hours: a sediment or settling indicatesan
unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it
stains your linen it is eviden ee of kidney
trouble; too desire to pass it or
pain in the b;ick is ulso convincing: proof ,
that the kidnys and hladdtr are out of
What TO Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge eo
often expressed that Ur, Kilmer's Kwamp '
Root the threat kidney remedy fulfills
ev.:ry wi-h in curing Hieunialisra, pain
in the Lack, kidneys, liver, bladder and
e very part of the -nrinary passa(jis. It
corrects inability to hold water and scah
ding pain in passing it. or bad effect fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or ber, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
beitiff compelled to go often during U
day, and to get up many times during
theniKht. The Mild and the extraordi
nary ellct of Swamp Hoot is soon rwmlix.
ed. ft stands the hiffhust for it wonuwr.
ful cures of the most distressing ctuwe.
If you need a medicine you shonld hae
the lx-tt. At dru twists fifty cents or one
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tlla more about it, both sent
absolutely five by mail if you send your
acldtf ss Id Dr. Kilmer & Oo., Binfrham.
ton H. Y, When writinnf be aura anlt
mention that you rend this ireneroua
offer in the Sioi'X CotHTY JiWgWAL.
?l)'orHnki A three-fourtna Htunf C
ai 1 1 : . i . . ft k .
yniaiuon, lour-jears oiu, A
J.C.L. RAnouvp.