II U ! '1 4 WHITHER ARE This contributor hu no disposition to become a Jeremiah. . Be recognizes the (act that Jeremiahs are useful, and the Hebrew prophet a patriot who warned his countrymen of the dangers coming upon them. Had they heeded him there would have been no sorrowful captivity and the desola tion that made Jerusalem a heap ot ruins. We know of the tears of the Divine Man who wept over the re morseless city that rejected him. Enjoying a degree of splendor as the cosmopolitan center of the east, with Herod's temple gradually approaching completion, its privileged classes twist ed and subverted the law and ground the poor down to the earth. It would not heed the wornings uttered against It, but persecuted men and hurried them to martyrdom. Bands of robbers roamed everywhere and made the caves their fastnesses. Factions broke out. The holy cHy was filed with partisans of John and Simon, who devoted their time to killing each other and the Ro mans. In the year the temple of Herod was completed the armies of Vespasian and Titus encompassed it with trenches. The succeeding horrors have thrilled the centuries. The children of Israel were decimated and plucked up by the roots. Their land became a desolation. For nineteen centuries Judah has been an exile and a wanderer with no rest for the sole of his foot, a cup of sorrow and rrembllng in his hand, singing the songs of Zion in a strange land. The holy, chosen people were crushed because they would not obey the law. But Is rael has turned to love the law. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, i Turning from this notable instance of ancient history, let us see if modern na tions have been blameless, and If they, too, have adhered to the mandate. "Thou shaK love thy neighbrr as thy self." In other words, let us see if Eng land and France, as well as our own land, have lived up to the rules of un selfish love and Justice, and If In vio lation of these principles they have been plunged Into revolution and blood shed. It Is unnecessary to enter Into de tailed history. The important epoch of England was In the reign of Charles I Inflated with being a "king by God's grace," James had written to the speaker of the house of commons that none in parliament should presume henceforth to meddle with anything concerning tils' government. I'nder his reign began the colonization of New England and Virginia, and the struggle between the crown and the reople that was to eventuate In civil war. the su premacy of Cromwell and the execution of an English king. Disgusted with James the people Joy ously welcomed the accession of Charles t. He was regarded as one who would create anew the freedom of England But his French marrtags and the fa vorite, Buckingham, led to his undoing. Buckingham was assassinated. Henri etta Maria refused to be crowned queen of England. An inglorious war induced the king to call his tlrst parliament to grant supplies. In this parliament were Eliot, Coke, Pym, Hampden and Went worth. They were determined to re truct the powers of the king and have parliament exercise some of the royal functions. The parliament sat two months and refused to vote money to help the French king, aided oy Charles, gainst the Huguenots. This was the beginning of the English revolution. Charles attempted to carry on his government by forced loans. Not suc ceeding, he called another parliament, but got no relief. It was dissolved. A third parliament was called. In which Oliver Cromwell appeared for the first time After futile struggles for the peo ple It waa also dissolved. Charles called no other parliament for eleven years. He governed with absolute power. The tar chamber was employed to deprive Englishmen of liberty and confiscate their property The king's proclema tlons had the force of statutes. Men's ears were cut off freely for expressing their opinion. The church, the nobil ity, the privileged classes and t he wealth of England sided with the king. MONOPOLIES SPRUNG UP. Monopolies were created. Soap, leath er, salt and other commodities were put under the control of commercial oligarchies, known in our day as the "trusts." The courts were prostituted. Against these Influences the people ar rayed themselves. John Hampden re fused to pay the ship tax, but wag hope, lessly beaten In a partial court The Scotch covenanters Invaded Eng land. Charles called the short parlia ment which sat only three weeks. Crom well appeared In thir parliament. The king sent it borne The Scots who had drawn back again advanced. Charles called the long parliament. Oliver Cromwell appeared In this parliament. He was then 43 years old. War ensued Cromwell organized his Ironsides with the farmers" boys It was invincible. It brought Charles to the block. Eng , land became a nation of jeglcides. It waa freed from despotism The trusts, the corporations, the privileged classes, th church and the king no longer held absolute sway over the masses. Un der Cromwell the monarchy disappear ed. Is there no warning lesson In this to certain classes of the American peo ple T Under Richelieu, France became a centralised monarchy. The nobles were humbled and the power of the king ele vated In the reign of Louis XIII. During the first years of tl.e reign of Louis XIV. France was prosperous. It held the moat prominent place In European politics and civilisation. "I am the Taiata." declared that monarch. Prov- lace or colonies were added to the kingdom, the ireasui y waa full, ana ft am.! even where victorious. The lunar waa absolute. But misfortunes Yam. WE DRIFTING? The revocation of the edict of Nantes exiled thousands of the people, the rev enues decreased, the treasury was x- housted, the country impoverished and Louis died millions of dollars In debt The people were discontented, but could give no reasons for thetr discontent. Under Louis XVI. the court ef France was the government. There was no con stitution. The states general had not met for more than a century The only valid authority was the king. He could Interfere with the processes cf the courts. OFFICES WERE BARTERED. Office holders swarmed. He had 250.- 000 to gather the land and income tax alone. Four thousand offices conferred nobility on the incumbents, making them exempt from taxation and mili tary duty. These offices were publicly sold as a means of raising revenue. It cost $12,000 to become a member of the Paris parliament and $100,000 to be come its president. Offices were some times sold to several persons at once. who held them alternately for stated periods. The people under this svslfm consisted of the nobility and the clergy (the privileged classes), and the third estate. The nobility was exempt from the land tax and military service and paid only an insignificant class tax They owned more than one-half the soil, oirr which they enjoyed certain exclusive rights. The church owned about one-sixth of the soil with an income of $32,000,000 yearly, on which it paid no tax. About $8,000,000 of this were received by the priests and curates, the $24.0OO.0M were bestowed by the king on the younger members of the noble families who were required to render no service a an equivalent. The third estate, the plain people, the unprivileged class, had the whme bur den and expense of the government. Taxes were levied between tne prov inces. On either side of the line of ad Joining provinces different systems of axation prevailed. Natural adjustment between supply and demand was pre vented In one province would be abundance, and scarcity In another. Public officials made enormous fortune in speculations. In one province salt cost 21 cents per 100 pounds. Over the line, in the next province. It was worth $2.20 to $3.0G. A fortune could be made by simply hauling a wagon across toe line This Illustrates the protective tar iff system when carried to an extreme. POOR MAN'S BURDEN. The people grew more discontented. Voltaire, Rousseau. Diderot and others told them what the trouble was. and who it was that stole their food The government was bankrupt, the people were starving, the privileged classes among the nobility and the churcb ran riot over the masses. The nobility and clergy absolutely refused to be taxed. In 178 a hall storm destroyed the crop In 17ss the states genera1 assembled. The votes were polled by classes, and the third estate was overruled. In the following June the third constituted it self the national assembly. The Ja cobins appeared and Robespierre was the apotheosis of those human tigers. The guillotine was the executioner cf the absolute monarchy. One million human beings were the sacrificial vic tims of the appalling system the French people rose against and overwhelmed In blood. Is there no lesson for us to learn from these things? Are we so sure of our ground that we can feel certain these things will not come to pass in our own land? Will the revulsions of England and France overtake us? They were law abiding nations. So are we. They en dured wrongs for centuries. Can we? Are we certain the Lord Is not tramp ing out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored, and that the fate ful lightning; of his terrible sword will not fall upon us? When the Dutch vessel landed a cargo of slaves on the banks of the James river, did we real ize tbac it would become a serpent whose fangs would strike at the life blood of our country? Did we suppose the pulpit would proclaim slavery a di vine institution? Did we dream that when we Invaded Mexico to extend the system of human bondage, that this union would be nearly rent In twain, that deatj would hold his high court among a holocaust of victims, and that human blood would run In streams to expiate the awful crime? "Let him that thlnketn he standeth, take heed lest he fall!" SEEDS OF DISINTEGRATION. Are there no seeds ot trouble In our government such as afflicted rFance and England? Let us aee. The trusts are In the saddle. The "cries of the reapers"- the farmers who toll In the sunshine and the rain are still heard in the land. The sweat shops of the cities are doing their deadly work. The energetic, pushing, producing men of the country have been reduced to beg. gary. Mortgages have swept away the homes and earnings of a lifetime. More than half of the American families own no homes. The wealth and capital of the nation are passing into the hands of the few. Nearly forty billions of dollars of the real and personal prop erty escape taxation. Nearly $680,000, 000 of church property pays no taxes. Clreat companies are at work draining the capital of the country Into the money centers of the east to control ani influence legislation. Among their officials and employes are and have been numbered a vice president, a cabinet officer, a speaker of the house of representatives,, a su prme Judge of the United States, gov ernors, senators, representatives and other public men. Public officials are openly charged with bribery. Judges have been disbarred. Other Judges have filched the treasuries and evaded the laws the courts are sworn to en force. It is claimed a Judge nullified the nallonal law by changing his mind. Millions were lost to the revenues by the change. Tramps have swarmed like the locusts of Egypt. Industrious woiklng men have been thrown out of employment. Men loving liberty are hu.itid In the jungles of the Philip pines. American soldiers have been "embalmed" with the beef they eat. Sons of nobodies have been preferred over veteran soldiers. Favoritism Is the rule A "pull" Is the surest way to success. In some of the states Inmates of the penitent is ry hsve been doubled. A moneyed aristocracy Is being forced upon us.' Caesar In his palmiest days never dreamed of suck a plight. Ars wt drifting to Niagara? JB. T. TEST. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. Advances In wages continue to be th order of the day. Several concerns lfl the iron industry have made a second advance. We have now In this country over 17,000 power looms for broad illk weav. lng and (,000 power looms for ribbon weaving. The Canadian Dry Goods Review says American manufacturers of silk and felt hats are cutting out the Eng lish goods in the Dominion. American silk mills now supply two thirds of the heme market. It la, also safe to say that the American mills now consume at lest 25 pi cent annually of the entire world's surplus production of silk. The Invention cf a machine which will automatically fold, wrap and ad dress newspapers is announced. It was recently tested in New York and found to be a phenomenal success. Two men can operate six machines, thereby do lng the work of twenty-four men. The machine will soon be put on the market Notwithstanding advanced prices heavy contracts for the export of steel rails are announced fium day to day. A Baltimore dispatch announces that the Maryland Steel works are to make 75,000 tons of rails for the Manchurian branch of the great Siberian railway. The Japanese have of late years be come larger consumers of our wire nalla. Our factories on the Pacific coast have been kept busy making nails specially adapted to Japanese require ments. Only German manufacturers have competed for this trade, but this country has sold a hundred tons where the Germans have been able to sell one. The recent increase in the wages of the cotton operatives is but one of the many signs that prosperous times are ahead of us. The increase of wages In this industry will amount to more than $75,000 weekly, writes M. A Murphy in the New E'ngland I'rlnting Trades Jour nal. This money will not be Idle; it means the manufacture of more cloth ing, shoes. In fact, everything that tends to make the living of the wage- earner more comfortable. The output f metals In Canada for 1SS8 has been reported to the state de partment at Washington. The total Is put at $21,622,602 The gold amounted to $13, 7 00, 000. of which $10,000,000 came from the Yuk"n district. Silver came to about $2.W.fKrt. copper. $2.U9,5i; nickel, $1,620,838; lead. $1,206,333, and iron, $152,610. The production of copper has increased considerably, but that of lead has fallen off So has the output of silver and asbestos. LATE INVENTIONS. In an improved ear starter the lever Is pivoted on a horizontal pin suspend ed in two hinged members, the latter forming a clamp m grip the rail when pressure is applied on the lever. In a new burglar alarm the floor in front of the door is cushioned normally to separate metallic contact points, the latter closing a circuit when a person enters the room, lighting a lamp and ringing a bell. A company has beep formed In Illi nois for the manufacture of an artificial stone resembling marble, the compo nents of the substance being glue, wa ter, ammonia, glycerine, alum and plas ter of Paris. To assist in Illustrating eclipses and the phases of the moon, a Maine wo man has patented a tellurian, with i lamp attached to represent the sun, the earth and moon revolving around It on horizontal arms. Doctors win appreclatt a new medl cine case having hinged partitions with spring clamps for the bottles, the ends of the case dropping Into horizontal position and exposing paper tableas foi writing prescriptions. A newly designed canopy support for bed Is attached to the headboard by brackets and Is made of stiff wire, sus pending the weight of the canopy from one end of the bed and leaving the foot for the removal of clothes. Seamstresses will appreciate a new far. attachment for sewing machines, a ventral shaft being set In a frame on the machine table, with a friction wheel at the bottom of the shaft to engage the flywheel of the machine, an ordl nary fan being fastened to the top of the shaft. Lamp shades can be easily removed from a Dew bracket, having a channel formed around Its outer edge for the reception of a wire ring, the latter bending over the flange of the shade st Intervals, with slots formed In the channel to pull the wire In and release the shade. Composer Of course, t can't write opera that everybody will be pleased with. Mansser I don't ask you to do It All I ask you to do Is to write operas that everybody will pretend to be pleased with. RELICIOUS NOTESi Over IS rer cent of all foreign mis. slonarles sre women. There are 3,750.000 persons In London who never enter a place of worship. The International committee of the Toung Men's Christian association de sires supplies of good reading mattet for the army In Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands. A number ol traveling libraries consisting of fifty oi more volumes would be appreciated by the men In Cuba and Porto Rico, when the regiments are divided Into small detachments. Two stones, one from the site of th Church of the Nativity of Bethlehem the other from the same deposit of stone from which the holy sepulchel was excavsted, have been presented bj the patriarch of Jerusalem to Blshoi Wlgger and wilt compose lbs cornet stone of the cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Newark. N. J , to be laid Janet 4 AGRICULTURAL SELECTION IN HOUSE BREEDING There are indnaticns that after a con slderable period ot depression the brie lng of torses n th.s country is to be resumed, and It is to be hoped that the resumption will te along light lines. We have in a number of articles Indi cated what, In our Judgment, was the first step in breedir.g horses as they ought to be bred It rcnusts. in brief, of the use ct the best tire cl the desired type within reach, cn he best brood mares that can be obtained. But. as the wcrk progress, these who at tempt to grew horses and who recog nize the necessity for growing good ones, should frmly fix In mind the im portance of selection in any breeding operations that are to be attended with success. A decade ago the country was full of Imported stallions of the draft and coacher breeds, and among them were a great many good ones. They were used, too, In serving at least some good brood mares, and In view of the pains that have been taken to secure good bleed In this way, one's first feeling in regard to the present situ ation is one of disappointment that the horses of the countiy have not been improved thereby. Examine the prac tice, however, and the reason becomes obvious. Those who grew good colls permitted themselves to be tempted by the $!0, $25 or $50 more that they would bring than anybody was willing to pay for the poor ones, and the consequence was that they sold everything they had that waa worth selling, and kept for their own use the stuff that nobody would buy. They parted with the cream to the horse buyer and retained the skim milk for their own use. When any breeder undertakes to han dle and Improve a herd of cattle he keeps the best and sells the culls. The three or four top rips that a breeder of swine grows in a season are not for Fale if he is a breeder who is working for improvement. The reason is that he knows he must retain them in order to make Improvement. The same thing is true In breeding horses. Suppose heavy ones sre wanted and the farmer has two or tbfee or four gocd mares cn which, by the use of a sire of the right type, he can grow colts that will aver age 1.400 pounds. Each year he will have one or two that will weigh 1.500 pounds at a given aire. If they are fil lies, and he will retain them, tils aver age from them when they come to he of breeding age, will probably be 1,500 pounds or upwards and his tops will go 1, expounds or more; and If he will con tinue to be guided by this Idea of selec tion in the direction he desires to go, he will at length reach weights as great as he cares to have thern. This, however. Is not what In the past the growers of horses did. Instead of re talnlng their 1,500-pound colts for their own use. they probably sold, from the top down, everything that the horse buyer would take, and what he would not take they kept for their own use. This being the general practice. It is not hard to tell why, In eplti of the former liberal use cf Improved blood, so little improvement Is visible In the character of the horses kept on the farm. The old experience ought to furnish Its lesson for the horse breeding opera lions of the future If draft horses are bred for, sell the ge'dlrgs and the culls, but keep the rood that have draft horse weight and substarre; If coachers are sought, retain tfce Kill's that hsve size, style and actlen Jvst the kind the horse buyer will lmpt you to sell If he can and find s market for Ihe rest of the produce. Upon wkalsver lines one Is working, if ary forward move ment Is to be expected, those colts that best fill the Ideal sought should be re tained. Progress may then be reason ably hoped for, but without selection It Is vain to expect It. Homestead. SELECTING SEEDS. Increased attention is everywhere be ,ng paid to the Importance cf more c&re. ful seed selection. Farmers are begin ning to feel that the teed must. In the first place, be clean, for on most farms the weed crop Is already considerably larger than serves any useful purpose. It must also be clean In the sense that the broken and shrunken grains be fanned out of It. These screenings are useful for feeding poultry and other stock, but are worse than useless when put Into the ground as seed. When we grow crops we want to produce plump, heavy grain, and, as "like produces like," seed of the kind the crop Is de sired to be should be planted. It is probably true that seed somewhat shrunken will have, other things being equal, a somewbet higher germinating percentage than plump grain. The tendency of certain experiments made with Minnesota wheat In seasons when, on account of the unfavorable season, It was doubtful whether it would answer for seed. Is In this direction, and H Is also supported by analogy. It Is a cor ollary of the well knewn principle In nature that the first duty of all life Is to perpetuate Its kind. Subject any plant to hard conditions, and while It will lose at other points, that which ensbles It to propagate Itself seems to be Intensified. In the breeding of do. mestlc animals, too, we think the scrub Is a surer breeder, ss a rule, than the highly Improved animal, but. the pro duct,' whether of the plump, heavy seed or of the Improved animal, is nuch the more desirable. While a larg er percentage of shrunken seeds may germinate, providing they be not too much shrunken, the plump seed will make the more vigorous plant and pro duce plump seed In Its turn. In selecting seed, therefore. It Is Im portant that the kind It Is desired to repr educe should be chosen. Many laraon babltually use a small magni- fylng glass In selecting small grain and grass seed, and the practice Is good one. In cleaning small grain seed the fanning milt should be run with a very strong blast In oruer to blow out all the light grains These, ot course, ate not lost, but may be used as feed Some farmers dump them into the bin with he grain that la to be sold, but this s hardly fair, and hardly ever pays because it is likely to affect the price more than the additional gain In quan tity compensates for. Homestead. HEALTH HINTS. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. By Dr John F. Grlnstead: There Is nothing more delicious than buckwheat cakes, thickly coated with butter and maple syrup, but It is the most indi gestible mass than one can eat. The cakes form a ball In the stomach that Is Just about as difficult for the 'digestive apparatus to distribute through the sys tem as if it were India rubber. To as similate It is so great a strain on the digestive system that frequent repeti tions of the task are almost certain to develop dyspepsia. We. eat enough In digestible stuff every day through ne cessity without adding to our woes by eating buckwheat cakes, which are ux urles. ' AC1I POISONING. By Dr. Vincent J. Mueller: Persons suffering from carbolic acid poisoning may be revived with proper treatment. A case Is cited of a 15-year-old boy, who swallowed nearly two ounces of carbol ic acid. He was In a limp and comatose state, unable to move a muscle; In fact, the pulse was Imperceptible. A pint of cream was poured Into the stomach, which was kneaded so as to mix thor oughly the cream and the carbolic acid. Dry heat was applied to the legs and arms, which were rubbed so as to stim. ulate blood circulation. Consciousness returned after three hours. Cream and unskimmed milk were administered be tween short Intervals for several hours. InBide of two days the patient had fully recovered. SMALL WOUNDS. By Pr. Henry J Scherck: Few people properly apt ririate the rare that should be given to small wounds of the hands and feet. For example, cuts, tears and splinter wounds of the extremities and the accidental cutting of the "quick" after raring corns too rlcsely. In many Instances serious results follow the absorption of septic matter, which may cause gores, extensive Inflammation and even blood poisoning. The practices so often Indulged In by some people of putting cobwebs and other strange materials on cuts is about the worst thing that could be done, for such material is as a rule but a col lector of dut and dirt Putting this on an open cut gives It the very best chance to become absorbed and cause trouble. When one receives such a wound the first and main object Is to secure ab solute cleanliness. Washing the wound carefully In clean water Is the very best way to attain that result. If one has convenient a little pure carbolic acid, the addition ot a tablespoonful to a quart ot water will be of benefit. Next bandage the wound so as to exclude any poisonous material from the outside. Be sure that the piece of linen or cot ton used Is clean, preferably fresh from the wash. Avoid using pieces of cloth torn from soiled clothing. Before allow, lng any one to dress or wash the wound see that he washes his bands carefully In soap and water. If these little hints be observed many disagreeable results will be avoided. GOOD BREAD. By Dr. John J. Harris; Corn, wheat or rye bread is good when properly pre pared and cooked. Corn bread Is the simplest and easiest prepared, and is probably the more wholesome, but not the most popular. Corn bread has the advantage of being palatable and nour ishing, when made up only with water and salt. Some form of this bread should be eaten at least once a day In every family. Egg bread, water bread (hoe cake), muffins, pancake, fried .much, much and milk or the crackling pone of the fathers consti tutes a good "roughness." Corn bread wKh buttermilk and but. ter la the American health food, par excellence. Wheat bread commands the most at tention because of Its universal use. The flour of the last generation was un doubtedly the most wholesome product, although not so white and fine as the knd now generally used. The loaves we see now have too much crumb. They are moist and heavy and pack In the stomach, resisting the digestive appa ratus. The rolls and biscuits ot our household are likewise too doughy and pancakes too leathery. Bread should be allowed to dry out for about 24 hours, becoming so-called stale bread, so that It can be cut with a dull knife or easily broken or crum bled between the fingers. Rolls, biscuit and loaves should be placed In the oven pan apart from each other, so as to crust out brown all around. Pancakes should be light and dry Bad bread Is a prolific cause of Indigestion. If one Is already afflicted with Indigestion, bad bread will retard a cure. Hot biscuits need not be eschewed, providing they are "good bread" to start with. A DANGEROUS TOPIC. "What has become of thst little girl who recites "Little Drops of Water?" asked one of the boarders. "Well," an swered the young man with wide ears, "with the present thsw In the streets and the possibility of s freshet up the river, her mother thought It would be just ss well to keep her quiet awhile." TRAGEDY OF HAUNTED HOUSf Blaln By the Knife With Which He) Committed Murder. Earllng. S. D. (Special.) Charles K Casmer Is In Jail here, charged with the murder of Frank W. Heppe April t. His defense Is that the crime was committed by a man already nearly five years In his grave. The residents of the neighborhood are to firmly convinced of something super natural in the killing that It Is doubtful If a Jury can be found In the country to convict a prisoner who alleges such manifestations. In the summer of 1892 Heppe and Thomas Barber formed a partnership, bought a bunch of cattle and engaged In business as ranchmen. Both were bachelors and lived In a sod house eleven miles north of this place. For two years they got on well to gether. Then a dispute arose concern ing a division of profits. Heppe left the ranch and commenced suit against his partner for an accounting. Before the case came to trial a settlement was effected, the partnership was re-established and the men resumed housekeep ing together. About two months afterward Heppe rode Into town and gave himself up to the authorities with the explanation that Barber had assaulted him and that he had killed him In self-defense. On visiting the house the officers found Barber lying where he had fallen. He had evidently been sitting or standing In front of a rude fireplace and had been killed by a knife thrust between the shoulders. The fact that he was stabbed in the back gave the caae an ugly look. Ileppe's version was that Barber was reaching for a gun kept over the fire place. As there was no witness to controvert this story the prisoner was acquitted. Public opinion was so trongly against him, however, that he sold his Interest In the ranch and left the country. While Heppe was In Jail the knife. with which Barber was killed, disap peared In a most mysterious manner. The night before the rase was called the prosecuting attorney saw the knife in his safe. He locked the aafe and iat down for an evening's work. Before leaving he reopened the safe and was astonished to discover that the knife had disappeared. He had not left the office during the evening nor had any- ne but himself entered It. Nothing else In the safe, which contained a consid erable sum of money, was disturbed. Soon after Heppe's departure it be ta n to be whispered that strange things were happening about the deserted cab In. Passing cattlemen said that groans, imprecations and shrieks for aid Issued from the windows, and sometimes a figure was seen moving inside. The majority spurred by at top speed after dark. The bolder scoffed at the tales, but no one cared to investigate closely. So far as known, the hut was never entered from the time Heppe left It until the night of April 13. Heppe himself and Casmer were the first to revisit it. After spending nearly five years on the Texas cattle ranges Heppe returned to the northwest and obtained employment on a ranch nearly 100 miles north of Earllng. Winter's ltorms drifted many head of his em ployer's cattle to the southward, and Heppe and Casmer, a fellow herdsman, were detailed to "round them up." On the 2d they entered Presno coun ty. Toward evening a snowstorm set In. Both men were exhausted and blinded by snow. Casmer suggested riding into Earling for shelter. On ths way, Heppe led him, either by accident of design, toward his old sod house. Heppe proposed stopping there for the night. The house was In a very dilapidated condition, but the cowboys built a fire on the hearth, produced their provis ions and a flask of whisky and were oon comfortable. It was late when they arrived, and when, after partak ing of their Impromptu luncheon, Heppe seated himself on a stump In front of the fire, on nearly the same spot where Barber had been stabbed five years be fore. Casmer thinks It was between 12 and 1 o'clock. Casmer says he had stepped to the Joor to see whether there were any signs of a cessation of the storm when he was startled by a yell of agony from his companion. Rushing Inside he found the latter lying on his face In front of the fire, his forehead actually in the embers and a knife sticking In 'Is back. Afraid -to stay In the house longer, he mounted his broncho and started for Earllng. He was unfamil iar with the country and soon became hopelessly lost. Such wb the story he told when found early the next morning, wander ing aimlessly over the prairie. His rescuers accompanied him to the cabin. Heppe was still on the floor with the knife sticking between his shoulder blades. On drawing It out the specta tors were horrified to discover that It was the same weapon which had so mysteriously disappeared from the Presno county prosecuting attorney's. safe. Casmer was brought Into town and locked up. Though he mlRht have pleaded self-defense with at least as good a chance of acquittal as Heppe be Insists that the latter was killed by an Invisible assailant. The knife has been fully Identified as the same as thai with which Barber was slain. Public opinion Is strongly with the prisoner. President Angell of the University of Michigan recently made an Interestlni Statement concerning the size and cur rent expenses of large universities Michigan, with 8.000 students, co.ti $4X0.000 a year; Yale, $.600 students. $000,000; Columbia, $.000 students, $'iV M0 and a debt of $1100.000; Harvard, J.Nf students, $1,200,000. v1 1 v , M n ""'1 jt