The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 27, 1899, Image 8

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    How To
s. (J
If you are tired of pay ins hih prices you
can make money by buying your goods at the
Every body loves a nice fittinc, Stylish
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all mazazines at 8'.0 in Boston, we sell
this graceful shoe for 2.75 right here at home
and Have you GOe express besides.
All other leather goods will be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drypocds and Groceries we will meet all East
ern catalogue prices; no matter from what point
good may cune. In addition to our gen
eral merchandise, we are celling this
spring Ladies and Misses 85.00
Spring Hats for $2.50
Come it see for
also ha n
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
Besides we have full line of Crockery,
If you want a suit of clothes made
Xo order wo are Agents lor
Royal Taylors of Chi
cago, Ills.
. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, prop.
Thursday. April. 27lh. 1890.
,Veo. I). Canon, Kl!tor and Prop.
F. E. , Jf. V E. it. lime tulilc
Going Went. Goiux East,
fllo. 5, mixed, 11 :3) No. . mixed :00
I .North-Westem
tf E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
f. e. & a. v. it. k.
Special F-kcursion to Hot Springs, S. D.
Excursion tickets, good returning 30
day from date of sale will be old to
'Hot Springs, S. D.. and return, at one
,far for the round trip $1.40, Tuesdays
.and Thursdays., April 11 and '.'"), lil!).
F. AERV, Agent.
Mass will be celebrated at the
residence of Antone Moravek's, in Harri
mn, April 29, 199, at 10 o'clock .. in.
Parties are requested to send their chil
dren from -10 years, and over who have
not been confirmed as the Bishop will
.confer coul1rm:ition in June.
All memliers should lie present.
Rev. Father Kropa, Pastor.
Preaching every other Sabbath
at 11 o'clock a. ra., and everv Sabbath
evening at 8 o'clock at the M. E. church.
Every body invited to attend.
Rev. J. L, Kesdaix, Pastor.
9 FofSalc- A Uiree-fourths Hhirej I
OMtallion, four-yeac-old.
t r t r..... O
y u. v. .,i,.,u,
J. C. L. Rack;i.and. I
Lemonn, Oranges, Banannas &c.
Where? Why. at Hioeijw's of course!
-Mm F. M. Smith, of Five Points, who
ihaa been at Chadron, during the past two
weeks, the guest of Mrs. Dr. Ia.vs, re
turned to Harrison yesterday.
Dr. C. V. Cook, a specialist of Fre
mont, wan in town yesterday and is
treating sheiff Holly for his long stand
ing aliment Catarrhso the Dr. says.
Dr. Cook claimed, after an examination
with the X ray, that he would be a-de
,to cure Mr. Holly permanently.
The Clover Leaf Club, will give i ts
second Mnnal entertainment at Andrews
tall JUy Sth tm. Following is the
jtJoog Welcome,
JinutM Two Ghosts in white,
Boeg Dear old village school,
Dram Sweet Family,
Soof Ooodnlght,
After progrmm we will serve Icecream
fpl cake.
; lot rMi and cake 10c ,didw
Adiamiea 10c. j
9ftiat beglai at oclvck. j
Make looey.
J. E. PI1INXEY. M. I).
Phjiseian an:l Saryeon.
All calls given prompt attention.
OHlce In Drnpf future.
Prompt attention pivfti to all lefcal
matters in Justice, Coun'y aiul I'i.'rict
Courts, iud before tlie UnitkJ Slate?
Land OHice.
Fire Insurance
.f . ,.
tten ui reliable
ESTLegal papers careful 1;; drawn.
Hahrlscis. t- Nkbrakra
TiT'lJon't ?cnd to Mont-!to"",rrow-binary,
Ward & Company! "re you read j. v. Smith's !ar-
' . , T , ! ncss shop ad in another coiunm of the
or to Llkhart, Indiana, fori joi-Rs.vr-
yovtr Harnesses. I can sell
you better poods and much
clicaper. If you are open for
conviction come and learn
for yourself.
Eooert Rojiwer.
Bioelow'8 for Lunches, any hour,
udv time.
Carpenter Jarnes Wright, is now
busily engajred Imiklins a veranda round
front part of the residence of Anton Mor
avfek this week.
CIms. I. phenou r expects his parents
and the rsi of the family, here tlie lat
ter p:irtof this week, they come to
in in Si wx : itiity t'nir h o?.
E't.'f rt R jhwer, w ho has laeen con
lined to his house and most of the time
to his bfcd. during the past, two weak'
was takt-n very iniuli worse Tuesday
evening at this timi Ivi i suffering acute
pain. lr. plunney who is in attendance
has diagnosed his cas) ag one of iuflama-
tory riieumatism.
., ...
ijj- Vne enactment 01 a new state,
K'hool land law. down at Lincoln. Iho
past winter, Uy a-mator Reynolds of this '
district, and designated as innate file No,
W, which of course rejieals the old law
it provides for leasing tho iinleuwd
lands in the state (about W0,0W1 acres) ut
about what they are worth to the lessee,
besides, the law allows holders of ma
turing sale contracts more time on the
same they may have ten years longer
in which to pay out, (See S;cs, 9 and 1(5).
Htop at the Post Oi'lice corner lor
everything good to eat.
Grandpa Wright, last Saturday sold
his residence property in Harrison, to
Hnry Warneka, we understand bought
the house and lot for the express pur
pose of having a place for his family to
move into, in order to be able to send
his children to school during the school
year, which in our judgement is a wise
art, and we believe it would lie a wiso
a t of our school authorities if another
room was added to the present over
crowded school house and employ anoth
er teacher so that the schollnrs coulJ
have more of the teachers attention dur-
,ir school bvurs.
r 1 v 2
V - n rl Vi
3 i
The place to Cet flood
Bargains at all times is at
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Gbod line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hat? and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a ixvlaity; and
Children, Foot Wear care
fully considered.
For f;cCcrmic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
The undors'snsd just ic;atod
in lower north-west corner room
oresareJ to do k nds cA
makin3 and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We ,-uaninU.-e Mtisfaction and that
our chai-f;"s w ill be reasonable.
MRS. M AOCn-r Kti.SKrnAXS.
Good IXay & Stock
j o
: 71;e county fathers will bt iiiKtion !
Elmer Hmith, returned to Gerinir last
Saturday niorninj.; overland, where he
will put a t.;am or two on the railroad
dump on the new road which i lnn
"'Jilt from Alliaiic via Curing to llurt
vill, Vt'yo.
Attorney Guthrie, tlii.s week, is hav
ing some native, ornamental trets plant
ed it) front of, and around his residence i
wlrch exaniplt! I.U r.ei' and other
residents of the t'.wn ttiiht, do well to
emulate. With a little expanse and car
the citizens of II. rr.son eo'ihl make our
town orje of the mo
t WtHiful j.lacos tt
t Nebraska.
a'lode in nnr'h-weit
-'a or 1 .a-,-, who h-isb??n act ju 'ted
on the charjf of C;ir,;ira"v i defram
the slHte of IVirmivarea, e'ero ti:e
chartre had grown col 1 tin coyrnor to
reward Quay's wound. 1 tliirnitv aR.-
more lik-lv ii-,i'i-iti ate hims..f into i,s.
favor of the latter nrotur.llv t,nr.iiiit..d
. 1 I J CI'
him Luited State, -senator to sticctd him.i
self. M-iwy? Y-4 money did ir.
Candie. Cigars, Tobacco, Nut.s, Fis
Bat's &,'. at the IVrtiiurant.
I'r. KbaeflVr, reported at thid ol'Iee,
Monday morning of the arrival nt the
George favis i"tiiin!, a four-pound
baby girl, si!o that the mother and little
one were dung as nicely as fould be es -
p -cteii. Of conr,-.., the l ioctor did not
ray so. but then, we Undo look for t he
little one s 1'a to come around ord My,
won t you have one of those lotig-Iiller
Justice. Liedrick JWson of Glen,
and a friend from Keyliw. Wyo., the
section foreman at that place, were in
town Monday on business Mr, Nubton's
.-.i-., ... ..
irirnu, wuose nama we uiu not learn is
mnking arrangements to close a deal
whereby he is to beriome the own' r and
proprietor of the farm now owned and
opporated by A.. Hodge, six miles
south-east of Glen.'
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamlierlam's Colic, (.'holer and lliar-
rhoea Iteniedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently, which leads 1110 to write
this. I can truthfully siy I never ln.ed
any remedy equal to it for colic and dmr
rhoea. I have nnv-r had to use more
than one or two rinses to cere the worst
case with myself or children. W. A.
Stroud. Popomoke City, Md. For 4l
by Ur. J. E. Phinney. f
The place to (Jet Good
Karcrains in Rubbers u at
Wh-re a complete line of
warm Felts and Rubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as wo always aim
to buy Good, Fr .-Ai Coods
such as wo know would
suit all our Customer.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR Jc FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry ILARDWARE &
Ruilding Material.
For Sale:-A stud coit,
j tiircc-ycar-oli, Arcl liy an
I Irtel, ih'.mmh lired Stal -
H!' laT? hy ,!L'V
l-figllt S
KAhL im ?"'n at
:ny j Warbomit-t
I,reclrif"t- ('UAH 111 Ell IX.
' CC040-0-KJCX'CC4vCOsV
! o The Wclyan Q iartet Sinjfers ad '
3Vfr tJ f?iveal1 inl'srestiug' enter
;kUiintiient at the "A. E. church in
lvi-l'l i
risoii, i Heday evening, jUy, & IH'M.n
I m K;u"ul Uii-
, Tickets wilt be sold at
the Poit
" - 0
S hats the riiafUr with our JUsouio
and ;VooJt!jn Hah?
A full line of everything uu;'l'v
round in a first clans Restauruut at
Jf. J. Pduewtlt. went down the rond
: on l.i'-t Stur lav feveuiu
on business
! and rvtunifc.1 txlav.
"I irtin WeVir an 1 Hiory Kretttnan
of Ghro, went we' Fridav last t'.ir i
j Lusk where they will hlienr iieep for a
ouj'de of weeks whtn they will return
' llrK (h W' I!f'. 'eturned from
i " ' rru" ,i,sl --t"'day evening,
j ,"'r s!,u l"M" u v'-t v.i'h her
j llilt"S,'t"r a" l idaw, Mr. and Mrs. ; imr-w.
p . II. B..ib;l f.,r a week or ten days!' j,-55U
j Followmy is what Ciiapinin lieCahe,
IJ, U, U L. fl. liishon of tlm ?.t. P
church- has to say of the Wesieyan (Jaar
Champlain C. C, JL-Cat.. K n., L
j '" D- ''-hop of th'.i M-tlnxl,st Church:
! l,'e NebrmUa w ...). van Utmrtei. I,i.
I " - .-.
,;tie v"'( Th"y harmonize l-aiitiful-
... , w0rU;y 01 jarye audit-n-
J. Vt'. Smith, who o'i.-po-ed of hi
candy "trap" to P. Li. IJ.gelow, a few
days tto has launched out into n new
I.. rl . .... II ...
' rm-ker ni'l (!.,
jiri.w, 11. at 01 11 liarne.s
L'a will 011.M1 nri Hi,.
1 new bu.,im-M in tun building one door
north cf the JuVU'iM, tlV. within a few
! days or, f.,oii as his go.! which
he has already onkW;d.
Andrew McGinley and banker Gris-
wold of this place, left for Gering Sun
day, where they doubtless go to look up
the business situation 111 the country
along the line of the new B. & M. rml
rcad just being built from Alliance Nob.
to Jluitvilie, Wvo. Whether or not
ttasy go to look up a location for the fut
ure we are unable to say, but
business as well as pleasure is the object
of their trip. They will rlurn in ubout
one week.
Mr, Vis. Sherman, Monday mo vim)
his family nnd household goods back to
his Rawhide ranch where Mr. S. declares
he intends, he says to live and dio. Mr.
Sherman sold his town property hera to
John Mamteller, nnd the latter has
rented It to Andrew M.Gmley. who will
move his family iuty It about ttyo first
of May.
Vmi i ILlL Us hmmM?
?imi rif ibPQQ 'ahrP with
'iVj US iSsbo Imvb Walla
Cash purchase
sir 3'it !nvi ari bsisi tti- saa,
S Read This Notice, Land For Sale, s
. M ii. ii" .i i . r it
i i I'iiria i :iui u 1,'iu'M
BrinuQ'.iick lift urns, Should Invest ifrate TIi-5) g
.Bargains by Calling at ThU Oliicc or
Write to (hi. I). Canon, Editor 8
Su.TX County Jor-R.Aiy '
Harrison, Js'ob. g
FOi: SALE C1I EAT-A fine
i V'yo. , Township 11 i. V. ag CI. There
21. Id foot p'rsts. and ki'.ti(i 10 :21,
and 1,00(1 acres under fi re- ; splendid
in i ! f r 1 1 1 luili :i mi; v i, :,
;.J U.UI- ,, in a ii.irHiii lor any
tn'aye lu the stock business in the
'A FOIt KALKt lOOare. Hituateu
boulh of lLirriw'ii, iu Siuux county.
I'OU HALF: 00 acres, at the mnuUi of litllo Monroe canvon, ia War-
" bonnet precinct. Good, .htory and a La If frame house on ranch, J4x20,
painted, lathed mid plastered; also barn fur 13 horses, lmsides other buddings
"jj on tan' h; 3 acre under cultivation and irrigation, and much more fan be
M put infante condition with little work; ranch i fenced and cross wired ;
Little llunrue creek runs through place. Fur itifurmatioa inquire of L.
(ivtrlach or a! the JOURNAL oliice.
FOR SALK 160 acres, 3 miles North-west of town adjoining the rt
side of the Smith place. Tills place
at this oflicu or, of J. '. L.
fe tr.SS
Over in Wyoming.
Miss Dora Christian arrived home from
University I'l ice 011 Saturday April 15.
She bi.-gar. her Spring term 'if M.h-iol in
wet Pleasant liaise on last Monday.
Charley Christian did not com home
but will h'ay until June to finish bin
course in typewriting and stenography.
J. II. NL-wlin closed a five and one
half months term of School in Pleasant
Ridge on Friday the 14 th.
With potatoes $1,50 per cwt, ciople
wonder why th.-y didn't put in another
acre or so last year.
Rev. Taylor of Manville, arid a brother
wlio has just air.vwl from Indiana wero
pleasant callers on the Ridge last week.
lie v Taylor delivered an excellent ser
mon at tho school house ou last Sunday
morning and one at night. He will hold
services ngain week Iron) next Sunday
Sunday school was organized week ugo
last Sunday at West pleiihant Ride with
Alls rSlecrs Supt and Dora B. Christian
Frank Church went to Douglas on last
Monday to Rerve on the Jury during the
present term of, court ulnch j now iu
John Stratum moved his saw mill
from this part to Martin's canojj in Sioux
county on lart Friday.
Bob Keel was driving around on the
Ridge on last F riday and Saturday. H
was delivering hog to some of the well
to do farmers here.
Chris Christian was breaking prarie
last week.
Mir Florence Christien will close a sis
mouths terjii of school In the L-icv
neighborhood on next Saturday, 7.iuu
- ii n..:i.ui'v. si itrsii u
.m:ui v niiitrti n iifn; it tun a
SrOCU P.AN'CU, in Converse xounty
is pio I, frame house on Ranoh, , 15x
0 fuot. posls; 6 miUx of fence on jdaca,
S( rinj; the boils; w hool one half
' e.rr" ! I .
btujy unii small capital, who uisires to
best stork Ciiunlry in the worU.
on Runnini;
Water creek, 48 oiiles
is c heap as dirt. Invcstigatt) by en-
Hagland. IJarnsin, Neb.
IZZih 5t5:&fc Srf:IiS
f.-,y,y . . ftRtttorp, VITALITY.
ishl ii l h ! LOT v,Gorf
''-''n ' 'a-W4NOHANHOOB
Cures Imptitcncy, Ni(;htEmisaIoiigan4
wastlnty ui.ieascc, all cffcct3 of eclf
abuts, or cxcei and Indi
I , ''X lcretion. A w.rxa tonic and
:;''tii(l,,(l l)'ii!icr. lirjngs the
, V srftvpinic plow to pale checks and
f;- restores the Crc of vouth.
fi tVvVy mail r.Oc per box, O boxea
for ."t.ijO; with n wrltUw ftnaran
fs to euro ir reftimt the nioacy.
S;nd for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jaclcon ca., CHICAGO, IU.
Sold I!y J)r. J. E. riilnnry.
In the matter of the Administration of
the Estate of Herman Goedde, Deceased,
stiitmoT Nelnsikft, ; S4
Moux county,
At b 7unty cnurl,. held t tlie eountT
court nwim. In mill fur mtd co'inlT. on Ibu
6th May iif April A, l. iwa. '
I'rt-MiMt hut tt W liwiii, rvmnly Jintrn.
On n-i.iltiiKniid Blliur the et)ttnn of Amt
rew Medluley, pruyinrj tlmt Ailuiliillrllon
ks'-ate nmy tut KMntjil Ut I). II. url
wo'il ns A'l'i lnl.stintor.
tinlen-t. tint tlin tint ilnv of Msy A. I.
WH. stlioVluek 1. m. In HMlKm J lor lmr
Iipkii. iM titliiri, Klietiidl iHirMins Interixt
edliiiinl.l in iii-r limy HiMmr hi a oounty
c-uiirl Ut lie In 1-1 In Mini f0r wl,t iiinntv, iiil
how rsne why the jrsyer of the petition
or lould not lie gran led ; that notice of
the nendnncy of until petition ami tbe heer
In,-; thereof, im Riven to nil person Interest.
1 lnll timturliy publishing aoopy of tbe
order In Ihe K,,c;j fot.'TT Jut's Kit, s VMb.
ly uew psp-r prlt.tJ In a, eonnty, foe
three uceesaiv woekf, prior to 11M ds of
herlnir. '
Iiosetr witot.
county a1
1 -.-i ' (tory)