SHORT STORIES. BTAKTIO AN AVALANCHE. Is It true that the sound of the hu man voice may start a snowsllde? Jan. Ferchard, clcik of the state court of appeals. Is Inclined to gimer the ques tion In the affirmative. He has for 20 years past been almost of the belief that a word of farewell which he shouted In one of the mountain canyons cost the lives of two persons. "I never think of the event without a shudder," said Mr. Vtri hard. "I was mining at the time In the region above Georgetown. The snow had fallen to j an unusual depth that winter, and mln- ( ers moving from one cabin to another were warned to look out for slides. 1 topped in one of my trips at cabin of an acquaintance and took dinner with him, but I felt nervous and impa tient for some reason, and declined as politely as possible the kind invitation. X arose from the table, and, without de lay, stared on my jou. noy. Crossing the canyon I turned to wave a farewell to the friends who had entertained me. The man and his wife were standing at the door of the cabin and a third per son was In the houBe. The air was per fectly still. Not the slightest Intima tion was given of the awful disaster which was about to happen. I waved my hand and shouted, 'Goodby.' 'Hardly had the echoes of my voice died away hefote a mufiled sound struck the ear a noise like the boom of a cannon and the whole side of the mountain seemed to be In motion. The now, ice, trees and rocks started to ward the bottom of the gulch, and within five seconds the cabin was over whelmed and the spot on which I had stood one or two minutes before was burled under fifty feet of snow. I sum moned assistance as quickly as It could be done, and we frantically dug out two dead bodies. The third pet son after ward recovered, but I have never en. tlreiy forgiven myself for the word which I shouted on that never-to-be-forgotten day." whoop clear back to the transports, t'retty soon along came another Maus er and raised a blister Jin-t about the size of a lead-pencil clear across his chest. I understand they heard 'l'el's' whoop In Santiago about that time. Then along came a third one of those 'leaden messengers' and this time It catches 'Pet' In the side. Of course, this Jridlan goes over like he'd stepped on a live wire. Hut he comes to pretty quick and he patc hes the hole up with one of those fancy bandages and gets up on the flrin' line. Hut Teddy gets on to him, through seeln' him bowled over, and orders him to the hospital. 'IYt' says 'Yes, sir,' as meek as Moses, drops back a little, and then makes a quick sneak for the flrin' line. Hut pretty soon he gets warmed up like and takes to whoopln' again, and Teddy gets on to him again, an' this time Teddy sees that he does go to the rear "A couple o' days later Teddy is lookln' over his men, and he finds 'Pet' In his usual place In troop 11. 'What're ye doin' here, Lieutenant Wolf? says Teddy, tryin' to look fierce. 'Discharged from the hospital as cured, sir,' says 'Pet,' salutln', An' Teddy says, "That's good,' an' grins and goes on. So 'Pet' gets a chance to join In the mlx-up at Kan Juan, and, hole In his side an' all. he gets up on that there hill Just about the same time that the buck niggers are cuttin' a pigeon wing a little far ther along the ridge. He don't get any medal or anything like that, but he does get a chance to go In with the troops when they raise Old Glory over Santiago. "An' on the way to the governor's palace he meets his fate. A girl looks out of a window to see them go by. Some way their eyes get mixed up. and that settles It. It ain't any big Job to find a girl when the girl Is dead wlllln' to be found, an' the two soon got to gether. She was Aneta Calleja. She was Spanish, and her father had been the honor of b-lng personally congratu lated by General Otis. In an encounter with two Filipinos who sought to assassinate him while on piekrt duly, Smith, after being badly wounded, shot and instantly killed one of his assailants and wounded the other so severely that he died a short time later. Sergeant Rlcker, Corporal "Wheeler and three privates, among them private Smith, were assigned to outpost duty at Jilockhouse No. 2, north of Mani'a. At half-past 6 In the evening Private Smith went on picket duty. His beat was one of the most dangerous patrolled by American soldiers, passing along a narrow road thickly fringed with trees and bamboo thickets. Shortly after 7 o'clock, the sun having set, Private Smith discerned two Filipi nos approaching him, apparently cn their way to Manila. They were dressed In white and walked in single file, one about six f-;et behind the ether, lie challenged them and they answered promptly, the first greeting him with the words, "Buena noche, amlgo" ("Good evening, friend.") The second repeated the greeting and accompanied it with a military salute. Smith re plied in English, and, shouldering Us Springfield rifle, turned to resume bis beat. JUst as they passed him he carelessly turned his head to look after them. This fortunate circumstance javed Us life, for Immediately after passing him the second Filipino drew a chete. sprang at the sentry and aimed a terrific blow at his head. . vciiw ihe. blonrl nourine forth in a stream he whirled to face the natives. who Instantly took to their heels in the effort to escape. Smith raised his rifle and shot one of the fleeing natives through the heart before he had gone twenty feet. Hy this time he "'as fo weak from pain and loss of blood that he was forced to drop to his knees, and, CHAPEL IN A COAL MINE. one of the rich men of Santiago. lIewilIe ln this position, he reloaded his BREAKING IN A HOOK AGENT. "I am afraid that I once spoiled a good book agent." said the head mem ber of a book agency to a reporter. "We had gotten out an expensive re ligious book and had advertised for agents to handle it. "Among the numerous applicants was a tail, lanky youth. I asked him if he thought he could sell books, and he aid that he reckoned he could. m Very well,' said I, Til see what you can do. Take this book and consider that I am your intended victim. The price of the book runs from 2 to H. but you must always endeavor to sell the highest priced book, although It Is no disgrace if you only succeed In selling the cheaper kind. If you succeed In selling me a book I will hire you. Now go ahead." "He took the book, fumbled It awk wardly, and then stammered: "Ye'dotit wat.ter buy a book, do ye, mlBtcr?' '"Better buy one,' said he; 'I'll sell It to yet pretty cheap.' 'Get out of here!' I yelled, pretend ing to be mad. 'Don't you see that sign, "Hook Agents Not Wanted?" ' fit u-t ve hev one for J4, mister, if. vp.1 said he, taking off his i coat and throwing it on the floor. " I'm afraid" I began. .pr dollars, mister, an" cheap at the price,' he added, as he rolled up his shirt sleeves. I didn't like the looks of all these warlike preparations and declared the test off. Hut he refused, and gave me three minutes to 'dig up' the price of the book. "While I was trying to make the fel low understand that the Joke had gone far enough he Jumped at me. ..t al- land the ghost of a show With the husky youth, and I soon found myself on the floor, with the would-be book agent sitting upon me. something about a book he would sell me 'powerful cheap." To save my lire I reluctantly con sented to take one of the V. kind. He .aid he was sorry, but he only sold the $4 kind. , "He allowed me to get one hand loose, and I produced 14. whereupor , he released me. and wanted to know how soon he could go to work. "I kept my word, and hired him, sent him a. far west as I could, and then discharged him by wire." BOM A NCR oTtheIpAN'IS" WAR. . .. . xrnth nsr win in I flrin I Knov. u. had lost his fortune, hut ne was as proud as ever, and he took on savage when he found his daughter llstenin' to an Indian. Hut this didn't bother the young people much; they were too far gone. When the rough riders were ordered north 'Pet' went with them, of course. But the girl had his promise to come back. And back he went the minute he was mustered out. "When 'Pet' arrived and demanded the girl the old man refused flatfooted. Pretty soon after that he died sudden ly. There were those who said he died with his boots on. There were also those who said harsh things about his rlanirhter In this connection. Ail this did not bother "Pet." He had been there himself. He and the girl borrowed a name apiece, and got to New York all right. There they were married. They missed a train or something In Chicago, and had to stay there over nleht. That's where you missed a good story, my boy. They went straight to the Chickasaw nation, and they are living there now on a ranch. They stick pretty close to home. I guess the only place of any size they've been to Is Oklahoma City, and they've only been there once. And I hear they're happy as two clams In high water." TIMS WAS THE MISSOURI AN FIRST. Tilden Dawson, son of Prof. A.J. Daw. son of Vlnlta, I. T., was the first sol dier killed ln the Spanish-American war. Young Dawson was a member of trooo L of Roosevelt's Rough Riders. He was killed at La Quasimas, Cuba, June 22, 1838, the first soldier victim of .u rvaccd between the two LUC .rjllinv-v o countries. The dead hero's remains were brought .u uoMmonln now the Crook, to on in.- iu'i'-"'-- - vrij tvi hndv waa buried at Vevnda. Mo. Yminir Dawson was reared in Nevada nnd lived there the greater part of hi life. The Peepwood Cemetery assocla tlnn of Nevada donated a beautiful lo o. in exDression of their esteem for ... r tho vniimr soldier. The ine ineiie't j v.. ,,i ws Interred with military hon r Captain Day, who commanded troop L. and Captain White, who raised .v, mr,Hnv. attended, wun six pan hunraru. members of troop L, besides i number of comrades and friends of th dead hero. , Tilden Dawson Joined troop L Vinita I. T., at the first call to arms iif h.,t been said that Hamilton Us the first Hough Rider slain, bu ' i Kline, a Rough Rider of Vlnlta, gays he saw FIsH alive auer ne seen Tilden fall. A bullet struck him In the head, passing -through his hat band and killing him Instantly. Tom lsbell. another llougn uiucr rifle and fired a shot at the other Fili pino, who was Just disappearing ln the edge of the thicket at the side of the road. This shot also took effect, for the ead body of the native was found next morning ln the thicket, he having evi dently crawled as far as possible before expiring, for the body was discovered some distance from the point where he disappeared In the underbrush as Smith red at him. Comrades, attracted by the firing, rushed to the aid of the brave sold!r, and, procuring a horse, placed him upon the animal and conveyed him three miles to the company's quarters, where his wound was dressed by the surgeons. Smith bled so profusely that n going the three miles to the company quarters his clothing became saiur.-neo, his shoes full and the horse covereu with blood. He was afterward taken to the hospital. That a man after being so severely wounded should have the pluck not only to face his foes and fight, hut to kill one of his assailants on tne spot and mortally wound the other, excited the admiration of all the soldiers at Manila. He was congratulated on his plucky fight by practically the whol army, even General Otis calling upon him while ln the hospital and shaking hands with him and commending him for his bravery. telling" said J-m staling of OKU- comrude of Tilden, brought home a ioma 'aty either .bout Indian Ten!- ; tl,Htament M the dead boy's mother oTor n y'.elf. Hut I can tell you of a haJ K,vcn hlm. It was In the pocke of woJd story that " y - reporters let get by you , no . Ion . Mr. Hotaiing a mi"j for me co""'"' This was ll,.,,-l,.W quest tor an "- , uhla,l, Inter-Oceon. j"io -- - be said: his blouse at the time he was killed. Another named Taylor, brought back a cartridge from his belt after the soldier had fallen. He gave It to a Nevada lady wtlh whom Tilden was w-ll acquainted ,nfmned Another men oe, . . " ' " . vnr boys missed a migmy . ,,ri)f. Dawson mai ' ," at :iT oay r r :7 srr v- d -?? you " uA ,nn ncross them. . "'"..".. them, even u you n- - i "'.-. pef won. " "' " .nr.hal at Vlnlta, and I II II 11 n 111' n .. The man was Tk woman was intuit". -n m Cuba. Wolf was a i.nant in troop and I don't s'pose there was the bride he second lieu- M of the rough ri'l'-rs, warmer I don't say whose father Is Deputy , ,.t the tv.ree other men were m '"" "". mmand. They ran acros many dead live ones tlU Inbell u h.hv ln the whole r""' " h. was natr . . tr, rr.t intO a Ctiha ior - . ilrlnl. to I "IS l ' ' - ."'. . .7 an.nish soldier and caught aim i . " . nir niT nun mwtii.. - - . . hot what he went lo Pl" ' i.i.n. A bodKs, but saw no fired, ,m (h RI)anlh Z.$ l?sb" b n truck by '.even u ,T; in as many ..seconds. e re- ,ined on the fielrt tin in " TmlrX-ndtiall, that er and n.Hy -' -.t iddy Roosevelt didn't have to J. d Tllden were of the same age. bim any great amount of ins. . TZTcUTES. In the use o. , t gnn, .... . .fter fight, and he goi n k Sioux Falls. 8. D.. April 14 -Among the eallant United States soldiers now it Manila who have performed deeds CHINESE GIRL TEACHERS. Eleln Tang and Nanne-i Shi are two blossoms from tne r lowery transplanted to bloom for a while on American soil. They are now in Mln nennolls. Mnn.. at the home of Bishop Joyce, and the former is a pupil of the Emerson school. She Is studying 10 oe klnderKsrten teacher. To establish kindergarten schools in China has long been the ambition of mission boards, that system lending it self as no other does, to the enlighten- merit of the heathen. But kindergarten teachers are expensive and cannot be afforded by the struggling missions de pendent for support on the mite givers nf the Christian world. The difficulty, however, will eventually be removed, If the plan of Miss Howe, superintendent of Methodist Missions In Central China, Is successful. Miss Howe's plan la to send native girls to America to become educated In the kindergarten system ftor which they will return to their native land to establish the much de sired schoolB. And this Is why Eleln Tang, aged IS, and her Wend Nanne-I Shi, a half year her senior, left the province of kui ! central China, last July, arid rH K. H In company with a party of mission rtes came to Minneapolis. Eleln Tang Is a diminutive body, ! pretty according to the standards of her race. Her skin Is aarK, dui as nmoum . velvet: black eyes, almond-shaped to be sure, but radiant with lntelll cence. but her partlclar charm Is soft, sweet voice, which lisps tripping ly enough through the monosyllables o hr mother tongue, if It hesitates a inn over the unwieldy English, which sh uses almost exclusively since her resl Hence in America, tn everything but language she 1 true to the manners and customs of her country, and the dress peculiar to Chi nese women of the better class, which consists of a purple tunic of woolen stuff falling unconfined over a black underdress of the same material, Is thi costume habitually worn by her. Aside from her school work, Eleln Is studying music and plays the ptano with grace and artistic Intelligence. Nanne-t Shi Is attending Ilamllne col lege and after two years' preparatory study she will enter the medical course and hopes to graduate In four years. Her native name has been Anglicised and she Is now known as Anna Btons. m .ister. Msry Stona. graduated from Ann Arbor medical collega In 18M and Is now practicing bar profession wltb Moval Occupation in tha West For the Now Woman. Two women are ln Jail ln western States on a charge of being bandits. One of them made a desperate resist ance to the posse sent to arrest her, and killed a deputy sheriff before she was shot down herself and captured in a badly wounded condition. The other prisoner was secured in more prosalo mannf r, but her record is none the less tragic and Interesting. Emma Hendrickson, a girl of 18 years, is confined ln prison in Stoddard coun ty, Missouri, suffering from a severe p-ffle wound In her breast. Her story, according to the reports made by tne law officers, Is almost equal to that of Jesse James. She isn't pretty. She was born on a cattle ranch. Book learn ing she has none. But she's at home ln the saddle and handy with a gun. She never misfes her mark, and when she shoots at a man she shoots to kill. She killed Deputy Sheriff Booth of Stoddard county, Missouri, two weeks ago. A year ago, In Franklin county, Mis souri, she and her father are accused of having organized a counterfeiting eang. It had twenty members, each with a price on his head. The girl of 18 was the leader; her father was her chief lieutenant. At first they operated in Franklin county. They stole horses and cattle, looted country stores, held up travelers, rifled postofflces, and finally, ln one of their many pitched battles, killed three men. Then the gang separated into squads and met later ln a designated place In c-ia ommtv. The new scene of operations was well chosen. The coun try was rich. The bandits, however, became so reckless that the county au thorities easily located them. A week ago the sheriff, at the head of a score of armed men, rode out of Bloomfleld, the county peat, to storm the outlaws In their camp. He located them ln an Isolated house a few miles from Dexter. The sheriff and his men did not ride out Into the open In mak ing their attack. They knew the char acter of the outlaws too well for that. Instead, they scattered and surrounded the house. As they did so rifles began to bark from the windows and loop boles ln the house. They were answer ed from behind trees and a rail fence that zigzagged round the clearing. The fusilade kept up for two hours. There were, nine desperadoes In the fcouse attacked by a determined posse of twenty men. The outlaws had lit tle ammunition left. The fight was get ting more uneven every minute. Then the daring of the bandit queen asserted itself. Placing herself at the head of her men, she dashed out of the door, rifle in hand, the gang at her heels. She dropped on one knee, her rifle went to her shoulder, and one of the posse fell. All then began a rush of 200 ,r,Ta an onen snace to the posse's cover. They fired as they ran nswering flashes coming from behind the fence. Half the distance was covered when old man Hendrickson fell, Bhot through the head. He died Instantly, 'mat ter rified the gang, and they scattered and ran all except Emma, She knelt be- Ide her father's body, raised her rifle and fired again and again. Bullets fell all about her; she only shot the faster. Aaln her rifle counted, and Deputy Sheriff Booth fell. That waa her last shot. A bullet pierced ner oreasi. she was captured beside the dead body of her father. Mollle Mathes, under arrest at Wich ita, Kan., on a charge oi ouuawiy, betrayed by a member of her alleged gang. MIhs Matnes is utscnocu no - culine In her bravery, feminine in ner love for finery. She rides horses like a cowboy and shoots a rifle like a vet eran bear hunter. She can handle a pistol better than the best uuebist In Europe and she has ideas about nre- arnii which few women would ever have entertained. She prefers a plstoi of olue steel to one of nlcKel plate oecause the brighter revolver cannot be used at night with out giving a flash of warning, fohe likes a pistol of single -ction because there is no change for a man to slip his finger behind the trigger guard and render tne weapon powerless. One of the men she lad, who Is now serving time for horse stealing, con fessed to the of his associates. 'the officers expect to prove that the ;ang, ten members of which are now under arrest, committed six murders In the past two years.' They expect to show that each was deliberately plan ned and executed by order of Mollle Mathes. Besides stealing cattle and robbing banks and stores, the gang were coun. terfelteis, and It Is asserted Mollie .Mathes distributed the spurious money. She was so shrewd that she escaped detection for eight years. In person this bandit queen is tall and stately. She Is proud of her long black hair ami of her strong, supple ilmbs ami small hands and feet. She Is vain of her power over men. n Odd Pla;; of Worship Locatet Bel Ground. Few places of worship ln the country ave more Interest than the Miners ancluary In the Mynydd Newydd (New fountain) colliery, near Swansea. Bit lated 7.r0 feet below the surface of thi arth, with four long rows of I ibwood o sustain the roof, a rude desk on a arge lump of coal for a pulpit, and series of rough hewn planks for pews, it is indeed the strangest of the many strange bethels in wild Wales. Every Monday morning, without a break for fifty-four years, the colliers have crowded into the novel apartment to ask the blessing of providence upon the weeks work. To the eldest miner present the con duct of the service is customarily ln trusted, but properly ordained divines have not infrequently descended into the mine before the Monday's "turn has commenced, and the whitewashed walls of the little chapel have resound ed with that Celtic fervor which Welsh men speak of as the hywl (which no irreverent Saxon should pronounce as howl). One motto there is painted near the pulpit: "Os nos heb ddim ser nnd nos neb Dduw deyruasa lau wadnaw Myn ydd Curlog." Freely interpreted, that is, "If it Is night without stars it is not night without God, for he reigneth un der the foundations of the mountains." Whether it be ascribed to good luck, to good management or to the respon sive protection of providence, it is a fact that for the last half century Mynydd Newydd colliery ha been sin gularly free from serious accidents. The colliery is owned by Messrs. Viv ian & Sons, and the late Lord Swansea did much to encourage the devotional exercises ln the pit. London Leader. Miny persons have their good day snd their bid day. Others are about half sick ai: the time. They have headache, i.ackache, ' snd are restless and r?rvou.. Food does not taste gou-J sntf the digestion is poor; the .'.n is dry snd sallow and disfigured with pimples or eruptions; sleep brings no rest snd ork Is a burden. Phst is the cause of sll thi Impure blood. And the remedy? 4 p l Clara Stood the Test. His arm, that had been resting on the back of the little settee on which they sat in the gloaming, slipped down and encircled her slender waist. rinrn " he whispered, "we shall be very happy, shan't we?" A eoft sigh was her only audible re rponse but she nestled closer ta him, and he appeared satisfied. The mellow haze of the golden Oc tober day still hung over the darkening landscace. The voice of a tree toad somewhere In the neighborhood lifted itfelf up and called insistently for rain. A faint odor ef fried ham from some kitchen to the windward sf them per vaded the air. A thought seemed ta strike the young man. "Clara," he said, "we sught ta hare the clearest understanding about every thing that affects sur future, sught we not?" "Yes," she murmured. "Clara," he said agala, after a lang pause, "can you cook?" There was another long pause. Then she straightened herself up, looked him squarely ln the eye. and proudly answered: "Reginald, I can cook potatoes la fif teen different ways." Then she put her head down where It was before, and into her pink, shell like ear he warbled incoherent outpour ings of Joy. Cincinnati Enquirer. It clears out tbe channels through which poisons are carried from the body. When all impurities tre removed from the blood nature takes right hold and completes the cure. If there is constipation, take Ayer's Pills. They awaken the drowsy action ef the liver; they cure biliousness. VMim to mmr 0ofav. We hv. th. cluli swrleea of lome of Hi. molt .miii.nt liyiltl 1. the United Sttt. th. crticulara In your io will re ceive a prompt r.iT,wijooui Addr. 7 U, UK. . v.aisi m a uowii, mmmm. m m WHAT TEMPERATURE? JUST R!GHT-96 ir16' GREAT PLUNGE at Hot Springs. South Dakota ta" Jupt rlirht tor bmlilnir at any tima f the year, wilhout shock to tha bather and without application or artificial heat. If sick, you on be cured. It crippled with rheumatism, yon canbecured It tired, yen need rest, and tbe place to go la Hot Springs, South DAKOTAr Low rate tickets on sale every day Much cheaper than to other resorts. Climate, waier, scenery and hotelsv are unexcelled. Sved Lots of Trouble. Families living next door to a vacant house are often asked for Information by prospective tenants. The Rochester Herald tells ef such a family in Ro chester that Is protecting itself from the annoyance by displaying the fol lowing placard on the front door: "We haven't the keys to the house next door, nor do we get the first week's rent. "Haven't the slightest idea why the last family moved out. "There are nine rooms, and the rent is J6 a week. "The place may be full af bedbugs for all we know. "There is a place to Bang eut wash lne on the roof. "We don't know anything about the moral character of the people next door. but can furnish references ourselves. "For further particulars please do not ring our door bell." SPECIAL RATES SOUTH via PORT ARTHUR ROUTE. Half fare round trip (plus $2.00) on ont tblrd Tuesdays of each month. Quickest and best line to St. Louis, the Kast and South, via Omaha & St. Louis and "Wabash, f ast man leaven un' j-r r m. rnuncll Bluffs 6:10 p. m.. ar rives St. Louis 7 a. m.. returning leave r,ui. 7 3 n. m. arrives wmana St When King Kalaknua of the Hawa iian Islnnds visited Shanghai he occu pied a sulto of rooms up one fllcht of stairs at the Astor House. Two Amerl- ,un gentlemen called to pay their re spects one morning, and, meeting the proprietor, Inquired if the king was In. "I will see," replied the landlord, and shouting to a Chinese sen ant at tho head of the stairs asked, "Hoy! That plccey king top side, hab got?" "Hab got," laconically asked the ser. vant. "flcnlleinen, Ills majesty Is In. Prny, walk up," said tho landlord. at s- a m rtnl V. AM inrormauou Ti'.-t imihr Route Office. 1415 Farnam .... inoTinn hotel block) or write Harry E. Moores. C. P. & T. A., Omaha Neb. .-r-r. Any agent "NOKin - wmickji LINE" or J. Ii. QABLc, I ravelins Passenger Agent, Des Moines, la. can tell you more about It. J. H- BUCHflNHN, . encral Passenger Agent, OMAHA. NEB. mm thu Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Ry for Chicago snd the East. Short tlm between Omaha and Chicago. Electrlj lighted, steam heated, solid vestibule trains depart dally from Union OepoU Omaha. Dining cars operated "a I carte" plan pay o reasonable price fosr what you order only. P. A. NASH, General Western Agent. 1604 Farnam St.. Omaha. HOMESEEKERS' EX- CURSIONS SOUTH via the , WABASH RAILROAD. Half fare tickets south with $2 addedl good returning 21 days, will be sold os) April 18, May 2 and 16. Remember tha Wabash Is the Phort Line and quickest route South. The best line East. For rates Kast or South call on or writ G. N. Clayton, room 302 Karbach blkv Omaha, Neb. P AIMt VALLS CEILINGS. MURAL0 WATER COLOR PAIHTS I FOR DEC0R4T.N0 WUU M C WIMISSSS SXS&iR RnVEii'-0 u.W-l. U.U ... ...M M.elU - l ""tir- Hu i u MP! ' " rV"" I""" " swienai w- ''.MnkHiHt will M ! Thh muralo co- new bw.qhton. : i.. nw vouk. There ure In the world about ninety sthiishiticiiU devoted to splnnln silk w uitc. Labor circles sf the northwest are much agitated over reports, which are received with general credence, that '.hundreds of Japanese contract laborers are being brought Into Puget Sound cities. Every month from 80 to 1.000 'Japanese srs said to be landed at Ta coma. Vancoursr and Psrtlan. Prae- i tlcallj all pss Inspection, the require ments af which are sound body and SM .In caafc. It to Mid that hundreds af 'thea bmi ars Andls tsaM7Mat ra Ths planters tn Hawaii reallsa that the contract system Is at an end and art) now trying the experiment of profit sharing with the laborers. I BM COUNTRY PUBLISHERS' COMF'V OMAHA. NO. 17-1899.- Jolunteers. To him was also accorded success In ber muti coir,. Tariossj ss41roa4 t M that you eu, "