The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 27, 1899, Image 1

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Our otlo--s;o GU
The Sioux County JciimaL
Subscription Trice, $1.00
. I. CnnoR,
Entered at th Harrlsoa JKt office .
second claw ter.
V. .'-.V V Xi ..5 V V ' .- . S"C
Six lore Nebraska
2TO. 40.
(r. M. Hitchcock.
Or d-Hera I. . l.uu ,.n,.a .1 l I . ..
' i " "k "Mor the. said jurors
y ' snow up ti.e tfu iiciiuiiH, m-v i.,,eir nanus tlie day
character nnd ilowi.ri-l.t I'oresa.u,
the tditor of the Omaha Ues-Iioseater-aiicl
shows conclusively what that gen
tleman would do to ruin the c.ood nan.e
character and fumw of editor Hitchcock,
besides, If pofcsiblj to destroy and ruin
this busm-s of the World-Herald and
Us mighty and wonderful inllnenees in
this Mute, and for thnt. n,H,.r it. il.a
J tir i
r. w. lino!!, roreman,
Laney Sutton, '
'Iihs" E. Schilt,
Fetor 1'etersrn,
John Plitnkftf,
Ou.stuv Noreinch..
(Attest." Thomas Hou.y, Sheriff, acting
il i!)UHfM f(Hlay luarQ,:,.,,-!!.-!, about four mile
north-east of Mainly hx American w,n lulled and forty
three wounded. The foliowiui? v,-,mv i.-in,-i
Col. John M, Stotzenburt' of t!i' let Xcb n
merly of the sixth cavalry.
Lientvnaiit Letter V. v;'on of W Kmo re-
privates ci the ielr;ika Jif?rJ;ii.nit.
Two j.rivatos cfllic 4th C.'avJry.
Mo?! of the wounded brio:,- to the t Xcb. reiri:ii(-it.
Tlie Filipinos retreated with snail
Ihirlcen dead Filipinos were found in the Irne-lie
Their loss was eomparati vc ly suiall on aeeout.t of their v-vh
.phclter. Korky Mouulain Dailv News.
rinnMil, for-nient.
Xirsiii( Coii)lfxloii.
Lion; all fr selfi.-,!, motives I "0t rfci""e ao fcxfwrt t' ('t
it cant he anything elw. Rut. tha i - fro'" ki(i""y trotib'e. The
cwwaters wor t aueht in ,'l,B;r i r,oi'nw choelis-tlle sunl eyes, the dark
puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow
parsnip-colored complexion indicates it.
A physician would ask if you had
rheumatism a dull pain or ache in the
baelt or over the hips, stomach trouble,
IJosewaters wnrn caught in their own
trap and will, without doubt lose
friends and money for the disreputable
aci that it. a .
Th'i Wrdic?, vl,i,di containetl the
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles,. Bridles 8c
Send in your Harness and Shoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
copif-d ediioria! ami accredited
Worl.f-IIt'rtiM, e-onio to our exciari,'
table once a uc. k, mid we read tha ar
ticle above reh -rd to and at once declar
'."littoUj a fabrication and naturally
txiMfdei but a Uy or two would elapsa
Ufor.! e.hto,- Hitchcock, would refute
the slanderous statement which he did
with, we beliitv.) teilnur effect.
fc j il'.'sire to urinate often, or a bi.rnin
ir or
fcalduiS in passin- it: if after passing
there ik an unsatislled feeling us if it
must lie at onoa rejie-ited, or if the urine
bas a brick dust deposit or strong odor."'
When those syrnptoins are present no
t.rm, hhotild be lost in removing the
I'elay riny lead to ?rave. catarrh of
J the blaild.-r, inflammation, causing stop
t tat in this p,..e and homotim.-M r,iuir. tlm .u.
' I J I
le-rrmt i.,.r 0f Kid urircj with instruuients, or
fjp 3 n r - a
His wmrmi Ltt&m,
1 rident llcKiuley last wrek ptoclaimed p. ace U-tw-n the Umu-d Slit
and Spain.
,h. vlu !hRVrrJ "V"1"8''" w"i'l-- by ,h, consciuences,
the Lnitd States was haudsorm )y walloped.
Spain los,,s respouMlMlky lor tlireo napp.fiinl.Je colonial invetnen!s To
rouoli h.ror parting wnl, Ulat vvhicl, she H beter olf wuhout ,1,0 has the f ri
um of twenty millions.
s Ti" U ' StT' nS P'""l!t "r a victorious war, succeeds to all the woes of
Spain. W, have lifletl SpainV burdens from her M.oulders and paid her for tl e W, have discni. nt in J', to 1 o, iU u-n.r slowly jtn.winp ,o out
break m Cuba, and opca war ,n the l'l.-lbp-n. Sf,,i,i may now save ih blood of
lier M. and the content, of her colors. We have Ke,,erou - ly taken ih occa.ion
for U, sacrifice of life and treasure, olT h,r hands. H;,a,n could afford a war for
uch relief.
i. ,BL,h t'0, - Hii0 "' I'V the inventory of ,,.
It seein.s liardly cre.libln,
a j-i .of l ivi.i-z'tl ion pissnl
I v.. .....-..! I .i
.... ui oo carno.i.iwiiv evu for a
j mom. hi!,, with s'li-li un-.p-ak.-iblu barbar-
I it V : J tlo.t ..!.,..:....... I. .I,-.-..
. . I ' ll J. III')., Il ,' U'llllHS
comtnited in the state of (.'...sri.i o:s !:i.;t
Sunday, by taking a p.e.r tie n-,) n'reti h
. . . n. . i . i . ' i . i 1 1 r I :i T.. ri . - 1.1.4. 1 !
. o.-.-ases. jtn reputation is
u, eobolytoat,,, ,n,.v bd to ex- I v ,,rM wiJ , and Hi.,, easj ,o ,-efc a
no ,,,,, , v brst cuttu,, oh' hi. ;,eyd,ut.,eU,ato o,e "need
; a"u ' "' w';l :1S ; l-.,tli or tmie for want of it,
Tu t"M,":m""r!;""U' f i'"U,n- i 3i" ,f .V Prefer to first test it.
be y poui-moil upon ,inlt and vmierfol merits, menHon TlIE Hlovx
burning him at, stal.,., finillv fiUi'r- 1 c vrv T, . . , ,
, . 1M ' e.,i M Jut.f .s'ALaiid write to Hr. Xil
Vbe caarri! c.,rc.,s. an.) ribu I in- . - A n. e;...., . v, .
smad portion as t Km ,.,:!. u !e h ,ttle a,,! book trllingall about
t'-neu moo, v.ici norn'il j to reiai.i ;!i, y
not only tool; too willingly, but pud
for. The nb'i-o bad mm-deivd a white
j ray run into i. .got'H Oiseas,:, tlie most
j ilaiM-ous htaj.of kidney trouble,
j er. Kiliiier'j Swamp Moot, the great
j iiiM-overy of i ho emiiietit kidney and
; hi id.!, r FpvciaSj.., js a positive remedv
The Sioux Cm-art Journal and Journal of Agriculture 1 Year.
' Twicb-A-week World-Herald "
" Tiiuice-A-Week-World, (N. Y.) "
" " Silvek Knight Watchmn(D. C.) "
Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer,
- 1.73
- 1.70
- 1.75
- 1-55
Tub joenxAL will publish yonr brand, like
the following, for S: :00, per year. r:ach (id
(litaoiml brand 75 cenu. Jtrery tarmer or
ranch,,,,,,. In Siom ftr(i adjoining counties
should advertise tUolr brand lu Tub Jouk it circulates nU over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
. " .111 ,1!
e, l ot,, .:,.;it absolutely free by mail.
fanner and ravinhe.1 Ins wif.;.
. won
may t?
On Board Si.-ip, Jlarch H iH)U
1 car Father:
As W0 nro i..l .A.. 1
today, I will take time to drop you a few lines i l,.t v,. r .."
a tidier on board the Battle Shi,, 'I.iguna deflay- that plies up and ,W n
the mcrl'arug since the war commenced on IVb. 1th, our boat has U-cn
unoer lire nine limes and we have only bad one man kill-d l. w .u .... .
through the heart. The insurgents are putting up a very stubborn light,
inej moot all the time and when limy tret, to Kassv our n -,, ,1, I i.
waj-H. and they go to dicing new trem .be,. Y-uanaldo sav- 1H wi,l
light ns long as there i, n I'h.lipino left, but from tl... ,. r i
iouod now they ore reloading their shells and are short on poder, i
uUl ,,ueer uung a.H.ui llieM !, tbat no matter where, when r I.,. .
kill them it is very seldom that we ,-et their guns, the Urtt day of the
Htfm we miwietl the town of hanta A unit for about Jl ft llftltf fit i.wrt ll.r..., C
od yards and we ntaid out of ight, when we quit the land forces mar. Ia.-d I
in, and then they captured a Krupp 4 inch gun of the lattest model one of C
thaw wan trained on a bridge our forces had to cross, and the other down 0
river to capture this boat about live hundred feet below this gnu there w.i, O
""'' at r' i river, and it a, to blow out of existarico there, $
but our gumt shot too far for any thinj; like that to happen. ' I
Ilie other night the insurgents opened tin on our hov in e,
in Iront of OimdaIiie with a cannon from at ross tl If flt'Or ft 111! .'! rrr.i
onler. to invi,tiKute matter, a little anJ we did at 2.VN) yds shot !5 shots, V
od next day the Wyoming, bad char-oof a gun and thirty insurgents to t
bury. The fnptaiu we have on here is an oldish s-.rt of a man a, cool as $
Sioux Co. in Fob, and his orders are to c!o as ho we, fit miles, he gat, posi- 2
tivcptlem m any titna hu rets to wantiiiL' a IL'ht wo .,n .i,, . .. O
our line, and tir the black, up a little and then we drop hack a, our land
arc oi sirong nougli to tlold a new position at present. Admiral "
Dewey wan up tlie other evening and our Captain reported that we had had Z
lil lie fshootinir the nicht before "
to we me yesterday and reported every thing going on nicely only bo could
not kwp the gun boat from fighting, and the Admiral told him that if lie &
...u .e more unci, leaders hu could do a great deal better, when tho Ad- f
niiral Ml we cheered him and hesloodup naluted and nays thank yo t j
hoy thank" yi wanted to know about what we get to tat well that is V
very little, as far an government ration., go; besides what they furnihli us, $
and what we buy for 115,00 per month weliveprelly fairly well. fjv!
rnmwit ration i pork and Ii.ans, hardtack, coiree, "sometimes potatoe 2
od twice a week fren), beef and very little of this w get, if floured down
to to many oun. r, per man, and 1 bad always heard, a soldier got such $
food coffee. Well just excuse me I will take mine out of the army, and 6
not o good. I have not had a good cup of coffee sio te the last day I was X
in fen Francisco, you asked about fruit yes thifte is some hero but it is not J
0 food as what you get in the United States ns it is Hot cultivated and all X
ll?-r.TXiVo," "i" T TS- Kanaoa, Umom. Apple, Checo, and i
jwal othor Hindi IWnuUgilor, and C.x;oanut,. Well 1 guess I will 2
C,"' Vour son, lUrry Christens!!, O
A 1 t.. ti i . . . T
v-v.. n. i. itB. rj. u, y,, J-, lf Mar, n g O
Vr J
He's For Bryan
FGr President.
It has been lljoii-ht by some that
Mayor Harris on, of Chicago, would
be a formidable can'iid.ttu for tlie
nomlnaiion for j.resilmt in tho next
me.c.uil 1'enini ral ic conveutior,.
Iblt the folio win,; public nnaller.iblo
d.r-lirittio:i li!: the Xwd-t and vrs
itin of old - by ths Mayor will .settle
that ipie.sUon b.'Voi.d a -.r adventure
he fays:
"I want, to sir now with olhVial,
d ial mid irn voi-able euvphtui, that 1
am for Colonel William Jennings
Hi-.vau for president in 1'JOO, first, last
and all the tune.
"If I nm a dele-rile In the mxt
democatic national convention I will
take ple.nur.! in M.totiding Colonel,
Itrvan's iiomin .tiou in the name of
Illinois. lie is a native son of Illi
nois. "lam positively not, a candidate
for president or vice preiident in l'Klf)
andwiuld not take 1,.. nomination
if it w.-ii tr.di,Ted to me."
Ho Tf.ali III, hv Life.
The villii.r,, o, Harri-on was startled
yesterday morning by the inttdiieenc.
I to Ihrt Itise is KoiM"i.-.r.l .,,1
a word from tho wise should be sulllcierit
bi:c you ask, who art? the wise? Those
who know. The oft repented experience
ol trust .vorthy persons may be taken for
Irrowledire. il.-. W. M. Tefrv says
'Umberliiin's Ciuigh R -rnedy pves be'.,
le.- s:.tisfa turn than uny otlivr in the
ma'ket. He has ln in 'the drug bnsi
rif -sat Elk lorn, Ky., tor twelvo years;
ha sold hundreds of bottles of this rem-' ynd nenrlv all other congh .uodicitir?
'";?J . ji'iiijr),ljNi Coj.i au.
I i'U Chnniberlain'a is 1 ho most satis
fa.)iy to tbd people, and is thu best.
Fosnie'by Dr. J. R. Pinnnoj-.
On lnft eMe of ctitMe uud on left
RholihlKV fit l,A,lun , '
;..' .J "nfc' on Antelope creak
I'. (., CiUilclitiHt, .Sioux Co., Neb.
On lett side or hip of, I
.t Un left shoulder of Imr-sca. j
",,iUai)sre on the head oi Warbonnt
; 'ei-eet
' Address Hariigcjn, Sioux Co. Neb.
lihctmalisiii Cured.
,v wife bus u.w, (.'hatnbei-lain's Pain
Ha:. n lor rheumatism with great relief
and I can reooommend it, as a splendid
liniment lor rheumatism and other hous
ehold use for which we have found it
v;,i..abie.-W. ,7. Cyle,-, 111 Creek N. Y.
Mr. Cuvler is one of the leading mer
chants of this villiiL-e and nun oft.,.. mntt
j pr? muienf. men in this vicinitv. W. (I
i Fhii en, lli'or I?e. Creek Herald. For
sal.) by iir. ,J. R. l'hinnev.
??4i'Wn lcft shoulder of cattle
ISMTSnUMl Khiikc on Little riilinnumi
r The brand reprsented iu this notlt
and branded any where on left ..d
ot horses aud
if - i-p'-'H Alsu the L bran'5 y where oe.
ij&KM iel,tBWe ofoattle belong to U.
Chahles UmpbEsocb.
liairiiion, Kobraska.
The biand represeuW In this not'.co
and MMruied any wnsrs oa left Bid
oi emie.aud.uver.iapeut from the
Also the same brand on loft thiph of
horses, helonars to the nmimi.,,
ituHfu near East Springs, south part fa
Sioux county. CHaklks .Niwkan,
Harrison, Nebraska.
T.; - " JU A WtiCKIiR
; i' k y.'otd j. ,-jetal ? if so
tor.d for Cttiitaghi OS
. A,3 CC07
; PrtieaJ, Stronj, Purable.
V. F. & obn Barnes Co.,
Puby St.,
Health, Life And Dnr.tnr
c 4 m lio
:: Eg
Tile mod remarkable invention for Man.
WO'fP"' "r cures wttliont meiliejne,
preV'ntsUlseiim'. yon can hnve at. hum,. '
yonf roo'ii, Sunitir!ui.,, Hot Stirling
n, ituiuan, MHiicated, Kry eteam,
A.leohi.l. niyt'cn, l'irfunl. Mlni.ri
pi har Hiitlis, al n cmtof about Sc jiki
or s
If jhepnbllc., instead of IlIl!,iK their ys
... .in innwn, uy luuingurugi, un.I nim.
truij', would petlntoavspor hath ciiblnet
e Commercial Bank.
Harrison, - - . - Nebraska.
8,000.00 01
hroii'ht to town l.v P ,.1 ,.!' I . I nuijs, woiim pet into a vspor hath ciiblnel i, town l.y K.chard erbst that ami sweat on t Uuku, .w.i.,... ..... ..........
his lather Fred Zcrlmt, had ctimiuitted I tnr net. they would have a skin' as' clear
suicide during the niht by h
self in an old build,,,- a mile or more i V't ';',("u""-v V"!'rr J, m,t
" weu, ,.,. n comfort
from the family residence out in War
bonnet precinct.
The coroner. Dr. J. C. l'hinnev was
and ere for the sick. It restore and pre-
serve, health, prolongs lite, a quick and ra
tlonn'i cure for Uheumntlsin, Obesity, ISlood,
Hb.,n a in "rvous ftieii.a nmi ....... ,,i
, , ' i "i k'tvoiu iiweij.i.s and Drlvi.te .li.
not.lW and on account of being sick tho eases.., e.t.her sex. The best spr!, J!
shenll was empowered to conduct kuowi, eqinU to any cabinet made eostinB
the in,,. lest, and with county attorney ' fr"m 'J3 to l,ri'" complete ,-,,oo win,
M. J. O-Conne!, I.mey Suite r. ..d dc,..,- j ITXTunVo""'' CttW'
ty sherilT Ferry White, went out to the I. To' A V'".'.s:' l'..,',,', w.wte time n,vcrlns
scene of the tragedy, where other iurors1 ''fttc'i.iieiiuy ndvei llsm. uu. ir v..,. ...
... . . f .! ii.mrnve Vfjur ... ..
were subpeoned and a verdict was found ! '"'!,v', yo"r t'0''1""" In Hie tn-lto Rt
.... I l.rif'f Inil ten u lll halt, . t. .. .
Cni: President. C. F. Coffee, Vice President.
I). 11 GitiswoLD, Cashier.
wiiuuifl I O. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nkb.
accoruing to me lacts in (he case
ue.cuse.i Has , i years ol ufc was marri-, da.
ed and living with bis wife and two!
rown sons.
Following is the verdict as found by
the jurors:
titate of Nebraska,
County of Sioux.
S. or Cuti...
V"o nip.)i t lieju ,und of homes.
I.) th l of the Estate of Joseph
S. Did ;inson. lJeceas..d.
. -1... iii.on, ,eceasi
At an inquisition bolden at the resid-' Mte it Nebrasks, ( .
nee of Fredei iek .erhst, now deceased, j '"" """"v. ' i '
t Sionx coiinl-, .... UieOt'.H,.! r a..., At '".o.ty Court,,
u. Sioux county on the 2(!th day r.f April,
A.U. lH'.l'.l, before onu Thomas I lollv.
Sberiir, nclins Coroner for said Sioux
county, tho Cor.ner being unablo to
attend on account of m, km ss, u, on
tho body of Fredii-k Z rbst, laying
dead, by the juryr.i whoso name, are
hereunto subscribed tho said iurors
held la tlm Pmiiiw
court risnn, In mid for said county this 3rd
day of April, A. I). r3.
I'rOM'.nt Hubert Wilson, County Ju.Ikb.
On ndlnsand llllnn Hie pelitlon of (ilde.
on A. Dickinson, pn.ylnx thnt admlnlstra
tlon of nul l filiate may be prantd to !.el
K. nici liiun, us AdiiiliiUt.r.'iior.
OnK eil, tn. t llrstdny of May A. I s:l,nt
one o'clock P. .11. Is iissiifiiuit for h( riu
sum priinnii, when all persons Inleieti'd In
noon tbeirostl, ,l u.. ,1..,. .u.. .. .. Pf tlHoi
, , ni.01- Hiild mailer iiiav appear ut a reuutv court
ick rbst came to his death by hi, own j to be,,,,, fnl, frwl,, .onn.y, ,nfd ..w
j "'MK wmi nie ftrounu hm , "y -n jirajr or ttio pntitlonnr
neck, the other end around a ridge pole
which extended from the south end of a
stable on the homestead of Richard
Zerbst situated in tlm Slate of Nebrafk.v
Sioux Oo. Township 3,1, Itnnf 5(1, Sec. 25
N. E. . And the said decented came
to his death on tho evening of the L5;h
the nendciiev of :ilil nmo... .
I l'l' tun II. lit.'.
lug thereof, bcjflven to ull pe.rMoni Interes
ted In snlrt matter by ptibllshimj a copy ot
his order In he Klorj county Jourmai.
weekly Messpupor primed, Hnld county,
for ronr miceewlve weak, prior to said day
, yiVlllb IJiWlL-fi'P II.' I t a.-kf
C'oiiDty Jndiro.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby irlvcn that, i.v .
an order of sale iHsued by the Clerk of the
"'"" . or the county of Sioux, and
state of Nebraska, upon a decree rendered
by said Court In faVr of William jr. MlllUi
Hetijitmln Graham, William Hull Jr. and
Harris 11. Harden are plaintiffs, und Peter
J.Noithncsw, Laura M. M.rtlmeHS his wife,
and W.J. Rowden, are defendants; ! will on
the Pith day of May ISM, t the hour of :)
o'clock p. in., of sni.1 day, at tho east front
door of tho Court House,, u Harrison, in
said county, offer nnd soil the followliiK des
cribed real estsle, to-wlt:
The West h.ilfofofthu Northwest quar
ter hoc t ion three, and tho Kast half of the
North v..wt .piarter .Section four, Township
thirty one, North Range fifty four west, In
Hlonx county, Nebraska, at public auction,
to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said order of sale In the sum of two hundred
and forty-six dollars and twenty cenu, Wt,u
Interest at lu per cent, from April 13, 18W,
and costs and accruing costs.
(an 42) Sheriff sioux County. Neb.
In IHm my wire went east and was at
tacked with rheumatism. She received
no relief until she triad Chamberlain's
l'ain mini. Si,100 that tjmo we have
never been without. We find it gives
instant relief in caf es of burns and scalds
and is never failing for all rhhumalic
nnd netiru.lin'ui i. . r. .
ti . x. r . i'""" ' j Drain,
Santa Ynez, Cal. For sale by Dr. J. E.
Tor That Reflntd Complfxloti. Via
A Wonderful sonn fnr Ilia
i inek-hcBds, liliigHornis, Kc.ema, Chapy4
Hands, Ulcer,, Sores, Itching, and ail outer
Skin Krnptloiis.
g 'r.iTic.
AT ll Wl Tl P.r. n . ..
-""'at s jn lOlj BT MAIL PREPIO.
W rite for Airents Tonus,
LOUIS ERNST Co., St. Louis, Mo.
32 SJ V7 KVaS
.v - Kr ri warn
ache and Llvor
IfJold by irtou
or seoi of u .j.
. -.
, i
'1- 4
' 4
! 1
Mi By Dr. J. E. fhatc
1 a '
3 ' is,