The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 20, 1899, Image 8

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    How To
If you are tired of paying liigli prices you
j can make money by buying your goods at the
Every body lovea a" nice fitting, Stylish
:Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
tin all magazines .at $3.00 in Boston, we pell
this graceful shoe for $i 75 right here at home
and save you 60c express besides.
All other leather goods will be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all East
ern Catalogue prices and will throw in a set of Glass
Dishes, worth $2.50, for every 820.00 worth you
buy for cash. AL?o, come in and see our
Ladies Wrappers and Shirt Waist?,
dhey are DAISIES and will
be sold very low. Call
and get our prices
before you buy
also han
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America.
.Besides we have full line of Crockery.
If you want a suit
to order we are Agents for
Jtoyal Taylors of Chi.
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l gerlach, Prop,
Thursday. April. 20ih, 1809.
..eo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
F. E. & 31. V K. A. lime tal.K
Going West. Going Kmt.
IHo. S, mixed, 1! ;20 No. 6. mixed ? :00
'. E, M. V. E. K. is the best
to and from the
F. E. & M. V. It. II.
'r-ccial Excursion to Hot Springs, S. I).
ICxoursioa tickets, good -returning SO
lays from date of sale whi be sold to
Hot Springs, S. I)., and return, at one
rare for the round trip ?4 40, Tuesdays
xad Thursdays,, April 11 and 2o, 1899.
F. Avery, Agent.
tlf Jtuw will be celebrated at the
idence of Antone Mnravek's, in Ilarri
r., April 29, 1899, at 10 rc!oek .. tn.
a rties are requested to send their chil
iruu from 10 years, ad over who have
. ot been confirmed as the Bishop wHl
infer confirmation in June.
All members should 1 present.
Rkv. Father Kkgpa, Pastor.
Preaching every other Sabbath
11 o'clock a. m., and everv Sabbath
filing at 8 o'clock at the M. E. church.
Every body in vi ted to attend.
Rkv. J. L. Kendall. Pastor.
Fof Sale t A three-fourths Shire I
(hire Stallion, four-vears-old. O j
O !
Mrs Dr. Phinnev has been quit sick
r the past week, but thU morning she
s very much better. .
The Clover Leaf Club, will give an
untertainment on M.av 5tb. Look out
for Program next week.
Miss Louise Wedderman sister of Mrs.
Chas.iSmlt, came down from the Bell
ciwh, where she its employed, on last
.Monday, to spend a week with her moth-i-i',
she expects to return next Monday,
-Postmaster Bogart, expects to move
i office into the Reichstein building
. her this week or the first of next. It
.-. certainly an elegant place lor the
'dice and of con rue will lie about us cen
ttu And m accomodating a p'ace or
li a public M could be any where in
Our etreet commissioner would con
fer bating favor on the footmen of our
va by repairing our Tillage side ivulk.
)''.f walk an ia had condition and if not
.iXiid mm Uw triliaga of llorrison may
eUA M to pay damages for a brok
. fi lf or arm aa result of aaglernno.
Mitok ia ttwt aim io,-,agmtiiD(.',
of clothes mad
rhyiseian and Surgeon.
41! calls given prompt attention.
Office in Drill; More.
Prompt attention given to all legal
;ualteM in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State."
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
djTLegal papers carefully drawn.
Haiuusox. - 7e;r.vska.
tWDont send to Mont
gomary, Ward & Company
or to Elkhart, Indiana, for
your Harnesses'. I can pell
you Letter goods and much
cheaper. If you arc open for
conviction come and learn
for yourself.
Eggeht Roitwkr.
Saturday was a busy day in Harri
son -Sheriff Holly nnd Laney Sutton
were down in the valley on business the
first of the week.
The sale of Pace Bigclow'g at the
livery b:irn hint Saturday was well at
tended, nnd everything sold exceptional
ly well.
There v.s a danco at the residence
of Perry Kirkpntricks last Thursday
niyht, so wtj were -informed and that
thre were a good at tendance and every
body enjoyed themselves.,
Mrs. F. M. Smith of Five Points, left
for Ch.tdroo, on last Thursday evening
wh,Ie ,m exPe--t to remain som time
and during which she will Rive lessons
in pa.mtog in wnicn art we consider
.... r i...- u ft
will) any e have examined
Pace 1'igelow commenced moving
his out of town iiouse hold goods from
his farm and placing 1bern in the
ReiehsUin building lajtt Monday morn
ing, wher? he will conduct a candy snap
and restur i'jt soon as he can get things
properly urranged and in "applepie or
rh nirrrods of Harrison were out
some of then to Van Tassel's ranch and
others towari tba south on Running
Water htintinsj and Ashing- but most of
them rttiirn-:d with hunters luck to re
ward them far keeping the sabbath holy.
Those nimrods should remember that
whomilie Lord lovelh, IJe chastenth
every non whom He receiveth."
In MM my wife went east and was at
tacked with rheumatism. Bhe received
no relief until she tried Cliamberlain's
Paii) Balm, feince that time we have
never ts-en without. We find It gives
instant relief in arntm of burns und scald
and, lit never failing for all rhhumatic
nnd neuraligic pains. D. C. Brant,
Santa Ynez, Cal. For sal by Dr. .J, E.
The place to Get Good
Bargain at all timjs is at
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladit-s and Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children,s Foot Wear care
fully considered.
For McCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
The unders;gned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee tatisfoction and that
our chart's will be reasonable.
Mrs. M ago re Kopecs jns.
Good Hay & Stock
Ul uu.liLI
Joseph llofl iu'V) and his better liaii
were Harrison yitors th.K week.
Hon. Andrew Christ :an and daugh
ter was down from Pliant Ride Sat
urday last,
J. II. Newlin, of Kirtiey, was in
ton n Sitturday and paid his respects to
this Biinctom sanctorum.
Rev. Kt-ridall, and Mr. Jese Craw
ford of Spring creek went down to Rob
ert Neece's Monday.
IJ. II. Oriswold, to'dc a trip down
the road Thursday evening last, return
ing Saturday noon.
Ladies who are anxious to b;ad in
fashions of dre-,s, should not fail to read
M'Caix's magazine for May. It excels
auy previons numter yet iHM;d.
VV. A. Thornton, of Xo I twiy, Ad
ams county, Iowa, arrived here Tuesday
with a car of eiumigrant" movableii and
and wdl probably, live on the Crowdsen
place south of town, soon as h;n mother
and two brothers arrive from Iowa
which will lw in a few days, Mrs. Kam
iil Heaman of Hat creek is a cousin of
M', Thornton.
Mrs. Ios"cran, as the JornsM, stat
ed last week Would open dress making
parlors id Harrison soon, mov.d her
goods into the corner room of the Ah
drews building Saturday la,t from llo-
darc, where efe has bef.o staying with
the family of Mr. John Finley since ht-r
arrival from Seward, this state. No
doubt Mrs. Itoscran will Iw ready to cut
fit and mak all the nsw dresses brought
to her place of business. We hope the
women folks of Harrison and its vicinity
will now patronize borne institutions.
By all means build up your home town'
Marsteller Bros., have leased one
half of the school ectin 11, in this con
gressional township and would bave had
the entire section, but wps waiting for a
new law past-d this winter ti go into
effect when they thought tb-y expected
it Very much cheaper, but, in the mean
time Jo. Parsons en me around and leas
ed the other part of the section and thus
both part'es will have to be content with
each a half of the section. However,
W. B. Marsteller has taken a homestead
adjoining the school section ami tin- boys
are now engaged in fencing it and will
bay tip nome cattle and place a family
oh the place. The vacant land in Bioux
county i being taken tip fast and we j
believe the time is soon coming when
good stock ratigw will be worth money. 1
The place to Get Gcod
Bargains in Bubbcrs is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felts and Kubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fresh Goods
such as we know would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Alo,
we carry HARDWARE &
Building Material.
r7" Wat:b for the photo
graph tent. Will hp, hi Har
rison Saturday, Sunday and
Monday, Get your pictures
while you have the chance
April 22, 23, & 24 only.
For wind and dust, Monday capied
the climax.
Charles B cble moved his family back
onto the ranch lawt Friday.
Michael Bruck, who has been down
in the valley looking after his home
stead interest there for a few days, re
turned to l;ougIas on last Monday noon.
J ihn T. Sfio'w I rii:rr of Mrs. Slw-r-IU..II.
:i'.,i c - a J ,'. en i.'N ktw rc.;..' r.u.cfi
on last Thursday and i turned ou 1 rmay
He was accoui uniud by h.s iiiuther, Mrs,
Mrs. Wilhams has bct-n among the
sick this week, and at this writing while
not wall, vet she isXeeling as comforta
ble as poMiule under existing circum
stances. Mr. John Spray of Ft. Robinson was
in town "iVesdav doing buine-si at the
Treasurers olllce. Mr. Hpray, was also,
induced to invade this deu and pay his
Owing to the fact of there not being
enough memlier present to constitute a
quorum, the county Commissioners mee
ting to day was adj--uiued until April
one wee!: from F.ud ty.
We IjariKl from our special corn-s-pomlent
tliat a dance wks held d..wn in
the valley last Friday liighl at the Pries
lioif house and all euj-iyed theinselves,
and danced until the wee wuall hours of
tha morning.
Owing to an unpardonable mistake
on the part of our quit pusher we forgot
to mention thu fact that Mrs. Ragland
and children left for Knox county this
state last week. Ih-iice "Jack" is now a
poor lone widower.
Eggert Rohwer, who was quite sick
little over a wk ago, and had w far
improved that he was able to be arou nd
ntleuding to his business affairs, took a
relapse Inst Thursday and has been
confined to his bne "nd most of the time
Ui his 11 suwe that, He is lM'er imw
however and we trust will bo ail tj. 1C.
in a few days,
T'erry Kirkpatrick was in the office
last Saturday, and informed us he bad
decided to stay in Hioux county and that
he would move from Bodarc back onto
his Highland farm and raise a crop again
this year. We are glad he will stay
with us as Sioux county can not afford
to loose such citizens as Sir. Kirkpatrick
is and has been so far as we know,
We are reliably informed by an out-
of-town gentleman, whom we have the
utmost confidence that Mr. Aug. I'ns
sehpiist, living out of town about two
miles west, will build anew store build
ing in Harrison nnd put id a stock of
general merchandize. Therefore, it
means another business iontitution for
our town. There is always room for
one more and tlien Harrison Is the wes
tern metropolis cf Nebraska did any
body ever thiuk of that? " -
OF 0? T
BATTLE oflffifc
,ny of those tares with
Basil purchase
Marsteller broS.
Read This Notice, Land For Sale, g
Parties vrishinf? tolnvt'st Kmall Capital Whore it Will
Urine? Quick IietuniH, Should Investigate Theso
Bargains by Calling at This OCice or
Writ to Geo. I). Canon, Editor
Kioux CorafTY .Iourxal,
Harrison, Neb.
FOR HALE CHEAP-A fine STOCK RANCH, in fonverse county
Wyo., Trswnship 34. Binge CI. There is gaol, frame house on Ranch, J Ox
21. I'l ("ot posts, and liitc;b:n 10x21, 9 foot posis; 0 miles of fence on place,
and l,b(Ui acres under ft-nr -; splendid Spring r.w.r the hous; school one-half
ttiili- fr.-m hon--, .!-; .i'l ;v ,'.s !i.d c.- rrr'Ms.
Tii'.s fiarii:ii Ma barium ( any Issly with small etta), who dieires to
engage in the :tock tuioei in the bet slock country in the world.
T'OIv HATjE: 1'iG acres, situated
south of IUrri'on, id Sioux county.
I'OIl SAL11: 3i0 acres, at the mouth of little Monroe canyon, in War
bonnet precinct. Good, story and a half frame house on ranch, 14x2G,
painted, lathed and plastered; also barn for 12 horses, besides other buildings
on ranch; 2 acres under cultivation and irrigation, and much more can tie
put in fame condition witij little work; ranch is fenced and cross-fenced;
Little Monroe creek runs through place. For information inquire of I
Gerlach or at the JOURNAL otlice.
FOR 8 A LTO 106 acres, 3 miles North-west of 'own adjoining the west
side of tlie Smith place. This place is cheap as dirt. Investigate by en
quiring at this olllce or. of J. C. L. Kagland, Harrison, Neb.
The conundrum o;ial which was
to have taken place at the court house
tomorrow night has bean postponed un
til next week.
The Wesleyan, Male Quartet will
U In Harr.son, Tuesday, May , WM,
and will give an entertainment at tbe
M. E. church in tbe evening. Their b.lls
will U distributed in tlie man time.
nogurdlcsH oTXgt:,
The ki tneys are responsible for more
sickness, nulfenng, and deaths than an
other oi cans of tlie body.
A majority of the ills afflicting people
to-day is twenbltv 1 siuney lronhle.
It prcv.uies all cl is'i'S cf socn-t v, in a.i
cliuiat-i-s, rv(.';iiill-4 f n;:e, S'-x ur condi
tion. ,
The sv itiiitoms of l.idiis v ri,;ible are
iiniiiistiikable such us rU-iiiiiatism neu
rahgiiv nliplejuesH, fuiin or dull ache in
the back, a desire to urinate often day or
liighl profuse or scanty supply.
Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine
are tugti of clog::d kidneys, causing
Kiisned and genn-lilifil blood. Some
times the heart ads badly, and tulie
casts (wasting of the kidneys) nre found
in 'die urine which if neglected will re
sult in liriglit'sUtsoiuw, the most danger
ous form of kidney trouble.
All th'ise symptoms ami conditions are
promptly removed under the m'luence
of Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It Ims a
world wide reputation for its wowtui-ful
cures of the most distressing cases.
No one need lie lontf without it us it is
so easy to get at any drug store nt fifty
cents or one dollar. Yon tn have n
sample Isittle of this wonderful disiiove
ry, Swamp-Itoot and a Wok Idling ell
loiit it, both Kent to you absolutely
tn-e ny mail. Mend your ndur to :r.
Kilmer & Co., limgbaroton, K. Y. and
kindly mention that you read this hbor-
J iiffer lu the s CovytV Jot ksa.i
e urns.
on Running Water t reek, 13 miles
Hlore VnAtlTT,
Cures Iuipotency, Kight Emissions and
wasting disease:), all effects of aelf-
,72 abuse, or excess and indl
, J'-retion. A nerve tonic and
jr. JV blood builder. Brings thc-
SpInk glow to pale cheeka and
IW restores the fire of youth.
v, rilBy mail fOc per boj, boxes
lor v--ro; witu a written puamn
toe toctiro or refund the mouty.
Bend for circular. Address,
Clinton & JacScon Cto., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sdd Ity Dr. 4. II. l'liinney.
In the matter of the Administration of
the Estate of Herman Ooeddo, Unerased.
Slate of Netiisnks, ; K4
hioux louiiiy. ( " '
At a iiinty court, hold t the county
ronrt room, In nnd for stlil coniiir, on tlie
fith May of Aiirll A. I. lMm.
I'rt-nMil liniwrt WilMin, County Jnilfr.
On rc i'IIiik ami nltu tha petition of Anil-l-i
w M. liiitli v, pruyina Hist A'litifiilstriilioii
of l(t Kittnte iimv Ik ttrillltf d U I). II. Oris,
wolil a Ail'iiiiilKlinlor.
(inl.-HH licit the rtsv of Msy A, D,
HtiAi'K-k A.M. la H'ifiufl tnr henr
l tll IK-tlllon, when all Mirns lntr n t
t Itt Mnt't mi, l.i-r limy iiimir nt a eon.ity
court u le hi Kt In mut for sal.l i-onulv, unil
litiw cmiii. w hy lljy ,niy.-r of the p-tltltm-
or should not Is- tcrnnted; sail thst noticing
the pi'iideney of nntltlon snd the hesr
ln,f tliereof, he Riven to nil .iTiton luteiswt.
"1 in siill nistti-r by publishing it copy of the
order (n thj(i.,!H Coy-Tf Joi;eb a week.
lyiinwn pulr prlt In s.i.l eoiiuty, for
lhesu(!!e.,lv s-eekt, prior tostkl .lay of
.7. ,T
KoJCrrT wif.sis-,
C oa.ii r Jadje,