The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 20, 1899, Image 7

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(Bachelor Farmer.)
'Twu said of old, "It U not good
For man to be alone."
From that old book 'tis understood
To mating we are prone.
But then how shall a fellow know,
Among no many girls
Th lok so nice when out on show.
The false ones from the pearls?
'M!d a'l the modern outward shams,
-Mld all the glittering cheats,
I'm sure there must be unfound gems
Jn tme obscure retreats;
And If 1 could, by any art.
Discover such a jewel.
I'd prss her next my loyal heart
If she'd approve the dual.
I'd Jike to sleep on Adam's bed,
If. on my waking up,
I'd find an Kve to love and wed,
A wife to share my cup.
A help-meet sec h as Adam found
Is what 1 want and need.
No showy thing, all dress and sound,
Shall drive my Norman steed.
The wife God made helped sew the
To cloihe the Eden ralr;
She hired no help to ruff her sleeves
Or dress her tangled hair.
The modern man-made woman, who
Expects to boss the farm.
And lot some "girl" prepare the stew,
Lacks one essential charm.
If drouth prevail and crops are short.
The wife I wed must not
In pouting mood or hot retort
Repent her married lot.
But bravely, and with loyal heart.
She'll wear her last year's gown
And ride. If need be, In a cart.
To take the eggs to town.
I've watched two robins build their nest
High In a leafy bower;
They both brought slicks without be
hest, Then sang at sunset hour.
If Idral living is In pairs,
'TIs nut an Ideal state
Where one Is loaded down with cares
' That do not touch the mate.
We live net In a care-free world,
But each should bear a part;
Mo wife should sit around be-curled
Te case a loveless heart.
A butterfly with glided wings
Is pretty, I'll agree,
Birt madam bee. that dally brings
Hex load, holds wisdom's key.
I'm not a crank and I suppose
I'm like most other men.
But I'd give more of love (and clothes)
Te any woman, when
he thinks a little more of hom
Than clubs and politics.
And never covets time to roam,
but t sweet duty sticks.
How, when I find a gentle maid
Who's willing to abide
In cottage home, and not afraid.
If 'tis at country side.
And willing, too, to share my lot
Of work with good digestion,
I'll straightway buy a double cot
And forthwith pop the question.
Opinions and experiences of practical
Nebraska farmers given In Iowa Home
stead: J. D. ORIMF..O. CHAMBETtS, NEB.
"Planting and Listing Corn and Their
Advantages and Disadvantages" la a
timely topic In which every farmer In
the middle west is more or less Inter
ested, and especially those who have
Just come here from the east, where
listing Is practically unknown.
A few years ago listing was practiced
almost exclusively In this vicinity, the
early settlers advocating that listed
eern would withstand drouth better
and was much less trouble to cultivate,
and It also prevented the land from
drifting en light, sandy soil. But such
theories put to a practical test have
been exploded and It has been demort
atarted beyond a doubt that such Is
not the case. All the advantage we
could ever see In listing corn was that
a person could wait until almost every
one else was through planting and then
be could go to work and put In a large
acreage In a few days, and thus save a
Urge amount of labor In plowing his
Tha preparation of the ground Is a
secondary consideration with us here,
as tho soil Is very mellow and never
Wkes, no matter what condition the
ground la worked In, and therefore we
prefer to plow our corn ground rather
early In the season and IK it become
somewhat aettled before planting time.
We like to plow from five to six Inches
deep, taking care to try and turn under
all trash that would Interfere In the
cultivation of the crop. In this lati
tude we think from the 10th to the With
of May about the right time to plant
com, and Just before It comes through
the ground we like to give It a good har
rowing, as at that stage we think we
can kill more weeds than at any other
time of the season, and It also prevents
squirrels and mice from destroying a
large amount of seed.
We have tried both listing and
planting for the last six years until last
year, when we discarded listing and
plowed all our ground and Invariably
have had much better success with our
planted corn. It withstands drouth
much better and Is much less work t
cultivate and result In a larger yield.
A large proportion of the readers of
this paper live where the corn plant
la In Ha natural element. Corn Is their
principal crop. Bach year we raise all
w think we shall be able to tend and
usually more than we can properly cul-
tlvate. One would tlhnk that after
raising this crop from Iwenty to fifty I
years we would know all there la to
know about ralslr.g corn but each year
aa we ride through the country we see
that tlther some of us do not know, or
1st do not make use of that knowledge
Tha old atalks. If they have been well
pastured, can be cut and plowed under,
tat long experience haa taught ma to
brack, rake and burn. Oood work can
Mt be done with tha ground full of
etalka. esp'rUUy by hired help. If a
bug acreage la to be planted, part of
Um ground will noceeoalli have t be
piowed late. This should be disced and
harrowed, and If so treated H will hold
moisture and be In good condition foi
plowing even as late as June. Plowing
should be well done and the ground
harrowed at once. If planted Imme
diately, the ground Is. of course, In good
shape, but If planting Is delayed the
ground should be freed from weeds by
discing and harrow ing, and a good seed
bed made before planting. One man
and hour horses can kill more weeds be
fore planting than two men can any
time aflfr, and corn will grow much
farter on thoroughly prepared ground
than If planted In the weeds and
cleaned out afterwards. It Is hard to
withstand the click of a neighbor's corn
planter, but one should use his own
judgment. When one Is ready and
thinks the ground Is in fit condition for
the seed, then is a good time to com
mence. I find that It Is best to plant
one field quite early, even If occasion
ally you hai-e to replant, for It will be
ready for early husking, and I rarely
finish before the first of June. Early
and late planting enables me to do
more work with the same number of
men and teams. Often the yield Is
greater on the field last planted. Last
year a field planted about the first of
June yielded a full crop, while that
planted first yielded only a half crop.
The most Important thing la good seed
corn, and the planter should be adjust
ed so as to drop three kernels In a hill.
Planting should be done by one who
can drive straight. All check rowers
are adjusted on the same principle. If
the wire crosses the planter, It should
be run pretty tight. After planting a
few rows, dig out a row crosswise, and
see If It Is straight. If the planter
drops too quirk or too slow, move the
check row backwar dnr forward half
the distance lost or gained. Have the
harrow follow the planter, and If the
field has been properly prepared. It will
now be free from weeds After the corn
Is up, if no hard rains have packed the
surface, the weeder can be started. Use
eight small shovels In the cultivating.
Cultivate as deep as you wish when the
corn is small, but shallow when It Is
large. In order not to disturb the roots.
Cultivate, not only to kill weeds, but,
especially when the com Is large, to
keep two Inches of pulverized soil as
a mulch to hold the moisture that will
be needed to mature the crop.
Remove the stalks, disc and harrow
the ground across the old rows, so thst
the lister can easily follow them. Run
the lister deep, and the aubsoller at
least two Inches deeper than the lister.
Adjust the drill to drop the corn near
the surface, covering with dirt from
the sides' of the ridges. If you are surei
of your seed corn, eighteen Inches Is
close enough to plant. Much Is lost each
year by planting or listing corn too
thick. Use a riding lister for the best
results, but If a walking lister la
used run the drill separate. I never
could get a good stand of corn with
hired help using a combined walking
lister A planter may be used for
drilling, but the objection to It is that
it will not make all the rows In the
center of the ditches which Is very es
sential In using the special tools for cul
tivating listed corn. I drill by attach
ing three drills to a three-row cultiva
tor, letting one good man do the plant
ing. The cultivator should begin work
before the weeds start. All the listed
corn cultivators do good work. I use
a three-row machine 'intll the corn gets
large enough for the common cultivator,
eight Inches to a foot In height. Cul
tivate at least twice with a common
cultivator, the same as planted corn.
As to the relative advantages of the
two ways of planting corn, I would say
that some fields are not adapted to list
Ing. For Instance, on a field that gets
the wash from ravines and hillsides,
the ditches will be filled when the wsh
finds level ground, and all such fields
should be plowed and planted. The
main advantage of listed corn Is the less
amount of labor required. A man with
Improved tools and four horses will
raise about twice as many acres aa he
can by plowing and planting. In this
section the listed fields generally yield
the most corn to the acre.
Several years ago, when listing com
commenced to be practiced, some far-
mera said: "That Is a laxy man's way."
Others said: "I don't believe In planting
corn In ditches." Still others said: "I
will wait and see how It works." Now
corn la seldom put In any other way
here except listed. Where the ground
Is clean but little preparation Is re
quired. We usually list on com stalk
ground and go over It with a disc If
the weeds start. The usual method
In cultivating Is to go over the land
with a weed cutter, then harrow, cul
tlvate twice and It Is all done. We have !
weed cutters that take two rows. A boy
can run them. It Is made like a narrow
sled out of 2x3 stuff, three and one.
half feet long, with two blades or
knives on each aide. Some use the
Erma three-row cultivator. The ad
vantages of listing over other methods
are many. First, a man can put In
more acre and cultivate with less
work. Second, listed com will atana
drouth better than planted corn. Third,
the ground can be kept cleaner ot
weeds, because the weed seed la thrown
out In the middle of the row where
they can be easily exterminated. Fourth,
corn listed will yield more per acre be
cause the rows are closer together, and
drilling produce larger ear. Fifth, the
root are deeper In the ground and there
Is no danger of cultivating the brace
root while cultivating, and listed corn
alway stand If not affected by hard
wind. Last, but not Itaat. w can
keep the around level, and level culti
vation ta preferable In all case, es
pecially In a drouthy climate. I might
mention two advantage of planting
corn over Hating.. On very billy land
the com will not waah a badly aa when
listed, and during tha drat eultlvatloa
It la much easier to handle, especially
when the old corn roots are In the
way. It Is not an uncommon thing foi
one man with three or four good horsey
to put In with a lister and cultivate
fairly well from 75 to 100 acres of corn
Planting by checking, we might say,
s the standard method of planting coin
The writer's experiences in Nebraska
lead him to believe in spring plowing aa
early as possible at about six or seven
inches deep, then harrowing thorough
ly every week or ten days until planting
time Is a good plan. Plant the seed
when the ground la warm enough to
sprout It Inside of a week; then it will
grow constantly. The plowing being
done early, the soil absorbs the spring
rains and the frequent harrowlngs as.
sist the soil to retain the moisture be
sides pulverizing the soil for a good
seed bed and finally settling the dirt
down firm so the cultivator shovels
scour easily. I have not had so much
experience In listing, yet have listed
some for years. I think It Imprudent
to list very early, for the ground Is not
warm enough in the bottom of the fur
row. But for planting the last of May 1
would list and believe a crop may be
grown cheaper by listing If properly
managed and the work done more thor
oughly than by planting. My plan for
listing Is to throw the furrow out and
tear up the bottom of the furrow well
with a subsoller so as to make a good
seed bed.
By John Morrison, Jr., In Iowa Home
stead: In regard to politics, the far
mers of this nation are a most Im
portant factor. Statistics show that
there are nearly 6,000,000 farmers In the
United States. Our total population Is
about 70,000.000. Of this number about
one-fifth are voters. In 1896 the total
popular vote was 13.766.503. Of this
vote something like one-half was cast
by farmers. Now. I believe I have
plainly shown by these figures that the
farmers of this nation are all-powerful
and to best use that power they must
be well posted in politics, or in other
words, must possess a full and complete
knowledge of the political questions of
the day. The farmer should be thor
oughly posted upon, all subjects In
which he Is concerned, and above ai!
he should be self-reliant and able to
form and express and opinion of his
own. Many opinions are formed by
scheming politicians in order to gain
their Individual ends and to put their
respective parties in the best light pos
sible. These opinions are handed down
to the agriculturists along with other
voters, and ninety-nine times out of a
hundred are accepted as gospel, be
cause It Is our "party platform and
we must vote the ticket." I always re
spect the man who, whether he be
longs to my particular party or not,
takes a firm stand for his sentiment as
formed according to his best Judgment
of the questions at issue. I have watch
ed some voters of the weaker parties
stand right up In their thin and waver
ing ranks, who stood for their con
victions like "Trojans of Old." I have
no use for the fellow who reads noth
ing but his own party side of all ques
tions, and swallows everything as gos
peland there are many such There
i are always two sides to everything and
In politics we always find more than
two. Many statements tbout political
questions are made to mislead the voter
and these Intentional mlstakfs are of
ten explained by tht oppisltlon. Eo It
Is always best to read and reason.
Voters of all classes must read and
search for the truth not party truths,
but truths which they know to be gen
uine, and then Judge for themselves.
To do this need not detract an lota
from the business of the best of far
mers. It Is only necessary to keep
posted, and that Is easily done by tak
ing some of the leading paper and
forming a habit of reading at your leis
ure. Many farmers ay that they never
find time to read, and for the benefit of
those I wish to say that If they were
Inclined to read they would eaatly find
abundance of opportunities. The best
farmerr In this locality and everywhere
else are, without exception, the best
posted men not only on political ques-
ttons. but In general knowledge. They
alway find time to read and ponder, aa
well aa to make money. The farmer
should be a political factor In ao much
aa to know when to vote and what to
vote for, and not be led around by a
pack of political wolves who, for the
"spoil of office" are willing to promise
well, Just anything. The farmer of
today must be a student of political
economy If he desires to vote for his
own interests, and In voting for his
own Interests he Is Incidentally working
for the welfare of the nation. The far.
mer Is the nucleus, the bone and alnew
of all nations. As Bryan saya, "You
may destroy the farms and grass would
grow In the streets of the cities, but
burn down the cities and the farms
would still be there," and we add, "and
so would the farmer." I will close this
letter In the language of the late Henry
Georeg: "You cannot safely leave poli
tics to politicians nor political economy
to college professors; the people them,
aelve must think, for the people alone
can act."
Senator Piatt of New YotW haa al
ways been a careful keeper of scrap
books. Upon the declaration of hostili
ties between Spain and the United
State hi effort and those of hi sev
eral secretaries were redoubled, and he
la now believed to own one of the best
contemporary historic of the Spanish
war extant.
Charle Revere Curtis, who died In
Rockland, Mats, this week at the age
fo was the oldest descendant of Paul
Revere, who waa the granddaughter of
tha revolutionary hero. Ho waa one of
tha earliest aunejertare of tha sau.
slavery oauee.
Career of Kor-ko-ya of Juhana
haab From Poverty to Wealth.
When the Arctic whaling fleet re
turned from the north last season It
brought word that Kor-ko-ya had plac
ed a new window In his house. At a
matter of news In ordinary building
circles this would pass unnoticed, but
to those who hae traveled where the
sun shines at midnight the intelligence
is extremely Interesting.
For a decade of years the growing
opulence of Kor-ko-ya, otherwise the
"Eskimo millionaire," has been watch
ed with great curiosity by the whalers
and the occasional exporer. He has
long been known as a thrifty man, as
thrift goes in the Arctic regions, but
it is only of late that his fortune has
assumed really wonderful proportions.
It Is said that he now owns no fewer
than seven kyaks and a full two-score
of bone-tipped double bladed. paddles.
His stock of blubber for the winter of
1897-8 consisted of over sixty "parcels"
weighing 100 pounds each. In addition
to this he sold to traders half as many,
recelivng in part payment the new win
dow already mentioned.
His thirty dogs are all crossed with
the Newfoundland breed, which makes
them especially valuable for hauling
purposes and of better flavor as an ar
ticle of diet In time of famine. Of seal
skins, foxsklns, bearskins, raw elder
down, feathers, whalebone, narwhal
ivory and reindeer hides he has plenty
for some years.
But It is in wives that he is consid
ered richest. In his home Igloo up on
the western shore of Baffin bay he has
ten, all particularly strong of Jaw and
able to keep Kor-ko-ya's stock of cloth
Ing ever soft and pliable. The impor
tance of this will be understood when
the Eskimo custom of chewing skins is
Up In the polar circle, where
man's blood freezes and parte of him
drop off at the touch of the Icy blast,
H is a difficult matter to keep the un-
tanned skins from hardening and
cracking. There Is only one process
known to the Eskimo, that of chewing.
It is necessary to perform this opera
tion every two or three months, and It
is part of the wives' duties. It is for
that reason that an Eskimo selects his
future helpmates, not for beauty, come
liness of figure, nor for gentleness of
disposition, but for the size of their
teeth and the strength of their Jaws.
Wives are bought, sold and ex
changed among the Eskimo. The price
fluctuates like that of wheat or corn
or stocks on Wall street. A father
with a growing daughter will be ap
proached by a neighbor and offered one
two or three dogs for her, according to
her mailllarv nowers. Sometimes a
blue foxskin or a dozen strips of blub
ber may enter into the bargain, but
the dogs are generally the factor used.
From this It can be seen that Kor-ko
ya's stock of wives Is considered proof
of his wealth among his friends. There
are other evidences which will be de
scribed later. van born In 1841 at a
small native settlement a short dis
tance north of what is now the Danish
town of Jullanehaak In Greenland. He
left his home at an early age and made
his home with another tribe, famous as
hunters of seal, in the opposite side of
Baffin's bay. He was known to some
of the early explorers and acted as
head eulde and chief teamsman to
He attrected notice even In his teens
aa a thrifty youth, and from that
time became prominent among the Es
kimo. Savlnk is an unknown art to the
Indians of the Arctic regions, and It
is seldom they accumulate enough to
last them throughout the long winter
Certain rules of the tribes make It in
cumbent upon them to help their needy
neighbors, and for that reason the In
dividual members neglect to lay by
stores for the morrow.
. Kor-ko-ya became an exception. He
,was a skillful hunter and a shrewd
trader, and before he was 20, his main
Igloo became the center of the village,
In regard to fittings and attractiveness.
The tribe to which he had attached
himself was one of the largest and most
Influential In that part of the country,
and by his 25th year Kor-ko-ya was
recognized as the head of It. It Is said
that men came 200 miles to consult him
In affairs of the chase and trade.
His method of giving advice was
characteristic of him. He charged for
his services, and graded his schedule
of fees very like that of a lawyer In a
civilized community. In that he was
wise, several hundred years beyond his
generation; his neighbors, and men of
other tribes, worked for nothing, and
then stole as a recompense.
Kor-ko-ya asked two foxsklns for
foretelling the weather during tie long
sleep. He demanded pay in advance
and If he said the Ice would break early
and It did not he would meet the ques.
tlon with the simple truth:
"Kor-ko-ya told what was In his
knowledge, but he could not tell tht
doings of Kokola, the great sea-woman,
who passeth all understanding. She
held the ice after It was ready to
If persistence was shown he would
silently offer to return the foxsklns.
They were never taken, because to In
cur the displeasure of Kor-ko-ya meant
trouble and trouble a-plenty In that re
gion. Which goes to show that tht
wily Eskimo waa only following the
practices ot men below the Ice belt.
Whalers have been known to refer to
Kor-ko-ya as "that Eskimo boss."
Be that as It may, the fact remains
that Kor-ko-ya waxed rich aa the years
passed. To comfortably house his wlea.
his dogs and his possessions during the
great cold each winter reaulres aa Igloo
if greater pretense than the usual run
of Eskimo Ice buts.
Like the wealthy men of other climes
who have seen their fortunes grow, he
was content at first with sleeping room
In an ordinary igloo. As a young man
he lived amid the squalor and stench of
a hut sheltering a dozen persons of
both sexes. He kept his solitary dog
with the others, occupying the tunnel
leading from the outside into the igloo,
and he was fain to have his clothing
softened by the ancient teeth of an
old woman who did it for gain.
In those days he fished and hunted
and speared from morning until night
and brought in such trophies of his
skill that people began to talk of him
During the time of the great Eskimo
famine when the Eskimo were com
pelled to travel so far south to secure
food that the sun burnfcd them, Kor-ko-ya
killed in single combat a lean white
bear whose hunger had given tt the
strength of ten, and then calmly gave
part of his share of the eagerly cov
eted meat to a neighbor whose leg had
been broken by a sled.
Fir this act of charity men said Kor-ko-ya
was under a spell and that the
white glare had entered his brain.
A few months later, when plenty
began to come and the Ice broke, and
the seal dotted the edge ef the spread
ing waters, one of the tribe living in
that village slipped into a crevice while
hunting and was lost. He left a widow
and a small babe at the breast, and,
according to custom. It came to pass
that she set forth to kill the child.
Among these gentle people, for ta
truth they are gentle, the sacrifice of
the infants Is a part ef their belief. In
the regions of the north, where every,
thing, even nature, is hard, the law ef
the survival of the fittest obtains to tho
last degree.
The weak go to the waff and ktn
ness Is strangled by hunger. The ecld
of the ice Is reflected In the hearts of
the people; death itself has terrors
like the gnawing ef famine. T die la
good, because it Is the entrance to a
place of many seals and much blabbc
and skin clothing ever sett.
The widow set forth to kill her bake,
as she had seen ether widows do In he
time. She was el the age when a hus
band Is necessary far sustenance. She
could net work, because young women
did not labor save for their lords. And
she could not marry wHh a child, be
cause no man would take her thus bas
dened. It waa meet and right and the
law ef eustcaa to kill her babe.
The trodden snow about the Igloos
held the greater part sf the 111 age when
she started en her errand. There were
sorrowing faces, and seme of the spec
tators beat their breasts as they watch
ed her thread the narrow ways. She
was comely of feature, but grief made
her eld, and as she staggered en hug
ging the tiny bundle In her arms she
seemed as a stranger to the spectators.
Kor-ko-ya's igloo was on the out
skirts of the village. As the widow
passed it he appeared and gazed Into
her face. Then be stopped her.
"Lutangwa," he said simply, "wllr
you make an Igloo with me?"
Those who heard marveled. An Es
kimo never asks a woman to marry him
it is he who grants the favor. And
Lutangwa was not a bargain. Her
teeth were rather scant and she had
suffered with a trouble at ene time.
Then to make It more wonderful, Kor-ko-ya
was a hunter whose fame waa
growing. And he had some blubber
and bear meat stored In the lee aearby.
The widow nodded. Her stupefaction
was too great for words. After a mo
ment she recalled her errand and
started to move away, bnt Kor-ka-ya
stopped her again.
"Where Is Lutangwa going?" bo
The woman made a gesture toward
the child In her arms. Then she looked
up at the stolid Eskimo with all her
mother love In her face. She had aa
hope that the rigorous custom would
be broken for her sake, bat the babe
was her all.
"Com with ae, Lutangwa," said
"But my child"
Kor-ko-ya took her by the arm and
led her to his igloo. Into which they
disappeared. There was no comment
made by the spectators. They doubted
the testimony of their eyes, and it waa
not until they saw Lutangwa installed
with the suckling babe In the skla
pouch at her back that they realized
the truth.
From that time what Kor-ko-ya did
was accepted as Inspired. When ha
built a hut of stone and moss Instead of
Ice, his neighbors considered It all right
for him. When he made a tube of
bits of stray wood and Inserted It In tha
roof for the purpose of ventilation,
they commented not, but when, In time,
he bought a cabin window from an Ice
bound whaler, paying for It many fox
and reindeer skins, and placed It In the
wall of his Igloo, the news spread far
and wide that Kor-ko-ya was dead, and
that the soul of a white man's dell had
come In his place.
But he continued on In the tenor ot
his way and hunted and fished and
saved and waxed rich. As the years
passed his fame spread and the mea
came from beyond the water to see hie
riches and to step Inside of his hut to
look out through the glass window and
to go outside to look In.
He became well knows) to the hardy
whalers, and today his doings form a
subject of comment and Interest fca
mors than on country. And that to
why the news that ke had placed aa
other window In hi house waa carried
over t.OM miles si Ice and water, to ha i
discussed over pipes aad ale ta a
civilised seaports.
U Perhaps you have had tha
grippe or a hard cold. You
miy be recovering rrora
malaria or a clow fever; or
possibly some of the chil
dren are Just getting over
the measles or whooping
Are you recovering as fast
as you should? Has not
your old trouble left your
blood full of impurities?
And isn't this the reason
you keep so poorly? Don't
delay recovery longer but
It will remove all Impuri
ties from your blood. It la
also a tonic of immense
value. Give nature a little
help at this time. Aid her
by removing all the products
of disease from your blood.
If your bowels are not
just right, Ayer's Pills will
make them so. Send for
cur book en Diet in Conad. .
fa om Haaraew.
We Iists tk ucIuIts f 1 1 us
af issu t tk mi (islam skr
m mm uinn awes. wnai
rasty sa4 raaawe a insist reply.
VttfcMt Mt.
Aaaies, VtL t. O. A'
An old gypsy named Rafael has aab
ed the emperor of Austria to Invest hla
with the dignity of king of the
sles, because he can prove his dire
descent from Pharaoh.
Prom a line of European Investment
bonds the sultan of Turkey has just rorf
reived a windfall of something over flvej
millions. But then Abdul has a large?
family and perhaps he needs the moneyji
Ernest Legouve It Is a womaal
rTlArftV that ronawa ovamr ,!.,. W nfM
j - - - - . . . . unj uic 111 11
acle of Christ feeding a multitude wltai
a few loaves and fishes. '
ChlCSm. Milwaukee A m teiil
for Chicae-o and the Raat Shm n-TJ
between Omaha nri PMn-mr, iri-r--4A
lighted, si earn heated, solid vestlbuledH
trains derar dally from Union Depot!
Omaha D'nlrg cars operated "a lay
carte" plan -pay a reasonable price feaV
what you order only.
General Western Agent,
1604 Farnam St., Omaha.
"The rraest mistake that tho
World's hts'o-Y has ever Irnnwn u
eently rema-ked Cecil Rhodes In Berlin.'
was i ne nunning or tne tower of Ba
net. ah peop'e ought to speak
sans language English."
-, . . . . .
n ihic rouno inp (PIUS IZ.Oo) OS)
first and third Tuesdays of each montbJ
"'titBi nu oesi nne to bi. lxmis, tnox
East and South, via Omaha A St LouloV
and Wabash. Fast mall leaves Omaha
4:50 p. m., Council Bluffs 5:10 n. m.. ar1
rives St. Louis 7 a m tnrnln 1-a w1
St. Louis 7:30 D. m.. arrives Omahatl
8:35 a. m. dallv. All Information alt
Port Anithr Rnnt nfflr wis vJM
iraiiun noiei diock) or writ)
Harry E. Moores. C. P. A T. A., OmahaJ
The Thames Iron company of Londaa.1
has received a contract to construct M
railway from Haifa to Damascus whlplB
will cross the Jordan by a stone bridge?
and will run along the shores of tkaV
lake of Tiberius.
via the
Half fare tickets south with tt added
good returning 21 day, will be old ot.
April 18. May r and 16. Remember tho
Wabash Is the Short Line and quickest
route South The best line East. Fo
rates East or South call on or writer
Q. N. Clayton, room 302 Karbach blk-.
Omaha, Neb.
It la estimated that the potato ero
of Arostonk rnitntv vr In. mriu - - w
6.0O0.MX bushels and' 8.000 tons of atanav
ohaba. . mo. ie-isee.
I 4