FARMER AND WAGE (By William M. Binding Whould th farmer and waff ( take a more active part in politics fc the question that is forcing it;f to the front in this crisis in the history ot ur country. There are those who say the bank ers are the only one competent to say what shall constitute money, how mui hall be in circulation, who shall con trol Its use; and incidentally who shall have it to use. There are those who claim that rail road companies are the only ones wh know what laws should he made to govern them in relation to their du ties and wages to their employes, an rates charged and services rendered to the public generally: and there are those who think our cotton, woolen, tin and hundreds of self-styled "industries should make er dictate laws giving them bounties on their business and snoney invested therein and providing m they can absolutely control prices mad amounts of their products and wage to employes. In order te concentrate their power and influence and make them more ef fcettve in the halls of legislation and regulate the price and quantity of their -products in the markets of this coun try they have within the last year cr two formed gigantic combinations call d trusts. The capital In these trust corporations is enormous, representing on paper over two thousand millions of dollars. Now when these trusts have get the law as they want them: when these interested parties in their own Individual interests control the prices to be paid for everything made or done Vy them and wages capital Is to pay for labor on railroads and in mines and monufactories. what will become of the rest of the people? When one-tenth r less have control of the time, labot and manner of living of the other nine tenths, the old time theory of the feu 4al ages will be put in practice with all the refinement of the "humanity" f the money power of the nineteenth -century. The feudal theory was: "Let the government take care of the rich aad the rich will take care of the poor." Th the same old argument that Justl -flea all kinds of human slavery and war a Ignorant and half-barbarous peoples. Will there be any difference between -the result of the theory and practice mt the barons of the thirteenth and -that of the bankers' and hundreds of other trusts of the nineteenth century? 'When the barons had subdued the see wt of their respective territories and robbed them of all the property and independence they ever had they made war one on another and robbed anil despoiled each other, using the people they had enslaved to fight the slaves -aad retainers of their neighbor barsns Us wondr those times are called is hrtory the "Dark Ages." Is the enlightenment of the nineteenth century to be followed by the darkness --caused by "man's inhumanity to man," which makes countless millions mourn tn afi ages of the world? Are these oullesa machines, the trusts, with theli SBoney-maklng greed and cruelty, to rale and ruin our country? ft can only be done by the consent of our peo. ate. and the question now before us is, hall we consent to this ruthless out--rage upon our honor, our homes, and or right to liberty, life and the pursuit ef happiness? Money Is power, and there are those who love money and 'III power more than aught else. "The Htve of money Is the root of all evil," rote Solomon the wise, and he knew whereof he wrote, for the love of money and Its power Impelled the excessive taxation of the common people to sup- psrt the privileged classes and war -the culminating cause of the downfall M the Israelltlsh nation. It Is not money In and ot itself, for the necessity for Its use is universal. wt the inordinate love of it and the - an hallowed means to get Its posseasioa and the power it wields that la at the foundation of the evils that follow its -elfish pursuit. How, who Is to call a halt to this wwdensome taxation to enrich the few hich has caused the downfall of ail sine mighty and most enlightened sn lent nations? Who shall ssy "thus fsr -halt thou come and no farther?" It is -the farmer and wage-earner, who have always been the conservative element -fa our country's government It Is the tate'llgent. the liberty-loving, the horn snaking and the world-feeding farmer jBd mechanic. They cast three-fourths of the votes, they pay three-fourths of the taxes, they furnish three-fourths of the freight on our railroad and steam boat lines. They furnish three-fourths -f oru soldiers, and without them our gttles would soon become ruins and our aeuatry and nation, like Egypt, Rome, Grose, contain but relics of for- A few year ago the bankers, for po 'IJtJcal effect, commenced a senseless raid upon the credit of our nation. They atalmed they had no confidence in our -paper money, which money was backed ap by the whole people of the country. It to now amaslng to see what effect -tfcto tusslssg claim set up traitor to sjb psspls. and aided by traitor In -jj grrernnsent itself, had upon the Mim ef the country and the far- leerhlng hut really causeless panic that It. i the bankers thrmselves loot con- In their own security, and the t fail, and bankers. Ilk ta roast and rat each other ft s4dwlwtn of one railroad made .wmr smasj M mined other sMckbetd ... hsjtlsjm cenndtas la Us la sr je af hsajtsjts natasat wfwfw i i -Is Ms general ml . tn Os wra r - vt H EARNER IN POLITICS of St Croix Falls, Wis.) was a warning to the conspirators ts hold their parricidal hand. The free dom of the American citizen was not yet to be confined and bound by the chains of feudal servitude. They sent the products of the soil, town and reaped by "the sweat of the face" to foreign countries by the billions of dollars worth and hurled back the lie upon the traitors and slanders who had said the greenbacks were without se curity though pledged by the whole people. They bought the products of the looms. They made a market pos sible for the products of the mines and furnaces. They filled the freight cars of the railroads and furnished loads for the steamships, and by their faith and works rescued this county from the panic of the "want of confidence" con spirators, and so it must be again In the near future In regard to the present conspiracy. The banker trust is saying to the other trusts, "You must all sup port us. Help us to get laws so we can control the currency of the country, and then we will help you to control your separate Interests." The railroads say to their employes. "Vote for laws to give us control of freight rates and we Ihen can raise your wages." The hun dreds of other trusts say the same thing tn their employes, and they all say to the farmer and mechanic, "Help to laws that will build us up and we will pay you higher prices for your prod ucts and your labor," and thus this new confidence game is played. The bankers will have confidence when they can dictate the amount of money to be in circulation. And who shall circulate It? The railroad stock holders will be firm when they can dic tate what roads shall be built, what rates shall be paid for freight and passage, and wager to their employes. And so with the othf r trust, each is to be protected by laws dictated by itself and for its own advantage. And these trusts, less than a hun dredth part of the people, fay to the ninety-nine hundredths,"Tou don't need to bother yourselves about money, you don't need much anyway. Leave that to us. Let us make the laws, you only need to obey them. We will fix the price of your labor and all you have ts sell, and also of all you have to buy. Have confidence in our superior wis dom aad he happy." This Is the monumental confidence game mow being played on the Amer ican people for the years ' IM and 104. TIs the same old "want of confidence la the government and people game" of I CM. now asking the people o place the entire government Into their hands. These ere the real issues at present before twe American people aad they must meet them. Now. is II true that those who pay three-fourths of the taxes don't know how these taxes should be expended That those who furnish the wes'th an the labor of the country don't know tow that weaJ'h should be used srd that labor paid That the agriculturists whese surplus products from the soil have In the lift wo years saved the country from the 'want of confidence." Hypocrites are to be again put under the Iron heel of these same pharasaical monopolists who are asking to have full confidence placed in them. That the money the farmer gets for his toil and the wage earner for his labor must be doled out by a combination of bankers ea their owa Individual security because, for sooth, the government with the whole people behind It is not security enough to make that money sound and food. TIs aa Insult to the Intelligence of the people. It Is the rant of Benedict Ar nold's who would sell the liberties of their countrymen for gold. 8 too of the other trusts. They are formed to benefit the few who are members The Increased profits and huge salaries of officers must be paid by consumers of their products, for these trusts are to limit production, stop competition, and raise prices. The millions to make richer these millionaire trusts must be drama from the people. Tea dollars each taken from 70.4M.MM consumers makes the trusts t'OO.OOO.MO richer. Continue this a few years and the great mass of the people will be as dependent upon these serpent trust that they have warmed into life as even the ancient peoples upon their lords 01 the veriest slaves upon their masters. This combination ot trusts must be voted down or soon the wars of feudal times will sgaln "fill the earth with violence and blood." Oold Standard Manifesto. The committee appointed by the cen tral council of the National Sound Money league at Its recent meeting in New Tork to draw up resolutions set ting forth the purposes of the league and report later, has drawn up the fol lowing: "That the National Sound Money lesfj: demands that a declaratory act of congress be passed making all bonds, notes, or other obligations of the United States payable in the lawful unit of value, which Is by statute a dollar made of gold; also an act of legislation, giv ing the holder of any not or coin of the United States the right to demand redemption under suitable provision in respect to subsidiary coins of Its than on dollar ach. In said unit of value, or dollar made of gold or IU multiple la other gold coin. "That so long as the government con tinue t reissue its note te circulate a money, th league favor legislation establishing a separate bursa of lean nd rodemptloa at the treasury depart met. to) which shall b held a separata reserv of gold cola la aasouat saffl riewt ta assure th prompt redemption erf alt srmaal obltgaBoa tf Us ODDS AND ENDS. Andrew Carnegie has bought the Jueen mines, near Marquette, Mich. Ice manufacturers of Ohio, Wttt Vir ginia and Kentucky are in session at Columbus, O. The British trustees have sold the Crescent brewery, Aurora, Ind., to some person unknown. The Empire Steel and Iron company las bought the two Henr; Clay fur lacea in Pennsylvania. The private bank of L. P. Ilunner & McKinzie, Alma. Wis., has succumbed, with little cash in the vault. Louisville and Cincinnati grain deal rs have gone to Chicago to attempt to ret dealers Into the southern combine. The interstate commerce commission fill. April 28, be 'at Knoxville. Tenn., .o hear complaints against the South jrn railway. The Albatross, a new type of torpedo joat destroyer, built In London, made thirty-three knots on her trial trip. Charles Otto, age 60, Green Bay, Wis., was killed by Al Vincent, aged 22. be rg struck over the heard with a board. Family feud was the cause. Karl Leek man. the alleged assassin of Mrs. Hustler, South Charleston, 111., las been taken to Washington Court House to escape mob violence. Lieutenant Colonel Brown, Brttisb nilitary attache at Pekln, China, has seen arrested for not removing his hat when a religious procession passed film. He was quickly released. Perry 8. Heath, first assistant post master general, has arrived at San Juan, Porto Rico. The Ohio Central Fuel company, it is reported, will dissolve, because of the anti-trust decision. It Is said that rolling mills to cost jver 11,000,000 will be built at Hanover Gulch, Grant county, N. M. Southern manufacturers of wide print cloth goods met at Spartansburg, 8. C to form a combine. The Lake Carriers association has sgreed on a demurrage of 5 cents a ton .'or each twenty-four hours after the first thirty-six hours. A Sheffield engineering firm has given in American firm a large order for heavy machinery, British contractors being unable to make fast time. Berlin reports that Emperor William planning the formation of a separate province for Berlin, abolishing self rovernment and substituting royal of ficials, because of the growth of so cialism. It has been ststed that John Walter f the London Times left a a legacy to his daughter one of the advertising columns of the Thunderer. H brought the lady $150 a day enough to keep her from absolute want. One of the out-of-the-way wars of the world is lnjrogress between Persia and the Arabs of the Lingah, on the north Mat coast of the Persian gulf. In the ast battle reported the Arabs lost 120 men and the Persians four. Kaiser Wllhelm is usually called a Hohenxollern, but, as a matter of fact, the real name has been lengthened by .he addition of Hohen. He Is a descend ant of the count of Zollern, Thassalon y name, who founded the line about the year 800. The family of William Penn has not lied out. One of his descendants by the closest collateral branch Is S. Cam tron Marriot of New York, member of the United States commission to the Paris exposition, who is the great-great-great nephew of the first Penn. ylvanian. "See here, Boston Pete," said the magistrate severely, "this is a pretty grave. The officer says that in trying to hold this man up you knocked hlra Jow." "Such an evident contradiction, your honor," replied the culprR, "I unworthy of judicial investigation." Nearly all the historic wars that have taken place In Europe since the days it the first Crusade may be attributed to the existence of the Salic law, and even in the present century sanguinary struggles have taken place on Its ac count. Great Britain and Russia ar the only two countries where it ha never secured any foothold and neither the one nor the other baa ever bad any reason for regret, since the sovereign who have contributed most largely to the glory of tbe country have been wo men. "Croesu Bow" In New Tork Is now complete, as Howard Gould has joined the millionaire colony. The young cap italist baa purchased the south corner of Seventy-third street and Kith ave nue, opposite Central park, at tbe not to be despised figure 4iO,vOO, where he will erect a palace for bis bride, Cathe rine Clemmons, the actress, whom h wedded last October. This will bring the cost of his bouse close to the mil lion mark and will be one in a half mile stretch of pslaces tbe equal of which cannot be found anywhere elso in the world. The women patrons of the street cars of Chicago have formed a "Woman's Municipal Onershlp League," the object of which is to advocate municipal own ership ot the street railways. The or ganisation has bad thousands of cards printed for distribution In th cars, a follows: "Oentlemen, stand up and give the woman seatsl Tou can vote for municipal ownership and stop this thing; they cannot!" The Island of Perro I on of th lergest In the Canary group and It ha received It name on account of It Ironbound soil, through which no river or stream flows. In the midst ef th Island there grows a tree knowa a th raining tree, th leave of which ar long and narrow. It continues In con stant verdure summer and winter, aad th branch ar covered with a cloud which to never dispelled, hat, resolving itself lato moisture, causes te fall from It leave a very clear water la eeea badnc that totem placed at MP set te reeetv tt are never REPUBLICAN PARTY (T.y Haien M. Pingree, Governor of In the Independent's letter inviting me to contribute to Its columns, the following sentence from my recent ad dress at Toledo. O.. is quoted: "I have no hesitation In saying that the leadership of the republican party is no' withm the control of the bond holders." Thu sentence should be read with the context. Immediately follow ing the above were these sentences: "This does not mean that the repub lican party Is the party cf the monop olists, by any means. It simply means that the course of the party is dictated too much by commercial greed. "Men like your Ohio bos, who rules from Cleveland, have wielded a sceptre which does not belong to the republican party. It is foreign to its history and to its principles. I hope you will tear that sceptre from his grasp and dash it to pieces here in Toledo tomorrow. "Trusts, corporations and money must not rule our party. It was created as a party of the entire people. It was such in Lincoln's time. But it Is slipping away from Its original principles. Its leadership Is largely in the hands ot corporate wealth. "I do not condemn corporations and rich men. but I would keep them within their proper sphere. The republican party is not their property, to use as they see ft. "Money getting Is not the sole aim in life. It should not be the principal ob ject. It Is not safe to Intrust the gov ernment of the country to the influence of Wall street. This is a common state. ment, I know. But it has a serious meaning. "I do not say these things to excite a popular clamor against wealth. The owners of large amounts of property are entitled to their possessions, most of them. The laws of the land protect them, and rightly, loo. "But I do say that they have no right to rule politics. It in an illegal use of their wealth. They ought not to be permitted to guide the republican party to make It a party of commercial greed. "The majority of the party Is not with them. It Is the duty of the party to send them to the rear. Jt will do so unless they do something for American humanity and quit using the govern ment for selfish commercial purposes. "Talk like this will be met with cries of 'treason to the party' from the bond holders who now lead the party, and from their agents and their sub sidised press. 'I care nothing for that. The great majority of republicans, the farmers, artisans, mechanics, clerks, business men and men of brains and common sense. Indorse such sentiments. They are the ovters. They sre the ones who sre suffering from the evil effects of these great combines and monopolies." In an address delivered by me at the banquet of the Michigan club, of De troit, on February 22, last. I spoke as follows: "The republican party was formed to make men free and equal. Its votes came from the farmer and his sons; from the villages and the country dis tricts of the various slates. They did not come from the overcrowded por tions of our rrest rllles. where the voters were controlled ty bosses. Re publican majorities came from the states that afterward furnished patri otic soldiers. So long as the great questions growing out of the civil war emalned unsettled the republican party was controlled by men chosen to rep resent the people. "But In time these questions disap peared and other questions demanded sttention. Problems of trade and finance, and questions cf administra tion came up. Meantime wealth in creased and capital and labor drifted into conflict Gradually the men of wealth dropped into the republican party. Corporations found their inter ests well cared for by the men who were chosen to the legislative bodies as republicans. "Now this has been going on so long and so steadily that It has become no torious. Old republicans have been held In l!r.e because they could do nolh irg e'.se. Eorr.e leaders of the demo cratic party live it iJnr.GSt Im possible by the'.r acts for prudent and thoughtful business men to Join H. "All the men who had schemes, and all the corporations who wanted privi leges Joined the republican party, ex pectir.g that party to bear their bur. dens and to serve them. This has been golr.g on for years, but It cannot last forever, gentlemen. "I deem It a valuable service to the party to speak a word of warning at this time. For it is time that corpora tions, combines, trusts and multl-mll-llonalres were requested to leave the front seats, at least, and let the men who can speak for th great body ot votrs, the men who believe In the re publlcanism of Abraham Lincoln, have room and part In the conduct of public affairs. I do not even suggest that men be Ignored and humiliated simply because they sre rich, but the legisla tive and executive offices of this na tion cannot much longer be filled by men whose claims sre based tolely upon their devotion to corporate Interests. . . "Th chief point I wish to make at this time is that the rank and file of the republican party will not stoy with us hereafter, unless we choose our lead ers without consulting those who con. trol th corporation, trusts and com bine of th country, their attorneys, agents and servants. Our leaders must be men who are proof against all cor ruptlng Influence and th temptations which com with political ambition. When th republican party return te th leadership ef such man, I will have a fear for tu future." AND MONEY POWER Michigan, in New Tork Independent) I have thought that perhaps the per sistent ignoring, by most of the leaders of the republican party, of the very se rious problems treated by the organisa tion of trusts which have multiplied to an almost fearful extent during the past twelve months was due to the fact that these leaders did not fully realize the immense importance of the problems to the people. I believe also that these leaders do not appreciate how deeply the people of the country fell upon the matter and how much earnest thinking they are dc-ing at the present time. It is r.ot necessary to gj far from my own home, however. In order to discov er the real attitude of at least one multi-millionaire leader of tbe party upon this Important question. Senator Mc Millan, whose long service In the Unit ed States senate entitles him to rank as one of the leaders of the republican party. In an open letter to the senate of Michigan, writes as follows. In re ferring to trusts: "By Judicious com binations among the Industries, pro duction has been cheapened, while at the same time steady work and better wages have been assured." No more frank and positive Indorse, ment of trusts could be made than this. That Senator McMillan correctly repre- sents the leadership of the party can only be assumed by the silence of the leaders upon this subject. It Is even a question whether any of Senator McMillan's deductions arec or. rect. It may be true that production has been cheapened for the time being, but it Is also proper to Inquire whether the result ot monopoly will not eventu ally result in cheapening the product If one concern possesses a monopoly In the manufacture of an article, what as surance have we that the article will steadily Improve In grade and excel lence? Does not experience prove the contrary? Senator McMillan alleges that steady work and better wages are attired by "judicious combinations." He need only refer to his home city of Detroit, where the closing of a factory, which has been absorbed by the tobacco trust, will throw over two hundred families out of employment. It has not even been demonstrated that the organization of trusts assures better wages. We can not know this until the holders of th watered stocks and bonds of the trusts begin to demand dividends and Inter est. But this problem of 'Hrusts" involve a question of vastly greater Importance than the success of business enterprise or the accumulation of enormous wealth by financiers. It Involves the national character. I have not time, to enter into a full discussion of this phase of the problem, but will only ask these ques tions: Can the people of this country afford to build up enormous money making machines at the expense of their own independence and manhood? Shall this country of political freedom become a country of commercial slav. ery the Inevitable resultant of concen tration and combination of wealth? 1 have been read many a lecture by republican r.ewfpapers and severely criticised by republican politicians for daring to Intimate that the party shows indications ot not being faithful to Its duty upon this great question. I yield to none of them In loyalty to the party. I have such a regard for the tradition and principles of the party that I am unwilling to see it pledged, by the si lence of most of its present leaders, to the Interests of the "judicious combi nations" referred to In Senator McMil lan's letter. I make bold to say that the leaders of the party, upon this question, do not correctly reflect the opinions and convictions of tbe rank and file of the party. The republican party has ever been a party ot honesty of purpose. It will do no damage to the party to discuss this question openly and freely. The real traitor to the party Is the one who in quires, behind closed doors, what Is ex pedlent for the party. When the lead ers discuss party policy In secret they are not thinking of the welfare of the party. They have In mind only their own personal Interests. If the attitude of the party is right It can trust the people to treat it fairly. The republican party can be depended upon to deal honestly and effectively with the problem of trusts if It Is per mitted to txprtcs Its convictions. Among the latest compromise style in dress skirts, designed particularly for those who cannot or will not adopt the extreme models. Is one formed of grad uated box plaits that reach from belt to hem, tapering to about two Inches in width at the top. There are two different waists which go with this skirt, one In which graduated box plalts, like those on the skirt, reach from shoulder to belt; the other plaited also, but with a deep-shaped loke, cov ering the upper half of the waist, front and back, and only the plait exactly In front reaching the entire length of th waist. The blue foulard silks ar always more favored at each recurring spring season than any pattern In black, brown or green. This year the satin foulards and the thinner lustreless fou lards show an unusual number ef shades In blue, Including Indigo, Roman, drake's neck, silver, nsvy, bluebell, pea cock and del. Polka dots, small dia mond shspes, Vermicelli and coral de signs predominate among the blue fou lards for cool traveling, beach aad walking costumes. A pretty novelty la belt to mad et black er white velvet, embroidered with tl jet er Imitation jewsta THC SUNNY SOUTH Presante an Unqualod Combina tion of Advantages "Nature baa given the South Advan tages unequaled by those of any othei country. More than M per cent of the world's cotton is rsised In the South But its cotton crop is now exceeded It value by its grain crops, which aggre gate (50,000,000 bushels a year, a tact which comparstively few seem to know More than one-half of all the standing timber lu the United States is In tin South. Iron ore and coal are In unlim ited supply, and owing to their prox imity to each other, and to the low cost of mining, pig Iron Is now made at smaller cost than in any other part o? the world. Pittsburg and Chicago an now using Alabama iron for basic stee' making, and soon large steel plants wll be built In the South. Nearly even Southern state has an abundance the best water powers to supplement the advantages of cheap coal. It is not an exaggeration to say that this fa vored land has greater advantages anf resources, such ss mineral, timber an agricultural wealth, than all other sec tions; It also has greater advantage! tor the profitable utilization of these natural resources than any other coun try In the world; by virtue of Its rlvert and long sea coast, it has the guarantee of the lowest freight rates, regardlesi of railroad combinations; It has a cli mate that Is conducive to good healtl and long life a climate that reducee the cost of living to a minimum; It ha all of these mighty factors to Insure Its prosperity, and with fewer disad vantages than any other equal area I America or Europe. It can produce ev erything, from the widest range of ag ricultural growth to the widest limit et manufacturing and mining diversity, at a lower cost than other sections. II Is becoming the market garden of the North. In the aggregate the shipmenl nf early fruits and vegetables to ths North and West probably amounts U 150,000,000 a year. This business Is In creasing very rapidly. Ten years agt it was of trifling Importance. Some countries have iron and coal tome have timber; some have a gooc :llmate; some have water powers; some other advantages; but no other except the South combines all of these, and to them adds cotton, which, In all Hi ramifications, is tbe foundation of whal is probably the greatest manufacturing merest In the world. For information concerning th s- narkabiy low prices of land, unexcelled terms and special excursion rates, ap ply to O. N. Clayton, Northwestern Passenger Agent, Wabash Railroad Co., oom J02 Kaibach Blk., Omaha, Neb. SOME LATE INVENTIONS. Unwholesome water Is purified by a sw Yorker's patent, consisting of la :roducing sodlc chloride and sulphate it alumina In sufficient quantities t reclpita'.e the impurities, after which ihe water Is drawn off from the deposit For use on cigar boxes a box lid and ag support is formed of a piece of met- il bent to clamp the end of tbe hog :loe to the lid, with an extension bent it right angles to engage the cover hen open and hold a price ticket A portable fumigating device for part ying small rooms ts an oil stove set m ihe bottom of a casing, with the liquid or fumigation contained In a receptacle tt the top, with pipes over the flame o vaporate the liquid. Stamps can be carried in the pocket y the use of a handy receptacle, con ilBting of a flat piece of metal with me end bent double to hold a flexible itrlp of metal to clamp the stamp, with a spring cover which closes vr he outside. To measure bolts of cloth as they are wound from one roll to another, aa as- omatlc device is formed of a roller held Between two arms to rest on the boll aa t revolves, moving a graduated disk forward one notch at each revolution. In a new safety pin designed by a Canadian woman the pin portion will sot pull out under a strain, having the point formed with a small arrow bead which enters the cloth easily, but will iot pull out ot the end of the lap when once closed. Cinders are prevented from blowing n car windows by an improved screen which Is wound on a roller at the toe f the window and can be operated like i curtain, the screen allowing the pass age ot fresh aid and affording a view jf the scenery. A New Tork woman has patented s oaby carriage with a music device at ached, having a toothed wheel revolv. mg with one of the rear wheels, to turr the shaft of a music box, the shaft be ing disconnected when It la desired U rtop the music. A New Yorker has designed an Im proved bicycle saddle. In which a flat (ring bar is clamped In a vertical po ilUon on the post, with an Independent circular pad mounted at each end ol the bar, the pads being adjustable tc form a seat fitting any rider. Halt can be freely shaken from an Im proved cellar, which has a double cap the Inner member of which ha slots instead of round perforations, while the outer member is fitted with tongue U nter the slots and turn freely te dis lodge the salt from the holes. In a new combined mud guard an support for bicycles a stiff wire frame is hinged down to the crank hangar, V is covered with fabric to protect the rider when mounted and th lower n swings down to the orown of th fron' fork, extending te the ground t for the support. A spectator at a New Tork perform anc of "Othello" a short Urn age rest from hi at while Desdemon wai being smothered by a pllllow to) tin hand ef the Moor end declared: - consider this an outrage. I will m stay in any piay none waere tl taanw -Va- nigger t kill a watt be weal eat