The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 13, 1899, Image 2

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St. Louis Darkey Hal Been Dead
Fifteen Years and Not Buried.
For almost 15 years the body of Jas.
Fields, a negro, has remained in St.
Louis unburied. It is daily viewed by
many people at J. P. Murrell's Sons
undertaking establishment, 1322 Mar
ket street It is kept in a dark room,
but anybody Is free to graze upon It.
Curiosity, coupled with a desire to
show that the body of a human being
eould be kept Intact for an Indefinite
period, prompted me to preserve this
specimen." said John K. Murrell. mem
ber of the firm. 'Happy Jim,' as this
darkey was called by his friends, was
about 28 years old when he died. His
death took place at one of the city in
stitutions and the body was turned over
to me by a medical college.
"I had been experimenting with em
balming fluids and desired to see how
long they would preserve a body. 1
prepared Jim's remains for the opera
tion, carefully and then pumped the
fluid Into him with as much care as If
there had been big money in the Job.
The process was so thorough that a rep
etition was unnecessary.
"The body is now like a mummy.
Practically, it is the same in appear
.,. o. it was 14 or 15 years ago, but it
aaa shrunk a little and the face looks
pinched and the action of the fluid has
contracted the skin. Altogether the
body has lost ten pounds in weight, and
now weighs only 100 pounds.
"Jim we always speak of him as if
were alive is an object of interest to
a great many people who have heard of
his strange post-mortem existence, and
hardly a day passes that at least on
person does not call here and ask to see
him. Many of the callers are negroes
who once knew Jim. Strange to say,
they do not seem to be afraid of him
in his present state.
"The teeth are Just as good as ever,
and the kinky hair la still in its natural
condition. The body is about an inch
shorter than it was at flrsL
"Jim reposes peacefully in our pine
box warehouse, and he may stay there
for years to come.
"I do not believe there is anothei
modern specimen like him in the world.
"The principle of the embalming pro
cess I used, I believe, is the same as
that employed by the ancient Egyp
tlons. The mummy of Jim Fields dif
fers in no essential form from that of
Rameses IL or any other body discov
ered in the burial places of Egypt
"It should be remembered that not
the slightest odor has ever been detect
ed about this body.
"If Americans chose to do so, I be
lieve they could preserve the bodies of
the dead so effectively that they wouia
sever perish, Just as did the Egyptians.
"The body of Abraham Lincoln, un
less I am mistaken, looks now Just as
tt did when he was assassinated, near
ly 36 years ago.
"Bodies can be preserved without
burial, If necessary. I remember the
ease of an actor who played in a stock
.r, .t a local theater. He died
and was turned over to me to be em
balmed with the request not to ship
until ordered. I waited 11 months.
When the order finally came the body
in lust as good condition as ever.
There are several formulas for mak
ing embalming fluid. All of these fluids
are composed of powerful chemicals.
The principal ingredients used on Jim
were arsenic, sulphate of sine, bichlo
ride of mercury, formaldehyde and gly
cerine." . , .
Whan 8h Lovad Him Best
"Oh, when he's so nicely dressed and
bared and has such a dashing air you
can't imagine how I love hlmT'
A young woman said this to me one
day regarding her husband-tnai-nopea-to-be,
who bad Just left us.
And this Is what I said in reply:
"I am afraid that your love is hardly
mii enough for marriage."
She opened her pretty blue eyes and
. -rm sure I don't know what you
Then I told her what I meant.
There is no greater leveler on earth
than marriage! It is the enemy of
pretense and acting In general. You've
got to lore very hard and very deeply
tn stand Its disillusions. Tour Charley
won't always be nicely dressed and
shaved and dashing and polite. There
will be days when be'H look like a
nrlvate. with his forty-eight nourr
growth of beard, and wear costumes
that will hardly appeal to your dainty
taste. He'll have his surly mornings
at breakfast, too, and his days when
your dinner will know him not. He
nay not pick his words when he gets
.nrv. and will possibly wish to read
the PPW when? you want him to read
"He never wilt" she said vehemently
"1 hope not," I replied, "but they're
really all very much alike. Tou must
prepare for some surprises. He wears
hia company manners now, but they'll
chafe him a little after marriage,
. .-ii tv. win often take them off
think voure lust horrid," she said
"Tea. I suppose I am," was my re
snoaae "and so I withdraw all that
rCasaid. If a a foolish thing to point
Is? the recks in a road that looks all
tm bat aaa mist
Z Kaw York Herald.
mi Journal: This is the story of
tm tlMt was too b;tl tr Jr.-rt;
mr the young wife is exeialm
T- liety. Wiiww
baahonl beat-
i i se wna um ew
f i s
The Question of Imperialism Con
sidered From Every Standpoint
Some Extracts.
Chicago. 111. (Special ) William J.
Bryan is to publish a book entitled.
"Republic or Empire The Philippine
Question," in which he discusses ter
ritorial expansion from every stand
point, his argument being supplemented
by chapters dealing with the various
phases of the subject by Andrew Car
negie, George F. Hoar, John W. Dan
iels, Henry M. Teller and other states
men and scholars.
As to imperialism. Mr. Bryan says:
"Imperialism finds Its Inspiration In dol
lars, not in duty. It is not our duty to
burden our people with increased taxes
In order to give a few speculators an
opportunity for exploitation It Is not
our duty to sacrifice tH best blood of
our nation in tropical Jungles lft
tempt to stifle the very sentiments
which have given vitality to American
institutions; it is not our duty to deny
to the people of the Philippines the
rights for which our forefathers fought
from Bunker Hill to Yorktown. Im
perialism has been described as The
white man's burden. But since It
crushes the wealthy producer beneath
an Increasing weight of taxes. It might
with more propriety be called 'The
man's load.'
"If the peace commissioners had de
manded a harbor and coaling station in
the Philippines and had required Spain
to surrender the rest of the land to the
Filipino as she surrendered Cuba to the
Cubans, we would not now be consider
ing how to let go o? the Islands. If the
sum of $20,000,900 had been necessary
to secure Spain's release, the payment
of that amount by the Phlllplnos might
have been guaranteed by the United
Mr. Bryan also says that the "pur
pose of annexation is to apply to the
government of the Filipinos methods fa
miliar to the people of Europe
and Asia, but new In the
United States. This departure from
traditions was not authorized by
t people; whether it will be ratified
p, them remain to be see a. The re
sponsibility r.t first upon congress
ana afterwards upon that power which
makes congress. Whatever may be the
wish of individuals or the interest of
parties, we may rest assured that the
final disposition of the Philippine ques
tion will conform to the deliberate
Judgment of the voters; they consti
tute the court ef last resort; from
whose decision there is ne appeal."
Mr. Carnegie thinks: "India Is the
curse ef Britain and the Philippines
will be the curse of the United Stales.
If you teach suppressed people at all
you make them rebels. Education is
fatal to the government of a superior
race. The Declaration of Independence
will make every ambitious Filipino a
thoroughly dissatisfied subject "
In war," says Mr. Daniels "it Is tne
unexpected that happens. So in every
great and new adventure of peace. We
re asked now to sally forth 1.000 miles
from our native seat to grasp, against
their will, a million of unwilling people,
to seize upon them, to take them by
force of arms and deposit them, land
and people, within the lines of the con
stitution under the American flag, to
make them an lntegrai part ef this
American republic."
According to Mr. Teller: "We shall
make a mistake If we mase op our
minds that we are going to govern those
people from here; thst we are going to
srovern them with the Anglo-Saxons
whom we send out from here to admin
later the affairs of that country. Tou
will need your 50 000 soldiers and In a
little while you will need more, for they
are a great people. They are a people
who know something of their
rights. They are a people who are
willing to contend for them and I be
lieve It to be almost an axiom that a
people who will light for their liberty
and who are willing to die for it are
anahi of maintaining It when they
get It."
Building Mora Trusts.
Indianapolis. (Special. Capitalists
of Chicago and other cities are attempt
ing to secure an option on all the lauo
dries of Indianapolis with a view to
ward purchasing them and uniting
them nto ithe combination. It is said
that they have secured an option on
nearly all the principal concerns of the
city. In no case has a a deal been com
Akron, O. Judge Kohler today over
ruled the motion to dissolve the re
straining order against the American
Cereal company combine. He held that
the new company, incorporated under
the laws of New Jersay, wss a trust,
therefore Illegal and against the public
oiler. The Injunction was continued
until the final hearing of the case. The
company will appeal.
Cleveland. O.-Leadlng manufactur
era of stoves from sll parts of the Unit-
ad States were in session hers today
with the object of Using a seals of
tn meet the advance In cost or
material. The manufacturers say
a trust is to b formed.
Whorl Wages Ara "Raised
JroTidne. R.I.-ieUl.-TB aa
era at Robert Knight's mil at Lippitt
struck Uday because of dlasatiafactlaa
wit therr wages. This asaae th tftk
mm la tin Fawtaetet Tattey ta strike
aad tMr atChtk la taw UM. Ate
Mimwi to no
Small Rebellion In Island ofSegros
Quickly Quelled
Manila. P. I.. -(Special. lnel
Fir.ith. the governor of the
land of
Nesros. reports that
nuaer or
bandits r.eadt-d by a man n ..
-ie.i Pa-
paijit-io, attempted a rebellii
11 and klllt-d several officials
rnaylan He also captured c
;ials and Issued a prociamatk
lling upon the natives to rise and
nate the Americans and Span!
Major Sime and two complies of
the California regiment were dis
patched by water to the seen? of the
disturbance, and Colonel Duboce and
two other companies of troops were
sent overland. April 2 this fore
marched twelve miles and captured
Labzid. the headquarters of the ban
jits, and destroyed the town. The
troops also captured thirty-five prls.
oners and scattered Papaisslo's forces
thus effectually quelling the rebellion
at the outset.
There has been a week's respite in
the hostilities, chiefly in order to allow
the Filipinos to digest the proclamation
of the United States commission. The
rebels remain remarkably quiet.
The sharpshooters of General Law-
ton's line have borrowed the Filipino
tactics and are harassing the rebels at
night, picking off some of them nightly.
Olalolos Is resuming Its natural
stpect.-wutjness is going on, prepara
tions are being a.df. to establish a per
manent camp for the -uoops there and
the soldiers are cleaning t city.
A third of the American force at
Malolos Is sent nightly to form an ad
vanced line a mile north of the city.
with patrols and Bentrles ahead of the
line. General McArthur's volunteers
are receiving Krag-Jorgensen rifles, the
Filipinos having discovered that they
could effectively fire their Mausers and
retreat before the Americans ap-
nroached near enough to use their
Springfield rifles with effect.
Advices received here from Samar, an
Island forming a province of the Philip
pines, say the revolutionists there are
weary. Their leader, General Lukban.
of Chinese ancestry, has deserted with
Ihe funds. The Inhabitants are desirous
of American rule.
Interstate Commerce Commission
In Session at Toledo.
Toledo, O. (Special. The Interntate
rommerce commission has begun the
investigstion of the so-called elevator
commissions In what is known as the
corn belt of Ohio. There was a large
ittendsnce of railroad men.
Commissioner Prsuty conducted the
nvestlgatlon. Charge have been made
y a number of cities that the Lake
hore. Nickel Plate and Baltimore
Dhio roads have been shipping grain at
ecular rates and then paying the ele-
atms at Interior points 2 cents a
bushel commission for corn and wheat
nd H cent commission for hsnd'.ing.
rhis arnoutits te a cutting of rates
mpta'nts had be?n .-r.ade first sgaJnst
he Cincinnati Northern and Pennsyl- railways, but the grand Jury
failed to make an indictment. The
Incinnatl Northern difcontinued the
practice and some of the officers of this
road were among the witnesses. The
general passenger agent of trie Cincin
nati Northern nas the first witness
allrd. and he stated that his road had
been rayltig the commissions, being
forcfd to do so by the other roads now
before the commission. He believed the
nmmizsions should be abolished G B.
fprlggs of the Nickel Plate went into
he h'etory of the commission busness,
tatlng that the roads leased the el.
ators to private Individuals, which
practically amounted to a commission.
General Freight Agent Orr of the Penn
sylvania read gave similar testimony,
and he desired the commissions abol.
iahed. A number of elevator men test-
led showing that the roads were paying
Ctrl Dies From Leprosy
Columbus, O (Specal )-A special to
the State Journal from Junction City.
0., says: Hannah Carey, aged 22 years.
he older of the two Garey sisters, who
bave bren afflicted with supposed lep
rosy for the past seventeen years, died
t their home, three miles from here,
last evening, after two weeks of In
tense suffering, the result of the dread
disease invading the vital organs pro
bably the heart ind lungs. Probabiy
two months ago the Garcy sisters were
examined by a prominent specialist on
that class of direase from Chicago, who
diagnosed their dlseofe a genolne lep
rosy, and accordingly put them under
his specific treatment, with a view of
alleviating their condition, but with
out success. The remains wer In
terred at Salem cemetery.
There Is a younger sister, II years,
of age, also suffering from the disease.
ihe mother and three sons are appar
sully clean. The family lives on an
isolated farm In Perry county, which la
ihumted by all the natives; no one can
be persuaded to put their foot within
the limits. There is no Idea of how
the children became afflicted with the
Jisi-aso, and the only theory it that it
aine from the father, who died some
line ago, and was supposed to have con
tracted It in the south during the war.
The Cincinnati Commercial expresses
(he hope that the Umaha bey who
found the roll of $4,00 will compel the
man in the deal to make a more gen
erous division of the reward. As the
man Is the father the boy the dlvl.
lion of the spoils must be satisfactory.
It Is all la the family, at least
1 - 7 f ,
The second wife of a Chtnaa aaa,
Who Is about to be tried far rrsmst.
Ing wife No. 1, shows reiaarkible de
votion for an unworthy objects She Is
posing ss a freak In a maiatutnto earn
money enough to stydbJ. Hef
AAatltv la no IMS rsJBSBraavK imm ur
fepraved taste that
an" fty aatraaer
Lower Class Natives inrouimw.
the Island Creatly Dissatisneo
wltn American Retflmo.
San Juan de Porto Rico. (Special.)-
4lthough there Is not at present any
laneer of serious disturbance, there i
nuch dissatisfaction among the lowei
lass natives throughout the island,
ind there has been a good deal of vlo
ent talk by the Ignorant against the
lew regime.
The chief cause of this anti-American
Veling is the Increase in the cost of
iving since the American occupation
ngun and the ill treatment that many
f the natives of the country districts
,ave received at the hands of rougt.
Dissatisfaction is also expressed at
he day in making the island a part
it a territory of the United States,
ith the privileges and advantages
hat would accrue to the island from
lurh a relation, and especially in the
natter of trade.
The conduct of the United States
roups in Ponce. Caguas and othei
jlaces has aroused many of the na-
. - , , .. , In
ivs to aeiena inernneivrn, uuu
me encounters the soldiers have
onie off second best. These collision
ire probably the basis of statements
nade in the United States which repre.
lent the Forto Rlcans as strongly in
:llned to Btart a revolution.
The fact Is that a little more courtesy
n dealing with them would not only
lave a wonderful quieting Influence,
lut would greatly facilitate the srttle
nent of other questions pressing for
"Give our commerce and agriculture
x chance," said sn influential Porto
diran merchant today to the corre-
;pondent of the Associated Press; "open
ip the advantages of the country by
stablishing good communications and
.ransportatlon the want of which U
.he chief stumbling block In our path
way of development; give our people
ind opportunity of appreciating the
lew conditions and the benefit of a
It t le more consideration on the part
f the Americans who are sojourning in
he island, and Porto Ricans will be
'ound the easiest people In the world
o govern."
Today there Is an abundance of fruit,
iranges, bananas, limes and the like,
otting on the trees, merely because
he expense of transportation would not
eave any profit on the picking Labor
s abundant and falrir cond All that
s needed Is capital and fair play.
Washington. D. C. April .It was re
tried by two members of the cabinet no consideration will be paid to
sny proposition for money for the Cu
jan army outside the U.OOO.OOO fund
now awaiting their acceptance, and
!urthermnre it is hinted that if too
nuch trouble and deliberate delay oc
cur preliminary to that amount being
'.urned over to the Cubans, the 13.000,000
may be withdrawn and no payment of
my sort madi- by this government on
sccount f Cuban troops. No proposi
tion for an additional um will be con
sidered In any form, and the statement
to that effect by Secrlary Hay In the
ur.cfflclal Interview the two dele
gates from the sembty will stand.
:t Is a!so staled by cabinet official that
m attentlcn will be paid to the project
'or authorizing a Cuban loan.
C. M Corn, who. it Is alleged, is en
gineering the scheme for a J!0000
loan issue to tha Cuban assembly, and
is said to be the author or the myste
rlous dispatches to the Cuban assembly.
jrglng the body not te disband on the
;round of a good rmspect of securing
more than the offered by the
Cnitcd States, is In Washington. Mr.
Zotn tonight was in conference with a
Mr. Rotenfeldl He admitted that he
was the man who bad been working
on the plan to establish a f:0.0O0.0vC
bond Issue to be raid for out of the
Cuban revenues now co.'.ectcd by th
United Plates. He said he represented
a syndicate with KeMO.ON) capital
which Intended to place Ike loan.
"I came to this city from Havana last
3unday." he said "I have nol been in
ildlng. I spent one month In Cuba and
a around In the open air evrry day
leelng the members of the Cuban as
tembly. I met General Brooke and
made myself known to him. 1 explain
ed my views of the situation to him.
If the three million payment Is forced
jn Ihe army It will rreate future dis
satisfaction and disloyalty, while
jotuled debt, paij out of the Cuban rev
enues, would solve the Cuban problem."
"How about the 120,000,000?" he was
tsked. "Who Is back of It, and where is
Mr. Coen gave no satisfactory an
wer to this question.
"I have assurance," he said tonight,
'that the money will be ready the min
ute the plan for a loan Is adopted. 1
have already told you that I have no
capital. I arn simply doing the work."
He said he did not care whether the
uban assembly continued In seaslon of
not. Mr, Coen offered no explanation
of his business In Washington, and de
led that he was here to see government
"I hsve nothing to do with the admin
istration officials, and do not tatend to
tee them," he asserted.
The Connecticut Matval tit laaar
aace compear has agala baaa graated
Utsaai te da
A trust of the paper pad manufac
turers Is being formed.
No election yet in the Pennsylvania
senatorial fight.
The Fourth New Jersey was muster
ed out at Greenville, S. C.
The annual Inspection of the soldiers
home at Hamptcn, Va., Is In pro
A. M. Clapp. formerly public printer
is very ill at his home in Washington
He is 80 years old.
A general strike of tailors In ehop
at Grand Rapids, Mich., was ordered
for increased wages.
If Myron C. Wick declines the presi
dency of the Republic Iron and Steel
company. George D. Wick will be given
the place.
Contracts are being let at St. Paul,
Minn., for the largest grain elevator in
the world. It will hold 5.500,000 bushels
and will cost over J2.000.0O0.
President Loubel of France has arriv.
ed at Montellmar. France, his native
place, for a visit The meeting between
him and his mother was very affecting.
Frank McBrlde, who claims to be a
laborer, but whom the police say is a
crook, was fatally shot at New York
by William F. Murray, colored.
The Missouri house tabled a resolu
lion condemning Governor Stephens for
Insinuating that some democrats and
republicans conspired to defeat the re
vision work, making an extra session
The British ship Austria, from Mobile.
January 9, for Belfast, Ireland, is over
due. The Greenwich Fire Insurance com
pany has been again allowed to entet
Kansas for business.
It is reported from Austrian Silesia
that three emperors will meet next au
tumn at Sklernlwloe. Poland.
France has granted a temporary
drawback on sugars used In making
transparent soaps for export.
Gus Tldwell was stabbed to death at
Macon, Ga., by Charles Burge because
of a quarrel over Burge's sister.
of the soldiers In shrdl cmfwyp cmfwyp
The American delegation of women
to attend the auintennial in London
in June, next, will sail from New York
Jue I.
The Southern New England Meth-
nAimt rnnfprenre nrotests a gainst the
admission of Congressman-elevt Rob
erts of Utah.
Representatives of the cracker com
bine are on the Pacific coast seeking to
areanlxe the factories into a Pacific
coast trust.
The town council of Bournemouth,
Kng.. Instructed the mayor to visit
American Ambassador Choate to ex
press hope of his speedy restoration to
The Stone. Sand and Gravnl company
of New Orleans, at i 49-100 cents pel
yard. Is the lowest bidder on Ihe ro-
moval of 7.&M.000 yards of earth in the
Yazoo canal.
The New York chamber of commerce
has received from the London chambei
of commerce a letter of thanks for th
New York exchance's expressions ol
sympathy on the death of Lord Her
An Upheaval in Russia
London. (Special.) The St. Peters
burg correspond-nt of the Times tele
graphs sn alarmist report against thi
spreid of serious labor troubles ant
strikes In the manufacturing district!
of Russia. Ominous rumors, he says
are In circulation In St. Petersburg re
porta of troops sent to suppress out
breaks, of the wholesale destruction o
property, of numerous at rests and o
the gaggng of the press yet not hal
at what Is happening ever reaches thi
ears of the capital.
Towns, mills and factories, the corre
spondent declares, are literally lnun
dated with seciet socialist and revolu
lor.ary proclamations by agitators, wm
are undoubtedly assisted from abroad.
All this, together with the agitatloi
fostered by the students, creates a serl
eus political outlook.
Sioux Falls' Big Company
Sioux Falls. 8. b. (Special.) The salt
of the plant of the Northwestern Pack
mg company to Theron Davis of Net
York city, representing capitalists d
that city, resulted todsy In the foima
lion of a corporation with a capHai ol
H.CW.nOO to operate the property. Thr
millions were taken by Mr. Davis
par for the New York syndicate. Lester
Heyer. a prominent New York packer
and Charles T. Crocker, capitalist,
Fitchburg. Mass., arrived here todsy
These three gentlemen, with Edwin D.
Clark and Jesse D. Boyce of this clt
were elected a board of directors, who
this afternoon elected as president
Ihe company Mr. Heyer, who will lo
cate here and give the plant his per
tonal attention.
Shot His Father
Timothy Brasnahan, who lay dyln
at the German hospital at Kansas City
from a pistol shot wound Inflicted by
his son. John, called the latter to hi
bedside, and between groans and gasps
tdvlsed the son how he might best ss-
:spe the trouble In which his crime had
involved blm. Brasnahan, who was
trading contractor, was shot by the son
luring a family quarrel. When told h
:ould not live, the elder Brasnahan call
id for his son, and grasping the lad'
jand, ssld feebly; "Get out of this trou
jle ss best you esn, John. I'll do all
( can to save you before I die. I hope
fou won't get Into much trouble about
X. It was mostly my fault; yon bad to
hoot me." "I did not mean to kill you,
iather," groaned the boy, and as ha
aaa placed under arrest and lad away,
so passed his mother, who had ro
sea Uy beta dlveroed from the dying
ataa, watatag la tha aaltway. raa-
Homeward Voyage of Ona of Daw
ay's Cruisers.
Fayal. Azores. (Special.) The United
States cruiser Raleigh, Captain Joseph
B. Coghlan, from Manila, on Dec. 1J, is
roallng here, will coal at Bermuda on
April S. and expects to reach New
Y'ork April 15.
The Raleigh has been having stormy
weather In the Atlantic, but has been
behaving splendidly and proves to be
good sea boat. All on board are well.
After leaving Manila, on Dec. 15. the
Raleigh stopped at Singapore. Colombo,
Aden, Port Said. Alexandria. Malta.
Algiers and Gibraltar. In all the Brit
ish colonies the officials of the British
irmy and navy and the civilian popula
tion gave the American warship an en
thusiastic welcome, showing her officers
ind crew every form of courtesy. Din
ners with American decorations and
American national music were riven to
aptaln Coghlan and his officers every-
here. In marked difference to the re-
eptlnn of the Raleigh on her outwars
passage two years SRO.
Governors, generals, admirals ana
ther high ofTirlnls all wished to visit
nd Inspect the ship.
The Ralelrh still has her war paint
At Singapore she met a Spanish
ransport having on board troops and
allors from Manila. Although flying a
arshlp's pennant, the Spanish ship
owered her colors and permission was
rranted the Spaniards to visit the Ra
leigh, where they fraternized with the
mcrican sailors, who gave them mucn-
eeded food and clothing Many of tne
Fpaniards showed the Americans tne
ounds Inflicted upon them by shells
f the American fleet.
At the island of Mnlta In the Medlter-
... . . ri-i, l.b
ranean, the unieign mei int nm
Mediterranean fleet, consisting ef ten
sattleshtps and a number of cruisers.
fhe British sailors extended a most
ordial welcome to the Americans, and
he sailors of the fleet and the soldiers
)f the garrison entertained the crew of
he Raleleh ashore, the best ef feeling
During her stay at Malta, the rta-
elgh was crowded with Britisn rea-
oats and bluejackets.
The American officers were entertaln-
d at Cairo by L'nlted States Consul
Harris, and all the British and Egypt-
an officers were present.
The Frrnch at Algiers showed a
narked difference There was no re-
eption except from the Bnllah and
Vmerican residents, though the French
ifflclals were polite.
At Gibraltar th crew of the Raleigh
aw the Spanish fleet commanded, by
admiral Camera It consisted el sis
ihlpa and was anchored across Algecl-
as bay The Fpanish fleet and the I'.a-
eigh salted at the same time and pro
ceeded close to each other. The Ra-
elgh hoisted the Spanish flag and sa
uted It. The salute was promptly re
turned by the Spanish admiral from his
lagshlp, the Emperor Carlos V. The
alelgh In two years has cruised M.OOO
Observe, ye strawberry fiends, the
ast "blizzard of March did not injure
he vines. Providence Is with as yet,
(on bet.
It Is a waste of money to pay cable
oils on a dispatch giving the temper-
iture at Manila. Even at Ibis distance
t looks quite warm.
Two-headed sea serpents are reported
ilong the Atlantic coast resorts. The
errors of imperialism are coming into
lew rather early.
A Jersey man has applied for a'dl-
orce because his wife put chunks ef
ubber In his hash. Men are mighty
sard to get along with nowadays.
Governor Roosevelt observes that, at
Untlago, be could have eaten his hat
t stewed with onions and potatoes. He
felt that way before his round rebin
A sonorous poet of Imperialism meg-
tphones: "Oh young snd brave, rail
nto ranks, fall In!" At last acreunla
he poet hsd not presented himself at
i recruiting office.
Ez-Congressman Jerry Simpaen ad
nits that be Is writing a book about
A'ashlngtcn life, but declares he will
mock the socks off any critic who
Masses him with "them dura literary
The proposition to return Santa
Ina's wooden leg, captured In the Mei
can war. Is favorably considered by
,h solona of Illinois. Evidently the an
ient member does not reapond to a pull.
The agricultural college of Maryand
announces that every peach bud In the
Itate has been killed. This Is a trifle
it ronger than former annual announce
jients, but Its whiskers are of the same
William K. Vanderbllt, Jr . Is to get
110.000,000 as a starter on his wedJing,
ind his bride has 15,00,000 of her own.
By merging these sums the young
-ouple ought to keep the wolf at a dis
tance for a few years.
Victory is perched on the banner at
Ihe United Mine Workers' union of tha
Mississippi river, as the miners and
operators of Iowa effected sn agree
ment mutually satisfactory to all con
:ernd some ten days ago. The agree
ment reached Is brief but comprehen
sive, snd Includes the eight-hour work
dsy. A convention to organize a slata
'abor union or congress In Georgia
will be held In Atlanta, convening at
10 o'clock on the morning of Thurs
iay, April 27, and contlnua la sessloa
two or three dsys.
In 1IM there were soma TM pwbllo
nd MT prlvste schools In Cuba, with
in sversge attendance of M.W ckB
4ren. For a long tlmo, awtag ta tha
meager facilities at homo, tha waaltklaf
Cubans have been sendlag their Ohfl
dren ta tho Ualtod ltat ta ho
rat ad. ,